I lL.jp gr "' 1 I 1 &CW-.!' J 13 is 1 e Advertising Spates Made Kmnvn on Application. A N h H" S i' A l t: R Hi!! WW. PEim.L. i C i'l i I - ill VOL. XLIL WKLDON. N . ( '.. Till IiS)AY. V KM I ii'.I! 7. 1 M 7 . NO. an mn rrr: iAnwar i THE SERPENT THAT CHARMS. ,!.!! ii I IN We! ill w ir m 11 a ill Ml liiii I." oijoi. :i i'i,n i f:.v.. AVi"Vliil,IVqw,iliflirnrts :.iiiii!;il:iil!d'.iiiil;pin'i!!i liiKjilifSi'ialisTOlB.wck.t 5? i. So! fc?" f-rc m;lt'sni'i('sliiii.Cltcrrfii! r.i'ssiiiiillii.'si.Coiilaiiisiit'iilw l)inim.MnrhuK' nor Mineral. !OT Nahcotic. JUi,i,j Srcd- .amtl Rmtml W,.V.. SiJm Ihrx IrrJ (k ,,Jtqtr. AprrtVrl Rt'iwily fin-Ciiwllia-I ion, Sour Sionwi.il. Di;iiTlw.i Vorms,('oiinlsiiuis.iTvnsl! licssanilLossoSL::!:!. UtdlUfti! lev Infants aJjjiild ' : n Th3 Kind You feve I'l'oll! Hi.; .Jay-, ! i. . ;,!',n The marvelous sti.ry i-, . And i!ivn iIim' ihe jrc - ii.i The '''Hi" ill' liie l a p. ui I , Bears the , Signature' f$ of fvAlf in Use For Over Thirty Year io-. NEW YOHK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, THC CINTAUH COH..N). NEW YOUR CITY. an l' I' onmoi AH r. N.STAINHA(JK. !1 rNDKlJ'I'AKi:!!. Wcldon. . . North Carolina. Tull Line of CASKLTS, COI I INS ami k()l:S. Diiy. N in'' anJ Out-nf-Town Calls Promptly Altoiulud to. a II. (i. UOWK, L'liNLKAL DlkLCIOIJ AM) LMHAl.MliW. Seventeen years' LvpcrieiKe Hearse Service Anyw here. uhbhikw it miii win i mi mi in !!) auai:jiu3unnE I'M MUX JKUL-WJ LUMUTU! k : oi : WflliSon. WKLDOX, N. sOi liiii State lifilfirtii Car .i i.i'M' -mil. i-'j. Slate (if North t'urniiiKi Depusiinry. I lalil'.ix ( jiiiniy Depository. Town of W'cklon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $40,000. (I I! I'i tins iiHUutioii Iia m . ) i . 1 I 1 .:im !, i n lm"li!i- n.i lie- A til III. lis lm-kliiilli-r ;ll m!M''Imi- liie.r I .i-ll l.lrlllni. .1 Willi III" lillsini". iiiu-ii'ilo "t MillililN au.l N"l I hiiinpl.ili i'muiiIi.'- i.. i itr.eiy VralK. Money Is IUI-. llill altmr. ivilllt ill tin- I . t; :l I I :i t . . .1" ! 1 1 ! . I . I ii per eeiitiiin. AeL-.umlv , all :lie st,lieile I I'nlike Other Poisonous Reptiles, It Does Not lriu!Liee liunieiliate Death: tint tile iclmi Lingers Aim;.;, I! .May lie 1 -r ear-' ' Tiler.: i i ;i eei'i;iin ..peeies of rep tile li'lllkl ill p.ll'ls of 1 1 10 ':!lirV'll Work!; iis 'i i:n. , , ii .; -.n iiue!'. n: llie iuns'lcs i!:!. ' ! ' . .! mie : iniuli: mi pi'- . This serpi Ml Ire qtlenls I ik: l'::niii-, ol men, Ji-iwing In' this :li.u it is of a suciaWc ch.ir- j.i.'ier; cities, viil.i'j.-s. :!iiJ i:ic v,r I" i.,'t!'.i!w.l !iy:::!il-irii' '.'l. e uii .ill Ja'in it - at!en!:i.ii. lis ti.r.ii i1- oheii so h.iiiiiiful thai ; il heeoaie', a hmiMiioKI ju-t: ii is llaitel'eo nul eal'e.-seil as much as j llie ni.i .: honored nvst. ll is f "in ! i:;i"!i;: ; lie- !:im circles of societ; . viv'aiu eii w;:ii its music, and al!i:r:!i! wiili its spcc-intis wiles llie mi isi unwary; the I'.mvsl forms ihe piir.-.t ch.uMci.rs arc chosen t :.:i's!y -' I' ;;:.! dcilloralii d ' aprel.le V.'iiii-c it sut.s out ihe ' li.ii'iic. o! ihe tii.imr-il and refilled, and slides into the hearts of ihe j tin f-t coiiiidm;;, i' i-., noi ihe least partial ia its choice of associates : for tile li.unit-. is ihe icimis a re no; iiiilreiueii;!y visiied hy this wilcy serp'.'u: ll eel l.niilv d. ies "hi-..," Ion" and loud; hat r-.: i-r una! after it has sli'uc!; its p. I'm ui. it,.-. Iaiv.;s in the tituio .t vital p in. I he w ry Iym physic. uis have failed to lind an ! antidote for its venomous hitc. I 'n like ot'ner poisonous reptiles, it i docs not priivktce imiuediale death: hut t!:c victim litiers aioii, it urny li.- lor years. ( )ne is never free fiMin liie kar of receiving another mmm' I attack from some unknown quar ter. Although the reptiles are very numerous, and constantly Vviaiii!' their S'Uc upon some one, ye: they may he in one's own du'cll i in; for year-- and no: he recognized They have often !v..n known to A Vl.;lr a tl)cy pur,Cl sum; theirhe ! iriend-; even tile le to lead a gayer hie, hands that feed them arc int ways Amid lhl. sa.L.s .,ld ricasurc, I exempt, f or thousands of years .,,-.ly tVonl .llui sin'L. this species of serpent has hecn nurtured and cherished with al- I lis letters have hecn fewer, must uncounded admir.iti..;i; bin 1 !i'; is liiu i"'; iis atl'cctions arc not hound to miy I'm Hie niother's heart is broken. ' nil,- lid ll,) IlV.S ,,'' ill ' l.nul :!!. I I OW sllC ioVC.i llC f W:l V W.l i'd f- : V ' OilhT.RLST Wi UN h.MiTH. Wear No Clothes. While a I c Lease- Satis-. TheO- V. ivu.a'' a. flu I n the iiino-s :s; hea t I o tile toilel s ' C ! i i.i.;,: I:. ,,!! -.- : th' - -ll!i. I n ihe old who haw buiai out its pro; km-., I o die ilj m v ;;,.-e 'n an oey is d-iue t '.oaies ihe dre am i.' the ins - tica! ( iiv, With clor and l..veli-.s-. rdc, Iri.lescent iis ie ekid h.imd.iumis, l iow cl'-biii'dered its U'iwr o I ak ; . 1 1 si tile s'.teeis ol the (illy arc "okf-n. And the sea a- ol cr.-aai appears, And the sound of the harpers is in it And it knows not oi sorrow or tears, kike a mirage lar out in ihe desert, kike the fabric that fashions our dreams, lake some many luted mirrored rclles'iion Tiie heavc.ilv Jeru-.alem se.ms. Va a "pav 'itv' die typ- - aad tin- sh a!.-" -,, V'e fi'ei at its S'eiliii" di g::! -e; 1'iiit our hearts cannot gra-.n nor c in.wc it lis glory is iiid from our eyes. We catch hut a iiorj of the music, A glimpse swifily passing and faint, A bant of us wondrous p.rfeciion, I.osv svhispcred to ,eer and to saint Vet the j-.low ol il shoi iens ih-c oiirne , A;:d our feet tread more btavely the road Which leads to the soitowIcss City hose l'liiider and Maker is (iod. And thus as a gilt to the ages The marvelous story ilosvs on, And heart ol man rests on ihe vision That illumined the eyes of St. John. Ciikisn.w I-Ii KKi:. THE WAYWMiD S I'u: a 1 eliiiiol, ,-i i:s m- . . , -. i a ( ialcutla I ,i:!-L p. aid i tact s all adsaajed eivil; '..poii i keeu iokoc ed. ::- u-:iak v a;i a ti'aia of i:i;,..-;;;,;: . di . svi' h a: ste.ukly li.aama: th i.e.',-. I )w:ng to e u c mse oi trade, the Andainaiie ha' -. n kiaisi 'i about from t1; i u'l ' .. ..,,i., A;, :a, ... ,,,, 'o- ..s He -; . .,.r a:y'!ie-.l ' y ,,'i .;-. o ': p! near the Hinder:! Andam :a- . an liecs of tlieiii I y tr.i elvr-. ,a-.;;c a::d buropeau. a:'.- co:;im;:nus from the seventh century, and the Hands regularly appear m -nme shape on in ips of those r, "inn-, ti oin ill.- .'did-ll. Ages dn-. a I lie A.l.iniaiiese live in a 1 les Pei'idMu garden, i here they toil not, neither do they spin, bor the product of the spinner they have no use, as the men go stark naked and the women wear one or more leaves in front and a bunch of leases tied round the waist behind. ddie average height of the men a all up, an v c V'. COHEN. il I. (ll'W KON A Cll NCI. ai i nil lis e a y..u s ere a bo;, Lj ,, ya ds -n e i ia comaum pk-.ra;: .. . c,i e , . ' i':;o ! ;. .i ,,: to :. ,e r..o, si v,l:y ; . S'nu;' ,,:.;; t y ?aouki I e gtseii ikn-,c things by you. It may be thai unit spaai s as not I'l'oi.eii or asi a; such neglect and iiiiusti your o'AU pus may not possess llie 1 will power and courage that you ' da! n In-, a"-- and you . hoel.l : an i no I isk in iis lis ;a:; leal ihe hjahhv t ailiusemei:!-. deu.ed you youl youth, t live the h; s a tan' n portioii of lite tilings liia: go to make them happy and tliev will s otk ail the better and be all the heller men in every way. f-s. 'f'k'A iT-t. S3 '"1 V ' "Li js. v f " r rrvsun- Lr- ::i. : e--..;i.-h. :. 1 i i. y i- . -. . e ir..;;t3 : ll 1 a ':! f;.rr.?5 rcireay S ir e. :- r, t v c't-zv.-:.:,',, ' r : m: ! sirT.pibe: ; r :.i.-,H-.- n;..; t::-; sl-ma-h, Pir;et.s What Yon Eat. ! c ur SI ITii-h, i . I,. I. t, i i i ii LO., CHICAGO. ' ' s. :c ;,,.,, .o. an ai it mn ,A m In the quiet hours of the Sah- i ti; 5S inches; that of the women b.uh it is a ro,,d ume to rrav the 111,. Oil let of gokkll SUIIslllIlL, Doss n on the Southern shore, icre awaits a dear old mother To see her son once more. She smiles and greets Inai gladly, ! 'mi his handsunie lace is sad, s l luetics. i ii.", appear m uw. ii an- tiom ,i e in a eniiiia ;, dial a- eve, where beaulilui and varied. In the ordinary attainments of human beings, however: uncii kglilened, the Andaminese are a:ua-'inglv deficient. During al! follow ing pis:', e the a- annum! d i ha; se. ! sea., .:. , good ( it'ovcr; il: reap llie Irunage year. I el lis be e-S.iCi i.f tile l ip (iram that l,ia le our e I !.,.s ill . : . our lives may a .veil spe ll app: wiili the ii.g a: .ai. ii.ip- . ..i.lM!. I ,1 i ; . , i i i ; a ra i1 s "So n Andiheinothcrlongsioseeihcloek aScs ,,r iheir intercourse by ,;u, e,-;;cr ie nan e I hat long ago it had. 've come to you and daddy, I o slay fniwcr, dear, or my bear; was w ith you al ay Allhnugh I was tint near. the ripening ol true ii'sasi-iups, m s b!cs--;ugs ifinHwi fjf su dug vnoiigu in ii t a i,-, 1 1 1 in i mi And a sad, sweet smile sli w. i;. 1(n:i.i, i. i;-i-ii! in i : lir.ll.W.ii '.Us, (Ja.Ui..irtliasp.-ir. i V i t esieniiorn lie sent a message. terrible scan-".' ), ,V;1j "p.xpect me home. Would you see this serpent in :r 'm Clll1lin !.,- its worst forms- Visit tlie knots NCVCr more to roam " of men that are gathered on the street corn -rs. It is alsvavs there. SU l-'ek old face is brighter, The mother kissed him boldly, IF you wish to behold it in its ele AikI lu-'r l"-aiven's blue gmce and beauiv, go to the sewing Arc likc lik'l' VVt:!'t'i" yt'unstTdays circle, to the akernoon tea-party. And perhaps as winsome, too. to the evenmg social, .aid sec what As S,L. Sixs ,im eoniiug a smooth, soil voice it has, to at- And iiears the son;; m iards, tract attention. Ah! did you notice Her tender heart is much too in that sharp, forked tongue as n ul- oi' ovc -L.v,,nd mere words word of mouth they have not dc ve I lm ,i mi n.uni u in ill; ui llie ; , n pr;1 p , ,, ,r ; p ,, '! name of f.inguagc. biefore the ar- ,, ;;i -' l-Mn: m; ri'. al of the I'i itish the iriis-s. L- b:',"i::'a:i:; si.imu.er: ceiM acta al neighlsii's, p.d no in- ku-'S k.iae n- - an. icrcout'sc. liven elans ol the same J-1"1'-' ur..:; tribe found difiicultv in the details ''' i"1" i;l i;"v . , , , ' stisvr hope nar s ol dialogic with one another. jnt.,. .,. x ,A There is a change of jargon along lu'cilaii; d.ivs, pic d, about every twenty miles of the loicmg coast. They have no words ior ordinary greetings, salutations, or .' Wore, evni-i-.sn.u ni ill. inks Renieinber, son, the ( )ne whos.iid Such l-ini'iia.-e as tli-.-v have "(io and sin no more." however, is exceedingly interest ing from the philological point of 'I've km in trouble, mother. And my sins are no; a few: bat my hear: is not too hard lorlove Tor daddy or for voir " CASTOniA. Enirp lit) .'n,S IJ,. 'If perhaps in other day 'l ou go again to roam, Virtues mas them enough f, (li.Ui-.ait. C. Ukt:l.;, H AUo-n. s A il .,,. f ' ' "" A , !k X' Iili G .' I fx' r- ' Mil 111. lercd that last beautiful phrased sentence, that closed sentence, that closed abruptly with, "but - I was going lo tell s, mi .'tiling, but 1 guess I'll wait mini an, tiler lime." The name ot tins serpent is slan der. We hope il has no abiding place in the home of any of oar readers. . , a ou. ,ii fhere's a mother waiting always v;t,l!M lv :na!ual'-!e In vnii!-,-!iil,!liml li iiim-li " Adamauesc a business pen " - - .,., i , lll,l, ai.ai tile A Har.l !)ell to f'.i 1 This Morning? TAKE their speech only wii.u is aNiihi; lv neccssarv is u-uallv ev;o!Vssk- .r-r n-it.7.. t , ' tO WJ'.f Y-V,fliT.mVSBrfcl.is- rf UUCI'l'l. i u, aujK air t ..im.v v w kip salve and court plaster ought to b,c good, to patch up a lover's I iiese null s ia eu'iiami'.' c aaa do Hist as v. ell probably wuiioui any Word'- at all. T iu.-s h tve an e-prc-si e sign language, ss ha a iiu-v employ almost ,;s muc!i .: :';c sp d.-n v,,ais Their -;':.,!; is jerky, distointci. and iieljvd out often bv a grimace, a i'esiure. or i! I Ib.k'bi seems to be ;! sui t ui sivculiiive theolot-v -ibro , i linden cltangc in tone bkyo-np: the shadows, ii IJlcsscd Arc the Meek. l;or They Shall Inherit The Carth. . .' - A' . i inch leacbi-cs that there is a time coming -when SKA BOA AIR LINE RAILWAY Probably even our papulation in jail worries For le ,r the govern ment is going to the bow-wow s. If You Roiul This It will l,et l"iini Oeil the .uline' mri. ml wrilers ami I . : i . -1 1 f s ( all llie wveral l tic lam.mcs . kn. arcelv fj ex-epispiruua! things wall totaiiy di-appear, be consmmd, ,!!,!,"':-' ,m"u i:' -.-ar diss. iv.d. and the vknk si,;,,- and sideacai sssmm w ,11 crease his st,.J. ..: ;, Ci'llape and that llie eiitue pii sical universe will vanish, although sen1'-', rea-on ntwl levelal'ou are opposed to it. There is in deed to be a new heaven and a ties.' eartn, wherein dwclk'th righteous ness, but this does not involve tile destruction of ihe earth as a planet r .1. . -.1 1 ... ,1 ... ,. , or in tact an ot me piaueis. o win uoi re anotner. Put tlie earth with Don't v., !:- r . Ver ...'..oiiai 5. l A Ccml : Laxative jj Ant; .ppetlzer c to II i.... 1 t ha new r learned an , m.pi ol acaa culture. 1 'mil the h.ughsh t,mht him to kei p d.ogs he' did not know how to diiaiesticatc am animal ..r bird 1 le Cannot count even v. 'th YV. W. KAY, I-. ( . eiti wriUTs iiiiu ii iii'ib'ts mi an in,-N-M i.ii - i t ) I ' 1 s.-lmuN of fra.-ti.-.. nvomiii. imI. in tli- the ciltC tlu: s.mic Cil'tll U!U?vT 11CW OUUlilinMs. i I is lli iv lltHk T VS ,nils ;llKI 1 NtV stronirit li-nns im-silili-. ciii'li ami ' t y Itmrfiiiciit iMiifriiii,' into tin- fniipnii ii-n THL Exposition Line To Nnrfrf!r a k 1 x m. xr maw. I i I i ii j uamcstown union the dominion of Satan "the god ol this world," the prince of the power i.t nr. ia. r.-e's cuia.'ii ste,iie:ii iH-ni.v.ry of the air, "the spirit that now workeih in ihe children of disobedience. l:Zr:rV:X: i- " vi-lvnce ...,d oppression. ! mmsivc and greed, r H-, ul liv,-r. in- . 'en,-, el;r.;, a- o', 1; will ihe;; b.-under ihe rule ol the "Wonderful Couu-Jlor the lilt, -.-ll, ill-. -O.'l an .'.' in I", , " .ea.-'- ', ll' , i , ,, iiliaioir n.i'ii. N.;"o' i.'Oiv. i: inuuiiv (ma. lac e el lasimg I .;;aer, llie rrilicc ot Peace t ) the m ilh;,;' r sunlXi''1'.." ;'i'aoi';i ;i :X cvase of k.s .. .vernincm ..ml peace nctv shall be no end. up,.,, ,K- !iZAllm.r-" th,'""C ,if 1)'lVlJ "i"" h's K"''i'-'":". M "I'vler il, and m establish it !, .:.' :,!:;;-"";' v "'' " "r '""" " w,;!; judg. ,'..;:: .;:..! V, ;;!; ,;. ,,, a,, i,ein.eioiiii eell toleSer, I lie knot e.l (..raeui 1.1-aial , gi,:-'o, ,,,,,,, , , , , mi tin- loi--.-io,a. or ,-i,i-.,i, ie i - n eal ol the Lord ..! !i .sis v. ill pei larm t!::s. !-;. i...,s. Rn-Si'rl'i 'ueoiiomis r.tu When that primeval sentence, still outstanding, w IpcIi called lorth :, y;'!;i;in,u :vl .;.".',.!'" j',"!.1;:,'; :s LVt"1 .1 1 , ' :!f '"-" a,Kl iiiK,s wj s removed, -Tiic wiuicn.es i.-a;''" wliii'ii are bieiiiy pi'ai-e.l as r. .Ii.- f.jr and ihe solitary place shall be glad the desert shall rcioice and bios- ''' ''-!"'! """ IllltlieilliiiVelllViili -,Ul!,vli,,iisl, si'li , , I n i i j., , . , ' "isll ll"' euiilliM- mineiit. meiiieal wra. i's ami tier-a.f Soill as lile rose' !l shall blossom apuiulatlllv - tile glot'S' o 1 ebatloil si,,.,.,, ' ( , ud. i 'ai K iiM su be g,v,u ,m, i ,. and an iugiiway shall be there and it shall be ITi.r. Fiiii.--Hiik'wn,,i, m. a. ot ii.;ii. called the way o! !:..lii!css the iiiicic.ui shail noi pass over it im linn n.i - . ... . null Mill 1. 1 U'171' V 11 lli. I KM. "'II iNortoIk, va King. M. 'fC'f fiiioimiaii,; tw. .loun shall be tlierc, nor anv ras ciious beast go up thereon bu; the re need ot counting, .sit ms ur as arc h iy and inaccurate, t hi one point, how ever, he is levelheaded. I le belongs to a race ol lighters, knows it audi will iicier attack nu ll. s certain oi success. .dost pcopk area I s . pmtid o bung honest as ashamed of ccu;f poor Shiiiil? ii i..-!.i... ui. Mi l a i- lit 1,1'ills in, Ha I , , I e ' I tali I .,. ,, ll- ' a,' III ! le -S a - Hi v. l.'ii.l, i -lia. I" Wt'.l DON, X, C. Srocer ai W , i,!.,;, I ' IM Hampton Roads, April 26 to November 30, 1907. T!?--ii..UleiiMjitil WjMyrv-.ii.TtiB , , . :ts sold Tues- ElWimt&tt And I. John, saw the hoiv liii- Ihre.ai.l 111. I , I , ' 1 1 i ' 1 , ' i e I i ,iiiilhi. in, elili. laa-li ll-i-il I an- , h a n -aiiiii- l.laei e S "ll What ;i gn'i likes about killing in love is mas be she means it. ll"' !- P.. laa all. aiv C lv ,1 . TVilllillJ- ill Mty lion t" all al KAY'S. M Seiul.lerrM. eini'llinatl ; IT..I. , . , ,, ,, , , , , . , 1 1 a.a . o,:n n, , -,,, , ,, i a-nns' e,i,e- , " EjWj .viriahs m. I)., ..( Hahnemann deeuieu shall walk iliet'e, and the iMiisomcd ol the Lord shall return Tli.-i--'""i- "all- On- i.,i, ni-li u,e ' .-an i.s-i Mill. (Mien. Cliuae'ii, mill stores oi . .,, ,,.-:,, ,,.;,), ..,,.- ,,, ..,,,,.),,,,; : ... ,. , I 'i,.",.i .,-, " I he saen-il II", 1,. ' iil.u a v in eal ma olhery BCll'J tKAltM and come to Zionsvuh songs and eserlastiug joy upon their heads; they snail olnaiii oy ami glailticss and sorrow and sighing shall II ee aiaiiil Or -I ,.'s Tain Ik .-..1.1 I'i W M l oln ii. W.-M N. -Ii ... ,. i i .1, Special Rates from Wcldon: Coach Excursion Ticket days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, 5.1. KS mm- niT-i" "i riiii i -, , -t p ; (,od out ol heaven prepared as a hriile adorned or n r husliaml : iifaTilTTls. Olien liuiulfiij ti- em I'',"' rates from ether points, apply lo your nearest sKA IK U h'P uirnit. or repre- jSTtlie besl possitile rnaranty o( Usm.-riK heard a great voice oil! of Ilea Veil saying, I'.ellold the tabernacle of city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from And Woman's missing sence of hu- a fool oF himself. ue-l a ai. i he'll laa ale I onai iiii.t a van i ..i.l e:i' ni I al .ni lla- lo B., , siaitiitives nameil helinv. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J. K. POTEAT, C. H. QATTIS, Ticket Agent, Wcldon, N. C. Tv- f'"88- Affent, KuUmkIi, ti. C . .' ,1,1 ,,nli!wl,,i.l forlHtihl will a ir ani'.i in. uo- e .",- - ... -a, ,., i i,., .!, ,i, ,n .. ., i .,. . , sliow thai, "(iolileii Jliiii.-io iM-i-.o.-i,. ijuu is wan u.eii, ,nm i,e u in uwci. u.i .lieu, auu nicy Sila ! .o-,. I- a. . a ., nior has kept a man from making ; wcli'-m ...m. - ahaec i, mr m, il . hu.i' so, m- uo,..! ii-halile aiet salt ilmesl.llll like Uil,,l In, IOs.eis,a lei. Uol is ihe hesi iiaiiiiU kiiiiun imlav I'm ! HI Al.TLIi I; DANIEL, ''("'' A' ,;" ; II A ri'OKNKI(-.T-l AW, lle'lli, le' ,',""- i WKI.IM.N. N.C. ean-e.l lae I 'ni''! ns s 1 ,1 I he rum Is i ,1' 1 lali Ills and 'Ihe-, hi- oill,aii,,i,,,i ami ie Ihe Supremo and 1 final "..uii-. i olleeuoiis m.i.io in all .:ol-ol oiih ( aiohna P.ianeli nllico il llaliii, open i i. i v Slomlay. a 1 1. . I . ' . When I 1 1 1 . s,,,,,,.i,.l, ,,.,,., 1.- 1.1 SUM- IllUt, "I.OIII.MI 'I" , , , '. wl " ' ' oo ninii ,iihi IIIWJ SIUUI OC UIS "' "" . 1,,-U'l 1,11! 11 I ii'lel 1 1 1," a 1 1. 1 all l,,,hle i!.-.ruJ:t:ir.a.S Cd himself shall be wtih then, and be their C.od. And iT 7.oi"-,ti;V.!,,:;S; ni!; I ' tnire, tr"ipi-reiii,e,i ly'';;;;'1, Cod shall wipe away all tears from iheir eyes and there shall be no s.,i.,ia!,.,i... 11,-4.1 r K..i,..-y. i'l.a. '' l"1"'1 nonSLnaj-j-uJ; more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more , lUZmiVn ' M ''' ''" " " V . !.iiil-!i''t ilwitl ' V' Tl"'m pain; for former thin;s have passed away. Rev. 21:2-5. Illessedarc ir. Imk.ii-i. ii.t..miivi'. ti.V itrM..ra- , , ., , .. . 11 ,' 1 ittliest, llieilii-al iillilli.lily for IH ,,,,,, (. ,,, ,., ,.1, a, mi,,.,.;, ,, , , ,1, M, cc . I 1 1 e is i re 1 1:1 re. I e 1 1 ressl v lor 1 1 lese u ea k A IIUIII S idea ()l eCOIlOmtailg IS a sue! Tb--i.wi.vry.-M ihe meek, ioi they shall inhei it the cat th. Malt. 5:5, see also den. insi.ie nerves, b old ti., -. u,..,,. hU .... it " ,a,',.ir.,ie,i itiveert,' esir.,,'1 2 i; 1 l-lti; John 1 :51 .-Word and Works. s i;estrative-tahlets h,,,,,,!- n'u "lsUI"-CUl"' eilielnal root iin.l Is sale ami i - ii.u.i' . . i I ,..( of i. lira Sl-; :s' People are often i)r.tv.ri..rcc,iiuuai,. . make friend 'i ii sop nut ii hum. iv 1 1 urn i ... .m.i is s.,,,,,,1,. ,'. CABTOniA . . . ... .. 1 . - . -llu tinr) Vnu U.iiin i.iUnu Dd.ir.l-1 MOW to t hailkrunts nn m:in nnu hJ . Kaoinr. Wiv. .mr iVnlih is i Beanxhe ,wt n'" w'"rtT" I Minn noiiti i il im M in Mi it'si . respects. sjjww m . coiien. u i.i, 1 1 i 1 1 i's Bean lie h w l,;l,e ws Bdlit jp;i$' rr..in,,itv (.i.i.,ti,r,t. or cvv nrTlinMir THE LOWEbf. i. ' ! n:- ,. I, ii-.f-i-u m, .tx"-t h. il li av! no' loji ,ii nrt mU, i INFRINCtMi-MT ':ii .,.uilivioil U i'"tirt;i. I'm. ul- ..Li tot, i fiivoup.it iw. ftOVt'l TISEOaml H.". TRADt-MARKS, ViX- 51 ON iukI CUHYh Uttlft (luul.iy oLUalr Oppoctto U. S. Pi'tont OiUcQf WASHINCTON, O. C. 5L.Mt.j Jf:--