- :;WJ.'fit)J''i-B8:"1--,',-i Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XI. II. VKIJ)ON, N. C. TIU'HSDAV, .JANiAUY 2, liMN. no. r 2 Hi ALrolUiL J PfcK t'KN r AVcg.-i.ibl? Prpparaion rnrAs similiiijiirFMxijmdi linrtiiicbwraafiBaiiilBiisi rrnmoicsDiecslionCkfrftil ia m'ss and Kesironialns ncithtr Dpiimi.Murphine norMiueraL 5H &ot narcotic. JtotxifoiiUkSKiLmam JU-Smmi AusrSnd HitmSrrtl Ciorti'tl Sugar Anerfeci Reiwdv forCoralli tlon , Sour SloniacliDlarrtoca Worrasfonvulsioiis.Fmrish nvssandL0SS0FSLP. 'a' Fie Simile Signature of NEW YORK. l"ocC Exact Copy of Wrapper, OE AY I'lHIVK J.", r-TTTTTTTKTi , m i aim i inM i win hwih iiwiii wmb m a mm m arw w nun P. N. STAINBAOK. .-:V.' " V N I ) KKTA K K 1 , Z r Weldon, . . North Carolina. f ull Line of CASKETS, COFF:INS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. II. G. ROWH FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 30E 3QE3E30 ; : Bask : WML DON, N. C. Oipizd UiJdi' Tiis L;m uf the Slate of North Carolina, ; .Mdl sl iTII. IVU. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. c a?.4 .L.3-?.4 Surplcs: $40,000. Tjl ( K I'i this institution liu pnividcl hankine facilitifs fur tlii m-r-rl M thin, lis sliii'kliiiMcis ami Miiwtuis iiair ni'eii nn noiini nun ini'j L Iiiihiih'ns intcrpsls iif llulilux mi'l vi-urs. Money is limnfl iiion uppiovcl ix per een'tum. Aocoiinl ol' all me I'kkxiiikst: vn K-i'Kf:siiihr: W. K- ,,MFl.. llr.ll W.I I iU (JicksuD,NnrlhiLHli'H (' N- ( ) 3 SEA ROAR!) AIR LINE RAILWAY Short To and Through the South Atlantic States and from New York to Florida. Also via Atlanta to th6 Southwest. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch For announcement of Improved Schedules. Cleveland Carter. C. H. GATTIS, Tioket Aajant, WekloB, S. C. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 30 II, HT I'lliiMls 1M 1111,1 .VI 9n 30E of : Nurlliunipton ceuntics tur many si-curity ut the li'trul mte of inteit'st solieitetl. W h Sill I II. Route Trmr. Agent, Kleiih, N. C. y TMI etMTAUN .... NC TttM SlTV. Weldon, HAVE YOU SEEN THE SUNRISE. The Sun is Only Just Rislnif in the East. Look Toward the Sunrise. At a recent talk given by F.llart j Hubbard at Noycrofi, Must Aurora, N. Y., he said anions other things: Cod has plenty of lime; we are bathed in un ocean of intelligence; , never a soul is lost; things change i but never the essence. This one thin jj moving toward perfection, ti being that reflects itself, is for the race; (iod is not caring for us in dividually, but for the w hole. God . keeps us here just as long as we reflect good cheer, health and hap-1 i piness. He who quits work is put back in the melting pot. You stay ' here just as long as you're useful. Conscious spirit-God is perfection. We reach these things not through fear, not through anxiety; no fear effects first the action of elimina tion, the skin refuses to get rid of poison. Fear paralyzes the ex tremities, fear is man's worst ene my, there is no devil but fear. ; Think well of everybody and you I are full of energy full of the Di- j vine. We never see the light if we're scared, if we're frightened. The path has been through the gloom of the ten thousand years back. The supreme achievement is that out of wrong, good may come. The sun is just rising in the Fast. Look toward the sun rise. AN ACCOMMODATING CLERK. She sailed into the telegraph of fice and rapped on the counter. . The clerk remembered that she j had been there about ten minutes ! before as he came forward to meet ; her. He wondered what she wanted this time. "Oh," she said, "let me have that telegram I wrote iust now; 1 1 forgot something very important. 1 I wanted to underscore 'perfectly lovely' in acknowledging the re ceipt of that bracelet. Will it cost anything extra?" "No, ma'am," said the clerk, as he handed her the message. The young lady drew two heavy lines beneath the words and said : "It's awfully good of you to let me do that. It will please Charley so much." "Don't mention it," said the clerk. "If you would like it, I will put a few drops of violet ex tract on the telegram at the same rates." "Oh, thank you, sir. You don't know how much I would appre ciate it. I'm going to send all my telegrams through this office, you are so obliging." And the smile she gave him 1 would have done any one good, j with the possible exception of1 Charley IT MADE A DIFFERENCE. "1 want to place a column ad. in your paper," he said to the editor, "calling attention to my special brand of 'Old Raven' whisky." "All right, sir," responded the editor, briskly. "I will be at your service in a moment." Then he went to the speaking tube and whispered to the foreman, "Cut ! out that editorial on the 'Curse of Drink.' " "The Blood to The Life." Science has never (tone beyond th above nlmple tAUmi nt of scripture. Hut It has illiiininauil thut staleuient and glvi'n It a nu'iiniiitf ever bruadcnlng with the Increasing breudtli ut knowlnlge. When the blood is "had "or Im puru It Is nut alone the ludy which sutlers through dlca.HO. Tlie brulu la also clouded, Sim mind and Judgement art ;eted,aniT1woiy an evil deed or Impura lboyhtJrHiokrecllif triced to the ImpOTttyol th iEnii Kournmpurebloodj run be mule, I?'ir" I'Y I'l" ""' Wf ii'i I'laWYlTIa' 1 hliMwl thereby curing, pimplea, Uloicnua, eruptions ana other cutaiuMUS affections, aa eciema, tether, or salt-rheum, hive and other manlfestatlonaot Impure blood. 9 9 In the cure ot scrofulous swellings, en larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old (ores, tlie"Oolden Medical Discovery "has performed the most marvelous cures. In cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers, It ta well to apply to the open snrea Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when I used as an application to the sores in con- Junction with the use of "Gulden Medical Discovery " as a blond cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the "All-Healing Salve" In stock, you can easily procure it by Inclosing fifty-four cents in postage sumps to Dr. It. V. Pierce, 0H3 Main St, Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you by return post. Most druggists keep it aa well as the "Golden Medical Discovery." You can't afford to accept any medicine of iirikrum'n nmpoMiim as a substitute (or "Golden Medical Discovery," which is medicine of kxowjj coupositiok, having a complete list of Ingredients In plain English on Ita bottle-wrapper, th name being attested as correct tinder oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate nd UiTlforaU stomach, liver and bowala, things jj-n ho -L .;. .!. i ! i I'he Court had passed its stern decree, ti ti tt.it and must part. In future each would o n different way: They'd come to their own hupiiv home, w ith linger in bruit. To share their treasures equally that day. The man thru said: 'The half is yours, hut you the whoh may take, Sniiie I rilling t hin nlone I'll keep, for old a'itiaihtaiir sake." They searched the old oak bureau, sadly turned its con tents o rr, I'mil t hi' v came upon the Uiiiil'h lucked in tin1 bottom drawer. A battered ami bent tin soldier, stood uanl o'er the treas . Hies there A dollie in blue, just one little shoe, a ringlet of golden hair A miniature, soiled and faded, of babv now jzone before A rattle, a ball, just playthings, in the liottom drawer. A mother's hand had placed them there, in silence thro the years. The tin soldier guarded them with care; And memory brings a vision dimly seen thro' bitter tears Of laughing eyes und sunny golden hair. Hut like the rose torn from its stem, that withers in a dav The reaper called the little one, arid baby passed away: The Court's decree is useless now, for tliey'll part never more; And undivided are the things locked in the bottom drawer DON'T MR YOUR RUFFLES ALL THE TIME. Oh! fussy folks who fret and fume And carp and sneer and criticize, Whose presence lnitvi an end to peace, Prom whom all pleasures quickly flies; Who never yet have found a place, . A person, function, thing or clime To suit your aggravating souls, Don't wear your rutlles all the time. You make your troubles for yourself. And rufllc others as you go; You want December when it's May, And sigh for roses in the snow; You hate to hear the children laugh. You think a frolic is a crime; For other people's sakes, I pray, Don't wear your rullles all the time. You tire of single life, perhaps, "No boarding round," you say, ''for me; I mean to wed and settle down And take some comfort, yes, siree!'' liut you're at odds with Hymen ere The marriage bells have ceased to chime. Just take abit of advice I Don't wear your ruffies all the time. Your train is never fast enough, You paper is not fit to read. Your tailor cuts your garments wrong. The drama, too, has gone to seed: The waiter does not know his place, The dinner is not worth a dime 'Tis thus you're always finding fault. Don't wear your ruffles all the iinie. For when you climb the starry stairs That lead above this earthly sphere, An angel at the door will say, "You cannot wear your ruflles here " So if you ever wish to see The mansions of the blest sublime. Ami mingle with the seraphs there. Don't wear your ruflles all the time. Minna Irving, in Leslie's Weekly. THE THROB OE A VIOLIN. Aye, Love, the throb of the vio- lin I hear to-night, tliat plaintive i throb of a violin, that, somehow, j finds an echo in the forgotten in . tions will strike the earth and set the quiverings that have so long, it on fire. Rivers of molten met- sung this love to you ! 'als will float down the mountains This world is so dreamily beau teous, with all its meltdies of for gotten memories. And that yearn ing voice of the violin over the wav, now it noous my soui, near, with all the longings that love has given me ! It seems that I am on some high cliff, with a wide-reach ing sea before me: a sea that widens away to the unspeakable isles of all that is lingering dreamy. And golden sunlight streams above me, and glows in a mellowness on the trees behind me. Oh, Love, dear Love, I am so glad that the world is filled with the fullness of the music of this love! For, 1 love you dear, so much! SPARKLINU WAVELETS. Young girls arc indeed such ra diant and sparkling wavelets in the current of humanity, and in the brilliant rinplings of their joyous tides of feelings old people are made young again, the burdens ot years grow lighter, the skies catch rays of richer brightness, and all cares and troubles and annoyances and gloomy thoughts and despond- ent feelings are blissfully buried in the ecstatic deeps of sweetest ob- livion. A MODERN PROPOSAL. j is hum ply a makeshift, (let a prescrip- r-. , ,,,, , , , , tion known tn druggists everywhere as DlCk My salary has )USt been I i,r. shoop's Restorative. The Hestora raised tO $5000 a year. Will yOU i,iv(' Prepared expressly for these weak j inside nerves, build them with Dr. marry titer Shoop's Restorative tablets or liquid- Mildred "Sure!" iandsechow quickly help will come. ; Free sample test sent on request bv Dr. The soul needs deep plowing to1 SSSoXh " urn under its weeds. i'i by w vt. Cohen, Weldon, s. c. bottom jtoaDot. wif. I'Ull that's all, were the things THE END OF THE EARTH. The ancient Persians believed in the renovation of the earth. A comet in the course of its revolu- and deluge the valleys. All men cunious yung mm wll0se aIten must pass throueh these streams, i Iions 1 have repelled coldly before The good will find them like baths of milk. The evil will find them like the torrents of lava, but they w ill be purefied thereby and finally ! join the good upon the new earth and sing praises to the eternal source of all. This belief was held also among the American Indians and the Hindoos. The Egyptians believed the earth would be de stroyed by fire and water. The Chaldeans said that when all the planets met in the sign of Capricorn the earth would be overwhelmed with a deluge of water, and when ever they met in Cancer it would be consumed by fire. Bears tU Bifaatura of .11 kind Vim Han Hiwars Bouitit MORE IMPORTANT. "Men are so queer. Tell ihem after the honeymoon that your love is growing cold and they nevtr glance up from the paper." "No, but tell them the soup is getting cold and they jump about I ten feet." When the Stomach, Heart or Kidnev nerves get weak, then these organs al ways fail. Dor.'t drug the stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That THE DEBUTANTE'S CATECHISM. To He Carefully Committed to Memory by the Society Bud. O. A. O. Who are you? A Society Debutante. VHint is a Society Debit- tauter' A. A girl of eighteen who is going through the important pro , cess of being brought out. ; Q. Who brings you out? 1 A. My mother. 0, For what purposeri A. For the purpose of what is technically termed "getting me i off." 1 Q. Fxplain the meaning of this j technical term "getting you off?" ' A. It means to convey me I bodily, with all my contingent ad I vantages, drawbacks, and expenses of maintenance, to the first eligible man who is willing to take an as- signment of the property. 0- What is an eligible man? A. A man begins to be eligible at XT 0,000 a year, and his eligi I bility increases upward in arith- metical progression, i Q. Of what age is the eligible ; man? A. He may be of any age from ! twenty to eighty. ! 0; Of what appearance is he? ! A. He may be of any appear ; ance from a Belvidere Apollo to ! an Orang-Outang. But he more often inclines toward the latter ap ! pearance. ! Q. Of what character is he? A. He may be of good charac- ter, or, as is more frequently the I case, of no character, i Q- Of what nationality is he? A. The eligible man may be of., I any nationality, or (which is more j i usual) a conglomeration of all the I j nationalities from Palestine west-1 ; ward. i . Q. What is a society wedding? i : A. A ceremony in the course i of which amid the most sacred j surroundings and the most solemn formulas, the greatest possible 1 amount of lies and perjury is com-1 pressed into the smallest possible I comnass of words. O. Where are these neriuries committed? A. At the altar of a smart church. Q. By whom are they commit ted? A. Both by the Bridegroom and the Bride, who in the name of God make all sorts of solemn promises that they have no inten tion whatever of carrying out. Q. Is there any sin in commit 1 ting perjury under such condi tions? A. There is no sin but rather a virtue in so doing, i 0- By what proofs can you support this? A. By the presence and ap proval of my dear father and moth er, and by the benediction of the ! Bishop, or other high ecclesiastical ; dignitary, who performs the cere- ! monv- 0- What is a detrimental? : A A good looking, but impe- ! marriage and shall i warmly afterward. encourage Q. What are children? A. The plague of married life, from which it is my most earnest and pious wish that I may be ex empted. Q. What is the maternal in stinct? A. A fashionable sentiment among our ancestors which went out with bonnets, chaperons and table centres. Q. What is a heart? A. An internal organ connect ed with the circulation of the blood. O What is love? A. A form of mental disease described by poets and writers of fiction but only prevalent in the i present day among the lower or ders. London irutn. A tickling 1'iiiiL'li, from any cause, is Telephone Girl (from the ex quickly stopped by Dr. Slump's Cough , change)-"Number, please?" l ure. And it is so tliorottirhlv harmless " ' 1 and sale, that Dr. Slioop tells mothers : Excited lady, (snappishly HOW everywhere to give it without hesitation j m ny d you ,hink 've Kf), you even In verv vitinnr Imnies. 1 he n in e. , 1 1 is , some green" leaves and tender stems a lungdiealing mountainous shrub, fur- nisli the curative properties to Dr. Slump's Cough Cure. It calms the cough j and heals the sore and sensitive broil- i ebial membranes. No opium, no elilo- ' rnfnrm, nothing harsh used to injure or , Suppress. Simply u resinous plant ex tract, that helps to Ileal aching lungs. The Spaniards calls this herb which tlie Doctor uses. "The Sacred Herb." De mand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Woldon. N. C. Your best self will be found only by self-sacrifice. OABTOIIIA. Bean the simp BoujM BUFFALO BILL TELLS NEW ROOSEVELT STORY. Owner of Hear Do,(s Wouldn't Lend Them to President, liven If He Were Booker T. Wash ington. "There is a little Theodore Koosevelt, " falo Dill" Cody at the in Denver, "that has lory about slid "I'.uf l'ress Club, never been printed. When the President wns out in the West hunting last time the expedition was hard up for bear dogs. The third or fourth day out the chiefguide, (jolt, went to the I'residentand said: "I know a man who has some good bear dogs, 1 will go over and see him and see if I can get them.' 'All right,' said the President, 'do it.' The man turned down the guide. "I will go over and see him my self,' said the President, and he did. 'Nothing doing,' said the owner of the dogs. 'Do you know who I am?' demanded the Presi of the dent. T am the 'resident United States.' " 'Well,' replied the dog owner. 'I don't care a damn if you are. ' I would not care a damn if you were Booker T. Washington. You could not have my dogs.' And the Presi dent, concluding that the dog owner knew his own business best, went back to the camp, and told the story with much glee." N. Y. World. (JOT THE WRONG DOOR. They were newly married, and ' on a honeymoon trip. They put up at a sky-scraper hotel. The . bridegroom felt indisposed, and 'he bride said she would slip out and do a little shopping. In due "! she returned and tripped blithely up to her room, and a lit- tie awed by the number of doors t"t looked alike. But she was sure of her own and tapped gently on ,ne panel. "I'm back, honey, let me in," s'le w hispered. No answer. ' "Honey, honey, let me in !" ' she called again, rapping louder. Still no answer. "Honey, honey, it's Alice. me in," she whispered. There was a silence and still no answer. After several seconds; then a man's voice, cold and full ,,f .!;..;. ,-.,,., iv.,, ,1,,, ,,!,,., side of the door: "Madame, tl is is not a beehive; it's a bathroom." PROPER PRECAUTIONS. "Have you succeeded in stem ming the financial tide?" "1 have." "What means did you adopt ?" "I held a meeting and passed a unanimous resolution not to pay out any more money until 1 got hold of some." I Tlie lini'st Cnll'tv substitute ever mailt' I has recently been pitnltiecil by Dr. j Slump, nl' itueine. Wis. Ytiiiilon't liue i to boil it I'll or :itl minutes. "Minle in a j minute" suys tlie doctor. "Health rnf- ! ' lee" is really the closest entice imitation 1 ever yet produced. Not a irtain nt" real i : colt'ei' in it either. I leitltli coll'ee inii- tatinn is made I'lnm pure toasted cereals j I or irimns, with malt, nuts, etc. Iicuiiy i it would i'ool an expert were lie lo un- knowinudv drink it lor coll'ee. Sold by'W.T. Parker, Weldon. N. f. i Some men are determined 10 stand their ground, even though they haven't any. Trial I'atanh treatments are being mailed out 1'rec, un request, by Dr. Slump, Kacine. Wis. These tests are provimr to the people without a pen ny's cost tlie creut value of this scieu tilic nresciiptioii known to diiu.'L'ists ev ervwheie as Dr. Slioop's Cutanli item ed'y. Sold bv W. M. t'ollen, Weldon. V ('. Hearts rank higher than dia monds in the game of bridge, but not in the game of love. WASN'T THE OIRL S i-AIjLT. l-'xcited lady (at the telephone) "1 want my husband, please, at once." of: impudent thing?" MUST HAVE DRAWN A BLANK Marks Say, old man, did 1 ev er teil you about the awful fright got on my wedding day?" Parks "S-sh! No man should speak like that about his wife." The only good things we keep are those we pass along. Bean the Bigoatan f sdlie Kind Yon Him mm Bot Ta!n In til" h .ii Kiln hhyu r.'. Iins 1M mn. Paul lmli;.t:,,ii in, h t.i' i .r Mr"- mil li'iiif f I. ilH.iliy Ai I, ,!-!.. i ( tr -!, p. n i.-l prov 11 ti- h;i , r,.;,:, .! u l.n. r:nk t;i!,l I '1 1 ,t tal-l-t r:!.-, J)i. rlncj.i ll.i,in,h-' inl,i,l CullO'S 1,1 l I.. IK-IT, "ilti. ,- 1', in :ttn :!l ,,'Im-I 'Ii,1 IJ.-lillv 't, I'!, ttiniiKtl tilt'b , 11 u ;i. n U' l,!u,,il cir ;i- lli'i,,ii, II yim limn a h, 11 it rt luiillftii p" II Vi-H IHI, -I- r-, I,r,,"iir,i. . kiiii" rill!'. !. U U""l mijvU t, h . ,(I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I '. i r- ' ' i liAl Ivrui - Mr " 1.i. I- '"!' 1, mi;i-i l:3ril,i,t,l 'sm i II rM r,"l. r. ., II . II i'.,i,. II lili'l II wlllT-1 iiil,U ii'iiiiij 1','i-oiiimuui It In ' In -r th" iililiilll.t linn.., y.i ini'li. ,,I , I K. .. ' r. un l .1,,, t.li,,n, 1,1 l 1,1, --nr.. ,, i Milum , li i !y r.,TM, il bi'l! lit - t ill. , iilnl lUv Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets W. M. COHEN. Sour Nj appetite, less ot slrcngih, nervous ns, iica:f itclic constipation, bad breath, "irr:tl debility, i.our risings, and catarrh of the rtomarh ars all due lo indigestion. Kodol reii-jvs n,d b's:!n:i. This new discov ery r'.pres-nta the naluial Juices of diges tion as they enst in a healthy stomach. ciirnl.n.P'l v;itfi tin greatest knn'.vn tonio and recoi'.stiustive properties. Kodol for i; spepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stortiach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Pall, cl RaveruAM, w, Va.. says: "I was tr-.uV.eJ vtlth sourslrmach for twer.ly years. K xiol cured me and we aio nuw using It In milk for baby ' Kodol Digests Wtut You Eat. Eg!i;13 only. Ri.i,.vrri Indiuenln, sour atcmach, bflk'hlri; r f.is, etc. Prepared by K. 0. DeWITr & CO., OHICAOO. SuliI l.v W. M. ( iiliin, , -1,11,11. N. ('. OEOROE C. (iREEN, Attorney-At-Law, iN'atiiMial I'.anl, IliiililinL') ii :ill .-lalf aii! rclrrn -clin:i ft 'l:ums in II;tli lillllLr CiiUlltK S, emit-. In i'un a ti' i u'lj'H Muiirv in I. nui nn itpfniivptl sccuiii; I'iM Niitintiul Hank Wtonit'V l'r aWHilt.n. V!:i.t)N. . c. B This r a i TAKE ,--:LV.:.V': i A Gentle Laxative : I F"Cr W. W. KAY, 'Mr km, wixnov, x. c. I keep Hie best nf everytliinir in' my line. Polite atlenlinii In all at KAY'S, my '-' ly WALTER E. DANIEL. ATTOKM-'K-AT-I.AVi', wianoN, n. c. Practices in the courts nf Halifax anil N o r 1 1 in i ii 1 1 1 . i ii uiiil in the Supreiue ami 1'edcrat courts ( 'nllectiotis made in all parts nf Nortli ( 'aiolina. lUaueli nlltco ut Halifax npcu ccry .Monday. and cure the lungs;! Dr. King's WITH ew Discover? FOR n2Hs , I UH OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND LI. THROftT AMD LUNG TRDURLFS. GUARANTEED SA'i'lSFACTOHY OR MONEY KEFUNDED. I i rmmpily t.lititm. .i, .r FEE HETURNED. tO YEARS' MPv-WltNCE, Our ChASCtS U'' THK LOWEST. S. ml nio.l.'l. rip., .-r .l..-t,'h ! "t fipfrt wurrh wttl fei.t rcpurt nu U(lU'ntil.illt v. INF III NOC MINT 'un oonUM. U bt'f.-iv tll OouM. I'rtt.-Dti tNf ilt',1 t'lrniifli us. ftD'.EW TIStOAnd BOLD, fr.-t-. Tr.AOK-MaiftKft. rt!, tlONft ant! COPVftiCHT ttun'kiv t.h'ai.k.:. Opposite U. 8. Piitcnt Office- washinqtun, v. 1 Let ' 1 H'sJ ' ti J U.1TT.1 .1 m 1 ! Family f. EaWMHi'iiWMiijTierCTjrjTy'isJi m

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