e Ii! 1 v W '85 FfRSi M m if i, h 'i '3 Si sssl Ssaa Vi,: ..1 Advertising Kates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOK Tilt PEOPLE. Terms of Sulscripiiii--$1.S0 IVr Annum : VOI,. XMI. WMLDON, N. ('., TIII'ISSDAY, A IMM L Hi, l!0s. NO. ."O i!!i(M m mm. Us: rJ": ft 3 1 a.-i ft t toft 3 i i 1 ( TRIBUTE TO THEIR WIVES. 83 4 The Kind Vou Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over SO years, lias borno the signature of and has been mndo under his per. L J- Bonal supervision sineo its inl'aney. uSVt JtiCAM. Allow no ono totleceive you in this. All CouuferlVlts, Imitations mid "Just-ns-gontl" arc but I : M'i-i mk-ii I s that trltlo wltli iimI endanger tlio health of Infants ami Children Exjierlcjuco against KxpcriiueuU What is CASTOR I A C'astoriiv is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Inre Itorie, Drops anil Konthing Synipn. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Moi-phino nor other Narcotio snbstaiiee. Its ayo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'cvei'i.sliiieKS. It cures Dinrrlmtu and Wind Coll;:. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mid 1'latnlcncy. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Itowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's I'riend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. M 1,4 (oanoi 30 w I'iiom; N n. m I't'osKw J4 ami .14 o RN. STAIN BACK, i'N Di'KiAK i:k, ::: Weldon, . . North Carolina. I'ull Line of CASKHTS, COFFINS and ROHIiS. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. If Vou Have A (iooJ Wife, On To Her and Tell Her Ihur You Think She Is The ISest Woman In The World "This il.iy, my Invc," wrniu Lord tl'illiiicwond in his wife in I St)(i, "is i he anniversary of "iir marriage, u;id I wish for many re turns of it. If ever we have peace, I hope to spend my latter days amid my family, which is the only sort of happiness I enjoy." The "real Duke of Marlhorouj'.li was even more ardent a lover as litis bund than in the days of his woo ni. ''I do love and adore yon f with all my heart and soul," runs one of ninny similar letters, "so much that hy all thai is ;ood, I do and will ever he hotter pleased with your happiness than with my own; but, oh, my heart, if we mi ;ht both bs happy, what inex pressible joy that would be ! I ; think the happiness would be so great that it would make me im mortal ?" Few tributes of husbands have been more beautiful than Steele's dedication of one of his books: "How often ha ; your tenderness removed pain from my sick head, how often anguish from my af flicted heart ! II there are such things as guardian tinge's, they are thus employed. I cannot believe one of them to be more good in in clination or more charming in form than my wife." By iisside, however, we may place Disraeli's dedication of "Sybil : "1 would inscribe this work to one whose noble spirit and gentle nature ever prompt her to sympathize with he suffering; to one whose sweet voice ; has often encouraged, anil whose ! taste and judgment have ever guided its pages the most severe of critics, but perfect wife." Till- MAN OF PRAYFR. IE ll.(i. KOWK, FUNFKAl. DIRECTOR AND KMUAIJVU:R. Seventeen years' Hxpcrienie. Hearse Service Anywhere. .1 !1 the mm OF WEL09M il WKI.DON, X. C. Organized Under the Laws of the Stale of North Carolina, ACiil'ST j.iTII. I.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ana Surplus, $40,000. I'or more lliau liftccn years this institution lias provided liankintr I'aeili ties for this section. Its stockholder and directors lme hcen identified nil tlie liiisiness intcresis of Halifax and Northampton comities lor many vears. Money is loaned upon approved secuniv at theleiral rate ot interest six per centum. Accounts ol all aie solicited. The suiphiH and uudixided piotits liai:iLr reaclu d a sum tMiial to the Capital Slock, tlie Itank has. coiniiienciuir .lantiaiy I. I'los. csLililished a K!iviliLrH liepartiucnt allowing interest on tune deposits as follows: i'oi Ileposits allowed toreinain three mnnths or louder. 1 jier cent. si, months or longer, il per cent. Twelve months or Ioiil'it. I i cent, tut further information apply to tlie President or Cashier. I'ltKsinKNT: W. I'.. liAMI'.I.. Vli'i:-llti:siiu;r: I'll. II. U. l.liUIS, t.lachson. Northampton countyl i Asiitiai: W. If SMITH. SO SEABOARD No virds can describe the bles singness of a soul which lives in communion with God; asking re ceiving, seeking and finding, knocking and having the door opened, wrote Thomas Adam, over a century ago. l-'or what is hap piness but this? Or how can we describe it better than hy saying that a man wishes for the very thing he sought and is sure to have it? And such is the man of pray er, the Christian. He chooses the fountain of all happiness for his portion, and cannot be disap pointed of his desire. He is hap py in the very act of prayer, know ing it to be the right frame of his mind, the proof of his renewed -state and his capacity for receiving blessings from God. Death was on Mis Heels. Jesse 1'. Morris, of skipper Vu., hud a close call in the spiim.' of punt. lie says: "An attack of pneumonia left me so'weak and witii su.'li a f ulfill eoiiah that mv friend- d.vl.uvd consumption had me. and death was on my heels. Then I was persuaded I" try I'r. Knur's New I'lscovery. I! helped me illllnedi Htelv. and itllei' takinu' two and a half ln.tt'1,"! 1 was a well man airain. I found out that New l'icoeiy is the hest tem r.lv lor i'oiu:iis and lima disease in all the woii,!. Sold under iruaraatie at anv dt u:; store. .jUc. and M. Trial hot tie' free. AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor-; mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. A woman believes in miracles because she knows they aren't true. Do Vou Open lour Mouth MI;o a younu bint unit Kulp il"' liat I'vnrfoottur medicine uuiy he offered, you? . or, do you want to know-snnietliiiiK o( tlie composition iim) character of iliai which you Uko Into yut'ir stomach whether aa , food or medicine i1 Most intelliL'ent and setisihle pwipln ( nov-a-diiys Insist on know inir w li:tt they . employ whether as fuml or niie.lieine. Dr. fierce lielicves ttiey nave a peneci rltflll toiimM lipullstieh know Icdk'c. Solm piilill-hc,Biieleal mid "n each botth wr.iiM" r. wliatJTmui' incs arc made of RllilviXities Ojiflerwll This lie fc-ls he can uSUtfonl to do heyioi-y ' h,- niorii ti of uhlcli his iiiedl(-'l.''S stmh.d .n:d rader- to., I tlie nre in:, ,1,- :iri- ,tl,ll, d ,i:d 1 liiler t, lie ire will thilr superior ceralivc vTTt In' aiiTire.'iaTiiJ. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 6.S0 a. m. No. 38 for " " " at 2.4S p. m No. 29 for Raleigh and Oxford at 6.45 a. m No. 41 for Raleigh and paints South at 1. 10 p. in. No. 33 through train South at II 03 p. m. No. 30 Shoo Fly arrive at Weldon at 8.00 p. m. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon. N. C. Or write to ( 11. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. & or the cure of woman J peculiar weak nesses, trri'irulnrtties ami ucrniiu'-uietiU. glviuK rise tn freiiuent heiulnelte,. back ache,. ilMKUiiiK-ilunii pain r ilisln-s in lower abdominal or pelvic rcelon. accoin pauiiHl, ofttlmes. with a di lillltatiiiK. pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness. Dr. Pierce's lmritii Prescription Is a most efficient reniedv. It Is e,lially effective ill curing painful periods, ill Klviiiu strent'ili to iiursimi iiiutliers and in preparini! the svstein ot the evpeetant inoiher for hahy's coiiitim. thus ri'iidertuir cliildblrtli safe and com parntivelv painless. Tlie " l avorite l're kcription " Is o most potent. streiiKllieniim tonic to tlie Reneral system unit to the oritiins distinctly feminine I" particular. It Is also a sinilhlnK "! tiiviirriitlm! nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neiiralnla. hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitus' dance, and other dlstressinir nervous symptoms at tendant upon (iriclional and ui'iinh' dis eases of tin' distinctly fenilniiori:iins A host of medical ililllnaitles of all tho several schools of practice, recommend each of the sTveral Ingredients of which favorite Prescription" Is made for the cure of tlie diseases for which It Is claimed to lie a cure You may rend what tliev say fnr "iMrrtf by seiiilini a postal card reipiest for a free booklet of extract from the lendlnir nuthnriiles, to Or. 1!. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Suru'icnl In itltute, Ilulfulo, N. Y.,aud It will cuine tu tau hy return pout. Cc TV h.y.!' -.'.v-'K-,, - no!.h:;;- ii ' .. cliiLvs:-; V"i" doul:1' '.i.! u't.t'-, '.X::.' fi ot k has : ct'. hvuee or L'cs cl e recast 1 hi.:, suprcm-.: (.oriiiocnce vou havi: vvlieir, the Uiod h ra'secJ with Mm COULDN'T BEAT IT. "Some 1'ulhs ThitiU Thev Are Tarnation Cute.'' lh.inl An amusing siory is reKiietl ol a '"" '''i- farmer who came into a village D-in't store in one of the Southern States to aJv.ni: m-B mi A l ew Susseslive Doti'ls. tid p. iliMi!; bel .tid t-i Use v ittr I It is isiw-ll j '''! i' rs S5v u-8 1-3 IV v S4 v. .1'-. Te i.rnv.. mi tl.,ili':il.,ri li ,ii I ' I i, in Inn:, i.ii.i.' !.;il:. Ml Tlial II.,v I,n 11,1. I. Till.... I ( Jllill I ll I Ulr u II N.ill.n.l,' e II. i m;, t.-l..f: '" Bill. l" lotlst I' .-- !,,!.: rail;, r .1 i-n-u ! ,1 x . ii ro! I -'-.V ol i V si. In id r i Mi,. 1 1 ii ( in-,'. . l ill IT : !inn,'rt -:.l.-ti.i,;.i.l I . . -1 1 -,:..- ,.! 1,1,1 i,. i i. ;it . I'.' t tli.it .... tt . ! t vvii! :l II. mill ig erovil livii was il.. lie d win!,! 'le it l-r t y Ttn -.tr a.' ,vj.r ..'-j' '-r-'- i! r Absolutely Fttre The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream cf Tarhr There can be no comforting confi dence when eating alum baking pow der food. Chemists say that more or less of the alum powder in unchanged alum or alum salts remains in the food. WI-ILIH? O "Now wliich will you take," she smilingly said "One kiss or a red, red rose ?" The rose may be kept for a long, long time, Where a kiss has gone who knows ? ami exhibited io an aihm an egg six inches Inn:.', laid hy one of lir- i.ui had it packed in cup m liul allow am bndv to ha fear of breaking the plieitonieii.il production. The proprietor of the store examined it w itli the rest, and intended to thai!' the eouniry m. in said : "l''s!tavv ! I've got something in the egg line thai will beat that !" "I'll bel you five dollars you have mil !" said the countryman, getting excited. "I take ii up" said the store keeper, and going behind lite ' counter, he brought out a wire egg-beater. "There's something in the egg line that will beat it, I guess," said he reaching for the stakes. "Hold on there," said the farm er "lei's see you beat it I" and handed the egg to the storekeeper. The latter held out his hand for it, but dropped it in sm prise on the counter, where it broke two soup plates and a platter. It was of iroii.painled white. that p'd:'; 1 ion' i .,":n;ii b-lin. i.ul I In aii'.ii !v.i , mMb.rs. v i 1 ! i trace n. M, nun in.- -an is l.iMiiive'ii,. into a .. . .1 I.J llr. 'i. , ,,-. mill il , ii i,v nil -. I: rnlivi'. Klh. (.,-!. . , t 1.1 1 j'i't .il Mv'vt '- m I ti eli like I loii'i be afraid to ni.iko your eoilds 1: loV, a. Don't ! e airaid to a-huit ii v. !:. n you arc in ia-j . r. .si" Don't he afraid to ol . V. A mall miiM it ai n to i.ixy I el'oiv he may hope to command. Don't kc ut'r.iid of e leiiee. I is liie I est teacher. Don't l'e afraid of pleasure. It is necessary for good work Don't be afraid of censure. We all need toning down a-, well as toning up. Don'i be airaid of riv als. Things may be crowded below but there is always room on top. Don't be afraid to light against odds. Most things worth having are hard to get. Don't be afraid to be polite at all .... ! hi. .:!!' 1 1. ii ,1 Out Dr. Siioop's Catarrh Cure All Dealers. for Weak ff ? Q M Eidieys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney acid Bladder Pills eeic s Trial For 25c Ir-f A kiss is a Heeling, transient tiling, ti i soini' our mi t lir stri'i-l , am I'lil A rose may be worn or pressed; then dodgrd from side to siih ) A kiss you can keep but a moment for half a minute, vainly on limes ami under all circumstances. I, die,-,,.,, i, , h .Il,.,l(i n.-n. !' .some ioiks tmn.x tuey are tat- "s" " e.,s., , hv w M ( ,,,, ,,, Weldon, x. c. nation cine," muttered the farmer, ileman. - . as he pocketed the stakes and left, Don't be afraid of rebuffs. This "but hain't no use buckin' ag'inst maybe your employer's method- the solid facts." of trying your grit. Don't be afraid to trust your ; boss. Confidence is a necessary Have vou ever ah, tost run in- pari of sucecss. ttv.-l. taki: your CHoia;. ! E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chlcaso, 111. OfiOROr- C. (iREHN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tX'alioiial I " : 1 1 1 U liuildiiiL') Weldon. N. C. a-WT CJ ' "f s 1 t:-: (' V. i Ul most -- ! Ah, surely, a rose is best. '-V 'A .'55; i i L '.' . i"'' Then sotneiinies a kiss causes p, itt:;Vt,'l u ,' i '.' J : 1 7 5. id . m art; s not a r :gi'et. weellie'-s it jmvcn, not asl.mg reward i A kiss vou mav wi .h to forgj. K,..l,,l l,,r I'v-p, .-;a lui h. lped thou sands p,n,ir w ho have had st, mutch 1 1 oi 1 1 l i . I'll is is vv liul on,, man sa v s about it: "i:. c. HeVv ni ,v Co . Ohii'a iii, . Ill . oeutlemeii In Istr, I had di- i.lsi- of I lie sli iiii:ii-1i a in I 1 ii iw els 1 could not ili:.'i-l aio iliai' I air and in the spilll..' ,,f I'M- I h.ni.d.l a l.olll,- of ko .!.. , he I Ill I ICi'Clied 1 1 tllllt ittiivi' bv trviuo' to lutss vou in i,n.. M iin-i',.1,1 m (..-..isia i 1 1 ii-.t dciivorino' to puss, while the ollirr person hv some str;ing'e i'.it.ilitv blocke.l vour every lie aillil'ul, tentpt- KCU ill Ilk ing lips, ! le looked ;it tlie red, red rose, I hcn he look, with a lover's an! em haste. Well, which do you suppose ' FfiAISh VOUH NEIGHBOR, In our judgment of others, we mortals are prone To talk of their faults without heeding our own; And this little rule should be treasured by all: "If you can't praise your neighbor, don't name him at all." Men's deeds are compounded of glory and shame, And surely 'tis sweeter to praise than to h'ame Perfection has never been known since the latll "lf you can't praise your neighbor, don't name hun at all.' Remember, ye cynics, the mote and the beam Pause in your fault-finding and ponder the theme Who has the leas; charity, quickest will fall-- "If you can't praise your neighbor, don't name him at all.' If we would but endeavor our own fault to mend We'd have all the work to which we could attend, Then let us be open to Charity's call -"If you can't praise your neighbor, don't name him at all. I he same way? Such was tho i ciil e.xpeii- etiei' of n youiio' mail in Port -hmd. Me. lie and ;t stiangi' yoiino' woman had horn o,"in:; tliioiiwli this perforiiiaiiee ;',,r o rrnl soeniid -, when lii.s un willing; is-u- is sln:.;'y,vivil him I iy saying: "Then, hurry up! Which is it to lie- a wall . or a t wo i, p!" Woman's Homo i 'mii, anion for April. Iniv. I slid um' a hid-. euMoiiallv as I Pud 11 'i liie- I'i I pui'i'ier and a noml ilia:,-. Mav vou live f me and pro-prr. ..Ills. V, iv'tlillv. C. X. I i.l'ie-ll. lei.lnie. ' . '. . Au-j l"Oo " ..I i : v V. 'd. I ohea. , I Inn. x.l. Tlin Cl.l i5.MAN. 1IVE14SH i Tills Moisting? e TAKE I IT'S ALL RHill T THLN. oihe i that you 1'mtoldhe'sam.u, of asenee. is he no,- iSsM. i A Cch;.Ic Laxative Ant! Appetizer 1 m so sorry 1 slum I meet your htf baud, oil's, t dim, said All Aie't'all. sit. n line or 1 . "Well, really," replied Mrs. I Clubb, "I know very little about g that. I'm more familiar with his 5 absence." 1 TTTTBImst" SheYou have kis.-ed girls, haven't you? I le Yes; but no one know. He fiot What He Needed. "N y. ais a-,, it looked if my tune had come." sa Mi. I I art him;, of MillCreek. link Te, "I va- so run down that llfehulu; on a very tender thread, Ii was tli'-n mv dou:i:isi reeimiinrnded flectric Uioei-. I I,,, lied, I a l.olll,. and not vvlial I ll.eded slleimlll I had one l',,t in the mave. lull fleeille P.lltels pu, it liie-k ou tin-tint ae'inn. and I've lit-eii well evel sin,.,- " ,,l,l nudel euai- anlee at anv dim; st..ie. ..iic. W. W. KAY. BIKigSS'iKI ; i r - : The w ay to keep a friend is to see very little of him and to want nothing at all from him. rr 1 iu is lu'niisi'ld , VV'.-.M- ' : 1 TWft U .V I.,-). M.:,: O ,',-.'.:A..iVi3 aily THt BACHELDOBE I'm going to be a bachelor dial's Hat, for good or ill ! 1 haven't ever married, and 1 never, never will; I'll never have a Mrs. to the glory ('"11;'1' x., twenty . thm mm Ileal, 1:1 "(I,-,- ' is i.ullv tl 1,,-est ( 'otfe-' 1 inn .it loll ev ,r y.-t pio, I need. 11, is the finest t ollee substitule evel leade. has recently been produced by I'r.Mioop of 1,'acine. is Xoi a irrani of leal col ter in u , il l.i-i Health I'oil. e is made fioni I',..- t:si, en, als mth malt, nuts, et . tlraliy il would loot an ex pect an rvprel vv I :rl,t dunk it l,.l minutes Mil lr ,11 a Mllllllte' says tbr , doCbll. ; for Kile I.V W. T. I'll i her. Weldon. X. C tirocsr, r 5?eS ot my name, I'll never own a person who w always be to blame, ; Thc man NV,U) inhci-ls m()K.v I here II never be a kiss lor me generally also inheriis a faculty for when I trudge homeward late, , gelling rid of it. I here'!! never be a lady who will think that I am great, I'll never have a fireside I'm un lucky, don't you see ?- -I love a lot (,(' ladies - but ihey Don't love Me. A Twenty Year Sentence "1 ha e just completed a twenty-year health seulrliee imposed by I'-llcUm's Vouch v:lh i', which eiard nil- of hlc-'d-in-; piles pis! 1 vv cut v v i ai s aer . ' vv I il, s II - Woi'dovel. of I i 1,'avsville. X. lluckl. n's :'. s:lv,. I,, ul- t,e vv.ust solrs. bolls, bums, wounds all,! fills 111 the slim lest tune. '.'.'ic. at anv .Ion; ror bale by P1ERCE-WH1TEHEAD IIDW. CO., W'ehlun, N. C. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC; (iuaranteed. A large hottle for 25c. Host Chill j I onic and Wood Purifier made, l or sale by all .l....l..r. TtlV IT M.,r. I Wfl.UtiX, X. t". utactureil hy : : : : p,.,etiees in the e, ,111 ts of 1 lalifax. and SUFFOLK DRUG 8 EXTRACT CO., I Xotthampton and u. the Supremo anil , Incorporated i federal courts, t 'olleclions made in all SIT'POl.K, YIKOIMA. ; partx of North Carolina. Munich ollice .;,;,, ,n. at. Halifax o,eti evety .Monday, WLLDOX, N. c. I keep thc lu st id' everrtliiiiir: tin niy hue. Polite atteulton to all at KAY'S, m y L' ly WALTLR R. DANIEL. ATTOKNI-R-AT-LAW, NOTICI:. i:iiJj,,J! -.it'll' I'm going to be a baclieldorc I setilenced so lor life: I'll never have a honey moon, I'll never have a wife, I'll never latiglt at biscuits which are amateur and raw, I'll never have a visit from a busting mother'n-law. With none to share niy triumphs or to soothe aw ay my tears, I'll step in single harness down the long and lonely years, liul oh, it isn't my faith: I'm no parii don't you see?- -1 love a lot of ladies, but they Don't Love Me. IKK ti tWMWtt lilt l oil llil,t., sense is in not knowing n isn't necessary. , jill-U;llii'i 'f it pnuri Yi'Ml'tl Ml lilt1 Ly a -led "I iniv? rn'ulnl mi lite Mli .lav ul Uclt't.i'i A 1. Itwl, liy l,t'i.s U MlhiiitiN ami In- w i It- llattictl ill,;iius an ) W illi.nn llaivry utnl hi' wile Ijiic Ihii' I l.u c . w Inch .itctl nl t iiivt iv 1 1 ti 1 v H'C.ihlc'l in 1 tuk lii'i mi :i-Vi .t' Aic U ui-h r t ..!lu',- fnr llalii'ax rmiMlv. Nt lilt t molma. I s-liull. nn tilt' 01 h ilny of May, A. I). 1908, VU ARI; rORTL'NATI:. "Each day brings some new worry," declared thc pessimist. ''Vi'hieh enables us to forget the worry of yesterday," was the op timist's reply. The purest treasure mortal times afford is spotless reputation. To have polled health inii'-l haw lt'i!V't flii;liiiii. an. it is i'iy i : u j i i liiiit imt in pt null nl'auv th'lav tin- mn : lllfiit thi' .titinat'li let Is nut nl' nitlt'r. a t 1 1 1 v m iI niliiM' .1nn' i 11 till1 ti'WII nf i 'l'a!.i"-iMiflhmL. :0 niiccthat ynti ktmw WiIIhIi, N.C, pincoetl (. sell tn the will 'ifiiiii!lv aul unfailingly di- h ln-t Iml'lcr. at juihlu aurtinti. t'nr I'stinll. Tllt'lf Is MiitllMh; hl'llt'l' (hall I'Usll. 1 1 If InllnW 1 1 1 LT i level 1 1 u'i 1 pHMM' ur , Kminl I'ni ilyvjn iia. ui'lii:ftinii. mhu jiauvl ni hin-l lyini: uit'l htsnir m HaMlax ; stnniai'h, l.t'lchimr nt" anil ticivnus I'ic.iiity nt thr Stair nf North 'amliiiu. iinifiai'iir. ixntini is ;i naiuiui t Hires- inuit: I H:U naci U'iiiiui'r llir lainls I tuiit. ami will diui'st what yon cut. nl' Aiulnw II. Inhnsnn ami lun-is ot T. ; StiM liy . M . ( nlu'ii, Inn N.C 1.. 1'i'inh'i. ami ilcsciihril hy ooursi's 1 ' anil ilistuncrs as Minus: lift; inn suir lit A handsome woman pleases the ,sl!lUr !" !un "i;1'" Al,',,vw I , , k , i lolnisnii shut1, tht'nri' N hi; IH.VI-HHM KILLthe COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH (! 1. ur. mugs New Discovery fkice OLDS Trial Bottle Fret AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED tsATIBFACIOai, OK MONEY REFUNDED. ! eye, but a good woman the hear Kennedy's I aative rotu:h v rup the e, mull syiup that tinUes neaily us' u'ood as niiiph sueai and vvhichiduidien . - hkeso well to lake. I iihlie nearly all I A CTi BJ l-C I A olh, i e.iiieh remedies, it does not ' con- ! I V Il I r stipate hut on ttie other hand it acts i for Infanta and Children. pioinpllv vet gently on the hovvels, l .. n 11 th,,u,di-.i,e eoid is loiccd ,,ut ,.f the! foe Ycu Have Always Bought iiillaiiiMiutiiui. Alwavs use Kcinu'ilv's TJears the l.aSaive l'ou,h Syiup. ' j q Sold ,y W. l. Cohen, W'eklou, N. V I chains to a stake in the e, lee of a hranch thence down the!, ranch .",1 '. K I to-hMI chains to the main run or ditch of the branch thence Shu ;t.Vluo chains to a stake in said Pender's field, thence S. 1 . 1(1 chains to the liedee on An drew II. Johnson's line, thence alonir the hedu'erow N. Sti V. tt; chains to the hei;iniiinEi'otaiuii,.' lifty-four and one half aces. Possession pivi'ii on the ilnv nf sale. This 4lh day of April pitw. K. CI.AUR, 4 t) Iw Tntstt'B. l'1-omi.llv ol.inint.1, FCE RETUflfJCI. 10 VIRIPtnir-oiCC. n li OHARUt KE THI LOWEbT. S'-inl iiiiM, photo ' i H U h U'V tixpcrt ftnaich rn Hei- n-i.-n. t,n iMlvnlitliiiiiy. INFRINGEMENT oiW i-. i,,;::, I M U'lo cmirtn. I'nti-nH c'.t:.; t I !. t"ii' it 'in, Aavc:i- TlftEDaixl SOI.Il, ( f l'.r.Ut-M.H!tS, f'f Opponlto U. 8. Futn.-t Office,