-1 ' HTM llsi I 1 v. I hi "a l1 1 fe(: At Pi 11 J 'Il fQ SOT Advertising Rates Made Known on ApplL VOL. XIJII. A NEWSPAPER f OR THE PEOPLE. vi:u)ox, x. c, tiu ksdav. may t, Terms of SubscriptioiiJl.fO lir NO. HBSj-aM M I . H t-Hliiii IM P " ' ' : ijaJO.I ' For Infanta a ' 1 ' 'JL () It V 1 I fry- L 1 v;u fl 1 ksaafb THE ROAD TO SUCCESS. ALCOHOL 3 PLH CENT. AM'dflaMi" PrtTOitflonforAs sirailniiii'jilnfoi)d.mtlliiia liniJllicSiciiiaclBtKdBiwckal rromuii'sDi5i'slionrktfrfoI iK'ssaivllti'saoniainsnci iiM"-Murphuw norMiw rot narcotic, The W'orlJ Is V ide. To He Something, It You Wish Pitch In." mine nor Mira i icoTic. J vi if i me wna :i Hive Always kjght . "Ronrc! tlm f UljiUcUUlC JfrMlcSJt AatStrd ttppmtral - iimtSrrtl bafwjrre,! time. Apcrfeci Hempity roiTnrnltpj tion , Sour SSomach.Ularrimca 1 ornis .t'om-ulsiuiib IVwrish lussauilLossorSLiEP. i rac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. I i,UmmmS Exact Copy of Wrapper, Kvmmwssmi hum A Y1 Use 'vA Ff Over Thirty .ears wmM TM( OINf UR eOMMNV. NEW VOH ITT. y iav pii,, 4- Nil. Ill IjiH.M - Jl :lll,l JJ The bruve :iluays liave friends. U'licre oilicrs have gone you can go. If the old track don't suit j you, make a new one; somebody j will walk in it. Don't hurry too fast, especially until you know the ! road or become acquainted with , your team. Mind your own bus-; inessand look after it yourself, j i Don't stop to club whif'fiis or to re-! tail gossip. You may grow weary, but remember this is not a world j of ease, and rest lies beyond. Sue- j cess is never obtained in a coun- j try like this without effort. If you j fall down, get up. If it is dark strike a light. If you are in the! .shade, move around; if' there is shade on one side there is sure to : j be sunshine on the other. It takes j longer to skin an elephant than a ; mouse, but then the skin is worth something. Never be content with j doing what another has done ex I eel him. A trade is a good thing ! to have; it is better than gold j brings a larger premium. But to ! make a premium, the trade must ; be perfect no silver plated affair. 1 Determine in your mind to be a good workman, or let the job out. i Learning a trade is different from eating mush and milk mechanical education does not slip down with ; out a chewing. Never slight your work, never. Every job you do is a sign. Poor signs are against success. People always speak well ' of a boy who minds his own bui THE EDEN ABOVE. We're bound for the land of the pure and the holy, The home of the happy, the kingdom of Love. Ye wanderers from God in the broad road of folly, O, say, will you go to the I-'den above ? In that blessed land neither sighing nor anguish Can breathe in the fields where the glorified move; Ye heart-burdened ones who in misery languish, C), say, will you go to the liden above? Nor fraud nor deceit nor the hand of oppression, Can injure the dwellers in that holy grove; No wickedness there, not a shade of transgression (), say, will you go to the L'den above? Lach saint has a mansion prepared and all furnished, lire from his clay house he is summoned to move; Its gates and its towers with glory are burnished -(), say, will you go to that liden above? March on, happy pilgrims, that land is before yuu, And soon its ten thousand delights we shall prove; Yes, soon we shall walk o'er the hills of bright glory O, say, will you go to that Lden above ? And yet, guilty sinner, we would not forsake thee, Vi'e halt yet a moment as onward we move; 0, come to thy Lord, in I lis arms He will take thee, And bear thee along to the Eden above. LOVE MAKES A WOMAN'S WORLD. ''-- hOVAL GRAPE g Cf.A!ki OF TARTArt henry !'. o:;or es 1 1 ;lUU. I . Henry V. (iratly, (ireatest Orators Produced, !;;iiil Liquor Tr.iific. One .' the America Lver This A the To-night it home to strike enter; : the rose, THE JOBS OE KINGS. I to- ,Pii! : ' iri':e ni" e! -o-' m rni tliu liioilcru talk of the bondage of woman to thfi tyrant man, tho abundant admonition and exhortation to the effect that all women should live their own lives firmly putting aside the love which might hinder, the ties wmcn inignt hamper them, the inclutiutile tact is that marriage is and onglit to lie the chief end of woman in One Is Able to Save Money He cause Me Hns no i iris to Si min der His Cash on ig Hats. The recent request of the Kaiser for an increase in pay has inspired the Baltimore Sun to dilate a little upon the compensation that pre vails among these jobs. It says: "The Emperor of Germany is in distress. He is feeling the pinch of hard times and the poor old fellow asks the German Reich stag to raise his salary. Mis allow ance now is only $4,502,770 a year $650,000 as King of Prus sia, which is a sort of side line with him, and $3,852,770 as ; Deutscher Kaiser, his regular ; working job. To the man who is ; getting about $60 a month this sounds like considerable money, but the Kaiser has raised a large , family, the boys never have done much in business and the daugh ' ters-in-law and other members of the family are living off the old man. So you see how it is. It worries the Kaiser when he cheeks, an. Icnges this : congress. To-d.i,' it from .i sun mw it k'Yi." govirnnicn: There is i out;!i to cscipe enough in shut the law w hen it c It is llexil lc i'. ciless in vkl V. i ntitsiric f'roiii the ; i! ehal e Is:!1 ; of :ilr a in: .t of h ad ,n,ii ai.ln . t','.llM),l!9 'A, in :t ' I- 1,1 tlirt . .'al,,,!,, 1 11, I Ml ( nil,.!!. ii, I..,, I Kr.mii, 1 ,i,,iL una r r.'T.T'!-, luv ,. I!, I t I -atl'ifill i .jnoiiii. :ll mill i L"iti.i;;e 'e it; no liiimti il mil in It sir,, del' I coerce it. li.ilc, but iih I' ll i ; the nioi'Li! enemy of peace and order, the de spoiler of men and Wuiikii, the cloud that shadow s i!:c face of'e'e;! dreii, the ilemoii that has dug more graves and sent more son!-, nn shrouded to iuilgineiit' than pestilence linn lias wasxd iii'e since God sent the plagues to Egypt, and all the wars since Joshua stood before Jericho. It conies to ruin, and it shall profit mainly by the ruin of your sons and mine. It comes to mislead human hearts and to crush human hearts under its rumbling wheels. It comes to bring gray haired mothers down in shame and sor row to their graves. It comes ' change the wife's love into despu.. and her pride into shame. A 0, . Our G'crarJae Coupon Digests YIntYotiEat Anil I'?'- ' the Siomsch Sweet r 'cor" K.C, .-,a,' P.N.S'IVXENBACK, il I N'DKi: i .ki:k. Weldon, . ' Nortli Carolina. It comes to stifle the music in i ness and who seems to be disposed general; that her primary mission in life is that of wife and reflects that Nicholas eetsSS. 000.-i i'' home, and lill it with silence .... il 'f :t : i I i.. . , , , . . . 000 a year as C.ar of Russia, Pull Line of cKI'IV COPHNS and U'UIH S O Day, Ni((ht and Out-of- l ov n Calls Promptly Attended to. II. (i. liOWK Pl'NLRM Hlk'i.C i')K AM) IMH M.MI M. Seventeen years' Liperirncc Hear-e Se i ic Anvwhere to be somebody in time. This is a queer world; many people are watching us, and help often conies w hen and from whom we least expect il. Confidence is the safe in which men often deposit rich treas-1 ures, and as you prove worthy so 1 will your reward of success be. j There is a reward in success, which none but those who strive room and husbands mother, True, it is not her onlv one, there is much more work in the world for women who have neither nor children 'For only suppose all the women were married, PiV whom would superfluous babies lie carried'. Where would he the kind aunts who would knit all the stock ings '. And nurses to do up the trottings and roc-kings 'r" To be sure, modern science has abolished the cradle as pernic ious to infantile health of hotly and mind, and home knit hos when Vi'ilhelm has longer hours and does more work for half the pay. THE ei? nP LDOU n WI'IJ) Organized I nder the l.aw MillS th Carolina, Si of North Halifax C Town of V Caoital and Snrp" for more tnun , tii'x fur this m i Mitll till- llllsill v. iiiten-t an , 1 '1'lie surplus mi Capital Sluck. u. Saviiiita lii'im ti. 1i',imU 1 i iiumltiH or li'iiC' For t'urtht - a I'HK-HitV , W. K. HV-ll .-- tic .nl't i !- I nrolitN liuvinv n-achi' is, ciiDimciu'imr .liuuiiii v 1 iikj intfit'st mi time depot . tlii'f iiuiiilliH or loiim i. - nt. rJweie inoiitiiNor UhilI , apply to the rresnle.it or ( vi k riii;si ojat: im. n. w. u:vis, eh son, Nurtliaiuptou coun I Icl liuukin faciti. lll'l.l'Cll i.ll-lllllil'll iptmi i-iiuiitu-s for at tin- Ifc-al rait- of I. inn ciiiiil to tlit- t'His. cst-ililislu-,1 a - a- P. il low s : for - pi-r i-ciit. Six r. mt t't'tit. i-liii-i . isiiii:k: W It. SMITH. can enjoy. Deserve success and it i iery is a thing of the past, nevertheless the principle is the same will come. ; and the lines may he accepted as a litting figure of speech. ! Xone the less the traditions of all nut ions, corroborated by the stronger testimony of sacred history, is that the first woman was created as companion and wife for the first man. Woman was an afterthought, so to speak, a fact which is often cpiotisl as substantial proof of the saying that second thoughts are lust. It is not to be denied that F.ve was the source of much trouble to the Adam whom she was intended to bless, being the cause of '-man's first disobedience and his fall." st ill, as the mother of ! mankind, she should be gently judevtl ol her children. The lesson of all the ages is that woman, however gifted, finds her most congenial abiding pl.ic in the swee',, safe comer of the household tire, In-hind ; !i hi .ids of children." Love makes a woman's world. Man's lovt- i i, i in. i n s life a (hing apart; 'Tis a woln.-ili's w hole existence." '.- in' '. Mil," l-l l,v - I.iltlr v. .m. iK- IS lillir All lii-ali-is. Tiu-,1 ni-iM-s, Hitlitluit "iioaniliition" li-i-liiij; tlial iM'oiiiiiiniily li-lt ill spriiur ori-ailv Miinini-t', ran In- easilv an, I -klv alti-ii-,1 tiy taknu; tiat u knn n i iiu'in-a i'v,'i n lu'iv as I'r. Slioup'H H, HtniaiiM-. tint-wall ali-i .liitclv note a i-luiuui-ii li-i-lini; within 4s hnuis ul'ti-r l 'aiiiini: tu lake tin- Itrst, native. Tin l,url ks-t .1 ultu ili in tin- VMiitt-r linn-, tin- i-in-iilation tiftcii low s up, tin- Ki,l-in-ys an- inactive, an,l i-m ii the heart in many casci yioUM ilci-iili-itly wi'iikcr. In Simup's Kestonitivc in n-i'iitrnizi-tl i-vri wvliric a a ei-iiuiiu-ti'iiii-In thi-sn vital "itans. It hull, Is up anil strenirtli ni tin-wtiin. out wcuki'iii'tl iii-i vi-!; it shurpi'iix Iht' I'ailim; uiUM-tile, awl uni versally aids digestion. It always -"!"'L:lv hruiLrs reni'wi'd strength, life. . .,1 aail-itiun Tiy it and he i, air,-,! All l'ealvi-,. INS AND OUTS. Ay"'rMMxn w T..s. and desolation. ' It comes to still the laughter on the hps of litile children. It comes to ruin your body and T.ven the old Austrian Emperor j wreck your nome, and it knows it whoistooold to enjoy buying : llulst measure its prosperity by the things, or wearing or eating .r ; swifmcss and ccriaimy with which Qyj ry drinking them, gets $4,700,000 a ; ' "'recks the world. year, and is able to save money, having no boys to send to college and no girls to squander his cash on big hats. One strip The King of Italy, however, gets tanpi" ' but $.V200,000; but he must have only macaroni h r hmclusv ;., . and then, and l-.ve 1 r - ' :: It is siir" pay-- ' '' -j '! yea. i so nvje't. . .; is ., mum or Nicho'as, i .k cabinet and Par liametr .un tlie country, and let L:.dward go round laying corner stones, drinking at the watering places and letting his light shine at the leading race-tracks. At first glance it looks like there would be lots of money in the king business. But, in spite of the fact that there isn't a great deal ofcom- AND . avestones. PAY hik FFJEtCKT isiiG'.'ARA'iTfeE SAFE DELIVERY . . .- l.vii.:Ts-ii( h Inthr Sinitti ..i l,v W. M, t 'A ..i , ,., S i It is nt -t necessary for an under laker to speak the ncad !aiig;:.:g. i- i I I I,, I W M! - r-,i , .'v. i s an. I jii aim-, lil , tiil :lv ... i, iv II i:-u,m CI 11:10 il i - ii c I rce. i.Sit works! -.1 l-ss. .. Noifolk, Va. V. V. KAY. Ippl .h-iilac i -t All I', Worn, , "What's that noise?" asked the visitor in the apartment house. "Prr-bablv some one in the den tist's apartments on the floor beloV j am' getting a tooth out.' "But this seemed to come from the floor aboye." "Ah! then it's probably the Pop ley's baby getting a tooth in." Philadelphia Press. chttgi SEABOARD j You cannot slake the thirst of ' this world by giving it the bricks j from the curb of the well of living ! waters. AIR LINE RAILWAY The Farmer's Wife la very careful alsiut her churn. She SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908. 9- . ) The-' airivals and departu's are only as infor mation lor the publh" )t guaranteed, and are i ' ' ' " chang jtice. Life without love is a forest deep. Where songbirds never wake or sleep Where all is silence, shadow, gloom, That makes of life a soulless tomb. People who are always reaching out fur greater things rarely have sense enough to grasp those at, hand. The piano tuner petion, a king has to wear good -dough if lie loses the clothes, stop only at the best hotels . situation. and smoke cigars with bands around them; so that the expenses eat up most of the profits. Per haps that is the reason there are so few candidates running for king this year." misses key the 1 'A Valued Same as (iold !? r. i; ,i a , I . chain -I 1,-11 .-I I, -W. Ml"., ;,yv f"- nlii-ii thrv i,u Nt l.llr I'lll- lhr -,- thi-w linli'h L'"M in i,-,clil. il :iii r,.!i-l!)-aS',-li. li : :ita i ,i m i, s,,l,l undt-i uuaraiii, c al iniv II' i-i :l i -1 1 1 Imi.l-s i i. filial THE OIKL WHO WORKS. Iran s will leave .DON ,'ts follow: , .1' fir 1' rtsmouth and Norf(,,k , 7 2s , f,o. ,,r " at 2 -s7 P '" r t, 41 or Raleigh and points South t ,, 07 , t iiMoinh train South at II. 0, p , ; for further infoi ule,!, tc. apply t 1 A & )f t Ticket Arent, We !ve to rates, sched- ai-alds It tin, roughly utter using, anil glvea it a sun baili lo snwtrn tU She known that it liiTc-hurn is sour It will taint tlx! tumor that is mailt in il. The stomach i ! a cliurii. In thu sMuiaili and diiti-slive and nutritive trai-is arc iH-rfornied pro- j ci-ssi-s which aru almost i-ai-tly hk the ! , churiihiir of tuitti-r. Is it not apimmit ! j ilifti ilmtlf this slnmiiiliK-hurn Is foul It 1 I makes hull all which is put Into It? ! Tin evil of a hml .loiuai-h Is nut alone ; the had taste lii tlin month anil the foul ! hreath cau-ctl hy It, hut the corruption ot 1 ! the pure current of hlomi and the dlssem ; 1 1 hi I iiui of di-ense thruuKhout the Issty. j I'r. 1'ieree's liuldeu Meillcat lHscovery makes Ooi sour and tmil sUunaeh sweet. ! ; It dor fur 111 iomaeh what the ahuig and sun iialii th' h'l lii.-i liufl.MM-.!ul. !y '. t r iii,iveH every uniting or corrnptliiir ele- , - meiit. ln ihis way It cures liluiches, j i pimple-, eriii'ti'ins, siTofnlous swellings, i-.r, -. or open oa t Inn nh-ers Hint "all , hiiTii'ir iirdi-ienv'sarisiiiit from had hlissl. , If yuu luiv hiio-r, nasty, foul taste In y,cir lineith, coated tongue, foul hreath, ; are weak and easily tired, feel depressed ; and dessiuilent. have freituent headaches, 1 di'V attacks, gnaw ina-nr distress In stom- j a, ii. imii-i ipated or IrreKutar Uiwels, sour ' , nr hitter risings after eating and poor : apetjie, them-syniptonis, or any consider- alilemitnlxTof tiiem. Indlcau- that you are I siilTerma from biliousness, lurpld or lay i Ifverwith the usual accomiianvlng indi- i : gnstlon. ur dyspepsia and their attendant aerantemeiiuk eni-e i, if inn .'UTiiTir ine nis.vc ivmpioma lw tjtln iJirls, 'Tis better to have loved them all Than never to have loved at all. A woman may not reason; but she can ti nder would put a Supreme Court out of business. I Many women are like walking dolls with phonograph attach j meats. i All ordinary mortal may try to represent himself a ' who chanced to alight on the wrung perch. God bless her. She is brave : and active. She is not too proud ; to earn her own living or ashamed j to be caught at her daily task. She i smiles at you from behind counter - or desk. It is an honor to know ; decisions that this girl to be worthy of her re-: ; gard. I Icr hands may be stained by dish washing, sweeping, facto ry grease or printing ink, but it is ; an honest and helping hand. It stays misfortunes from names; it is : an angel our shield which protects many a i forlorn little family from alms- j It need not make a woman un womanly to have a few mannerisms. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of house and the asylum. A man usually aims at a human target when he shoots oft his mouth. Wl l,lON, . e. I keep Ihc lu-st of I'vctytliinfr in my I'm-, l-'dit,- itt.-ii'.ion tn all at KAY'S, inv 'J 1 c Uf ALTLR Ls DANIEL, If ATTOKNKK-rtT-LAVr-, W KI.IKIN, N. C. When a man is a rank failure, when he succeeds, he forgets to. he alwavs blames some woman; It would take an awful 1 out vniie people's pasts. it of soft soap and silver sand tn was If some people could not have their say. choke or explode. thev would either When a man thinks In ful jars. ii ierstands woman, he gefs some aw- Some people go ditoiie'-' life as if driven by a blind bridle. rjSjiu That thi it abnlutrly irua in v proven w your aausracuon but mail a postal card resilient '. Fieri-. liulTalo. K. Y.. for a if his Issiklet ot extracts from rd medhal authnrltles, (riving of all th Ingredients enuring rld'fanusl meillcines and ihow .ln must emlueol oiedlcal u0 at l taaio. HIS roRmiHIl'titlT. "Shakespeare w rote for all time." "For instance '-" "Take his expression: "Tis not so deep as a w ell, nor so wide as a barn door, yet 'twill serve.' How well that describes a 1908 spring hat !" KNLLL DOWN AND PRAY. When the clouds are dark and lightnings play ; When the care and trouble i ' won l leave just ray ; In the dawn, in the dusk, where you are, 'Neath the blaze of the sun or the gleam of the star, Like a little child, with his trust, 1 say It will help you if you just kneel down ami pray! To pick a watch, is it wait until the tunc is ripe? NO ITCH. !'a ,u,-i ,-i,-, in mi' Nnitliaiuplen ati'l in the Supreme mid lV.h inl courts, t 'nlhctii ins ina.le in all well to .!"'' "I' Nortli t'ninliim. I'.iaueh oilice at llalilas open cwiy Mondny, 111 I'lll-u.lnci- v a .I. i- l i,l In .iv , i t i.-i, ,i.,-i an, I illiilin 1 1 : 1 1 i aii'l In- n ni I II:.IM V. W Ineh ..', -I ,, 1 1 !! 1 l,-c,'l,li',l III '-ul'k !l,l', ,'il ,:il;-,' :;s- It.iist.'i f r. eiMinty. N ,n t If I at, ihna. I -ha Oth day of AUy, A. D. at the po-i oilici ,lo, ,- I -ill I I IIH'- i- ,lulv ',,1'lhl' 1 1 a i : I a mi Lie paw wiaagMiWiaacJKa8taawR!3a N3 CUF.Z VrlE LUNC3 Be wise to-day, 'tis madness to defer. 7 easy until i It is often necessary to go back j to whai is good in the past in or i der to go forward to what is better. It Reached the Spot. Mi. Ii. Humphrey, who owns a lartre trt-iicial store at Onicira. Ohio, ami is president of the Adams County Tele phone Company, as well as of the Home leiepiu.neio., oi cike I oiinty. Ulno, I ON nf neonle lonk savsol Hi. K.nc's Sew Ihseoverv: "II LOIS OI people IOOK saved inv life once At least I think it I VOU try to do them. did. It seemed to reach the spot the , very si'utofinv couch when evervthing . else failed." 'lir Kind's New Ihsi-ovcrv ! A" things COIlie to hull who not only reaches thecoiitii spot, it heals I waits even the almshouse and the sore spots and weak spo's in throat i , .. lungs and chest. Sold under cuiiiantee potter S tlCkl. at any drug store, .-inc. ami l. Trial , - hottlc lice. , l,l,,n. N I hmlicst l.l.l.ler. .11 ' eash. tin- loll v,itc pan-el oflau.1 lyiin: e, unity nt llie State limit:' Thill trad of All, lien II .l.dui: I-;, l'l'itder. and dc and distances as I'nl a -take in an open 1108, l ni the tnwn ol" e,l t,, sell Ii. the ill'lie auct inn. ,ir l -,'ll', p!-l'. nr in! 'emu' in lluhlax a' Viiih i ainliua. j Iinnintc th,. hnuls ni ami lauds nf T. colled hy courses s: r.'.-c-iiniinc ill lii'ld K:ii, Andrew WITH Br. King's t? i-O b Trial Buitlo FrM AND III lHRo.'iT AND HINGTflntlHI FR. The grave of a friend may be j Jj the gateway to heaven "of OAETOTITA. ,; i H.'vf 'm BJiiMt .Inhlis, ill's line, thence N ill; W hi ,i',MlKl ch.ains tn a stake in tlieclce of uluaiu-li thence ihiwn tliehianch N nil I-; t 7.'i-hHl chains to the main run or ditch of the hrancli thence S m!I : m .Ti-Iihi chains lo a slake in said I'ciiiler's liclils, Ihcnco S. 1 W. Hi chains to the lo-dire on An , drew II. .Inhiison's hue, thence alniuj the licdirerow N. SP v. :t eliutiiK to the hcirinninir containing lil'tv fnur and onp liallacns, l'liM-i'ssiiiu uneii on Hie davot'sale. 11. ! Il!i day of April 1 l'.. ci. vnk. Trustee. Ult iiXOX.JtX K.EJfCWDKI. I'tlV , THE LOWrST. h -. i rt -nn fi n..ii i INFRINOEMi! H'f r- cmi. rt. Ttiroiuiti erL'v i tlOHB aati Cs,;' HFTURNEO. v. HAHl.ttt ARC iflor hk.-t -It (.,17 J" t'tft-nit.'litr. i- I l'f m (Ml "rn in, Aii CR. T-J-.W. e.n c,. icl.lv (.b.uiixL Oppoaiti! U..B. CotLiit Offioe, ii