t 1 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$lc-G ' tr Ai rtnr VOL. XLII. WIXDON, N. ( '.. TIiriisDAY. FKI.l.rAl.Y UMKs. NO. 1 1 tsstss THE WATERMELON. - THR MESSAGE 'MUSIC, lll: , j E 9lJ 1 so 1! 5d5 WO -act ;o. Ait Africa is the Original Home This Luscious Fruit. of , HY FRANK I.. STANTON. THE HUMAN HEART. This Is a Subject which (let Vry Sear To Us All. GIRL FROM ALABAMA. A Dapper Youtij; Man (lets !r Trouble Trying to Flirt. Weak Women For Infants and Children. JIM'OIIUL 1 PKH rifUl'n AVcgelaWf PrcparartonforAs similaiiiiOiiicFood.iniiRfdi! ling II Stomachs andBoweW Promoli'sDiftMHonOwifiit ness ana i(wu on ami stem Opiitm.Morphirie norMinftiL wot Narcotic. fn,i,i W- Jtxitam Jkistftti lmmnat- Mm Sttim Anttfrcl Iforaedv forronsllpa- Hon . Sour StonMch.Dlarrtoea Worms jConvulswiis.revensli nessandLOSS OF Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Oji) Guaranteed uno"" Exact Copy of Wrapper. M - I III" Aw J For Over Thirty Years mm ernr. TMtHKTtURUHNNT, NEW IOE 30E 0X Day I'iiosk '.'.. N'Kim I 'm in v:-" LM and 'A, P. N. ST AINBAUK, Weldon, :lTNl)KHTAK KH. North Carolina. ' Full Line of CASKETS, COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. II. G. ROWJi FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 30i lot- tutor IOC The humorists always associaie the African-with the watermelon, j assuming that the taste of the col- j ored man for his favorite dainty ' arises from his life in the southern states, where the melon vine grows ; like a weed. As a fact, however, the African j taste for the watermelon is heredi- j tary. The vine is a native of Af- j rica, where it is found wild in the great central plains of the conti nent, and has also been cultivated for many ages. - In Egypt the melons grown along the Nile rival those of south-! eastern Missouri. I The melons mentioned by the Israelites as being among the good things they had in Egypt were un- j doubtedly watermelons, for in the ! wall paintings about the time of the exodus the melon vine ! is represented, and in one case a ( long procession of slaves is depic- j ted, each bearing on his shoulder a huge dark green watermelon.' Botanists say that varieties of the melon are found in southern Asia, and some even claim that the plant grows wild in central and South Africa, 4iut Africa is no doubt the original home of the melon, and in his preference over every other kind of vegetable or fruit the African merely displays a taste that has become fixed in his race by thousands of years of in dulgence, for in central Africa ripe watermelons are to be had every month in the year. Detroit News Tribune. THE SLAVES OF GOLD. What's that the fiddle's sayin' which the others never hear? Somethin' that's a-hoverin' betwixt a smile an' tear ! Somettlin' of the past time the shadow an' the beam, An' I hear it for the lust time in a dream- in a dream ! "The old lads are weary Youth must have a chance; Too old to dance now- - Too old to dance !" On merry nights I hear it from my chimney-corner place; Rosy cheeks aroun' nie, with the dimples in a a race ! An' I seem to feel their freshness a breath of golden curls, As movin' to the music they swing the sweetheart-girls ! "The old lads are lonesome Youth must have a chance; Too old to dance now Too old to dance !" That's how the fiddle's singin' in a tune to them unknown A sort of farewell message to the heart of me alone ! "You've reaped the youth-time roses you've had your day and time: The twilight round you closes, where bells of Meni'ry chime : - "The old lads are lonesome Youth must have a chance; Too old to dance now Too old to dance !" WLOfJQMO. BY BENJAMIN TAYLOR. "The Love of Money Is The Root of All Evil. OE THE BANK OF WELDON Will. DON, N. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AI'ilt'STi'MTU. tS't:'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. a!.M.Sfl. $40,000. For more than liflecn wars this institution has provided hunking facili ties for this section. It's stockholders unit directors have liei-n itlt-ii 1 1 lie I with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many yean. Money is loaned upon approved security at the leirul rate of interest six per centum. Aeeonnts of all ale solicited. The surplus and undivided profits Imvinir reached a sum eiiual to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. cotuniencimr January 1, I tuts, established a Saving Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: for Deposits allowed to remain three months or lonuer, "J per eent. Si months or longer. ,H per eent. Twelve months or lonirer. 4 pel eent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. Who are the leaders of our best society, generally speaking? Why a man may carry a whole library in his head, and if his coat be see dy and his pocket empty he is no where while a brainless fop, whose j attire is faultless, and who carries a full purse, is a first-rate smart fel-1 low. What chance has a young lady a little out of style, who has ! to earn her own living, to shine in society by the side of one of our j fashionable ladies whose papa is a j millionaire? Socially we are the slaves of gold. Old-fashioned peo- pie look at it in the old-fishioned I way, and say it is all wrong. And ; so it is; but it is a fact that stares us j in the face that those who There's a magical isle up the river of time, Where the softest airs at e playing; There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime, And a song as sweet as a vesper chime, And the Junes with the roses are staying. And the name of this isle is the Long Ago, And we bury our treasures there; There are brows of beauty and bosoms of snow There are heaps of dust, but we loved them so ! There are trinkets and tresses of hair. There are fragments of songs that nobody sings, And a part of an infant's prayer; There's a lute unswept, and a harp without strings, There are broken vows, and pieces of rings, And the garments that she used to wear. There are hands that are waved when the fair shore By the mirage is lifted in air; And we sometimes hear, through the turbulent roar, Sweet voices we heard in the days gone before, When the wind down the river is fair. MINISTER TO THE SICK. Anything Which We May Do for Them, In Love, Will Be Seed Sown in Oood Ground e kksidknt: W. K. DAN1F.L, vu'K-i'iiKsiiuivr: inc. n. w. i.i:wis, (Jaehsou. Northampton county) tasiiikk: W. It. SMITH. o: 3E 3E 3 worm tne most are considered as of the most worth. After all, perhaps, the wisest man was right when he said "The love of money is the root of all evil." We know from sad experience that it is very inconvenient to be poor, but no i man is poor who has a happy home and it does not require lace curtains or velvet carpets to make a home happy. If you have Catarrh, rid yourself of this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Shoop, of Itaeine, Wis., to mail you free, a trial liux of his Dr. Shoop's Catanh Remedy. A simple, single test, will surely tell you a Catanh truth well worth your know ing. Write todav. Don't sutler longer. Sold hv W. M. Cohen. Weldon. N. ('. It is a grand, good and beautiful thing to minister to the sick to the wants of those laid are low by affliction, and doubtless SEABOARO AIR LINE RAILWAY Don't turn a man down just be cause for him nothing ever turns up. The Badge of Honesty there is not a human being but will acknowledge this fact, but it never so forcibly strikes us as when we, ourselves, are lying prostrated by disease. How many times have we, when suffering almost unbear able pain, or tossing with a burn ing fever, resolved that if ever we did get well again, we would do all we could for the sick. It is a sad pity that with returning health our good resolutions oftentimes flee away. It is not expected that busy mothers be Florence Nightin gales, to go out and nurse wounded soldiers, and indeed this is not at all necessary, for they can find sick ones nearer. In almost every neighborhood there is one, per haps more, whose well days are over. They are usually spoken of as invalids, and so accustomed are UUUL ts i UlUU b on every wrapper o( Doctor Piercf'i we t0 lejr being sick that We may i!,,i,i.. Miilli-nl Discovery because a full . . ii.. ..( imminent comiHisiu it is ! ohen times seem mdiHerent to printed there In plain KmrIIsIi, Jorty tner su(fering and Confinement. Tenrsofexperlencoh.ispmvenitssuiierlor j worth as a blood purifier and InviRorat- But tO lliettl It never grows old, ing tonic for the cure ( stomaciHihoMers ! and much is the good, right here, down svstem as nn other tonic can ta ; that we can do. Many and varied which alcohol Is lined. The active medic- re ,,e ways we Crt ,ep ,1cm Inal principles el natlVH Nut such a ' it lioid.'n s.i ami o.u'tr r.Ht, stone ami these unfortunate ones. In fact, Mandrake r.n, llhlrt and Hl''k anvl,i,g which We mav do for by the use of chemically pure, triple- them 111 love, Will be Seed SOWI1 111 rellned glycerine. Sond to Dr. H. V. I lerce I B00u Bround. A bunch of flow ers, a new book ai Ilutfalo, N. Y., tor .f ree booklet which quotes extrnctt from well-roconlted med ical authorities luch at Dn. Barlhntow, To and Through the South Atlantic States and from New York to Florida. Also via Atlanta' to the Southwest. Unexcelled PassengerJService Via S. A. L. Railway Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules. Cleveland Carter, C. H. QATTIS, Tiekrt Afent, VYaldoo, N. C. Tray, l'asa. Agent, IUIaijIl, N. C King, Scudde, Coe, Elllngwood and a host of othej showing that thfM root can be dapended upon for their curative action It all weak itatea of the stomach, accomiJiiled y Indigestion or dyspepsia as well 6 i4ll bilious or liver coraplalnu and In irtlitastlng diseases "where there Is loniZflcsh and gradual running down of Ufrstrength and system. The "Ooldep Medical Discovery "makes rich, pure Wood and so Invigorates and rcmilales tlie-tnm:ci liver sial Ismi-Ji. iiitli ll'r""tf1l 'l"'m- Lh" "mt Thus all skin affections, blotches, plmplea and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel lings and old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed. In treating old running sores, or ulcers. It is well to In sure their healing to apply to them Dr. Vlerce's All-Healing Salve. If your drug gist don't happen to have this Salve In jtock, send llfty-four cents In postage stamps to Dr. K. v. nerce, invatuis' iioiw or magazine, dainty morsel from one table, all these are trifles, but may brighten up their dreary lives; and then we should visit them, or if they live at a distance we should write them a tender, sympathetic, though cheer ful letter. THE REASON. Do you mean to tell me you have lived in this out-of-the-way place for twenty years?" . That s right, stranger, twenty years." "But I don't see what you find ind Surgical Institute. lluff:.l. N. Y., and : to keep you busy? a largo box of the "All-Healing Salvo- , "Nonin stranirer. That's the reason I like it." Louisville Her Kill reach you hv return Dost. You can t afford to accept a secret nos trum asasulistltnte for thlsnon-alconollc, medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger pnilit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulat Snd Invigorate stomach, I'ver and bowels, iigar-coatad, tin? granulai, ear to Uk. Mcaadjr. aid. Diamonds are going up also the chins of their feminine wear ers. At times when you don't feel jusl right, when you have a had stomach, take something right awav that will as sist digestion; not something that will stimulate for a time hut something that will positively do the verv work that the stomach performs under ordinary and normal conditions, something thi'it will make the food digest. To do this vou must take a natural digestant like Ko dol for Dyspepsia. Kodol is a scientific prenaratum of vegetahle acids with nat ural digestants and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. F.ach - . ' v w iimu ,,oou grains i ol good lood.D is sure to all'ord prompt 'rn" in i, ii togesis wuni vou cat uuil is pleasant to take. "in i iy vi . M. Ciln-n, Weldon. V ('. Never do any worrying today that can be put oft' until tomorrow. He I suppose you wouldn't love me any longer if my money was gone. She Well, I certainly couldn't love a man who was shorter. Stop that tickling couch! Dr.Shooi ough Cure will surelv stop it. and with icrteet sale! v. It is so thoroughly larmlesH that Dr. Mump ti lls thers use nothing else with very young lia 's. The wholesome irreeii leaves uml tender steins of a lung healing moiin- tainous shrill, furnish the curinir imiii- rties to Dr. Shoon's Couirh Cum II calms the cough, and heals the sensitive iroueliial menilmines. No opium, no hloroform, nothing harsh used to in jure or suppress. Demand Dr. Slump's. lake no other. ohlhyW. .M. Cohen, Weldon. Y C. Good intentions never seem to get beyond the crawling stage. tinppe is sweeping the country. toii it with I'reventics, U fore it gets' deeply seated. To cheek earlv colds w ith these little Caudv Cold Cure tablets is sure. sensible and safe. I'reventics contain no (fuinine, no laxative, noth ing harsh or sickening. Pneumonia would never appi ar if eailv eol.U were poonpuy luoken, Alsogooiltor fever ish children. Large box. is Tablets. 2,'. 'ids. Vest pockets. ,'i cents. Sold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. ('. Tomorrow never comes unless you have a note to meet. Tin' stilijt'rt (if lit'at'l.s is one that ;its very nour to us all. The heart is tin- center to all our feelings. It is t ho scale in which wo weiu'li the ads of our friends, and ouht to weigh our own It is the liar at which we jinlne our enemies. It is the fountain head of all our thoughts and deeds. It is the safe deposit where we treasure up all the sweet memories of . the past . and the tablet on which is marked the scars of ill-treatment. It is the captain of the little, craft in which we journey down the stream of life. It is the dwelling place of the soul that indestructible spiritual life that dwells within us. There are glad hearts and sad hearts, and hearts that are broken. Did vou ever think that no human being was over born whose destiny was not linked with the heart f sotno one else. There's mother's so licitude for her child; tin.' heart is its abiding place. The two hearts are bound together by the tender cords of affection, and distance that separates them can not break this binding force. The head is receptacle in which to store knowledge; the heart is a monitor that directs the knowledge. T h e glad hearts! How welcome they : are in this old world! The hearts i that wear a smiling face and I extend the glad hand! They ; scatter sunshine wherever they i go. They inspire us with gootl thoughts and the desire to do ! noble things. They smooth ' down the rough places in life. 1 1 They remove the obstacles from j our paths, and sweeten the pleasures of this old world. Then there are the hearts that. are sad. ami appeal to our sym pathies. They water our own hearts with their tears and keep alive the spirt of love and compassion. Thev. too, have S their (iod-giveti purposes, i And what shall we say of the ! aching hearts ? The mother's ! heart that aches for her way ward boy, the wife's heart that yearns for a caress from an erring husband. What can equal a mother's love for the boy? You boys have grown up tender babies under a mother's watchful en re, Ah, boys, how many heartaches do you cause that dear old moth err Do you realize the world of affection in a mother's heart? What joy can you have in Iter Borrow? What pleasure in her pain? Stop, my lad. and think of your mother's heart. You have it in your power to make it sad. Let your heart warm s to hers as it did whijn it was a babe in herarins. K indly stroke the gray hairs on her head and assure her that in your heart there is seated a deep and last ing love and reverence for her. lo you know that this sub ject of hearts is the grandest one on earth? The more you study it the longer it grows. It is as broad as the ear'h, as high as heaven and as deep as the unfat homable a by ss. 1 1 en i ts are the trump cards of life, ami the ticket we must present at the door of heaven. The heart is the bookkeeper of our actions. How do you V(iip if it clean and pure A dapper young man on upper Broadway last evening was follow ing a girl, whose hands were in a huge mil IF. Suddenly, at lorty lil'ih street one of her haiuK, clad in a two-ounce boxing glove, dash ed out and sent the masher rolling into the gutter. He lay there a few seconds, while some humorist in the little crowd that witnessed the feat slowly tolled off the "one, two, three, four, etc." of the regu lation referee. The masher picked himself up with difficulty and scurried away just as Detective Leigh, head of the uptown detective bureau, came along. Leigh said authoritatively: "Young lady, you mustn't come around here knocking people down." In an instant the girl had swung around again and Leigh saw the two-ounce glove coming his way, and, being a boxer himself, just managed to dodge enough to re ceive a glancing blow. Leigh threw his coat open and displayed his shield and the mysterious woman dropped her guard. "1 beg your pardon," she said sweetly. "I am a stranger here. I came from Alabama, and am a stenographer, alone in town. But I'll tell you, officer, there's no man in this city can insult me with im-; punity. I taught women boxing in the South and I'll teach New ! York mashers homing in the j north." Leigh stood petrified for an in stant and then made a movement : , as if to shake hands with the girl. , "1 admire you," he saiJ, alter j spectators had declared the girl had acted in self-defense. "Won't j you tell tne your name?" 1 "No, sir," she said. "But I'll tell you other things. I put this ; boxing glove on and hid it in my muff, because every time I walk ' down Broadway to get the fresh air some hoodlum accosts me, and as the police can't be everywhere at once, 1 decided to take care of my self. I've knocked about four of them this evening and there'll be more." Whereupon the dainty athlete thrust her padded hand into the mufl and strolled away, while the masher hurried to some place of safety. New York American. ALWAYS TAKE TIME. "Take time to breathe a morn ing prayer, asking dud to keep you from evil, and use you for His . glory during the day. Take lime to be pleasant. A bright smile or a pleasant word falls like a sunbeam upon the hearts of those around us. I ake tune to re polite. A gen tle "I thank you," "Excuse me," ' etc., even to an inferior, is no compromise of dignity, and you know- ; "True politeness is to say the kindliest things in the kindest : way." Take time to be patient with children. Patience and kindness will open a way for good influence over almost any child. Take time to be thoughtful about the aged. Respect gray hairs even if they crown the head of a beggar," To w iili mill wnm'H. tin r Is n least fn. fray to li lp. i:ul w it It i!n.f way. I vu treat inviti, IN.iM, be lotiiNiiii'tl. Oin l luntl, etie U colMUtlt. It. inul, ImiI lioili nrt imi.uriu.'it, l"if)i Ufinimtinl. )r. s)i,.i.ii' Nith( I'mv is din Liii'iil, l'r Stump s. l;.-iuniti. tin- ( iiii-tinilifrinl. 'I'i).'f"rm. r- Jr, r-lm.tjr Niirln nn mi topienl ITiii'M':- ii'.'in i .iii"si'"t y r nn l V, w In!" l'r. M. iMp f. tnNiii" i- wholly an int.-nml trvtit 111' r 1 1 'I In- K' slor.i i i v- nielli',, liiwuijf limit tlin einirn Kyt.-in. fti'i'tithK tin- rim ir ol ult norvt), hi! ii-sii". mi'l i.!! Mum) mlmi'iilrv 'i'li'i N Klil ' HI'"". Hit II- lutltli' iini'Iieft, doe !U Wt.rli whil yti'i . li -until.- -i.p'iini Ititlam-i-i mui'uM -.urlae -, h.'iils Infill vi'k:ivn-, hihI iti-.eiit.rifr-, wliiii- id- It.-torutivi', i ii.TVoiitt es-'!t nn tit, fit I- p ti'-w.'t! iK'ir uti'l iiTtil.itiuti lnitMs tip v,i-l' il tisMD'H, lirinuHiK ahout ri-newii li'i'iiirth, viK-'i. anil lift, 'i'uke l'r. MnrfiiB Ito-tiii'utivi"- i alili-t-. fir Mniii'! hii ifi-neral ionic tO 111..' p-'"lll I'tir liM;tiV liJ' Ul Jiulp, UrfUUB well Dr. vShopp's Nig'ht Cure W. M. COHEN. our Stomach No appetite, loss ot strength, nervotts peas, headache, constipation, bad breath, tfenetal debiliiy. sour risings, and catarrh of tne stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol relieves i;.d gestion. This new discov d) represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist hi a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio odd reconstructive properlies. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieva indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, ol Ravonswood. W, Va.. says: ' I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. flodo cured ma tnd wa are now using It In milk rr baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat Botties oniy. Relieves Indigestion, aour stomach, biiiokfne of i? as, etc. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO. Sold hy W. M. Toiii'ii, UVI.km, N. ('. GEORGE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, fVutiimul Hunk lUiililinir) Weldon, N. C. 1 1 Tliis Morning? A Gentle La:ciive And Appetizer 1 SsS3jEiaajUKsF W. W. KAY. Family as- Grocer, SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME. Kvt'iytliinir taken into tin- l,nna,.i hIiiiuIiI Ip ilircltsl fully within a rrrtain tim. linn you fi'cl that vmir ntom acli is not. in kuoi! order, thut llin food yon liavc I'nti'ii is not liciiiL' ilim'Hti'il take a (food, natural diireHtant that will do tin-work the iliitestivi' jiiiooR arc not doinit. The bent rmnedv known toilnv forall Stomach troulilps ih Kodol, whicli iaKuarantepil to (five prompt relief. It is a natural diirestanti it diitPMts what you eat, it is pleasant to take. old hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon. X. O. They Heal The Skin and Away Its Impurities. Take enough for public inspection, or i is it scarred over with hn d l(',s"" ," t'111"'1" thoughts and worse deeds? Ah, keep thy heart diligently, for out of it are the issues of life. sulphur IliUh-. hi-ul Skin ii-.i.:i-.i". und 11, tin Iiihi. , Iiii,.,,,' tiinM. Sow you don't have to un nll'lo it hih-pi ieed I'ut a few spoonfuls wki.iox, k. c. I keep the best of everythin? in my line. I'olite attention to nil at KAY'S, my J ly WALTER B. DANIEL. ATTOKNKK-AT-LAW, WKI.IiON, N. c. I'rui'tii'es in the courts of Halifax anil Northampton mid in the Supreme ami I'ederul com ts. t 'ollections made in all purls of Ninth ( 'ionium. Itrancli olhec . ul iiuinu open every Monilay. Some politicians have long fin gers and short memories. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Hit Kind Yov Han Always Bought HE AIMED HIOHER. He kissed her hand. She withdrew it hastily and gaed reproachfully at him. "1 didn't think it of you," she said, almost tearfully. "I had al ways considered you a young man with ideals and" "I I am sorry if I have offend ed," he stammered. "I" "Well," she said bitterly, "I certainly expected you to aim higher." So he took heart and made new resolutions and things. of 11 Weill K's .ii id sri.l'iil u the hot Water, mid ou uet il perfect ul pliurliiith riaht in your own home. Apply IIANCOI K'sMil III Sl'l.l'lll to the iillccted parts, and Kczema und ( other stulilioru skin troulilesnte ipiiekly : cured. lr. K. It. Thomtis. of Valdnstu, : Oa.. wan cured of a painful skin trouble, j mid he praises it in the liiulicst K ilns. Your druiririst sells it. nwnxK's l.Hjfm sii.t'iuiii OINTMIINT is the best cure for Sores, Pimples, lllaekheads and all intlumma- j tion. Oives a soft, velvety skin KILL the COUGH UNO CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's jaw Discovery PR ICR OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND IL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. FflR OOUCHS GUAHANTEEO SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. ' Bears th. Slgnatur of OASTOniA. Bus tks 8 w m lw'ls "fi'1' A woman thinks her husband is smart to be able to tell what makes the furnace smoke, though he can't stop it. 11111 Postmen can tell there's nothing in women's letters by their being so thick. Boars tl fUgnatars Kind You Haw Ahttjn Boulit fromtitiy utttaimtl, or rtC PCTUHNED. tO YCARS IXPEfMENCI. ( Kir OMABOS Alii THI LOWItT. SciKt inotlvl, ph.Hu or hkrtti 'h fr eniwrt ititIi und frw irport on pntnifttliiU'v. HWINOaMCNT em i-oikIikU-! Mora nil Court n, I'ntt'nt (liitxinml Ihronul) nn, AIJVFW. Tift BO and SOLD, trot". TRADI-MRKS, PtH' MONS and OOPVAIOHTS qnkLiy ulUiiut.1. Opposite U. . Patnnt OfT1of WASHINGTON, D. C, MMmm m aaatt.'ittfllliitaW i iiTir-srf.il