iip y jpi i MM? est 1 1 1 ill V. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription"?!..) !.r Annum VOL. XI. II. yi:li) . .. riirijsD.w, Dkck.miskis :. mo; no. :ii ki ifc wit -----.r-- M.c OIK, , .i p,;,, l t N,,; AM-nT.ibi,: Pivp.trari.in llir Is Sini!!.iliii'lila'rlili,,1niIWiili iiiilu'hiniiiailisiiiiiliiin.ivi rrnraoiosDiJi'slionflifPifiJ iH,ssai(lllt'si.Ci!Mlaiiism'ilr Olmmi.Miirpluw nor Mineral. Not Nahc otic. JiKiprerauikSMmmm jllx.ifimil li:tirll,yts- JliltirtumtrStA H.t.,1 Strd t'1'utti.ii Suqcr . Anerfwl Remi'ilv fm-Conslto lioii.SourSlnmacli.Dlarrton Worms j('onTilsioiis.tVwnsn ncssuldLossorSlJ;El,. FacSmiik Siijiianiri' of NEW' YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Iiav I'll. im: j BHfiAOTnDin P. N. STAIN BACK, I'NDKKTAKKli. Weldon, . . North Carolina. I'ull Line of CASKIiTS. COITINS uml ROIiliS. Day, Nijrhl and Out -of -Town Calls Promptly Attended to. 11.(1. ROWR Pl.'NIiKAl. DIWIiCI'OK AND ILYlliALMFR. Seventeen years' Hxperieiicc L30E ) 'ThB : te : wi:li is, x. c. Qiianized Untor Tie Laws cf a i t 1 1 r en i State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus. $40,000. I 71 OK I., this institution lu n H tioii. IN stork holdci - ami directors h. r l.t-fti ideiililinl nith ill.-1- liiisiness iiili-M'tts nl' I luliliix and Noilhamploli counties I'nr inanv yearn. Mi y is loaned ii...n ; ( . i . . . 1 six per I'i'iiUim. Account ul'all air v. r, 1(in. t.r II W (JtUks'11-Vinh.jinpii ii i.u . ( MM AIR LINE RAILWAY the Exposition Line sTTl Wl T IV 1 1VI t 1 4s Jamestown Exposition Hampton Roads. Norfolk, Va- April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Pates from Weldon: Coach l-xcursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $.VH5. I'or rates from oilier points, apply lu your nearest SKAItOAKH at'enl. or ivpri M'litativi's uamcil hrlow. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J. K. POTEAT. C. H. GATTIS, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. 0. IbIiS IIKImI in For Infants and Children. Th3 Kind Ycis Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use or Over Thirty Years TMC CCNTAUN COMf NT, NCW VONH OITT. Ni..nr I'lmxis -'I and k Hearse Service Anywhere. M 61 : W0ih, tie Slate of North Carolina, i i . ivil' i.I.nI ... unii! liu-il.tin. I'm- llu mv S .imiiiI at tli.' l.-il mlr of inUT.M ft i.la'itr.l jj ( nu.i;; W K. M I II. 'Mf; 9 KJVm JMC iiiwriMiiTgnWiut " Trav. la"fj. Agent, Raleigh, N.C, I' "iBli. S 19 II 111 THE HAPPY SEASON. Nothing Keni.iins Hut To Store The fruits Suiihu rucii ii i id with the strength of youth, this glurimis country faces vimer and uinnhcr year. The account of HH)7 has been made up. Nothing remains but to stoi c ilie fruits. Is ihere any thing melancholy in the approach of winter and rough w eather in such a laud ? In the hard old days winter meant a living death to the farmer. Now it is the season of enjoyment, when thrift feeds on the fatness it stored up better. So cial pleasure make the dark days bright, and the roaring fire makes delightful contrast to the sleety blast. In the cities there is no cause for luournfulness in the short days and long nights. They are most welcome to all men of open mind and cheerful soul. Especially in Washington, the nest of winter delights, does summer end joyfully and autumn unfold her husk of sweets. October comes to Washington as Robin Mood came to Sherwood Forest. This brown and jolly mouth dances in, : his arm encircling the balmy and buxom waist of Ceres, and the wassail Hows merrily as they whirl through the scarlet woods. Jack Frost the magician, is master of the revels. He hangs strange col ors in the trees and conjures up a mysterious change in the sun's light. Common things begin to seem unreal in this Indian summer radiance. The astonished mortal, before he is aware, finds himself in a land of fairy, and must pinch himself to be certain he is not translated. Washington Post. SlrSSIDIZINti MATRIMONY. Thomas Roseman, a wealty ' ranchman of McPherson County, . Neb., has come out with a start- ' ling proposal to pay a bonus for i matrimony and for babies. Fie j oilers lo give $1(10 to any and every couple marrying and settling ! down in that county, and $50 for ' each and every child, male or fe- j male, born in that county. The experiment of this stock- : raiser of Nebraska in raising hu man beings will be watched with unusual interest. If it shall prove successful, it would open up un limited possibilities for Mr. Car negie to draft Cupid into his ser vice in an effort to get rid of his : surplus wealth. Think how many happy couples at $100 per head and how many nice babies at $?0 apiece, Carnegie or Rockefeller could buy. Carnegie homes blessed with Carnegie babies might make the desert places of America blos som like the rose, and the sparsely settled West would in two genera tions be teeming with millions. In n the St . .aia.-li, Henri i.r Isi.Imcv neivt's Lirl urai.. tin ai tla'si' uiiruiis al ways tail. I inn' I ... il:: I In' siiniiai'li. nur stii'iiiiluir tin- lli'ail or Ki.liii'.vs. That is siniily a iiiaki-sliil'l. Oi'la ri'seri t i. oi known I.. .Im-nists cvia vw hiav as Or, slump's l.'i'Muiatniv 't in' IJrstnin livr is pirpait'.l t' I'l'rssty till I lii -si' weak insult. ni'iM's. I. ul. I lln-iii Willi Or. sin. np's I.VMi.iaim lal.l.'is i.r luiiul an. I si-!' li.. ijiiirkly Itt'lp will I'l.int'. I'li'i' Mniplr li-t i nt "il it'.Ui'st l. Or. sti.nip. Ila.-m.' W is, 'S i mi- hralili im .uii'lv w.nlli lliis simple tt'st. si.l'.l l.v W. M. Cohen. Wet. tun. N. C. The coming man will be a goner unless he makes his mark before he goes. What Do They Cure? Tim ulmVP (ni'stion Is ol'lrn asked cntl feriiillll. llr. I'lrree's two lellililll! llieiti- citi. "O'.'.I.'M M ilirul Din-wry" Mid "l'..v..riir I'l. -enp' ." 'the answ.-r is Uiai "('."l.l.'ii Meilira; li-,'..rrv ' : a nn.t potrnt alt. raeve or t.io-ii piucii. r. and I'.uie or ln iu-'.r,iti.r uii.l arts rvtM-riiiiiy favoral.iy lu a rura ti. way upon all 1 lie niurous lining' sur fari -. ,r- .it I lie nasal ia"liu'r-. llireat. liroii.iii.il iiiIh'S, 'leiiKieti. iHiwe!- ;;ii.I l.la I.I. ti, f iirinir a laru." per crnt. nt cnl.'.r rli.il i'V w hrther le' illsrasr atlrrl llir nasal p.rvs.iws, tin- flnto.il. larynx, l.rnn cliia, sloiiailetas c.itaNol dysii'p-la ), i..u..ic.i. vJfcJlSi.;. l.',Jlr. litrruH or ottirr p. lvio iirirriJ Kv".'ii in thiiA'lin Vll''i:''"lh, 11 1-""'' licresllll 111 lllfrrt- nri i lie iir l"'i'"rl"iivi' silfl.'! m " IIL' I'lpl'S. Tlie I .ivnritr rres.Tlutli.il-Is advised lur i f.Tt'Tfir'nis anil is a puwrrflll ."TliemlyiTeTl UK riiviKtifatr luir. iiinie anil nrrvini'. rur Hrau h..iu out, over-wurkeit wonirn nu niutli-r what has raiise.l the lireak-ilim n, "l-av.iritc 1'rrsiTipllill "will tie fonnil niu-t etPvtivl' In liuililini! up tin' streni.Mli. n-uutuiinn the wiimanlv fiuirliuiis. siiIhIiiuii; pain uml IirliniiiiK aUmt a liei.lihy, viKunma Hiiiilitiiin of Ihe whole My sl. ru. A IhhiIv of parti. -ulars wraim earn bottlo rris iui! the formula1 uf hotli innticlnrs anil illotillK what srurrs of rliliurnt lnril iral iiiithiirs. w huse worle' lire ronsiilteil hv i.hvsieiaiisuf all tlirs. huolsof prartiro its miidra lu preseriliinn. say uf I'arh In rrrrilirnl rnlerinr; into llu'su nii'iliruirs. 'I'llii tt'unls ol praise lieslmvrit nu thu several inurriliruts icfil.U illtu llurtor IMeri'ii's inritirinrs hv sTtfli writrrs should havu ilium weirrht iliau any amiMuit of nun - professional testimonials, lierause sui'li men are wriliim lor llir iruiilani'r of thrir luriliral brethren ami knuw whereiif thev simak. Kolh nieilldncs arn non-alcoholic, nun- serri'l. ami i lain no harmful lialiit- formiuuilniirs. Iieiim roniMiseil uf ulyrrric extracts ol the roots uf native, American mcillciiial forest plants They are both sold by dealers in inedlrine. ou can t altord b) accept as a siitMituti' for onn ot theso medicines of known composition, any secret nostrum. llr. 1'lerce's Pellets, small. siiKiir-cuatcd, easy to take, as candy, rcgulato and In , tlKurata ttuuiacb, liver and buwela. WHEN SHE SAID SHE LOVED. Didn't have no riches- no worldly goods to spare, But when Molly said she loved me, what for riches did I care? 'Feared like I had the wealth of earth right in my hands' control: The sun was in the heavens, an' the light was in my soul ! The world was deep in winter, an' all the hills was white, 1'iUt then I saw "sweet fields of green, an' rivers of delight !" The skies were blue an' springlike the mists, they cleared away, An' a million birds was singin' in the blossoms o' the May I I owned the whole creation ! The woiT went spinnin' roun', An' every acre of it to me was holy grouu'! I heard the angels singin'- I heard the heaven's heart beat, When Molly said she loved me. in that winter time so sweet. Frank F. Stanton. WHEN THE ANGELS ROCKED, Dmi's him dat iti his cradle, en dey call liim "Peep-o'-Day" l)c Sun light up his face so! I;n de mawnin'-glories say: "(iood mawnin', liT idler - we lovin' yon a heap l)c angels rock yo cradle w'en yo' inanimy go ter sleep!" Dai's him dar, winkin', blinkin of his liT shiny eye, Lak' he sees de playmate-angels des lip-toein' ter de sky! l:n de Rose look in de winder cn tell him : "Howdy-do? Wish 1 had a dimple fum de rosy cheeks o you!" Dili's him dar, des a-lovin' of his mammy en she know De dreams de angels tell him To' de sleepy shadders go; l:n she singin' in de sunshine, whar de mawnin'ghV'ies creep: "Rock his cradle, sweetes' angels, w'en his nuunhiy'go ter sleep !' 1-'. L Stanton. A BEAUTIFUL LEGACY. The Most Wonderful Document Kver Written. j US I IC v)justh,. (.'STICK WALTER LLOYD most wonderful (locmnent ho has ever seen. list will and ti'staini'tit of one and insano minute of I'ook County rwently drcoiiscd. Read it: "I. Charlt's Louushui'v. licino; of sound iniiul ami disposing memory do hereby make and publish this, my hist will ami tes tament, in order as justly as may be to distribute my interest in the world anion"; suei-eeiling men. ''That part of my interest whieh is known in law anil recog nized in the sbeep-boiiii.l volumes as my property, being incon siderable and of no account, I make no disposal of in this my will. "My right, to live, being but a life estate, is not at my dispo sal, but these things excepted all else in the world I low pro ceed to devise and bcipicatb - "Item: 1 give to good fathers and mothers, in trust for their children, all good little words of praise and encouragement, and all quaint names and eiub-armi'iiis. and I charge said parents to use them justly and generously, as t he needs of t heir children may require. Item: I leave to children inclusively, but only for the term of their childhood, all and everyone. the- Mowers of the fields, and the blossoms of the woods, with the right to play among them freely according to the customs of children, warning them at . and superhuman a thing that God the same time against thistles and thorns. And devise to cliil-i hud to send a man from Himself dren the banks of the brooks, and the gold sands beneath the , o Ju it had to pour into a hu waters thereof, and the odors of the willows that dip therein, ' man soul a Hood of special inspira- i.iml the white clouds that limit high over t he giant t roes' And 1 leave the children the long, long days to b" merry in. in a thousand ways, and the night and the moon and the train of the Milky Way to wonder at. but subject nevertheless to the rights hereinafter given to lovers. 'Item: I devise lo boys joint I v all t he Useful idle fields and commons where ball may be played: all pleasant waters where one may swim; all snow-chid hills where one mnv coast, anil all streams and ponds where one may lisli, or where, when grim winter comes, one may skate: to have and bold the same for the period of their boyhood. Ami all meadows with the clover ' blossoms and hut I erll ios t hereof, t he woods, and appurtenances, the squirrels and birds, and echoes and strange noises, and all distant places which may be visited, together with the adven tures there found. And I give to said boys each his own place at the fireside at nielli, w ith all pictures that may the burniii"; wood, to enjoy without let or hindrani any incumbrance of caie. "Item: To lovers, 1 devise their imaginary world, wit ever they may need; as the stars of the sky; the red roses wall: the bloom of the hawthorn; the sweet strains of and uuu'lit else by which they may desire to lioure Ineac the lastinnness and beauty of their love. "Item: To y ou no; men joint ly, I devise and bei pi -at It all bois terous, inspiring sports of rivalry, and I "ive to them the disdain of weakness and undaunteil coiilidence in their own strength, th.iii"h liny are rude: I "Jvo lo them the power to make last ill"; friendships and of possessing companions, mul to them exclu sively I o,ive all merry solids and brave choruses, to sill"' with lusty voices. "I tell i : And to thosiMy ho are no Ion erer child reu or y out lis or lovers, 1 leave memory, and I beipteath to them the volumes of the poems of limns it ml Shakespeare and of ot her poets, if I here be others, to the end that they may live over the old days attain, freely and fully, without tithe or diminution. "Item: To our loved ones with snowy crowns I bequeath the liajipiness of old ane, the love and jrriititudf of their children until they fall asleep. TO MAKE I kll-NOS. F'ighl against the feeling of re straint, reserve, the feeling of shrinking away from people, shy ness, over-sensitiveness, or the feeling of antagonism. When you greet people with a handshake let your heart run oui to your finger tips. Do not be afraid of giving too much of yourself to the people you meet. Do not hold yourself back as though you are afraid you would you something away that you ought to keep, or that you would say some ! thing that you would be sorry for. SMITH presents the 1 ollowuig; It is the a poor Cliiirles Louushui'v, sylutii. ut Dunning, III., seen in and without h whal by the music, h other i A lirkliinr coueli. t'roiu any cause, is j iiiickly slopped by llr. Slump's Couch : Cure. And it is so tli.uoiii.dily harmless I an. I sale, that In. Slump tells mothers evri y liel'e to uie it w ithout hesitation even lo very younir liiilues. The whole siiine eieen leaves and tender stems oi' a luiipr-liealini.r mountainous sliruli. fur nish the elilntive properties lo llr. Si loot i's Cone h Cure. II rallns the couidi and heals the sore and sensitive luoii- chial niemlitaues. No opium, no clilo ! inform, uoiliimr luush used to injure or j suppress. Simply a resinous plant t' I tract, thai helps to heal aehinir hours. 1 The Spaniai.ls calls this herli which the I loetoi uses, "The Sacred llerh." Pe iiiauil Or. Slump's. Take no other. Sold hv W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. One of the best ways to save money is to have somebody else do it and then get it away From him. "WITNESS-BEARING." "There was a Man Sent From (iod: The Same Came for a Witness to Hear Witness of the Unlit." St John i. n-7. A man sent from ( iod In bear witness- that was surely a vast machinery for a very trivial end1 We could understand a man scut from (iod to give a revelation, or to make a great discovery, or to be a redeemer, hut iiist to hear witness to a belief -is not that a very simple and easy thing'- A thing which any man could dor On the contrary, it is the most difficult, especially if the belief hap pens to be unfathomable. We are apt to think that John was special- ly prepared, and that only John rouiii hear wilnt'ss Wr in iu'itv one of us is given the same nies- sage and opportunity The uucs- tion then arises, Do we faithfully use it? Suppose you know a man mis- represented by his enemy, and that enemy one whom you wish to conciliate; is it easy to speak out? You find it safer not "to bear wit ness;" you keep silent. to be much The sin of society is said evil speaking. It is not so that as a Failure to speak the truth. You sit beside one at dinner who dwells upon the fault of another, You know that it is a pleasure lo the speaker, for he does not like the man. You arc also aware at the time the report is much exag- gerated. But you would he sorry to make yourself disagreeable to , your companion or run the risk of losing his favor. Fie is a man of influence; he can help you; he is worth cultivating; he is leaving , soon; why speak? You resort therefore to silence. You do not endorse his statement, but you re frain from contradicting it. The opportunity passes. Some day the truth will be known; but in the meantime you failed to "bear witness." Christianity was as unpopular in the first century as spirituality is now. i nen every iieatiien mother Tied to son, "Don' i tell." promotion required that he should how of Rimmon even shipped Christ in the shrine of his heart. How did he bear witness? Witness-bearing was so grand lion, that it might constantly Wlt- ness for the good and true. Ford, I pray, wherever 1 see a light in my brother, help me to bear witness to that light' When ever 1 hear others enumerate his dark spots, give me grace to say, "Look at that one white beam." It may often be to my interest to keep silence; but then, 1 pray, help me most to speak! My brother may be unpopular with the world, nay, more, he may be at variance with myself. All the forces within me may conspire for detraction. Trueulence may whisper, "Keep on lite popular side. Jealousy may say, "you need not eulo gize a rival." Sophistry may hint, "Il is all true, in a way; but you are not called upon to combat ev erything, everywhere." And your deceitful heart suggests, "You have no part in il. you are only keeping prudent silence." Save me from all these seduc tions, 0 my God ! Help me to say of my brother, my erring and censured brother, "I have seen his star. Night is there, cold is there; but I have seen his star. You point to real shadows; you tell of true blemishes;hui there is another side. It is a scene which makes me saiJ; it is a weariness that makes me weary: but I have seen his star." Help me lo tell of the light that is looming; let me point to the dawn thai is breaking. (jive me, O my (Iod, the chari ty to champion; the bravery to be friend; the pity to protect; the sin cerity to shield; the tenderness to be true; the lovingness lo be loyal; j the courage to be candid; the mag nanimity to be merciful; the recti- : tude to reveal my brother's good points and to dwell on his virtues! Help me "to hear witness. " and so fulfil my God-given mission. Trial Calarrh treatments are lieinir niailed out free, on reiiiest, l.y Or. Slump, Kaeitie, Wis. These tests an; proviuir to the people w ithout a pen ny's cost the irreal value of this scien , title prescription known lo iliuirKists ev- crvwhere as lit. slump's Catarrh Item- ! Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C. WHAT LOVE OWES TO LOVE. Perhaps Me Will Accept the Chief Himself Old A missionary was preaching to the Maori tribe of New Zealand efs. 1 le had been telling them of the sullcniigs of Christ - how He had poured forth I lis soul unto death for them, and as lie conclu ded the hill-, rang to the thrilling Hue- lion : 1; is uni'iiii1; to j ou, all you w ho pass hv r I 'lchol J and see it there be any sorrow like unto I lis sorrow. " Then stood forth a plumed and painted chief, the scarred warrior of many lights, and as his lips quivered with emotion he spoke : "And did the Son of the High- est snif'i-r fliis lor lis turn - ThiMi the chief would like to offer Him some poor return for His great love. Would the Son of ( iod like to accept the chief's hunting dog? Swift of Foot and kueen of scent, the tribe has not such another, and he has been to the chief as a friend." But the missionary told him that the Son had no need of such gifts, Thinking he had mistaken the gift he resumed : "Yet perhaps He would accent my well-tried rille. Unerring of aim, the chief cannot replace it." Again the missionary shook his head. For a moment the chief paused; then, us a new thought struck him, suddenly despoiling himself of his striped blanket, he cried, with child-like earnestness. "Perhaps He who had nowhere to lay His head will yet accept the chieftain's blanket. The poor chief will he cold without it, yet it is offered joyfully. " Touched by ove s persistency, the missionary tried to explain to him the real nature of the Son of i God; that it was not men's gifts, i hut men's hearts, that He yearned i for. ; For a moment a clould of grief darkened the rough features of the old chief; then, as the true na- i lure of the Son of God slowly : uawneu upon mm, casting aside One will deign to accept the poor old chief himself. Till' I'lllfM ( ollee slliislilnle I'M'! HlU'lt lias lecenl Iv lieen pioilueeit liy Or. Slioop. ol' Uuenie. iv Yoiiiloii't liae to I. ..it it 'Jo oi :io iniiiiili'v "Ma't.'lli a 111 I II 1 1 1 ' -in s the .loetoi. "Ileallll (ol lee" is really the elovevt cott'ee inula' ion eleiyet plo.liiee't. Not :i Ci a 1 11 ol real eollee in II eltllel. Ileajlli roller mu tation i inuiir troni pine toate.t relraU or ciainv w itli malt. mils. eu-. t.'eally It wolil.l loot ail eieit wi le lie to lin kiniw inulv . li ink il lur ri.tlee. M.I.I l.y W I I'aiket. Uel.loii. N I . A man might be able tnize in tail. wi has . 'Itelel' you feel that 111 stoiuarti .lie a M 1 1 le w rone, oi wtlrll I r.lel as led that it i- not m c I o e I. telle.'. I l.y mean hea laelii new. I'U.I l.ieulli an. I l.elr smnrtliini.'- al tune-, aiel espi ol;l IlleaN until lellel' Is . llrlAolls liiur. lakr Illllv al'trl alloi.leil I'liele is li.illiiiiu !. ! .t i i. i ..i!Wvil tin' 'ul.- IClHl It'OuMl'V ilVMli'p- !.-.. lakr K.M.' thiv pamiinii tit' nutmal li- ! ...lay P'l -t..i in.lic.-ti..ii. Mleu!!lie pre inhitit il Willi riit'tallc aci.i t ami it IWaiU" llir xilin i:iiiv ttuiild iiictiv iit:ill!i Minnarli Ku.lnt i uuuianlivil In u'wt- ivlit !'. Il ilr:i:tm lo lake; it will make yon fivl line l.v li ui'l ui' w hat nu rat , S.I.I l.v W.'.M. (ohm, Wrl.lun. Y ( The way not to understand wo men is to trv to. Air itti ha mi: t ii.iil.li' w ,ili y..m ki'hii llit ir air li.t-. nt pritplr tnda U w.ni it i whv tlir lia' patn-ai'i"- t in' lutck llirv arr turd and lai'iutit: in run : aihi anihilH'ii ..in ki!iirs mc Mt.tlL' TiirV lirr.l I r ii I u 1 1 1 1 ml iltlav. Takr 1. W ill - Ki lnrv ami I'.laddn pilK thrv aif Ini wrak. intlain nial nn. it llir hla.ldrt. ha.-ka.-hr anl ii-ak Kidiu-s M.I.I l.v W 1 hIh ii i'Mimi ( I lope is a very valuable asset till i. . . i i.:.i-i ..i i ...il- i. . i f jrni. tip -v jm " ja m uei comencu ins eiauKct aim line, neciaspec m , tin! His chance of his hands, and looking up into ' ..jta llr.iSJ.yjj J ?iTT0 ll Hi the thought the blue sky, Ins face beaming ?iffl!irgMJjfrl in the temple with jov, he exclaimed : Alv-'i ii-.,JT!S while he wor- "Perhaps the Son of the Blessed I ffl you try ut cash it in. ' Then- i?s soiiH't Inuu ahtuit Kcniictly's I.aatit' t'lmyli Syiup that makt n it dif- j Irirnt trtnti tUlifis. as it canst's a t'lvr ImU iroiu If at'Oon of llir liowcls ihrouirli I I lit1 It l he cold is t'oit'ril mil nf llir sys- t tun. At tlit'saiiif tuur il hrals nriia lion and allays inllaininat ion uf llic i thitat and hums It is plrasaul ti.lakc; ! ( hitdicn like it. ontaiu.s tu opiates nor narcotics. I Sold hy V. M. (ohrn. Wrldon. N. C. ; A man can repent of most any thing if it hurls him hard enough. Thousands of men and women in all walks of life are suil'mmr from kidney ami hla.l.ler liouhles. Iion'l neirlect v.mr kulnevs. Iielavs are daiiu'eroiis. IVWilt's Kidney ami llladder fills af ford ipiick relief for all kinds of kidney and hla.l.ler trouble. A week's treat ment 'J.'ic. Sold l.y W. M. Cohen. Weldon. N. C. A woman likes to have her hus band get w et feet so she can have something to worry about. CASTOIIXA. Bern tie 1118 K""' Hav9 lwa,s BoUfjlTl Weak women Tj v 1; ati'i ;i I f-tf w.ini- '!. t r-1 lit Ifiit on! WUV Hi V ! . I'.i:! u it i ! t..tt v. n y , i tr.'iitNK";t., jnnt ! I'MMtiiii 'd. i 'ti1' i- n it -ai, i.tn' is cmi' ,t n lini.ui. '...'h nn :t.ii.(.rt;ttii. L-M-littui. It .-h'.u. - l:. '!, n. !:..-. ( ..-( ,M vnnl. Tliciiin.i. r Jm -h.Mij. - V!:H ut. i-n . ip;nl nnjfiui- no ut i..;, i 1 1 1 1 ii i -1 1 1 1 1 I' n " 'i K , w 1 1 i f 1 1 r Maioi- v'-t. U'a! : if i. Wl,.,,;v lili H.l. Hi.ll tl'-.M-I J i -1 T . Mlf la loraltw I'fjili..- li,iuu;:!' . : i t liai i-niiro -t' in .i"o. th,. i-.-im jr ui ml u i U! IlSUf ;t!,l till hiiiu'l lllhlo ttt.-i. 'I'll'1 "N' X ! Nl'f". u il- !iiiF!f il;U'!i"i. 'I')" its H'--ell Whii. Mm -l-'i ) It -.Killifsisiu ..i!nl iiil':i';i t"l iniicniK -iiri.ti f-. Ii ui, Im.v.I wi'iikii' -vi n'.-l ill ' liarffi" wii f tli- li"-iiirnliVf. f;i--.'- ii.-rvnusl --ui, l'i - i t-f ii-a. .1 Mi'or ui, . 1 iinih Muii. it-'1 ir ul, 1 unit HUT" uli.ul r. i,.-v 'Ink- It si..,. i: . u-ii K. ri,'rul t.. .... Ui ll.'lll. l,r; u-. v r. vShoop's W. M. COHEN. l!o a-.;lite. lo .r. cl strength, nervous- pn.-.s. ui;; :.i.'k;. coi.r.tipalion. bad breath, i'-i-. li ueb.iiiy, ;our risings, and catarrh c' ta-i ovu::z .'.re nil cue lo indigestion. Kcfi .1 t-.' ",V5 ,i.d i;?"ion. T: .3 new discov i:l -crf;:-r:r.!s 1:V; ! aiuia! ji'.ices of di lio:; as t:',-;y exist i:i a healthy stomach. cjv.r.Aw-.i ',v;la the greatest known tonic' ..:,a iccoi.structive properties. Kodol for Gyspep.sia Goes not oniy relieve tndipeslion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy heips all stoitauh troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. 3. Hall, nf Raverisw'nci, W, Va.. says: " I was tr-ubied v. i',h sour stc mach for twenty years. 1 idr i cured r.!9 and we are now using It in milk f t.r Da 7." Kodo! Digests What You Eat. Eoil.es only. R-: "vi i;:diestion, sour stomaelk . etc. Prepared by E. C. OeWITT & CO.. CHICAGO. s.il.l l.y W. M. Chen. Wel.l,,,,, . ( '. (iFOk'tii; C. iiREliN, Attorney-AtLaw, (National Hunk I'.nililiniri I'raeliei's in all Slate ami l-'eileml oiii ts. ( 'ollecliiiii nl' elainis in I lull ,.ia ami a.i.i.'iiiinc eonniies. Is Money lo loan on appioieii seenrit. I Mtottiev I'm I i i -1 National I'.ank i. SWel.lon: SH This Morning? TAKE A Gentle Laxative And Appetiser tSBEB3!5I53S,11.5S W. W. KAY. km, 1 kr p t lit l't -i ol' ew'tythint'in my line. Tolitf atu ilium to all at KAY'S, tnv l l l. DAMII, I IOKM U-,4T-1.A', t W KI.I'HN. n c. I FEELING I 1 1 STt i.WJ.'JJJs-V- ! Family iii.iuiN. s c. I'raeiices in the courts of Halifax ami Noi lliaiiipl"ii and ui Ihe supreme and I e.h tal couiiv I olieclions luaile in all palls ..I Noilh aiolina. l'.ianch iillii'o al Halifax open every Monday. KILLtke COUCH and CURE the LUNCE Dr. King's WITH New Discovery FORCSia?!'8 ,S AND ALL THROAT UNt) LUNG TROUBLES. 1 GUARANTEED SATISFACTOKX 8 OK MONEY REFUNDED. rmm.tlr or FEE RETURNED. 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. UJr CHARGES AME THE LOWEST, tkml iikm!. 1, jihuto or Hki'tcMor exin'rt wian li uml tit-, tvrt on ptHiiiUl.iuty. INFRINGEMENT "ii' ronilucted U'fon- nil court fat int nlitiunvd tlir)iitrh U. AOVCR TISEO anil SOLD, I re. TRADE-MARKS, PEN ftlONS aiul COPYRIGHTS qub.kly otiUklaoiL Opposite U. 6. Patent Offloa, WASHINGTON, D. C. rail iiSN-hiii i