J wilfiwci rag b Ms3 fell in W4w W IB WfiSAl mi lliM ,Flk gl f ii II (SI (1 isl ms isa Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FUR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription Jl.CO I cr nan. VOL. X I.I I. Vi:U)ON, N. C. Tlll'li'SDAY. FKlil.'l A liY i. 1!0S. NO. -10 33 TIio Kind You Huvo Always Bought, and whicli has been iu UK6 l(ir OVT HO VcnrH. Imsl l.ornn 1, c y and has tieoiiiimnY under los per- -ztftttir 80lml ""revision since its Inlimev. All Counterfeit, Imitation ami " Jiist-;i'-t.'.M.l " are) but Experiments Unit trlllo with noil fmlantror the health of Infants and Children Kxperlutieo apiin-t Kxporlnieiit. What is CASTORIA Custoria Is a harmless milistlttito for Casiop Oil, Parcv Koric, Drops and Soothing .Syrups, It is l'loasnnt. It rontalns neither Opium, IHorplyno nor other Xarcntio substance. Its nsro is Its puurantoei. It destroys Worms and allays l i vi i isliness. It cures DiarrlmNi and Wind Coli;!. It relieves Teething Troubles, etires Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates thu I'ooil, regulates the Stomac h and ISowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'miai ea-Tlio Mother's 1'riend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The KM Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 101 30QD0E IAY I 1 1 1 V K ! P. N.STAINBACK, iNi)i:nTAKi:i!, Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASKETS. CON INS and ROUES. Day, Ninht and Out-ot-Tovn Calls promptly Attended to. II. (i. 1IOWK, l:UNI:KAI.' DIKIXrOR AND BMI)AI.MI:K. Seventeen years' Experience. 301 HQgagJOI" 10 OE u THE MM OF WELDON WKI.DON. N. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AIM ST..'10'II. I sir.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. For more tlian lifteen years 1 1 in-litiiOnii l;: proi.le.l bunkinir I'aeili- lien for thin section. It's stockholders and .lin clois have h i i.lciitnie.1 with the hiismess interests ol' llulii'ax ai:.l oi thanitoii comities loi many yearn. .Money is loaned uon ap,ioi,l .eriuity at Iheh-L'al late ol' interest fix ppr centum. Accounts ol all arc snhcittst. The mirplim and undivided piolio. havnej reached a sum equal to the fapitul Slock, the I'.ank has. eniniiie.ieno; .lanuai i I. Pus. cst.-.hlislied a Savinirs Oepartuieut allinMiu! inteiesi on tune deposits as I'ollons: l or OepoKitK allowed toreuiaiu llnee months 01 iou-vr. C per .cent. k inonlhsor loinrcr. :t per cent. T. !e months or I. ne'er. I pet cent. For further information apply to the I'resideni ,.i I ashiei . ritKsiiiKsr: W. K. OAMl'.I., vo l;-l'i;lu,i.M . Pe. II. . I (.lachson. Northampton c ' -sj 1 1 I U . l . i SIX ; k I SEABUAK1) AIR LINE Short To and Through thetSouth Atlantic States and from New York to Florida. Also via Atlanta to the Southwest. Unexcelled Passenger Service Via S. A. L. Railway Watch For announcement of Improved Schedules. Cleveland Carter. Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. 0. Signature of i l'ii'Ni Jl ami ."!. Hearse Service Anywhere ikinuHaaMHiA - Mllhi:: It. SMITH. v RAILWAY Route C. H. QATT1S, T . I'ut. Atfgnt, lUleigb, N.C. THE (iOOD OLD WAV. : We Need Not Cling to the Old Because it is Old. Hut Before Swinging Loose l-'rom the Old We Better Enquire of the Onin and Profit of the New. i r'ather ti mi mother loved the o'd church yonder and the good, simple gospel preached there in oilier days. I'.elore discarding , that church, and ignoring thai gospel would we better not enquire : ii the the new way anil the new doctrine and the new ism will make us belter, more sieadlasi, ; happier, surer of eanll and heaven i t!ian Tailier and moilier were!- We are seeking solidity of character, ' stability of manhood ami woman hood, usefulness in life and.securi ! ty in death- and safely beyond. Didn't the faith and the gospel and ' the Sabbaih and the Bible of our i fathers make them sober, honest, ; steadfast, hopeful and sure? He 1 fore we are swept away by the new ; and the doubtful, would we better j not take into account ihe weight ! and worth of the good old word i and -way ? Only the simple and unthinking ! like the new because it is new, I and discard the old because ii is old. The ages have taught that "the old time religion" is a mighty good religion. It has brought us a long way. 1 1 has proven its weight and its worthiness to survive and perpetuate itself. Belter not dis card thai until we are sure, yea, doubly sure that the wisdom of our day has found a heller and safer wav. WONDER WHICH IT IS. ! J. (J. Hosier is back from Alas , ka with a weird lale about a lake of gold. He says he has discovered j the lake and as a proof brought i ; with him a pouch of nuggets worth j j over $150,000. Hosier went to; the assay office and asked wheth er it could pay on gold as well as a i mini. He said that three months i ago he met an Indian of Belling- j : ham, who had shot his squaw after she had beaten him, and was in ! hiding. The Indian became sick and Hosley eared for hint. Out of ' gratitude he showed him to a lake where there were countless nug gets. The Indians, he says wor ship the nuggets and drop them back into the lake. One night, he told an official of the assay office, ' he slipped into the cold waters of ! the lake, being careful to avoid the i superstitious Indians, and in a few hours collected the nuggets he brought back with him. He says the Indians call the body of water the Lake of Clod. Seattle Dis ! patch. There is a valuable Lake in Alaska or a great liar just from there. Kverylli'unt taken inlo the stomach should he thc'cMcd lully within a ceitam time. When you leel that yimr .stom ach Is not III uood oldel'. that the I'ooil vou i;a e ealell is not heillL' dieesti d, lake a i;ood, natuial iliccstaut that will doiiicv.oik the dii;est:c juices ale not I.iiiil:'. The hesi remedy known lodav for all Stomach trouhlisis Kodol, which isL'uaianl I hi e'ivc prompt relict, It is a natural di-jcsti'iil: it .hci sls what vo' j eat. it is pleasant totake. Sold I iv W. M. l oheu, Weldon. N. I'. i i .eing compeneu in cuinisown , ! words gives a man food for , thought. The Modesty of Women I Vnturally makes them shrink from the hull ii-'ain questions, the olmoxious ex- uniiliali'ilis. anil iiu!r:l ,:mt local treats j ments, winch some physu-ians cun.-iilcr essential in lh tr, 1vi111. nl nt discuses of ; women. Yet. It ln l II !' had. I' i truer tn suimiit to lids ni-ilral than let , . . . .o.i i.: the disease crow and sprcail. I he imuiim is that so often the woman uinhTirocs all the annoyance and shame tor nothing. Thonsunds(t women who have I ecu cured fti Pr. iHerce'ii Favorite l'rcscriir tii.n wriuv in atvureciiittnn of the euro which dispiMxNi Ihe examinations and local ir..i.ini..nisVj;iirrr. is no other ! t ' -, - j nt-. r" -"!'' i-"'1 ."''' '"r 1,1 I women as t-avorne i i ' - i ipuoi..." ii. cures dehilitalinn Urains. irretiuUriiy and ti male weakness. H always lielts. It j almost alwavs cures, it Is strictly nou j alcoholic, nun - secret, all Its luu-ri'dienLs i iH'inK printed on iis hotilc-ivrnpicr; eon. ; tains no deleterious or hahit-forniinx driiKs. and every native medicinal nnit 1 cnterini.' into its coniiositlon has the full ! endorseinentof those most eminent in the j several schools of medical practice. Some i of these numerous and stroiaret of pro ' fesshinal endorsements ol its ingredients, I will lie found In a pamphlet wrapped ! around Ihe U.tlle. also in n Ixioklct .mailed ! fnv on request, hy Dr. It. V. fierce, ol ; llufTalo. N. Y. These professional en ' dorsenicnts should haio far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or I non-professional testimonials. The most IntclllKoni women uow-a-uay ()i(t on knowing what they take as med Iclno instead of oieniim their mouths like a lot of young hints and pulping down whatever is unbred them. " Favorite Pre scription" 19 Of KNOWN lOMPOSITION. It makes weak women strung unit sick women well. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent five on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing mill. .Send to Dr. It. . 1 icree, Hultiilo. N. V., SI one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or :il stamps lorclotli-Uiuiid. If sick consult the Doctor. Ireeof charge by letter. All such communicatlona are held sacredlv contidentiHl. I tad reulte stomach, liver and buwela. Dr. Pierce s neasani reneis iuvikoium. THE FIRST l.Y THOMAS 1 IAVNI'lS I'.AYLHY. The matron at her mirror, with her hand upon her brow . Sits gazing on her lovely face ay, lovely even now : VC'hy doth she lean upon her hand wiih such a look of carer X'hy steals thai tear across her chei k She sees her first gray hair. Time from her form hath taken aw.o' but little of iis grace; His touch of thought hath dignified the beauty of her lace; Vet she might mingle in the dance where maidens g.tyly trip So bright is siill her hael eye, so Ivamiful her lip. The laded form is ol The wrinkle on the ten mark'd by heel; may he The mournful hp may murmur of a love ii ne'er contest. And the dimness ol the eye betray a heart thai cannot rest. But she hath been a happy wile; -the lover of her youth May proudly claim the smile that pays he trial of his truth. A sense of slight, of loneliness, hat!: never banish'd sleep; Her life hath been a cloudless one: then, wherefore doth she She look'd upon her raven locks;- what thoughts did they recall ? ; Oh ! not of nights when they were deck'd for banquet or for hall. They brought back thoughts of early youth, e'ershe had learnt tochcek. Willi artificial wreaths, the curls th.it sported o'er her neck. Sheseem'd to feel her mother's hand pass lightly through her hair, And draw it from her brow, to leave a kiss of kindness there, : Sheseem'd to view her father's smile, and feel ihe playful touch That sometimes feign'd to steal away the curls she prized so much- , And now she sees her first gray hair ! oh ! deem it noi a crime For her to weep - when she beholds the first footmark of Time ! She knows that, one by one, those mute mementos will increase, j And steal youth, beauty, strength away, till life itself shall cease. 'Tis not the tear of vanity for beauty on the wane Yet though the blossom may not sigh to bud, and bloom again, It cannot but remember with a feeling of regret, ! The Spring forever gone - ihe Summer sun so nearly set. Ah ! Lady, heed the monitor I Thy mirror tells the truth; Assume the matron's folded veil, resign the wreath of youth; Go !- bind it on thy daughter's brow, in her thou '1 1 still look fair; 'Twere well would all learn wisdom who behold the first gray hair ! ADVICE TO A YOUNG MAN. THERE ABE NO EASY PLACES YET DISCOVERED-BY KATE SHEARIM. IN MEW YORK WEEKLY. y K have ) our Sot o just reri'ivcil a li Southern cities, ami "Madam: I nin n young; limn of twenty-seven: I am well educated, and of n good family, hut I have no business. How can learn money? I do not wish to work hard. I want some thing nice and essy --work for a gentleman. 1 have thought of authorship-- poetry. I prefer- hut a friend tells me that pub lishers, as a class, are very sinney hearted, and liml their chief delight in crushing aspiring oi nius. I want an easy chance, remember. Will you please advise me? "Yours, etc.. Certainly, young man, we will advise you, with pleasure. We tire lie-lighted to make your acquaintance, though yon are not an original character, by any means. We know n good many like you. That is what most people toe after an easy chance. lint having lived some time in Ihis st.ite of existence, we an; enabled to remark, from positive world to get an easv living iu. Still, our advice is yours, and welcome. Don't think; don't work: don't try to: don't be a mechanic all trades are overstocked. .Machinery will very soon do awav with all necessity for men. I lou t be a clergy man: don't be a lawyer; don'tlie a doctor; it is loo hard for a young man of your cloth to get upnights a ml go t ramping Ion mi les over the country to attend to boils on uhl women, am) rheumatic taut rums in the joints of old men. ami internal revolutions in the bowels of col icky babies. Don't lie a mason: you might fall from the top of a chimney and be lost to your native land. Don't be a soldier: it is sometimes dangerous, ami comfort yourself with the old legend. "It is better to be a live dog than a dead lion " , ' . .. . , , Don t paint -it soils the fingers; ilon t be a sculptor - using the chisel would make vou sweat. . , , ' ,,, , lion t be a drummer- vou would have a bag to carry. Don't ho.t street car coniluclor -voo would be obliged to swear at vottr , . -. ' ,n.. .on lnotorman. Don t be a tanner the-mosquitoes would eat vou up while you lay under the shade of an umbrageous maple wait - ing for the hay to make. ll,.ii't iiiiiitv ii I'll' I wiilnii I fur grain of coinmon sense you will it, and ten to one slnll make make the tire, while she lies abed and reads a popular novel. Don't he a poet. -The demand for poetry has died out. and be sides, thi'i'e are no poets nowaday s, ami "spring" is a theme well worn out. Poetry worth rending is so scarce now that the public would not recognize the genuine article if thi-y should see it like .hme butler, ii is oiu nf fashion. Don't be an author for, yon have been rightly informed. pub lishers are stony-hearted: ailamanl and the legendary nether millstone are down compared to them. They would let you write six months, and spend the best blood of your jfe on the sorrows of some soulful Kvangolina and her dark-browed Fred erick Augustus, ami tliey woulil basket with no more feeling m ihe operation than thev would evince toward a, dead friction match. Young man, it is a hard world. . i.i .... i ... : 1! would nave oeeu money in your poi'Ket. there places yet discovered. We would advise you to get a swallow it, and go to sleep. It you could do. and quite satisfactorily to the community No, we don't charge anything for advice. If a man could be as sure ofj heaven in the next world as he is ( of hell in this there could be no argumenis aboul it. When the head of a family is a j clergyman it s a sure sign his sons , aren't going to be GRAY HAIR. ;orrow more than years; iiie course of secret tears; weep : ttor from a Noting man in om g;ivo it verliiitiin: knowloiloe, that this is a hard I .,,,,.,,- I'.,,. O- .1... I ic has a never see the color of i cent of you get up in tin morning and Itmg the MS. uito the waste If you had never , . been horn. are no easv ' i quarter's worth of laudanum. I woulil be us easy as anything j If you buy a mule haphazard you are likely ,0 nave a kick com. j ' J h , gTT5r I of CciAV MODERN SOCIETY. The Wife Who Alukes Society the l-'ield oi Her Accomplishments Soon I'inds Her Husband a De voted Club Man. Ii is in the home that woman rises to her truest heights and weild-, her w idest influence, liv ery home is a miniature world, and the wile is a crowned queen. Tin' wife who makes society the field of lief accomplishments soon finds her husband a devoted club man. The woman who tills her head with many of ihe ideas and pleasures of much that is called society, soon wants to entertain i her husband, any evening she may not have some other engage , tnent, w ith cards. She plays just as she did to win some prize at progressive euchre or whist par- ties. She cheats a little, and they have a little spat over it, and then another and another, and present ly she fires something at his head, but misses it and hits ihe motto over the door, "God Bless Our Home." Their little boy says: "Ma, you missed pa's head, hut you gave the mono hail Colum bia." Often the only question to be decided in that home is, "who shall have the boy?" and ihe court is asked to decide it. God pity the woman who has set her heart on much that is in modern society. HIS PARABLE. ! An old darky, anxious to be a ' ! minister, went to be ordained, says : The Bystander. He was ques j tioned thus : "Can you write ?" "No, sah !" "Read?" "No, sah !" j "How do you know about the ; Bible?" ' "Ma niece reads it to me 1" ' "Know about the Ten Com f j mandnients ?" "No, sah !" , "The twenty-third Psalm." Nebber heard of him, sah !" "Know the Beatitudes?" "No. sah !" "Well, what part of th" Bible do you like best?" 'Tar-blcs, sah I" "Can you give us one ?" " 'Deed, yes, sah !" "Let us have it then !" "Once w'en the queen of Sheba was gwine down to Jerusalem she fell among thieves. First they passed her by on de oddah side, den dey come ovah an 'dey say unto her. 'Fro down hvohel i' 1 but she wouldn't fro her down: i, ,t i ,,. ay unto her. 'Fro down Jezebel !' but she wouldn't fro her down and again dey say unto her for de third and last time, for I Lro am t gwme to ax yo no mo. down Jezebel and dev fro's her down for seventy times and seven, till de remains were eleven bas kets; and I say unto yo'. whose wife was she at the resurrection ?" At times w hen ymi don't feel just liu'hl.wl you haven had stomach, take souu'lhinj; nirhl away that will as sist digestion: not someliunL' that will siiii.tiltiic r. in,,.. I,,,, i, I.... i will positively .lthe very wink that the ; stomach peil'orms under nrihnarv and ' noruial conditions, soiiii.tliin that will 1 make the food digest, t., ,u this you ! '"") 1:',k'' ''iu-i'sjani hke k. i did lot Dyspepsia, kodol is a seicntilie ! preparation of vccetahle acids mil, mit- 1 "' ,l,'-'''-,l""!' ''"lll;'IIK 'i"' same iniccs louiid in a healthc stomach I ach ! dose will dnrest mon. than :; oi.it u,;,,,,, , X-su:: and"" j pleasant t take ' l"'1 "V " 1 "hen. W clclon. N. ( The man with his ihinkinv run s- "! on does not talk throuch his hat. I f you have Catarrh, n.l your tin ivpnlsivr ilisruM'. Ask Ir. nl" IliU'ini', Wik., tn mail vmt IVi-c, .If of hoop. a trial box ol Ins Hr, Slump's Catarrh lirninly M 111 pit", winiric rxt Ml itrcly tell you u Catunh truth well worth your kum- I ML' WllW'tH.lltV llull't Mlfh-I lolltflT. sold hv V. .M Cohen. Weldon. V ('. The busy surgeon cannot be expected to suspend operations. Orippe is sweeping the country. spin. it with Prevelilies hel'ore it gets deeply ' seated. To check early eohlswitliihesc iiitic v mini v oio . ore i annus is sole ly sensihle and safe. Prevelilies contain no Quinine, no laxative, noth ing harsh or sickening. Pneumonia, would never appear if early colds were promptly hrokeii. Also good for fever ish children, barge hox. -is Tahlets, -J.' cents. Vest pockets, o cents. Sold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C. The aid nf file rveriml minlu to. ) t" r" v...ft.. iv- be worth her dot. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 0000 BYE. Take Care thai It He Not a Cold One, It May Be The Last. It is a hard word to speak. Some may laugh that it should be, but let them. Icy hearts are never kind. It is a word that has choked many an utterance, and started many a tear. The hand is clasped, the word is spoken, we part, and are out on ihe ocean of time we goto meet again, where? (iod only knows. Ii may be soon, it may be never. Take care that your good-bye be not a cold illic it may be the last one you can give, lire you meet again death's cold hand may have closed his eyes and chained his lips forever. Ah! he may have died thinking you loved him not. Again it may be a long separation. Friends crowd on and give you their hands. How do vou detect in each good-bye the love that lingers there; and how may you bear with you the memory of these parting words many days? We must separate. Tear not yourself away wiih a ' careless boldness that defies all love, but make your words linger give your heart full utterance and if tears fall, what of it? Tears are not unmanly. THROUGH THE TELEPHONE. "Are you there ?" "Yes." "Who are you, please?" "Wait." "What is your name, please?" "Wail's my name." "Yes; what is your name? "I say my name is Watt." "Oh, well, I'm coming 10 see you." "All right. Are you Jones?" "No; I'm Knott." "Who are you, then, please?" "I'm Knott." "Will you tell me your name, please ?" "Will Knott.,' "Why won't you?" "I say my name is William Knott." "Oh, I beg your pardon." "Then you will be in if I come 'round, Watt ?" "Certainly, Knott." Then they were cut oft' by the 1 exchange, and Knoit wants to know if Wan will be in or not. RESTINU THE HEART To rest the heart now and then is the advice given by an instruc tor in gymnastics; but it may be argued thai the heart cannot be rested, as it works incessantly from birth to death. That is very true, but ii rcsis the heart u lie down, for every night's sleep of nine hours saves the heart the lifting of .i2,40i) ounces of blood. 1 ant' '',al 1,lL'alls considerable rest When we lie down, the heart's action becomes slower, slower by j ten strokes a minute. Thus, in an hour, six hundred strokes are saved, and in nine hours, 5,400 ! strokes, l.ach stroke pumps six 1 ounces of blood, and therefore in nine hours the heart is saved the labor of pumping 32,400 ounces. SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME. They Meal The Skin and Awtty Its Impurities. Take Milphur lljiihs heal Skin Pleases uml uivc thf ltu.lv a IntlcstiiiH' tluv. Now you ilou'l have to ijooilioa hii:h-irieeil j resort to yet them. Put a lew spoonfuls j of HANCOCK'S UtJl lIt sn.l'IU U in 1 thf hot water, iiml you irt-t a p'i!'eet -ul- lili nr I till li l ii'hl itt voiit -itnn hoimv Applvll N( ill K'S Idol ID. st mil to the allccted pal ls, and Le.cma ami other stulthoiii skin tiouhlesare quickly cured. Dr, II. II. Thoi ins, of Valdosln, On., was fined of a painful skin trouhle, and he praises it in the highest terms. Urn .!,,.ts'..t.s. Il.si!. HANCOCK'S l.lyl lD SI l.l'lll l( OIN'I Mi:M' is the best cure for Sores, Pimples, blackheads and all inflamma tion, liives a soft, velvety skin. Pat ty of the original part original divorcee. -the Stop that licklintreouch! Dr. .shoop's Oouuli cure will surely stop it. and with perfect sal'i'ty. It is so thoroughly liarmleKS that Dr. Mionp tells inothers to use nothing else with very young ba bies. The wholesome green leaves and tender steins of a lung healing moun tainous shruh furnish the curing prop erties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It culms the cough, and heals the sensitive hronclual ineniliruneH. no opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to in jure or suppress. Demand Dr. Mhoop's. Take no other. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. A woman calls it making up a complexion only when it can be detected. OABTOni A. Baittli llw Kind Yoa Haw iaw Bought gignatu Ft Ml H'-nrt tn-iifr'h. nr U.'iirt UVnkne tnriniH Nerve Ftn iikIIi, or .Vi v W -ukh-r- ik'Hiimk i,,oiv. I'o-t-Itiv. U tint mi.- vi, -uk Ik lift in u lituitiivil is, ill iU hi If. iniuttliy ili-'ii 'i-.l. It is Hiifint uiwitys a tiny lit: ir iutvm thut trnlly 1 - nil at fault. '1 'it- ..l-M-urt' lit tv" tin- upline, .r Hi-art Nerve Mii'Iiy nt'wis, urnJ tuii-t -i-., mote powi'r. more Htiil'ilit, tt:i.n- r.'Hitrolli'ifc. morn govrnmig Mivi (till. Without Unit llt 1 1 eft it must coiititiliH l.i unl, iiiiii th" MMfiiiMh mil liitliu-js fllsu liuve tlirc.1' Hiiiix' r'oiiti'olli'iK nen-'H. 'iiii cViiriy i'Xi;iiu !', nsa mfiHHnp, Pr. w'uiw ' K'-tnr:i(ivi m- i;i the t'itst 'I'dif tut nilich (.-I u uk aii'l im. nc Hi-ai'W lr Mn rfip lim mhikIiI tin1 tau-' .i nil (lia I'rtiiiful. tialf UitiliK. MiHi-otU iua li'uri lj-.fr.-.-. I if f-hi.i-i.il! -:.mtiv tlin pH'hliir iT' t' 1. 1 t''iii-i uii.o' (iin ct'd (o tlifMi W"jik iiti'l ji-riuf tn-ni' T'-ut'-rs, It du i Mij it,MrfiiR'lit'ti: it "Ili-r- n-iil. frrnmu" hivrl h-l. f yuu wotilit l.iivi' sinmir H'iirH sinirtjr 1U F"-ii'jn. nr. Mh'iin'M th-o jirv)i rxiBiiihli. ti thrill n I'll, wltu Dr. Shoop's 'Storative W. M. COHEN. Relieves Colds by working them out of the syttvm thnusjh a copious ar.d fcealthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing tha mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "Ai pleasant to the taste ti Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try OeWlifs Kidney and Bladder Fills -Sure and Safa Sold l,y W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. V. OEORQE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i National Hank ItuililinL') Weldon, N.C. LIVEMSH Morning? W. W.KAY. YVI I llOV, N. C. I keep the best of everything in my line. Polite attention to all at KAY'S. mv lv WALTI.R H. DANItiL, ATTORN ER-rtT-L AW, Vi:i.Il()N,N.C. I'ractii'i's in the comts of Halifax ana li 1 Ni'iiliainplonund in the Supremo and Federal courts. Collections made in all pints of North Carolina, brunch ollice at Halifax open every Monday. SC ILL the COUCH S no CURE the LUNCSj w,th Dr. King's Flew Discovery F0RC8i!SsHS a. ANDM-L THROAT ANDIUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED 8ATISFACT0BY OB JKONEY REFUNDED. IToraplly obia.ral, FCC RETUHNCO. 10 YKAftS' tXPKHIErjCI, OlirCMARUtS ARC THI LOWCST, tt-'tut itf wlvl, .h.Ko i 6l.-h t.-r expert wjirch ami trw tvwt on ptWiill(ill' y. mmiNCCMENT HitiiA roniiiirttHl before :ol ooiirt. Piiontii otttninw) thmtiirti iw, ADVCn TltCDand SOLO, fiv. TRADt-MABItS, PIH felONt Mid C0PVNIGHT9 quicLIf .tbUUuvO. Opposite U. B. Patent Otnoot WASHINUTQU, D. C. Kennedy s Laxative Cough Syrup 7L i n it p. I A Gentle Laxative I "x'-Lo n r Family Ike