( V: - Mi Seta p niS 1 Advertising: Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$I.EO Per Ar.tum VOL. XLII. WT.LDON. X. ( TIU'WSDAY. .J AM AliV Ml. ISM). NO. .57 STOP km THINK. IS i:vib .M.COIIOt, 3 PK k I'lMlT Ac airldble Pre paraihrnforAs similaiifis 'Iw FoodamlHetjula liiiSilicSioiiiaflBimdUowlsof TOligffiTriiliiiSiWra stairs P.-nmolfsDii'slionOfctfiil- ncss ;ind Hesi.Conialns nciitw i OpiuiiOIutyhinc nortaeraL NotNakcotic. JSnyi iii'OiJ DiSKUWWER For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ll.MkUlt- i AwtSml I tjt'.77.'ICT - Wrn.W- I Quulitil Sthar ) Vimiyrm thivt: I AmerftTl Rcmedv furConsllpa- lloii,SourSlomafli,Ul.irrtori Worms .CoiivulsioHs.ifvi.'nsU ncssauJLossorSuiiiR Facsimile Signaturr of NEW YORK. 0 Guirnraecd undiTtliHtoM Exact Copy of Wrapper. m 1 LV P.I A Use VJ For Over Thirty Years THC OINTAUN 00MNf, NCW fOMK OtTT. u :ocr I a v I'uii.m: if.",, N (i.IlT t'nt'M J I tlinl ". P.N. STAIN BACK, I'NDKKTAK Ell, Weldon, . . North Carolina. fl Full Line of CASKETS, COF PINS and ROBES. Duy, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. II. G. ROWU, FUNr-RAL DIRKCTOR AND EMBALMFR. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. act: ioe of Weldon. N. C. Depositary for I'nited States (ioverninent Funds and for Estates In Bankruptcy. statement of condition Hit. ::. I'm?, as called lur ly V. S. I ii vi-i imicnl. Resources. Loans uml discounts. t ivcrd rafts, r. s. r.oinis. Stocks and securities. Cash. In Hunks. i:t,7 1 l.rtu In vault. s.ii:i.Ki Liabilities. siii,7l's.."i t'iiiilal, s;."i.(hiimi 'fil.N:; siti plus ttml I'toiits. -:.iio.."!i circulation. .".ihmm s,ti:-i.p.iis Deposits. In l.anks. . l(I.IMI.:i:i I'.s.t.m eminent "i0.inhi.ini :t'.;i'!.l! lu.inidual. KM. I im..S'.'i;.i: s-jlT -ihi.77 I s-;:!7,41!).;r All Follies Are Not Committed In I Print. ; A Colorado Woman ttasliUl'iicd to death the other day. She came in from the garden and saw her house on fire. "Oh," she cried, "the china !" And into the burning house she ran, and before any one could get to her she was dead all for the sake of a few dislie. D.m't he too quick to sav how f iolish this Colorado woman wa. Stop and think a minute isn't it possible that you're doing some thins; just as foolish this very min ute? What do you think of a man who sacrifices his health and his ! peace of mind and his good con- science just tor the sake of a few 1 not over clean dollars that he can't take with him when lie dies ''. What do you think of a woman who is so crazy to get into society that she neglects her children, snubs her husband and forgets all her old friends just for the sake of a smile from some rich nobody who wouldn't cross the street to help her if she lay dying? ! What do you think of a girl who i will let her mother stay alone day after day doing the work of the ! household while she trapes the streets with a lot of little feather head gigglers who wouldn't stop j giggling for five minutes if they ; found her lying dead in the road? What do you think of a young man who will break his mother's heart and turn his father's hair . white just to have sonic scheming i cynic clap him on the back and call him a good fellow? What do you think of a full grown man who will desert a good woman and pour his heart out to a rag and a bone and a hank of hair who's only making a tool of him for her own amusement ? 1 saw a woman spoil a $20 dress the other day fighting to get toa 10 cent bargain counter. I've seen a man give $10 worth of worry to a lost $2 bill. 1 know a woman whose new shoes pinch her toe so that she can't take a step without making a face. Why doesn't she throw the shoes away? Why, she just paid $4 for them so she'll suiter $50 worth of misery and think she's being economical. All the follies are not committed in print, are they? Onrine the existiuir linaucial striiuieliey and scarcity ol' money. te have remain ed on the cash pavinir husis. payinir out currency on all ehcekinu' accounts with out limit. We have im litililiiiW KIi money, eiilu r hy way of hills payahle nr re-discounts: and at M TIM Y. have we licen without our leiral reserve. We solicit the continued ialrouai:e of the puhhc wlioin it is our pleasure to serve: and we divide our eainiiurs with our depositors in the s VIM is Hld'A ItT M KNT. Wm. H. S. BUROWYN, President. IIIUl'.CTOIiS K !'. Patterson, Vice-President I). Itansom. W. A. Pierce. .1. I.. Patterson. T. M. .Anderson, .1. T. (looch, Win. II. s. Iturirwyn. JAMES T. UOOCH, Cashier. : W. S. Parker. T. I.. Puny. Hen. Hons,', Ceortre C. (treen. ll. It. SEABOARD WELL UP IN OEOO RAPHY. "Where was Christ born ?" asked the lewcher of Willie. Willie pondered awhile and finally an nounced: "Mauch Chunk !" "Mauch Chunk!" exclaimed the teacher. "You ought 10 know better than that. Why, little Geor gie knows where Christ was born. Where was Christ born, Georgie?" And the shrill treble of the four-year-old answered: "Bethlehem!" "That's right," said the teacher. "Well," said Willie, pouting, "I knew it was somewhere on the Lehigh Valley railway !" AIR LINE RAILWAY lit Bouts To and Through the South Atlantic States and from New York to Florida Also via Atlanta to the Southwest. .. j Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway! Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. Cleveland Carter, C. H. GATTIS, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Ti. VtM. Ageot, Raleigh, N. C MY ONE REGRET. Life is too short, dear love, tor unkind feeling, Too short for harsh reproach, or hitter lone, If I have wronged you, dear, here let me kneeling, Seek pardon for a fault I had not known. If at your side in penitence appealing I should but speak in gentle words alone, 'Twould pass the bounds of reasons wise concealing. Save that my love for you each day so strong has grown. And now by all our past of untold gladness. By every fond caress and tender word. Forgive, forget, thai one brief hour of madness, And take nie to your heart, as some poor, tired bird. Then you may know the highest joy of living, The God'like peace, the sweetness of forgiving. OH, ASK WL NOT. ' 0 (I'.y the late .lohn Charles McNeill Love should I set my heart upon a crown, Squander my years and gain ii, What recompense of pleasure could I own For youth's red drops that stain it? Much have I thought on what our life may mean, And what iis best endeavor; Seeing we may not come again to glean, But, losing, lose forever. Seeing how zealots, making choice of pain, From home and country parted, Have thought it life to leave their fellows slain, Their women broken-hearted. How teasing truth a thousand faces claims, , As in a broken mirror, And what a father died for in the flames His own son scorns as error. How even they whose hearts were sweet with song Must quaff oblivion potion, And soon or late their sails be lost along The all-surrounding ocean. THE MASTER'S TOUCH. THE LIFE OF A DRUNKARD. The Master's Touch Revealed the ; Rare Value and Brought Out the Hidden Harmonics. He Often Stagers Home And Is Stretched Out In Beastly Intoxication. Constipation One morning a number of years ago in London a group of people had gathered in a small auction shop for an advertised sale of line old antiques and curios, The auc tioneer brought out an old, black ened dirty-looking violin. Ik said : "Ladies and gentlemen, here is a remarkable old instru ment lhave the great privilege of offering you. It is a genuine Cre mona, made by the Antonius Stradivarius himself. It is very rare, and worth its weight in gold. What am I bid?" The people present looked at it critically. And some doubted the accuracy of the auctioneer's statements. They saw ihat it did not have the Stradi varius name cut in it. And he ex plained that some of the earliest ones made did not have the name. And that some that had the name cut in it were not genuine. But he could assure them that this was genuine. Still the buyers doubted and criticised, as buyers have al- ways done. Five guineas in gold were bid, but no more. The auc I tionecr perspired and pleaded. "It was ridiculous to think of selling such a rare violin for such a small sum," he said. But the bidding j seemed hopelessly stuck there. Meanwhile a man had entered ! the shop from the street. He was j very tall and very slender, with I very black hair, middle-aged, weari ; ing a velvet coat. He walked up '. to the counter with a peculiar side- Mll. nun mi n'i I'liil. II'IL. I" ty Kin. llnik ( .lll'iV I r -li iiin-t , Home and Farm lias been asked for pieces in prose suitable for re citation at school, at home or on some social occasion. It oilers from Bronson's F.locution the fol lowing p .issages. entitled "The Life of a 1 h titikard If you would mark the misery, which drunkenness infuses into the cup of domestic happiness, go w ith me to one of those nurseries of crime, a common tippling shop, and there behold, collected till mid night, the fathers, the husbands, the sons and the brothers of the neighborhood. Bear witness to the stench and the filthiness around them. Hearken to the oaths, the obscenity and the ferocity of their ', conversation. Observe their idiot laugh; record the vulgar jest, with i which they are delighted, and tell : me, what potent sorcery has so transformed these men, that, for this loathsome den, they should i forego all the delights of an inno ! cent and lovely fireside. But let us follow some of them home, from the scenes of their de bauch. There is a young man, whose accent, and gait, and dress, i Bou;" 0 bespeak the communion, which he once has held, with something bet ter than all this. He is an only son. On him, the hopes of par ents, and of sisters have cen tered. Every nerve of that family has been strained, to give to that intellect, of which ihey all were I Jit'!.'.'-, mill Rome I.rinlf lur ( ,.n-! n.iti. V, nil iiIImt-, nl I 1 mil h.iv . miiii,-.11. i t. lil.-llv Iiii- li vifliH.! ivni'-'ly (o "'' 1. I' 1 . u,.r;, if J. t;y.,; r:;, r.J ulnP'V ;,y In lii iillll. Ami tliia II ' uilh r.nml Hi i'.pii -;iiiiii,,ii. i :i ii rtaiti in,' in ' .i lili'iiini Pun. "I'li' i;, it mini i ::i'. li.-nl niil tiiihii "'I with l.i'.vi.lnm sVitnii, Slil i.l) I JiMiiu! nl I'niji.'. -!,', tliia I; ! iruwi IN Kiviili-t insiil.l -I .li-I I ,.;, i, ltl. a tm!li-nmt lli.'l l.;i-''K U nuu- mii'l,' in l!i il'.ri.-.. Ikiiii il.i- iiiui'Iiiiiiih iiml -iiirln.il. ll, !! it uti nui.ti. .Sour Sl.ihiiii-li. in, I Jlrmlli i,ll. fir., i illllrl l ,riIH-l Ulld ;.!, isiim! lift T i Jl. i ts 4. I ,- llll lll 1,1 I, .1 lit ivnt, mi'l ; urn i-I. -niilllnl 1-..-III i tl.ii'l' ti. v. nl(', efiitinnil'';U ulld I', ii l .,s i.l axeis W. M. COHEN. No appstits, loss ot strength, nervous-ro.-is, ilea .c.'ie, constipation, bad breath, general debility, .'-our risings, ar.d catarrh oi i.ic ctornadi are all due to indigestion. Kodal relinvf.s i:-.d:geclioii. Tl'-'.s new discov ciy rtpresr.tits the r,atural Juices ot diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, coi.i'.jincd vitn trie greatest known tonio mid reconstructive properties. Kodol tor dyspepsia does not oniy relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mu:ous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W. Va., says: " i was troubled with sour stomach tor twenty years. Kodol cured me and wo are now uslne it in tnilk iorcaoy." Kodol Discsts What You Eat Reli-vcs indlRc&tlon, sour stomach, blicl.lri; ot ras, etc. Prepared by E. 0. DcWITT & CO., CHICAGO. Sold hy W. M. ( nl , Weldon, N. (..'. GEORGE C. GREEN, Attorney-At-Law, i National llauk lltiildinc'l Oh, ask me not the haven of our ships, Nor what flag floats above you! I hold you close, I kiss your sweet, sweet lips, And love you, love you, love you ! - From "Songs, Merry and Sad." THE HABIT OF HAPPINESS. I DVKim THE MONEYMOuY I i The Story of a Medicine. Its namo "Golden Medical lliscoverr was suucsted by one, uf Its most tinjKirt ant uml valuablo inirriHlients Golden belli root. Nearly forty years atro, Itr. Pierce dls covered thill he could, by the use of pure, trlple-rclini'ii Blycerine, aided by a cer tain degree of constantly nialiittilnini heat and with the mil of apparatus und appliances desitrmtl forthat purisise. ex tract from our inoHt valuable native me dicinal roots their curative properties much lieiter than hy the use, of alcohol, so generally employed. So the now world famed "Golden Medical Discovery." fur the cure of weak utomaeh, Indluestlon. or dyspepsia, torpid liver, or biliousness and kindred duraiiKementa was tirst arade. aa it ever sinee has bVn. without a particle of alcohol ill Its rnakVup. A glancetitVjii.l list of Its Ingredi ents, printed fni'vehv bottle-wrapper, will show that It is iue fr n the most valuable medicinal nwjAfound trowing In our American forcstSJ All these In- So'lr'sSinent. Irnm tl'ie l"aJVl'i' uYeilk'lrf e- ierTs. IcAdl'Tr mi'l writers on Unirrin ,., r(.. ii)iuiieiiil tliein us the vi,ry, 'IrlillLi'l1' t"scafiH for wliii-IT uculs uas Tiook-o these ulidorseine been compiled bv Dr. u, v. nerve, of liulfalo, N. Y Mid will lie mailed free to tiny one asklnit same by postal card, or letter addressed to the Doctor as above. From these endorsements, copied from standard medical IxioUsof all the d lifer ent schools ol practice. It will lie found tntll on' iimn-iiii'iiM, i-,nn(nKiiiK in, ,..,.- en MiHlicul Discovery " are advised not only for the cure of the above mentioned diseases, but, niso for the cure of ail ca tarrhal, bronchial and threat affections, ecomialned with ciilanhiil dischiiriies, hoarseness, sore throat, llmreriiiK. or hann-nn-couirhs, and nil those wasting; affections which, If not promptly and properly treated are liable to terminate In consumption. Take Dr. Pierce's Dls. covcry in timo and persevere in its use until you glvo It a fair trial and It Is not likely to disappoint. Ton much must not be cxiiected of It. It will not perform miracles. It will not cure consumption in its advanced stimes. No medicine will. It trtlt cure the uths'tlons that lead up to ooosuupUou, V Olden " ring the day. It may be the sun rise, a child's play and laughter or a pretty peep of landscape. Learn to look in each experience that comes for a little pleasure. You will be surprised to find how many circumstances and duties that you thought commonplace and rather disagreeable possess either an amusing or an instructive side. No matter how disagreeable a duty is, some happiness may be gotten out of it even if it is only the thought that by your efforts you are getting it over and done with. If the duty must be repeated continually you can get some com fort as well as happiness out of the fact that you are cultivating pa tience and strength or will power, boih of which are essential to hap piness and success. UNIOUE CEREMONY. The Fredericksburg Free Lance says; In ihe northwest part of our county there lives a well known Irish magistrate. A man of liberal education and full quota of genu ine wit. A short time ago Jim and Bet, a colored pair, called upon the 'squire to be united for better or worse. The 'squire having been notified of their coming pre pared and actually used the follow ing ceremony: "Jim will you take Bet, Without any regret, To love and cherish, Till one of you perish, And laid under the sod, So help you God." And being answered in the affir mative by Jim the squire turned to Bet and said : "Bet, will you take Jim And cling to him, Both out and in, Through thick and thin, Holding him 10 your heart, 'Till death do you part " Bet acquiesced by a modest bow of the head, and now the happy pair was dismissed as follows: "Through life, alternate joy and strife, I now pronounce you man and wife, Go up life's hill till you get to the level Salute your bride, you black rusty devil. proud, every means of choicest wise, and without noticing any-1 cultivation. They have denied body in the shop picked up the themselves, that nothing should be violin, and was at once absorbed ' wanting, to enable him to enter in it. He ousted it tenderly with j his profession, under every advan his handkerchief, changed the ten-' tage. They gloried in his talents, sion of the strings, and held it up ! they exulted in the first buddings ! to his ear lingeringly as though ! of his youthful promise, and they ; i hearing something. 1 hen putting ; were looking forward 10 the time The Friend And you and George j lle end of it up in position he ; when every labor should be repaid, , i and every self-denial rewarded, by that hour, when he Practices in all State and i-'edi'ia .-ouris. ( nllectiiiii of claiuis in Mali fa und ailiiiiniiiL' counties. .Money to loan on approved security utiirucv tor l ust .National I'.auk Weldon'. ! Dl.liON. N. ( . 7Wi aT'siry faWfcVTOfiTttWfiWB?'MlrtM The habit of happiness can be acquired. Begin each morning by , have excellent appetites for every ! reached for the bow, while the resolving to enioy something du- mea. What kind of annetiers do murmur ran through the little au-1 the joys of you use? The Bride Kisses, dear. And we have the grandest dessert. The Friend Gracious ! And what doss it consist of? The Bride The same, of course kisses. The time is never lost that is de voted to work. No man ever became extremely wicked all at once. When the Stomach, Heart or Kidney nerves iret weak, then these circuits al ways fail. Don't ilnnr the stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidnevs. That is simply a makeshift. Gel a prescrip tion knoiMi to diutrcists ovcrvnhcre as Dr. Slump's Kesti.rutive. The 1,'estora tive is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves, huild them nilh Dr. Slump's l.'i'sloralive tablets or liiliid and see hmv iiiickly help will conic. I' rce sample test sent on ieiiiesl hv Dr. -dump, liacine. Wis. Your health is surelv worth this simple test. Sold hy K M. Cohen. Weldon. N. C. dience, 'Parganini." should stand forth in all the blaze The bow seemed hardly to have of well-earned, and indisputable touched the strings when such a , professional pre-eminence. Alas, soft exquisite note came out filling these visions are less bright than the shop, and holding the people , once they were ! spellbound. And as he played the i Lnter that family circle. Bc listeners laughed for very delight, hold those aged parents, surround and then wept for the fullness of cd hy children, lovely and beloved, their emotion. The men's hats , Within that circle reign peace, vir were off, and they all stood in rapt tue, intelligence, and refinement, reverence, as though in a place of ; The evening has been spent in an worship. He played upon iheir imaied discussion, in innocent These little things are great to little men. treatments u on reuttest. HE KNEW. Sabbath School Teacher What does the parable of the Prodigal Son teach us? Bobby Thickneck Not to be fatted calves, ma'am. :' heinu hv Dr. I'hese tests arc without a lieu- Trial Catarih mailed out free 10011. Kaeilie. is. provilli: to the people uv s cost me uTcai vaiue ot mis scien tilic prescription known to diuuirists c ry Here as Dr. Mioop s Catarrh Item dy. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C emotions as he played upon the old soiled-begrimed violin. By and by he stopped. And as they were released from the spell of the music the people began clamoring for the violin. "Fifty guineas," "sixty," "seventy," "eighty," they bid in hot And at last it was knocked down to the famous player himself for one hundred guineas in gold, and that evening he held a vast audi ence of thousands breathless un der the spell of the music he drew from the old, dirty, blackened, de spised violin. haste, j home? It belongs to human nature to hate those you have injured. A tickliiur euutrh. from any cause, is luiekly slopped hv Dr. Shooii's Couch Cure. And it is so thorouulily harmless and safe, that Dr. slump tells mothers verywherc to irive it without hesitation even to very youin; hahies. The whole some irreen leaves and lender stems of a hmc-hcaliiur mountainous shrub, fur nish the curative properties to Or. hoop's Conirh Cure. II calms the couch ami heals the sore ami sensitive bron chial uieiuliraiies. No opium, no chlo roform, uotiiiutr harsh used to injure or oppress. Simply u resinous plant ex tract, that helps to heal acliinir luncs. The Spaniards calls this herb which Ihe Doctor uses. 'The Sacred llerh." De mand Dr. slump's. Take no other. SoldhyW. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. t'. pleasantry, in the sweet inter- j change of affectionate endearment. There is one, who used to share all this, who was the center of this circle. Why is he not here ? Do professional engagements, of late, so late, so estrange him from The hour of devotion has arrived. They kneel before their Father and their God. A voice, thai used to mingle in their praises, is absent. An hour rolls away. Where now has all that cheerful ness fled? Why does every effort to rally, sink them deeper in de spondency? Why do those par- It was despised until the master- j ems look so wistfully around, and ilELIHG I YEMSH I a im3 Morning? ! I TAKE I 1 SJliStto. !A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer W. W. KAY. Family To a gentleman every womar. is a lady in right of her sex. i he linesl codec substitute ever made has recently been produced hy Dr. slump, of Kacine, Wis, Voudon't have to hoil it I'll or MX minutes. "Made in a minute" says the doctor. "Health Cof fee" is really the closest eolfec imitation ever yet produced. Not a irrain of real eoll'ee in it either. Health police imi tation is made from pure toasted cereals or grains, with mult, nuts, etc. lieally it would fool an expert were he to iih know inclv think it for eoll'ee. Sold hy W.T. Parker, Weldon, N. ('. The concessions of the weak are the concessions of fear. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You rUe Always Bought player tcok possession. Its worth was not known. The master's 1 touch revealed the rare value and brought out the hidden harmonies. 1 He gave the doubted little instru ment its true place of high honor before the multitude. May I say softly, some of us have been de spising the worth of the man with-, in. We have been bidding live guineas when the real value is im-: measurably above thai because of the Master. Do not let us be under-bidding God's workmanship. The violin needed dusting, and readjustment of its strings before the music came. Shall we not each of us yield this rarest instru ment, his own personality, to the Master's hand? There will be some changes needed, no doubt, as the Master player takes hold. And then will go singing out of our persons and our lives, the rar est music of God thai shall enthrall and bring all within ear-shot to the Master musician. From S. D. Gordon's "Short Talks on Service." why do they start at the sound of every footstep? Another hour has gone. That lengthened peal is too much for a mother's endur ance. She can conceal the well known cause no longer. The un answered question is wrung from her lips. Where, oh where, is my sou? The step of that son and brother is heard. The door is opened. He staggers in before them, and is stretched out at their feet, in all the loathsomness of beastly iniox-ication. uroce vi:i.Dox, x. c. 1 keep the lu st of evervthiui; ill my line Pi lite aitention to all at , 1 I v KAY': SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME. WALTER E. DAMEL. attokni;k-t-law wM.nov x. c. Practices in the courts of Halifax anti Northampton and in the Supreme and I'etleral courts Collections made ill all parts of North Carolina. Ittunch ollico at Halifax open every Monday. They Heal The Skin and Away Its Impurities. Take1 KISS ANYWAY. Bears the Signature of To kiss a miss may lead lo bliss, i To kiss amiss may lead to this: Your kiss may miss amiss, which I wis j Would seem to miss to be remiss, j But chance like this you'd not dis-, miss i To even kiss a miss amiss! ' -Life, OA8TOIIIA. Bean tbi y?llle V Haw Ulnars Billet Bigutut of : sulphur Paths heal Skin Diseases uml irive the hotly a wholesome cdow. Now you don't hae to cooU'loa loch-priced i resort to net them. Put a few spoonfuls of HANCOCK'S I.lt,ll ID SIT, I'M! H ill the hot water, and you eel a perfect sul 1 phut hath ticht in ymrovMi home. ; ApplyllANCiM'K'SI.Iiifllisri.PIH'l; i to the atlt'etetl parts, and Keenta and other stubborn skin trouhlesare tiiiekly cured. Dr. Ii. II. Thomas, of VaMosta, tin., was cured of a painful skin trouble, i and he praises it in the liveliest terms. t our dnitrcist sells it. Hancocks i.itriD si i. run; OIXTMKNT is the best cure for Sores, Pimples, lllaekheatls and all intlaiiiinu tion. Gives a soft, velvety skin. KILL the COUCe'L AND CURE the LUNCS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery MICE OLDa Trial Bottle Free sNflAtL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES FOR foycHS GUARANTEED SATISFACTOK 1 OR MONEY REFUNDED, i Cato said, "1 had rather men should ask why my statue is not ' set up than why it is." CAmTOTLXA.. Ban the ?llie Hw Bought ef l"""l'y """I. FEE HETURNf" to vis' KPcmt nci. our cnnoi nee THC LOWKST. tk'tut iilhIi !. photo or si;, i. l, t- ,r ctr-'rt ?i,n'h will trw n,.rt oil luilt-nuumilv. INFRIHCCMENT ami n Hutuettsl butnrv Ol ei'iirtB. Patents ohlulnil llirouith lis. AOVr:--TIMO and SOID, rn'ft THAOK-MARKS. 5L.e aiOMk and coeVRlCHTS u,ui.-kly (louuuuO. Opposite U. S. P:tont Qffloos WASHINGTON, rj. O. m in . v.: : " t -ii 1 J i 'T""'m