f r v is Advertising k'ates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. i err- VOI,. xui. WKLDOX. X. ('.. TIiriJSDAV, M AliCII UK 1!M)S. i nmnn i i in, inr i m -fc-wrr ni im tt i - NEVER KISS TILL WED. TOO LATE. 1 t LJlfl tfl )r!535S3il Uh ?VS J cur 1iw' 11 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which Las been la uso for over 30 years, lias btirno the signature of -J - - ""'""'- jtrr LLcXtAa' so"11' Icrvlsion since Its Infancy. arv, s-cucam. Allow no one o doc dveymilu this. All Counterfeit, Imitations and "Just-iis-nuod" am but Kxpoi-iiiwnts that trlllo with aloiiiliini;crtlio health of Infants und Children Experience nsniiist ICxperiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria In a harmless) substitute, for Castor Oil, Pnre jrorie. Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contain) neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic substance. Itaiifjols its g-iaranteo. It destroys 'Worms and allays Fevei-ishness. It cures Diarrlioisv and Wind folic. It relieves lctliing- Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tho Ktoiuach and ISowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS JSeard the Signature of s? The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. IBs: 'i'(iTmiSI Day I'iionk 2't. E Nil. Ill I'yoSKX '.'I 1111(1 .14. Bj P. R STAIN BACK, -rXDKlMAKKIJ. Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASKT.TS, COI-TINS and ROBi:S. S Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. II.O.HOWli FUNERAL DIRECTOR AM) EMUALMER Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere 301 nil The Rev. Mr. Bass Also Declares It Improper (or a tiirl to Work j in an Office. j Forty young w omen of the First Baptist Church, Last St. Louis, i have refused to contribute to the salary of their new pastor, the Nev. l.ist'Ui D. Bass, because lie said ii is not proper for girls to work in ollices or public places where they are brought into con tact with men and thai the bride should go lo the- altar unkisscd. Mr. Llas.s also arouses the ire of the gil ls when he said it was im proper to wear dresses with short sleeves. His ideas regulating the life of girls, in which he declares against dancing, kissing, holding i hands, and wearing dresses with abbreviated necks, do not lend to smooth the ruffled temper of the young women. "I do not want to be under stood as being opposed to work ing girls," the clergyman said, i "What I say is that girls should : not work unless it is absolutely ! necessary to help support the fam ; ily. If they have to work they ! should be careful where they ac j cept employment. "A girl is not justified in work ing in any office or public place until she has gone the limit in try ' ing to get work in a household. It , is dangerous for a girl to go into a man's office and accept his money, even if she works for it. By constant association with a man or men in an office a girl loses a something that she can never put back. It is the ; constant suggestion she gets there ; that weakens her character and her ideas of men, and like a con stant dripping it wears away her guard until she finally" goes down under it." Mr. Bass contends that anything beyond a handshake is too close for association, and refers to a kiss ; as an electric explosion. "Beware of a kisser," he says; "he should be treated as a villian. Kisses are unpardonable under ! any circumstances before marriage." o THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. x. e. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Ali it sl'-juTII. ivy. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Welduif Depository. C api tal a art Surplns, $4-0,000- . ."or molt' lliun I'lftreii v;h tlii institution !ia )iui!e Itankiiiir facilt tit'H fur tili NtM'tion. It MurklmMiis ;tnl t!ncel;i lmc hern "iili ntilinl with tin' tnisitit'KS interests uf Halifax anl Nmtlmniiiinii enmities tin many yearn. .Money is Kanel u';m arne(l seouiity al the I eta I late of interest six per rent um. A mm its of all are solieiteil. The surplus anil unilivhletl profits having reaelietl a mum rtial to the Capital Stuck, the Dank has. eouniit iieiiu' .lanua-y 1. V' est.;Mivu.l a Savings Department ailoiiiLr inleie.ot on time ih-posits us follows: l or Deposits alUw(il to remain three month or lonur. per eeul. Six moil t lis or lolihfer. t pel cent. ele mouths 01 jou-r, I pel cent . Kor further information apply to the I'tesi.lent or ea-hier. I'Hksikknt: W. K. DAMKt. vh'i:-i-iiiiikm: i miii:k: Dit. II. W. I.KU1S, U, II. SM1TI (Jachson. Nortliaiupton eountyi OE 3E SEA HOA R AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. ' ft nninnntif Mimni aiiwii him mim ntn and striclly prohibits the sale or alum baking powder So does France: So does Germany The sale f alum foods has been madifillegal in Washington and the District of Colum bia, and alum baking powders are everywhere recognized as injurious jQ proecj. yourseil' against alum, when ordering baking powder, Sap pkmiy llilliif $mm and be very sure you get Roy;,l. Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. It adds to the digestibility and whole someness of the food. "THE COMING JUDGMENT." "If the RiRlileous Scarcely Ik Saved, Where Shall ihe Un (jodly and Sinner Appear. "(iod now com- mandeth all men everywhere to repent; because I le hath appointed a day in the which I le will judge the world in righteousness, by that Man whom He hath ordained." :;: Aetsxvii. M) and 31. The day of judgment !" I low often is it on our t uigues, and yet how seldom dues it influence do any great extent) daily life ! Conscience has no more po w er ful ally. But the thought of our responsibility, while it does much, does not do all it might and ought. Too Simple Words, and Yet They Find a Sad Echo in Almost Every Heart Too late! These are but two simple little words, and yet they often come like a wail of dc;p.iir, from !ip.vhit.- with untold anguish and a heart bunk-ned wit'i bitterest sorrow, di ijipi-intmctit and vain regret. Sinvly they linj n sad cello in almost e cry heart, for no pet si in can look b.ic': l'ir iv Lie, be it ever so short, without liiidiir-; many errors mid mistakes villi, alas it is "too la!e" to recall. Those W.n Kt.li..-.. K.TV ') Ki. l-'lnnnrh. lil-'l 1 1 ti.-II. bi.l i', lli-- C" I -!:l. u t: ft I:. l' 1,-Mn. v I II,! - a. II l i.l II: 'a . Jl , :.r 1 : hasty, unkind a moment of word- ail'Iel" Were it to be the perpetual but est friend you had gentle instrument of restraint over you would give years tnouglit, word and deed, the con- could tliey r-j reca spoken in to the dear' (in earth; ah! of your life ed. But you know that cannot be, for the snov s of many winters have already whitened the mound in the church yard that bi les your lost darling from your weepir,,:, anguished eyes. So you must go on to the n a Fl . .''- r m. m ;jk.ev:' J,ci LrjIbSrti 'si;fr J) V V v4oi GIVE AND THOU SHALT RECEIVE. BY ELMER WELCH. WASHINGTON DUKE'S RECIPE Trains will leave WELDON asjfollows: No. 32 (or Portsmouth and Norfolk at 6.50 a. m. No. 38 for " " " at 2.45 p. m. No. 29 for Raleigh and Oxford at 6.45 a. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at I 10 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 03 p. m. No. 30 Shoo Fly arrive at Weldon at 8.00 p. in. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Ajent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to e. II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. The late Washington Duke, pio neer of the industry which later developed into the America To bacco Company, was once asked for a recipe for being successful in business. He replied : "Find out what the people want, and then give it them good and plenty." Andrew Carnegie at the Gcneses Society dinner in this city recently told the people that the way to get on in the world was to get to work a little earlier and swy a little later than the other fellow. There is ; much wisdom in this, although the unionists views differ somewhat from Mr. Carnegie's. Many a boy, as well as many a man, has missed the critical opportunity of his life by being altogether too careful to gel away five minutes before the end of his day's work, rather than to stay five minutes later. Wall Street Journal. When a man admits that he has made a fool of himself he can't un derstand why the rest of the world doesn't share his astonishment. Words of Praise Tor t!w si-vcriil InRH-Jit-nts nt which Ir. Pii-rce's mi-.lifiii.-s art! i-Min,ns,-tl. as Kiven by li-iult-rs tn nil tlic sou-rul st-hm-ls of mixlklnc, pIhiuIiI hav tar mora weight than any anmmit of uon-profi-ssianal tes timonials. Hr. I'll tvn's Favorite l'ri-si-rii-tion has Tin: uauue nr iionkm I un i-vi ry bottliMvrniiiK-r, ilia full list of all Its iu-gn-Ui.-nts printed In plain KiikIIsIi. If you arc an Invaliil woman mid nffer from fniU"iit headache, backache, gnaw ing dlsuj?) In tioniach, periodical pains, dbaerciiiyle, catarrhal, pelvic drain, dragKiify,lown distress In lower abdomen or polys perhaps dark spots or specks dancUfg before, tlio eyes, faint Sells and klndulsymtomscaiised by female weak fie.! oLthijrneranirt'mnt of tbi; fpmlninrt can not da better than tako Favorite l'rescriiition. pi tal, surgeon's k n i fe a nd opera may bo avoided by the timely 'avorite l'rescriiition" In such cases. Th'Tct-v the etnnottq eyimlrj aiioni in. a I.,. ,il in il" .. i.i j. ,.! the family pin iri:m can be avi.uli il ami a lli'ir i.k-ll cmir'i- ut siu-oi-s-iil trcatini nt carncil nut ''IJI.i:. W Hi ' I1"1 ll'")1;., " i-'.iv.rita l-reflvTipWoii " i coiiipo.M i ot tTie very best native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure ot woman's peculiar ailments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drops. Do not expect too much from "Favorite Prescription; " It will not perform mira cles; It will not dlsolve or cure tumors. No medicine will. It will do as much la establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to women as any medicine can. It must be given a fair chance by perseverance in tta use for a reasonable length of time. V" ra n't 'ifTnH " -'-pi si-.-rei. nr. truin as a Mili-titule --r III" 'hick women areivltcd to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, frcr. All eorresKincl ence Is guanli-d as sacn-dly sivret and womanly contiilencea are protected by ; professional privacy. Address l)r, K. V. Pierce, lliiffalo. N. V. .... llr Pierce's l'leasii-. lleta the best laxatlvo and regulat f the lels They Invigorate stomach, liver ant ; bowels. One a laxative ; two or three a j cathartic. Easy to take M tandy- Give thoughts of cheer; Of courage and success to friend and stranger, And from a thousand sources far and near, Strength will be sent thee in thine hour of danger. Give words of comfort, of defense and hope To mortals crushed by sorrow and by error, And though thy feet through shallowed paths may grope, Thou shah not walk in loneliness and terror. Give of thy gold though small thy portion be Gold wilts and shrivels in the hand that keeps it. It grows in one that opens wide and free Who sows his harvest is the one who reaps it. Give of thy love nor wait to know the worth Of what thou lovest, and ask no returning, And whereso'er thy pathway leads on earth, There thou shall find the lamp of love's light burning. THE LAND BETWttill BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. ' temptation of that Day would lose more than half its terrors. We would rejoice with trembling at the thought of our Lord's coming to judge the world; and also cher ish the hope that our account might be given with more of joy ; end of life, bearing the remorse ; than grief. 1 and grief those words have cost The dread of the coming judg- j you. : ment is not the highest motive, i "Every heart knoweih its own nor the most powerful, to keep i bitterness;" so every heart must men from offending God. Love ; bear its share of sorrow and re should be the compelling force; gret for act and words that it is all but even then to all thoughtful per-i "too late" now to recall. And sons it is a solemn and awe-in- there are many different chords in spiring truth that we are hastening the human heart, that thrill to the to the bar of a dread tribunal which sad echo of the words "too late." none can evade or escape. : Something pure and holy, like a God tells us in His Holy Word dream of heaven, at last many that each thought on which we i have crossed the pathway, made dwell, each word we speak each j dark and shadowy by long years action of our lives, all we have , of suffering and doubt,-it may be i done, or leave undone, for each a sweet hope full of promise for and all we shall have 'o give a true if' vf r-?. 1! 'A U Inflammation of the blad der, urinary tioabics and backache use De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills 3Sc . C. DtWITT & CO., ChlcuKo, III. ni. i Ittt. M. ( . I.i ii. i-l.iuii, V C. CiEOROE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I 'al i ilia! Kan1, I'l'iil.lnitii account of himself before that all powerful and just Judge, whose verdict will be final Thus the past, present and futare all com- bine, by His grace, to lead us un to holiness. the future, a word, a look, or even a tongue, at which you tremble, a sigh as you murmur, "Ah if it had been sooner!" but alas! it is now "too late." Then the weary head Weldon, IN. C. drops lower, the as you crush bad tears fall faster, . the bitterness The day of judgment lies at the in your heart, trying hard to mur root of all Scripture. Were there mur, in all sincerity and truth, Between the little Here and larger Yonder There is a realm (or so one day I read) Where faithful spirits, love enchanted, may wander Till some remembering soul from earth has fled; Then, reunited, they go fortlafar, From sphere to spere, where wondrous angels are. Not many spirits in that realm are waiting; Not many pause upon its shores to rest; For only love, intense and unabating, Can hold them from the longer, higher quest; And after grief has wept itself to sleep Few hearts on earth their vital memories keep. Shall I pass on across the mystic border? Will thy love link me to ttfat pallid land ? I would not seek the heavens of finer order Until thy bark hath left the coarser strand. How desolate such journeyings would be, Though straight to Him, if taken without thee ! Wert thou first called (dear God, how could I bear it !) I should enchain thee with my love, I know. Not brave enough am I to free thy spirit From all these tender lies, and bid thee go. Nor would a soul, unselfish as thine own, Forget so soon and speed to heaven alone. On earth we find no joy in ways diverging; How could we find it in the worlds unseen ? I know old memories in my bosom surging Would keep thee wailing in that Land Between, Until, together, side by side, we trod A path of stars in our great search for God. no judgment, there were no need of holiness, no need ot an Inter cessor, noticed of a Siviour, no need of a Sanctifier. A'en might live like devils and die like brutes. Therefore to the certainty of this event the Bible beats its testi mony in every age and in almost every book. Of this E loch, the seventh from Adam, pnphesied; this Abraham believed; this Job foresaw; this Moses taught; of this David sang; on this Solo non rea soned; to this Samuel and all the prophets after him referred, with more or less minuteness of detail. To crown it all, the L ird Jesus '. Himself, the future Jucge, made known all thai He thoug it good to i be revealed, opening out the sub ject more and more. Io His gos I pel teaching first,1 and nen in the : ; writings of Paul, Peter, James and ; Jude; till the last book o1' the Bible. John closes the Apocalypse with a description of thai Day which can only be surpassed by tin reality. Then let us pray that we may keep the remcnibram e of that great judgment steadily before us, and obtain grace to prepare for it. For "if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear ?" Some of these days we are go ing to meet up with a defeated can didate who is )ust as glad to see us : as he was before his defeat, and ' then we will know who our pre i ferred candidate for something t belter is. 'Thv will be done.' LAUUIITER. I : ' ,' I V. ''C V ' tn- I" Yr: 1 TV-.- ,1 AC. !.-- -1 5j i .rsr: 'it ,n v. t;.':1fw MM ri 8 A Cci..if Laxativ: And Appetiser J v " W. KAY. Family ,i-t Its I Smile lau.uli al tioiiblc. 1 from ihiv to 1 ; i v : In tho warmth of laughter, Trouble nn-lts awnv. ft ALWAYS Wr-UCOME. TWO KIND OHUIRLS. There are two kinds of girls in this and every other community. One i.-i the kinJ that appears bc.-t abroad, the girls that are good lor parties, rides, visits, balls and cards, and w hose chief delight is i There are some characters who i carry their wealth with them, who are' rich without money. They . ! do not need palatial homes or a large bank account. They do not nun I e, mill not hw hut a slum time, u lii-u a in. ml ol' in tn, I ii-eotiiineiiili-l Ro'liii. t consent,.,! tn tiv il t., ,.l...... ill SUcIl things. The Other is llle i Ionian. I I :i lu-Ui-r m on',, ihiv. non weiu'li mole than I ever ilnl in mv life Thi is w i nt t I Ion. Juke Miiine, state W aiili n ol iieiniiia, mivs ni' Kmlul tin- ilvspepMll: -;. c. HeVt HI Co, ( In- i -ago, HI I,iii- mi I liite siilli'ii-il naile lliail Iweiilv i-ills lioill llnligi's- , Hull. .M..IIU eigl.teen itmaL. la,l , R.eJ , aJm,SSIOti 0 sOClCty : L'lOlMI HO llilteli worse tlllll I CUM UmI , , , , -r, ,!:;...!ac:ii.,i .,r.-.,ii.i.i.l UmI iii ! everybody !"ves them 1 hey are ji.it retain iinyiiiing ,, my stoiuaeii. i welcome everywhere, because ihey kind that appears best at home, the girls that are useful and cheer ful in ihe dining-room, d sick room and all the precincts of home. They differ widely in character. One is often a torment at home, the other a blessing. One is a moth, consuming everything about her; the other is a sunbeam, in spring light and gladness around her pathway. The right education will modify both a little, and thus unite the good qualities of both in one. I The people who come early to j avoid the rush generally find that j every one else has done the same I thins. have that which money cannot buy a genial, helpful, sunny, : cheerful disposition. ! Of course, everybody wants them, because it is a joy tube wuh jhem. Everybody loves the sun shine and hates the shadows and I the gloom. I There is no bank account that Though your hours are weary Smile both left and ric;ht: If your liuiilen's heavy. Laughter makes it litflit. Care rejniees ever Smile both left and l ight ; But when laughter greets it, Cares get out of sight. All the gloomy comers In the heart grows bright , When the sun of laughter Sheds its rosy light. I hen fore, laugh at tr You will find today, In th" warmth of laug i limbic iticiiN uv ,t Detroit I- ici Wi-.I.DON, N. C. I I, line. eep the Clue mv L' i' i-vriylliiii!.' :in my inn In till tit KAY'S. WAI.TKR H. DAMi:i., ati'ui;m'k-hT-lav, KI.IHIN, N. ('. I'l.n-iii'i .-- ill i!h e uirt.s ui Halifax ami Nii:lliaiii'tnii ami in (lie Siiiivhh unit I Vili-eil i-.iuil: . ( Vlli'i'tiiiiis nia.li' in all .ai t-i i.f Nut ih i ' -in, linn. I'.ianeh nllieo ill llalil'ax iip.-ii i i ry Molliluy. I'..' i-aivl'ul :l 1 . i lit Ilia! I . i i si'iin-ttiiiiir n:::it auay: s.i.iu- e;in-al.l,- tviii. ,y ilia: nil) m.,v i!,. Ki inieiiy's l.aatiii- t o il; ! i : yn ct-nlly yel pnuiiitlv on Hi.- I.nin tlllays int. immaliiiii til tin- sumr It is i!i-a.-.;iiil In I an. I K t feeiniiiiiriuleil I'm elelilti-ii, as it ll.'tulv tlsgiiii,! a- lil.ijili' suai. Snhl l,v V. M. t'lilii-n, .-. ami am nt ni-tii-i lii-altll lltutl tor lltaliv yeaiM. Koilol ilnl it. 1 keep a liiiule i-iiii.sluiniy, anil write this linpini; that humanity will lie lienelilteil. Villus vol v truly. JakeC. Momv, Atlanta, Aug. III. I!HU." Sol.l hy V. M.rolten, Welilon. X. ('. we can nhvavsi iliink of n lot of When a fellow tells a girl he is ! can balance a sweet, gracious per- reasons why otner pe()ple ough, ,0 Sword Snc I no? Ion" M " mK1 QW I satisfied with what they have, at his w ord and not look for proof. , matcn a sunn y heart) an abi,ity , L No Use to Die. ! radiate helpfulness and sweetness. 1 have fiiuiiii out that there is no use i But such graces and charms nU'-M,'""!-'""'v0 ioUK aH- y"" 1 never live with selfishness or self- can get Hr. King s Nen litseoverv. suvs i ,. . , , . , m. .1. 1'. Whit,-, of liusiiiiorn V --i seeking. It is the people who have wiiiiiiiii'tiieaiiveioiiayoiiiyfitrtiiatv.oii- something to give, not who are iieriiii medicine, it iooseiiB tip a cough ! trying to get something, that at e itlZ .'ii?!'"" ""v,1,i" '''r0' ttl"1 mm I wanted everywhere. lung disease even alter Hie case ih pro- ; ' limine,.,) li..i...l..u. ii -rt.t , ..!:!. 1.. i . , ,, no, .iiib iiiom teiiuiiir , r.n,i.lr.... l. 1 1.1.. I : OASTOIIIA. ....... .j .... voi.min ui.u i K 1 I y, tM v UoM .,, nnh. Bigoatan CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought asiniua, DroiiclntiB ami liuraenrtw, is sold under guarantee at anv drug wtore. iilc. and 1. Trial bottle free. Bears the Signature of A plain duty, like a plain girl, has few wooers. inline, H.ii.y..t,-..--,e,-- ' mm 1,1. -r. KILLj: ami Cii" at- I'rt-SS. l-r - -:- "r ",gi,.n,,. with llr in i,i, a) i-s t ramaaa I . I" EamK.il et 1ffl'.l'f '" lon. V '. Stii i UP .t i ' . 1 fTAr" iiPi ' i St sm p- . U .'1,.', - H ee yehe' t .-' :, Ij INrftlNGCMfcttT - I El TlSEDruM :;o-. 1 1 i Bl WAtil'.INC COUCH . . m m m mm M discovery ,JS PRICK '3 "He SI.(A , . v Trial Bottle Free ."-DLttNGTnnilBlES ATlSFAtli'Oai FUNDED. i 2t .1 FC C PETUR'NEO, C. nui CHHCIS AFtfi i 1. pllUtt) HI hkrt Il fur till .i.teiilrthility. poiulutttuj tfl.Hf nil I tin oti!i ii- ADWR. THADC-MtRKb, PIN T qui kly utituiuti Patent OfTlc ON, D. C, 4 1 V 1 I - it t h 1:1 il - t r

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