it M SIM mMmrm jm A. II t8 53 1 i1 tMU ;i a : F, V Advertising Rates Made known on Application. A NtWSPAPtU Fi? TSir; PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSi. 50 Per Annum VOL. XLIL WLLDON. N. c 'I'ili'lisn.W. V i;Ki: lis. I'.xiT. NO. :;. ill fyW J efW W .5t if y.a p,' The Kind Von Havo Always Kmi",hr, ami which has been in use for over 30 years, has Imrne fi-;-i;ti!r of ami has been inane timler his per- jCV-ffr??', sonal supervision Hin(.n its !iliu-v. tV -u .. Allow uooiie-t. ,!, -iv,. v.hi i hi. AH Cmiim-Hoils, Imitation nml "Oh-iI-iis-s-ikmI" nro lint j:viciimciils thai t fitlo Willi tuxl cmlan-cr In; health of Infants null Children Kxperienco against Kxperiiiient. What is CASTORIA ( astoria is :t harmicss snhsf itnto for Cnsu,;- Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is IMeasant. It contains neither Opium, iMorphino nor other Xareotift "iihstancc. jlsafji'is its ;;uarantcfl. J t destroys Worms and allays F veri.-lmess. It cures Diari luca and Wind CoMe. H relieves Teethinp; Trouhles, ircs Constipation mid I'lalnIe.K y. It assimilates tho I'ooil, regulates tlm Stomach alii1. Unwels, ;iv!:i lieal'.hy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's I'riend. QSLNUWE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of if .JT A-qMi-V 4V IS The KM You Have Always Bought !n Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCSTAUfl COMPAUV, 77 MUMMAY TNICT, NCMI VOI1H CtTt, h.vv l'ii"r P. N. STAIN i A( K. II i'M)i:i;r.Ki:iL VVeltlon, . . North Carolina. I -ill I Line of CASKETS. Lt)!-' INS ami POIWiS Day. Night and Out-of'Town Calls I'rompily Attended to. II-CI. ROWK l:UNI;RAI. DIRI-C TOR AM) l"Mli AI.Ml-R. Seventeen years' l:perieiKe Hearse Ser i.e Anywhere. OE.OE3E30Ea01 ie : Bask : oi : ft ?? "i ; l TOOL I win. i in. x. :. Orpiiid IJiitr Til! Lhs if lit Slat! s( Mi Carolina, A I U".-T '0TII. ivi-.'. Si.itc of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eUloii Depository. Capital anil Surplus, J TT1 O It I.'i this iu-tiliili..ii hu- !!' :us Irfili'.n- !' iln IA ll.MI. lis .Iih-Mh.1.1- I d.M1'l..l UC 1-VII Cl. I.f"!.-.l ll!l i 1- lmllless MlI.risN ..I ll;lllt;l :lli. N .1 1 1 1 .1 . : 1 1 I M..- I IIIIIV M yearx. Money x liwued iin :i .-i . m . I s .'ui.l v .i; ;.n ,, a iiileuM sl p.T I'l'lll.llll. A'1 lilts ot' -nil. '!' .! it T!iASf!iV!KC SERMON. MEN OF THE HOUR. ItV. Ba V.'i .e I'nn'ii ion oi the iJil;Ci"i:.-;s . lien They Set Apart One Day in Year in w hich to Ciiiint Their l'levs;ni;s. w'r nittrk Nnvettil'ur upon the ea!etu!.:r l'e'.;nise it is the montli nf 'flKisikrrivii::; 1 lay. It was a wise pi'o'.v.ion oi' lae i'llyriins when they set a;iart one Jay in tlie year in whieh in turn li;eir llio;;;;lns on t':m;M:hv ', attil eotnil their Hess in:;s VC'c are lar too apt to i'.irgi t tiie -inv.s and eonnt the :."f-roW'-: rati lvui h' the iie-. of tiie niosi l.t'in'rie it is prchahle hi.. I the t inner oianutni'er the latter two to ine. ;;tul it is a j;ooj tiling to etiiiiVaie tiie hal'it of looliin. for them. When Diogenes look the lantern to look for an honest man, he implied pretty plainly that lie 0 i ft '$3 ?. :.'i uii! not expeet to hnd one. Dio genes was a grumbler. If he had iioue out with a smile ami more coulidenee in his fellows, he would have stumbled over homsi men at every corner, it is the same way with blessings. Whoever sits uown with a scowl on his face and mean ness in his heart, will hnd this world a cloudy place, l'.tit let hitn take for his lantern a smile, a little faith in humankind and in Cod. and the world will blossom abundantly. A man's blessings are all in his own heart. It he keeps that pure en. I open and cheerful, the world will appear so. 1 le may not be rich in a materi tl way, but it is not of the great tilings ihai life is made up. It is of the little things. To see the blue of the sky, and many green trees: to talk for a while with a good friend; to read some spirited piece of verse, or some helpful book; to sit down to a dinner, how ever simple, with a healthy appe tite; to be able to do sonic favor for a friend which will bring a smile to his face ---these are little things, but they are the blessings which make life worth while. If you stop to count, you will Hnd that you have a good many more of such than you had imagined. You can easily add to what you have. Begin this year, then, at Thanksgiving, and look for bless ings with a smile. Do it u t only on Thanksgiving Day; do it every month, do it once a week. You will be suprised to find how well off you are.-- Woman's Home Companion. ST01 (ikL.ViHI.INti. ri;i.Mii(, I : w. r. OMIT, I .-VV. Ol'I.N I llr. II. v. 1 nus. (.la.ksiiD.Nui'lharjpb'n t'.n - N. (i v., mi.: hi u s Hii tauuia fm iiiinmiiiift i Till- Ci 5,1 4 TV AIE LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line To Norfolk V i Jamestow 1 1 Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Va5 April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Rates from Wehlon: Coach Incursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $3.85. I'm- rates from other points, apply to your nearest sKAIHIAitH uirciit. or repre sentatives nameil helow. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J. K. POTEAT. C. H. QATTIS, Tickst Agent, WelJon, N. t". ?;---("-si V-iV-t s 1 i HON. WILLIAM H. TAFT, ''i:'&!.'' GOV. JOHN A. JOHNSON. o ( 1! 1 '1 ''.''" -. ' u v.cyr '-.V j y;,:;A5ij-: : X HON. CZCV"- 3. CORTELYOU. H. I i -. -. f. ; .MA N. Trav. r. Ajreut, RaJeigll, N.C. dct up two hours earlier m the morning and do something out of your regular profession. Mind your ow n business and with all your might let other people's alone. Live within your means. Cive away or sell your dog. Cm to bed early. Talk less of your own peculiar gifts and virtues and more of those ol your triettds and neighbors. Be cheerful, l-'ullill your promises. Day your debts. Be yourself all you would sec in others. B.e a good man and stop grumbling. A woman in the moon would have spent her last quarter long tiK. Sometimes they hand one a lem on, even in Orange county. Cures Woman's ttcakneiSM. Y ivfer to Unit l'""ii to neiili. lien otis, Full, -in uont'-n to. -mi as l)r. 1'ii'ive'i Kiivorile rr"s,-ripli..n. Or. John !' ( one of 'le' l-Mitorial of Tin: Ken j in- Miiucai. Ukvm mvs (it t l.ieorn IMOI ill. (W..l t'e.i.,0 V.I.:.- I i, ii f thcehiet nn;reili. nt-of the "1 i- forile I'rescrioOoll " : " A n- ni ilv wlneh ii!vnrl:iMv ft' is as i in. tin- m. ; .Ta'"- ' ' ncik. s ui-ii.frii,iil n tuny i t ll.e ..iliie r-lhe-nv M " Hi. i-i-ii: Hue s " ii! I. l I' In' I'l'.t mi : i - In, -ill nM.-Ii It I'l'O t lit' at. - . iiili-.s.-s Hum .011 i'i 'In j N.Ik hh I i cl,-,,i.iil,.l. In ll.e OeullM nl of ills, as,.. Clllllir lO Women " Is helllnln tllllt II fit-. M'ell Ullletl s II. 4 .les, Ml SUIII.' IL.II.'I II f.u i!:i n-r -, ) " "' ' ' - ' ll.s: "'rile following illl' ttlllelli: 'lie l,-tl',i '. Inil lea I Ions ful llelun las iliiieorii ro.p !'-.,.i or .ti'hlnir In llif I'.iek. Kllll ;ll'l"rilio :i ; Home (weak' eoinlUl.-iTV if tin' repiulili l.v.i OU'alls of Xemell. IllOllt ileplesslnn alel i: -rllal'tlilv. "I'e'l lil)i'.; .Iisi -a- f On' ivprisiil live un:aiis of w.n4i;e.iii . 1 H'llsalKin tp Ileal In lln li-k'ioii of tin! ... lieys; n.eli rliat'ii itt.Kslin;:. tine lo a : -rneil coi:itt,ni oflln' reproluel I vi- sM . : Hiienoifiy'ytsuiii-fcsl or alisim In.-i.'i ' ! T sl.lV-iri tll'lll Of m ipallMIW all atuiopiiin eoiioinoii oi inn .-I..,.-, ami prtiemlc lllnn l.losl I lialnt; lra. :i ;: u-nsUiiK In li I'xlnoio lomT oart ot llu tNloTiu.n." ..... II nior" nr less of Ilic nVovo svmpt ers I'r-V f!anlTi. We'1 ol tlil-'IrailiTii: int;ii3 e'ntVol iCTTTTT i L'nloorn root, or Ileli.iiiai, anil the miMieal pro rties ot liiv-h it lllust failllfllllv repre-enis. Of Colilea Seal riMit. iinotlior prominent Inirreillent of "l-'morile l'resi-ri.iioii." l'rot. l-'inlev KtliniriMiol, M. I). .of llei; Ilett Meilielil l olleie. I lileairo. says: "It Is all Inip.ntHiit remedy In disorders of Iho wonili. Ill all i-aiai rlial enndll ' anil ui.neial enfeehleiii. in. II Is usi-ful " 1'rof. John M. Seialiler. M. II.. late of Clneinnali, mys of llol.leii Seal root : "In relation lo lis Kenenil -tTeets on ilin iystem. ttttrr if tl" MirdtVoir ill ten- il.inf 11 w i tliriy "ir'i yii'-r"! iomi"oh"i'" moiii.'ii. Ii Is vnh-nx'tllu reranleit ft Hit uninus -liil in alldelillllale.1 slates " Prof. 1!. liiirilioiovr, M. II,. of .leflersijn Medical t'ollem'. siivs of t lolden Sea! : "Valnalilo In im-rlm liel ilia.'", mi nor- rttairta oiissllnffl and eoniresllvo uyfcuji-nur-TIHi'ulnll iiienslriialioiil." jlr. t'ieri'e's I- amnte I'res'ripllon full?' rnpri'sontu all tin' aUivo naiuiit in greninnls iinil cures tho diseases for whii-a tiie are recounueudtxi. 4 SOtfQ OF TOIL, I lake the little kiss she gives when I go fonh at morn; I take the little farewell w ish upon the breezes borne; I take Iter little arms' caress, and in the morning lighi Co out into the world of toil to battle for the right, king, anvils, with your rl Burn, forges, fierce and .arl The night shall bring the world oi' h niie, Where love and goodness are! HIS LCfilC. IllV John's I atller Made of It k ,.'.! . .up'.c sl'e i meal .ill l:leir n:: :: LOVE SUMS A OliJECT. l est No One hies 1 or Abstrael Truth. Iv. ! sr.. d as a scntiineiit, b i e is 'iiJ,' p-i-.s-! !. -:i tcNpvcl to prin..illes- VI i as a p.e toUshing tut ai'si Mil. n is a puMM) ist trutii. i.' II ;i rl W. :, I n.... rTi.-nns N'orvn Vl.uks-- I..-I lill.U- if. l-.l- ill I.- all -:i a l.i.'r Ir.-l H. ill It- i' -rv'.: tl.'il .."iil'laillf It." l ar.l , i,r H all N. rin t )h, am til'. .!!'' e oi .:!!. n; Me.n; thing for it S'.-il' . IICv eireii! lav d. v it. connect :t wiiu sum laiigii'le, and n not belot'e. I;velt then h'.s -sly, or tile fi'i'se of collateral nici s, A patriot Uncs not w n his lite lor libertv i;i the Wlil die iii-o' ;' tl'lf 111-: ft '!: .1 II..-! l i,h! .I,-; ll.-iu .In n. s - liuve Pr. slilllU" is tiiat 'll's the art i SI . " The art in reasoning. : lather "what is that. Hoy iroiit rank of battle with the same said feeling W'hL'n fills the I'usoin ol a froit;ersin.,n when he dies fighting said at ill : door of his cabin m a heroic my attempt to delend his wile and children from murderous savages. Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. M. COHEN. Jh,jjr A a. A "Well," ft. plied the son. "let me We admire beauty; we reverence give you a demonstration. I low virtue; we praise modesty as de many chicken ; are on that dish, meiils of character, but never until lather r" these are embodied, until the eyes " I wo, " said the old man. behold them in a physical form, "Well," said John, "1 eat) prove never until the woman who, we there are three." Then he stuck believe, represents these quantities his fork in one an-l sail, "That is stands before us do we love them, one, isn't it?" The quantities we admire; the vo "Yes," said tiie laiiief. man we love. Here, at this point, "And this is two?" sticking his you see how love educates one in fork in the second. the right directions. The man "Yes," replied the father again, loves the woman, the woman the "Well, don't one and two make man, and each the qualities that the three ?" replied John triumphant- other represents, liaeh educates ly. the other to .1 finer appreciation, a "Well, I declare," said the I'.ilh- truer regard, a higher emulation cr, "you have learned things at of the virtues each embodies, and college. Well, mother," contin- thus as Tennyson sings, tied the old man to his wife, "I "They grew together, will give you one of the chickens Dwarfed or ( ,odlikc,bond or free. " 7 s Laxative Condi Syrup Re-iieves C'-l-i.'. by working them out C : ': m a copious and h'-a.tbv R r.f ii. -i bcradr,. ; bv demising the n-.uicuj tr.en-.arar.'soi we i.ircai, cues and ttenchisi tc.b-.-3. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like !t For BACKACHE WEAK KISSEVS Trj DeWi'.ts Kidr.-;j and Bladder Pills Sure and Safe S M V. . M.i ..! p. IV, -I.!,,,,. N. tl (iiioktii: c, tiRi:r-N, Attorney-At-Law, lo cat, and I'll take the other, and John can have the third. How is that, John r" 'A in n tin- -loiiiaeli. II, ail i,t khln.-v IM-l i - s u i t u. ak. 1 1 -l I t!:,s,. ouaiis ays I'ail. I '"" I 'Ii hi; On' -touiael,. u,,r s'lin'.i- ileail in K I'lneys. n:;;l i- s ;:iplv a itias.-shiit. o.-t a pi, seitp 1 !.i,,,a n In ,li :m-is-,s i ,- , ln'ii- .s lo. s!i,,p's ;,M,.,,. .Ysi,,:i- e '- 1"' liO-.l ' Ii 1 1 1 i, , -si . tl i, ins'. Ii- :i,-'m s. !, , if..-,,, v.ttl, i,. -I p's l;. t. ,1 tit . tai .!. Is ,,, i,,m, a:i'l -"' li" ' ,, p u'll emu,' !''' sample 1 1 si -etil pli-l l.v llr. -Ii.iop. Itaetnr. is. ,,,n health i- Si.l'a l,v l t,.,in. c. When faith sees the glory of character at the cud of the way it does not need a fence lo keep ii in the road. A Hard Debt to I'ay I "' a ,.-:.- ..' aiamii.!.- that ea - el i-e I'll' i "ii.' Hn'e s I,. I tail,. .,f W . s !i,., . , , ; i . -" I . . I in j lesrip. I,,,-,, 'lealii !.y t:li,ll. Hi. Kl'li's r I Its. i'"V el V. I'.i'l ll 1 1 1 1 1 j - eie s, , srllulisiv a:tei-i. .1 il,ai .1, si.,.tn,.( iiiiiiitiit-m. "ilell I euliilit, :n-e. iai.iln: New ls,.,, i'i I'lii- immnnis ,h v. I'tiekin- e.'tili. ,IM heti.le tin- Ills, l,i;leas u-.-.l. aiel t" i,!lles ,,,a,!ea iipleleeine ' Ni'liilli;- lias e. I i',!t:lle,l eu li.e,, . i i i.,i (i,tt:!i., e, .1.1. an, I all l,t ,.al an, I hiii'.: iplainls. i , uaiatilee.l l.v an v .liii-'.::-l. .M'e. ana -I. Trial l,lll, - It,. A I ATAL (iLASS. There's danger in the glass, beware lest it enslaves. They who have drained it find, alas' ton often early graves. It sparkles to al lure with its rich ruby light; there is no antidote or cure, to light. It changes men to brutes; makes women bow their heads; tills homes with anguish, want, disputes, and lakes from child ren b r c a d. They dash the glass a w a y a u d I r o in lile ser p e n t lice; drink p u r e, c o 1 d water day by d a y and w alk Cod's lootslool free. ail U 1.1.!' a'e tunl IViiera !' elatins in Hah- appll.S. ,1 secmit' i This Mermng? I TAKE yrtrtc-s mmmm iiMie A Genlle Laxative And Appetizer Till: MHAMNti OI-SY.MI'ATMY. J"Y" I lean to little lips she lifts to my rough lips of love, shines in eyes that gleam above: I hear the roaring city call, and unto it I go Light hearted for the stress, because a child heart loves mc so. Swing, ha inters, with your clatter! Whirl, wheels, and shaft and beam' The light of love shall guide mc home Front out this shroud of steam! I lake tiie little rose site holds and pin it on my breast. 1 take the tender memory of her word that cheered and blest; I feel the urgeni purpose of the labor that is mine, Filled w ith her trust and patience, her youth and faith divine. Plunge, cities, viih your thunder Of traflic, shout and roar ! 1 take the task and do the deed, While she waits at the door. I take the task, 1 face the toil, I deem it sweet to be Bound to the labor ihat is love for love's line liberty; From morning unto eventide, r,.member;ng her I go ruder the bending wheel that glides forever to and Iro. Sing, nulls, your clattering chorus, Down where the millions sweat ! I bare my arms and give my .strength And oy in w hat I get. 1 give and take, and gie again, and unto dark am bent Beneath the burden of the risk for which sweet life 's spent. But ah' tiie wage is dear to hew, :ae Ittti j lips w ait, The hearts that ring, lite arms that cling, when I unlatch the gale! Clang with your mighty revel! K'oar. cities, with your sirile! An.! Cod be praised for sireugtli to toil For wage ol love and hie! A girl can write herself love let ters if nobody else will. heme' hv I 'I . 'I t lal I alai i li it- at iiienls lliaile,! ..Ill iiee. le.iiiest -hoop. I.'ae.lle. W's Till-so tests an pi'.Miii; I., 1 he pet.pli n li limit a pen iiv's ! -tie- en a! al:ie i t' tit - s..-, n 1 1 lie plesei ipt !,.n ,;nin , i ,i , h IPJ-isis ei ei i hei-e as In. s, p s i alai i Ii h'.-in ", l.v W. l l e, I,, Anybody could get money if having it was really the root of all evil. I lie liliest t ,,iee sp! ,s 1 1 u I . as I, , -en 11 ell I shoop. of Kaeme. Wis 1" I .oil It JO i, .'ill i,il,i,,n'l hale . -'' in a llllllllle" s,lVs tin- ,,'.,l. "Health Col tee" is lealiv the eio-esi .-..iiee initiation eei yet pi,,,hiee,l. ,,t a -lain leal sVllip.ltllV le' 111 II ellltel Health i-ullee inn- ' tatioii is niaoe ii-nn pine 1 1 -a s .-, i-en-al "t eiains. ii n 1, malt. mils. , ir l.'eall' II Hi-Ill-1 to,, I all lApell Uele he pi IIP sip, hi:, -.:lv .li nk H I'. I, e -"I.I l.v W. I' I'ail.ei. , !,,,n. N.i'. It was a Frenchman who said : "Those who have suliered much are like those who know many languages They have learned to understand and to be undersiood by many. It is an impossibility m lully sympathize with another's experience unless it has been at sonic time one's own. In trouble or grief we turn instinctively to some one whom we know has been through the same experience. It is the old human longing for eiei nta.le e'oiup.i n ionshi p that shows itself. 1 ''1 I'l- Tl. . .- . I . : -i ' i lie leeiiug is siroug u mini us t amily N t '$& Srocsr that she will feel and know with me. Therein lies the meaning of WORTMYVMIl.HTMOruilTS. The only man w ho doesn't hate it have gray hair is w hen it was red before. I .11. e-h '-. , i anil Neil!., i. It . . -. -I 1 1 I 1 "I lll-h Hell TREES THAT LOSE THE BLOSSOMS. Trees thai lose the ploss.iais, be..i down by wind and rain, Tiiaiis. Cid lor ill it s.veci levein: "Ye d.e t.i live again!" : c intss ihcsumn;cr beauty from valley, hill and plain, But evermore that lesson, "Ye die to live again !" The autumn leaves ye lonely - like ghosts in winter snow; But still for your comfort: "The summer loved you so!" on felt the springtime freshness, and all the gracious dew, And earth, it thrills forever with memories of you! Trees that lose the blossoms - you know the birds' warm breasts; They perched in your cool branches- sweet singing 'round their nests; And every gold leaf falling had not its life in vain, With yet this tender lesson: "Ye die to live again !" We love you still we love you: Though all your blooms depart. You have your place forever in the Summer of the Heart! Some memory of music will live in winter-rain That everlasting lesson : "Ye die to live again !" F L. Stanton. Wl, I !.. ii 1 ii I unheal!!,! t:-, ! ,,t -ran I'll le. l '.,..-! ,: nan il i in i al ,lt i mi stmnael, I" . I "Pi ..I lie s, . i, .arl, 1 1 . .ni ,1, s : l in ii nil. i a en ha I ease 1,1 ,li sp. ps.u lion I alloii tins P. in, mi a sinulp ,lav u il limit ilmlie s.nnel I 1 1 1 o to i.ipieiniit' it 'I al.e s'linr e 1 i, Tallin an. I sain iep'slant In, t K...I..I -,, I ti sp. ,s.a Kn 'h'l is l!,e l,i's I, ;nr,!l l.nelln In.lav lot heao hinii, l l,-i,c ' a.,,1 all t,' ,-s rather than the arriving at perlec is plessanl In lake pnmiptlv M.l.t hv W. M l olii-n. ,l,loii. N I '1 here is no merit in sacnlice de void of service. The heart's protest against death is the promise nt life. "l our criticism ol another is your e r.lis t on nuisel: I he great lives ha e all lo ed i soinelhiug gi eater than hie. i Sin is alwa s ,i greater w rung li the sinner liiau lo any oilier. Disappomimeni is not a sufli cicnt reason tor discouragement. Holiness is the reaching 'ill m:i.)ON, n. c. lit-si ,.i' i-ieiylhitier ill my atieiuion pi all tit KAY'S, WAl.TLR I:. A l i t ili dami:l, M.H--iT-1..U', I.I.Im'N. N. I'. I'la.'t.e- . m the rmnis oi llalil'as anil N . 'i : ha o, pi, ,n a inl in t he si,,, .,.,,1 -lleetpiiis ina.le tn all p.u is ,. Nmtii I 'aioliiia. Iliatleh otliert it Hal la open i reiy Mon.ltiy. killthc coy cii; ! and CURE ike LTJMGS I cr II. 1 allolils relief "011. 1 here is more in bci.ig worthy of great place than there is win- The best wav to saleguard what nini' u you own is not lo have it worth anything. The man who is afraid of burn ing up his wick need not hope to brighten the world. When a man sets popularity be fore his honesty he is likely to let principle out of his heart. A tieklnter eoueii. fio:ti anv eansp. is iitiekly sioppi'.l hi Or, slump's 1'i.inrh I tile. A li. I it is so I In it on ie 1 1 1 - harmless' ami sale, that Or. Mump tells thers everywhere to e'lve it nillnnit lii'silalion eu'ii In very vimim hahirs. The whole s' mie uiei'ii leaves tunl triplet- stems of a liiiie-liealnier ntmiitlaniiiits slirnh. fur nish lip- 'urative pi'ipi'itii's to llr. shoop's t iniuli t 'nre. II alms tin' entiirh ami heals the sore ainl sensitm. Iiron eliial nientlitatii's. No opium, no a'liln lolorin. noiliiini harsh nseil to iiijnii' or snppiess. simply a resinous plant ex ttaet, Ihat helps to heal a'hitiLT lunirs. i he Spaniards ealls this herh uhieh tin' t lloetot its. s. '''I'lie Sa'r'il lli'th.'' it. ! iiiainl llr. Shoop's. lake no other A drop Ol fortune IS WOrtll a ol,ll,yW. M. I'ohen. Wehlon. N U. , cask of wisdom. WITH 2'S New Discovery rmi'R ULDb Trial Botl'c Free AND ALL THROAT AND I UNO TROUBLES. rnn aiiuc run . so, a sii. GUARANTEED SATISFACTOBX OR KONEY REFUNDED. OABTOniA. Boara the ?1118 )M tl;i,B 'W:I,S I:or the ballet, ihcy do not al ways employ girls w ho are good at j figures. immix.v i.lil'uinil. ..r fEE RETURNED. to YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OitrCHAHUES ARE i THE LOWEST. Sm; ni.nli-l, pli'iln or Bk.-Irli fur i'lH-rt mcih-Ii unit fivn ivniir on piitcntaltiUtv. 1 INrniNCEMCNT finti c.tutucUil bofom nil courts. Pith-iil- ..IiI1-m-.I thrriHrli HR. AO VCR TISEOiiml K)tD, ti-. Tn ADC-MARK ft, PEN ION Aim! COPYRIGHTS ijnti-kly libUUUixU Opposite U. S. Pi.tent Office, WASHINGTON, f. C. r