I; n.iT(i.a,iimrrinnJgaamr For fie Children A Pittsburg nun who chimed that ho killed his wife by .lccidi'iit while iokins, hits been sent to the penitentiary For seventeen years By the etui nl' that time, he may come to the conclusion that nature didn't intend him to: a humoriM. NORTH ST ATI: NLWS. Items i'l Inter est Eiom all Sections i.f the State. To succeed these o.-.vs must have plenty of it, c"'.:i' uge, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparill a. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every v. ay. A the r yers:: Nvpll'. toitr. fell Till: Yir;;:man fietltle'.iuti w ho has been rying to get Cieoic Washington's name on the honor ary roll ot the Ananias Club, is liable to "el called down for taking such a step without the advice and hroken consent of its distinguished foun- The N der l- 'l.;:e- etiur t ;iy. iu . c, ci ' tor adc. I forar elevator Out; at Wi kilied instantly, In Cotton Mil! g.J SIMV d.)ti a; on .ttiil a teck beiu: WW ROANOKl: MIWS. Till 'USD Y. IK I. .11, I (107 Published l;erv l''iursdav. PUIS ill SI Hi,!' V,.; i Mmithv M M!'llnl bWil .vij I'l" t" till- IlillVl : me ! :w 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i 1 m :i l.r.l! I'l I shed nihilist! A!'T!:u h.u'ing spent his summer acation in telling the country of die great work done In k'epub!; c.in liberators in the time when he as "no spring chicken," I 'tide joe Cannon is now preparing for Ins winter's work of suppressing the House of Representatives. Tin-: negro editor who has pre dicted that on November 2? Nor folk will be visited by a fire, flood or earthquake which will destroy all "liars, hypocrites, backbiters and backsliders, " seems to fear that someihiug is going to happen to him. John Sharp Williams. Demo cratic leader in the House, will not be a candidate for re-election to Coitgi ess. He intends to take a two near vacation befores he takes his scat as Senator from Mississip pi, succeeding I I. D. Money. In the intervals he will devote his time to reading and to writing life of Thomas Jefferson. ih Carolina bears haw abundant cause for giving thank President Kooscveit declines th. invitation to hunt m the Toviw i . country. Mr A H. Nat t on, who lit es on J T. Well's land m Nasli count', will secure this war s2,(H'0 for s ' acres of tobacco, an average $250 per acre. After i in ing private ownership of water, Wilmington has bought the plant and will try municipal ownership beery city should own its water. P.eneh.iti ( iameron, of I r- Col reen e.cete .'res Wi: are indebted to the News & It is doubtful that the New York Observer. Raleigh. N. C, for the Herald will be able to find anybody to whom w e might even to lend the Philippines. "Is dinner a bribe''" asks an Oregon editor It may be at times, but much oftener it may be regard ed as a punishment. Last week, the w idow of P. T Barnum w as married for the fourth j lightning speed time, sne must ne nnutng w euetec life something like a circus. excellent cut of P:shop Hall, of Vermont, winch appears in anoth er column. The News & Obser ver is the leading daily paper in North Carolina and is up-to-date m every respect In its handsome new office and with the latest im proved perteenng machines it can turn out the "Old Reliable" at "Look for the beautiful," ad vises an exchange. We are do ing so, brother. We expect "beau tiful snow" along almost any day now. Pk'LSIPi-AI Rooslvllt while on his recent bear hunting expedi tion in Louisiana pronounced 'pos sum and 'taters the very best dish of all. That little speech will se- le vote ot everv cure for hit North Cainima darkey I 'or I there is anvtinng on earth a far 'I'm: growing popularity of Gov. HccJ ncgr VCN K-tter titan a J;s!i Hughes continually reminds the j 'possum and 'taters it is two Illinois Democracy that it has a j Jlsh,s ,jm,. Pven the im si teatner duster of its own in J. Ham i Lewis. : pronounced Democratic dar.scy , will slide over into the etiemv 's FROM his latest interview m ! camp when you begin to talk to New York, it is evident that Hen- ! hi,n about 'rwum and Liters bump of the banners' National Congress He w ill make a leader worthy - f the great organization. The trial at Clinton of the lour Democratic Commissioners o I Sampson county, charged with failure to file oat'i of ofiice vvnh the clerk, resulted in an acquittal. Pour negroes have been arrcst- l ed and placed in jail at Whiteville on a charge of setting fire to and burning down the residence of J. H. Land, agent of the Atlantic Coast Line at t I'.i.uii'ourn. Mrs. R C. Mendenh.dl, aged . and a bride "I only two weeks dropped dead on Main sired, a: ( lastoma, w hile in company her husband, to attend a moving pic ture show. Hear: failure is given as the cause P.ryan day at the State lair drew to the fair grounds, at Raleigh, what was probably the largest crow i.l ever gathered there. It is estimated that nearly 42.000 peo ple passed tlu'"Ug;i the gates in the coi.iv.- of the day. At the annu.d reunum of the 1 Voted ConleJer.ite Veterans at R i'j.gh, tieu Ju'i.m s. Carr. of Durham, w.is re-.Sected citmiutu! er '', ac Jama:;"::, as Were the hrig a.lict' commanders. 1 P"ti itivna-ts-ai "t the camp .d WHiston-Saicm ;t was decided in hold the net re nin' n tlteie ry Watterson got a heavy when he fell off the Bryan band wagon. Till: seizure at Norfolk of a large quantity of tobacco, of the Aniei'i- j can tobacco Company, ot tins Gov. VAKDAMAN says "the Re- ; city, en route to Great I'.ritam. is public is tottering to its fall." He ' a new innovation, jnd has the ap must have his seasons mixed, for I pearanee of being a most serious the Republic is really staggering ' matter. The action was taken un to its winter, der the Sherman anti-trust l.i'A it is the most radical move the Gov- Ai !!'!: Miss (.lady's the Vai'.dcrhilt millions ( '.'Hint less wedding, will not be Gov. Di-.nlen has submitted a 10,000 word message to the Illi- j nois legislature. The charge that 1 he has presidential aspirations seems to be well founded. i The Boston Herald daily prints a column headed "Queer Things Women are Doing. " It must be quite a task to keep the matter boiled dow n to a single column. It is hoped the divorce suit against Senator Piatt will not di vert his mind from official duties, or the Senate may do something his express companies do not like. After Mr. Tat: gets through reassuring the Filipinos and a few more people who are feeling ner vous, he should come home and I .i i Via'- I,: co smoke. -Durham Sun, Since .March last a young man j named J. Brandt Walker, of Chi cago, is credited with having made St). 5i H 1,000 out of the stock mar i ket m Wall Street. He closed out a tew days ago, and is quoted as saying "Guess I'll go back to Chicago and see the old governor. He's : ,v iikmir It. .lli-l. i ' tel. rx T'-u al Illicit VV VI I ,,!., n i:...-Uv v, y Mm VV. yA ii m A to' a m ' 1 Ail 1 m m w m On Thell sH? iveep TIu K'iml Vou I Ir.vft Always J.n;!i , ! nil v. h:. li.'.s ??. A in iisy vnr no ;( years, lias homo (lit' sinainro nl" - iiml luis l),'cn iiinilc uikut ins per- ' X ' J..J-, vjiiiitl ctifwtrvtstitn wir.i'n its int'aiu V. J&icJU'll Atlnw no mm toil'riivi' will ill this. All Coiintii'lVits, Iniitutiim mil "Just-as-e;ii(id" hit lint I A. limi'Mts that tritlo with and ciiilan:.:.!-1 lie lualth of Infants ami Cliiklrou Kiporieneo against i:ii iinn'iit. What is CASTORIA Cnstmiii is ii li irmlcss sul)stitnt for Castor Oil. l'aro Hiirir, iM-nps mill Simlhiiif; Syrups. It is Pleasant. It niiilains in-il li-r Opiinii, Jliirpliiiio nor othiT Naivotii! siihsiaiiri'. Iih in its piiaranti'i-. It li-sli'i)ys Wnrin i.iul alla.ic i'.-M'iislini'ss. It fiiri'S Diarrhu-a ami Wind ( iilie. U ri'lii vi s Tfi'tliiiiff Troulili-s, currs (.'iinsiiatiiui ami I'latiilem v . It assimilatrs tlu I'imhI, ivnlati's tlui Stinnai h ami i'.owi-ls, .'ivin' lii'altliy ami natural slt'i'li. 'flu' ( 'hllilrru's Pauaii'ii-Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of "Aiwavs it 'lore ot ! J si ( , ,. , , . .... ! ' ( " 'Ci . u u 'J it it u fi A .t i'H 0 t) if ,i iilt U ,( u'if -i.,V Our store is r-niM mil ami riinniny; o lt vvitn up-io-uaie siyies in )rv liootis. No! ions. ClotltiiiK, Shoes. Oxfords, Hats, Caps, Jewelry, ibfy- Culien. Crockerv. Trunks. Jias, Suit Cases, Furniture, Carpets, Alat titles. liv.. Ufoeeries and thtiusands of other things too numerous to '.f, iii en Hi) ii." in fact, our immense stock is full of bargains for all. V'isi- lorsto W'eldon should visit our store and inspect our stock before W- lutvin" elsewhere. N e are sole agent lor tlie yueen Quality Shoes vVx '4$ M I r-: ec 1 - A. L. STAIN BACK, Dealer In n n n I ! A Complete line of New Goods for Fall and Winter. for' women ;muI the Crawford Line for men. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC C l NTHiW COM. TT MuNt ItNttT, NCW VOK CITY. u J it t( J .: it J ii Ult U 11 Ui' t't : it l"ft kCxfii it'll J sic it iiu ti i Studio upstairs over Pair's store, W'eldon, N. C. Jl STHICTI.Y HKill (ik'ADF WOKK .jVj-. 'Phone ih. .ST A NBA OK. "JUways Busy Store," VVeldon, N. C. m 1 : y's ff 'fV -1, ' ' ''I fr. -r ,. -r, .r,.- -f ,.- ir 'n,' rfl. ir-,,- '.T in.- '.r? Jrf' THK KIN I) THAT WILL PLLASF VOU Call and be convinced. 1 1 1 Ml VP FIRST NATIONAL BANS OF WELDON, W'eldon. N. C. FOR WELL-DRESSED MEN. Wyout ting ,','..-('iV'.i,1V'rt''i'ri'ri'u'i'iVV.'-iVi''V'iiVj'4r'iV A'i,i'ii-.'f i'u'-.AV-iV'.VViViV-iV-,Vi''AVv'i'i-.Vii'.V.V Vr,'u I nited States Depositary I n Our Shareholders. I 1 I I 1 ! I - 'J thi- Hank, t" mi i; i .11'' li At fi.'v ,.ui, r ll. I'lltil 'I'l ! M II., I I', i a hall y.w ..ftlie Itank'- !'! iilialr.l l ..'J-'', ii:l hi Mirp!' a 1'ilal i'ui l!,.' pa-1 r.it '."a: - i'U 1,1 "ii a n l mi n r , -,-''. iir : r in.iav tin- ai-i'iiimi -li"-i- a'i'1 '!i.i'imn. s-.' ::;,;. itls,'uill!l IT lull hiHcl llli,!lr l;rM",'llallv i:-- w. ii - . I ' It A:.. luiiiw II. 1 1 1 i , ! r a .1. I'. Ii. ISlllCW III. 'I I. 1 , i.i.i,. - I'll . !! I i Mill: I I , l-'ll ,111.1 .111. ' $IStl,ni5 27 - HI i.'I.V I'l. . I'a-.i, . I'i I'.- I I J f S1" :'V 11 Y would you spend your money for poor fit ting clothes when you can for the same money i gel u hi ciiiiii io ine very nesi tailor-made clothes ? You would hardly do this if you only believed the follow ing statement : UNLESS YOU ABE DEFORMED, WE CAN FIT YOU PERFECTLY, Come to my store and give us ihe chance to demonstrate, to prove the truthfulness of this as- sertion. IT l k1 "!'.;: Ji.C'i;ir.i::ii; tn vl"pc i nil i w uiii.iii .111.1 ili-.n k'.irn th.it she he watched with interest. The h w ,.i,.,i ,, : i,,.. r..ii. .. If IUN I'll. FURNITURE! ertimcnt hits yet nude, .itid :t will .American mnaeco lamirjuy will v...irs Mt,rt.- comments the New give bond and the goods will go on York Telegram On the contrary, to their destination. This ease is there is always the hope that she one out ul' the ordinary run by the W1" elope once more. (lovernment, and looks as if the administration of justice had blood in its eve, or a good deal of tobac- ' ';. t-ni-i 'mclit CHARLES E. FOSTER. I.I If II .I'i IS. S I CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, All kni.U fi'v. l. w n, park. inu.. i.ul iiiU'l. Iiiiiltrr. iU i in. furu-y-i ui'i'uiaii'ly MKl'lr i'o'i'fly IlUlppi'il. p'(-;il ;ll- tcniutii Lrtvrii larm urvi'. (Jun-k win!; iiii.-lfi;iti' t-harL'c. s 1 ' ii:u. J'. N. STA IN15A K. I'NDKliTAK I'.li. W'eldon, - - North Carolina. Pull Line of CASKETS. COITINS and kOMI'S Day. Night and Uut-uf-Toun Calls Promptly Attended to. II. (i. ROWK, I IM KM. DIKIXTOH AM) i:MBAL.MLK. D Seventeen years' livpirleiue Hearse Service Anywhere. M We Hae The l incst Line of Household and Kitch- m en Furniture, Parlor Suits, Mattings, etc., I:er Brought to this section. Our line of Crockery, Vy' I in and Willow ware, Qo-Carts, etc. is complete. WI'SI'KliTAKIS'i IN A I.I. ITS I'.KASi II l Wagons, Carts, Buggies. -: r X. STA IN ha ex. '"i riNM'Aki;is ash ituiiAi. Koi'.Ks.-t Cooking and Heating Stoves. AVKLDON, N. ('. NOTICE! I II I V reassure his campaign managers a j been plugging away M) years as bit. Ir is again discovered that Shakespeare is not the author of his plays. However, this thing of trying to make the Bard of Avon another Rameses 11 is a difficult job. "A mouse seldom lives longer than three years," asserts the In dianapolis News. It's nervous system is dotibtles shattered by the way women carry on everytime they see it. A West Virginia man is going to run for Governor just to please his young wite, but would he go through every department store in town, to match a ribbon for her? There's the test that makes strong men quail. $100 REWARD $100. Th" r,'a l"rs nf this papi'r w ill lit' ploasi il lo li'iirn that thcro is at Irast om- iliseasr thai .I'itMU'c lias lit'eii aiili' toi'iirt' in all its Htaili's. ami tl ; in Catarrh. Mall's Ca arrh Cure . te only positive curi' now known lo uie nn-iliral fraternity. Catarrh beinic a eimstitutinnal disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting il'reetly upon the lilood and mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and given the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in its, curative powers that they olfer One Hundred Hollars for any case that it fails to cure. F. J. C'HEXKY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials seut free. Price Tie. per bottle. Sold bv all drueirists. Take Hall's I aniily l ills for constipation. Visitors To the Jamestown l:po- counsel for the Chicago and Mil waukee, but he can't show, within several millions, the plunks already gathered in bv his faithful son." Vet there is more comfort and sition can secure delight satisfaction in the competency won ful rooms with fine meals by the father in his M) years of and all the comforts of hard work than in the millions home in the best resjten. gained by the sun, w ithout a single 4.- s- ii ... ... i , tial section of ISortolk earnest etrort. A good name is rath- erto be chosen than great riches." No. 192 Duke Street. LETTER TO L. K. DICKENS, V,.,l,,n. SC. hear. -it: Set inn' limn ill leu kiinws j wltt'thl'l hf's 4.-lillt,r Iliulll'V or nut. when he paints. It il, peiiils ,,n (he paint. With one paint, your job will take HI g.illons and eut S.'iO fm paint and labor. v.ith auutlit'i- tC and co,t liti, with another t t and eosl 7o ; wuh aniither lli and cost ?so: with annther is and cost jmi; v itb another lil) and cost SIiki with another i2 and cost .SI lo. Here's an example: Professor Irvine, of the Academy, .Mercersliurg, I'a., painted the Moors of his dormitories ev ery year, one year with one paint, next year w ith the paint of the other dealer then' to divide the business between them till Devon came to town. The job took till gallons: takes lit) De von. The difference, till gallons, l',n. He didn't know he was losing si.'iO a year till be got Devoe. Another example. When (ieo. W. TO Till: ITIII.IC: The big circus has arrived in the' shape of C. A. WILLIAMS' Ni:V UINNLRY, at Ringwood, N. C. To each and e cry cotton grower in Brinkleyville Township I grant a free ticket for your own inspec tion. Vou are hereby cordially invited and most earnestly requested to come and see the working of this Marvelous .New Outfit, and after so inspec ting, I leave it to you as to whether or not. you con sider it worthy of your patronage, 1 have gone to a tremendous outlay and expense for you Farmers, and it is now up to you as to whether or not the Ship is kept moving. Appreciating past favors and hop. ing a continuance of same, I have the honor of sub- practices in the courts ,,t 'Halifax ami scribing myself always yours most respectfully, Northampton and in the Supreme and "The Old RinOTWOOd War Horse." CA.RY ARCHIBALD WILLIAMS. I WALTER E. DANIEL. ATTOKNER-rtT-LAVt', YVKl.lHlN. N. federal courts, i olleeiions made in all parts of Ninth Carolina. Itiancli utlice at Halifax open every .Monday. 1 I I HI 'tfftmtiV, ;;,',J Ly liilU ia 'V?'" ' 111 iiii ROSES ! Carnations, Violets Let Us Make your Home Comfortable ror vvinte Good Shoes. and other (lowers always on hand. ' Shower Wedding llouiuets, Handsome j Floral Designs, Palms and l-'erns for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and many other varieties of llulhs for fall plantour either for out or indoor cul- Urown, Union, S. ('., painted 11 V Brown tore. Hose hushes, Mairnolias and Kv- I Arthur's house tirst time it took Hit gal- ergreens. Write, phone or telegraph, j ions "cheap"; repaiued Devoe; It gal-' ,. ctcimmdt7 lon9. i n. a 1 1 livic I , I Yours trulv, . I F. V. DKVOE & CO., I Florist, j 25 E. Clark aells our paint. Raleigh, North Carol. na. s-att-iy We are con. stantly add- ing good shoes to our large and handsome stock Come in and see the latest in PATENTS, and TANS, in button and lace. They 're nobby and up-to-date. Yours for business wki.i.n.m. WELDON SHOE COMPANY. CHARLES 0. ALLEY, WHOLESALE Confectioner & Fancy Grocer, PETERSBURG, VA. Messrs. W. T. Iiaugh and T. M. Netherland represent us in Eastern Carolina Hold vour orders for them. TpHF discomforts of old weather can be greatly lessened by providing I suitable furnishings for tl.e home. Come and look over our magnifN $ cent stock, pick out the things that will help to make your home S inuic kuuiiui irtuic, uiiu we win giauiy arrange uie terms or pay ment to suit you. You will find it no more expensive to buy here than elsewhere. L VEL10I FDEII1IIEE COHPAIT, WELD 0(1, (loH CoUn.

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