jjfrij tjsis Yfff Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms iii Subscript: , 1 VOL. XMI. Vi:iJ)ON. N. ('.. TIUIJSDAY. DKCK.M liKl! 1L HM7. NO. raw otm9jiwto r? MATRIMONIAL MANIA. ymr k ; ,(,:"'"" i.unMMiku -sea vB B ' , BV.Ir at V V BM Liar "Ml 1 VI E Uk The One To Marry is the Wiimnn You l ove, and No Other One. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, tuul which lias be.'ii in uso for over 30 years, lias boruo tliu ni;riiatnro of l has boon inmle under his er tJxAvjT'' so,,il'- W'pcrvisloii sinco ils iniiitiiy. XCUri. AllowiioimMotlei .-ivejoiiiii this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-jrood" are but Experiments that, trillo with and rndauu'er 1 ho health of Infants mid Children Experience, iiainH ICxperiineiit. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pare Korie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is I'leasant. It eoiitains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic substance. Itsu;:is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays l'everislmess. It cures Dinrrlin a mid Wind Colic. It relieves Twtliini Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho food, regulates the .Stomach and liowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMS CtTg COMMNV, T? MUNNAV ITRKT, NIW VOKtl C.TV. If lIV I'll.iM. I0IZ3E30E I ' . H ! I 'in - I.- 'J :im I ."i I Hllcl .".I Y o P. X. STAIN I '..( K. I NDKU I K 111!. Weldon, North Carolina. l ull Line of CASKIH S, COIT INS and KOHI-S Day. Night and Out -of-Town Calls I'romptly Attended to. 1I.G. KOWK, l UMiRAI. DIRHCTOR AM) l-.MHAl.MI-R. Seventeen years' Experience llenrse Service Anywhere. M iniij aim I " ' " ' "tin mil " . . . . IS : M : 01 : WBidOn 7 n. c. Orfanizd Oiler Tis Ivn of tiic SMte of N orth Carolina, A I '.I - I ""HI. !vl- State of North t'.ar.ilni.i Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $40,000. I 71 OK tins iu-Hiulioii iu- .:....i. I .uu.iug Cu'il-tii ti.r tin m- M turn. It-st,i.'l,li..l,lei-ami ! i.vt..i-have I n i . 1 . -1 1 1 1 1 1 . -. ! vv till tin- 1- I.usine it t . i t- ..I llalituv .ni-l orlliamiliii counties hu maiiv ycais. Money is I. .am . I u.:i apM..M'.l - ir:;v at the lend int.- ..1'ititrn-M six per eeatiun. iv..ttiits ..fall ate -"li.'iie.l W e have iust been shown a ma irimonial journal in which men ;ul tei'lise for wives the same us they would lor a horse. The way in which the majority of men marry, is nullum; short of a Inirlcsiine up on the "sacred institution. " They set about lookup for a wile as they would for a horse. They make an inventory of "her yood points, " ascertain the iuickness of her movements, the state of her diges tion, her capacity for economy, the yielding quality of her disposi tion; if she "suits" they propose partnership, and women are such fools, if we must say it, fools from the force ot circumstances and custom, as to say "yes," when with all the thunder of their souls they should say "no. "Such offers of marriages are insults to the wo men who receive them, a shame and disgrace to the men who make them, and rank dishonor to the Lord who created them. There is nothing in the moral, spiritual or physical universe that makes marriage respectable, hut love. Without it there can be no marriage, only a wretched, miser able form, that rapidly degenerates into a loathsome, demoralizing burden. The time to marry is when love demands it, and not simply because the kitchen needs a cook, the dining table a figure head in muslin or silk, or the cu cumber vines somebody to kill the bugs on them. The one to marry is the woman you love, and no other one. That, and that alone should decide. Riches may take wings and flee away; beauty may i fade: good health is a very excel lent and desirable thing in man or i woman, but the circumstances of an hour or a moment may ruin tite best of health. A man who marries from "married considera tions," usually gets what he de serves -its full equivalent in un happiness. A man who marries for beauty, learns, as no other mnn can, how hideous and loath some it may become. So, young men, take love for your guidance iu this matter, remembering that it demands the best and noblest in you- that it is sacred and holy, and divine, for it is of God. Badly Mixed Up. lia!iam r.mu !i. ill' W'iiiti'itnii. N. Y.. i..c i a t i y i nun kalile e (.t-nt-nce: he -as. ' liueiiiis ot liiclly niLxeil up h el me; tine -ai.l heart ii'Mase: Un ealle.l :t ki.hiey tin ill. le: the li.arth rail.-. I il lil.i.ul .ei-..l. ami the llltli -ti.ma.'h an.l liier :i.nllle; hut linn, nl Iht iii lit Ijn'.l uie; mi my wile ailvisftl lliue l.lti-tlie hlUel. whii'haie lestnr I T I me ln-petlel't health. (hie hiillle ilhl me in. Lrniiil than all the live ihie tuts presenile!!." iiiarantee.l tu cure hhiuil poison, weakness ami all stomach liver ami knhiey eniiiplainls hy any ilricMrisi. .'itv. WOULD FATE BE KIND? Would bate be kind, and give our childhood back, All the long years which we hav e left behind, And bid us walk again the self-same track Which we have billowed, ignorim and blind Should we be glad the same old ath to lind, With every sorrow, every loss and lack, And every burden for the heart and mind- W'ottld bate be kind and give our childhood back V Would Griefs wild storms, Disaster's Thunder-crack, Be recompensed by all fife's joys combined r Would we toil on beneath Gare's heavy pack, All the long years which we have left behind V fair fruits were bitter, underneath the rind; In bluest skies the tempest gathered black; Would we rejoice, should fate her skein rewind, And bid us walk again the self-same track ? Why change the dates in Time's grim almanac? Safe with the past let them remain enshrined; Nor crave the path in fife's cramped zodiac Which we have followed, ignorant and blind. We should not be more happy or resigned. Nur suffer less from scourge, and knout, and rack, Briers and thorns with nettles intertwined, If she should send us on the self-same track, Would fate be kind ? THE MODERiMJHURCH. "Well, wife, I've found a modern church, and worshipped there today, It made me long for the good old times before my hair was gray; The meeting house was liner built than they were years ago, And then I saw when 1 went in that it was built for show. THE VALLEY OF LIFE. SATIIKDAY NHiHT REVERIES. Richard Watson Beautifully On Life to Come: Oilden Writes I. if i- and the Morally a Woman Mas .Much Risrlit as a V,;' These Thiti.c- Just To arr Do I I'P'.llt i man i .d Mil . A in .1 Visit y pt.kvr ought hi the v'Hiiiori "1 his l.iinii' same lime the w lie is M.i sitting by a cheerless iir ing care of a number ot tool o would baling arouni bling i lliiuie'i a v omau herscli if, make a go societies. I nights, lens, ;!;:- thai h. U'v- .snty isc i v. ill the ,n;d 'I'Liid rr y. At the tying home e and t tk- children, When I was u child joyfully I rati, hand clasped in hand, now with my mother, now with my father, or with younger, blythe companions, now in sunlight, now in shadow and dread, through the strange new Valley of fife. Sometimes on the highroad, and as we went along, hand clasped in hand, sometimes the hand-clasp was broken, and I, a happy child, ran swiftly aside from the path to gather Mower or fruit : or get sight of a singing bird; or to lean down and pluck a pearly stone from under the lapping waves; t r climbed a tree and swayed shout ing, on its waving boughs- then returned to the clasp of loving hands, and so passed on and on down the opening Valley of fife. In the bright morning I walked wondering; wondering, 1 walked through the still twilight and mnnv- : colored sunset; watching the great posing we turn the table: ; stars gather, and lost in the mys- and his wile commences I lery of worlds beyond numbers the fool, for you can call it noth j and spnees beyond thought till, ing else, and w hat will happen? : side by side, we lay down to sleep Supposing the wife takes a notion lull .p.. :ii that she has only a half interest in. The man will visit the saloons, smoke cigars, play ihe wheel, drink poor whiskey, and occasion ally goes and plays with the girls that are noi of his own family, while his wife is home trying to save money for the family by patching, darning and going with out tilings for herself and the house. A man at the same time will "go out with the boys" and pend !s'2. Is it right Sup- around to play Br. Slioop's Cataxrli Cure W. M. COHEN. 5. T5T .. Laxative I wish you'd heard the singing, wife the music was so grand, The choir with them big organs, wife, was like a circus band, 'Old Time Religion' was the song, the chorus filled the air, We might have been a happy throng, if Jesus had been there. It made the tears come in mine eyes to see such silly pride, 1 wanted very much to rise and tell how Jesus died, I may be called old fogy, wife, hut this don't suit my mind. I like to hear the good old song the good old fashioned kind. The preacher was a handsome man, dressed up in latest style. His voice was gentle, soft and low with many a winning smile, And he was educated, too, with knowledge all galore. Of how the nations rose and fell on all the earth before. He talked to us of Greece and Rome and of their ancient Kings, Told of their rich voluptuous homes and many other things, He talked to us of Spartan blood, and of their battle's fray, How I. eonidas lived and died, a hero in his day. It was a flowery sermon, wite one of his very best, That made a wave of sorrow across my troubled breast. And oh, I was so lonesome there in that grand church today. I felt that I was left alone when I knelt down to pray. They may have been in earnest, wife, but then I cannot say, With everything so neat and fine, and every one so gay, But not a tear drop touched a cheek or from their eyelids fell, for men and women sinking down into a demon's hell. If thai is true religion, wife, I'm a lost and ruined man, And may not reach the pearly gates, but I'll do the best I can. And it may be that God will have a place where we can stay, far off in some secluded spot out of the angels' way. A REASONABLE INFERENCE. 1 i under the stars in the Valley of . fife and of Dreams. Then there came a time when , the hands that held me the loving I hands that guided my steps and , drew me gently on turned cold, and slipped from my grasp; I waited, but they came not back, . and slowly and alone I plodded on down the Valley of Life and of Death. Where went they? I asked my ; heart and the whispering waters and the sighing trees where went my loving and well-beloved guides; to have a little time of her own ? Let her go to the bowling ally, the billiard hall, the saloon. Go off to a convention or some other place with a lot of gay girls and have a good time, spend the money that ought to go toward paying ex penses, smoke cigars, drink seven different kinds of booze and come home with a bad taste in her mouth and in a generally stained condi tion, wouldn't it break every link that binds the home circle together? Morally, she has just as much right as a man to do these things. 1 did they climb (he hills and tarry; She has just as good a right to be a ' did they, tired, lie down to sleep fool as a man, but what would hap- Cough Syrup Relieve; Coid:. by work.n? them out d( ::! m ihr.ugh a copious and healthy a:t;;n c! tiv. bowls. R.:evcs c-.urhi ty clearsing tha muscus membranes of the throat, chest and fcri.n:hi&l tubes. "As pleasant to the taste s Maple Sugar" Children Like It, For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try (Milts Kidney and Blatldsr Fills - Sure and Safe SI,I l,v W M. ( nl,. VM,,n. N. ('. ULORtin C. (iRLLN. . Attorney-At-Law, : Nutiuifiil r.uiik I'.uil.linL'' I'rai-l - in all Miiti' iiinl l'Vih'r:: inn i i.Hiviii.n nl I'luims in llul n alnl U'liininiiL! running jj Mimi'V In luaii mi a,in.vi-il si-cutin U AUnni..' .,r hist Nat al I'.ank til, Swi.l.lm,: A little girl's papa had been very , " nu.nih.vr: vn K-i i:i.-ii'i i: V. I;. ijANiri., hi H w.i I wis. tJiClSBl.NallhBfW 1 V ' ) i x-Mll.l: w v A buy's first ambition is to play the snare drum in the village band. A DaiiRcrous Deadlock tilUl -..!lclM!U- IcllllillMl "S hitul. v tlit' stuiipiiL'f ! liver ii ii 1 I'ltut'l I'lini'timis. To iuii'kly cti'l this niiitlitiun witliuut ilisuL'ivralili- si'tisiiUutis, tr. kind's New K: it- I'll!-- MiouM uhwiys v ymir iviiinly iu:iwintrr.! al'iluti'ly s;ili-t'artory in i'wi v cusf ni muiii'v kirk, at any ilrmj stun-. J r. SUA BOA ill) AIR LINE RAIL AY THE Exposition Line TV Mru-frklk 1 U i 1VI IVIH Jamestown Exposition Norfolk, Va Sonic men give; some men am putate themselves from their mon ey. That mi' American mn-sts alxiund In plants wliiiili niM,iS!i tliti most valuable nii-diriniii virlui'S is abundantly uttrsti-d liv si'iirt' nf tin- must eminent nii'dliatl wriliTs ami li'iu-lnTs V.wu tlio untii- , tnl'i'd Indian liad dispoviTi'd tin' llsi'tnl- 1 in 'v nf iiiaiiy ii.iiiM ilanl ln-furi' ttn .'i.UiMit. id tln'Wl.-l.' ra.-i'. 't'lii.v infnrtna- , tu. ii, iinpai'iil Iri. ly tn l!.i' whitra. W tin laltrr tnri. nl nun lni,.-'..v';:liiin until tn-day vi' hai- u n. li a-nrtnirnt u( most 1 valualilo Ainrrirun imilu-iual routa. -o a Ir. Plorre N'1Ict..ii that ourJVniiTtrin for etv lHid In iuit vi.ltii.lil.' uii'illi Liitl rnutj . (nl ttii t'uTH iiitint ulHiiiiiiiii' ind tats) dli' i eas, tr wtH4 proiM-rlv Invustttfat.) tbt-nit 1 ami tu)wtlTYTHtji ot this ronvlctlon. ho 1 IKilnWwltU lirktMk almint mri..,,in 1 rill..s , (Ti...l I'Y ln Ill"n O'1" 1-i.vit)." whlrh lia-, nroriMi Itsi-H In ta- the . .-I . ffl. -t -I' '. '"-''r Imlk-.ir- m.ir. In .irt tiinii: mid riYulatur. ami hli.i ll.IT kllPWIl tl' llll'ltiCl m II'IU'I'. HJslKp- blik or lniii4.vtltm. torpid liver. Tunrtlunal away quiet. th U ltl'i ail.i.li, ,1 Witidi llarl aU.' -ilnii I lnii.'i t tin' naini-. and ai il mi sul'01iit.. t.rt lh.Viti t', irnnd tin nli . ul.l I y W. M. t ,,ln. W, .,l,,ii. N. f. Here's I'moii Advice. V'iii)l-.ir. inn. i, I'll,,. l,,wi L ,,,, f I.'- HiiVM'ill.'. N. V.. savh- ii,,..i.l...i ,. ;,i, ,,;i ... .... : III Wltll appenmeitis antl liau i;nn ; !'iy tuickii.ti s niii'a SaKr. h fun-il for many days in the darkened I i';;;;.!'::;'1;, " 1 ! 1 mi i i'iv suit', niiiinl. limn in alua- room after the doctors had come! . ai am ,ini- v,,lv i and removed his appendix. The ' i:..).. Ko.i k , .,,i,i , h. v.-rv i . ianctihcaiion Jcs not mean cx- ' , ' : , ' ! elusiveness , quiet and very roiki, w mi me I promise that she should go in to j see her papa at the earliest possi : ble niomeni. At last she was pcr- mitted a brief interview. She I stood perfectly still gazitm at her father with loving eyes, but when I ihe nurse came to take her I she held back a moment. ; "Haven't I been very ; papa ! "Yes, I ent. ! "And haven't I been very ! good?" ! Her father admitted it. ' "Then won't you do me a favor, I papa?" j "Certainly. What is it, child-" "Let me see the baby." , oi'iCK i:v i:s and yriCK wit. whispered the fond par- Hampton Roads, April 26 to November 30, 1907 Special Rates from Weldon: Coach recursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Seuson tickets, $.V8S. K(.r ratiw from ntliff pmnts, api'lv In your n.'ari'st HvWiO.U.M' uc-itt. or r. in.. ffiitativen natni'il hclim. ' Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J. K. POTEAT. C. H. O ATT IS, Ticket Ajraat, Weldon, N. I". Trav. I'H8. Aneot, Kaleigh, N.U i-1, hlU, Ur IIIUIKI'.III.. turpiu ll,l. lu, ,,,n,B, H fvn valvular anil other affections uf the ht-art yli'ltl to Its curative action. Tb reason uhv It cun theso and many otbtT atTcctlons. Is cltiarly shown In a Utile book uf extract tmm thu standard medical woi ka whlcb l mailed rre to any address by Ur. B. V. I'lerce. uf HufTalo, N. Y., to ail aendlnc rcuueal fur the same. - O O Not less rnorvetom. In tho unparalleled curet It Is constantly multiiiir of vfoman'a many peculiar alt'ectlons, weaknesses and tllstrt'SMiig dentncyjiients. Is lr. Flercc'a KaviirlteNJ'rescrliijMnKas Is amply attested by thousaiWs caSJttHJcJfrtestltnonlalj con ttlhuted bjVaTedil panni vfhii h are been riin it by 11 "1 f a'irrt"'1 "1'lv'ciVrtjJia. liahifitt iTTIik lrr,.Url;leliiyllls alio ullliT !7TT1Tirr7.mi.itS- i-aliMT liv Wl'likliesa. Uli'i Tz after many iiiIht advertised medicines, ana physicians had failed. o -c o Roth the almrn tnrntlonril n-edlclnes r wholly made uf from the Blvcerlc valracUot natlvi-. nieillrlnal ixkiN. The pmefsses eni , Z veil in their maitiifaclnm were, urliilnal w ill Ur. fierce, and they are carried on by kUIIIi-iI ehomlfrts and phunnui'lsis with the alii .if apparatus anil appliances P''IJ d 'sl.ned and hullt (or this pun-is.;. Ilml ii eilli'ines are entirely free from alcohol and al other harmful. Iial.lt-fonuln. drus. A full list of llielr limredleuB la pruiMld IM acb botUa-wraiiDM. An Irishman was walkiifR down the street the other day, when he saw a very stout lady slip and fall to the pavement He stood in front of her and began to laugh, which made the lady very angry. "What I've seen of you, sir," she remarked, "I can tell that you're no gentleman." '(), that's all right," answered the Irishman. ''What I've seen of vou. can tell that you re no gentleman, neather, be-gorry." Any work is honest when hon estly performed. A ticklinc t'oiiL'li. from any cause, is liiickly Mii.inl In Im. liu,ii,'v cti,r ( inc. An, I II iv mi tliuruiiL'lilv harmless ami sale, that hi. sliiu,, ws mothers everywhere u, mr n without hesitation even lii wry vniiiiir lialnos. The whole s Hue uri-cti leaves an.l temler slems of a hini: hrahnii inoiintaiiiiuis shiuh. I'ui nisli the curative properties tu Uf. Slump's t'oiith I 'iiio. Il callus the couch ami heals the sine ami sensitive liron- eiuai iiieniiiianes. o upmiu. no niioi'iii. iiouiinir harsh ueil lo iiijiuc or suppicss. Minplv a resinous plant ex tinct. Unit helps to heal aeliinir hints. I he paillanls calls ns hclli which Ihe hiictin uses, " t he Sncrc.l llerli. " I .. man. I In ,-liu,,p s. ake no other ol,l l,v W l t oheli. W el. Ion. f and torgei me forever; leaving me to journey on without their care ; down the long Valley of Life? ! I could not know, for I heard no : answer except my own heart's beating. But other comrades came 1 - -one dearer than all and as time ' went on I felt the little hands of my own children clasping mine while, once more happy and elate, with them I traveled down the ! miraculous Valley of Life. Hut, as on I wander, hearing i their bright voices, and seeing : their joys upon the waytheir happy chasings here and there, their eager run to hold again our I hands how soon, I think, shall I feel the slipping away of the clasp ing fingers while I fall asleep by the wayside or climb the cloud-enveloped hills, and leave those I I love lo journey on down the lone ly Valley of Life ; And I say, surely the day and Miour hasten; grief will be theirs for a season; then will they, as did I with ibrave hearts journey on i the appointed way bin where I then shall my spirit rest- Will it sink unconscious into endless night? or shall I, in some new 1 dawn, and by some unimagined miracle not less than thai which i brought me here, wander, with ! those that led me once, and those ' I led, hand clasped in hand as of old, by the murmuring waters and under the singing trees of the ever wonderful, the never-ending Val ley of Life?- Putnam's Monthly. pen if she should ? It is easy en ough to guess. There would be divorces and other tilings too nu merous to mention. if vmi !ia oiu' I ii iiii.le w il 1 1 viur I, i.lnev There aie lots of people Unlay w ho tier vv 1: y they have pain aei 1 t he I . why tlli'N are tile. I ail. I laeknej III el .-"v an. I ainlMlii'ii. "1 mil ki.lie, v s IV I , ,HL'. 'I ileV llei '1 l- liel i'. Il III Hll -Ir fal.c Ih'U lit - khln. v ami :la... i i Hi. v ale tut vvea1. i ! 1 1 la in ii i a 1 1. . 1 1 . ! il ii'a.hlei. IwrkaKi. an. I weak ki.lu, v N.l.l i.v VI ( olien. W , .. m. i L a lai'nN. n. i'. av.?iuv.'L'aaii sOTrtaraaasjfpaanars FEELING L1VES4SH This Morning? r onie stieep sign tor cactus as , soon as they get in the green pastures. 1 ?c AJ7JZf4r' The religion that conlines itself to your own heart soon consumes itself. i : S-i.' i. A GeniJe Laxative And P. ,;?c!izer 'I'h. re is s, iniei Ii ii, j a' .. .nl I a a!ive t ..iieh syi in. thai it li'llt II ,111 i.l hel . a- i'.. ra hill lii'lllle act nl ihe I. nv which Ihe col, I I- Ii -.1 mil , leltl. Ai ihe same lime II hi tinii am! allays inllammain I hfiia! ami limes lii- pleas; I llit.il, 11 like 1:1111 III. I naiei.l'e Sol, I l,v . VI. 1 nli ell. VV Happiness iieVcT is hiund running alter pleasure. A touchy disposition often goes j with a tough heart. I U ;i I,.-, i s ' 's '' ' Is iilli.liell ..'ihe SVS- ai- inil.t- .11 nl the ml l.i lake; ', fit.it- f L a ma i I a - v' II a V I bv V i i i W. W. KAY, A little care lor others lot of prayer fur them. worth No man happens to stub his on the nugget of character. Grocer, CABTOIIIA. lr Kail Yi' H.iw tw W4. I of iSZT-. 1 A church !'I'.'H'!:M!Ol!. henevei vmi feel that your stomach has iMuie a htt le vvioni:, or when nu leel that it is noi in c;ooil oriiet as is ev iileiieeil hy mean lieailaches. uefvous ness. I ,u, Ineatli ami helchini;. lake siiiiiethini.' al limes, ami especially ailer volll meals uulil lehel' is allot.le.l, I'herc is tuitlonc' liellei ollereil the pull in' lo.hiy lin stiilnach Itollhles. ilvspep. sia. iinliiri stti.il. eh. , take Ko.lol I his .HHa. is a scientilic ifi.paiaiiuii nl uatuial ih ,.ir,. r ic .. s-, ,11 , c'eslantscunil I Hill, v ireialile aei.ls clterisasmalltecoiii-i.,,,,,,, contains the s:,. jlm.,,s ,,, i nii veiv heuhii, slouiaeli. ImiiIoI Is uuaiaiitei'il to tu ve rehel', II is pleasanl to lake; il Will make vol! leel line hy ill trestini; wlial vou e:il. -dI.I hy W'.'.M. t'ohen. Wel.hin, N C. Bsara the Signature When faith gets to dreaming there soon is something doing. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney TruuM. MaKcs Ynu Miserable. WI l.KOS, N. C, I ki Ihe .1 of oveiythinir m my t iiiiiui to all al KAY'S. a;?i-. panel.. H hen the M.iinaeh. Ileall or Kiilnev lierv es L'el weak, then these olliaiis 111- ivav s fail hoii t ilriiL' the stninai'h. nor sliniulate tlic Heart of Knlncys. That is simply a ma kes) 1 1 ft . lictu presenp liou known to iliutraisls everywhere as Ur. slump's Itesloratlvt'. The licstiilu livc IS prepaidi cpresly foi I hese weak insnle llirvi'S. huilil thtMii with Hi Shoop's 1,'esloriitive tahlets or li,lll.l an.l sec lion- ipnckly help will collie. I-' roe sample (est sent mi reiiuest hy Dr. hoop. lhieine. W is. Voui health is surely worth this simple te-t. Solil hy W. M. Cohen, Wclilon, N. ('. It is easy to get ways when you test the dollar sign. into crooked all things by The hypocrite always thinks that his smoothness will rectify his crookedness. There is some definite creed to every character, but not the same creed for all characters. A coniented workman earns his wages. A yawn from the pew may mean somnolency in the pulpit. Trial Catarrh treatments are hciiu; made. 1 mil lice, on reiiicst, hy ir. Slump, liucine, Wis. These tests are priivinir to (he people without a pen ny's cost Ihe irrcut value of this seien 1 1 tit prescription known to ilitic'cisls ev ery where us Dr. slump's ( atari li lvVm cilv. Sol. hy W. M. Cohen. Weldon. N. C. -t i ';:; iic-j,' -w.t irtul ' ar-ie Rooi, Iv There are no friendships with out faiih. OASTOniA. Baart tla f m m I3IS """H'1' People w ho are hunting perse cution seldom are worthy of its j polishing. 'I'hc liuest Collet, stihstitute ever made has recently lieen pro, luce, I by Hr. Shoop. of liacine. Wis. Voiiiloii'l have to hoil il '.'il or ;iil minutes. "Maile in a in in tit f" says the doctor. "Health Cof fee" is really the closest eoU'ee iniilaliou ever yet proiliieeil. Not n irritin of real eolfee in it either. I lealth eolfee imi tation is tiiailefiom pure toasted cereals or mains, w ith malt. nuts. etc. 1,'eallv it would loo an expert were he to uti knowinc'lv ilritik it for eolfee. Sol.l hv W.T. rurker. Wclilon. N. ('. 13 n ' f"-.M ' .iti.c v. ii -"r J a:,d biad'ji. r remedv. ) it i:' in,- fr't medi- i triarr.pii ,.1 the mii, i: DWiii.. milvM.K-.vT-L.WX, WIT HUN. Y c. I'laetiei-s in the conns of Halifax ami N'iilliaiii.tiui ami in the Supieine ami l eilelal emits Collections Ilia, I, in all pailsol Nuilh t in . il i tin . lilmieli olliei' al 1 1 nl i tu open eveiy Montlav. ii I 1 , le;:;i!h t-'...;-.l.urv. ai; I ' e-.-rr-' .-.ri-r years of I sV-vj Dr. kurr.-r. the emi- caey a: biad- vcnic:f.:i)y cuccclui ::i piv-ip.iy curing larr.c ;i:k. l;ijnt:y. Ihdiler, to.oaci'.i trou bies an 1 1 irih: s L'ixaae. v.'hut t.ie wor.t frr"i -:f 1'jcirit y ti"".-"''ie. Dr. r.il:n':r u Sw;:mp-Roil i:: not rec-on,.ni!,ni:"-!i.trt'V("'v,hin but if you have kid ru:y, liver vr biadJvi' troubir. it wiil be found )uA Lio. t 'trie !y u r.fjcd. been i-3:.ted 1:1 ;o many ways, in ho:pitil woi. nrnvaie pr.xtice. arinf; w-.i titlplt?;-, t,.o ;:ocr topur-ci;.u:-,' rciik-f a:iU t; .s proved z-j cuj.iessfui in cv 'ry ca;c that a cr?.-ial .irranrmrr.l has KILLTHcCOUCr ; ano CURE the LUNG.., g WITH Dr. King's New Discovery riiicK in., i. .1 io OLDS Trial Cottle Frer AND ALL THHOAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. FflR foucHS wt GUARANTEED SATISFACTOBY I OH MONEY REFUNDED. been mad? hv wi'i -h all readers of this paper ammmmam , wno nav2 not aira.-iy tried it, may have a ' sample bottle s?::! tree by mail, also a book TIlC poverty Of life is due 10 llie I telling mere about ..ar:;r-R.wt and how to thitlPS VP misx I 'in110''11 i( y u have kidney or bladder trouble. s iniaa. 1 When writing mntton reading this generous off"r in litis paper and send your addre-ss to Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Bin?- hamton, N. Y. The - regular lifly cent and Hrnni. .if swame-riom, dollar sir.es are soid by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember tho name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the adoress, Binghamton, N. Y on every bottle. Thottstuiils of inen 11ml vroinen in all walks of life are siilt'evinri' from kiilncy ainl lilnililer troubles. Don't iinn:leci your knlnevN. lelnvs are thtmrerous. PeWitt's Kiilnev ami Itlaililer 1'ills af fot'il quick relief for all kintls of kidney and bladder trouhle. A Keek's treal ment 'Joe. Sold by W. M. Colicu. W eldon. N. C. imm,,uv ..iihM.nsl. or FtE RCTURN ED. 10 TKARS'EXPERIiNCC. Our CHARUS AKE Lwwi.i. M ini tiiutji't, fiiiulo or Hkel.'li l. r iiM-rt wHich mill riv'. j.,.,rt ui piilpiiiiilnlitv. INFUINCKMCNT Kn.l iDiKluiK.-d btfiup till pmirt.H. J'lii.dlH (.Mittriwl Oircniirh lis, AOVEft. TI&EO and SOLD, I n-i: TRADCMARKft, PEN SIONS ami COPVfclCHTS - "Ituuiictl. Opposite U. a. Ptitiu O t-,o, m

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