ft 5 ' :'; V'-? - ! i iV ' V'.- : -i 0 3 Terms of Sub-a'i; Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. 'in VOL. XLII. WKLDON, N. ('., TIU'IISDAY, Al'lM L l!M)s. iifl Vii-i t.V (LTSteSS&ifl imim J ! if I, i i'i 1 T kau, f ALCOHOL 3 PKK CKNT AVcaelable Prcnaralion Tnrls similaiuiS!ln'Fooil.in(IRpi!iila I ing i tif S KHiiaths andUtiels of Tromolos DiPstlonf hf eifu! 'Ma- ($1 ncss and ltesi.Conlains nciuw Qpiuni.Marphine norNitu'ralJ NOT NARCOTIC. MKvriroua-jm'amnim fljrtfjcm Sftd" HxMltSdk AattSntl Aprrmia - hirm Serd- Clnnfott Sugar 1iatttynui flamf. ... I IT" " Anerferl Rprtiedv foiCmslto lion , Sour Stouircli.Dlarrtocj VVoiras.Com'Ulsiuns.l'i'vtnsD nrssaiulLossOFSLEKP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. G 101 lOULJOE lAV l'miNB P.N. STAIN JiACK, . . . ..:i ni)i:ktaki:i, Weldon, . . North Carolina. full Line ot CASKHTS, COPFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. II. (i. HOW E, FUNRRAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. fl OE 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, An; tvr mint, lsitu'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital an Surplus, $40,000. I'ur more than liriwii years this institution 1ms provided I'unkiiik' facili ties for this section. Its stockholders and directors have lieen idenlilied with the liusiiifss interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. .Money is loaned upon approved security at the leu'al rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided prolits havintr reached a sum ciual In the Capital Stock, the llatik has, comincncinir January I. Itms. estiililislied n Saviiurs Department ttlloninif interest on time deposits as follows: l or Deposits allowed tnremain three months or Immer. t per cent. Six months or longer, S per eeut. Twelve months or loiurer. I per cent. For further information apply to the I'resiilenl or I ashier. PKKsinitvr: vhk-i-hksiiiknt: iasiiikh: W. K. DAS I IX, I'll. II. W. I.KWTS, W. It. SMITH. (Jaehson, Nurtlminptou countyi SEABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 6.50 a. m. No. 38 for " " " at 2.45 p. m No. 29 for Raleigh and Oxford at 6.45 a. m. No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 1. 10 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. Na. 30 Shoo Fly arrive at Weldon at 8.00 p. m. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. IL GATTLS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C For Infants ftnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of THC OIHTAUM OOMPANV, NCW TOR OITV. 30 N li.ll i I'lin.M.S I' I atnl o ft RAILWAY JANUARY 5, 1908. i . IT my hi' "se j For Over Thirty Years BABY OR BOTTLE WHICH? "If You Have Quit Drinking, SomelhinK Is Up; Tell Us About It." j A commerciiil traveler who had ! been accustomed to drink quite freely with his comrades, asion-' ished litem by saying, when the bottle was passed in the smoking cir one day, "No; I won't drink , with you to-day, boys. The fuel j is, boys, 1 have sworn off." He j was greeted witli shouts of laugh-1 ter by the jolly crowd around him. They put the bottle under his nose, j and indulged in many jokes at his 1 expense: but he refused to drink, ; and was rather serious about it. j "VHiat's the matter with you, ; old boy?" sang out one. "It j i you've quit drinking, something's ! ! up; tell us what it is." i ! "Well, boys, I will, though 1; i know you will laugh at me; but I'll ; j tell you all the same. I have been ! a drinking man all my life, and : ; have kept it up since I w as married, j as you all know. I love whiskey; ! it's as sweet in my mouth as sugar, i j and God only knows how I'll quit j I it. l or seven years not a day has j passed over my head that I didn't I j have at least one drink. But I am j ! done. Yesterday I was in Chica- i i go. Down on South Clark street ! i a customer of mine keeps a pawn- shop in connection with his other 1 i business. I called on him, and 1 while I was there a young man of ; not more than twenty-five, wear- nig tnteau-Dare uomes, anu iook- ing as hard as if he had not seen a sober day for a month came in with a little package in his hand. 1 remhlingly he unwrapped it, and ! handed the article w the pawn-; broker saying : Give me ten cents. And, boys, what do you . suppose it was? A pair of baby's : shoes; little things, with the but- j tons only a trifle soiled, as if they I had been worn once or twice. "Where did you get these?" asked the pawnbroker. "Got 'em at home," replied the man, who had an intelligent face and the manner of a gentleman, despite his sad condition. "My wife bought 'em for our baby. Give me ten cents for 'em; I want I a drink." "You had better take those back to your wife, the baby will need , ' them," said the pawnbroker. , "No, she won't; because she's ! dead. She's lying at home, now; died last night." As he said this, , the poor fellow broke down, bowed his head on the show-case, and cried like a child. "Boys," said the drummer, "you can laugh if you please, i but I I have a baby of my own at j home, and by the help of God I'll i never drink another drop." Then he got up and went into j another car. His companions glanced at each other through dim i eyes and silence. It did not seem 1 to be funny to anybody. No one I laughed; but somehow the bottle i disappeared, and soon each was sitting in a seat by himself, pre tending to read a newspaper. Vote against liquor on May 2Gth. We never worry about the spir itual welfare of the man who al ways sprinkles ashes on his icy sidewalk. What Ails YouT Do you feel weak, tired, uespondun have frequnnt headaches, coated tongue, bitter or bad tii-tu In nioriilnir, "heart burn," MchiiiK of gas, grid rUii ff In throat alter eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kluilriil symptoms? It yoTNtv any considerable number of thtlinvesjwyitnmi you are aultcrlng troiiN)illoutya0itflrl liver with Irnll jestionSflW;?lmi Dr. 1'icrr.r's Colilcri Hc.tl.Ml ivwnvcrv Is piadc llli ot the lo valuable medicinal urliicliili'S known to Bn-iliral "I'ii'iiec for Die pi-riiianfil cure id null .ilnorpiil luiiilliioj" It la a mutt ffllolent liver Invigorator, itomgch tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengtliencr. The -lioldeii Medical Discovery " l nnt g Mttent medicine or seeri-l nostrioii, g full list of Its Ingredients being printed on lis bottle-wrapper and attested under nalh. A glance at Its formula will show Hint It contains no alcohol, or harmful babit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-relined glycerine, of proper strength, from the nsits of tho following native American forest plants, viz.,(lulden Keal root, Stone root, lllack Cherrylmrk, Queen's root, llloodroot, and Mandrake root. Tin following leading medical authorities, among a host ot olhcru eilul Iho foregoing tsiVvsymptomslnrlleatl'nif.ll HytlHdow. M. )., of .Icfferaon Med. College, Phlla i.l'nw. M. I)., of .Icfferaon Med. College, l'hlla ; I' II (' u-..l M II ,,f I'nlr of Pa.: Prof Kil m' li.ii. M n i,f llRlmeniitin Med. Colleire. win Uileai-o: Prof. Jolin King. M. I).. Author of ' American IHspsmaloryl Prof Jna M. Scud der. M. I).. Ailtliorof Hiwelllc Medicines: Prof. Laurence JuluiKin. M. I'.. Med llept. CnW. of N. V : Pmf l-'lnler Elllngwixsl. M. .. Author of Materia Medlea and Prof. In Benuett Medj ral College. Chicago. Send name and ad dress on Poatal Card to Or. U. V. Pierre. Iluf falo. N. V.. and reelo frr tssiVlet giving ntracta from writings of all Ihe ats medi cal amlioniand man y others endorsing. In the atrongeat piwsinia lerma. each and erery in- I gradient of which "iolden Medical Dlscor- ' ery " is composed. ! ftr lin--a Pleasant PelletA renilate ana InTlrirate atomach. liver and Isiwela. Tliey may tie used In conjunction with "Golden Medical Discovery-" If bowels are much coo HlMMO. Staaj'n Uar gad aug-ar-ooai4 SUMMER TIME SONG. The sun is so bright and the sky is so blue And the grass is so green I am glad, aren't you? The leaves are so thick and the trees are so tall, There's hardly a thing that should fret us at all. The days are so long and the nights are so blest With moonlight and stars and with pillows and rest A boy should be glad, when in bed he is curled, To live in this airy-d ly, merry -Jay world. The air is so fresh and the morning so line 1 would all your thoughts were as merry as mine. The clover's so sweet and so jeweled with dew, The dawn is so bright I am glad, aren't you ? The songs of the birds are so glad as thev play, The woods are so cool and so perfect the day, Let's march on and on with a banner unfurled ; "Hurrah for this airy-day, tturry-day world !" The turf is so soft and the orchard so white With blossoms and buds and our beans are so light, Our joys are so real and our troubles so few, Our plans are so merry, I'm glad, aren't you? A blessing on life with its health and good cheer, There's so much that's good I am glad I am here, Sun-splashed and moon-mellowed, sweet-blossomed, dew -pearled, Three cheers for this airy-day, merry-day world ! TROUBLE. w hen it seems as it there never couio te any ctiance tor you, When the way is lost in darkness that you struggle 10 pursue, When it seems as if your gains Poorly pay you for your pains And mankind is set against you, having sworn to do you ill- When this feeling weighs you down Rise and leave the cheerless town; You can walk away from trouble, if you will. Qut across ,he peacefu shadows and beside the greening slopes There js tonic for ,he Wary and a promise of new hopes Every bending blade of grass Does jts linle as you pass Jq jnform yQU of fajr prjzes ,ha, .)re worth tne winning sli; E s(ep wjl, make yQU strongi As your shadow m()Ves along You Cfln wak away from ,rouble, if you will. Why make others to despise your sadness when your hopes have oo.ed away? Why compel them to despise you for the things you do and say? Even in the crowded street Where the restless currents meet Courage waits for him who seeks it, Step forth from behind the walls Where the shadow thickly falls You can walk away from trouble, if FOR MARRYINQ MEN. Things to find out when meeting an attractive young woman with whom you may fall in love : Is she selfish? You can tell this in three ways by the manner in which she accepts what you do for her, and by the difference between the way she treats you and the way she treats others. Is she fickle? If she talks about light things she isn't. Deep, she is. ; Is she extravagant? By the j way she protests against your spending money on her, and ar- ranges matters so thai you can't help but do it. Is she a bad housekeeper? By the way she dresses. If she isn't spick and span, she isn't. If she is, then she is. W'hen you have satisfied your mind that she is all of these things marry her at once, if you can get her for the following reason: Hirst, because it she really loves you she will change. Second, because if you love her, it will be so much more inierest ; ing. Third, because you are probably mistaken about her in any case. London Scrap. BLESSINGS OF THE BLIND. The calamity of the blind is im- ; mense, irreparable. But it does ' not take away our share of the thincs that count service, friend- i ship, humor, imagination, wisdom It is the secret inner will that con trols one's fate. We are capable of willing to be good, of loving and being loved, of thinking to the ; end that wc may he wiser, We 1 .,.,... ,.kh sniril hum fnrrrs " ' i ii equally With all God S children. , Therefore We, IOO, see tllC light- 1 . . , , , r iningS and hear tllC thunders of Sinai. We, too, march through . ,ij,rness and ,i,e ,0itarv I lne WUUIlcrness ailU Mimat y , place that shall be glad for US, and i as we pass God makeih the desert i " I t0 bloSSOm like lite TOSC. C, IOO, ! go ill UtllO the Promised Laild 10 I possess the treasures of the spirit, the unseen permanence of life and nature. Helen Keller, in the Century. It will take something more than j the fear of microbes and germs to put a stop to the kissing habit. We don't think much of a man who has a large social correspond ence and keeps up with it. pressing on past mart and mill; you will. Kmlol for Dvspcpsia 1ms helped thou' sands of propfe w ho have had stomach tnmhle. This is what one man says aliout it: . ('. DeWitt & Co., Chica-i Ko. Ill Ceiitli-iiien In 1MI7 I had dis ease of the stoinaeh and howels. 1 could not durest iiiiytlniiir I ute ami in the spiiiiir ol' liKt-i I Ijuu'.'lit a bottle of Ko dnl nti. I the heiielit I received from that liuttle all the Hold in lieoria could not Imy. I still use a little occasionally- as 1 I i i nl it a line Mood pnritier ami a irood ; tonic. May you live loin; am) prosper, i Vours very truly. C. X. Cornell, Kodnit;, tia.. Auk. yr. iikiu." 1 Sold liy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N . C. T .....,. :n t i u-inui luw a niuuMiy w ill not balance today's indolence. ' Health CohVe" is really the closest CoH'ee Imitation ever ret produced. This the linest I 'oil'ee substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr.Sboop of liacine, Wis. Not a irrain of real cof fee in it either. Health Cull't-e is made from pure toasted cereals, with malt, nuts. etc. Iteally it would foul an ex pect an expect who miirlit drink it for i once. .Notweutv or t nrtv minutes boilinir. "Miule in aininute'1 savs the doctor. Kor sale by W. T. I'aiker. Weldon. N. C. Time is money but the landlord will not accept it. Kennedy's Laxative Couuh Syrup the eolith syrup that tastes neaily as good as maple sui::irand wliiclicbiidreu bkeso well to take. I nhke neaily all other eouh remedies, it does not con stipate, but on the other hand it acts promptly yet irentty on the bowels, through the cold is forced out of the system, and at the same time it allays in II in 1 1 iti nt H ti. Always use Kennedy's l axative Couch Syrup. Sold hv W. M. Cohen. W, don. N. C Infant hands can take hold on heartstrings. a firm Death was on His Heels. Jesse 1'. Morris, of Skippers. Ya., had a close call in the spring of 11'iHi. He says: "An attack of pneumonia left me so weak ami with such a I'eail'ul cmil:Ii that tny fnends declined eonsuiiiption bad me. and death was on my heels. Then 1 was persuaded to ti v Dr. Kind's New Discovery. It helped me immedi ately, and alter taking two and a hull' bottles I was a well man nuaui. I liiitnd out thai New Discovery is the best rein cdv loi coughs and luuir disease m all theworlit. Miid iimiel guuiaub-e ui anv ill in; store, .ilk-anditl. Trial hot tie free. Ill order to be humble not be servile. one need To hate perfect health we must have perfect digestion, and it is very impor tant not to permit of any delay the mo ment the stomach Tcels out of order. Take something: at once that you know will promptly and unfuilingly assist di gestion. There is uolhiii better than Kodol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, iK-lciiing of gas, and nervous headache. Kodol is a natural diges taul. and will digest what vou eat. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon N. C. Cross bearing by proxy will not win crowns. CABTOnlA. Baari tin w11 011 Haffl I",8IIS BMi,lt J"""-Tnr-iirtiTirnrM 5ffi7T TU KM.!' StllLSS. I m ALU. M If cs Ci.il Hriitly pro!. ' ii& the ti-Aiiiij '-owiier So does France So does Germany I h. mle tit al.im l-v-l, U l..-n w i&ol in V .,l,,n,l, n ..,.1 llvIJia. n 1 1 1 (....iiiji,!, .,, ..,,. .iitn li.iUngpuwd.il re rveu hdrre rt-i 'mi.,. .1 tu iiuuiioui. To prolcit yourself against alum, w.'ii.n or Jenny baking powder, Sep plafahj- and t lure you I Royal. RoV.il i&th nnlv Rikino PowrW m..l. from Royal C',r,,i- l.rram ol Tartar. It addi to tlie dii'iuLilily and w holcioroc ol the loou. MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCES, Must Christ Be Crucified Again To Teach Us the Beauty of Charity and forgiveness? The lack of irooil sense ami sound judgment that many fathers and mothers display in regard to the mntriiiiniiial alli ances of their ch i Id ri-n.a mounts in very many instances, tu rank idiocy. If they wish to "break off a love atTair," they employ the very agent for its inteiisest promotion opposition. Infatuation, so often mistak en by young people for love, is a feeble-rooteil plant. Ilia1 will die of itself in time, if only let alone. Parental interfer ence, of a clogmnl ic kind, will very probably drive its roots to a firm depth in the soil of all'ec tioll. It is unquestionably one of the severest trials between the beginning and end of life to rear a child with great care, and then, at manhood or wo manhood, behold the labor worst than lost, as it seems lo the parents. It Seems bitterly ungrateful. A terrible blind ness seems to have fallen like a pall upon their child's mental, moral and physical vision. Our attention has been drawn to this topic by a number of so cial revelations, no! pleasant I to hear, and which had their origin in parental opposition. Private marriages are resorted to; scandalous arrangements entered upon; and often, what is still more sad and deplorable the lives of brave and high- I hearted lovers shadowed for life. After the uge of twenty-one, girls, who have been properly educated, are quite as apt to know what they desire in a man for a husband, as their parents, and unreasonable op position is ;is foolish ;is it is unkind. When the spirit of opposit ion leaps high ill parental hearts, it would be well to ask these questions: Would marriage be the worst thing that could happen; Is ii my ambition, or my child's happiness 1 ant seeking t" pro mote'; Has not niv child the same right of a choice in a life companion that 1 had'; Another thing occurs at this point, that we cannot well re ; frain from protesting against. I It is the folly - and nothing less than folly that characterizes j the conduct of far too many parents in regard to their chil- tlren, and especially their I daughters, who, in some weak moments, have behaved itidis : erectly, and possibly shameful ly. A child is a child, J and no act of a child can make it otherwise. hisiuhcritance. j anger, link iinlness and abuse j only aggravate such matters, ! and what might have been . i kept a private family sorrow, liecomes a punnc m ainini, so crushing the helpless victim that not even a whole time of remorse and repentance can succeed in washing out the blot on be reputation. Life is so short human happiness, at best, so poor and small - is there anything to lie gained by mak ing a bad matter worse, or a miserable fellow creature still more wretched? Are truth and virtue so frail and weak as to be utterly destroyed by the breath of a pitiful error? Must Christ be again crucitied to teach us the beauty of charity and forgiveness ? Bari tit MIS ma '"" Hie Kind Vuu Havn ivii Bouglit vf Sfliuolli-UM- i't :i h:. I: iliMf:ci a -y "ijssMsl at ilir h t,: the ,i.:-s jilJ- ly -.". il ;! ttt'l d tit.it !t.i-! '.: - .1 kl.iV.'ll liAiir .. ". nd ma' ili, ; ', 'v. ..' tt.i.!'.. ') '! cm it vt.a w..s ' m !. " Tlu- i-t.y hi.t;:- I.i ituul. I'.ut til'.' I.. v! I1 IV !r. ill-! !.! lilKs I! VI-IV. ni s knew les.-on. hepiii;: a chance to ;: ! ah was not a sinj-.ic at the head. ! !, UlttCl'l'tlt Sec del he knew evei y vnr,l "lXivc. Ip.v do yoti :m jour lesson mi well r" said the iii:s'.'..r. "1 Ici'ii every word in the les son, and get in.,' mother i-1 h -at' tne at nighi, tin n i ; vcr nY-111 in the morning 1'c'oi e 1 cmc to school. And I go over them al my scat before the clay- i called up." "Good boy, Dave '" said the master. "That's the w ay to have success; always wul'k thai way and you'll do. " Dave is to-day the manager of a big lumber company, and he at-' tributes his siari to the words : "Go up ahead, and see tli.it you stay there. You can if yon work hard." Success may come sometimes unexpectedly, but work alone can hold it. He (iot What He Needed. i a lo Mr am' I a of! laid , Mdllii that lib 1 1 was 1 I dectrie ill, in 1 1 1 1 a ! lb k. liii I a i ii n ai '.' IIMl, : e'ol w bat I in foot in llu- m put 'I ba.-k hi been well CO- aiilri- a' aav I lectl aaaai. .-.,1! a hi I'M- l'ven if you can not tool a horn you can follow the reform band. lHallld. A Twenty ,c;ir Sentence I bine iu-l -Hit la alrlli'i I ll,i-a sai i-. v. -l-l ai . I-.' s W , ki:i:i' ir i) ik. "Scientists ii. iw claim libit we are made of caccaviiy. " "Sh! Don't mention il. "Why not'-" "The electrical trust ill send us a bill." ; CASTOR I A For Infants an. I Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho of (juiS. Siuuatm NOT! ci-:. la a ,!.-.! o.u : ' ic W iilbains and W ilia line Mao I s I 1 . ttll, 11.11 in 11 W illai'li-i-wil, lam I llll-l iv .Italy a ::si ,a i!o l.n llaiilax ball - a Hi. i lla . win i; ti i .f Ii. V "Hi day of .May, A. IV fOtl.S, low a al lla-1 i-l.loii -I aaii.-i d V .. pi .-. II . a'as lollo 111 palm I of laiai U aia ; coiinly of tin- sl.ia towit:' That lnu-t a of Andrew II .lolia- II. I'l-inl.-r. and .I. and .lilani'i-- :l I'- I a stai,!' in an ojn-n .lolnison Inn-, lln 11 chains to a slut,.- in III. -Ilea .!oa a lb'- 1 ' i -1 chain- to tin- inaai launch tliciic s -o a vt:l. i sa..l l'.-n S i . in eliam- lo dli-w II .b.lnison s the le-lai low N sn b.-einnaia eon'a inn halluces I davol'sile 'I In- II id 'k ,aa in llaiilax Vnil, I aroliiia. ' nia' lln- Ian. K . a and lain!.-, of T. iil.nl by cuius, s -.-: I'., ailiuaia al i. ld sani Andiea n; . i.'l Vi. Ill l ,i i il--e ol a Inaneli a n ..; i: i : dim i oi .Inch of tl :.' : i inn ebaais to !!-. I l.i ii. , - I.-.- on n In lie- alolic a n- lo la, and - 1 1 III!' i .ui luu-. NOTK i: Ni'MTI i Aliol.lN i II M.lf t ol I . j. IN I lib st i i lJbib' i i it ;t. ) s n il r AMI. I.W slf ecry v-orJ in thv tint ':,. i .: ini"!it lint tli'.re iiii: IhVeM.iyed i'..-.: '.'.m in: in- r-. vre. now Tin- itcttMitiunt ;.l'ni-ii:i'nt'il will lake noiu'i- iliat an act inn emit It.hisal'ovc lias j ln n finiinu'iu't'i! in the u mtii ii v- mm l nP llalilux fniuily t uiiiiitl tin' tuatriauf cxiastitiLr ln'twi'iMi tin- lilamtitr nii'l ilc- i tt'ixhuit ; uml tlie ilrfi'iiilaiit will luitltn lake notiro thai i- iftjuin'! tu ap pi ar ul ttif Jimii' ti-i ni M'i'" id' the Supe rior CiHMt til'lialirux county, ulitcli will lie lit'ltl on tlif liist Moiitlay in .lunc I HUN at 1 1 to 'tunt Hfmr ol sani County in lUihliix, Norlh ( atoliiiu, ami answoi or flrinur to the complaint ol plaintill, or tin plu i nt ill will apply to tin' Court for the H'hei (Icummletl in suul cum plaint. TImn llicAtlt (lav of Maivli, liMW. S. M. ( iAK'V, 4 2 41 Clerk of Suporiur Court. r.iM r i.. i. if it -itv- 3 All Dealers ?! j-th, rervous i!. breath, ;:l, sal cl.ll.h la iajifi-L:Uicii. aov- ch. aces: tat t s..h tr bv c:e:in.'.injr, s-ar.r;!h5iii-'g; - ':: s:cre.a--h. and I t n i iy ye lC.oI Di . . y rJ lj L. 'est. Whot You F.at. ; i- i t-";t!-r-, S'-ur at-mar.h, LiuW I'I T & CO. , CHI0AC1O. Ml. N. C. a t I o I W . I, . (iL.')Ptil: C. (i!.nr, ATTOK.S;V-AT-LAW, '.luiial I'.aa Weldon. la.ildo N. C. i J -aAU K -ISH 1 I , IAKE -?as; s A On:".' Laxative And Appetizer W. W. KAY. W I l.l'ON, N. ( 1 lo e. the Polite in - a br.l of ia,-l alli-alaiu lo at K.W": ffALT. t:r i; damtl, AT ITUvT-; liR-.T-I.AVi-, N l-.I.DiiN. . c. 1'iaei.ei s in il,, a,, ml- o! Halifax, an. t Noilliaaiiitiia ami m the Siijaetne and l i'd'-ial eoiills. ( olti-eliollsiiai.lt in all pai t-of Nottli t 'aioliua. Hiancli oflicii al 1 1 aiiltt him n e i-i v Mi n. lav. KILLth- cough and cuke the luncs wth Or. King's Hew Discovery FflRffOUCHS JK ' v" VCLDS Trial Bottle Frit SND AIL THROAT ANOltlNGTROURLES. GUAR? STEED SATISFACJl'OKi. 08 MONET KEFUNDED. rcr ncTURNro. tORStXP( MIL.. THI LOWtSV- h- Id ftix-rl ft iinli nitil 1 1 . . INFRINGEMENT M t. Hit. (iHAHUt ft H1 .. ' I, j :i K- ,.r -k. f. h l-H ;l i-n HUrrit,iljllllJ'. IMIiHH ' "' - "t til"--Hi. tt It", AUVIfl- TISEDtitKi SOLD, t ' 1!, ADft-MARK. PtN- ftlONl nr COF-VtiM iTf rpiiiily tibtullicj. OppOHltci U. fl. Piitont OftloOi WASH(NCT':.N, 0. mm Family brocer L -r tjate.'' fl

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