a Mills! 4iwr4lls knifes Advertising Rates AV'ule Known on Application. VOL. XL II. A N W S i' A P I S! ll-H THE i'0PI.. WT.LDOX. N. '.. Till iMAY. AIMilL ( . 51 ESO i'il ffl ''. toil M 'i'ho Kind You Uai'O Always ISouglit, iind viliicli iin horn in u.-o (or over 00 years, lias !onia tho i:il m ol' ,r- - ami )um been made ui;.;.- lii.i ner. ruz, xiut. Allow no onis t'Ye.-bv j .ii i.i thU. All ('01111(11 leits. Imitations! anil "Just -as'-mid " are Imt I"-.ici iiiii'iils that, trillo Willi ii'-il tlio health ol' lui'aiils and Children Kypericno n-jnaisl l:iciimeiit. What is CASTOR1A Castm-ia is ra harmless suhstitiito i"or Casio. Oil, Pare froiir, Drops ami Soothing Kyrupi, It is I'lcasant. It contains neither Opium, Morpliiiio nor oilier Ji'areotio substance, lis a;;" is tt-4 E'ltiraiitop, It destroys Woi-ius ami pliays lYve.-islmess. It euros Iiurriini anil Wind Colie. It rclii-irs Teething Trimbles, cures Constipation nad ! lalelriiy. It assimilates the food, regulates tin) Kli.it.,. ' in.il ilY.v.els, giving healthy ami natural sleep, The (.'liildren's i'auai -a Till) Jlotlicr's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR1A ALWAYS Sf Bears tne Signature of mud The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CINTiL COMPANY, 1J MUflflAV KYMtT, NtW YOAK CITY. BaBngggaasgK !K a mm iFYOUWArii km, WHt.TAKEIT. U - I'n. n I'.u i r y ii P. N. STAIN BACK, rxm-.K iakki:. WcUlon, - - North Carolina. l ull IJno oi CASKIiTS, COI'I INS ami k'Oin.S. Day, Nijcht and Out of Town Calls Promptly Attended to. 11.(1. ROWK, ITMiWAI. l)Ik!;CKR AM) f : MISAI .MIM?. Jj Scventt'fii years' llxpcrit'iuc. flcnrst' Service Anywhere, jftj T jit atv A iVraV vi:ijH)N. n. c- Organized I nder t he l.nws of the State of North Carolina, l .1 - I .Mill. I -I-.'. Si. iic (if Niinii ('..ii'dlin.i IVposiinry. I l.ilil'.ix CoiiMiy lVpc'siiory. I own nf Y.'cldon IVpusiiiiry. Capital and Snrplns, 40,000. I 1 :i:lr- ' I I lii'l. I Pfl I't'ltt. I I 1-1,1 ..i I..SI,;,, J! l'luilMM: VI. i. i-i;i.-IM'M. . MIU l:: I w. v.. h.wirl.. ii. w. i.i.wk w. i: wi. VHHOll JUlli III IT ! IT AUEIV KiCkUi-tfMKL. O jl flTW 1"-JVWAtt 1' ui nun.' I li:ui Ii II. I'll y ll." I.'! M C-1 Ii ttilli Hie l.ii in ilil.'l." 1 1 1 a 1 1 v v.-ii M.'ii. v i mli'iv-i i !'' it iiiii tins ! i k 1 1 . : : .r u.ti.1 ,i ii,,.. . I inli'ivM i pfr itiuii. A in.i I I'll,- l l II HI I'I lint! I 'r I-' I pi nil I 4 I Hj'U.ll M' ' k . Ill,' I. .111!. I" .1 :. ;l ini ir.:lll lil'Mil :lll,.. Itr; lllli'l, , llliillllis in .im!rr. :i per enit. T.-Ie m in ruit!u i iiili'iiiiain.ii iipi'ly I.' lii. I''1 If The Truth V-'e e Knuw n. it Would Ik- round that Ouite as Many Women Propose Indi rectly to Men ami are Accepted As Men Id Women. So I . . 1 1 ', n. "'"1:1 II it illlli' III I'I' clll'i'l I'll'l V ill'lll ! I'iilll-. ill tin' ma I lei' ,.!' in:; ivrh nt In r auay, im n c in ;ili"il to lie lilill'll v rliiv.'il.-Mlis. "V i'li 1 1 1 1 1 ol ir. I ha I lli'l v 1 -: 1 1 IH'il from tli- pen .1 !! I i n.-.m -lieil Imlv w l ilei- Hail "il' ill.- Inilli Were k iiiinn li.il v. niilil lie I'i.iiimI that j 1 1 i 1 as many women pro pose iinlire"lly lo men ami are aeeeiell, as men to women." 1 feel all illlplll -e lo rei-oiisti-m-l tile seelle of - run 1 n 111 1; i'i r phoimisai.. lie- (Sijrhs.l She I hate tn hear you sie'h like that. What's the matter:-" lie ( Hi. milium;'. She isnl'llv) -Won't you tell me '; I mielit lie TiTile to help you. The lion ami tin- mouse, you know. He - Don't eliair. She 'earnestly 1 I wasn't i-halline- really 1 wasn't. I in tell me why you sie'lieil. There must lie some reason, lie I ilmi't think there is. At leii.sl. I suppose there are all sor's ol reasons. She I think I knos' one of them, at any rale. He istartleil Hi, 1I0 youv She Yes. 'ou're not h-uil-ini; the riehl sort of life. He -What's the matter with if." She -Well, you want some one to take eaie of you, some one to mother you. some one In sympathize ami enroll rap-. All men are hi"' liahies, you know. They all neeil motherine'. He That's all very well. 1ml She The old story? Can't hit upon I he rk;h1 person:' I n oil k now liat I woiihl do if I were a man!" I wmihl ehoose I lie w oinail w ho seeineil lo lin-ilel-stiiml tne lu"t who seetneil to know by instini'l what was the matter w ith me. He Yes: hut they all ilo. Sin- 1 very evntlyi Hut ilo tln-y all eaie? Ho they all lean to put thines ii nht '' iSinli-.. 1 He As a iiialiei' of fart. I ilon't helieve anv of 'em cares a rush except, perhaps, y oil. She 1 willi a iiei' ous. rather hitter little lau-h Me'r (Hi. I don't count. lie Why not'.- Why should not on count '! She - 1'leae, please doll'l make fun of me! I'i rhap-. il hurts more than ou eu. ss. Ilo 'to himself 1 I'.y ,lmr! Why not:' He (aloud ' I ay, w hat ahmit voil and me'r London Sketch. TIil-i c's a inlly S;lX:i:i prove! !' Thai is prciiy mucii like iiii 'I ii a .1 in in is lull' i'i hu en li' he h.is ;i V!;ii:ti.; kiss. I i,, i r is ,!.i:u--r i.l i!e!:iyi:if!, I 'of I'lC N'VfCl!ICks !'l-iy '"I .s.lkv So 1 you, Iv.ishful loU'l', ! :' y..u v. am a kiss, why. Like 1 NVwr aii'Mhcr fcllov; Sk'.i! ,1 111 ii 'i on ynu ia this; XeT l.'l :i l.i'.i::hi!!'! i!l.i:dcu S-.'c you polling for a kiss. There's ;l royal way 10 kissiiie, rw arm. i;n ;i..V Or-,' Til:-: A 1 1. 1 llie iniiy urr.s w ho m. ike ii I lave a nioilo llial ii witiaina i i you waul a kis-,, why, take it. Any fool may face .1 cannon, Anybody wear a crown, I lut a man must win a woman If he'd have her for his ow n. Would you have the nolden apple, You must lind die tree and shake it; If the tiling is woi'ih the having, And you want a kiss, why, take it. Who would burn upon adesen With forest smiling by? Who would change his sunny Summer l:or a bleak and w intry sky ? )h, I tell you there is magic, And you cannot, cannot break ii; For the sw eetest pari of loving Is to want a kiss, and lake it. Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powtlei '! ; made with lioy;yj Urspc 1 Groaan ci: D-.rtat- No Alum, Ha Lbi l-iiospha!e ' thongink' 3 WHAT CM HOMO Sfliill '! 1 I dUv Humes am!,! TiPed i'li ' Pleasant Smiles ami l.oin; Words. The hiiine should le a pl.ice where man is always on his good j behavior; our kindest words, i our pleasantest smile, and our 11111M panicukir favors, should be ' kept lo exchange with our own household, li' we leel in ihe 11100.! the "ho-," ,y. ! ami ai.iu ..ii ;.,(. .ir.-lis-.v! li:s poeti.' I'-.. acIaio'A'icJc.o ii i - -low itig line-; : ' The "I'linnygfaph" v The "ac-.rds" all And the "music" tin. To a l;red an. I wer A'; l:-.-:.!-..r.-.. ir .'i i S- .'- -t Jjt W o swop -. . c . d t.. y . 't'.;a' ; l!'.cm out , t.' c:e:.r,;ii-g lha j of t'a: tiaeiit, cheot rJre'-T: A iiiiud. .me in iii .ka lends a "-eren.iJe" dan electric li-ht. r.li'sta-t to the latle r.S r-!-:i!o Sr..-.r" It WAV TO CUDDLE MID BE GLAD. Oh, hearts that are hardened, oh, hearts that are sad I Here's a way to make your life and others' glad ! 1 lere's a way to forget, if you only would; '""is found in the cry of pour children for food, (io look on their faces, so pale, so eager! (io look on their clothing, so worn, so meager! On their sad eyes, where a smile should be playing, On the hard, rough road their young feet are stray in;;. They're having December, w hen ii should be May, They're lighting life's battle. They should be ai play. Too soon their sw eet faces are pictures of care! Too soon in their eyes is the look of despair ! Then conic, you can help them can brighten their way; Can take them from battles -can pin them at play ' Can wipe from their sad eyes the trace ol' Ic.us; Can give them the joys that belong to their years. Can ease the heartaches of l.ulierand moilu r, And help bear the load of the sad older ! r.nln r. Can give them the song thai belongs io the heart. The glad song of h!'c, in v. hiji each has a pan. Then give of your little iiist give but a crust! 'Twill help them - help you 'tis your duty -you hum. Then give of your much --'Twill gladden so m.iiiy! for alter death, there's no need ol a penny' Thus will you gladden the sad life that is theirs. Thus will you answer the voice of iheir prayers, Thus, loo, will your own life be gladdened again. Thus, too, w ill it lose all its sadness and pain, In doing lor others in gl iddetiing their way, You gladden your own and drive sorrow away. And il will not be long unless you will find That your own gloomy clouds are all silver-lined. for pert'.-rniiiig some kind act. Id And their pi ai-.es v. vie ummins it be done for the benefit of our dearest companion. ( )ur home should be so tilled : with deas, int smiles, lo ing words, and kind acts, that the moment a member enters it the sunshine of happiness will beam from every countenance and a thrill of ioy till every heart; in lad, the homy should be to ii-, member., the plcasanlest spoi on canh. If cross 1 .est iniisie on pie pike the thing dial v. on ie". me, Is, the ''records" wear so And dial my "music" soon w Svv. 1 iiiiiiiuni- ol the p. i 'i I'a-t, I 1 1 i ; SA M I: CMICKKN. okl w . brought i'el.'re .1 iusiivc li seemed iiiai !'i!,.'e words must be spoken lei them re fa'!- 11 foul ol a hiiiidog w dii'ccied to strangers or ret'.er still ,k recently in Dm ei'. i;o into the woods and direct iheni th in the wild animals, but a still bet ter w ay is 10 keep the iiimd mi full of good though;, and the hands so busy in perioriiiing kind. Cin i ti in acts that there be 11.1 room ler ere -s words to mature, and is. lime or eiisposuam to uiie r liieni I love can a true ( '.hri.-tiaa sfc.ik a cross word lo his ". lie' '- ! ie . .a. -not, for harsh v. : .!-. t. . n.r 1 ' friends uhenate us from '. io.l, de stroy our true ( hr: cam pi incipK s and make us brutes. 1 ' Jusnc d.e.s t'.i il:' ir . . euicraig :!;c ii g's i,wi,vr. 10k here. I 'iieie . s.ilel, "dl.iil'l i I, 'si month lor Wasn't ii !';. eU'lollsy o 'lie si tell ht tW.WZ VEAK KICHEVS Try MiA 3 kiSK 1 and Oiiiiiet Fills $m and Ui -i.l i v V, .M.l .,! .:. 1,', ,1. N. C. (it:.)!it; c. (iRi;nN, A' 1 1 ( ) k' M A - AT- C AW , -.:iO,..m1 l'.:;.,!e 1 V 1 1 . 1 . 1 i 1 1 - . Weldon, N. C. ji 5T5 .1 i.-r .. eim'i l:i il v. don't , -eel iw: mw4 .s'fffilrV-y-' si;i:n stah:s. sOnly a baby, Kissed and care s, yd. (iently held m a mother'' l ie i-e Only a child. Toddling alone. l'.righlcning now its happy home. dice I Hat no i iced ill e: i :i. ves "j "Dstl sah, ... ..di. Ah. iici.Ltts. a1 s.- ! Ay. native ZS':-.W!SGES& ' I' I'll.! I, IS. AY. You may v ii.it he aeii' man 1 v A STORY WORTH TKI.I.IMi l'M lllivulirivi'ail l',iii,.(,v slopp,., ' "Hi' el l'l -lie.'l.'s S ui, p;,''la!.l..s I'. I, us iiiway. iiiriei r..;u, sn,(il lounil Rev, llowai'el Henderson has i.i.i pi.- in. -I i',Mk () , Only a boy, Trudging to '-chooi, ( io 'el'lled now In a Met lie ! I u'les r ai puDlisiieel ill tne western v. mis- i,,, I'lv slot Ol'.- IM.IM p. I'll i'i Illrls. , s,. li.ltl Advocate Some ilicielcilts of I i! .1. t l, o. n l.y .himjists :is in ' I'llll'll.- I a Is sino.iv Thi-s,. -i l'-'t I-'...'. i "N,. i I slo, -lie . Iil.-lv II li.l.-inr. his minisiry. le does not give .';.i!,,' Hi.. !.! .1 . !;,( i Sin I M, ..!tli-.. :' poenpl mi'' lm .. Is. h ii-;':: In. s, ,.,p's Niul.t i 'me. -s. uiihi'iiii 'iiii"iii,;iiH.ii p. dates or places, but the following : I'lcn --i a 'un-.m :'" ii'i' i' siiv I ei in m i k j, ,.lrs L.viilence of belonging to the ,i ,,:. M. ' l lir hiMik iiinl , ,. , . . . , m, ,,i.:ii ou-tieai a.tv i.-e is rn- early years ol his ministry, wiien ,. :o,u.iv w no- in-, si p. i,e labored in die sunny South:' .. w s, i,, i- no i.,,k Ne. I. , . . ri..', ii i iso man is so prosperous that he il l',:ll,'ls t llllllisicl oi l,li,e. .si.s ...is. Ml I- III .lltoT-.l IO .lielS....... 1,-1,1, voice was preaching in my pulpit, j f (l.min.jK- A1R LINE RAILWAY ( 'mod intentions may give you , sjj k,hjul iin An oK) bnh. speed on tne way, nut iue u. . ... .. j , i not alwavs set you on tne ngni , , " .' , .,, .(; ' chair inside the chancel. He was eivrn io eiaeu .ltion He'll anv- ""' 11 , . . 1 11 II.. p i" I'I I III W 111 tiling pieaseu nun. ne uau mu n,. i.v w. m. ioIm-u. v,i,i much conhdence in his preachers a voimi. l.i ing in dre, mis. bull of promise life now seiins. Duly a man, l'.ailhng with hie, Sli.it cd in in.w 1 y a loving wtte. Only a lather, r.ui!eiicd Willi care. Silver threads in dark blown ban'. For Im'aui.s .v.. Clii'airen. Tho Kini Ypu Have Always Bought Win NoirCH. grocer Willi ::'! ;ei.l V lii I, -si SI II li'., U.io . :: V, :l;,i ,1 l, vole I lo Von Opeti Vmir Mouth lake :i yimni! I'ii'l -ml cull' il'iwn ttlnil- i. Si ....ii..:,,,, ,,i ', e- I ... ,,tli.-,.(l v.,11 '.' or. iii...nwuiiuikii"tt si.iii.-ihini-' ! the that he sometimes doed during a n ..i a liiili ,-ui . si,,,,,! s,.;ii,-i,. ""' '"""''r '.';' r ';:' Onlya graybca.J, !,, Toddling again, ( .row ing old an pan: SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRiL 12, 1908. i-,.lni...-ii!"ii ion! i-li:ii'."-t' -r "1 i'.u " in. i: ynu taki' into ynr sleiiiacli iii-lln i' ui ( t i.r lllolieilic'.' M.,-t ini.'lliu'i'iit n uri s. -n-i I ! po.pln li,,e ;i-,l;iys insist uti I. now in-: liut lii.v cniplnv hIm-IIuT lis t..".l '.r lis lliei'.'ilH'. ' ' " pr. I'i.-iYi' li.'lli'V.'s ih.'V tiuvi- ii pel f. . ! r 1 1: la tn i iimsI iipnii sue 1 1 i, now I, i ir. - S,. lin These arrivals and departures are only as infor- piihiiiirt4and n .mh ti,- ivitinn fnr Hip mihtu'Jiml jir lint irii'iivinl t'LVl. aild RiumWi' ijjrfr! Tiiis-Jjilili UP uriunti iiini i ,i are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7. 25 . nt. No. 38 for " " " at 2.S7 p. m No. 41 for RiileiRh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South ul 11.03 p. in. rn; 'r, ,i:,-nts n w lii.'li Ins moii.' nr.- in.i'l.- .ii. 'IH'il"! riTTTrrnT I.. nr.: llpiTlnr e TuTr discourse. The herculean preach er shouldered the big Bible; and as he brought it down like a Nas myth hammer on the velvet cush ion, in a stentorian tone he ex ck.imed: "One thought more, and 1 am done !' The old brother, startled from his nap, shouted : 'Praise the Lord !' It is needles to say thai the 'one thought more' .. . ,.,.,. ,,,,....,.,1 he ronmv- There isn't much hope for a deal man w ho is unable to hear the noise of a paper dollar. Only a mound, ( I'crgt'ow ii w uh grass. Dreams unrealised resi at last. inly. ..iis i :i:..! :i:i. I .Sail, on 1 Oih day ol May. A. I). IWH, M. V 1 . !-'. .'. -! i ' !l I.. 1 a., s, I,,,:,!. , :,i p,., :i i, !:,. i!.. :: .:, .,': S .,-,m-., I .-l Sri II' : . I . - :.. : ,:, II. ,1. WI I. DO Illlr I'.il.l. : lie.' C I " st , , i ytllill ill my :i. mien In all :U KAY'S, He (iol What He Needed. gaiion roared with laughter and broke down while trying to smg For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (JA'ITIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. f tlio cure ol woman's pernllnr woiile ni-.s.'M, Irri'Kiiliiritii-s ninl it. ianir. ni. in-. (rOinii risi- tn fri'iiii.'iit lie:uia,-li. s, l,.i,-U- .,..1... .lr.,.Mrilf.,l,uMl 1,1111 or lllsllTsS ill luwi-r alxlitinlinil nr p. lvlc n L'i.-ii. ais'.nn- . (he doxologv. I half laughe d ;1 ' PliSl benedicliou.andlhc people wen. Inns nt wvakniw. Hr. I'i. r,-i''s lru.i home holding the li' sides, shaking i I'n-si-rliilliin Is n most I'lli.-ii'iit fi inoly w'iill mirth. " , Il i iiia 1 1 v i-ir.rtiv.' In ruriiia puinful . - , .. ri."ls. in tli vinir sti-i-ne"li M imrMiu; u-i-vrol'T in, ithi-iN anil ill pn-p.-irinu- tin' sislini el I:1M HI' I. ' tin' fii'i't:int lion lu-r ler luil.yV rinniiia, ... 1 thus riniliTlim I'lulilbirili sad- ninl onn- . ,,. , iiaralivelv I'liuili'M. 'Tin-" I-umriti- I'o'- y aey ie ica II ine up 1 I he gas I ..rii.n,,n" is :l innst null-Ill. slr.-IIL'tllrninU i iniiii- tn the n.-ni-r.il sstem t t" the stove went out I nrKUiis ilislim-lly fi-iiilnliii' In pariti-ulnr. 1 li is nls,i ii suiitliini: Hint lin ik'"i;ilni iienine. ninl enres mnniis exlnnisii, Maenie It Weill ol lo-rviiiis pro: tralinii. in uriilitlii, Insli-rin, ' ! HpisTiis. i-hiirea or M. llns s Haiu-e. aim tlie rool , niinii. Miceess I nthi-r ihsl lessinir iii-rvnus symiunins in- I U-liilant iii"ll tiini-tlenal anil ojuanii' ills- Z1IIC. I eases u( llie disiini'tly t.'iiiiiiiilni'iiaiis. I A linst of misliral authnrioi-s nf nli tho . , , i,, tin- inviiuis cioili I several sehmils nt iiraetii-e. reomiiii' n.l 111 .WUHIOIl IO tile anxious loom eai-h nlthe several limreilii-nts uf liieli ers U nieddlesoiile tleil'llbol'S "Kr.vnrlte l'resi'riitinn" Is niaile for the , , . 1 cure n the diseases fur which it Iselahiiiil tllot'C lliatl OtktHll) people 111 this 1 tn tie a euro i mi nuv rean iun ii" ".N :!'.' ) rais tf II I, ,!,,., n, V 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I'ii'l i "'. " savs Mi l ., 1 1 1 1 1 in-. ui Milli i. . i,. In. I In - loo s .,,.., Iii.lt hi.- :.-Hl.' nil a Vi I V I o lel I till :i ! II vva- II., :i ii,, .Imt,'.! le.-.oono n i. .1 I I' ell.e 11:11, Is 1 t . ,i a 1,,,1,. a)1, "''a' I l"s-l. - si,, reih i I,.,, I , I ' ! si lli. ssivr. I.iil I I. ,- I. HI, is P'll i! is'.' !, "il lin lull n, -,l,. I vi i'i ii i I! Mii'V ' "I'I 1 1 ' i . I.i e-uai :ei tii no .line si,, ,,. ,,. 'I he average woman would wor ry ;i lot more than she vines if she I o dodge eillliCU.lic the power of decision. is , ..I'M, I, lose 1 i: r,., iisi:.: al in 1 1 . vv li,, cm -' 1 1 ...t. e, IV - l .:r. el, -M.l, '"'IP" v, II In 1:0 'II:: ' i 1 : 1 1 : :l I.i: I i : mi lin i.l , l u . ink :e,. ll li- ll.. 1 1 'Ijll II.. I I , . II .1 ..." ,1 Vl'.oiv- I :i.:l,vr I mle'ii vv ' ,lp s,,, I.v- V l I '. ,1 u l Al.TIiR i: DAMIiL, .tt()i;m:!;-..vT-i.aw', v:;i.iin, n. r. I'ltt-tie hi llie e'. ni ls el' 1 1 uli lux una N i o 1 ! i a i n v oi an, I m 1 1 n Supreme uiui I . .'ii Oil i n mis. I ellrellnli;, nill'll- ill ull ".Ills el N.uli, I aonlnui. I'.IUIll'll ollipO al llal.lilN "pi ll I'VI'ly .MnlliltlV. KILLth couch n CURE the LUNGS listened lo ev erything she says. K..-I..I I..I l'vsp,.ps::i lias ., ,, t!,,i san, I- i,l p,.,.pi,. vihn Inivi- hail' soiiuacl linal, I, I Ins is vvlmt i, in- mail silv. al.mil it: "IS ( ii- ui ,y ( ,, . I Inca I'n. Ill . ,lt 1,111.1! I 1! 1 s' I-; I ,;, ,l,c I as,- i,i lli-.sinmacli mi I I 11, a 1 1 in es t anv llilliu- I all Many spoil much good w ork lor tb.c lack ol a little mure no! !! le I ' il-1, Norin:. Death was on His lieels. Mistress -Well light it! ihrounh s Manu al 1' M, ui is. ul si,, pi ll clns,. ,t, Hi t ll.- s-( I ill: n I Clll.i ; s.Os: ".u :Oi:.-K n, pi, i,, o.,. , mi vvi-;i!i :iu,i Willi sin'li a 1, 111 Willi! IIH, I-. t iv f,.ri..nr.rif tivseniliint iiustai vurit country ate engage-vi in inematcii- reqiiest for 11 fn'r IsK.klet ' "'''1.' niilkillg illduslfy. from the leadiiui niitliurltles, to Dr. li. . h ' I'ien-o, Inviiliils' lintel anil Sunjlcal In stitute, Hutlalo. N. Y and ll will come to What you look like depends on jou bl return pout. - . . I what you look at. spi-i.e nt l"n; 1 ho.ea h t a le.tili' .lot an, I tin- In-m-Hl I Ircelvol llillll Hull ' lllld llie. lld .leatll :is nil I.iil lie ail tl,ei!M ill 1,1 nejia r,nil,l nnl 'I lie" I s pel sua, lis I ! Iiy liny. I soil use a 1 1 1 1 It iiccasnntally ns - iiwi.i-iy. II Ii, lp. ,1 nn- imimili I li'n.l il a line l,l,,n,t puiiiiei ami a !.i,l ' alciy. ami al'l.-r taki'nv Ivvn an, I a hall' In.ia- May ynu live I,,hk a,i,l pmspi i. ' Imllli s I was a wi ll man aeaui. 1 round mf M'ly'liuly. r. Y l o II. l:.liu,.;. ""I llmt New Hiscmn v is ihe I,, si i, ne 'i.i.. iils s'7. P'tii. " i''lv l"i c.un.lis an, I lime- ilisrasr in all s. a . had pi'"! II, 1 1 i .1 I. !l ie. ninl i nli .nsinnptimi M.v hols. I'I. Kinel's M l,' I I II I l I :il' I Mini l I l 'HI Ml -1 is ill1'!,' i i H l,T w,th Dr. ICiog liew Oisoovery WOLDS l.l.i Bow; Fw Bin Pit. THROflT ANfll llNGTBOUnitS. OUAK.fi NTEED BATI8FACIQWV u. mujJiisr KJSiUNDED. You never lind die mule's heels on the man who really has ihe ram's horn. tlie wmld. ' s anv dine slnrt tl.-'l'n-r. il.l under mi.iiaiitc al ii-. and -: . 'loalhnl 'I i,- d.-li'iidatil al.nv. ' ti. lined will lake mil ice I li.it an acl inn en I r. led as a! .. , c lias I U('n!!illH'lli'i-.l !lllli,'Sl!p,.ln- CHUt of I lalii'as i-niinlv-I" :i il li,,- man . aire i-Msiii::;- Ittlvvcen I in- pl.iinlill' and di--t'.-mlunl . ami tin- i, ndaul vi:l luitlu-r lal.t'iiolu'i' thai -I me. I to iip- iM l.y W. M. i niu ii. Weldon. N.c. pear ai on' .iiint' irriu cos ni in,, s,t(.. no! I'niiil el I lull a x enuiilv. winch will " , (. jt Mnndjiv in June It is never safe to look into the' imisat i he i mm itoime c.r sai.l I'miniy future With eyes of fear. i ' Halifax. I'aiohna. and answer . i i i i i.l iii'iuui tn on ,11 1 nil i ill in piuilltlll, CiK'l-oniA. , O.A.JB VOXIXA. oi' the .laiiilillw ill apply to the ( ',,uri of C&jffi&ftkt Ctffi&cZthi 'Ti lt l lerkvif Suja.lu''i'.utt, V H ll-. ,,11,11, l,l, 1. "i o . nrtiiBu.n 10 VIRSO:- t. , - . e:c. iT-,rci,MUit f iv.l. " .,. i, l ie,!,, ,., ,!.,. ., ,.r -,,,1 s,.;Oi l 1 i. . ,,, ,, K.lu.ijl.Jnv, INFRINGEMENT - '' ,..,.;,: I. be!,,,,, li .,,,it-,s leu, ,i, ,.- . ,i -i e,,,, i..h n. adver TISEOnn,! 0LP, , e f-n--MRIIS,ptN. tlONl luid COP.'.ISOJ ,...e.kly l,luuul. vppollu K. r,, Isttnnt ORIua. H WASHIf li , :oj, 11. 0. mmim 3