It r p is al i Terms of Siibscriptin'-.$1.50 Per i n m Advertising Rates Made hown on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Wi:iJ)()N N. ('., TIll'ISSDAY, A1MML l !!. NO. ! VOL. XUI. 1 p II jS WHERE THE TROUBLE IS. r mmu 1 ri r n" -r-r n iir i - - run ii - 'i , "k Hard Work the Cause of Domestic j Discord. , Tho Klud You Have Always nought, and. which lias been lu uso for over 30 years, 1ms horno tho ninmituro of 0 n"l been nindo nntlcr bis per- CcLjXFj7?2li ' 80,ml ""PCirlsloii hIik o Its infancy. tacsr, Allowiioonotodeieivojoiiln this. All Counterfeits, Imitations niul "Jiist-ns-oml" uro hut I'.xporliiioiils. that trillo Willi ami endanger tlio lieulth of Inl'iints and Children Experience) ugalust Experiment. What is CASTORIA f'nstorla Is a harmless nuhstituto for Casior Oil, Parfl. ttoric, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It is l'leasmit. It eonluiiiK licit li. r Opium, Morphine, nor other Jjarcotio Kiihstiiiiee. Its ne;o Is Its g'tiinintce. It destroys Worms mid allays Feverishiiess. It cures Diai-rlio n, and W ind Coli.;. It relieves Toothing Troubles, enres Constipation and JTutnloney. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tho Stomach and ISowols, j-i v I healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars the Signature of J The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI eiNTAUN COMPANY, TT MUHHAV TMCCT, HCW VOWR CITT. Oirrrmo lV I'llttM. Nit. Ill' l'MiM HI Ulul .'1,111,1 .VI. P P. N. STAIN BACK, I'NDKin'AKKlJ. Weldon, . - North Carolina. I'ull Line of CASKETS. COLLINS and KOBES. Day, NiRht and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. 1 1. CI. ROWU, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AM) EMUALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Ilenrsc Service Anywhere. 30130131301 Where is ihe fault and who is to ' blame for the fail lire of men and women to accord with one anoth er? . Ilafd work beyond their strength is one of the causes of this kind. Men liny large farms -loo large, in fact taking all they ; can scrape together to meet the payments. They need help to work them and to work success- j fully need plenty of machinery. ; The wife does all ihe housework I and helps wiih outdoor chores. , Then life soon becomes a dread monotony. Wouldn't it have been j better to have done it on a smaller ' scale, worked according to strength ; and spent happier days? People : in town build huge houses, many taking men years to pay for and ; women days of hard work to take I care of. I low much better to ! have lived in a cottage than to 1 spend their lives in discord, one in making money and the other in unceasing work ! j Men are arraigned by some ' writers for their treatment of their wives. There are two sides, and j this is not a day of slavery. If women have wills of their own, j the men will not take many trips without them. Many men and women, after a few years of mar-; 1 ried life, get careless in regard to , personal appearances, saving a : little money, but losing the regard of each other. Don't do this, either, and do everything on ihe mutual plan, having the one pock et book where either one can go. , i Above all, save some smiles for each other. "Laugh and the world laughs wiih you; weep, and you weep alone." - New York Tribune , Parmer. THE WAY THEY DO IN TEXAS. IOC OE IE 3E 30 THE BANK OF WELDON Wi:i.l)()N, N. c Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AI'ilt'sT :;oTll. ls'.c'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $40,000. For muir than liftren yrurs tin- institution m pmv i.lril tiaiikiuir facili ties tor thiH Ki'flion. IN Mock li",lri ami hm-tut liac Ixmii nit tititinl with tin' husinrs.M niU'ii'sls of ;in4 itil)U!iiton enmities I'm many years. .Money s louneil upuii ui" ' ' Mvuiily at the Ii-lmI rate ul' interest sis per centum. Acenunts til nil are unheiletl. The surplus and umlivnlfl juotits havinu n:irlif-l a sum t j mi I tn the Capital stttek. the Hank has, coumihmii'iui: .lamiuty 1. esthli'lutl a Savinirs Irrparliuetit ullmtiin: intt-u'sl mi tu.h- .h niMts as roluv.: 1'ur Iieposits alltnve.l toreiiwuii three mouth'- 01 Imejet. 'J per eelM. mn mouths or longer, ;i pel eent. Tn e inmith-m lonirn-. t pereeul. For further infuinuition apply t' the l'n-.i.h nl or t a-hier. I'HKi dk n r: W. K. IA.MKI, vii i. rio,siiiKi: int. ii. u. I. i:ms. I.laehsou. Northampton eouiv i v.'Hii.k: K '-Mil m3L lamBBemwmmwmSL m Texas nirls arn just the best i rls in the whole world to tie ' tn for life. They uro not the. sweetest girls but they are the ; Ki'ittiobt that ki'"'. This week oneofthein down ut Maliank : wiinteil to marry, but her papa said ,,nay." There was a seetie, ; tears (lowed, hands were wrung ; rough words were spoken, ami the girl meekly submitted. Hut ; papa had business in a nearby town and went to attend to it. ; Then his meek little daughter rut the longdistance telephone j wires, saddled her horse and started at break neck need for her lover who lived twenty miles away. She found him in the field at work, and though he did not know she was eom - ing. he was ready. Without waiting to change his overalls for a dress suit, he saddled up fresh horses and reached the clerk's ollice. secured license and were mariicd before the irate father could overtake them. If that girl can exhibit the same pluck and energy when it. comes to cooking, keep ing house, mending clothing and tending Ihe children, she will make a model wife for model wives to pattern after. ! Honham News. SEA HOARD AIR LIN!" RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WULDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at o.SO a. m. No. 38 for " " " 2.45 p. m. No. 29 for Raleigh and Oxford at 6.45 a. in. No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at I 10 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. No. 30 Shoo Fly arrive at Weldon at 8.00 p. m. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to l lb (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C. 1 Many a rascal now wears ihe 1 scar received at public opinion's i kar Making Good. ; Thro H no uav uf making lusting frii-nUs like "Making ImhhI;" and hoelur IVrre's lueitit'llies wetl rxetlipliU thi. 1 iiii'l their frieiiiK atier muie than twit (It t ath- of popularity, are numU-reil ty I tin huiiilreit of llinuvimN. They liae j i "inul" otHt " it llicy have tint made i , drunkariK j , i A (Mud. honest, stuuil'e-deal inedieine of 1 kiiouii i'oinio-ili"Hi I- Or. Pierce' U olden Mcdkal Discovery. It still enjoys un mi- i meil-e Mill. wli;!. Illtist uf the prepara ! tmn- that Liu' emne into prumiueiiM' In (lie earlier peniHl id its popularity nave ' tfniM' Py the lktartl"iuid nre never more : heard uf. 'l'lo re iiiiiI Im' snine reason fur the- lonif time popularity nnd that K to Im fmind In il- superiti'r merits. When iniee iyjven a fair trial hr weak stomio h, ..r fur Iivt uimI IiIihmI uhVetimi, ils Mipe- ; rir -orfivi iiiaiiiies are mnui manife-t; , tn nee it U.x survived nnd trnm n in (wp 1 iilar fnvttr, vv lnle seores of less ineriloi ioiis j artieleH have suddenly lln-hed into favor , for a hrief period and then heen as soon furtfollell. For a torpid liver with lis attendant. Indijt'stiun, dyspepsia, headarhe, jmt- 1 baps diitiess. out breath, nasly coated toimue. with hitter taste, loss of apetite, with distress after eating, nervousness and dehility. nothing is so good us lr. Pierre's (ioldeii Metlh-nl I Mseovery. It's an honest, stpiaie-deal medicine with all Its Ingrediehls printed un tml lie-wrapper no rfor"t, no hth'us-jHM-us bniutiiig, tlierefoi'tj imi't tvtrftt tt sitltstlhtU- that the dealer may poKsihly make a little big ger prollX. IhkM un your right to have what, von cull for. Don't buy Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrin : tlon expect ing it to prove a "eure-Hll." It Is only advised for woman's M'eio all 1 meuts. It makes weak uoineii strong and 1 sick women well. Less advertised thiiu some preparations sild fur like purpose, i its strllng euratlve virtues still maintain I its position In the front runks. where it i stood over two decades aim. As an in vigorating tonic, and strengthening nerv I too It is umNpialed. It won't satisfy tbosn ; who want "booze," for there Is not a drop I of alcohol In It. , Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets, theorlffl I iki Little Liver Pills, although the first . pill of their kind In Inn market, still lead, and when nne tried are ever aMnrwarda in frtvni. Karnv to tuktt ns chikIvqiih to tlir.m a do. Much imitated but never equaled LITTLE BLOSSOM. BY 1). HAMILTON MXiliNT. "O dear ! l'se so lire J and lonesome ! I wonder why mamma don't conic. She mid me to shut up my blue eyes, And 'fore 1 waked up she'd be home. She said she was goin' 10 see Raninni; She lives by ihe river so bright, I s'peet my mamma fell in there, And p'rhaps she won'i linn home to night. "I dess I'm afraid to stay up here, W'oul any fire or light; But l)od's lighted the lamps up in heaven, 1 see 'em all twinkling and bright. I link I'll go down and meet papa, I s'pose he has slopped at the store. It's ii great pritiy store full of bottles Vi'ish he wouldn't go there any more. "Sometimes he is sick when he comes home, And he stumbles and falls up ihe stairs, And once when he coined in the parlor, He kicked at my poor little chair. My mamnui was all pale and frightened, And hugged me up close to her breast, And called me her peor little Blossom, And dess I've forgotten the rest. "Bui I member that papa was angry; His face was so red and so wild, And I 'member he striked at poor mamma, And buried his poor little child. But I love him, and dess I'll go find him, P'r'aps he'll turn home with me soon, And den it won't he dark and lonely,' Vi'hile waiting for mamma to come." Out in the night went the baby, Her little heart .beating with fright; Till her tired f H reached ihe gin place, All radiant wit.i music and light. The liule hand pushed the door open, Though her touch was as light as a breath. The little feet entered the portal, That leads but to rum and to death. "O papa !" she cried, "as she reached him, And her voice rippled out sweet and clear, "I thought if I coined I could find you, And I is so glad I is here I The lights are so pitiy, dear papa, . And I think the music's so sweet, But I dess it's most supper lime, papa, l:or Blossom wants something to eat." A moment the bleared eyes gaze wildly Down in the face sweet and fair; And then, as ihe demon possessed him, I le grasped at the back of a chair; A moment a second 'twas over The work of a fiend was complete, And poor little innocent Blossom Lay quivering, crushed at his feet. Then, swift as the light, came his reason, And showed him the deed he had done. Willi a groan the devil might pity, 1 le knelt by the quivering form. He pressed ihe pale face to his bosom, He lifted the fair, golden head; A moment the baby lips trembled, And poor little Blossom was dead Then came in ihe law so majestic, And said wiih his life he musi pay. That only a fiend or a madman Could murder a child in thai way. But the man who sold him the poison Thai made him a demon of hell; W hy, he must be pardoned, respected, Because he was licensed to sell. He may rob you of friends and of money, Send you lo perdition and woe; But so long as he pays for his license, The law must protect him. you know. God pity the women and children, Who are under the juggernaut rum ! And hasten the day wheg against it Neither heart, voice, nor pen shall be dumb. Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder made wiih fny.-ji Qt ayo Cveam ni 'tinrfai' Ho Alum, No Lb : f' sphafe TIMt TO QIJIt7 Yes, It Will Briiix Von to the Same Thing If You Stick to It Mammoth Cave of Kentucky "In hales" During the Winter and Spring and "l:hale-," I hrough out the Summer and Autumn Months i I', .-iv tiling within I U- Mill ionth C:iw. K -nt it. 1, . Wonderful, but Ihe le.-lih uln.-l-' in-; tiling is the tviiv in wliii-h it breather" Tlii is a ll.iuu Wlliell alu a s ill..les I, Hlrists. The eu e takes t e '1,1'eallls" eaeh year. I Mirin:;- Ihe u . 1 1 : T i unci spring moot lis, tin- wind rushes ililn I he en .en.. us depths with roiisi'lei : 1 1 1 1 1 imise aiel ioleliee. ulul I hell u In n sum llier eiimt sill e- ills I" Ib'W nut a 14 ; i i 1 1 . emit lulling (liis tliioiili' ' out Urn fall Whether the iml is iiehinu i in or out . the current nea r t he cnl ranee is so i real 1 hut loiir i ists have er.-at' dillicull v in km pine: their lantern lit. in side the eno. tlimih. the breulbiue;" is less not ieeal.le. Altogether, the Mammoth ( 'll e is one of I lie wonders of the world. It is situate, I in '.dinoiid.soii county, Kentucky, and was discovered about a cenUiry '' 11 hunter named Hutchins, who was following the trail of a wounded bear. The Mammoth Cave is the Heart SfreMte V.-art St.. .."!, ;.tt ,..l ! p.r : i:'tli, . ! e. V. 'I I It,., ;, .,,,., .,, :.: I., hi n n I ,-. .;. it ii .! -. , I' i- :,:. ! . !l I, :,!, I, v i.,.: I . ,.. II, -I I. ,.:!.' nil u ' i. mil. 'I,,:-,. I ,t,is,..-ii- ,,- Mo., I S :v - !! l-.Mfli..', I !.,,,,, Mi,!,, H , ' I '' I, !"' rhiiik' Hie. I'M,. V, ',',..',! f,t , " ' ' K':-y!. ,'"';'." : ' 'V' ; J.',, 1 -S'Z ,.. i:. , .. - ii, i ., i, (,., ,., ,k i.i,i. . , II-.' I : ,.!.!-: . -t.t !i.l''iul "l'.'-'i'j ' '- V.'-,..i',in. li.t. V,!, 'l I - ,'... e-il.e II I., ..!., " h V'!."v.''. 'l:."n'u,,.. 'li.'e -1 '-M. ! ''!! p , ,,i, , m i ,,. ,. ,n, r , 1 ' L,i,.,, Il I:, hi 14 I,. I. , ,,, Dr. SJioop's ReE'iorative Ail Driers. Kenn OUEi S P A professional geinleiiian, who ; was accustomed to take his morn-1 ing glass, stepped into a saloon, I and going up to the bar called for whiskey. A seedy individual sn-p-i ped up to him and said : ; j "1 say, 'Squire, can't you ask j ! an unfortunaie fellow to join you'-',' ' He was annoyed by the man's lannharity, and roughly told him: j ,,11,,,,t , lm1V , .s,,,lt, ,,1V. I "lam not in the lutbit of drink- j (.rn7. wlU.h ,,,,,1,.,-iav Hi.- State ling with tramps." I , ,,..,,. i,, ,,,. ' thu'n'jii miles of streets, cata- Cra,lky ; vnets :in, Makes. iTellt tlolnes and high-ininded, my friend. I ; ,.isi,r into t be air for humlreds ! of feet, deep chasms whose depths have never been (duell ed by lead or plummet and t ler i,,i tier of inn , m i tieellt atiart- speetahle as you are. What is , 111(.ts (it,l.1,nitl,, i,v iand of I more, I always knew how to acl j ,,,;,,,,,,,,.,. ,vil, I the gentleman. Take my word s(;,laeniites and n'ems of rare for ii, you stick to whiskey, and it j . to just Ihe same jj,,,'., 1;IV ,,f li-l,t penetrates i these "looinv tleitbs and onlv ;, 'I'e gen- t1(, t(1.(,Ml(. 1 1 . ( i i , 1 , reveals glass and ,K, n.,..1Mln,s t lint abound in this riejoii where darkness holds eternal swuv. These oil Bt v:v l nau ,t:. ; t 5 t.. i.i- v m , 'li .il uf The tramp replied : Tou need not He so j venture to say that I am of just as ; good family as you are, have ust i as good an education, and, before ! , I took to drink, was uist as re- 'Acri. n,; t!,"in out : i copious and :,ejs ciiri,:; by cleansing the is nif n;bia:i"3 of the threat, che&t ncliinl !cb- "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACK4CHE WEAK KIDNEYS Trjr DoWilt's Kidnu) and Blatlder Pills Sure and Safa S,,'.l i W. M , t , !,, II. Wehl, ,. N.C ATTORNHY-AT-LAW, A':lt,,,li;ll lltlllk I'.uiMillL') Weldon, N. C. will bring you j place I am." i Struck with his word: 1 tleman set down his turned to look at him. His eyes were bloodshot, his face bloated, his boots mismatched, his clothing : filthy. I Then : "Was it drink that made you like this?" "Yes it was; and it will bring you to the same if you stick to it." Picking up his untouched glass, he poured its contents upon the floor and said. " Then it's time I quit," and left the saloon never to enter it again. LIVERISH This Morning? TAKE SMB.'S. ink in"' Ihe llridal Altar, shrine set bet wee ,.rs have nil been worked out vtheaetion of water dui in- M A Pf2 Jgj ( ffp i.' countless nijes that luuo 'tf ;tWa,. SStll se eral stalacl ite pillars, where !j romantic couples are frequent- '-j bv elapse world It b a nati THE MODEL NOVEL. A little smile, A little sigh, A little flirting On the sly. A little laugh, A little glance, A great big lie, A small romance. A little ride, A little lark, A little plotting In lite dai k. An angry wife, A husband mad, A little going To the had. A million do'lars Set things right, And all the rest Is out of sight. SILENCED. He groaned. "Look at ibis bill," he said, "Ten dollars for perfumery for mere odors that fade away and die. She smiled coldly. "Yes," she said; "that fadeaway and die and go to meet the $25 worth of Havana cigars and ligyp tian cigarettes you consume every monih." A weak stomach menus weuk stum tli'h Hel ves, ttlttiiys. An, I tins isulsti tine of the heart uixl kidneys. It's a pit v that siek oiiesconliini,. tmh nir the st,,m arli or stimulate the heart ami kidneys. The neak nerves, net the nivalis them selves, need this heli. This explains why Dr. slump's Kestniative has. and is pimnptlv helpniL' so many siek ones. It ifoes iliiret to the cause of these dis eases. Test this vital test and see All lleulels. The old fishing holes, deep and dark, urder the spreading branch es of the willow and cypress, now begin to look inviting. HOME INFLUENCES. l ather. Mother, Which Way Are You Leading Your Children. Nascally and scoundrelly peo ple for ihe most part come from iniquitous homes, from un disciplined homes. Parents harsh and cruel on the one hand, or on the other hand, loose in their government wickedly loose in their government are raising up a generation of vipers. A home , where scolding and fretfulness are dominated is blood-relalion lo the gallows and jail. Petulance is a serpent that crawls up in the fami ly nursery sometimes and crushes everything. Why, there are par ents who even make religion dis gusting to their children. They ! scold them for not putting in their i leisure lime at church or some ! church gathering. They have an ! exasperating way of doing their duty. The house is full of the ' warhoop of contention, and from such a place husband and son go out to die. The world grows old, the stars will cease to illuminate it, and the waters to refresh it, and the mountains to guard it and i its long story of sin and shame and glory and tri- ly married: "The uhl Arm Chair." in which Jenny I, iml sat: "Mary's Vineyard." with its clusters of crystal -rapes: a formation which by optical illusion is turned into a statue of .Martha Washinelon: ils "Kiver Styx Willi eyeless uso; 'Kcho Kiver." a sheet of water whicli produces musical vibra tion and echoes and many oth er wonde'Tul t bines. There is son let bine- about the' chemical ooinposit ion of the earth in 1 he ca e thai forms sallpeter. and during the war ; of IM2 a vast amount of "iiu- p, .wder was made there. This, was carried on by miners for nearly t wo y ears and the old ruins of the work;! can st ill bo i seen. The purity and dry ness ' of the air also luuinilies bodies and these have been found that belonged to prehistoric races nnd in a perfeel slate of pre servalioii. The nitrous earth , also helps to prevent decav. j Hetiot What He Needed. "Nine years at:,, it lonked i! my limr had eoiiie," says Mr. ( . l ailhiiiL'. of Mdll'ieek. lud. Tel. "I was -,111111 down that hie I, me: a , ly teinlet tinea, I. 11 wa- then niv diui":ist nvonnnended l.leelne 11,11, 'is I I...0-lit a l.oltle and i;,,t what I needed -Mieur:lh. I had one foot in the tun,', hut I diet 1 n-. Kitleis put it hark on the In, f iiuaiii. and I e heen well ee: siuee " Sold ulldei tiuar aul,',' al :i 1 1 v ditij -t,,te. .,,ie. A Cciiue Laxative Ar.1 Appetizer VD!OStSEH?af 2'S6Si i W.W.KAY. Family 4, '4$ Whl.lHIV. N . C, brooer 1 ke, p III, 1 -1 , I'ohle niv J VlhillL' all at :in my K Y'S. WALTER E. ATTORN DANIEL, l'!(-.'T-l..X', l.l.l H IN, N. C. I'tartiees in Ihe eout Is of 1 tali I'll x ami Northampton and in the Supreme mid ledel al colli Iv olleetious made ill all pans of Noith 1 aiohna. llraiieli ntliee III 1 1 III 1 1:1 opellexeiy Monday. I!."!'!h !- rriilh- ((. umph will soon turn to ashes roller- Ilnilntioii eier yet prodiieed. Tins j but illtlucllCeS wllidl Slat ted ill tllC lot of lllCtll ine iiuesi i onee sulislilllte iner inade. I , 1 11 1 . 11 has leeeniiv heen piiidured hv 111 shooi, e-arly home roll on and roll up leal eof- throne 1 all eiermiv b oonune in all the joy, weaving in all the tri umph, or shrinking back into all the darkness, hither, mother, which way are you leading your children ? made malt. 01 1, urine, u is. Mil a main o lee 111 it either. Health Colter is fit, 111 pure toasted eenals. nilh inns. eie. neiiiiy m houm tool un ex pert an expect 'who nm:ht drink it for C'oll'ee. No twenty or thirty minutes hoilinc. "Made in a minute'' says the doctor. I'm sale hy U . T. I'uiker, W'clilon, X. ('. W hen a girl wants to pu!e a she acts natural and they can't make 11 out to save their wits. KILLthc COUCH and CURE the LUNGS Death was on His Heels. A kiss is one thing that is never OUt of print, .lew l'MorriK, of Skipper. Va., liul """' i a close call in the spnnir of !HM. lie keiiuodv s Uxative Couith Syrup , sav8: ..An aUa,.k ofpneiinioiiia left me the enugli syrup that tastes nearly as : so'weak and with such a I'eiiil'ul couirli gooil as maple HiipiiHii.l w Inch children j t,at Inv fnends declined eonsumi.tioii , yourself hkeso well to take, l iihke neatly all m, ,,'. , ,,,ath was 011 niv heels. - other eolith remeihes, it ,hies not run- i ,en I was persuaded to try Dr. Kill's stiint'e, hut on the other hand it acts j j,,,w imcoverv. It helped 'me inimedi piomplly yet genlly on the hnweis, j ttt,,v, and after taking two and a half thniiiirh the cold is lorced out of the , hollies Wvas a well man titrain. I found system, ami at tliewitne tune it allays , ,,,,1 that New luscoverv is the best reri- edy for coughs and lung disease in all the world. " Sild under guarantee at any drug store. 0O0. and $1 . Trial hot tie free. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Tr Signature of LiaJ Dr. fling's ew ysscovory run PRICE run I TxKJJC t" m-1 t WITH PI) ICE OLDS Trial Bottle Free Ht Al l THROAT AND LUNG TftntlBI ES GUARANTEED bATISFAC'l'OKl! OB MONEY aI;UNDED. WMWBM I lilll I I MM Beware of no man more than iiitlanimution. Always, use Kenneilv's : Laxative t'ough Svrtip. Nild hy W. M . t'oherf. Weldon. N.C. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best He is lifeless that is faultless. A Twenty Year Sentence "1 have just completed 11 twenty-year health sentence imposed hy I'ucklcn'H Arnica Salve, which cured mc of hleed ing piles just twenty vean ago," writes. 11. S. Woolover, of 'LidJaysville, X. Y. Ituckleu'H Arnica Salve heals the worst sores, hoils, hums, wounds and eutH in the sjiurtest time. 'Jnc. at any drug store. 3 ft'tfAfci li E(r8i,iilin ITHI fl INF Rift !E ciitirtM. TIBED HONS 3 I 2SS3 $1 vfla KEK HfTURNEO. VCARS'tXPEDCNCC. D'li CHGtS AHC LOWEST, ritfti-t ni .ii.'i.j.h'rttn.t 'i 1 r ri Miinvli 11 1 el Iro.' n in.:t '-TI IM I fHUJuiit ,', !. 1 I'd ln:r-n t il RI illlH ' -ii.!':!!'.) hn -tL-h llf. ft'JtftW. ftOLD. ('i: TCALE-MARKS.rtH' COfr'VftlC.Mi'ti t-Uluiiiwl. Opposite U. C. F:itnt Cflflco, WA8HIMCTCM, D. G, 0 .1

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