i nPr ssufli frr )hm fatTX mi? mtz til i Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription-!.. SO l er Aniun VOL. XI. II. W ML DON, N. ('., TIU'KSDAY. FKIllil "AI!V 20. l!M)s. NO. I: . liAf wLJMs fesA I SsT RIS vs - " I iiH fW-'A. 'JiJl WW' A WW Www 5T rtJ'Tifc Jr-l""MM"'t ,, r-H, t ....... . Tlio Kind You Itavo Always nuB1it, and which 1ms bcou In use lor over 30 yearn, lias borno tlio Kiiiaturo of r mm nml lias born inntlo wider his per Qtffflrf 8"'1 supervision slmo Its liilancy. twcM. Allowmx.no ldw:.vo you 111 this. All Counterfeits, Imitations ami "Jiist-ns-Kiml" nro but Kierliiieiis that trlllo with niid cinlunircrtlio bealtli of Iul'ants mid Children Experience iigitinst KxiierimenU What is CASTORIA Custorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is I'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ns;o is its guarantee,. It destroys Worms and allays JYvorishness. It cures Diarrlnca and Wind t'oliv!. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation und Flatulency. It assimilates the. Food, regulates tlio Slomuch and 1 towels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's ranacra-Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tm e.NT.ua oo..h.. araiiT. c .o. err.. 101 OE Day I'ihim; -.'V P. N. STAIN BACK, I'NDKP.TA K LI!, Weldon, . . North Carolina. l ull Line ot CASKKTS. COI FINSanil R()Br:S. Day, NiRht and Out-of-Town Cnlls Promptly Attended to. II. (J. HOWE,- FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND l:MBALMI;R Seventeen years' Fxperiente 301 30EZIE THE U'M. OF WELOON WKLDON, N. c Organized Under the Laws ol the State ol North Carolina, Al til .-i :'iiTII. is'p'. Suite of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Veklon Depository. Cap it a 1 a n il S n rp I u s. 34-0,1300- For mint' tlmn lit'lfi-n yc:i vh this niiitiilinu Ims .nt i.lnl Ljinkini: l:ict li lies lor lltiH st'ftion. IIm sttn'kliulilt'is an.t .IihtIhis Ii;hc V u itlrnl ilictl with tlio busmi'MM iiitt'tt'ts of Ihtlilav ant Nuil!intiilini couiilirs lor many yi'UPH. Money is u:iiit'.l upuii uppuncl Mvuiity at tin- li-iral rule nl' intcrt'Mt hix per centum. Act'ouiitH il'aU me sutiritiil. Tht) fui pi UK it n.l uiitlivuleil Mtiin- liitvint: reaclinl a sum ryml Li (he Capital Stuck, the Itank !ui. fimimt-iii'iiiir .lannaiy I. esl.;l!ilieil a Savtnirti hrnaitnient aUnwinir interest on tunc dt p(iis un (oWuws: Tor Deputiits atlonetl to remain three mnuth or Ioiit. U per cent. Si inuntliH or lumrer, H jmt cen Twelve nmitt If or tnn'i'r, 1 per cent. For further inforinution apply tu the I'rc'dfitt 01 Cuhii-r. HHKHlDhNTl VH K-l'KKsMtKM - r Mllr.H: W. I:. IIAMKL. ln. II. U. I.KW IS, . ft. SMITH. (.Iiicli-Hon. Nurtliamptoi. etiuutyi OE 3E SEABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, land are subject to change without notice. Trains w ill leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 6.50 a. ni. No. 38 tor " " " at 2.45 p. m. No. 29 for Kalelgh and Oxford at 6.45 a. m. No. 41 lor Raleigh anil points South at 1. 10 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. No. 30 Shoo Fly arrive at Weldon at 8.00 p. In. For further information relative to rates, sched. ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to , II- (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Kalelfh, N. C. - f- j. rTO&'ra,: Signature of 303 30 fa N',,lll l'lliM -I lllhl ."il. Hearse Service Any ."where. H SOEZI 01 3E RAILWAY JANUARY 5, 1908, Ml 1 PI A STRANGE SENTENCE. 1'uiiir.liiiicMt l-'or Murder That Wns More Cruel Than Death. In I SOI a man died in the Cats kills w ho had been eondcinned by one of the strainiesl sentences on reeotd. Ralph Sutherland was hi n il in 1701 and lived in a stune house near Leeds. I le was a man of violent temper and morose dis position, shunned by his neighbors and generally disliked. Not heiiif; 1 able to ;et an American servant, be imported, a Scotchwoman, and, according to the usages -til the times, virtually held her in bond age until her passage money had ! ; been refunded. , i Unable to endure any longer the j raging temper of her master, the ! girl ran away. Immediately upon discovering her absence the man set off in an angry chase upon his horse and soon overtook her. The ; , poor woman never reached the house alive, and Suthcrlin was in- j dieted and arrested on the charge 1 ; of murder. ; At the trial he tried to prove that 1 his horse had taken fright, run away, pitched him out of the sad- die and dashed the girl to death j I upon the rocks, but the jury did j not accept the defense, and Sutli- j erlin was sentenced to die upon he scaffold. ' Then came the plea of the insuf- : ficiency of circumstantial evidence ! and efforts of influential relatives. 1 These so worked upon the court : that the judge delayed the sentence ' When fall the wintry Hakes of frost, iCummcr-tin.e somewhere : of death until the prison, r should VioIcIS jn ,he vallt,ys hird S0I1KS in le r; he K) years old, ; The chiy wj)ds thcy ony hmv ,,,,, ,jly.s ,ps apap; It was ordered that the culprit summcr in lhe worK1, ,y (k,lr, vvhcn i(.s summcr in thc hc;lrt. ; should be released on his own rec- , ogniance and that pending the When gray the skies are gloaming, it's summer in the dells- -'. final execution of his sentence, he : 1,1 the merry songs of reapers, in the tinkling of the bells; i should keep a hangman's noose , The sweet south skies are brightening as with spring-time's magic art, ' about his neck and show himself But the sweetest season, dearest, is the summer in the heart. : before the judges of Ca.skill once Sji si (hc bjrJs m si h ;u Mjl hc (iVis .(V a year to prove that he wore his Am, si, he rostfs ;tH, M M badge of infamy and kept his crime Uve fadcS n(), wi) )e s,aS(,. whon summtr d;VS dcpar, ,n mind. 1. was a more cruel de- stin mv dearesti jn ,he ,.;dal of tle ,,;.,., cisiou than the sentence or iminc- diate death would have been, but ; il was no doubt in harmony with! the spirit of the times. Thus Ralph Sutherland lived. ; He always lived alone. He sel dom spoke. His rough, imperi-1 ous manner had gone. Years fol lowed years. At each session of the court the broken man came be fore the bar of justice and silently showed the noose that circled his neck. At last his ninety-ninth year came, the time w hen the court had 1 ordered that the utmost penalty of the law should be executed. IW the last time the man tottered be fore the judge's bench, but new . judges had arisen in the land, new , laws had been made, old crimes had been forgotten or forgiven, and there was none who would ac cuse him or execute sentence. In deed, the awful restriction that had bound his life so intimately to the expiation of his crime was now le gally removed. Hut the spirit of self punishment continued, and w hen Sutherlan ' alter he had passed his hundredth year, was discovered dead, alone , in his house, his throat was found to be encircled by the rope w Inch had been placed there nearly three quarters of a century before. Of Interost To Women. To suih women as arc not seriously nut ot hi'altliHmtvfio havi' pxactltiK antics to iiiTlurA fiiluT In the ny ot hutiie hi Id cari'syr in social dutii'H und lime ti,lUiicl.-iTloiisly tux their stroniitli, ss HeVjrn,, ursliiK mothers. Dr. 1'iiTi ' Favorite pVYriUon liai iinivcd a must valuable UVrUng tonic and Inviuiirat- ln iii-rvliip. Hv Its tlnifly use, nimn 'r"i' i,,i'r;0iim tul'li' ""il lli I, il it '" ,"'"'" jMi'it It On to in k.hhI inn,'. 'I'lu-' Fav'Titi' I'ri'siTip-llii-Iiairoi'ii" prcnl boon tocsin-cunt moili'Ts by iri'tnrini? Ihn itysirm for llio rnminj of Iniliy. tli'Ti'liy rrmliTiinr rlnl'l i birth Mtfn, I'ltsy. ami almost Imliili's. ' Hear in mi utl. pli ase that Hr. I'lcrri' S : l'avorlle rri'siTipllon l not a wvri't or ; patent mi'diino, HKnlnKt wliU'h tlm nio.-t Inti'lliK'i'iit pcoplo ar l"H nnturiilly avorsn, bpranio ot tlio nni iTtiiinty as to ti.i'lreomiMislllon ami harmless I'hurai'ti r, ; bllt IS a MKIMI'INK Of KNOWN OM1il- ' TtoN, a full list of all its Iniinillenis t'ih prinUnl, in plain Knalish, on every bottli- , wraptier. An exaniination of ttiis list ot limniiieiita will disclose, tlie fart that It i., r .iii-ulcoholio In Ms romt'sliion, I'lieniH- ally pure, trl)ile-reliiiiit flu'erine taUiii! tho plain of tlio commonly "l aleolml, : In lis makn-up. In tliis eonni'i't It ; may not lie out of place to stato that the Favorite Prescription" of I l'ierce Is - thuonlv meilicine put up tor the cure of , woman's ieculiar eiiUni'ses and all ; nients, and sold thrimuh clnmiti-ts, all tbe IiiKnslienls ot which have the nn auitnous endorsement of all tho leailiun medical writ and teachers of all the miveriil whiKils of tirortice. and that h as remitlies for tho ailnicntJi for which ) "Fuvorltm l'rescrititlon " Is reeiimmendci . A little lKik of those, endorsement will be sent to any address. mst-paul. and ; absolutely frrr. If you r.'.in.'st same by ; t,tnl can!, or letter, of Dr. It. V. 1'icrci, 'l'S'lMereVa'riMisant I'ellets cure con- tlpatiim. (onstipKtion ia w. i., many diarawn. Cure tho causfl and you cur. U. duuaaa. ria Ui Ink. aa candy. i Absolut fly $tyC&hK ' I' "" fff the most healthful ISM j$l of fruits, comes the y Ul chief ingredient of p' M At-'J The only baking powder p made from Royal M GraPc Crcam AW f Tartar hN flirf A )f,ilx Ji y Costs a little more h.an the in, .rioui alum llllYl rlyl ' p'u",'"le ' ''m0 P"v"lm, but with j illj! (Si I Vllm Royal you are stireol pure, healthful looil. l'.Y PRANK I.. THE UPPER BY FRANK 'Twas in the upper gallery, where little gods abide, 1 took my seat one evening with Nellie at my side. Sweet youth was ours and love was ours and life was very tine, When shyly and fondly, she slipped her hand in mine. The noisy boys behind us, around us and before, They cheered and clapped and shouted and stamped upon the floor, The play was I forget its name 'twas something half divine; That lit the love-light in her eyes and drew her hand in mine. The stage seemed miles and miles away and we seemed all alone; (Nellie was all the world to me and she was all my own) She watched the swift unfolding of the dramatists's design; But I I read the story through her little hand in mine. The hero won the heroine, in spite The villian, foiled, fell on his sword 1 lungs all turned out so nappny, l took it tor a sign And knew it was a true one when she slipped her hand in mine (), little girl so far away in distance and in time, There are no plays like that one in this prosaic clime; Hero they have, and heroine, and brave resounding line But never any presence of a little hand in mine. THE OLD How Low The Head, Boy, As You Would in Your Old Arc Ik Reverenced. Bow low the head do rever ence to the old man, once like you. The vicissitudes of life have sil vered his hair and changed the round, merry face to the worn vis age before you. Once the heart beat with inspiration, crushed by disappointment, as yours, perhaps, is destined to he. Once that form stalked promptly through the gay scenes of pleasure, the beau ideal idcL, IIIIW lilt U.IikI i'l llllK. illoi withers tlie'tloweis of yesterday, has bent thai figure and destroyed that noble carriage. Once at your Hge, he possessed the thousand thoughts that passed through brain, now wishing to accomplish deeds equal to ti nook in fame; anon im agine life a dream that the sooner he awoke from the belter. But he has lived lhe dream very near out; the time to awaken is very near ai ; hand; his eye never kindles at old : deeds of daring, and the hand takes a Hrnier grasp of the staff. HARD TO PLEASH. "John, I don't like this neigh borhood ut all." "Why?" "It's the men." "What have they done?" "The one on our right stares at me all the lime and the one on our left never Wuks at me." STANTON. GALLtRY. PUTNAM. of scheme and plot; - and served him rigi , (iod w ot! l Hull's ulii'ti yini ill, n't li',1 just. liL'lll. lieu Vim h;Ul' a 1,11,1 stntliui'll, tula' soiiietliiiiir riirlit away lluil will at- lt illHI'slinll; hill in, tli'ini: ilnit will slllllltiatf I'm 11 tunc hilt so I, ,,,r ll,.,t ill ,Mim ly ,l..tl. M ivik Uiai Hi.- stuiiiai'li tin I'm ins iiii,,'r nnlin.il v an, I tiiniiiiil ci,m,IiIii,ms. Miini'tliini: that will1 make tin- liicl iliuvsi. ',i ,l,i tins yini ;!:!Ji!n hv'?";1;'"1;'"" Iik" ' id, I l,n l'sn',Ma. k 1 1, 1, ii is a si'ii'iiti tu iri'i,aialiiiu nf vi'iii ial.lr ai'hlv with nal- j uiai iliL'i'Maiits anil i lams tlie same ' jiiii'i'a ruuiiil in a lii'iillhv Moiiiai'l iI,,m' will ilnri'-l iiiini' ihan h.i i ul e,n t',i,i,l 11 e. sin,, tu all,, 1,1 , ii'lii'f: il ihiri'vi" wlial m,ii . it a l.ai'li : i a 1 1 1 s .im.t i.l is ,lrUMint Ii, Ink,-.-..111 l,y W. M t ,,l., H, .. S ( II nny work noi, neither should he il. Hi er llniiii Ink .mi eiiii ll.., 1i,iii:i.'Ii sin, nl, 1 l,f ,irl,-,l liillv ixjlhiii a ,', 'Haiti lliii,'. lini'vou li-.'l lluit v.. mi lf.in a.-li i- .n.l in u,l im.Iit. Iliat the liii,.l veil halt' eaten Is n,,l 1,,-ine ,l,eeti'il. lake a ii,i.,,l. iiatiiial .lleeMaiil that will Ii. the work the . Iil. sine lui.'ev air In, I .Ii.iiii: I lie l,esl i.'.n.'.K k now u t.lay lot all si.iinai'li tn. ul, I, is K,l,, nieli It w hat is it'iaianti'i',1 to cie ii,,ni, n hei; is ii naliiial iliiiestuut; ii ilmi'Ms you eal. il is pleasaiil tuiake. S.,1,1 l,y W. M. t'nlii'ii. Wi'l.lnn N. C. Idle bodies are generally bodies. busy- steitlial tii'kliiiiri'inieli! In. shoop's t'tiliell ClIU' will suri'ly stop it. ail, I With pi'ili'.'l surety. It is so 1lninnii:lily liai inli ss that lr. Shoop tells mothers to ae iioiliiuir rise wilii very vouiil' Iui-. hies. The wholi'suiilf irreen (eaves ami ten, ler stems nl' a Iiiiil' healitnr iimuii- ; taillinis sliriil, I'lirnisli the I'lil lln; prop ei'tii'S to lr. Shoop's ('iuil'Ii run'. It valtns the coucli. ami healsllii' sensitive 1,1'OlR'lllul lll('lllll:IH'S. No opium, I'lilorof'iiriii, notliniLr harsh use,l to j in t or suppress. Iiematiil lir.Shooi 'I'likv no otht'i'. .Ul1i'ali'iK. Virtue alone ennobles human kind. Stan tit iiaiuoinm.upiiiiyi. Kind Van Hw 'inrs Bouht WHY (ilRLS MARRY. None Marry l-'or Love The Most of Them Marry to Itetter The i r I iii.'iiKial Cotuiit ion. I'lolVssur Li'nii 'h' Nii vi'i!!,'. i'l I'm is, L;i. iiii'l.'i'i ,i k .-ii an in Vc-il iu'llt inn into I lit' I li lt .luliiit Vi'llii;; ;;ii Is In m.H lird. It is n vent III'Minii' iicsl imi ninl 1 hr pi iil'i'ssiu- will iIcm tv f nil tin' phiii'lils ('(iiniiiif t linn for llirowin lin'ht upon a iiii"-.. I ion t lint has m..h'i t In' oi hl for soiiii' tlioiisainls of ye;ii. I I is mcl In i'l of work iiiLT is cri' tllilllv il ilisri'i'ct olio )c srlil out circiilnrs to :ioo jrirls in KLiinco, Aiiiri ii'a. Kiiliiinl ami ( iri'iniiny. directly it sk i iilt thi'tn if lliry wished tu be mai rieil and if so. why: ami if not, why not '; In order 1 hut t heir an swers tniht be cut irely unein h.irrnsseil they wei-e in i(i'l to reply niioiivmoiisly . All the I'Vcudi H'irls replied with one except ion, n ml mi ct i -(ally nil of them w ished to lie married. Hut not one of them "live a seutiliientiil reason. Their iileu was to have a ood fancy eettine; married to .1 , : . . i . ... Iiiivi! a 4k m I t iinr. I lime, i in escape the irk si ii no rest rift inns of jrirl hon'il and cli;iit'i-oii;i";i', nml tu travel. i t' thi' si'vcnty-li vc Aiiii't irim (iris who wi'ii' circiilnriznl, sixl y-fiiht ivplii'd. Forty-six wanted to have their own homes. due witnteil bullies of her, own. Two were lonti iilt to loveand lie Inveil. Five were 1 ireil of living with their families. Three wanted to travel. Circulars were sent tnseveii-ty-lix e ' ie rinati eiris ami all lint three replied. Twent) -eiht wanted tohave their own homes. Seven were anxious to travel, Five wanted greater freedom. Six wanted to amuse them selves. Two wanted haliies. The replies from the Knjjisli j;i ids were very similar to those from the French ami Professor ile Nerveille frankly confesses that he is disappointed. He says that lhe results of his ex periment are surprising and repellaiit. "It is proved con clusively that nirls of the mar riageable iiirc. njrls just enter iiiLC upon womanhood and of I lie atie for men to love, are en 1 it'l l y seltish. Almost without excptiiiu they desire marriage only for seltish reasons, imior- intr I In flea ol love, ol ilnlv to 1 1 race and showing them selves sadly lacking in mater nal inst i net . The professor fully expected h ti ml vanity and sellishness anions French o;ii'ls, but he hoped for siitiii'lhitiij; better from America. He was disap pointed. IK" knew that love was a sort of cant in America and that no matter what mo- I llV(' imi't'ls a e,ir inarriatre. she calls her el not ions love, "When 1 succeeded ill illdlt- -o.m- -,.m..n t,; " write nuony inimsly 1 helievi ,., , ..I....1 1 1,,, i . 1, " The truth is that lite Amer ican eirl has forsaken the idea of love marriage, which is one of lhe proudest boasts of the nation " It must not be understood thai Ihese nirls will marry for the reasons they assist) for ,1,, sirinu; inarriae;e. The chances a 'e that n ureal proportion of tin in win marry lor love- in spite of their present predilec-; During the courtship it's teniper tions, hut the .xiKitm'nt!amcn'af,er marriage it's a case proves beyond a doubt the j ol ,c'.,ipLl yreat increase of selfishness nrtionijr young women and materialistic tendency of tlie il, ase. The professor, although dis heartened, intends to continue his researches, but this time with women who are a little or der. It is to be feared that he is not himself a married man. or lie wroibl Vnow tlinr even m- i the shield of anonymity will ' " hardly tempt tho woman of to j day to tell the, truth upon such a matter ns matrimony. San Francisco Argonaut. jjaantlie rM m w "m "Wajs llu Kind Vou Han Always BougH 8i(DBtua A VALID I.H;LTi!;.aU. ouni; Sheridan's KeaJ Saved Dim a l!ii clii!i; 1 1 : 1 f, 1 eV illCi'd olliel h ill earl till.! : tine. il'lloll li- III do, ill l iveii ickerl. ,e e liasl: - ,, r i ii" r. r. mil L-;;iH' Mi iill.l hi' ,.'i'!,n. ildfesseil e banns i, Hirhar.l In' ) hits Itl't www Hi 'in : miii'ia lirindsl l.ipi-S Shei idali alnl these e i ,i s I - there any one (,, forbid tin hmiiis?" A nil. Inn in- no re pi to his iplerv. he pl'oeee,, i to till I, is lire.iilliasket from I lie other bnskel v, ith n'ot 'ii-i". I'.ul ret i abut ion w;is to f.illmv . for oil the class In-ill-' re.-is-eui-bled the master called upon llichnnl lirinsley SI stand forth and ,j"in name the ominous Walker, who was I Ii the school and se, his wei-ht and size iiTi'lan to d wilh his 1 1 . 1 1 1 1, ' of e dunce of ctoil from to mount the culprit upon his shoulders i ... i . . i . i ... i in order i nat l ne iiiusi er ini-ni Hot ;i Ii I in sm fnee upon which to use the birch with etl'i ct. Sheridan bein duly mounted nml appropriately denuded of supeilluous raiment, thc master thus addressed him: "I publish the hnmis oT liinrrinf between 'Richard lirinsley Sher- lilan inul tins inrcli. is tlierc any just cause or impediment why these tw paities should not lie joined in holy matri mony!'" "llolilVyl "Well?" s:ii To which Why. sir. th ed Sheridan. I I he ina if-r. Sheridan s e parties are agreed!" This lieiny inl only u iity. hut apt. as licini; a valid objec tion in point of law. S,.'iian was reiplesled to retire and re store himself to his former ha liili.iiienls amid the iinciitriilla Ide lant;li'Hr of all concerned, ilielildin tlie head n; ,'t, r -Kxehiine SyLPHUR BATHS AT HUME. They Ileal The Skin und Away Its Impurities. Take Mil.liin Hall,- In ;il '-kiii an-! rif llil' 1m1v !l linlrvuiilf U'litW. n ytm i It nfl tuivi' to e'iMill ii :l Ii il: b ire J iv-ml In Lli't llii'lll. I'll! ;l IfU -pnnnriils of II ill K'S l.lol ID S I. I'm K in j I lit' li.-l uali-i, mi.l yini i;rl :i m -1 li-ct miI plntt" lat!i ri'jlil in yi-ui m'.vii Ihmiii', Apply II ( n K l.l'.'l ID -I'l I'lU I; t li tin all. rti-.l pait-. au.l 1 t nia an. I i utluT siiil.i.uiii vkni tii'iil.l--ait' ip.it'kly ; I'Mi.'.l. Di. K. M. 'I liiMiiu, nl' nl.lt.std. ; ;a w ciitt'ii nl ;i p nut' I ' in t HMiM( j ami lie pHii'-i's ii in tin1 Ihl'Im"1 leuiis, J Vuur tli'ui;'isl clk it. 1 ll.N(tn K'S .iil III M I.PIU K ' uTMi: 1' i tin' In l run' l'..i ! rimpl' s, r.1:irUir:tU aii'l all uifla'iima tioii. (.it's ;i suit. wKi iv kin. If the charity that begins at home is the real thing, it soon con tracts the travel habit. I f yi, ii haw Catiti i Ii, ri-i ynuiM'll' ul' this lv,uKi. aieai. k iM'. Sll,,,,,. el' li'ai'inr. is., to mail yen Irer. a Inal l, el Ins M. slun,(, I alatili lii ,iir,ly. A sin. , If. sniii' li-M, will suielyti'll yen u t atanli linlli VM'II iMiilli yi, iir kn inu. nti- to, lav. iu n l Miller lulu;,'!'. All liealeis There may be hypocrites in the church- but think nlThe vast num ber outside of it. .aijii'i is Mi','iin: the I'.nintiy, -t.,, It Willi I'll'U'lltll's. iielntl' It L'I'ts ,lee, si'al.'.l I n I'liei'k rally rtl,l with thesi' litlh-t'aii'ly t ul.l t ure I'al.lels m sure ly .eiisiliie aii'l saie. I'leu'iilies I'l.nlain tin '.iiuuuit'. nn lavaiive. iintli inu' hafii er Mekenitn:. riieimuuua Wiillhl llevt'l' alitn'ill ll eailv enl.ls were j,.,,n,llv l,i-,,k,' 11 ,.l i,..',- i-li .-1 1 1 1, fifii. Lame l,. is ahlel-. rents. est ,..i'kets. .'. I'ellls All Healers. Neighborhood Favorite. I Mis. I'. IV fliarle ; spi'iiknik' nl' Kli'ftiii' , ol' Itail.or. Maine. Hitlers, savs: "It a nciu'lihot ho, ,1 la oi ile liere w illi us. " It ili'secM's to l,e a tiiviiiile evi'i yw here. It fives quiek rehei in ilys(,e,sia. liver eoinplaint, kiilney,lerani:eiiieiit. nuiliiit tritioti. tier oiisness, weakness an, I uen era! ilehility. Itsiielion on tlie hlooil. as a lhoroiu,'h purilier makes it I'spei'ially usel'iil as a spruu: tneilu'tui'. Thisirraiul alterative tonu' is sola umler Kitaraiitee at any ilruu stoni. .',tk. And the heiress who marries a 1 title seldom geishismoney's worth CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears th Signature of Catarrh TI,n,v.i tlml i';u;iii': inn Inn;;. Ibh' 'Inul lli'sl.-i ClIIUTll I ,1 N, ii r , U -1 ,n v i f !u 1 i v. :it wl li.ninl :iiiy iJouot. iKiv aii'i thnial cull in: fiircl, ;. i,! ll rrii jili lii'i.i:!?!.!"!, simill f In. linojp's i iiiiiirti Ciiru. i" -oc- rtaiii, tl'iil Ir. Shooii'g i ,hi; 111'tn.tl siili-tantinl help. .. iiih iiifitif! a- it phjii'iil i ! . !.!; iii.iii.' uu t il. Hut tliitl 1111.' Iti. -i ll, i-l-.' Ill-- t' -t will ,ati mlv, .(..- j. Jir. Mioii'h w wiiiti'. !);' flttif nut is"tj 1 imi iiirkfi oii'icd atIii ss jitnt ...i,' UiL' III- 111 -Mi l.lK'Hlvl'tllS, U' . iir" in uriMiiiii, it liilo H 1'. hiilmiiitt, iiiMH-rt'-il liy I r. . Ifialnrrli of Urn not; Hii't I in Hi.- Mf.mai-li, ih.'ii ly all ualj,l)r.liM1iJ,nlfMnmtJvti. i. In f k nf (ft'ticral Htntittflh, Ji',liitiis!ii'!s, I in ( I (tintfl, tin. Stimiji's ;-;( i .intivH. i! caliti I'll only fif III' nowfltitl liovvt-vr, nrftl bu used but Bill1'! ,11,1-t ("!h.',p finjii huff-in. tl.I't-lll ll.l- M.'H-I. i! llo UIIMll-.dl ..f- illlrl'. Uni. .K li ilMl- I.iitiiiinif, lu'lt'liii,, i.r--J v fill! fur lii' I ' 1 1 uiK-dinphi-,-!. i ilii'uiii iti.nin.jt uL., Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure Kennedy's Cough Syrup Relieves Culh by workirt; them out Of ti e E 'rt'-m tl'.r-.u?h a copious and bvalthy sctisn of th: bowels. K-.l.eves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest end brcn:hial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Try De Wills Kidney and Bladder Pills Sure and Safe Si, I, I l.y V. M ( i Imi. U,-!,i, , N. C, (inOROE C. OREEN, ATTORNCY-AT-LAVV, i Villi, uiul llieik lluililiniri Weldon, N. C. j FUELING LIVEK4SH I This Morning? - T A W TAKE Jfc'"Ti .1-. -( fl . i', 1 la 1 i i j -1- ''11 !- ir-i'-s. A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer W. W. KAY. Family Grocer, Wl.l.llON, . C. I k, line. i'li the lu st of I'vi'iythinn in my I'eliti' attenliiin to all al KAY'S, 111 V 'J Iv WALTER E. DANIEL. ATTOM:-rtT-l.A,( i:i. Hon. x. c I'lai'tii'e in tlie I'lniits nl' Halifax unit Niiilliaiiiitnii nml in the Su ,i i roe an, I IVileial I'niiits. t 'iilli'i'tiniiN inuilc in all I'm Is nl' Noi ih ( ainhnii. Itruuoli dllini at iulil'u e,i ii eveiy IMi.mluv. KILLthe COUCH 'j AND CURE THE LUNGS G Dr. King's WITH New Discovery AW, rwewtty PltlCK Jll W OLDS Trial Bottle Free ANnAlL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. OUAUANTEED SATISFACXOE1 OH MONEY REFUNDED. D Iri.mitir olilmtnil. nr ptE LT tO VIARS1 KNPCniEMCC. Um CMAMi . . THK LOWKftT. Himl lun.!. , iitioloui nlicfii INFHIHOKMtNT SltilH Cfi.KllHH'il W'l, I nmrt. rHtt'ittn oMhIiuhI (tiifniirli tin, fcCVCR. TID Mill SOLD, fn-f. TIADi. MARKS. PtN- IIONS tuul COPVRIOHTS .(HKKty obwi kO. OpOOlt U. S. Filtert CfTlca, WASHINGTON, O. O. mmm mm i : 7 f-: t.,r ....

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