) I 11 gSI ' Ji.'j53tA 4i 331 rati 'a? T-' Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. YKU). N. ('.. TIli nsDAY. 'K.MIJKK 1!. I!)7 Tlthis of S;i'iscripl VOI',. XI, II. ;. rr7 nr .r-,- -a, ' y- m 4 XlS ; Jp IPS -too, , - fnO". 15 M.niiini. a ,.KN-i A;"jfi.i!ilcPiv!aniiiiiiror,ls 5irail.iliii5ilK.'FlKl;iiia'iiiia tinSHti'Siimiarlisiiiiillliwisit Promok'sDi'ic'sliiiiijChrrrfiil nossandKesi.ConlaiJisnciilw Opiimi.Murphiar norMiucral. Not Narcotic. JtmprtfOhlDrSMWmm ftmifiitl Stett' jt..Snuia llprrrmmt -ItilDrtotwkSitda HtfmSffd Claalkd SiHjrtr Wwtuytrni tttiwr. A nprforl Remedy fiuTmviHll tloiuSourSlomarli.DlaiTtea Worms.roimilsions.l'ovcristi nessaiulLossoFSLEliP. facsimile Sijnaliirr of NEW YORK. iuaraiitccd undertfieFOH i 1 1 illn Exact Copy of Wrapper. 30EZ3EI0 lAV I'lHiM; J.'p. P. N. STAIN BACK, I'NDKIM'AK VAX. VVeldon, . . North Carolina. Full Lint- of CASkLTS, COFFINS and ROBF.S. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. 1 1.(1. WOWH. I'l'NLRAL DIRFCIOR AND LMKALMLR. Seventeen years' Kxperience. llearse Service Anywhere. n Ike : Bast . WKIJ) A I I.I s' SITU. -r.. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital Sii. $40,000, ( K I i tin iiiMUiilii.ii ha- pimi.l. ! lai.kiin: t'itrilitu-k l.n thi. n' J, rtiun. Its stoeklu.l.li-rs an. I .ineeioi- nave "ei 1111111..1 mm me business Miti'ii.t "I llulila an. I N . . 1 1 1 . u i . i ( t . : i ct 1 1 1 1 1 1 liu ninny yran. .Moiit-y i Ina I u...n a..n.v,. M.i-:ini at I In- li-jral lat.- nl' iiiti'ivt .lx pt-r fi-lltum Ai-i'.iiiiits nl' all an In-iti-.l I'KKiuKsr: Vli 1 l'1;i. W. f. lrMII . I'.r.ll U.I I WIS. (.laiksun.Niiiihjin(iiiii in N- iSEAIiOARI) AIR LINE RAILWAY Exposition Line thh: N "Hampton Roads, Jamestown Exposition April 26 to November 30, 1907. Special Kates from Weldon: Coach Excursion Tickets sold Tues days and Fridays, limited seven days, $2.15. Season tickets, $3.85. r'or rates from oilier points, apply to your nearest SKAIIOAKO ae'ent, or lepie-tentative- named below. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. J. K. POTEAT, C. II. GATTIS, Ticket Agont, Weldon, N. O. Vtv. I'ass. Afrent, IUIei(fli, N . U For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THf CINTAUR BOMMM, NEW VON CITY. N I'.H I i'lh'l Jl mid n 301 of : Weldon, X, N. C. - ltIM w n. sv o i 4 4 AW a- if 1V1 1V1I Norfolk, Va It is a I'cstivul for Parents und Children, u Day Which all the lamilies of The World May Keep. (!')ri ;;nuis is peculiarly the fesi v;il of parents ami clnl.lren, for it was a Child who n ive it to the world, and it is tin- birthd iy which all i he lamilies of the world may keep, liirth always firings joy; it is as the day-sprinc alter darkness, and even in the poorest home, where another mouth to feed means harder work for lather and mother, more care, more anxiety, more strain lo make both ends meet, the advent of a hahe awakens gladness. The mother, pale on her pillow, with her infant in the arc of her arm is transfigured in the light of rare happiness; the father; bent under the daily bur den, straightens up and feels the throb of a new dignity. The An gel of Life has crossed the thresh hold, and heaven has sent them the gift of another little child. Never was there a poorer home than that which received the Infant Christ. It was in fact not a home at all in any sense of permanence; rather, it was makeshift of the nomad, less comfortable than the camp of the caravan or the tent of the pilgrim. No room for these weary wayfarers in the inn, but shelter in the stable, and there, in her hour of anguish the Virgin brought forth her wonderful first born son, wrapped him in swad dling clothes and laid him in a manger. It was meet that he who in this world should have no place to lay his head, should thus first find hospitality in the stall of the dumb beasts and that, lowliest of the lowly, he should open his eyes on surroundings most humble and mean. He was always to be a Little Brother of the Poor. The Mother cradled him on her breast, and the wise men came, and the angels sent the shepherds. A star and a song were the mes senger heralds, the one flaming in the sky for the sages, the other thrilling it for the simple-hearted herdsmen who watch their Hocks by night. A star and a song, and a Child and a Mother! Thus came the first dear Christmas to the world. Our American way is to lavish money on our Christmas nierry making.to lavish it sometimes with out the requirement of individual adaptation. And if we have not mon ey enough to go round a large cir cle, we are compelled to leave out side some whom we might please without great expense, if only we exercised more thrift. A bit of holly, a Christinas card, a flow er, a letter, a message, a hand-clasp, all these cost little, but how much they may carry of heart warmth, to the friends on the edge ol'things, instead of in the midst. Run over the list of acquaintances, and you will discover that in your church, in your husband's office, in your favorite charity, somewhere you know a home-sick or a homeless person who ought to be brought in to the lovelight of your own Christ mas. These are the days when busi ness calls so many away from home, that it is by no means pos sible for every household to gather its sons and daughters in one beau tiful group when the holidays re turn. But every woman in whom motherhood is regnant may do some sweet thing for some other mother's boy or girl, for the sake of the Child who brought peace on earth and good will to men. She ; may widen her Christmas friend ships till the circles take in more than kith and kin, and as she does so, a blessing shall come to her own life. A Bold Step. To owrnimo thn woll-Knnmflml and n-asonulilft iitij.rtions of thn nmrn Intnl. llli'Mit to liu-1 is. 1 of s.-1-r.-t. nirilii-inal I'nm imiiiiiis, Dr. It. V. l'i. tit. of Buffalo. X. V., .suini- liiii.' atfo. dis-iui-il toinak.' a In. Id (l.'iiariuro (rum tho usual iMiirso imrsui-d liy liu- iiiuLtTHof put-up mi-ilii-ini-.i f.irilo tnftillc use, anil so bas published broad cast and oifTHy lo the uholo world, a full and compfuto list of all thu Ingrcdii'nts blitiTiiit! InSfhi'i-ouiposHloiiof hliwkii'lj i.-l.-bratul tpA IcKii'S. Thus he has taken Ills iiumcrrfU lAtrons und patients. Jnto Lis full jfCiilidWuti. Thus too he Has ro-niovecMilMinlH-lncs lrom atuotiK secret rostruXi.l doubtful merits, and made themMiriiudU'S of Anott-n t'oriipottioi. Hy this tmli! stf n I'r. t'lerce has shown tli.i: m K.nniil)H tT siji-lt i'mtI .-ncn .11 . by la nu ull.l.il,ly HUI.lert I n.-lll ID Nui unly din's i lit" wfinpor of erery bo.lle of Wr. I'lt'iH-i-'s (ndilfn Mv.llt nl hisiovt'ry, tho laiuuim uii'uiciiif rur weak stui ia n. im i liter or hlllituMicH and til t'utitrrltdl tllM-a-H vlitTCvrr ItN itfd. liae Ij rimed uihki Ii, in pUim t'mihuh. full and t'ttinpU't' I'vi of all thn Inirftlki-iiW cuniiHliitf it, hut ft small IxKik lian Imch cuitipiltd finii iiiiiiii-iuua - aiaiulanl njctiK al works, of ill the dini'ivut fci'liooN of practlt'L', contalnlnif very niitucp- ! ous fxtrat-ts. from tho wrUtntr of leading ! iirai-itiloiit'rH of nwdUliit', iMidtiolntr in ttx ttranutat innwilte tenia, each and every Inirn" 1 tlii'iit contalintl In Dr. I'lorcr's niedlclinH. i lnt'uf thrsc IlitUt tHMiks will t mulli'd frt-o j to any one sciidlnK athlrpssoii ii.ial curd or by li'iLor, to Dr. K, V. Plera-. Huffalo. N. V., I and niiuttliifcf the hariv. 1'ixmi this litili) j bonk 11 will bts harni'd that Dr. I'Uti'h'm mcd IrlncK font a In no alcohol, nnvoilcH, mineral ak'cnis or tit hor ixtlsnoiis or injurlousttKt'iits and that they am uiadi from native, medlcl ! rial root of irn-at value; a I hi that norm1 of , the mot valuable Inurement" contained In i lr. I'Utcp'h Kaorli 1'rt'scrlptloii for weak. I iwvous opr-wurkisl, "run-down." neruiuft - and delillllatcd women, were em ployed, Ion if . years auo, ly the hullans for tdimlar ailments affect I hit their stmawrt. In fact, one of thtt ! mot raluahle inedlelnal iilanls euterlntr Into i Uitt nimiKxitloii of Dr. l'leree's Favorite 1'w ; aemitlon was known to the Indiana as I ".Htiuaw-WmHl." Our know led tro of the ue 1 of nit a few of our niti vahiahle native, nie t dlclfial idanta wan trained from the Indiana , Am made up by tmi roved and exact pro i feiea, thn " r aTorlt) Vreterlptlon " N a most j eflli lent retniMly for reffulatliiff alt tlie wom ' inly function, corrprtlmr dlsplacpineni. ail ' prolaiwu. BiiteverHloti and re lor vent I on, overcomlnr painful iterlodM. toning up the ' nerrfw fend brliifflnff alioiit a perftn't Ntatof faaiU. bold by all doalvn lu cdiciuofr I 1 TZ. m. r-, fV ....... - '- -"I I is, , ' mm Qiristmas BY SAM W. ii An' dey tuck delight a-healin1 all de miz'ry dat day saw, Per dey lib'd ez near de Bible ez de best of us kin do. An' ef dey done sum sinful things dey done a mighty few ! IV. But of all de times dat pleas'd 'em Chris'mus wuz de best of all, An' dey plann'd ter celerbrate hit him 'way yander in de fall How ter honor Him whut born'd hit in dat BeMahem ob old An' fetch ter Him dere otferin's oh wu'ship an' ob gold. V. All de wite fokes in de manslum- all de niggers in de rows ; O' de cabins stretchin' outVard-- jest how uienny, goodness knows! , Not a one wuz dere Forgotten riot a pickaninny failed ! X"on Ole Marse had ax'd de blessin' an' do Chrismus tree onvailed ! ! VI. ! Dar wuz music in de air dar wuz dus' all down de line, Per each darky done his lebel bos' ter cut a mighty shine, ! An' all de day wuz Mardy draw an' all de nito er ball, Wid do riddle an' de banjo an' Ole Cavsar for ter "call!" Vli. I uster had er 'possum fatten 'd for Chrismus nite I An' yams ornuff'ter hem 'im in an' niek 'im tas'e jess right, An' Marster gimme er seegyar an one big sarchin' dram - Don't yer kno' dat 1 was happy! Co 'wav, nigger' Kress de Lam"! VII. Den freedom cum an' freedom's good in sum right handy ways I But Christmuses it fetches ain't like deni o' olden days! ! You chulluns kan't jess sense hit, but ter tne dey's al'wavs fail Ter hab de joy an' glory ob de ole times down in Hale !" MONEY TALKS. A liel,linur euimli, from any caiise. is iinii-kly Mtnpped by I r. Sliiiiip's t'onuli j jCiire. Anil it is ni lliiuuutlilv Inn tules.s ! Brown "I sav old man. could i "' ""'r-lllat 1,r sll""i'. ". uuMwrs ! you lend me fifty cents?" ! Jones "1 am a little deaf in that ear; go around to the other one.'' Brown (changing his mind) j "Could you lend me livedollars?" "Jones "Lend you what?" ; Brown "Five dollars." i Jones "Oh, you had better go back lo the fifty cent ear." I. It's when a fellow is crooked that. he is a,)t to go straight to the 1 bad. wmm fore dc "War, SMAI.I j II. chulhm, cum an lissen . while you' (irandpaw tells L de tale O' Christmus times whut used ter cum on de ole place down in Hale De county wharole Marsterown'd de Ian' fur ev you' see An' wuek'd three hun'red niggers 'foe de Yankees sol us free. Dar de big house stood invitin' all de woti' whut pass'd dat way. With it's doahs a standin' open iess ez much ez ter say: "l-'riend er stranger, hole is wel come ter cum in an' tarry here, And feel no debt upon him f'ei a Southern gen'man's cheer! 111. Marse and .Wistus wa prime people- I'ear'd de Lawd and kep' de law, everywhere tu cue it wilhuul hesitation even In very ynuiiir liulues. The wlmle niiine t'reen leaves ami lemler stems nl' a luiiL'-heulinir iiiniiiilaiiiinis mIii uIi, I'm -lush the eurative prnperties to ir. slump's Ciiiinh Cure. 1 1 eiihns tlieeum:h anil heals the sure ami sensitive liron eliiiil ini-niliniiu's. Nn npiiini. no eliln loliuiii. nolliini: harsh um-,1 to injmv or suppress .Simply a resinous plant e liuet, that helps to heal aelunir liniirs. The Spanianls rails tins hi-rh which the loetoi uses. "The Saereil llerh." He num. I lr. shoup's. Take no other. Solil ,v W. M. Cnhen, Welilon. X. t'. Some of us would be all right if the rest of us weren't all wrong. to WaWJ ' A DaiiKenuis Deadlock ilial -iiiiflniii.- l.-inii.iat.- lal.il. ) sl.ii.ac. l .i 'iii.-l I llW'l ail. I l.i.wrl hllli'lloll. i'ii.l tin- i-i.ii.l!ii..ii wiiliinii .hsacorral.lt- M-n-ai urn-, l'i '''u. I'm- si 1. 1 alwavs l. , i ua lanli1. i-vi-i v i-a-i si. .it. .'.. ai.-..lnirli stiiL-tun- in 1 ' ' ! He laughs last who is slow to iseeihejoke. Here's (iood Advice. o. s. w,.,,i,.w,. ,. ni. i.m km,, iiii-i.-liaiiu ..I 1.1- l!aMillr. . . say-: ' ' I i v. m ai 1' 1 ri 1 1 . .u' .1. 1 1 -, ; 1 1 1 ell.- an- !.ly ilii.-klm's Anna salv.- Il ,-,ii,'.l in.- ill IIh-iii I. . l: ..... 1 "'" .-ais ai;.t l uri-sri-i -.nr. u.minl. I. urn or am -i. mi at anv .Una sl..n- " Manv a girl accepts a fellow to L-,-1-11 col,- ,,lh,.r 1..1I,,,,- .,..ci.... lit-ll tin- li.inarli. tl.-ail in Kl.lllt-v nes vr. i .-ak. Him tb,-,. ,.i...atis al- jHavsiail. Dim't .ha!; il,,. st,.ii,ai-li. nor 5 i s. 5- a . . .. ., ..... in, in,.!. ... ixi.iiii v inai ' I- is simply a maki'sliil't. o.-t u pri-si-iip- ! Plgailiy. I inn kiuiu n lu .h uni;ils n hi'ie us ' Or. slump's l.'csii.nitn,.. I'lii- 1 ,'rsli ua- 1 A iv ymi IuiMiu: 1 1 . us1 .1.-v 1 1 1 , v. m i k uhu y s tii' is pi . -1 .'i i . I rv'i.-sv ( , , i I In -si- tti-ak I ll'i-i'i- an' lnls .a ir i.iitay v. Im w.iii iiisulr iii'ivi'v. ,,, iI'hiu mil, 1 1, , ,lrf li 1 liiy lun , paai a.-i,.-. tin-I ai'k stump's l;i-l.ii.ilii'- l.t'ili'tv Pijuiil I uliv lli. an- tin . I aiul lai-kiiu.- m , un aiul si-i-lu.w nui.'l.l- lu-lp mil ,.,,in,.. I uy aiul aiiiliiiii.ii. ,,ui ki.lu.-v ai.' I ii-i- sampli i.-i .,-ui ,.n ii'.ii,'-i ,v in-. '' ir I bey lu-.-.l n-lii'i v. itli. .in' .1. I:i . lw'.. Harm.-. W-s Yi.m liialili i I'ak.-I i.-w in '. k uluuv an.l nhi'l.l.i p.li siirrlv mull, llus -iinpli' 1 tlirv an- tin weak, iiitlannuati, u ul lb. -.,lil l. tt. M l i.hi-u. V,'l,l,,ii l Ma.l.lri. I.a.-ka,-l..-an.l v,-:,k Usim- .; -..I.I In- W . l !,. ii. W . I.i. ai. V l '. I II sometimes takes a sharp I tongue to gel a word in edgewise. li. li" .'f yi.il I, -I Ihut ...- -.t.UMacIl I lias l'i ai' a lil 1 1.- nl. .ii-.'. ..i whin ..u ! I. .-I that il i- li. .1 lu ...i.l ..ulri ' a is ! ,-u.,-iu-,-.l l.v in, an l-a.;:-l'v i-ii, .us. 1 new. tl l.ivatli ait.! l..l.-l,iu-. lake I si.iiii-lliiiiv at lini.'s .iiu.l rM.n-i.illv alli-i- vi mi' lu, .iN nut il . li.'l' i- aili,l, ,l. 'I'll, -re is nullum: I ..-l I ii liI.-ii-.I Ihr pul,. lie tii.lay l..r ti.iiia.-li UhuM.-. . I v s ., , sia. im litest nut. i'li-.. lake l,..l,,l. Tins is a si-ii'iitnii-pii-piiiati natural .Ii- ci-stanls ei.inliiue.l uitli ,'i:,'ial.l,' ai-'uls an. I it 1'i.ntaiiis ihr ;um- ini,-, i,inti,l in t-i-f' li.-altliy tiun.irli Ki.,1.,1 i i!iiar:iMtre.l t. un i- ii h.-l Ii i pl.-asani In take; it v ill niak,- i.u i.-.-l hn. .V ,1, c't-st liu: w lial -.mi i al s,,, ,v W . . I ,,i, u. ,1.1. N.I' Fnrtunes with cards are more easily told ihan made. Tin' li nt I i'i.H','1- Mil.M.liit lias n-ri-iitly lii-iii pn. .In.- i- .a ina. I Hi. SI p. nl lla.'ini-. is i, ii. Inn t lia. In hull it en ur .'In niinulrs. "la.li.i a minute" siv liu- .l,,i-i,n. - Ili-alili ('nl'. l'i',' " Is I'ra 1 1 ' tin- rli .si ,-i 1 1 1'r,' 1 1 ti 1 1 al lull ever yel piu.lu I N . a a u rain nl' i.-al entree III il i-llliri Health ei.ll.'e im. latiuu is iiiailr i'luui pni'i-l,,;isie,l ivreals nr L'l-iiins .Mill mall iniK ,-! I.'i.allv ,,V ,1 ',-,., a!.! !',.,, ! ai, ,-.,, ,; -- , j,. ! ;,, klniwnutlv .liink it l..r entlee. c.a.ii... v i- u.ii... v i .... r r i i. , us hi iiilii me ioi oiien mug before ihey are dead. ... . 1 1 ml catarrh treatiuenls are heinir mail, -il mil lr,-e. ,,i renuesl. hv I i . slioop, 1,'ariue. Wis. Tlu-se test's are provilic to the people wilhuul a pen- liy'seust the liu-al Milue ui llns seien - tilie preseiipliun knuwu lu , 1 rue irists erywhereas Mr. slump's I 'atari h Hem - e,iv. Sol, I l.v tt . M. Cohen. Wel.li.ii. N. C. The chauffeur, at least, should! blow his own horn. i Thnusaiiils ul uieii anil wunii'ii in all walks nl' tile are sull'eriiie iruni kulney anil t'luililcr tluuliles. iMn't neuleet ynur kniiieys. lielays are iliiiicrerous. beWilt 's Knliiev ami I'.laililer 1'ills al- loi-,l ipuek relief I'm all knuls of kulney an, I I. la. liter trouble. A week's treat- llleul I'.'ie. solil hy w . I. ( olien, Welilon, N. ( . Love is seldom so blind that it can't distinguish the dollar mark. OASTOniA. HOME fOR CHRISTMAS. What a Precious Connive il is lo I hose W hilst- Family Cir.lc- Can He- ..Made Co:nnoic I.IIM'J Oiks. ui-t ..... i .'',. ' ," ' ' I .. . cil.l... . . . ". . . j , . h--ire liu ( !i, on , , J i - ! I' " -1 . . if . . . . er half; d ilii .'ill I ...- i i .-v1 .ii 1 - -. A !;iiinliii I-.m. In-!.! i Iv.h-mI ih.ii . Illi'ilit l l,i. . ,i:..l I1: i.,v n r "V - i- . 'i-ct.ii;cy I e SMI-. d ii. .u 0.1 a , ! - ; she Inn led ,.! m: l!u. ii.n:-.j iSoing tin )'! .1 ;; J:.i:-, v,..:i!J make ih. 1 :,iv- c v, ,;lir.;,- UV' -- - live. He - : . . "iilessc.i an 1 1 1 i a::i ..!: ""j,' men," quici'.v answered h.- iitiuli- r-, ra, ."Oi' l or, v. 'iu Ii.iii 1; 1 v.' : : ; ! v . . ; . e aiii;,..' hciiic (i.r ( i;i Ntr.,,1 , "V, hat ,1 r privilege t.) Ii.: !ir, cl'.ir.H'c;) :;a;h- W -i.-,. er in the of! li'.aie ;nu! m-iki; mer- C"'. ... , -,7 ry togeiher !" v ' :., ' "Comini htiine for CIiriMnnis!" c -n-u W hat a precious cumin;.; it is to those whose family circle can he made complete by Me presence of all the loved ones. I u t let not any broken home circle Feel dial there is no Christmas cheer with out the dear ones who belong m us by kinship. If the home table has vacant chairs around it, iill them with those w ho will be made happy by the kindly words and en joyable feast of good things given them. And you fathers and moth ers whose children have not as yet gone out from the home walls, nniKe tne most anu nest or tne j child stage of your children's life, j Make Christmas not only a bright ! day for them, never to be forgot- j ten, but leach then the true way ! of happy living by showing them 1 how to make Christmas cheer lor the poor and lonely. Childhood days will soon b-e gone and there will be no little stockings hanging' hi- -,ir ,., in. Im ,i,. ,a,i l,... i I - ; no sweet childish voices waking j 'ou UP before daylight 011 Christ- i mas morning with their .Merrv i Christmas wishes. You may mil 1 think this is the happiest time of , fatherhood and motherhood davs, i hut it is. The children are under I I'lc s',e'lcr 1'lc home roof w hen d:irkl"-' Kathers. To them now j home is the dearest spot on earth, 111 11 1 , ;Kld hlll,ur ;llkl HH'tllcT are the IWo best people m the w hole world. i.-'.Vm'si ai!-! - .I..H I ..!-, ! ih,- namie ' -ui-titm,-. .,,-t il-wui '"' l'i''-- i. -ii. W .-I.l . A man cannot serve two tnas- ; icrs, and yet some men commit A woman is glad ii she doesn't look her age; a man it lie doesn't feel it. ' ' OJi.t3VOXt.XA.. - Bears tho kuillV.m Be:;!:! Butaatate n ! . " f LJLaXJTTZ- 1'he successful poet is one who is able to earn a living at some-, i (jn ,s , CABTOniA. Bnar, the '' 3 " """; B3U;M of (JZrf&-y. 1 here are many sick-of-being vmagers on the sea of iii.itrimoin . DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? I wn-7 TmuMc Makes iiu Miserabl, Alm-i:-.! (-,-(;. ':- ,iy vno r.ai-. in,- n-w- papa-.; is cur. I pip r; i. , '!. V .":V'"' ii! i.:-t : ..vai-a-i-.or-t, rri--. k ani-y, livr I 1 a.J cmaocr rcmeay. i: i.; prrat nroi ' :.;;r:::r:i ,-fihr l.ine- "V. Vi.:.;ciy. ais ' '.'- - r y-ir.' of .-:-.-u. r.jrvr.-n ty . r. Kt:r-.rr, tho cmi v :.: k. i::ey i::ij h'.ic-:--r rrcaaii;:, and is -I y. t::::-.r.:.- curing -.1.'. !cr. t:ric a.-ii trou-..-o, v. h; -h is the wor.-.t HN I ht li i )i K' f.vL I i I ' ' I' 1 i M. JiJV. " ' v..:.acri-..!'y : , l"::-'-' i'.-i'..l'i 1 bica aa4 i'-ri.-h f.r:: L -, l'.-.i-r,. .-: ':, Sw.:mp-Koot i.-. not rcc omi.e:: vii -rv.t; :hir, but If you have M- I j i-.cy, l.vi-r cr Li-ji. ; r trcub.o t! will tc lound ju;1 t'no n-ni-Myyc-.! ik4, I: h.i.; been lo.-.tcd in -o many v.'yr, la h.,:'.;;it;U w, i-,, in i.-rivale practice, ain-.rtf; tU- hcipleajtcoroor to pur- j chase relief and lu rrovelro eu.-cesdul in e.-.-ry care tkat a cpa.;! arrangement has ) been made b-v. n: h .-.il readers ef tins paper i wb have not ait.-a ly iri.-d it, rnay have a I sr. wle battle rt::t free by nail, also a book I tei,in more ;-.b...- C...-arT.l.-R...-?t and how to findc-.-.i ifyou havi. i-.idney cr b. adder trouble, ' Viien v.-ritin,' . -:-u n read, ac; this renerous offer in this pancr and ler in this pu:er and f ' nd your aaurres to aryVlTlC!?. Dr. Kitmer t Co., Binr Di; --!,:-1 ii' :'- " haratoii, N. Y. The '"dSI regular fifty cent raid Horn,., bn-imWitma, dollar size., arc noid by all ;cod driiKfiists. Don'l make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root Di. Kilmer's Swamp-Rool. and the address. Binohammn N. Y., on every bottle, tv f.-. -, r ' tvr r j If 'h, at. .1 Y. s:a c.-..; I. .1 !.;:.y I. ytr-e:- ia. I ::i 1 all !,t- z :i t: u: r:r. ST.-cet'.-aa' ai f.ae.'li-: rcire-ly .-s I .' c-Air :::i;, i rAr r.c;ihr;! jug .'. 11.- se. riiach. V. V" fivr.- :. '.'Cll Tot. Prepared by E. C. L- .". r 6. CO-, CHICAGO. -1.1 V1 I.I .-h. ,. . C. (iCORCif: C. iKFI-N, Attor:ieyAtLaw, ..a:i..h,,l i. r,ii;i,!.,...i a.-l all ; .-la ii . - in llali J 1,-l.i.s. I .. l l!ak "iS a ae. M..ii. y Mi. ini ,-M.. U'IM.I-HX i . I r. in::-,- h A(.L'.."l ri -j. ;.'"! 1 ,s ..nil.-;-, ' .v ' ;. 'Cri'lp-Z- -v. .. ii ' W. W. KAY, Wi t. IX N, N. ('. . i vih n-i m my I., all al KAY 's. WALTLR i: DAMUL. Ann:i.i;-.,i i , U l.l.l'UN. N. r. I'lai'in-. - iii il..- ills ul Halifax ami Nt.itluinipl,, ii an.l in the sup;i-mi. jnui l-.-.l. ial i-.-uiis 1 ',,11, in, us ma, In in nil pails . Nuilli riit.ihua. Illaneli ulliee at lla'-Si-. :: ,:; 1! ;.,!.: . KILLtheCOUC:: and cure the .uvq WITH r. New Discoiry FOR P000"3 -vl- Tun VOLOS Trial Bottle f7cc AND Al l THROAT AND lUNflTRODRLES. UUAKANTJSKO SATiSFilCICK un muiliil Klil' U.NJUE1. ' wiiimuuiUBM ! I 1 0 YEARS' tRPLr.ituiCE THC LOWEST. S. l I linijoiK": fM'H s.m-1 h an-1 h i, -,,,-t .n i. i.;i -.- INFRINCEMENT -:.'i i. i.- t..- rtuirtu l-Ht.-tii ..::i:iui.-I il-n.-ivh n. AOVMfJ TISVDkiiiI SOtn. C-'M.. T'JADI.Mrthns.. n m. tlONS atul COPYRICIiTA (jiui Uv ..Luiij.. ,l. Opposite U. 8. PutRtit Offlco, : Family km, ft Mill ri - i .j mm

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