k r-"ik i--:-; ;:,. ' I'.i , (ra io -V i ;.;r, t- -I jl !t fej Iff: IS A.lverTisim UUes Mitclc known on Application. vol. 5n. A NEWSPAPER I' T K E I'USiM.L Wi:i.l)ON. N. ('., TIU'KsDAY. MAV II. i:w I C. Hi NO. I'. ii mum iwin I nil i in --.jn i.siJiwa3bawww'3,iwts.-.WM,mo en:' i.nrnp in rrrnv Tin: IHl'.'L Mil u'l. Iio.i'l. i.U I., i i vc;:t.' Tearful N iuin Woman s l aique AU'llioil of Securing Si bscrip I ions for iManalne. i$M$ jks ll-. 1 f V Aline, tile Children Mi the .bid CotiM.teot With Ali Slice-. I o i ii.- !; iim' ! 1 ; ii' ' i- ; that tin- I M I-1 1 !, ,-. .- .tA . ... i I? f If' ( I mini K UUI v le 1 ami rll i) who I ore. I I me ) year ) ) ) ) IN ! ) Kir. any ) . ) it; I Tlio Kind You Have. A.lxvayt H'nij-.iit, nml vh'di l;as bcon in ii-o for orf UO yt-ars lias Ixtrno tli s:.-i-i.iiir) of iiml 5i;h been iiiii!o liinii r l.i ( ht Stinsil nuimrvlsloii ulnro II inliiiii y. "tv- Allow liiMini) IikIic. ivM mi I i (hit. All Cuimf ci lVlls, Iniltiil loiiH nml ,,Ji!t -a-;iMnl " m o but riiu'lils tli.il, li lllo AV It ll li(l;nu;rr tlio hi'iillli of liil'uiits tuiil I liiUlreu KxiierU-iuM iiiiiust i'xn'i'ini'iiU What is C AFTC 7. as(oria Is a liaiinlcxs sulisilu(( r Casio;1 Oil, Parn Kiiiii', lrn;4 ami Soothing S,vnii4. It is I'li'asunt. It niitaiiis iiriliicr ()iiuiti, Alurpliiim nor other Nareollo Mililanri'. i! ia;ris its p'laraiitco. It (li-strojs Worms nml all.:ts lYvi'i'MiiH'ss. It cures Diarrhirit. ami Wind C'.iL'. H'ti !ii'V'S Tret liiu.T Troubles, cures t'uiisl ipatiou nail I-lati'leiiey. Ji assiiiiiiates tlio I'ooil, regulates tlio .Stiima: is ami l'.owels, (;ivia bi al; by anil nat aval sleei. Tlio Children 's l'aiaieea Tiio .AUitber'.s I'lienil. CEPIUiNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of The Kind Yuu Have Alway Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. She as a y-nitig umi.t:i, well iIivnsc.I, in,! Ii.ul appear; nee , above t!iv' ;iver.r:e. While inn a sifil'-.::ii: hc.u;iy, i;i llie eoiim on sens:, he v.'.i. li.it is iilieii eallul KdikI lo.ikinii. I'1 other ami am pler wnnis, she wunlil Jo. i She eiilered the lawyer's ullice. 1 In her hand she lu M a niajjuinc, ' and in ihe liek puninii of ln-r hair ; was a le.ul pencil. "I w link! 'ike to liavcf ymi sub serihe In this iii;ii;aine, " she s;nl. "It is S I a year and one nl' the very best ma;aines pnhlisheil." Tlkn she: iiirneil the paes and showed the la w yer the many inter esting departments, special articles, absorbing lietion stories and other tilings which the nuigaine con tained. "No, miss," s;mj the lawyer, "don't e.tre for it. I'll admit that the niagaiiie is a good one, Inn 1 have enough now, and 1 don't care for it." The lawyer had hardly finished his sentence w hen the young wo-1 man began to weep copiously. "Don't mind me," she said, "1 ! just ain't help it. lam trying to . earn a living. 1 am soliciting sub- , seripiions for a magaine which few ;t v.: , ' v 4, .Tl ... 1 aJJk Ik U.'iifl i.';i The or.!y fe!::;a: I' . ..r inafJe pc-fiB: v.'j'.u K)ul (iracj i'rcai.1 (if fartar fcnr liiadii frnm irrnae i?' si Ffi IlO'ffsf.ll r.r.l V vV N.( ' 1 owu.L o:.o ilrJ I Jr 4J4jt- V i'p) . .delicious ioocl i'-.r cvc:v t k home ever- dav " i. -: " Tut rcNTAun c il'ANV. TT MUHHAV TNttT. NtW VORH CITV. worth 1 a year if it is worth ceiu. livery one tells me the same thing that you do. 1 am discour aged. 1 am despondent. I don't jjj Hu I'i.um, .-, ,,, !..., .! a!1. ;.. y P. N. ST A I X BA 'K. l N!i:i! l AKKl!. W'cldon, . . North Carolina. l ull Line of CASkLTS, COLLINS nml k'OISLS. Day, Nixlit and Oiit ot-Tuw n Calls I'l oinptly Attended to. 5I-.(i.'H()WI Ll'NLKAI. DIKLCl'tlK AND L.MIiAI.MLR. I Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. J jr. rT'--.'3"Vr THE BUM 8F WELflOi! W I.I.I )( . X. ( . Organized I nder the Laws of the State of North Carolina. i i.l -I .-'I II. I-' . Slate of North (l.irolut;, 1 k poiiory. 1 lahla County I lepositoiy. Town of Weld. hi Dcpoatoi ',-. cjpiui ni auto, $49,000. Kill lliuli' tii.lM lil'lC'Il V.MI- lit - -M i':"i r, prni.L .! !.;i;ik:ii t-i-ili tlt'i '..t Ilils s,Vtl'H. ll. s-tn'Minl.i. .llH'l-lm IU- htTII i 1 1 ' l t 1 1 1 1't I tt ith tin- I iitiin'-- ihii-tfN lit' I I ;i !;':! .t'li! N i n I i i:t In 't n n unit us I'm i ii ill i y y i :i i s. Mntii-y is !o:i:i" I n , i a; .pi - r 1 1 ,t y at t he lri:al mlc (; tntfifi si j n i tvntuiii. Act', inn' ni at! an- !:?. t i t . Tin' -urln :t m.I u lit i i ii In I m.iis I , i w , i !. ir In il a sum ctjual tit tli C:ltl1;ll St III.' I'.:i!l'. h.l-. im i . 11 1 n.-rn-l ir.' .1 .mini y I. I' i-vt;;l.s,., ; S:i 1 1 1 I ifi:ii t niflll uHuu :n' iiit-'ic-t ti; I. Hi.' lt p.'-ils a t'. illnw I'.ii l.'.iislt.S ali.iUl'.l tul'rllLJU till, i i;li'.ltl. Hi luliL.I. J j m I Cfllt. M lin hi I !) ni- liuiyyr. :; pn imiiI I w - iiii-iu lis m Ihii.t. I per cent . I'ur furl lier mini tnatnm :ip'ly !n I lie I i esi,r;it ni t alncr. W. i;. H MI.I . i i.lacli-uti. Nii i i:i I PI. S 1" 'H V. I; r-MITII. "SAJC?JH.CT'yi SKA BOA HI) AIR LINC RAILWAY And linn the miss wept some nn ire. Of course, under these rare con ditions even a lawyer's he.it twill turn. 1 le produced a silver dollar and subscribed on the spot. "Don't cry, little girl," said the lawyer, "lie brave; work hard; persevere; everything will come out all right in the end. " And the little girl left the office with a "ihank you. " This story would have been al right if it were not for the fact that Bones, the doctor, had entered the lawyer's ollice some minutes later to tell him of a strange ease that had transpired in his ollice. The case had to do w ith a young wo man of average good looks w ho w as soliciting subscriptions for a dollar nugaine. "I was never so alfected in my life," said l)r. Bones. "I refused to subscribe, and the girl broke down in tears I never saw one so discouraged. " "Bid you subscriber" said the lawyer. "Certiiuly I did,'' said Br. Bones. "So did I," said the lawyer, ''and she wept here, too." An investigation proved that the young woman of crying propensi ties had taken thirteen subscrip tions on that tb r, which would have been a fair d iv's work, even if she had gone no farther.- Kan sas City Star. A DRUNKARDS SOLILOQUY. Backward, turn backward, 0, Time, in your Might, And make :ne a man again, just for to-night; 1 et me shake oil' these vile rags that I wear, Cleanse me from all this foul stain that 1 bear, Oh, let me stand w here 1 stood long ago. Freed from these sorrows, unknown to this woe; Freed from a life that is cursing my soul I'nto death while the years of eternity roll. Backward, turn backward, O fast (lowing stream. Would that my life could prove only a dream 1 Let me forget the black sins of the past; I. el me undo all my folly so vast; Let me live over the dark life that is gone; Bring back the dark, wasted years that have down. Backward, turn backward, 0 Time, in your Might, And make me a man again, iust for to-night. Back! Yes, turn backward, ye s i!'t rolling years ! Why does your memory bring forth these hot tears? Why comes this vision of life lost in sin r Why am 1 thinking of w hat might haw been ? Where is my home, once so happy and bright "r Where is that face whose own presence was light ? Where are the children who climbed on my knees Back, How nig time' Bring th 'in once nnnv to me ! Vet the tide rushes on, tins w ild Might of the years, And the days only deepen my sorrows and fears. I call, but no answ er comes back to me now, Aught but an echo as weak as my vow ; For 'nc. nil the sad cypress tree, low in the sod, 1 ics the body whose soul has gone back to its God, And out of the silence no child voices come. As m days long ago in my sweei happy home. Backward r Nay tune rushes onward and on; 'Tis the dream that comes back of the days that are gone; 1 yielded my strength when I could have been strong. I w ould My, but alas! 1 had lingered too long. The hell hound had seized nte my will was not mine. Destruction was born in the sparkling of wine ! So, in weakness I toner, through gloom to the grave, A sovereign in birth, but dying a slave. A TOAST. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE fiPiliL 12, 1908, These arrivals ami depart lire:; are only as infor mation for the public ami are n it guaranteed, and u,' are subject to change without notice. Hero's to our wives! Tin y till our lies, l.ik e Lllsv liei'i. w ith honov ; 1 ht'V ease our shocks, Thcv diirii our socks Ami spciol most all our money. A Woman's Back rt:w nroiy nolns soul puin ritucni by ii'.ikii"'!.-- ;ui. f;il,inu'."r hiIiit ilopia.-i'-Inriil.iif IIh-j.-h ir i-r'-'ilns. Ill lu i .yinp tuMK nf fr1n:il' iiii,Hi-S ;UV flnjllrllt li'.itl:lr(i. ini,i'jni;iry lnvliS i.r d.iriv J m 1 1 r. Il..;ilmu' Ii. 1..I'' lli'1 yi's. t,li.ov hie' r!iv;i!i.in iit m :iu'li, ili.'iis'ii.k' or I'l'.il iii il.'i n iii lvi t . iU!t. mill. il i.r irlvk' rrtfii'll. 4.1l.'I . ;lhh' ilr.lill tr"ln m Iii! i'l';iit. f;o nl -p ;N w itll k'l'li'Tal M'auln'-s. II any t'uiiMa.TaUi- mini Iter -if I In' aPm" nymptniin ure pn n ill there is im remoly kivo tpark'T relief ir a more per- Hiiilent vrnetlr.n lr. rie-ee'i i avunin l'ri WCNl! Ins a n nl otover dirty years of euftsA U Die mn. potent Iny: ntjn2,e4ar ; m-h- i ',iiz.lrX THE OLD, OLD WORLD. This old, old world is a dreary place l-'or the man whose pass is a frowning lace; Who looks for the shadows instead of the light; l-'or the sordid and dull instead of the bright, Who sees but the worry and labor and strife Instead of the glory and sunshine of life. This old, old world is a sad abode For the man who navels along life's road With never a laugh and never a song To lighten the toil as he goes along; Willi never a smile or a word of cheer To shorten the w..y for his fellows here. Bui lor him who possesses the saving grace Of a laughing heart and a smiling lace, Who suigs at his work and laughs at iiclc.it. At d looks for ihe good and the bright and the sweet, Who cheers on his kllows by word and by died This world is a pleasant place indeed. Trains will leave WI-LDON as follows: No. 32 for I'ortsmiiuth and Norfolk at 7.25 a. m. No. M for " " " at 2.57 p in No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. ni. No. 33 through train South at 1 1 0.1 p. in For farther information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. IL (JATT1S, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. A MISIN1 L.RI'RLTA I ION A Manila inul In r in law had tor as to ejuo a ipt.ir she anain canto t I 'I')'. A I, wh lb o;iv I b 'lil ; 1 1 1 . t I h A. y. I tie I- I : I ' a h'-ti I h- a t w im a I ip a i inak- a ii. u. !- is a I iv, 1 1 , ;i' I 1 1 e. I i in il I j i i 1 1 1 ' and s. i-.-.ini. f -ill die,-, n. ,-i when 1 1 eri hurl , .ml ,juio up mils lu I t o ; 1 1 lb.' lllli thill;;-, I ,cl I Iii-iii I"' .;iiy. I Ii' i -: t ' . i r i 1 1 1 1 : -1 1 1 Wo alv.i. -las ch ihl "in. fii ds and il..w i a- I.i-i i!,.-. And uho il. cause t h'-y s h 1 1 1 1 iio njitali;. l"-a u! i fit I , i n in :--1 1 1 all' I ha p; - e We sS.i.ill-! Il'' i-f I nil rhil'i ii" I' of il'i ideal loveliness, K . 1 i lid i i . 1 1 i . -.In Hi id I ii- ';a;. . a if baiii.v. '. : 1 1 . 1 :; I; 1 1 .o ,o. I, o ereiiilld I he i Ii iidl-'-ll'- hi 'I i .'ill u ii h .lll .;-y . Vi s all'! lov. ei i it'' brows, inn-1 1: t o t hei r nn r liinelit to discord bv coiiiinual t he pup a way . fault iiinlilie-. Allow lln-ni all The p. a! ov fho freeiloiiirotisisteiil witlixli- "I'll ! ; n d y i mi i iU for suliile safety. Let iheiM ,lay said Twain. ThonwinTa and he happy, hill teach lh. in fwain waiked 1 1 - t ; i i i s ' self-cotil t-iil. bid's estimate of .Mite... ihe silllalioii and ' i self control is this: "He that do-- bad; liy payititt lin n ro- 'is slow to il llji'l is ceiveil ::; for res I o line- il to ihe beili-r than the mi'lity owuei-, lie took throe quarts land he that ritleth his nun hack home to I bi is. who drank 1 spirit than he that taketh a il all and kmnivl Twain. New city." ('oiidi'inn your childi-eii N ork Sim. only when they are really wi oil".-, a ml t Inn as evntly as possible, but be sure In coin- if tM iirinn (-,; ;, W '.'. h iJ .L c '.ii Dealers. V, i i ; it ' i : ! .-. i fa if i : in. Ii'. ' v- H U H WZ X Ian.in-iin.-.iion cf the blad-cIli-. hi ana-y troubles and backache use DeWitt's liidney and Bladder Pills J Up Trial For 25c E. C. lie WITT & CO., Chlcuilo, III, s.il.i ,v W. l. .'to n. Uelduli. X. C. j rii a. U ;i ,..p A . wi Bond t luelid tln'iii when they do l ilit. A little pi-a ise with a child n-s a Ion-- ways. child may be very uo , ik inn;, but not wilful ly bad. Attrihiitinn; bad mo tives to a thoughtless child has mine. many a little life. .1 m t Id. line less and praise more, and we shall have hotter chibll-eli. I'l s pei - i .-1 1 1 v as mo.-! of I heir fa nil s a re copied f mm tln-ii- parents. W" should eep. cise ihe sirielesl chai-ily. lot verily "( 'harily doth nn er a mull H tide of sins." The a . el age man isn't satisfied to hold Ids ov. n I le wants to hold his neighbor's, i .o. It Reached the Spot W : I (iLORtii: C. OREHN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -.a;:..;, al li.eik llaii'liniri Weldnn, N. C. Monuments vavestones. ,,( K","l. lei mil;, tuenaeil all .-in 1 1 l I" WE PAY no -rvCHT ' nGUARANTEESAFE D!.!VEF!Y . . . I. i!i.i;.-T rot Kin tin: Ninth . il . a . i n - sl.'lhll''ll II.., art pie'epOy ll.a! wiii i;. I ti,.' . r. U"l "of Mb! I , - II;. !,: It , , l e.i.BLEW-loKS. st.. N.ii t.'ik, a. ( live a man 1 uk talk apt to take alfrotit W. W. KAY. n." i i "ill !' a.i ;i '' ;-;.' ! t . la . .iii.- . -i" ' ! l.. I. In :. ;,- 1- .. ' "I .1- M.ll.l. si,,:,, he theory that it is never too j to itiesiJ is very voiiilortiiig io ft I 6 iv sia . e( the iiiyecrn: t-Mi.u is ot native meiltet. tell r.uils f.iini.l in i ill r fiil'esK aii.l .nil tamvii.,1 a ,ln,p of a lei. In.l or lia nn fill, or st.lVed So often W il ll lief 1 1 .1 11 C h I. ,i'..it f. 'i-a. 1114 .iniiis. 1 is inr.'.ti. iin urn it 1 1 .....1. .1 ..ii On. I. ..It li'.u r-:i t r iiii.I iLt- l.-n.i iiii'l.T oath us eorr.'.-t. the liusband and one da v .when Lory Itijteilieiit enteral! Into "Pie Vnrile l'r.'M'rit.lioii " lias tl,e written en il. is.'iiieiit of ill. i in... i. einuii'iii ine.lieal fi.iiiiil her daiiuhler in tears on w riters ..f all the several s.-li.i'.li of prue- ., l , , , tier-more vntuaNo than any amount ot Oooislep. noli professional testimonial- llione'li ll suppose lieol';o ilris letl hitler aro not taeloni;. liuviiiL' tn-en eon- .. . . .. . lril.iii.sl voliiniarily l.y cialef.il patients '"' sl"' snilleil. In nun.ti.-rs to e( I tin. etulorseinenis ' '"es" tsoh'. given to anv oilier niiilieiiui extant for ,, , the eure f woman's li's. I hell there is a woman 111 V.nieannoi iilTonl to accept any nnslieine the ease?'" she asked. ll'T eves of link now ii coniH.siiii.n as u siilistltnto for this well proven reiu.ily in- khs IVVX in s I. ml.' I nli lit ei- ai -.it, . -si, .m.I .. ,itl, fill.' p. II,. soi l i.v M i .an ii. o , i. ion, i nialj Bon't try to grasp an opportuni ml w ii h '' by putting sail on us tail. I li-et upon I'i . I i.r I! air -a!'- MOIIILR. At a mothers' meeting a young woman rccounicd with some pride a number of proverbs about moth ers. " Ti's- .si-i I", .1 pool- mother to keep sex ell children than b.n' seven children to keep a mother.' Thai s...l a d Mi .Miig pr.-.Velt," she -siu!. "is :'; ,i:n til. S'.x " '. mo'.iier's I e is ik v every dav. ' 'lie w ii i w ill not mind his mother will M.me J..y iiaxe to mind the I i:!er.' 'I'vii.r lose a rich lather than a p .,r mother ' 'A father's f r.c n- milv kne- de- p,' but a niolher's iciehe-. to ihe bean ' Those pi " 1 1 b-. are all ( icrm in "Ihe Hindoos say p,.el;-aliv, 'Mothi r mill',-, e ei mute, vx Ik iher I be i i-ii or ponr "1 h.: N'siielians --ay ; '.Mother ' I le v. Im h..s one cati- her I le xx Im has iioiie misses h, r " I he I '.olii'im ins s iy, 'A moth er s hand is soli ex n w In u il strike s "The Lithuanians sav, '.Mother means m.irtx r. ' those wb.o are in no hurry to begin o--:.- e'.i -.iLliu-J Women j's WcU ;-s Men Are Made Miserable by Kidnev Troulle. Kidney tr.-ul.! p- cour i" ' an i Icj . v. :. r1 In' -: : -vn : ' .r '..i;-::! Vr.c V,':d ca d ireier y ir-il har. Grocer, .on, iv . it. w I 11 I- I a e .11. V.' c- ii : r a-n a 1 t. i v.-; -'i -.- a aao ,.f : a - (a-t :..a-arat : aa ie ; a-t ;ia a :( la- a h.-.l.t a; mad" rv.a- ,wi, ma la ii . y aii al K.XV'S. I -a r I Swamp K'oot , I ' .1" n ' eit't ,.f 1 ll I.-. 5. U VI i:TM L DANILL, J A I ii 's'M K il-I.AW, x I I. I'l in. ye. I'ee tr, - in 1 1.,- cm is of llalii.ix ana supi. inc illl.l ,,'' ",i.IlJ:U 313"' 1 1 . :l 1 1 1 1 I . . 1 1 :ni. lh II. I i .it eoui-. i ..il. ciii'ii- iiin.li' in nil I si 1 1 -i N,.i i h ( uii.lina, lliaticli iil'ien al ! i .i 1 1 1 a i 1 "i 1 1 no i X! mi.iav. t I :i e P'. K . Xt ilrl, I la,. Hies. I. ill llien i f ,u, ll.."l r e- K.inir cm ia:J a;:"l s ,.::lon, I , r-' ;l l .itt ami I. pile-. ..I.I I" I'ral'in;,, XX .! I,, ell, air il, .o fl lie ilemalitteil liHhtiiii; up expect, mil " V es" I sob i. "Who is it "Von" isolii. "( 1 racioiis!" exclainieil the ' liiolher-in-lnv.'. "I'm sure I eoMeosiTioN. I'Ven tliom.'li the dealer may niuki! n lillle more prolit Ih. reliy. l our Interest in reiMininn healtti i- pariiiiiouiit to any selfish interest of his an. I It Is an Insult to your Inlelliui nee for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. You know- w tint yon want anil It I- tits busi ness to sniinlv the article en lied for. Ilr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the H''''' K;,v' 1,1111 ""' fllt'oltrne;,.. original "Ultlo Liver Pills" lirst put up nient." " by old Dr. l'lorcn over forty years imo, , much Imitated but never i-qualisl. l.lttio ! . ... . . . 8tiijar-coatl gruulia-easy to Uk u i An Optimist IS a pessimist wilt) cuuy. I lies about it. - The pessimist wouldn't care to be in clover for tear of catching hay lever. XX eal. women -Iii. ill. I teat toy 'T.oi.k So 4 loi XX i .in. n " It ias win ten e t'i.'.-! lei w. linen w Im air not well The Hook No. I I' ll- 1. 1 H s ,, ,, e (I I 111 c allil jll-1 how llleses.iiitilllm.heill IHL'. lllltl-rptlC Sllppi'-ltol lr- can l.e -iieei'ssluily ai'.ln'.l I lie Look, and stiietli einili'li iilial medical a.luee is entiteiy lire. XX Hie In, slmop, liaeine, XX i-. All tieali'is. 1). L. S TAINHACK NOTARY PL! H LIC And Lire Insurance. u 1' ki A, s lllli;, -:- x;; ,-. N.t. I Will sr ll. ll. C i, ee,,!, o ... ""-all I P-W ..i ea 1 1 v - a ai a e.n, I" . .i-'K an. i . n.r i, 1 ai i a, n 1 I'l la1, i n a a 1, e. is k ie ,u n t.i.llll- -I- "I. Il.ilirlr a- I'l ti...V Itesle' .11. 1 .' ' 'Ilr Wit Il'i- .liltrll lie!.' a elianer I I, "I'll- iiilinn i- I, an- all. i l,i'L''iiiii.'.: '' lake Ho- l.'.'-l'iiatn.' l ar l.ollrl- art shi.-ri-l, ill the W.lC, I tllllo. the em a1 air .ii ottrn -l.ni - up. i ' ie l.i.l ue- aie niai'tnr. an. I ru n lh.- Ii.'.ol ai main' ea-r- u,".is .iici.lr.llv weal-n. I'l shoiip s Kr-I..i:ilne i- i . ei o I . 1 ei i-i wlieir a- a u. inline tome In Ih.-e ilal .'leans It luiil'l- up an.l stitaiatii- eilslill'll ..lilt lleakrlli.l nel'li's. It a I I-.' . Cel. e k XI , I h-' h ill' . I Il'i d.'sei 1 1 ie. I sliiopeiis I l.e lailiiiL' appetite, and inn- lands in launvtls t,Min-dn. l.. -ati-ly yer-allv aids ditr-lion ll nlnais Ins am i cost h ,i llie ear lt'i'7 ipueklv l.i nits iv i lined slremrtii. Ilia. T. U. Ill on nine', sn aeivs. homv, sij.ir.. mi;. a . and ainliilnin. l iy il mid he XI is. I.. XX . Ilrow linn; lid aen s, lionte, coin mi'e.l. i s I ' .Moses I 'el ei ill . li . lie res. lionte s.l.lltl .liiBiaili XX illo us, I l! acres, 1'aucelt, jtiii.W. When a man boasts that he is a xviiiiam limvey, w aens, liume 1,71. tins llie lib dav of May. Ii's. ('.' M. IIAWKiNS, Tax Collector, t'liiu'etW Township. Sale for laves. II a; tiia coin: !n,.w . i . . . . I lie loll 11 ol I lot: to A 1 .011 1 he tit-t Monday in .lien al I" a: air- l-t ol'.lune. All I'ealets 1 lope is a good thing to have but you can't get il cashed al the ; fatalist, it's a pretty sure sign lie is i bank. , in hard hick. iii-'s)w-a:t'n miiavr,ru KILLthe COUCH I wi Sr. ling's VOLDS Trll Buttle ffie HnM I. YHttOAT eND lUNGTRntmiFS. G U AK.TNTfi h O SAT I SFACXOKV OR STONF.Y BKJONUED. . tt-l s- p It' A f -i "fj.-j ,13 j, '. t-'ii t.HAf;ct AU 1 i i.i.lu lit Wlll't. ll III cvtwit fi-.-in-lt "til i'i mi iui;iinl!lily ttlPmnCIMtNT rii' . hi f.'l Ui-iH di c-omt.. I'tun.t-i 1'i.i.npli i-i. ADVI' Ttsro 'mil sol u. Tr .ue-MAKK V IONS ILIKl cte fhiruis quh'Ulir nl.lllli( Opposito U. Q. P itrnt Ofllo, ,.. WASMlwOTOM, IX. tw 1 ft f i '1 -1 J 'MvT t 1. . .... . -- - r

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