: A t fag tiao$i p rife?fc M mmM If li figs S ImM VtW t Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $l..0 F'cr Annum I NO. 17. VOL. XI. II. WKLDON, N. ('.. TliriJSDAV. MAIM II lid, IDO.x, HOW IT FEELS TO DIE. .M.l'OIKU, 3 I'KH LliN l" A cficl.diU' rc'pnratioii nr,s similaHM!jilieFi)(iii,inill!i'itiia liiilu'SuiiiifiiiisiinilUiwisol Pi mi, A Delightful Sense of Relaxation from Ah Care and the Passing ; Into u State of Bites. fTTTTTl PrnmolcsDislionrWtfiil ni'ss ;ir,d l!i'si.Cuiilaiiis neiiir t i i irtv .Murphntc itor Miucral j ROT NARCOTIC Jimfetrmdrinarmvm Piivfiat Stttt" Jlx-Seruia Ill luitvlK.4 &'Jk t It'rmSird- AncriVrl itaiieilv fot- Crmsl'o. lion , Suur Slanioch.DI.'trrlioJj Wornisvomwsioin.rrtvrisli nres and Loss of Sleep. racSimilf Si'Jnalurf nf XEWYOUK. For Infants nud Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V iVW IB In r use For Over Thirty Years Kc NEW VOUK. j Exact Cojiy of Wrapper. TUB CINT.UR tOI.H.. NfW VON. CITY. -wjtt!yifiiBr y lv I'iiuni: -.-.. P. N. STAIN BACK N h n i I'iimi -J a'nl .M. - I Nl)i:ii 1 AK Weldon, . . North Carolina. Pull Line of CASK L I S, COI TINS anil KOBI-S. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to II. (1. KOWIi PUNI-RAL DIRECTOR AM) HMIJALMI-R. Seventeen yeurs' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere, iff e4 THE B4NK OF WELDON WT.LDON. N. C Organized llnder the l.nw.of the State of North Carolina, Al t, I ST LUTII. I s'lj. State of Nonli Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. To vn of Weldon Depository. Capital aiii jrpl $40,000. Tor timrt tliiin liftt'tMl yrnvs lliis institution Im io ulcl I un k i uir turil tit'H tor this Ht'iMitm. lis stut'Uliul-lris uii'l 'hit lu t-n uU nlilit Hitli the luxiiirH iutt'i'! iif ll.ililav an. I ni I li:iin'li'ii (i. unlit )'i many yrun. Mtyicy is Itcuiftl upun apH'.iM- l Mv.iniy ai iln- Unl mtr inlcicHt si x per eciitum. Aoctnuils ui a!t an- si!iiMit .I. Tlie surphi1 aul untlivMeil iulits it;imLr n;h lu'l a mum cijiml tn tl Capital Murk, tin Tank has. nm:iu ii"-tii January I. IH.s. oi.il.li.-in-'l havimrs lii'put'lmt'tit ullowitri: uilt'n-( on tiiin i pupils a (niMnw: I iN'pusils nllttwcl tiH't'inain tlirrt Mnnllt- ir iiiiL-t i per (in. si month or longer, ; n-r rt'iit. Tut-lw niciillisur htiiL'cr. I pn rent. For further nifiiiinaliiin apply Un I'l h ut or t ;'liirr. I'Kksiiikn r: W. K. l.VMi:I.. vn K-niini:r; cxmiiki;: H. U. ..W IS. W. It. I1TM (.laeh'ii. Noilliainpt'Mi cowniyi MU ilMIWIIIIIHIli ttwHJtSJJM SKAlSi ) A AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDOLE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5. 1908. " These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 6.50 a. m. No. 38 for " " " at 2.45 p. m. No. 29 for Raleigh and Oxford at 6.45 a. m. No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 1.10 p. m No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. in. No. 30 Shoo Fly arrive at Weldon at 8.00 p. m. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (i ATT IS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C. WELDON TOWN. K,V icIl'MCC colli illllCH to llll'l'l- Hint the linal pnrtintj of soul ami liodv has not, in reality, tin' terrors wit h which t rail it ion has clot lied it. Concrete in stances have not heell Wlllltine lately. Dillon Wallace, who iiccoiiiiiinicil Lcoiiiilas lluhanl on the ill-fated expedition into Laln-ador, which resulted in 1 1 iihard's ih ;it h, and who ni ter wards went hack the same Idejik trail, came ;is close to death hv starving as men who miss it arc likely to conic. Mr. Wallace is convinced that star vation is not had at all. lie says that a man who h'ocs with out two or three of his meat ' . succession is as hiin x as he ever will he: that af ter that . u ith the further lack of food, conies merely fainlness and erowine- weakness, ami that the end could he only a gradual drifting oil' through pleasant dreams. A week or hvour iiRiian Alpine climher who had fallen from a hie;li precipice to what appeared cer tain death, told of his sensa tions during his lone; fall. Af ter the llrst shock of realiza tion he was not frightened at all. Scenes and incidents of his past life, with all ilisae,ree alde memories eliminated, llit tod liefore his enraptured eve., and. rcminisciti"; upon . these, hi; Iloated easily oil' into uncon sciousness. A M innesota man died the other day, and came to lifts ae;ain. llisheart stopped heat ine;, he seemed to himself to he dyine;, the doctors pronounced , him dead, and he remained in that condition for twenty-six minutes. He says that he felt "a delightful sense of relaxa tion from all care and the pass ing into a stale of ldiss. ' 'Af ter my experience," he added to an interviewer, "I am n ot afraid to die." Here are three men who have, in fact, conic hack across that1 hoiirn whence no traveler re turns, and all have come with reassuring testimony. tjuitc possildy. Hie Wnple statetne nt of the Minnesota man would apply to most men and many ways of death: 'After my ex perience, I am not afraid to die." It may he only that very lack of experience which makes men, in health and strength, look toward the last moments of life with fear in their hearts. The testimony of those who have heen revived from drown ine; as to the ease with which death came to (hem is familiar toeveryhody: and the ahun ! dance of this testimony may ' not mean, as we have usually been told, that drowning is the pleasantest of forms of release; hut only that more people have heen Inouuht hack from that ! approach to t he undiscovered I country than from any other. -j lvichmond Times-Dispatch. j liven a eat and dried speech may j be more dry than cut. ! A Square Deal ! In ic-suri'it yiiii wlii'ii yen Iniy lr. Picivn's i Luiiily m.nl icin.'s I, ,r nil tlm innrrtli- ! ml- t'liii'tiie: iiii" t li. iii iif tiriiilnl un j t!i Ixinli'-unti'p'T'. iinil tin ir fornoilas I il re lltlt'-t.'cl lIMil-T'.illll ;i hrililj fOllllilr'lc 1 illi.l .-..ri'e.-l. V 01 l.lluu jil-t w h.lt yt'll :ll'n ; I'.oiiii Inr iml ili.il iln' liu'i-i ill, nis nil. K.hIhti'iI frmn N.iuni' s l;iii'.:liny, Ih-,ih i'l,Vln fl-'itll Oil' lll'i-l , llll.O.lt' ll.lIlM' ! ltlfiilrlli.il rnoH titlill'l u't"Uilli( III nur . AiiHTifiin furi"tiPntui.hili' tintrtit locurc 1 trn iH'rloiti hariiilifcTjHu In the must dt-lii'iiti' witiiMTiiilJiWr Sijt .1 r.-j i When heavy lids press dow n my wakeful eyes I often think of the days that are past, Of the days beneath blue southern skies, Where hearts are true and friendships l.r.i, He die river up or the river down - That was the way in Weldon town. Sweet was the ring of the old town bell, As it ranj; in ye olden times, When it changed its tone we knew so well And sunt; a tune like Sunday chimes; Sending its voice all up and down And over the river in Weldon town. Oft I stand by the red Roanoke, I'nder a spreading beechnut tree, I tempt the perch, the cat provoke To take a bite - to lake it free Not a nibble, hut lake it down And go with me to Weldon town. I wander 'round my dear old home The little brown house on the hill. Tlie light of spring dispels the gloom And lapsing winter fails to chill The hyacinth, seamy gown. Which scents my home in Weldon town. Again I sit beneath the vine Of the sweet old scuppcrnong. I watch the autumn sun decline With its lingering shadows long. 'Tis ever thus the sun goes down In my dreams of Weldon town. Again, with bright eyed boys and girls, I play on the shady hillside green. We give no thought to pelf that purls So the play is fast and playmates keen. The world went round, the world went down As we had fun in Weldon town. I meet again with glad hand-shake Her men so kind, her women true, Who give me a shake for old-time sake And a chcer.ul how-do-you-do. They never cared so the river was down If one was up in Weldon town. Go where I may, do the best to do, I'll ne'er find a place I love so well, A people I prefer to you Who made the town and rang the bell Be the river up or the river down In that good old place Weldon town. IN Rli. There are pleasures tipped with sorrow Which live in the days that are dead; A peace we often would borrow, But the pain of parting we dread. A prick is found in each crown, liven in dreams of Weldon town. Andufav Joyn'kk Ca.vipuku., Washington, D. C. FROM ROYAL GRAPE CKEftM OF TARTfl 9 A 1.IPI: THAT l)Lf-l;ATS ITSIU.I- Scll'-centered life is every where the ureat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; I II happiness. It defeats itself and keeps its victims forever upon Hie rack. It collides with others' inter ests, and (iod is in its way. It leads husbands to he indif ferent or uuk i in 1 to their wives, and wives to regard their hus bands only as the chief of their own conveniences. It underlies suits for divorce. It leads children to demand that the whole of the family arrangement shall be managed with reference to their personal pleasure. Itlireeds social jealousies and neighborhood quarrels; it .i;.. i i iiistio net oi j cream saloon 1 wiih my gul NfiVLR (il-TS BY IT. always hate to pass an ice when I'm walking 1 hat s sirau;:e. I low do you manage it?" "I tli n't manage it; she does. She always insists on going in, Detroit Press. Tins is what Him. .lake Moure. Stat,. W anli n nl ' I inn-ma. says nt Ktt.ltil lor ilysprtwia: -;. c. l,.Vm A; I n , Chi-ra-tt. 111. I tear Sits I KU,. Millriv,l iii'tri-than nfiuv y,.ars I'n.to nnlices tiini. Al.ixit i ialiii.cn monllisauii I ha. I irimui . n.u.-li tutrsr Klt ,.,m, ,,t 'liL'est a finst ,,l -n hiva l an. I onul.l inn iviain atiyiliiiisr en my Kimnai'li. I lii-l .'. Ilis.; in larl I iiia.il' up n,y linn, I that I 1'iiiiM tint m. ,t a short time. nlii'H a t'limil ol mm, I iironiiiieilihsl Koihil. I fiihs, lilt, o i iv it lo il,ase linn ainl I was tt. r in our ,hiv. I n,, neii:h niorr than I ryrr .h,l in' inv hi,, an.l am in better health Ihan for manv year-. K .. I. .1 n i L,... t.,.,,r.. breaks lip church choirs, scram- jnnisiamlv. ami write this In .pun: thai bles for the t hief seats in the 1 !''' V''1"" V ".'!' "l!!"'1 "";' ; only, .lake t . Moore, ilania. Ansr. In. synagogues, and sets church : co " members t.. praying, -Lord.) ""Iiu u- M-(ohen. Wel.ton. s. f. grant that we may sit on I liv j A ,., vvh(1 gL,ts ,ia) up right hand and on Thy left in ; theory can't be convened 1 by Kingdom. It leads )iot replies to love the preeminence. It is to the credit of the relig ion of ( 'hrist that (annul live in pence with it. Kev. I. W. llnntHigtoii. 1. Man Can Neither Live With Her Or Without Her. At the beginning of time, Twashtri the Vulcan of the Hin du mythology-created the world. But when he wished to create a woman he found that he had em ployed all his materials in the crea tion of man. There did not re main one solid element. Then Twashtri, perplexed, fell into a profound meditation, l ie roused himself as follows : He took the roundness of the moon, the undulations of the ser pent, the entwining of climbing plants, the trembling of the grass, the slenderness of the rose-vine and the velvet of the flower, the lightness of the leaf and the glance of the fawn, the gaiety of the sun's rays and tears of the mist, the in constancy of the wind and the tint-. idity of the hare, the vanity of the peacock and the softness of the down on the throat of the swallow, the hardness of the diamond, the sweet flavor of honey and the cru elty of the tiger, the warmth of fire, the chill of snow, the chatter of the jay and the cooing of the turtle-dove. He united all these and formed a woman. Then he made a present of her to man. Hight days later the man came to Twashtri and said : "My lord, the creature you gave me poisons my existence. She chatters without rest, she takes all my time, she laments for nothing at all, and is always ill." And Twashtri received the wo man again. But eight days later the man came again to the god and said ; i "My lord, my life is very solita l ry since I returned this creature. I remember she danced before me, singing. I recall how she glanced I at me from the corner of her eye, ; and she played with me, clung to ; me." And Twasluii leliniied the wo ' man lo him. I Three days only passed and Twashtri saw the man coining to him again. "My lord," said he, "1 do not understand exactly how, but I am sure the woman causes me more annoyance than pleasure. I beg of you to relieve me of her." But Twashtri cried: "Co your way and do your best." And the man cried : "I cannot live with her 1" "Neither cm you live without her," replied Twaslnri. And the man was sorrowful, murmuring ; o is me I 1 can neither live with nor without her." Translated from an old Sanskrit bock. "THE GOOD PAVER." (iood Payers Who Do Not Pay Hills. A local merchant complain ing of poor collection::, said, "the good payers: don't pay their bills. " It seems a cunt ra dii't ion to call a ma n a "good payer" who does uo pay an ac count when it is presented. A 'good payer" in this connec tion is the man or woman w ho has th, cash to meet every bill presented. To the person who linds it hard to meet bills, lint who pay s every store obligation as fastaspossiole.it is indeed a strange posh ion, that of the first, running an account with a local merchant, when cash could bi' pni,l for every article as needed, and second, having run an account to keep turning away t he collector time after time, when there is on hand, or in the hank, money that could and should at once satisfy the ohligat ion. It is the '"good payer" i l the town that works real hardships nnioiig local merchants. The "good payer" in the fu st place is known to nave money .though hard tti collect from. It takes real trade nerve to refuse such a patron. And yut many a merchant inwardly curses when such a customer comes in, for the merchant knows he will 1 lack courage to say "no credit." In such times as these, the "good payers" are specially cruel to merchants. The man w ho is out of work must now he given extra credit. lie has always met his bills. lie is likely to be at work again very soon. The merchant cannot turn him away. Just here is where tin "good payer" is pe culiarly aggravnt ing. lie or she is harder than usual to get money from. A local merchant tells, that if he could get his Christmas bills collected from customers he credited as "g I payers' Why it" prove t he t rut hf illness of the nppellnt ion at once, in I his Rheumatism Ihavcfnim-l jitHr.1 tu.-l t-:t-l hhv Mr Jlh-.u mnlism ! Nnt :i ivi:p'Iv tkit ms Mruiuhl' 'i tim li-;rti'I linti'S t,f I'lM-iiiiic i-fii:pl-'!i. nor turn l-iiiv gi'uWlh . l;H'k In II, -It nr.iJi, '1 li'.if j m . ; ; 1 ,1,.. I! :L J c-:i u iinyy .iiivlv .Il Llli piuu.4 UlM JntJiMs ut tl'H ili-Tliiniid.-ili.t'tis.-. l-i i ii'Ti i mm V" .'.nli it I'tKini T' In th" Hlv nf P,IMll-tltU-I f.lllhrl hst. 1 i " J." T ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 IVlCl Which J'r. r llnOr i:!)"inii;ilii' IVu: -dy U.i-i Tiiii'!t tt I'lTt.-t. 'l.'(i' in!;iblo iiv-;i'rii.liu';. Uilht.ut thai Li.ui't'i'Mli f.i, I f-iily in ;iMl ti-mv, 1IIIIMV fllM'-i Iff Kili'lt lilt! Ill ; h'lt lalU . Ill 111 -I. it illli f(J ll.lV i UJVSilll ' '.is' s n l', h"P lull .I'M Ji::n h ill-ml-l iti-.;--. 'Ih-, ..!:,;.; I- tfmnwl.ir V, .1 -I"", ft.t 111'! Hi Kl-ii:n;ttli- lijnuil. -"m (mll-nlvit Bin I pa s, it way 1 1 1 m j i ' i I !i. iii 1 1 1 in ! t Ins r t J :i Ir-fly hiImi'; Miiriir wh n inM"! lo imm wuPt. Ami 1 1 i -tl. v h"ii .tis.'.lv- 'l, thi-v P'.i.v- s v;m.-4 frciy p;is liHin tho -'.li-iii, iiu'l th.- ouisn nf ItKi'iunni ,-m i.- tfi-.n- fnn-M-r, 'I !n'h iiii-iw n) T'-ni f I - i -- Hi i li' 1 1 i i U-'1 In "Ulll.T li dilf' f U' it h OuUu'lp. W-!!, :ihil hi uiiii.li'iicif rnwiunii'inl Dr. Shocp's Rheumatic Remedy ASl Dealers. Sour Stom Do appetite, less of strength, r.ervous-p?-j, iieac.-iclic, constipation, bad breath, .nrai debiiU, lour risings, and catarrh ( -tom?.j:; ars all diie to indigv tion. Kol.i1 Tcii'.vcs ird.e.iiii:!. T!iis new discov er icpreseiils tr.c njlra! Juicea of diges tion as they exist l;i a healthy stomach. c-niLined wMi tho greatest known tonic a i ioji.struc.iv properties. Kodoi f-r d .;Lcp;a ujss not only relieve indigeslioii and dyspepsia, tut tiii3 famous remedy l'ips all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifyir.f, sweet r.inrj and strenglhentng th. mnrous membran'is lining the stomach. Mr. '.3. S. Pall, of RnVffnrvnod. W. Va.. says: " I v.-.l t; .r.'ci vi;h suur Bt'm.i-:li for twenty ye?r!. ' xM cy-cd m il wa sto now using It In milk Kodol Digests V.Tiat You Eat P",tt:r:3 o;:!y, Rei -v'-s Ir.cjicffstirT, our itomac! bfttc.hit.? of js, etc. Prepared by E. C. OeWlTT & CO. 1 y V. M. ( i Inn, CHICAGO. WVIihm, N.('. OROKGH C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tNutii.iial I'.titik I'.uiMiin;) Weldon, N.C. FEELING I live: This Morning 7 1 . & ..... h . ! , Ws iJTi-r-l " Ik IMS." he would I asv. : A S - -iA 1 f tot. nm citv:- Never would such a move XfV crX:Vt r prove more widcoine to the lo jj ?v'i' cal trade. Never would the 3 '"'" lo Laxative si I nut ion appear brighter to t he faithful merchants, w ho ha e given credit in the utmost good faith and confidence, that I he credit given w as etpii alenl lo money, w hen the bill was pre setited. Now of all times, can .Mr. and Mrs. (iood Payer re deem their past failings, and ; tind with their receipted bills' an impulse given toward local trade betterment. And who ought to hesitate to hasten lo cal trade betterment, when the power is theirs to do so!- New Pern dournal. fiA Ge: And Appetizer W. W. KAY. Family BUIiBLUS. ! mere fact. to by li VI I, II I. ri in. I in airt'nl ihisi'mh-h IHIIUII.IC iiii iiiiMiai ttrttH'riir ui luuwn, 1 lifliiif it miit iilniitilt' urn tM'pt if mill iinil. ; ft-riiit'iit. mitriiivn Hint mhiiIimii! ili'itiiil- ! Cl'llt. i (ilo-iTlne pin vn tn lniirt.ant part In tlr. i 'i.-r.-.-'H J. .1. 1.M) Mi.li. .ll Uim'.imtv in ; th" fur" el liulia.'Hi.'ti. iI;hi-iii ami j Weak Mntllllrll, all' ll'li'l ll)' '"IT ri"itl(!, ' ln'.ilt-hiirii. fwu I liri'.ltll. ruatrtl tuliK'u', i Mir niin'titi'. tiain fri'linii In t"iil- I ae li. liiliiiiisni'ss anil MlnlnU ili'l'ano- ! ni..ms nt tin' htoinai'li. liv. r mill Ihwi-Is. j lli'iili' curl iisi all On' iilnivi' iliiriwiiiR Billliellts, tl.'"iiM' TI Miilii'lll lllii'ilVlTV " I t II s( IIU- for all ilWeaseH of the nnieoll I liirmliraiirs, ail fa larrh, w lictlirr nf tin I nasal passairi's or of tlm stniniu'li. Imwels i or pi'lvii' (irniini. Kvi'ii III its nlri'lallin i slaiii'" it. will yii'lil tn tins soviTint'ii r m - I fdy iflls iw In1 iii-rsi'vrrnl in. In t'lituiilc j l atari'li of tin' Nasal iws-wn. It Is wi-ll, j 'liili taliim tin' "linlili'ii Mi'dical l)is ciivrrv " fur tin tii'i'i'ssary constltnllunnl i i Iri'iitnu'iit. to I'li'ansi' tin' passauns In-cly two or llii'ci' times n luv wltli IT. Name's t atarrh Ui mi'ilv. Till tlnirniiirli conrsu : nt Iroatiuout njiinnrally cures the worst i rases. In eoulis Rial hoarseni'ss enuseil by lmn ! rlilal, tlmial mill lunil atlis'lions. except eon Sllir, til loll III Us nil HtK'ed si lilies, tlie "In'lilell . Meiheal lilseoveiy" Is a most ellli'ti'itt r. in : i'ily. esiieeiHlly In tln.se olisitiKite. Imnir-iai ! 1'iiiulisrauseil hy Irrltiillon itinl eonift si ion of ' tlie l-roni'liiiil nnieons nii inln inies. 1 lie '' his'' rovery " Is not so irissl lor uente coui-'lis nrls IniT from unililen eolds, nor must ll lie e peelisl lo rare rotisuiniitlon In Us ailvniieed : itatfes no tneilleim' wtlulo tliM -lail for all the olistlnate. elironle eonirlis. wlileh. If netr i lpel.sl.or Pailly treated, lead nolm'onsnnin- tlon. II Intro l'l uinlli'lno llialftn Iwlakuo. Hill) II IKV.U CHAiVMIiRS There are no red haired old maids." , The speaker,;) red haired actress, Weill oil : " The red haired have an excess i of iron in their blood. This causes : them to overliow with vitality, ani mal spirits, R.iyety, wit, charm i but I must not boast, must I ?" So Use to Die. 'I li:ie limn.l nut tliat tliore is no nso te ilio of I n i , r tr.iulili' as !,,mr ;i.. vim seltishness : '" u.'l I'r. Kui'.' s Ni his,., ,v, i v. ' savs : mis. .1. r. w ito. oi i:,i-iii,i,.. pa. - i I oiil,lu't U'lilivi tiiilayenlv lot tliat n,,n. 1 . 1 1 -1 li 1 1 Hie. he i lie. II loos. -ns up ;l ciujli I ipuekei than iinytliuiL' i l-o. an. I euies I til 1 1 ti ,,s, asi. ,-M-n allei tin- cast- is pi,,. , mm .1 Imp, lo-s ' ,,s ,,., ri halilo , ioiiii ,ly l.n i'iiul'Iis an. I I'nl.ls. In triippe. iasllima. Iniiiieliitis an.i Iihisou-... is ; s,l, uitili-r u iiiiruulee at unv ilrui; slur,. ! '!''. ami -I l oal l.utlle lioe. siupthal tiel.liiiiri'iiiii:li! Ir.s(,i,p's Cilllll I'llli' Will solely stop a, ami with piiltet s:ii',.tv- it is s,, tliormiehly iiannli-ss that III. si p tolls uiutliiTs l.i Use not Inn ir ,.s,. with oi y yoiini: ha loes. The w holosoiue otei'ii li ai-s amt tell let steins of a tun.; heahne mntlll tiliuoiis sin nli I'm ii sh the ounne ptop eities to lr. shoop's Coiieh run-. It t-ahns the etiueh, ami In-als the setisitii e ln,iui-li:al no iiiliiani s. No op, nut. no i-hloio!oiill. llollnnv harsh nsei! to in jure nr suppress, lieinauil I i . stumpy Take no ot her. All heal.-is. Legal lights blonde lawyers. Good round sum cartwheel dolkirs. Stars and stripes when actors feel streaked. The soprano isn't mad time she is up in the air. The toper seldom does anything llu, on sober second thought. Tell a girl she's beautiful in your eyes, but don't say "In my eve!" Droce every l lo WKI.DON', X. c. op ilu-liest of I'vorytliinir tin my l'elilo attention to all at KAY "IS. inv 1.' Iv The musician cannot be expec ted to succeed if he hasn't sound One ol the most annoying ihings sense. about being a rich man is how pec- You cannot tell the gossip any ple imagine he ought to spend a thing about a telling situation. little ot it on somebody besides WALTHR C. DANIEL, ATTOKNblv'-.iT-l.AW.', U Kl.l'ON, N. C. I'rai-lii-i s in tin- omuls of llulifux and N.n thauiploit ami in tin' Supreme and l i'ileral foiiits. ( olli-i'tions ttiiulp in nil pai ls of North Carolina. I'.raui'li otlice at Halifax open owry Motultiy. Many a man who has the re spect of others is minus self-respect. himself. . I'.o eaiei'ul at Hint dial lillle i'i.in.'h. t n-l I u...,.)),.!,.; ritrttt anav; sonic e,., tvti nlilo ri-ine.ly thai will inoyc the ImHeis. j Ki-inieil 's l.:tatic roiiL'ii Syrup nets r-i oi .i-t L'elil IV vet prompt y oil lie iiiwi-s am She smiled, and smoothing her ,,.,,; ii,,!,!,,,,,,,',,,;, . , S!llm. ,;;' ruddy locks with ll slim while j 11 ls pleasant to tiike aml is i-pei'ially en, n il no coil, lit 11. as ll lasll'S If you have I'atao li. t ill youiself of this reptllsoe ihsease. Ask I If. Slioop, nf llaciiu-. Wis., to mail you flee, u trial litis i. fliis ir, shiioit'sralaiih Ki-uie.ly. A simple, simile lesl. will surely loll viiu a I'ataoh truth wi ll woith vnur know-intr- nli-Imlav. Ii.in't suiler lomrer. All Healt'ls. i hand, she added : "At any rate u is a palpable fact j that the red haired girl never gets left. As a rule she is married at i twenty. A red haired old maid is ! a rarity." nearly as uoo.l as maple smrar. Soli! I,y W. M. Cohen. Ui-lilon. N. (' APPLYING THR MEAT. Unlike a man, the sky looks most cheerful when it is blue. Most people in love act as ifiheir corns troubled them. An old man married to a young i wife would have to learn if she . couldn't keep him from finding it i out. ! "My supper's cold!!" He swore with vim. And then she made It hot for him. A man doesn't mind being fooled if he does it himself. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ! Bears the Sjl Zlf Signature of i&ffttZiXV I Otippi' is KWoopinir tho country, stop I il with I'rovelitu-s, lit-foro it irots deeply Mcalcil. 'I'ti cheek early colds: w ith these lillle Cantlv Colli ('lire Tahli-ts is sure ly sensible anil safe. I'reyentii's j contain no Quinine, no lusative. notli iue; harsh or sickeninir. l'ni'itnionia I would iicm'I- nptieur if early coIiIh were ! jiroinptlv littikeu. Also irootl lot- fever, ish I'hilil'ren. I.iiimc ln, is 'I'alilets, '..-, cents. Vest iockets, o cents, i All lieiilers. Many people who lead prosey lives arc well versed in Lome ihings. The political leader often finds it more politic to be led when his wife is around. In fishing for compliments many women never know where to draw the line. There is always something on foot when some people put their heads together. . At night the hen is a rooster, and the rooster belongs to the crow family. An easy way to be a good hus band is to tell your wife all the things you arc going to do for her when you get the money. KILLthe COUCH iro WITH S Dr. King' Flew Discovery PRICK PAD Vlk A 1 14 " I U K aJ. w v ,14 in m m ' v" VOLDs Trial Bottle Fr AND ALL THROAT AND MING TROUBLES, GUARANTEED SATlSFACXOli OB MONEY REFUNDED. A girl wouldn't fall in love with some man if there wasn't one on earth. I CA.STOI1IA., Baara tin f lto 'M HaWTOS Bought Bigoatan ot Kind You Haw Hlwim I m l'...tndly iditaiti'.!. i.r FEE BFvTURNCO. tO VEMtS'EXPI.niCNCK. Uill CHAflUC AME THC LOWKST. "ill 1 i.IkiIu ji xki'ldi for (xjn rt wnf-h tind frin tvin't tin jj;iU'iilHlilllty, INrRINOEMI-NT htuii n.liiHU'UHl ix-K.i Mi rurln. I'mt-titK d,i ilnl t'miinti nn, ADVFK- TlftEOKlirl OlP. ( .... TSfcOC-MASK. PtK. OppORitfl U. S. Putorit OfflcOf WA8HNOTON, EJ, O. ; . v a f ,ti ti j pj.v y j "ft

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