1111 i 'j MtMtkninHMiiuimiUifmtmi . n - k t- -! v r III Til 'iisi I w W-rt 1 fKT AteA &J f:h V 1 A i. I svl is f 3 sir. ii'mw. kia I 4L? ftllL ATA Iran M V! w H Jlk liH 0 !a V ... ..e,S?- Advertismjr, Rates Made Known on Application. 1 NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. 'i'e.'-iu.-; NO. ! VOL. XLIII. WELDON. X. (., TIU'lisDAY, MAY lis, l!)tis. j c ( - II 11 M 1 ,1 esses HOME-WOMAN'S REALM. Hiime Without a Woman Is a Misnomer. It I- H (i.MK in t II In the Tlio Kind Yoii IIiivo Alwiiyn Bought, and whMi litis been lu uso fop ocr SO years, lia.t borno tlio sUjunluro of n "1 lias been mndn miller liis per f7 j , Bonnl Kiipervlsloii slneo its iiil'iuu'y. urY. JWcAti. Allow no (.no todeeeivo yon lii this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nud ",Tnst-us-t;()od"iii,o but ICMTliucnts that tHtlo villi ned rndiuiKer tlio lieaUli of lulauts mid ( hihlreu Kxperieneo uaiust Kxperiineiit. What is CASTORIA f astorla. is fi liarmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro Korie, Drops nnd Sootliinj Kjrups. It Is I'leasant. It eontains nelllier Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotio sulistanee. lt.ini;eis its guarantee It destroys Worm and allays lYverisliness. It cures Dlarrluea and Wind ( oli;;. H velii ves Tcctlii nff Troubles, eures Constipation and Flatiileney. It assimilates tho Tood, regulates the Stomaeli nnd Bowels, n''''11 healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children' Panacea Tho Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of 2. The KiM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ic habit df woman, j home all that is rlianictenst ieally Innim le in ' woman unfolds ami nourishes. Home w il I h hi I a voinaii is u misiioiiiei', for w oman makes home, iiml home in what she makes it. I f she is illiterale, In I home iai'takes of ( his iiial ily; if she is immoral, her home rumiii! he the iiboile of ill II'': if she is eearsf , I'eliliemellt does not dwell where she resales. If she is eullivateil, pure, relilleil , i those qiialil ies will character ize the home which she creates. ! The higher the ilen'i'ee of hor i culture, her jmrity, her refine ment, (he more will these ijual ; ities characterize the home of which she is t lit center. The ; self that a woman takes with her in her marriage is her real dower. If her dower can be ' reckoned in numerals only, ' no j matter how many they may he, ; wretched indeed will be her , husband, impoverished her children; hut. if she possess in I diistry, self-abncH'ation, jmrity, intelligence, combined with canabilitv, she is in herself a i . treasure ol treasures. In THS CCNTAUH COMPANV, TT MUftftAV BTHCCT, NCW VOPlM CITY. 301 .Ml I'i N. STAIN BAv K. I NDKK'I AK Kl!. Weltion, . . North Carolina. THE UN BROKE II HEART. Me was sitting at the window, and his little nose was Hat As he pressed his face to kiss mc, villi his lips against the pane; But I bent but without kissing- in vexation seized my hat; It uad jostled, and 1 knew that 1 would barely eatch the train. Came, just faintly, "Papa, kiss nic !" as I hurried out the gate, Hut my time was all too scanty and I really couldn't wail, l-'or I heard the distant whistle and I knew that 1 was late, And my work aeeuinulatiiu: in the town. I le was sitting at the window, and as townward rolled the train I looked back to see the bouse and into distance watched il pass, And I knew that he was crying with his linle might and main l-'or the kiss 1 hadn't time to press against the window glass. I could see hint with his "cboo clioos" quite disowned upon the Moor, And his wooden blocks forgotten -and my parent heart grew sore, And 1 thought: "Dear God, what, what if I should never see him more j real and At the window when I started for the town !" I l ie was silling at the window, and his cry a little moan, i As my mental vision saw him all that long and wretched day, And my foolish, fearful fancy knew him dying there alone, i With his kiss that still was waiting for his papa, faraway. He was dying of the grieving of the awful, awful ache i OF his little baby heart that love had only filled to break J And 1 pushed the papers from me and declared that 1 would take The returning train and hurry from the town. ' !e was sitting at the window as I clattered at the gate, j And his tiny nose was flattened as he pressed it to the pane, i And 1 heard his joyful clamor, as with bahy heart elate 'Me screamed out a loyal welcome with his little might and main. With a brown and sugared doughnut held in either chubby list, I And his cherry lips a-pueker in the quaintest sort of twist, To my arms he came a leaping, and he clamored as I kissed ; j "Now, ven, papa, what you Wing me f'oin ve town?" BETTER THAN COLD. ! In a Pullman palace smoker sal a number of bright men, j You could tell that they were drummers, mulling seemed to trouble them, When up spoke a handsome fellow, "Come, let's have a story, boys, Something that will help to pass the time away." "I will tell you how we'll manage," said a bright knight of the grip, "Let us have three wishes, something good and true; We will give friend Bob the tirst chance, he's the oldest gathered here," Then they listened to a wish hat's always new : PUSH. IMiXIIAliSTlULE. Just the Word for the liraml Clear Morning of Life. Pvi-rett's Oratory !o. Senator Hour in lu ll- there was more pie. I le world then- would fewer hungry, half clothe: homeless, sull'i-iiue; chibliei fewer broken down, dishipsib lllell ami Women: leS llei-d i alms-houses, houses of corre t ion and homes for l he fri less. Push means a lift for a iieis-Jiboriii trouble. Push means a. lift I'm- yoiii-self out of the - louh of despondency and shift lessness, out of trouble. fancied. Pllsll lleVT hurts anybody. The harder t be push t lie bet ler, if it is e i veil in the riht direction. , Iways push up hill few people need a push down hill, pon't he ' afraid of your muscles and sin ; ews; Ihey were eiven you to use. Don't he afraid of your : hands; they were meant for service. Don't be afraid of 1 what yiiurcoinpaiiioii may say. Don't be afraid of your con ! science; it will never reproach ! you for a good deed but push Pfii:. I iTIim I. SH,k v i:i:i;t r s .-bans1 i 1 1 1 h;;, lo;.. ri!),;-.l I :; Il ill ' i L S v 1 I lllllTV lol lilll Ion!: I he Colli- I h rou:;'h t le- index ol -ii 0-1 1. nr-i-ni i I rat sav. Hi- Illlie .1 III llu! own 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 i mi ni ii : d adorn. . ol I'.vel-el : ii! lind ni: only to Mil! i-.;bi and set . but to lib i s oral l-ull Line of CASKCTS, C01TINS and ROM-S. Day. Night and Out-of-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. 1-1.(1. UOWIi rilNI-RAI. DIUliC TOW AND l:MIAI.MI:K. M Seventeen years' lixperience. Hearse Service Anywhere. Till- WOMAN IIATIZK. The unexpressed woman's pro verb is; Man is money. Woman has the courage of her detieits; seldom of her defects. The hair was given to women : long lo give her occupation. ; The great advantage to man in I marriage is that it protects him ! Just () be a dliM agajn a molh,r-s kncCi from his pleasures. j Just (Q hcar ,)C. si)R lhe sanc ()k, ,1H;odyi It is the age of the topsy-turvy jus, ,0 hear her speak in loving sympathy, all our young women are old ! just t0 i;jss ,cr jps ,,R.,jni ; now, all our old women young! I jus, t0 iave KT fondle me with lender care, The rigid concealment of her Just to feel her dear, soft fingers through my hair, : imperfections is woman's first law; ' There is no wish in this world that can compare, , man has more the courage of his Just to be a child at mother's knee." Illl! prellv rises i ill o a higher plan--. Soon lofty sentiment, some st i rrine i lie idi -III some palriolic emo I ion. some play of fancy or wit comes from the brain or hearl of the speaker. Tile audience is hushed to sib-nee. Perhaps a lilth' mist begins to Lfather in ' their eyes. There is now an accent of emotion in the voice, ! though still soft and "vnile. ; The ( ! reek statue begins to move. There is life in the limbs. There has been a lamp kindled i sonic-whore In-hind the clear with all your heart, mii-lit and j and transparent, blue eyes. I lie soul, whenever you see any- j Ilex ible muscles of t be face ha ve, tiling or anybody that will lie come to life now. Still there better for a g;ood lone;, strong j is no jar or disorder. The touch determined push. j upon the nerves of t he audience Push! It is hist, lhe word for i is like that of a erenlle nurse. the (4raud, clear morning of life; it is just the word for si rolig arms and vouiik hearts; it is just the word for the world that is full of work as this is. If anybody is in trouble, and you see it. don't stand back, push! If there is any I bine; nood be ing done in any place w here you happen to he, push ! I -'V?fc tT is thai of a here is no per il!' roses and gently at lirst, 1 lie atmosphere May morning. ' fume but that lilies, lint still, the warmer feelings are died in the hearts of the s er ami bearers. The Ira I t be speaker is Iransligurei In A!I Dealers. Kennedy's Laxative . Cdtigfa Syrap R.JifcVi Cuus by working them out of ihe system tiircugh a copious and heaHhy rxtion of the bowels. Rslicves courIis by cleansing ths mucous membranes of the throat, chest nnd bronchial tub-is. "As pleasant to the taste as Maplo Sugar" Children Like It for BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try CoWllts Kldnoj and Bladder Plils Suro and Sail Sold by W. M. I'niii-ii, IV, ken, N. ('. k i n peak- j ne of j I. The ; THl: OLD n.AMl:. 0 i. 1 I MM H THE MM ill ,t Jtun mm mm 6. E L o r J wi:u)o. n. c Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, At'iifST L'liTIL Isii-J. ' , State of North Carolina Depository, Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C api t al a s d rpl us. $40,000. l-'or molt- thiol lifti-en vt-urs this iielitutieii tins pmviili-.l hankinir lai'ili-tu-.i fur thi section . Its Kini-klniMi-rs mi"! ihri-riors him- hi-, ii iih-nmii-i! illl till- Imsiiii-ss inti'li-sts nf llulif;i il'.i.l Nel-thiliniitiiii i-iiuiilii-s I'm many Vi-ars. Munt-y is lotuiol uion uin.ivt-il srcinilv ul the li-iial rule uf iiiti-rt-st six pi-r ct-iitum. Ai'i'uuiil-, i all are sulii-ih-il. 'I'tii- siii)ilus ami iimlivnli'.l piolils lia our reai'hi'il a sum i-iiial In the Capital Stock, tin- Hank has. i-iiinmi-ni-iiur .lauuary 1. laus, t-st.ihlishi-it a Salnifs Di-iiaitiiu'iit ulliiwitiir inti'ii-st nil timi' i!rpnsits us follows: I'er ln-posits alloni-il tio-i'tiiain tlin-i' meiitlis or Ihiil-i-i-. per t-i-nl. six imintlis or lomji-r, !t per ei-nt. 'l ui-lve months m loiiirei-. I pT-rot-iil. l-'or further information apply to tin- l-ir-nli-nt or Cashier. defects. However masculine a woman is, she reverts to the woman when necessary. The lirst words of the bride when driving from the church were: "I am so glad we are mar- I'HKHIIIKST: W. K. DA NIK I., vn i: l-l!l:si ih:t: I hi. II. U. i.i:wis, hsuii, Noithamploii I'ouutyi i-vsiio-.K; W. It. SMITH. O i ' ' izl jzz , i a o Ci ? A A V I A 1 1 1 r 1 I l B F l There they sat, those jolly drummers, not a sound that moment heard, While their tears were slowly falling, there was no man spoke a word, l-'or the memories of their childhood days had touched their dear kind hearts. When, gs children, they had played at mother's knee. Then at last the spell was broken by another travelling man, "Your attention for a moment I do crave: ried; I was getting so tired of pre-: , wi d, you ()f 0Me predous ,,if., so dear to one and all, tending to be m love with you. ; -ris wjsh W(. ,0I)K for ,0 ,hc very grave ., The president of the divorce court met a newly married woman Jllst enough of gold to keep me all my days, at dinner, and courteously said: ' JUSI elK)tKh Wllh whldl some starving soul to save, "Mind, you, come to see me at the JUSI enouBh I wish to help me on my way, court." "Of course I shall," was ' JL1SI tnoueh 10 ll;irPV be, the answer, "but it would not be i Jusl l-'"lHIh 10 km)w vn l,i;'cr poor again, becoming as yet. "- London Daily Just enough to drive away all sorrow's pain, News. : You may wish for many things, but all in vain, (live to me what precious gold can buy." The conductor passing through the train, stopped in the smoking car; He had grown quite interested in the stories told so far "Please excuse my interruption, but I listened with delight To your wishes, both of them so good and true; ; Yet there is a wish that's dearer, better far than glittering gold, Though a single one perhaps you all will say, I ' l is a longing that is in my heart each moment of my life, 'Tis a gleam of sunshine strewn across my way : i Just to open wide my little cottage door, Just to see my baby rolling on the floor, ; Just to feel that I have something to adore, j Just to be at home again, I Just to hear a sweet voice calling papa dear, Just to know my darling wife is standing near; j You may have your gold your lonely heart to cheer, I But I'll take my baby, wife and home." Kvu- Yes, she used his lov e letters under low. l-'dna -And mnvr l-'.va (lb, she ke over her pillow now. Ibhut Ivi-r. J'iva --Yes, she use: curl papers. to keep her pil- thetn (belli as 111- WAS HKitlT. " You are to fly ," he said In her, In a straightforward fashion: And then, as if to prove bis words, She Hew into a passion. milling hands are lifted in ; 1 air. The rich, sweet voice tills j lhe vast audience chamber, I i with ils resonant tones, A t i last , the bugle, the t I'linipet , j ' (In- imperial clarion, rings full ! I ami clear, and the vast audi- i j i-nce is t ranspoi'ted as to allot h , j er world I bad almost said as i to sevctlt h I lea veil. Head t he 1 ! welcome to l.afas et le or the ' matchless eulogy on ibai ilbis- ; tl'iollS object of the people's I love. Head the close oil tin ! oral ion of Wash iiigton, Dead ; the contract on Washington and Marlborough. Senator 1 1. K. Hoar, in Sen bner's. IvMCI; AM) I l.OWI RS. Love is as necessary to a wo man who has acquired the habit as tobacco is to a man. Tiri-i! iii-rvi-s. with thai '-11111111111111011" fi'i-hinr that is cuiiiinoiily fell in spring ort-uily summer, i-au he i-asilv tout t ni.-k ly alti'ivd by taknnr lull is known to ill insists i-vi'i y w hen' as Dr, slump's lii-stiirativi-. One will al-soliili-ly note a I'haiiL'i-'i fi-i-hm; within IS hours alter ht'iriitnmt: to take the Hi'storativi. The howi-is tM shiire'ish in the winter time, the i-in-ulation etteli slows up, the Kul-nt-ys an- imu'1ii ami eo n the heart in many eases irniws ilei'i,h-aiy weaker. Dr. Sheep's Mestorato e is ri-i'oirult'il t-eivwhi-n- us a yelmllli- lolllt' to these I vital means. It Inul-ls 11)1 uu-l stri utrth ens the worn. out wi-ukem-il nerves; it sharpens tlie I'aihni; upiet!te. ami uni ; versully anls ilurestiou. It always nuieklv hiiiurs n-ui-wt-'l strenirth. life, uirur. ami amhition. Try it ami he l-onvineeil. All Dialers. Insist upon IVVt Ill's W Hell llael alve. There are siilistilutes. lull there s only 01 iltiiiuI. It is In-ahue.sootli- nir ami i-oolme- au-l is especially eonil or piles. N,l,l hv W. M . '..Sou. W--1 Ion N, ('.. Mow eloquent the silent lady on a silver dollar is ! Weak uomen sheiifl ivui! niv -i'.nnk No, I fol Welneli." h was Wllltell e im-lv for ut. 1 ni -n who are not well 'I he Hook No. 4 tells of In si p s -Audit Cine" ami jusl hos I hese soul hue! . h- al ; ine. unliseplic snpposiiories can he successrnlly apihe-i. lhe hook. uuA ' sit n-t I V colili.leiitial tne.heal a-lliee is I entirely fire. 1 it,- Dr. shoop. Itaeme. I Wis. I All H.aleis. 1 11 ' he neighborhoi ul of Sbau- ; ghai all baiglish sailor on bis way to the foreigner's burial ground lo lay a w real h on t he grave of a former comrade met an intelligent looking native carrying a pot of rice. 'Hello. John:" he hailed, 'where are you goin' with that 'civ':" -1 takee put on glave glave of my tieml." said the China man. -llol Hoy laughed tin- sailor i "and when do you expect your ! friend to conic up and eat i it ':" I .1 0)111 was silent a moment, I and then replied, ''All time nil ami (iLOKGI- C. ORLI-N, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, iXaiiunal hank lliiiMiiie) Weldon, N. C. Monuments AMD Gravestones. I Wi- PAY ' FREIGHT s nCUARANTEESAFE I Otl.!Vf?Y . . . II I. vl:(.tT s I in k lit the Smith . Ji.-. ; " iir IlliisliahJ Calalumic Dec. THE COUPtR KlsRBlE WORKS.' ,ICMnl.lish.-.l IMS.)" I Vi to IH'.l I'.ank si., Norfolk, 'a. no e 1 y W. W. K AY. i ;Family i km, Men do a lot of moralizing, women are more moral. but saiiieo your liend come sinelb-e your llowers." land Leader -fie Philanthropy is charity plus pub- II. I licuy. AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WI:LD()N as follows: No. 32 (or Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.2S a. m. No. 38 (or " " " at 2.57 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. n n Women Who Wear Well. Tt iu iictMiiwhirifT hfitv (Trout ft lniiicrt a t few your of iniirrird lifn often nuiko in ' ? tho aiiiM'ttrum-H ami tlUix.Mium uf many -j wonii'iL. Tho frailness, tho charm, tho l)rillliLiu,(vanihh like tho hlimm from iv 1 v pracli sw is ruth'ly hantilfd, Tlio ! r. iiiairou is tuny n unn siiutiuw, miin, rciio of tho fliarniititf lualiliMi. TIhto ur two n-UHons fur tin clianiio, iK'i'iniiu-o unl itcHlct't. 1'Yw yoiiurf wiimon ni'nt'iato tho shtH-)( lo tin stnn tliroimh tho clninwn whirh otmit'H with marriau'o hih! niolloThiNMl. Many in uh'i-t lo th ai wllh tlio itnpli'aaiit iH'lvio drains aiitl Wi'ali iiosm'S whi.h h nfliit mmo villi inr rlap1 ami inoilifrhotMi, nut niith riantliiiii thai thin aiTivi tt nun is nn-tHti ttn- i-Ihtk uf frohno!ti and iho form of Hi fairings. A surely flu tho ffonoral hoalth jnifforu when thoro is d.iom(,iitof tho hoallh of thodollcato womatrinrgans, tu nurrly nh'rfPtruf organs aTtNtahlishod In hoal tho r(o iiiitVUTrK owro witness to thoTaot In rNtrd comon! Jsujirly &. mllljori women hajLflfunnd hoiilthaml happiiH"9 In tho yso of Dr. Pleryfa Fa voriti' rrrscriptiun It malies weak worn" en itLroiig und si ok women well. Ingredi ents on label contains no aleohul or ' l IrUllv "- ''1' vrt pi. sllll-tllllll pmiiinv.l ol u mail HOW TO WIN VICTORIES. ----- . - lTorKetting Those Things Which Are lithind, mid teaching l;orth I'nto Those Things Which Are Before, I Press Toward the Mark Phil, iii, I3-I-I. m m althColf.-. Collee hllllalloli the finest I oiler has tvtvnllv heel of h'ai-llU'. 'ls. fee in il either I'lom pure i.iaste.l eee al nuts, etc. I tea 1 1 y il won pert who niiht I ollee No twenlv ol I hoihiu, -Mail iloclol, I ol sal,- hv W . I I'.n C JX. S' 1' OI1IA. tVI.I.DON, N. c. -luce.l. this ever liuele. lll.S! p 'of teal cof- ee Is ina-le with mall. oo! an i-s- nl, jj ly liniiules ; sa s llo- : W i l.lon. N, I . ! Bt-am Ilia Bignature of ,!!:c 1-4 Vra Hi km Bt&ft ; y I There's hardly anyihin you can'! inherit except what you need. Thousands SfeYO Kidney Trouble anil Never Suspect it. ; I'oliU niv e !, -t ei' even-thiii!.!: in my alt, ut ion to all nt KAY'S. WALTLR 1-. DAMLL. attoum:u-,t-i., I r is not by reureitinc what is irreparable that true work is to be I done, but by making the best of what we are. It is not by com plaining that we have not the right tools, but by u-,mj; well lhe tools we have. What we are, and where u c arc. is Cod's providential rnn,e-tneni-Cod's doing, though it may he man's misdoings; and ihe man ly and the wise way is to look your disadvantages in the face and see what can be made out of them. Life, like war, is a series of mistakes, and he is not the best Christian nor the best general who makes fal.se steps. He is the best who wins the must splendid victories by the re trieval of mistakes, l'orgel mistakes; organize victory out of mis takes. By putting off things beyond their proper times, one duly treads upon the heels of another and all dtuies are felt as irksome obligations, j Women have no respect for men who listen to everything they say. w h, i of Ko.l, lllllv ,H III! cla veil tie, pace es ,,l .1 h, hlllk ol l!i.h.'eli,,n think ,1 is wilh, ml , I. ml.! Un ion liial romp!, I, I, .h-.'esls I iiil thai is whal n ,ai I ne- ol. he i-t inn i -i l'rto al. nt v of K ,, M.l pi'-pi,- i'-i not ii ilic t:. lin.riasc am! I emark-ihlc po act piiunpll that w ill L'-t the et- wol iheostmi: th, hill in,,,,, i J,i ai il, , lis, Il lor tooil that is hoital. Il is pi, a Sol.l hv , M l ol h .soni, if, ml, I,- an-l stonen-h i eat mi, I ll ml lo lake, ell. Wei, Ion. Y .'-1 , 1 ,v- , 'v. w ,; r " ' f- 1,1 ll.rm - ,i . ,, .' on,-), vi,;;,- ii.- " i l l-UN, N, ('. fgl'di'tices ill the cmilts of 1 lull lux and ; Noi Ihioiipion ami in tin- Supreme and IV, 1, oil c, nits, t oUectnms imnle in nil ,ai ts ol Noi Hi ( aiohna. I'.iam-li ollicn nl Ilahlav open everv Mom lav, rei,e:nie,l ., ' "5 l1'1" "t .mil pbv i ! , e ; e oar... II Ihaipn- t i-i-i i t ! i! ,- tl kBrr ' If men were less stupid women would have lo be a lot more clever. It Readied the Spot. Mr. K. Iluinphrev. who owns a laie i harmful hai.it forming drugs. M,ie ! a yoke beneath which we fret and lose our peace. In n os, cases ihe ! '."' sr ,';'," ":'' , """' "'",! ,IS i.,.ti.r .01, mtivn a , pi ..... n,.uon ! r .1 .1. ... 1, 11 proMilcn! ol t he A -lams ( on nl v I ele- """ ' ...u - : consequence 01 mi.s i 111,11 t ...ivi. 111, inni; (t) U( me WOI K as It OUgllt ' pliom-1 , npanv. a-well a- of the llom,- For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C, II (1 ATT IS, Traveling Passenger Agent, t Raleigh, N.C. Inal nmhs most lilnlily n-runi mended tiy ti-iKluiii miillcal authorities ut all tin sev eral seliool.s of practice for the cure uf woman's is-culiar ailments. l-'or nursing mothers.or for thnw tiroki-n-dnwn In lu-altli tiy tiHifri-ipieul hearing of chililren. Rlso for tlio expectant mothers, to prepiire tlio system for tho coming nf baby and making its advent easy ami almost painless, there, Is no medicine quito i so good as "Favorite. Vrescrintion.' It I can tin no harm in any cm, Inn, 11 of tiie i oysUun. It Is a must potent invigorating i tonic and ulrengtlii-nlng nervine, nicely j ailaptisl to woinan's delicatn system by I physichui of large exiH'rlence in the treat- uu-ntiif woman's H-culiar ailments. ; Ur. Plercfl nrav lie consulted, by letter ree of charge, Addrens Wr. R. V. 1'lerco, nvallds' lintel and Surgical luatltulu, I hutlalu, M. Y. ' to be done. It is therefore done precipitately, with eagerness, with a i lvl','! greater desire simply to get it done than to do it well, and with very little of God throughout. Ohi livery one will generously share his troubles with the world, but who will divide his joys? The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come. A checkered career frequently ends in stripes. The troiihh- with most couirh cures is I'i" they 1 stipule. Krune,ly' Laxa tive t'oinrh Syrup does not constipate, hut on the other hand its laxative prin- ei,ies teiiiiy move me hovvi-. t is i i,n, r, pleasant In lake anil is especially ree- i ' oininemleil for cliililien. ax it "lastcs 1.. c 1 1 r 1 c 111 neai I v as ennui as m ;1, It S awful dcCCItlul For a Child tO liolie 1 o.. ol I'lse 1 olllitv. Silys ol 1. Kllie s New Plseoveiy: - t saveil 111 v hie once At least 1 think it ilul. Il w-eme.l h, reach the spotthe i very seat ol my eoueh w hen rei ytliiim else failed '' tlr. Kllie's New llisemciy nut only n-achrs theconch spot, it heals tin- sore spots ami weak spots in throat lumrs an,! chest . Sol,! nmler uiiarantee at any ilrut: store, .'tin-, ami SI, Trial tun, ; !;!- : !i!-ii, s lhe MSU'lll. Wil ,1 TO Do. ! ,- i 1 ,:!ii L 111 the know !, ,p,;c fas i;,ic,s, ,1, that Dl. Kilmer s y ,'. i, the- pm.t ki-lnev n-iueilv, ,n,iv vi:Ti in euriuo 1 iieltliiatism, ,1 lhe I,, -k. l.l-'.nevl, l!-.'!, !,!a,Mel p;,!l ef till lllinaiv passa;.u', o,,ls iaa'-'ialy to lioi.l viau-r ,',,';, e, e 11:1 in passim: it, or had - i, ,ii,,w ne- lee of li'u,i!', wine el and o-.eu-oUK-s that une'.cas nil 11c-- of heiu. r, impi oed to eo oltell ; tlic ilav, and to (jet up many ilminu tin-' liejht. The mild and muniwiu,i.iiiwwa AND CURE THE LUNGS with Br. Kind's ew uiscovery PRIOR In,. & si.rn. Trial eollie free AND OIL THROAT AND tUNG TROUBLES FOB CMS a UARg NXEED SATSFACXOK Oil MONEY REFUNDED. tiici vtraDidinaryi-ili cL of walp-K)ot is soon rcali.-cd.' It stands the hielusl for its wondei !ul cures of the most dis tri'ssine cases; If volt need a medicine vou should have the hest. f-old hv ilrug jjistsin lil'tv cent and one-dollar sizes. Von mac have a .sample l-otlli- and a book that tells all Sold l.y W. M sugar. t'ohen, U elilon, N. V. Courtship may be said to be sort of coo-parfnership. like to go to school. likrtirH WtlTl nl,i il liotlisent free I by mail'. Address Dr. H,i;''5'.i . Kilmer X to., Itnic- --trrci i ha niton. N. Y. When nomi-oib.mp-itoot ., I writing mention tins pnper and don't I it-Witt'H Little i-auly Hiset-H are 8inal make any mistake, lint reniemher Iho eafe, .sure and gentk- little pills. i name, Dr. Kilmer's sianii-Kool, nud Sold by V. M. Cohen, ehlon, N. (J. ' Mie addrebs, UiiighauUiiu, N. . FkE HF.TURN CO. I. M! CHAftCEK AHE i.-i, phiil.j cj i-k.iUdivr 1 U t I hil a 1 1 tinmtoit -tn. ftiwrn. TISEDill'l KOLIV In-, TIMnr-MANKS, Pitt' IONS unit (.OC VhlCKTS i(iif kly lilaui:il. :;!. i k tt .J ft , . I .4 tO VI-ARS'Ei THE tOWET iNrnmccMrNT ;4 I Vv - Z?tJ3jm ""

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