, ill W vv, rpik v-k jff MBE'' Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscrii ii l.fo i -1 r VOL. XUII, WKLDON. N. ('., Tlll'KSDAY, MAY lil, UMKs. NO. f- r .1A I i i f Ua, W V IL I r W ll M il Ill V ' t X I V 4 i. 5 .. I L v ; FUN OF i!miBffima!!IB I ill .'ft''! ll.ralllil, 3 PLR ft Nr. AYHaHi-PirparciionliirAs &!.T:il.'i!iiiii('Fiw(!aiiill!i'i;iiia lairtnii'Sioiiiu'lbiii'illiiMvlsiii rrnmoicsDislion.fkprfiil nfssas-iiiicM.ConUlnsiii'iilw Uiiiira.M(ir)hiiUMiorliucral. Not Narcotic. jx.irtfoiJirSMumwm AxSmul Jl3ih.lt, SJts- AiisrStid fipnrrmml - Ikrm Vrtl t'urfvi Simr Anerfcrl Remedy fjiTmisllfa t ion , Sour Stonucli.Dlarrltooj Worms .('oiwiilsioiis.h'vensli ncssandLossorSLEtP. facsimile SignnlureoT NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, rpos y inv 1'nuxi NiMH l'llM.S L'l M M. P. .N.STAINIJAi K, i'm:i:taki:i;. Weltlon, . - North Carolina. full Line of CASKIHS, COI -TINS and KOHLS. Day, Night mid Oul-oi-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. II.d.ROWK I:IJM:RAL DIKHCTOR AND I'MBALMLR. ft Seventeen years' Lxperienie Henrse Service Anywhere OE THE OAiyK OF WELDON WKLDON. . c Organized Under the Laws of the State of. North Carolina, .U'lil VI'L'Ml'll. I-'IL'. SlJie of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Mi'dilon Depository. Capital ani Snrplns, $40,000. lor nunc tlutn lil'lri'ii vurs tins itistitutioii (mivitlcl hunk hit; fucili tit'H t'tir this Ht'ftion. Its vincklmMt'is :ini ilm elms huw ht-cii i.lfiitilii'l witlitltf Imsiut'ss intcr.-sts of Ihihluv tun! Ntntliaiii"litii cniintit'S fnr nuiuy yearn. Mom-y is l.uuu'il unn atirovt'I si't'inity al tin- leal rate of iutiTcst six n'r CHiriuni. At'omrils ui' all me sulu'itftl. Tlu- surplus anl unili hlr.l iitil huvinc n aclu-il a sum imj tial to the Capital stiu'k. thr lank liu-. t'nm uu ii'i .lanuaiy I. c"t.il.lislu'l a S:i inirs iff :u! im-iit ullu ink' intt'it M (-M tiiiif tlrptits us tulluw : I or Ui'pnsits allowcil turiMimin tlncc inontlis m l met-i . '' per crnt. Six inontlis ui lunger, .'f per ctMit. i iinnilh m Inmrt'r, I per i-t'iit. Fur fuitlicr iiifonnutuiM apply tn the rnitlcut m Cushicr. fHKsniKNr: v. i'.. i.mi-:l. vi. v. i-hksii.iai: Iht. II. U. I.KWIS, (.larhson. Nuitliainptiiii cuiiuty) ammkh: . II. Mill OE aft JtaansMueaaHMt jBta i 2 0 Why It Is Becoming a Popular j mtrt Alt Hi'tr t Wnrlil ! Floating softly up into Mui oci'iin of nil-, walclii .' the flirt h Kink slowly nway lifiifiith : 1 1 s faili- iiinl cliaimi'iplii'tly i to an i 1 1 1 r r 1 1 1 1 map sjircad In-- , fore on r wotnlerini? eyes sneli ; ore tin' impi essioiei of balloon ; voyagers. The noisy :-oiits uf 1 those who eoine to wish lis "lion oynne!" Iieeoine fainter mui fainter until absolute quiet reigns about us. It is so still I that the tiekinn of the eloek in the lia ro,rra ih is hennl noisily coll lit i t) the seeomls as it f traces the line of our upward: flight across the sheet. .Meanwhile the earl h map ' below us stretches out lar ger, hut its details are Tailing and hecomiiiK blurred. lltjrh hills have (dianed to Hat j surfaces A river winds and bends its way throiiyli the ! duller colors like a tangled J" i 1 - boil of silver. A small lake sparkles in the sunshine, Hiving lite and tirn to the sober shades about it. A railway train j creeps slowly along, its trail of ! smoke streMinin back over it; but as we look it suddenly dis appears from sight, apparently swallowed before our eyes. Tle'ii we recognize that it has , plunged into a tunnel through a hill which to us seems only a Hat surface: now it appears again coiningolit on the other side. So the wonder scenes come and go. ever changing, but ever grand and in.-pi-ing scenes that coiue back to us real and iv ill. that, we may live theiu ' over again in later dux s. The cloud ell'ects are at times the most beautiful of all. After having sailed up through these into the dazzling sunlight we see the snowy billoxvs just be loxv our car, the shadow of our balloon fallin on their white surface. This shadow is often surrounded by a halo of rain bow colors id' rare beauty. At such times one has the feeling of having left the earth com pletely and to have reached some other planet. The xvhite masses just beloxv seem to be epiite solid and look as though one might step out of the bal loon and take a stroll over them, if one only had snow shoes. The air is xvondeifully clear and pure and gives one a feeling of exhilaration much greater than that enjoyed in mountain cliinl ing. Is it, then, surprising that ballooning is rapidly becoming a popular sport? Century. I SAW FROM THE BEACH, B Y T 11 () M A S M (HI K li 1 saw from the beach, x hen the morning was shiniiiH, A bark o'er the waters move gloriously on; I came x hen the sun o'er that be.H.li xvas declining, The bark xvas still there, but the waters were cone. Ah ! such is the late of our life's early promise, So passing the spring-tide- of joy we have known; luieh wave, that we danced on as morning ebbs from us, And leaves us, at eve, on the bleak shore alone. Ne'er tell me of glories serenely adorning The dose of our day, the calm of our night :-- Give me back, give me back, the wild freshness of Morning, Her clouds and her tears are worth livening's best light. Oil ! who would not welcome that moment's returning, When passion lirst waked a new life through his frame, And his soul- like the wood that grows precious in burning Gave out all its sweets to love's exquisite flame ! WATCH YOURSELF GO BY. Just stand aside and watch yourself go by; Think of yourself as "he," instead of "I." Note, closely as in other men you note, The bag-kneed trousers and the seedy coat. Pick flaws; find fault; forget the man is you And strive to make your estimate ring true. Confront yourself and look you in the eye Just stand aside and watch yourself go by. Interpret all your motivesijust as though You looked on one whose aims you did not know, Let undisguised contempt surge through you when You see you shirk, O commonest of men ! Despise your cowardice; condemn whate'er You note of falseness in you anywhere. Defend not one defect that shames your eye Just stand aside and watch yourself go by. And then, with eyes unveiled to what you loathe To sins that with sweet charity you'd clothe Back to your self-walled tenement you'll go With tolerance for all who dwell below. The faults of others then will dwarf and shrink, Love's chain grow stronger by one mighty link When you, with "he," as substitute for "I," Have stood aside and watched yourself go by. fillip! . '.- Jj -.: S ip: mi: v. i It xv. is a .:iiim'. In f.i 1 i.'l y 1 1 u ii ; an- Wide gllrs have l- XX b.-r sonic XX i I 1 1 You i, XX 1 1 . ram e Absolutely Pure I'ho only ?:, Grcj... MttAliim.fio.. I ll.l ilini: i n!x In I -I 1 1 1 1 1 ' Then, and b!i but S Coiop.i bn xx id., lx b Shootfs A!: Dectic-i- "THE VALLEV OF DFSISION." Mi. i:. ii't'llrtu! - P'.-el. i V i-" IM,,i,,,i It Reached the Spot. i:. Iluii.eliiry. !.,, 1 1 ' i . CIS .ll.l. Hi. I in v 11 'Rvery One Shall (iive An count Of Himself To (iod.' I!:) a-nUIS. V Ac n u a Nl-W YORK A. MLR 1C AN. n m m m u New York American has lately been publishing a series of j T "Multitudes, multitudes in the I valley of decision; for the day of 1 the Lord is near." Joel iii. 14. , It is not a period afar oft', nor one which is shadowy and uncer- tain; it is here and now. Laeh day ! every day multitudes aremeet ; ing their day of judgment, and 1 making their final decision, j Multitudes in the valley ofdecis I ion now; vast multitudes brought j together that they may be cxam i ined, in the light of heaven, and j judged by the eternal and un j changeable standard. There will 'be a time of judgment, when the 1 right and the left shall be distin 1 guished, when the good and the i bad shall be known, and separated the one from the other forever. ! Who shall undertake this mar j velous classification ? Blessed be : God ! not man ! We are to be judged by the Creator, rot the j creature. What man could judge his brother, his child, or his dear est friend? Than when judging i can know only a little part. But God is the Judge, and blessed be His name ! He knows and un derstands all. He knows our frame. "He rembers (what we so often forget) that we are but diM." The Lord will portray us toour- :lt ;in-l.i,lll.'- s...r- I'll, I V. r;t ll.l l-il,"t. ilni-j M..I.S .'il.i'. A man may be dead life and yet die hard. easy al IH-WiuV l.iltlr I'.aily lli.-. is mr Slll'r. sun- ilii.l nviitli- little hII. N.I.I l.y W. .XI. t i.li.-ii. W, 1,1. .11. V The polished speaker c.m't ways see Ins finish. x lirli yuii Uiink of lii.li--r, sliun Ihlnl. i of K,l,,l f,,r il is nil, , ul ili.nl.t ll.c nulx- a I 111 I" 1 1 tliul r,,lii,l, t , I v i tin, sis i ll!l i-!ilsM-s 1,1' ln.... .Xll.l llial 'is xxlilll ; v., u ii et 1 1 xxtu'ii you l,:i,' iu,i,'ji i.,:i or ' -;,,iii:ii-Ii ln.u!-l.: s.iiiM-tliin.' t lull ill a, -I lil-.tliilillx1 I, III tli.ill.irjillx ;M,lllrlhll,Ln Hull xxill '.'i-uiulit ul 1 1 1 1 In, ill.!, iu.,1 ,1,, tin- el y xx,,lk It sol I r.n tin' sl.,,iui-h l.y diei-M'iW tl"' Oiat von on! awl Oiat I- K.I:ll. Il is ,l,-iisiuii t'i la!,,- s.. I I l.v XV. XL 1 ,,li, -li. XV, -I.!. ,ii. N.I'. r.d he r r-::; th-; i Mr " I v. Kri : (0 o: :-,lrc;:r,i, rervous li;::U.o:i. t..:l Lrf.iilh, ri:.i;.; -. rnd i at;;rrh n. i: i I.'; .-. cov- li: lint .tuiai juicra c( c!i;,-.s-:i a iieu;l!-,v L-.-jnoich. :,; d v. .1.1 li.- fjriial-j .t l.nn-.vn tr.loo r-o-oilr.iotivs .ropi:rli;.s. K ,dol f jr "s.sla ih'j.; not o 1 1 i y rciicve iniignstion iyspvr.it, tut tl.iii famous remedy i t'.jit.a ill troulles b c"ean:-in, yirff, svcetcr.ii.g a:.d slrcnglhenirg ixi:oii3 rinrr.bruiies linir.g tlie s'.omach. 5, S. Hall, fl Urnm-H, W. V.v.-..iy!: o. ir-ui-'l v.!lh lour si' i'.i?ch ft r tv.rny yei.rs. I curr.j ma Bi.d W8 now unil.g it !n lllllle Kc-dol Digests What You Eat. j cr..y. F,-...'V"5 Indi.Mln. Eour atomach. Prepared by E. C. DoWITr ii CO.. CHICAGO. ,,!.! l.v XV. .XI. i '..li.-n. XV. I, i,,u. N. ('. (ii;OR(ii: C. ORl-UN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, i Na ii,, :i .il llmik P.ulMuitr) Welden, N. C. A rolling stone beats two in the bush. Tiie tiuiiMo xxill, lhal l In y ,', .i, si. , ul till' I CIL'I, SX ll!. -I I. 'II ..II il..- ..till-. il.l i-i,ii-s ii,-,,l:y l ,, llsJUll I, .'ill . j 1 1 iii, in I, .I lot' i-liiM nt-ai lv a x; I loai s,,U l.x- XV. XL ( ,,l, ,l l sll,;,l,- l.llllix.' ,!lll m.ls. I: i : I ui'ave&'tones. The I H.llv" latterer person. api'cais to x a WE KAY i hi: F1EICHT nsM ,i,,.ii xo. I II. !.- i .lilv i;. il-'.-l , 1 1, W ,1! !,- S I'.sl. . 111.1 li s X It III. -. i -4 D'v.LJV! I VIK ! SlY . . . I in li i ii t li f "cu I h in; temperance cartoons with interesting comments. It represents I selVt's. vx nat a surprise mat will a father giving his boy some lessons from experience, and this j e And afterwards l- very one is how the lessons are sent out by the American. ! sha" ivc 1111 account of himself to God, and tnerelore every man will pronounce his ow n sentence. ; whether be is Brethren, if our us - tli.it is the s.,1.1 h, . XL I -..I..-H. 1 ion N . I . When a judge lays down the a xv he doesn't necessarily resign. CiOi'tii r.Al--i!LE WORKS. L-O.M:-!,,.! ss.i I.. lO'l -.:n.i, s . .,.,l',,lk. Va. How should a whiskey drinker talk to his son? If he talks as he feels, he would hold up the flat, brown bottle and say: "My boy, you know that I am a poor man, and have nothing to leave you or your mother. "The difference between me and the successful men who have pass ed me is this; "1 have gone through life with this bottle in my hand or in my pock et. Th'ey have not." A man comes into this world prepared to d his share of the world's work well or ill, as his brain and his physical strength may decide. Of all his qualities the most important practically is balance. The whiskey in that bottle destroys the balance, both mental and physical. It substitutes dreaming and foolish self-confidence for real effort. It presents all life's problems and duties in a false light. It makes Are SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY cnucnnit ccccrTiuc nD3.i n iono owuuuLt irrtuuiL ntnn u, uuu, , ,..r ,,..,,., ,.,,,,. MkM Wmvt.n i for the euro of weiik stoiiiucli, (lysp,'i"ia, raurrli nt Uti.nni.h. "liver i-.niipliiiiit. , t, ,r. ml liver, i.r lulu uikii". rlmniir Ih..-i altoelLniS iind nil i .uarrlial ill"? ..... , . . wlmlevr r.'iiiim. name ,.r imtiire. rt ihese arrivals and departures are only as intor- ainu simein.- r.-m.-.iy for ait n.-ii oiirnmc J ...i !,, .-imps i if en arrtiu ulfee- -." " . . , ... ...I...., iiiiums. its ,, ,,,, -lee levi'oiil eolisinnp. Li, .11 . iieenmpa I no w-n-n- j. r,, o 1 1 . r, ti tlid miKlt.s ni.l a r.4 tiiif ii-iiiil'intanl nnl tlinut Hint lliell' IIUI.IUII 1UI HIV IUIIII,IIIIU "" I 1 r, ,1 llllil llllllllli are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WKLDOiN as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.25 a. in. No. 38 lor " " " at 2.57 p. m No. 41 lor Ralolffh and points South at 12 07 p. ni. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II- (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleljh, N. C. Lvry one know goo 1 or bad ' hearts cot.demn standard. I The ansxver is in yourself. j you proud of your soul ? 1 Are you honest ? Arc you truth ful? Do you feel gentle in heart? Are you kind even to the untruth ful frow ard ? and are you sober? You may be sober according to the flesh and drunk in the soul every night A man is what he is in his soul. Let us inspire and solemn ize ourselves by this reflection -the Lord will judge, lie severe with yourself, but gentle towards others- thrust in the knife siill 1 He who hands it to his lellow man is a criminal, and he who hands it : dcepi;r. ,0j jglt na,rcr and ! ... ,.,.,( , iii -i xvnrce priniin.il 'init a vitlinn t . - m a ),,6 " ..s. v - ; still nearer; that you mav know The way to win a girl is to have ! "It is impossible but that offenses will come, but woe unto him, thro' S anJ measure yourse,f ,,v ,ho (me her make up her mind not to lose 1 whom they come.' -St. Luke, 1 :1. j Perfoct p.,,,,, yml i It is a well established fact in the usual order of events drunkenness j There is no ,ime t0 i,.,, Tin,e o irnesi and swililv nassiiiir If You Read This ' !.of families would be ultimately wiped out by whiskey. ikhou, our Javs are like a pes', It will h u learn that the i, adin modt- ! It is not true, fortunately, that the son of a drunkard actually inherits , 0lr mmmls ml, ny ,1,. weaver's ral writers and u ai-in rs i.t all the several ' jrunkcnness fully developed. But a drunkard gives to his son weak-: .....i,, t, ;s s,. ,r..,.v -;,, h,. m-hoiils- of tiraetiee nriiiiiiiieml, in llw i , . .. . . , . . ,. , . , , SllUllle. itisseaicci) nun iiiii;, ne- tr.,ni!.-st ii-nns i.ssii.ie, eiivh ami every , cued nerves and a diminished will power, which tend to make a drunk-i f()r(, i( js niBh,.. anj ,)C scaNtms hwirmli.-nt. iMiU-rhiLr lutii the i', ,ni tn is It inn I rti P,K;t,, tlxnn liic fiiltier vviis in.ule a ilriinL-,ir,l hof,t-A him . d u lllilix. xJJ lu d ,M",k' w w . M v llll.l. L' n i. .. Ill ,,."l.' 1 ,.'.' XI The greatest safeguard of a drunkard's children undoubtedly lies in 1 givi, ,Me sjcw Year's greeting, and the warning which they see every day in their home, and in the earnest i i,cr,)i e we know it we are walking advice which the man who drinks will give to all young people if he ,m ,t,e s,cj leaves of autumn, and has any conscience left. jllsl u1Cilv i. ,,L. s,n Uiiys f ,,0 I If the man who drinks would save his own children from the same closing year, danger, he can do so better than nny other. He need not lose their J "Whatsoever thy hands lindcth respect by telling them of his own mistakes, ir these mistakes have been , do it with thy might,'' in hidden from them. Let him simply tell them without personal refer-, d,c mot niug sow thy seed, and in ence what he knows about whiskey, Us eil'eel on a man's happiness, j me evening withhold noiiiiy hand. ! success, sell-respect and physical comfort. j 1ise cary an j lc ai,umgSt the first to go into the Lord's field XX , ak xx, ,1,1 N,,. i r,,i x',, ,. -.-i '., XX, i:,...k ',,. i i, rue ' llil'l jlOl 1 Hill's. Ill I,' sslnllv at. i. Iii ... .1 , " it xx as x , Hi, 1 1 1 , - ii xx I . i , a i , 1 1 , , ! xi , 1 1 lis ,,i n. l,, : llll-rs, ,,.l.,,-'l,,i ,lllll,l a I W. KAY. ..iili.l. iilial in-. Wine Ol All liralrt li.-iil a. M,.. 'Health t'l.H'i-e" is lenity the elusest Cnlli-e llinliltii vi-ryel ,liMluee,l. l'his the linesl I 'uth-i stihslilute i-vet niu,le, lllis reei-tltly l,ei-ll .n.tlliei',l l,y hr.Shoej, i.l' l.-neine. Wis. Nnl a main ul' real eol'- lee in it either, iteaiiii ( i.it'e- is iiiu.ie j those things seem unimportant which are most important, nut's. IT' UkX .rouM Mm"''. ! I' dulls the conscience, which alone can make men do their duty, ir p.-it xihn HiiL'iit ii ink it foi spite of temptation, and struggle on to success in spite of exhaustion. h!,',w. N-M,i,Vie'in a".i.inl'te'; Keep away from this bottle, and keep away from those who praise it : iltu'ior. ! -or suit !) W, T. ruikcr. WVl.U.ii. N. ( i would be handed down from father to son, and hundreds of thousands The roiling mill gathers no moss unless there is a strike on. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. i f fflllf &6 Kldnevtnull- courages and lessen ; I r i3--- "r-r Cy; rtiind, Ji.i .: .:'c.: vi-vr 1 r:::m.:'3 rorn ,r -.' :i tv. - ' xi'.t c( order y trout 1 has t it i.; notuiicomiut.n t cVu i to l- I IJH , N, (J. rhi! 1 a-es )co i-f':-n, , cr if, v!'. ;;y ;!-.: it :.ho;d ho able io it 13 yet aff!i :tpd with urine Ec.ild. th-"1 f! r'!ach';r an are vi control the pa,;:n; bed-vetting. dcp:,J i:r.n it. (he cur rf thfi difficulty :. ki :ry trouM- ;.rdt:ie first slp ihviid tl t-'.vari.: t!- tr" nnrr.t cf thf-r-e impor':ir.t cri:if,r. Thi. '.;:irV;i'ant truuble is due lo a di. ca.'ed ronditi..;i t f the kidneys and bladder and not t) a liabit as mo,;t people suppOiie. Wmien a.i v.vil as men air madti mir. pratc with kidni-y ai.d I l.iddtr tro;l 1 a:; t b:tli rft'.d tii" r.i-n- t-it r-'mo.iv. The m::d rid th-. im-.",i; c(i-:t of Swamp-Koot . n roaii. td. It is soid bv drunists, in l'(:v- f' i I .- --r-';-i i i B 1 ' , tou mav nave ax I Kt n tln- I'.dilr . t 1 cu i lliiii: .'all at sin my KAYS. IT R i! l)AMi:i .'xriiiKNlK-.-xT-LAW', XX I.l. HUN, N. ('. i,-,-s mi 1 1 to ills of Halifax mui crnt and In nut s.i it'ssl lor ai'ine -, tint for hit and ennui Iniferinu. i.r elimiile oasen it is fstMH-luHV l-llli'a.'iiMis ii i-,"-,,; ( i'-,' ti-i-n-iireii. tvi,niiii.s li,.i ..(,.. ny..ar.:, 1 1,, Id, -n Seal r.K.t, ltliKsln.it. Mne nsit MaiulraUu root and I) in runt -all ul ivhli-h urn liialily .nUs.-d as remedies for nil tlieHlK)Veninllon, l nlTeetinn" u sui-li minent nitiiieal riu-rs ami 1 hers aa Trot. Hnrthnlow, of lelTersniiT.I.Hi. lot-li'ip- Prol. Hare A the Univ. f l'. ' iW. Kinlejrhrtfiiijxvonil. M. 1)., it lien i nett Mil. tolh-Re, Chh-iiKo; I'rof. John ! Kin M. 1C1 Cincinnati i I rof. Jnhn I M. Sciii(lerl. JJ., ol Cincinnati; Prol. I Edwin MlaieTM. 1)., ol Hahnemann i Med rSrii-tt; ChhiiKn, and si-ores of I othersf)Mfally eminent iu their mveral ihi(1n practice ,..,,,,,,,111,111 while ulie was l-n- Tn. "(inlilen Jleuicai liltan err - is um , ?jj'' ycdK-TmlinuTiriniTt tjtlu JUrv"ii-l turninirfrom theHaptiKtehureh Siindnv afternoon fifty Ylesiir : " ' mftlll!s. Open piil.lii-liy nl us lurinuia ; yettrs (IB", one picKeu up mi- Is the besl poasiDic punmiiiy Ul mmnw A olancn at I pnlilished formula xvill xt contains no .. : ,, 1..., ,1. Il, forminKUini's '"" .,i'".-- , veij biiuui, i.u "m It- l.ie hottk ty r...l it.-o r xr-t ail alio it it. 1:1 : 1 "i .-ni ',r,l.:o, ;.!,. it ;o 1 1 I', i, 1. .1 , is. I ptn is ,,l .,i tl, I :n al !lu!tt'a i,i',i ,-x lli, etii.es 111a.l1 1:1. I'.ianelt XI .11, lav. - an. I in all nllii'e 11. , AN APPl.il nn Y YUAKS OLD. Mrs. F.llen Toothuker, of j South Ilarpswell, has a keep- sake, an apple that was thrown to her in a kindly manner by a 1 : vnlliur 1 .Tin--non 1 11 jii-uiviii ."aj'".. I J a-li m-mcsnrtzn yAM-KoSTi , 01U, su t 11 a nny liniliiaii-m-iiuu,,.! apple took it homo and tilled it with cloves and today it is more are, trlpli-relineil cerlim l-i" r in, inn k ml re v inn ISU'llll. si, is- -s tionabhiand hesiileslslk osuise 111 ie,'ein. I, he cure of all st.m.acli as jvcll as iron, chlal throat anil Imm at ecthms 1 hero io .i. 1, 1,, I,, .st mis lical authority lor iw use In all such caws. Tl Ol A booklet 1,1 exuu.-o; ...... - 1 SS'i' InSw 'JntSsl' AKS i Philosophy is how you will act Pt B- v. .viwott. U"1. Jf-. I till the lime comes to prove it. f.l'L a v uWcei-inoV -'utireiy unohjiHs- j That younK man is seventy-live years 01 ti";e, anil had toixotten the incident until Mrs. Too- Tl luse.'ivery-ls (haker ndated it to liim one Kennebee; Journal. ... .1., T.r . I .. .... ... .. .1 tl ... . . 1 lO iLKJ W HI!- I. ,'l U .1 HX.IU HI Ull lireil nerves, w It that "tumtnltit.i.ii ' I,-, hoi: thut isrouiinonlv felt in s,i,iik , thy part in His vtiicxard. 'ul'',r.''''''Mr'1T''1",,',"lll' There is no time for sloth, to iiiickly nltereil lv tiikiiurvihat in liiioxxn ; , , u- . 1- . . 1 to,liuiru'istseveivliereas Hr. shoo-p's j neglect lliyselt, to he, to starve thy itestniative. One will ahsoiuteiv note soul, to gratify thy passions, which a cimnired feeling within 4h imuos alter j are secretly eating up thy heritage heirininiiirtotaketlie liestoiutive. The ; p ;,,,-,,, i,v t here is no lime ls,els iret sluin-ish 111 the winter tune, i I im" '"" "Ule 1S tlieeiieiilation often slows up. the Kid- I " we ad il CCIltUfy at Our dispo ueys are inactive, an-1 even the heart in i Sal, WC might allot the decades frovn r.tifi.-tT.t n t"L h Co.. Bitiehatnk.n. nvir.-.ioll thu. p..L,er. Dv3't it a a ',' r t'tr. 1 ;rr,. ;'.a-,hit intt R..-!. .it. : t' c N.Y.. en every 1 oil 111' of v a,,,, ll"-f. initiy cf th I'.-rr rrrivcd .:. Or. Kilmer ., Is rure and . I'tt r"!cn-.btr Lr. Ki.rncr's k r.tia.'-.ton, many oases irrows Ueeiileilly weaker. IU-. Slump's Uestorative is iecoirnizeil eveiyw lieie as a iri'iiiime tonic to these vital nivalin. It l.uilils up and strength, ens the worn. out weakened nerves; it sharpens the faihnir appetite, ami uni tersully nida iliirestiou. It ulxxays ,iiiekly Ininirs renewed stn-nijtli, life, viL'or. ami mnhitiini. Try it and lie convinced. All Healers, Does the bookblack who apes another give monkey shines? OASTOZIIA. Bri tt y11 1111111 You HswAlwmys Bought BigiuUar f but we know not what a day may bring forth. He that judgeth thee j is at the door; set thy house in ! order, for this year thou mayest die nay! this very night thy souK may be required of thee. j Thy breath is in thy nostrils; oh, i haste thee for the time is short ! Hear the sweet word, its silver floating over land and sea, coming from t'ternity: "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found; call ye upon Him while w hile while" (it is a measured word) "while He is near." Make your decision to-day 1 I). I:. STAINHACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Tire Insurance. Kannkc Nxtts 41 lice -:- V.ljnn N (. BiaKrJMmcK AM) C.V.KZ THE LUKCS WITH II r. Iscovery OUCHS ULOS Trial Bottle Free AND ill THtlMT AND 1. UNO TROUBLES Mr, Jl.Citl. GUAR NTKED SAi'ISFACiUllii OB MONK REFUNDED. Sale for Taxes. 1 Txilt sell at the court house ,hmr in the I, , xxn ol' Halifax. N. I'., on the lil'st Mou, lay in .luiie.il In-i'iir the 1st of.liuie. at I-o'clock M. the li.lloxxinir ilesciilicl hiinls in l''iuieetts towusliip to siitisty tits ami cost I'm the year l'.itiT: T. I',. Itioxvnine;, Sli acres. Inline. $o.li.i. Mm I.. W. llroxvnint; liil ucrcs, hi.ine, s.l.i. Moses Heveieux, fi. acres. Iioine sta.t.ll Joseph XVilkins, 1 hit acres, l'aiieett, Siti.l. V,Hiain llarvev, L'T.'. acres, home 1.71. This the 1th diiv olMav. I'.HK I' M 1 1 A V L'lXvl Tax Collector, l'aucetts T " ' '" rr-muitlv ciHi-r-i, f.& KLTUflNEO, 20 YEARS' EJff! VfJ' THE LOWC5T. i . t m (.h-i1 HfXtteli ut;i it ! :-nr: lt tt.lM!lf(Hii..V. INFRINCCMLFjr .' :i ( .u.J'.ie:! 'il Kl" cotiiK. I'm!" n'.- ,, l Mi -mi'li ri". AiiVfc TI4ninl '.r.; if-. T'-ADE-tJ!AJtKi HK IONS (Did COTIhii-HlS iikkt uLiliiu4, OppOElto U. r. r';ipnr OTic- f; x.; A