1 I 17" T V 17 t:.i 1 Vrr a ssa ;.,..V:i!3s I 5. ir:. Advertising Pates Made Known ;;n Application. ;7,: Ffii! i !' VOL. XIAi. W I :!.!) . N, i.'sS ) A . NU i:vli:K!i 21. ID07, rrrv rrrji. I Rbi-vlii' L! ! sffl For Infants and Children, lJli!Tnr. lfu im mi. MEN OF THE HOUR. .M.t'oiiot, ;i PKKcEjn- simtlaiiiiilii'ibuiijimiuniun liiiiiHii'SioiinclisainlUwAif PrnmolfsDisltimriiPfifu! nessandHesiXoiilatasnciUw 0 Ilium .Morphine nor MiircraL Not Nakc otic. M-ipeiroUdrxmmmm Jvyirtwi Strtf' jVx.ir.ma Ausrvl J'lwfatinf- l.tw.W- Ul iihJ Suryr . Are We l Chnngo Our 1'rintiples finil Miliifs l!y .Mentis of a Cli:iti-,te (if Diet ? Tha Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears .:;:v.- Aiwf&'fl RwnciK- foif rmstipa- lion , Sour Sloiuach. Diarrlwcs Worms .('nitvulsioiis.l'ovrris!! ncssaiidLossorSLiiLi'. racSiinil; SiSsiamrcj-r NEW YORK. Signature 0f f nij Use W For Over lui corn nn-al ii mwIi i in'h vvr'Jtile pr.iil'k't ih.n Icik!-. iisjii' m . ;im! iikmN. l:(i!'b;:;k .iii ;' I1.;!":;.'1! iiilo h!ti.T "'.i -i:h! hiviiH!--. "i' into ,l in'.'ii iti i iiu; s nmuth, nlliii'. w iucli l:ikc mi new s in ilitir iiu b'.iumkii ic;; ur-.'i; viiiir com in ihe l vci: Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CCNTAUH COMPANY, NIW VONH OITV. I'll. i hi 1 1 i 1 1 ' s i - 'J t ;U O P. N.KrAINBACK, j I'NDKin AKKH. Weldon, . . North Carolina. Pull Line of CASkliTS, COITINSmul K'OlillS. Day, Nittht and Out -of Town Calls Promptly Attended to. II. (J. HOWIi M Seventeen years' Experience. Ilearse Service Anywhere. fBBUMBA rm 1 1 iii 1 1 iw Hi fcMwwwMFTnMniiinf fywajmnsK Ike : Baal : i Weiioa WKLD )N, N. ( )mM Under Tic Lws of the State of North Carolina, A I i.l l' JUT State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital an! Surplus, $40,000. tjOK i ' tln iiilitiitiii has pinii.:. .1 lan!iii: :u.-. i 1 . :. tins . -' turn. Its. stiii'kliuMrf. an.l il Ii:im- l'"'-n i.lfiituii-il nli 1 1 -lmsitit'i inti'iril" of Halifax and Nm il.amil"ii .'"iiuii. fur niauv years. Money is liKine.1 ti'ii ainnieil -.runty at tin- l.-el iat.- off mteit-t six jier ei'iitiiin. Ai'i'uuhts of all aie - .lu-i tr. I. noiiu:xr: it i:-i-i:iniA i . w. amii., r.r.n.w.iruis, (Jj:ksiiii,Ni)i ihaniitin I'n . V (. W V SMI I II. nv voi! e' : 1 1 1 .i.i;v oi "iii-, veil of liappy diresiiWIiiy. Then for ii;nniT. there e.i'n-iviiie, i;.r lirown from ihe oven, re.idy to lie season ed vii!i a s.iiiee of hutier, and washed down with freshlv churned buttermilk, wi;!i an ae::onipaiiitnciu of cah!'a;;e or coilards, .r nirnip salad, or new snap-he. ms. IF for any reason ihe corn pone is not desirable--ihoiiiih ihe fanner ean nni imagine anyihin ib.ai can take its place with a healthy and an ex pectant apneliie there are ihe dumplings to hill back on, the dumplings boiled wrh a mess of greens. This dish is a time and and space-saver. The dumplings should not by any chance be al lowed io grow cold before serving. l:or supper, there is the hoe-cake, , which should be of a generous ih:c!;nes ;. and i should be eaien with gravy u'stilled from the iuiccs of a LO';nii y-eured ham; or, if you please, a d.sh of mush and milk. And, then, t ': k day's work being over and done with, the tired man or woman, and the children, wea ry wiih play, may fall on their couches and forget, in sweet and dreamless slumber, the grizzly troubles of the world. h is not in be denied, however, that the products of iuah:e have ' been losing popularity in litis coun try ; they seem to be going out ol fashion; they are a little mo coarse for the (lie lender throai.s of the generation thai has come and hi. one thai is coming. The tastes oi ihe people are growing somewhat diifereni; patent medicines and predigc-tcd foods, made of nobody knows what, seem to go together, and with these nave come new forms of digestion, dyspepsia, ner vous diseases, and new causes ( f worry. I here is an idea in the minds of the new generation that : corn and all the varieties of food, all the toothsome dishes, that are derivable therefrom, are to be left to those whose lastes are com., inon, and whose associations must be low. This, consciously or un sciotisly, is the view of a consider able number of those who are to take up the destinies of the Repub lic and carry them a little way on their long journey, and this is cu rious, too, when we think of the nature of our political fabric Joel Chandler Harris in Crtele Remiis's Magazine for November. MiKDIil) WATCHIMi. iml ,wfW, mm mt wm nih butler. . 4'J,f 'i- Vi is .he fWl ' :W iiul hot &teftr'V ' tP I 'V-'-'i i,: ", V: : t ,'X''"' . ! ' . ' l'..:'.. ,J'";." " v- W U.I.J" ,. . . ' "i'; ,L . i '. , .' If:' i xs yy.,v ; (V, ., . y---t? 7 7 5 t n x-j,- - " 7- 7'" s. - - 7;7- '- HON WILLIAM J. BRYAN. SEA OAK ) AIR LINE RAILWAY THE Exposition Line Jamestown Espositicn Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates from Weldon: Coath Kxcursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $3.85. l''or rules from other points, apply to your nearest SKA ISO Al!l airent. or repre Hi'iitativps naineil below. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. C. H. QATTIS, Trav. I'ass. Aent, Kaleiifh, N. C. J, K. POTEAT, Ticket Aent, Weldoa, N. V. CONCRESSVAN CMAMP CLARK. WAITING. As the years mark time on the mystic page And the white frost rests on the crown of age. And the far call comes from beyond the sky In a sort of sunset lullaby, It is sweet to pause in the rose-red west Just to muse of those that we loved the best! It is sweet to dream of the ones we knew In the far oH' world with its dome of blue; It is sweet to pause in the sunset land bora backward glance at the childish hind; l-'or a ling'ring look, ere the frost w inds blow, At the ones t e loved in the long ago ! Ah ! the ones w e loved in the long ago 1 They have drifted far with the ebb and (low, They have sailed their crafts on the open sea To the harbor's rest or the tide's debris. Ah ! the trusts that failed and the prizes missed., And the cold dead lips of the hopes we kissed ! Like the frost scarred leaves of a ripened rose On the tangled path where the soFi wind blows. We may rest an hour in the warming sun We may rest and dream of the journey run -Mm the night is near and the petals blow To the ones we loved in the long ago 1 MOTHER'S WAY. "You wish to employ one of our detectives to watch your husband-" "1 do." "May 1 ask what has aroused your suspicion of him ?" "1 le sent me a bunch of violets and a box of candy from town yesterday." A Lazy Liver Mny only a liiv.l lier. or a starved liver. H would N a stiipiil as well m avam thing to N ai a w.-nrjr or sinrxnl lann Iwiaii-.' he b:"--"l in liU work. Su In iriMthig ill" labour. t..r.il liver il Is l (.'real mistake to l.i -li it illi sinnn Urnstie .Iruit. A torpi'l I'v.t Is Inn an lli.ii -at, t an lll-i I i-m a tr.'l.li li Imiiy uhos" oriMtis an. ue.iry Willi o,r Wniii. Shin u nil III" -tnaiai'h ana allied omans of illire-i'oii an, I laitriti'in. Put tlieni in VM'tiOiiu i"ar ami see linv iliih'Kly your li"r XV;1I I "i-nni" ni'iiii.. III'. I'leree s In, Men .Nleoir.ti iHM-nery luis in. ul" inauy marvel, nh cures nf "Ii"r truulil"" liy lis nuiiili-rfiil eimirul ut the oryans of illeestien anil tiiitreion. It re Slnres (lie llnrimil aetivii y oi thi slolna, h, Ini-riM-i s the secret ions of thi'l'oiHl leak inn claikls, clean-cs the system Iroin p. i fumeiis acciimnlalioiis, ami so relieves the liver nf Ihn hnrilcns hnpnseil upon it, by tln deleollon of other ortt.uis. If you have bltteror bid tos e In the morn Inn, poor oriOfUble aiipetlte. ooatd iwnrue, : (out breath, cohstlpatior irrenular Iwwels. twl weak, easllk tired. Vsiundfiit, tnsiucnt beadachei, pain 4r dlslrcsNji "suull of back." jnawlni: or disfti'siwl lecTW In ilomaeh. 1 piThain nausca.JnJNvV "rWnss" In lliroat after eittlni;. and Uli"H ayniptonw of weak stomach aud torpel ll n" ",';ll cine HI rellcte yeu men' pronielh or . a.c X-: "fT'' f'. -'l" l"h' ''"'''v-1' ''"' CylV n M.-ili ul I'lvevcrv. IVrhaps only a purl of ihe abuto symiHou.s lll Iw present at uno time mid )"' I'''1' ' t'"Tld Jlv, r, r biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all , hot bread and biscuits, gil,.,llo cukes ai d 31 her Indlnesllble Mil and take tlio "linl,:, , Medical Inscevery'Teilularlj and stick to IN u until yon an vleorous ami sironit. Tim "IMscovcry" Is non-secret, non-alcoholic, Is a shcerle extract of native medici nal nuls Willi a full list of lis Insnslicnu printed on each Ix'itle-wi apsr and anc-ted under oalh. Its Inured;. -ins aio eielcrscd i and extolled by 111" mosl entlueiit iiimMcuI wrilfrs of the aire ami are rcconma ialed lo cum thn diseases for which II Is advised. lkin't accept a substitute of unknown composition for this imn-necrut MKUieiMK i or uoivk ooxiPoiiTios. You remember mother's way- how she came and went Like a messenger of hloom on sweet missions sent. You remember mother's w ay tenderly ami mild. How ii brought such comforting to a little child. Lverythiug was mother's way - toil and song and rest, l-'rom the dawn until the dream on her tender breast. You remember mother's way no one else could do Just the same as her; at leasi, so it seemed to you. No one else could cook or mend, keep the house as sweet, do and come as soft as dream on such noiseless feel; Sweep and dust and tidy up, and ai,eveniide Sing the sweet old hymns of faith at the ingleside. You remember mother's w ay w hen you fell so sick. Didn't want to lift your head, couldn't turn a lick You remember mother's way - how her presence made Blossoms spring around your bed, gardens cool with shade; Bandage here and poultice there, old-time herbs and things. And her moving around the room as an angel on wings. You remember mother's way - when the aiiic room Seemed so far and far aw ay, horrible w ith gloom, 1 low she'd wail upon the stairs with the light to keep Vigil till her linle child fell in childhood sleep; I low you iust forgot the gliosis and the spooks and frights. When in mother's way she sal in those olden nights. You remember mother's w ay every now and then Some remembered sweetness dawns in the hearts of men, Drifting as the shadows drill, insubslaiilial, frail, i:,i!im;', back the v anished days from the leafy vale; Calling back the echoes lost when siK. eeased to sing In thai laud where April soars on auroral wing. You remember mother's way blessed dream ol her, And her phantom beamy walks where the dead leaves stir; When the winds of autumn touch he.u strings w ith their thrill Memory wanders back again over vale and lull To ihe little home of love, in the shadows gray, l-'or remembered ministries of a mother's w ay. AN AWKWARD KKKOR. "At a dinner at Dark Harbor' last summer a deaf old man sat . beside a young and beautiful girl. ; "Do vott like bananas-" the i girl said io the old man during the first course in a low, sweet voice. He, however, misunderstood her in his deafness. He thought she said 'pajamas.' And he re plied: "No, I like the old-fashioned night-shirts the best." i'lii; TALL ii,r 'is, V L.-.r ii tt'RL i i' u) i t'tli'1'.'t. "As the Days of a Tret Hays cf ."Ay People." 1 1 A"1 I . i M.f. ,nu!i eii:i.:iiU n. .e n ..ur-clt to I. '..ii. ild Sii"'!i' oi p.r lure lale ol ' I i! ille I .!.' , iy tvpeate ' h:IV, , .:!' tilcv preai VOl'i!" il. ar V'HI i ii'- e: ;i o I 11 n e la in in t.ie i i u, are in :'-- iii; J cure vou, gl'e.ilest enemy of beauty r-r. The gni wiih a !u is ii'i ii,.a:i the w..r: w ' Mill ; g ass "i il. id- ihe s l.in teu.p.r nea in lit. r. .11 ; tree in, re lreit:.. Year by ye ir tl lade and fall. yon wlio ,iie iivx and vigoroa-.. a I ... w '.-ears live itself dies. . i; pr,7ii, l' i" e v. ho ar.- I J:;!g the oiil age and the sure, iriVMsf'!-!.: pi'oacii i'i decay The pre u! of the bii.idaig K- d is, "M.aae;: now ihy Cre..:ir i:i th.- day ihy y liiih: , liile ;'), e'. il , come tt'it, nor ihe year; orav. when .lion shall say, I !;;,-. t pleasure in them. " Tile pre ingol lhe tree. !r.ken aud Mea-Jied v'J v at .,r by storm, is. "The hoary head is Thai .vkhi!.. a crown of glory, ii it lv fouu,! in the way oF righteoUMtess. " My breihren, the year once more is hastening to its close. All is i:se W'.iiJ -,l'.c i :;.:i has a very Heeling, all is failing, all is passing kind hetri and a very strict cn- aw.r. oh, so ,iin tly, but quickly "cii-nce. ! Ivr tcsipcr itsvl!' stnv- so silently, but irrecoverably ! times lets so many oF her evil Nothing leit but the record of what thoughts om ihivugh her longue we have kvtt -whether we have tiut nature is., atier ail, quite .sweet lived vith Chris; or forgotten Hitii; and kind But nevertheless, die ' whether we have lived for pleas- lever ol tems r that hums w ithin tire or for (iml; whether we have her docs it-, v.i.ii n her vWMstu- beeii coiitein w ith this world, or lion. Jt shows itself, too, in the lived as sojourners '"desiring a deep wrinkles iu a above ihe nose, belter country, that is as heavenly, and long lines at the side ol her looking to a city which hath foun- mouth, aud in the drooping mouth dations, whose Builder and Maker itself, with ie .;iitetu! expression, is ( iod. I he girl who is always nursing Our text stands in the midst of a her wrongs, wrongs herseh more crowd of gracious promises as to than am body chc could have the-coming kingdom of Christ and wronged her, v you should phy the blessed stale of the New Jeru- raihcr than condemn her. saleni. None shall labor m vain, u ,H.n :i . , 777" 7"7'7 Ki n -v nor bring forth trouble. No care, n-ixe- v. -a,.. o n i: -, m-uh- ai- no sorrow, no disappointment cli. ii" K i I'l --loli. v ,'il ' !,'l :, . s.ioi.l,'1 ';. .' ' !! !.-.- V li. I n. V. , l,i.:;i. X i !l is a very lame river ihai can not "take up lis bed" and rim. OABPOIIIA. Bran tin 1 ' ' ' J of Spe is ha!' ik.iig oi a woman's h.m il I lo tell w Such is switch. A Hard Debt to I'av. there ! Belore they call, " saith ihe Lord, "I will answer; while they are yet speaking. 1 will hear." "As the da ., of a tree, are the days of My people; and mine elect shall long eiiioy the work of their hands. " "A tree. " Ay' but what tree? Many able scholars hold 10 the opinion that the true rendering of this passage is, "As the days of the tree" - thai is, ihe "'tree of life." The Tree of Life in l'Jen, that first of sacraments, was de signed to sip tain aud rellect ihe life infused imo man at he- creation. To us, however, '.here is another Tree of Lite even the Cross of Christ. The Body broken and the Blood shed upon that 'free are , r " 1 :- ' ' to us the means of Resurrection ,!.',;' I, '.. ''.', ,', ',', and Immortality. " ' 1 ;1, - - There is yet another tree to 'v, :, ', ',',.'!,'.'," . i , ' V' which he can (as yeti loi ik oalv in ''v ' . faith that tree standing beside the ''. i..e; , . . , V;,' river w hich issues from beaie.ilh N '!- -'' - ' s-! : .i : o- the throne of ( iod an.! the Lamb i : ,',.77-' ',' '!. .!.'',. ." . '. --its tweheiold Irttit. borne iu elve -v ' 1 ;" 1 - : times each ear, tutd its leaves for v i ! ', . A man is provr!v bl ed w lieu the healing ot the nations. is p,-, ,p-;-l N r,,i-,ed. "As the days of a tree, are the days of My people." This is ihe i:J7!! , ,'7i,'.'' fl'. '',7''" privilege of the true children of - is id. m, n ,. la,-, "i.-iv (iod. To them the Cross of Christ !,7'77 7 ' ! 7 ' " ' is the seed ol life; and plained in t.t pi. -coi.o,.,, i.n,, , ,,. e, , the likeness of His death, they ,h ' shall also be in the like Mess of 1 lis Resurrection. Their destiny is to feed on the Tree of Life in the midst of the I'ar.uli'c of (ioel, and as the days of th.it tree are never ending, never lading, never dark ening, so shall ihe days ol ( nut's people be. I In ih'O te.'o ioih ihe ,os.. ,,l living, loving faith, let us lix our hearts and hopes. w Ml, I here is i a deadlock. I lie li'ie.l I , l.as mvnih Snoop. oMCc 1, , i- i, allv ', lllllg r. " p, a ki u i. O 5ElsOt t"i" of? P fV ' Pitjjaod L, L. C. rtlOl Clil-fiilg p r-.mach. :. V. . ;,yr- il .:i Vo.i Eat. .1 IT U e3.. CHICAGO. :.. V . V I 's-i- im: I-HA-, l ' l ' n; o i 1 1. M t ' iv T eiv.'iil x . f'l-'llilN, I x;-:ie;. At. Law, 1 (.77:i!.7'ii:;;i 1 This 'iormng? f 1 Ja .fio i A G::u;i; Laxative Ar- petizer W.W.KAY Grocer, 1 : 1 1 , i! cilli, ! II, ,, ul, coll Ilia, I' Il pillr l.i.i-l, il "i tain , wall mall inn--, cic Soon, very soon, the vers i tt,uiv .tn.iV n i.. 'n, " M 1'V W. I I'.u:,, i. u, ;,:,,. vlisappear, Money is the curtain that hides much of the meanness and rascali ty from the eyes of the world. A i()()l) ANSWER. A gentleman once asked a Sab bath school what was meant by the word "repentance." A little boy raised his hand. "Well, what is it, my lad?" "Being sorry for your sins," was the answer. A little girl in the back seat raised her hand. "Well, my little girl, what do you think? 'i asked the gentleman. "1 think," said the child, it's be ing sorry enough to quit." Selected. which intervene s and then - "The morning shall awaken, The shadow s lice away, And each true-hearted servant Shall shine as doth the day; For Cod, our King and Portion, In fulness of His grace, We then shall see forever And worship face to lace." A brandy "cocktail ' is uiuiues iionably a tale oi misery ,ii cau l l,i vw 11 a ,m have a v al.. unli, alliiy. tncl out slomacli. cniicr can you led coo, I u l,y s Intlr ,nn, . iilaoly in calnii; you Icnc caii-cl lite tnluncll to ::rl out ol 'unlet- I llr-i- Ill lie Moinaoli 1 1 , , ul ,1, ai.' ie'us ol' i n, 1 1 eesiiou. nlnrii n.avaiel in; ol'icn ,loi - iiiin uiu a very oan case ,l vi,, jivi;t. WI I.DON, X. t , p th, lict ol' ineiytlnuu m niy I'olite aiieiuion to all al KAY'S, no .' Iv WAI.TIIW li DAMIll., ATl'l)K'i;k'-,eT-l.AW, WKI.luiN. N. ('. I'" )! ni iiu cuius f Ihililax ami Xoiilianinliiii ami in Ihe Supieine all, I l',"h nil ...nils. I olloci ions ma.ln iu nil pans o' Xooh ( ainlnia. Iluuieli mile,. Illl" V ticUuu: coiilIi. limn any cans.., lllrllr stp..s l.y Ol. -hoop's l',,n8 ('me. n, I il is s,, ihorouelilv liaiinlcs iiinl safe, that l'i slump h lis mother luilll. Iicleliiliu' ami all trouliles 1 arisine' fioin a ihsoiiiere.l ilim-siion. It is ph'ssanl In la!," aii.l allonis relict priuu,' Sol, I 1,'y W. M . ( ohen, WeMon, N. ( lion I alhm this i,, ..n a sm-ie .lay al Halifax open eveiv M..nlav e 1 1 1 1 ' 'ill nouiu solllelliun:' n liveicolne , II. Take s ,. e,,. iHiaUo ami sale i lici-staut like Ix.iilol loi livspipsia Ko- i ..,.,,. I,,.,.. . ,,l I .. . ,.,.-.,,. 1,1,11.11 Mine, ii nia loi ' even ioei ouni: names. I lie nliole- s'une areeii h aves ami ti'ii.lei sioins of a liiuu iu alnii: iiiouutainoiis slu uh. fur nisli the euralni' propcrins to llr, Shoop's ( nii-h ( ine 1 1 ealins the emiu'li ami lieals Ihe sole ami sensitive Inon- . dual ineinhiaiies. o npuiiii. no ehio-, hoys are generally very boister- inloini. nnlliine' liarsli us,., lo iiijiuc or QUS. suppress, simply a resinous plant ex- tiact. that helps in heal aeliine' limes. Ihe Spaniai.ls calls this In-ih which the OASTOtllA. Ihu'tur uses. "'I he saereil llerli." Me- Bearitlo ylllll Kind You Haw Atos Bllllllt inaml lr shoop's. lake no other. i Blgoalnw l , SohlhvW. M.Colien, XVel.lon.N.C ' C&ffl4&U v '"' FEE RETU RNE zo T.AHs-cuptattncs. vm. cmarc.es ah. tm .uwt-ST. ... mi h, ..'.-I. i.ii'.indr .s,-i. li I -r i-M' n . tfi.-n iii i i, .". r.-"'i . .n rub ulal INFRINCtM-NT f,i' . ,i.'ne!."l b.l..i. ".tiff. I,n,.it- .,l.':;'n,.t Ihr.nt.-ti no. ADVEi. TISEDntiit SOLD. ft.'.'. TRADE-MARKS, PLH- ION at ul COPYRIGHTS ijiiuhly ohl.tun Opponlto U. 8- Putont OfTlre, WASHINCTO-J, O, O. 1

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