iSpa iui mm Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1 .50 Per Amuim VOI,. XLIII. Wi:iJ. X. ('., Till' l!s)A Y, -U Ni: I. l!)us. no. r THE STAGES OF LIFE THIS IS A 0000 ONE. LET THE BOYS MAKE THEMSELVES e 5 I IF. t V rfooT : -. r - Al.i'OIIUL 3 PKK CKNT. AVcffi'iiililcPirparjiinnfoctj simil;iliiii;il-Fou(l,iniia'(!iil3 lingilii'Suimaihsni'ilUwIsii PromoicsDi&'slionflffifiil ness awl hVxi jrouuiiu nriifcr Opium. Morphine iwr Mineral. PiOTNAKCOTIC, fljmdiir An" Itrm M- mtfijmsiinsr. Anerfpcl IWnwdv forComtbi- llon.SuurSlomacli.Dlarrliw WoniisfonvulsioHs.l'ovcnsli lu;ssadLossorSLKl' Facsimile Signature of Eituj? NEW YUKrV. Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AH IF Use For Over Thirty Years STOMA TMI etNTAUII eMNT. MtW V0H OITY. nxoE OEzicao N I I'M"M:k HI uihI .', P. N. STAIN. BACK. I NIUMM AKKli. VVeldon, . . North Carolina. Hull Line of CASKI-TS. COLLINS lind KOHLS. Day, Night and Out-ot 1 own Culls Promptly Attended to. II. (1. WOWH, I'UMiRAL DIKLCI'OK AM) L.YilUl.MLR. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. zaoi aopaoi ioc THE MM OF WELDON WKLDON, N. c- Organized Under the Laws of the Stale of North Carolina, Ana st .'urn. w:. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, Yor uum 1 1 ia.ii liftetMi Vfiir tins i n-ttl utin liu umi.litl i.uukim: fiu'ih tit's for Ih ih mu'tinn Its stofk huMi-is uimI tliit'i'toitw have ln-eu ulriititit'tl with the hummus mteirsts nf Huhiav uinl Nn l Imin tii nunitirs fur many years. Money is lnunel uhhi npjunvel M-eurity ut tin1 leiil rate of intcrt'Ht hix per ceiitnui. AeemnMs ul' ull are solicitfil. The wmphiH ami mith uU prolits h:t mir iva-h'il a siun t'i uul to the Capital Stoek, the Hank has. etnnmeiieimr Juimai y 1. I'htS, t;ihli.sln'l a Saviti(f( lepaitnient allowing intt irt oti time tlfpomt as t'ullow; Kor Itt poHit.H alluwetl tureuiuiu thit'i1 tiiitutlf i li'iitn. 'J per ernt Si montlis or Imnrer, 'A per eent. Twrlw niuiilh m IniiL't'r. I prr ernt. For further infoiniatmn apply to the I'reMtlent of fahiet. I'HKSlllKN'T: VH'K' 1'HKMHKN f: 1 AS 1111 K! W. K. DAMKl., I'u. II. . I.LWIS. W U sMllll. (.hu'hsun. Noithaiiipt'in eoinity) Lrom The Cradle To the (irave. Tun iii-Mt urn 1 1 whai is Litv:'-' ; Ikis Ih'cii iiskril niaiiy times, : bill it Ims si'liloiii hern ; JIIISWCII'll in till' iikiiiiiiTcIioscii bv a I'iirisiiin iiii'ilii iil in. in in KiTin li .1 iiiu-iiu I of lli'iilth. Hi' llllS lll'lilll'll lil'l- ill tlTIIIS of llis : casi', mill his iiimlysis ii-i'cims thus: First Vi'iir liil'iiiitih' coin plaints ami vaecinat ion. Second Year Teething, croup, infant ile cholera and coin nlsioiis. Third V e a r Ihphtheria, , whuopini'oiili and Ihoik hit is. Fourth Year- Scarlatina and i llieliiilis Fifth Year -Measles. liv now, he says, half the children are dead. The others live on as follows: Seventh Year-- Mumps. Tenth Year Typhoid. Sixteenth Year Chlorosis and spinal irritation. F.iL'hteeiil theiiia. ! Twentieth Year-Cephahiia alcoholism and vertigo. Twenty-tilth Year -Marriage I i included anions the diseases, I j Thirtieth Year Dyspepsia and nervous asthenia. Thirty-lifth Year -I'lieiiino nia. Foi'ty-lifth N ear -l.uinbano and failing siht. Kifty-lifth Year- Hheuiiialisin and haldness. Sixtieth Year -Amnesia, loss of teeth, hardeiiiiii; of artiries. Sixty-lifth Year- Apoplexy. Seventieth Year Amblyopia deaf ness; general debility, loss of tone in tlio digestive organs, polity rlieiiiiial ism. Scvcntv-tlfth Year Death. ,-wM'a,iti..:S!;--" nw Neuras- ! Trying to Lind Out Mow To Spell Lii.arns. it known that t .vnclibury. 'iru;i order likker house I .aa i ns ( 't ii v . Iiere is in da. a mail called the if, Lazarus (iuu.KMill JdllNSDN OK .MINNESOTA. is proprietor or something or other where his name is used ill seniliiie, for a few. So it happened the iithei day i i Dan ville that a si roiii; ion isl was walk ill); down a prim i pal si reel and saw a n erst w bile one wboseeined iiiiieh interested in the pa);e, of a sacied book, iiud I he prohibit ioiiisls Wiis pi o foiindly struck with the siiua , lion, lie exulted Ile saw that hisewioil work had iilready borne fruit and t be saloons bad ! been but a week pine. He sa luted his neighbor and said: ! "Well, I am Kind to see this. It : tills my heart with joy and doubly so when I know that 1 ; took such ii (,'i-ent part in the : election, lint a few weeks ao. ; my friend, you were lined up with the thus and theam blers, and today, under this beautiful rfijjn of prohibition you are at your home, you are i seated on your front porch i ivniliiijr that sacred book-in- There Are Just as Many Future Millionaires ISIaikin ISonlsaml Selliii); Capers Today as There liver Were. E LKY ileiier.ition of successful men is possessed with the idea that it had exception, il abilities or exceptional chances, the like of which the world will nevel" know attain, lint the word goes on, wealthy men die and more men of ciual or greater wealth '.ucceed them. Tin. re never jel was a period in , the world's history when pluck, energy and industry, coupled with ; shrewd business sense, could not climb the rilled steep which leads to fortune. Hoys ami men must ' work always and wail often if they would win "in the tierce race for ; wealth." But working or wailing I they will win if they seize their op ; poriunilies when these oiler and ability to piolii by diem when they are seized. What we insist on i in this question of "What Shall Vt'e Do With Our Boys?" Is that they shall he given an Fnglishedu ! cation and then let them do Fur ; themselves, (live them the oys- terknife and let them seek the oys- i ter Fortune and operate it. If they : can't do this the chances are ten To : Wuv tip 1j' !' l.,n-t Ix- C . -II luilifil. hut lr. si.i-ni 1T.S . Tli.'loino. . I 'ul ti n, t hi-r" nl I .it Olio ,i! tv.i In ..lini-nls, n lo'-itl. :o' i- t'.n .'.tih. Djl. fll rim -1;.' iii D ii v.- mumrtiiiif , n Niifl.l Cure h Hf I Mini, s M-Titiiv-'. tin- i .t i -i 1 1 1 1 1 f iDmiii'- -iM'l'''-ft"0 r-di-'lv. v, In.- It .ir.ui v- i . lo.llv a; niC iDnl i r. ii .it i v t-ii.'ii. s ttiJ"tij.l,(ii.l Mm repair nl ml in.rvi!. ,'1 nil hi. 'lTk IVllM'- di-ichaitt'-, i-ii'iDiii-iil. Bin HJ.MI.. vi Uj Mii -! I. ' nr- el lUlll.i U-.ll- ho In i- impll- .In .-iin.l iiitl-i It4 III -ilkll. .- Illl. I ll)- l;.-ti)r il I f V. en ll'TVnl. rii"W.'l inr uml miiliil inn. i- ii.., l.iliiK'inr iili.nit ii'in-Wfi iiii-l 'iii 'l.ik- tr. Himiii 4 h I - ' r 1 .I'll i1' I - ii ii K' ti'-rn! tninif .11 ll.i- IIS H. il Dr. 6'hoop's Night Cure All Dealers. Kodol For ndigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If ,ift.T i!mi;i: ov.. t! Il..'. of a Jl IV, tmtlld (.f K .l.'l. lull ( .in h. ii.'-llv it 1,.,.; t (ifii,.. i.u. wt; mi'I itltintl v.ittr ittiiiiT. 'I IV K 'I I. .I.1V lilt (111- , ,;,ii ,lil,... I ill nut Uli.l 1.1. ii llm f. 'lun ula. .if ,.'iit it tn Hie ,l,-.ili r ut tin. tun,. i,I iiii.i' If il r.iils tn suti'.fy Vi ii Plum Uul buttl.i i'iitll;nllini; iiiii. thil.l el lli'l lii. ilifini. tn llu: ite.ii.-i finiii wlliuil ytiu lji,ul,l it. ami wo will ii fun.i luui iiiuncy. - ill Till. Out - The Minnesota Democratic Convention which met on May I lib, th and enthusiastically declared for Covcrnor Johnson for President. deed this is joy cnoiiKh fr all to one that they would not have that you ; word in the c-it v. years. 1 take it. are now study in;- Hi order that you, like may he regenerated." I The ol.l pilgrim on the pon h ivplied. sayinj- "Hit ain't the divine word of which I am a sufficient ' git up and git" to take advantage of fortune if brought to them on a half shell. j Just now there is altogether too j much solicitude of the parents as to j what they will do with our boys, which leaves the impression on the DigestsWhatYouEat Arid Makes the Stomach Sweet . C. OoWITT & CO., ChlcuKO. IU. I l.v U . M. Cuhfii, Wet, tun, N. ('. reading', hut I'm a trying to i minds of the young gentlemen of lind out how to spell Lazzerus the period that something has got - as I am short on likker and ; to be done for them, instead of en was wanting in e,it off an order ; couraging the more manly thought to l.v nchbiit'e; on this hen- next . that they must do for themselves. (iLOROl-i C. ORLLN, ATTOkNHY-AT-LAW, l National Hunk I'.uil.linif) : Weldon, N. C. sliiuia.'li timil.l. v an- w iv i-iniiniuii in llu siniiiiitT lout' an. I yen .inil,l In-, very rairlnl ulmiit loll you fat ju-t ! iiuvi, I. ill mini' 1 1 in n tins, yen should In1 nuiii' i-aii'lul no! t.ialtoH vmn sl.mia.'li , to lie .lisolilrlt-.l. llinl vvli.'ll tilt' sliilllilrll L'lirs vvtitiiir takt' 1 In e the li.'sl knovMi iit'.aiaOiiii tlial in ollen-.l In tin1 ,i'.i,li' lo.lay I'm ilyu-.sia or III - .llL'.-stii'li 01 tin v stolna.'li t ii ml "If. kn ilnl iliiri-ts nil looil. It is ili-asaut lo take. Sol.l l.v V. M. Colieu. i l.lnii. N. C. MOW nr. KNLW. 8EA I0AR ) A lady who was perfectly well, hut fancied she was suffering from fever, called on an old and experi enced physician to consult him. She described her symptoms at some length, and he listened pa tiently. At last he said: "I think 1 understand your case inadanr. Sit perfectly still a few moments and let me look at you." j She complied, and he eyed her . attentively for neatly a minute, ; glancing at his watch once or twice in the meantime. "There is nothing the matter i with you, madam," he said. "You ! haven't the slightest indication of fever. Your heart heat is perfect-' ly normal." i . "Why, how do you know , doc tor?" she asked in surprise. "You i didn't feel my pulse." ' "I didn't need to," he answer ed. "1 counted the vibrations of' the ostrich feather on your hat." ! And he bowed her out. ! PAN By James Whitcomb Riley This Pan is but an idle god, I guess. Since all (he fair midsummer of my dreams He loiters listlessly by woody streams. Soaking the lush jjlooms up with laziness Or drowsing while the maiden winds caress Him prankishly on2 powder him with gleams Of sifted sunshine. And he ever seems Drugged with a joy unutterable unless His low pipes whistle hints of it far out Across the ripples to the dragon fly That, like a wind born blossom blown about, Drops quiveringly down, as though to die, Then lifts and wavers on, as if in doubt Whether to fan his wings or fly without. Copyright by James Whitcomb Riley. mail. And the man who saw Ke- ! ; n-m-iii t i hi on this porch wen! softly on his way he looked into the heavens where (he Illi nois dwell be e;azed out on the bi-atil if ul laiiilsc;iie which lod had formed ami fashioned he drank Ibe perfume of the wild i (lowers that peeped at him with saucx eves from t he old fences t,,. way he recalled that from the dust of the earth mail I was made ami in a w hisper that was lower even than the soft south wind thai deftly touched his I'eruna painted check a w hisper that ev en the impels failed to hear, he said, "Well I'll be ,1 -d " There is no reason to suppose that die channels to competence and wealth are fewer and more dil'licult than they were years ago. NOTHINO TO 1)0. 1 low can a man say that a wo man has nothing to do? In one year she gets dinner 3ti5 times, w ashes the dishes 1,095 times, gets the children ready for school twice a day for ISO days, puts the baby to sleep 1,-ltiO time., makes about .100 calls; as she wishes For something she hasn't every minute she wishes for (H) things an hour or 5-25, (iOO things in a year. Who says that a w oman has noth ing to? Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY "k FREICHT ' CUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . I, KilXTr K 111 tlir Mi.Mtll !lliblMtd Catalogue l ice. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. il-:-tal,lilie,l lsis.) Norfolk, Vll. ; i l"i!l lo IIBI bank nov L' Iv t.. YOUR PICTURE. What Hcys Think They Should Lenrn. uf the rising generaimn a young man should learn to lie, to cheat, to drink, to play billiards, to swag ier in the streets, to live without ... . . - -1. r. .... .- i work, to ode everv pretty girl he un me river ut nie, ioc eiccui-, " - ft W eak women shuultl try lr. Slump's i Niirlit I lire. These MiolillliL-. Iielllinc-, J aiilise.lie Mi,.ositones un ilin-el ,i the J seat ni" Ihese weaknesses. .My "l!ook , No. I tor U nun n " I'oniaiiis inuiiv al- uaUle hulls to women, an.t it is flee. Ask In. Shoi.l.. nl Ivil.'iue. Wis. to mini il Ask the iloi-'tor in slrietesl i-onli-.1. ui-e. an v qin-vi inns vou wish answen-.l .V.H I'eale.s. For a poor incubator, the owner can usually hatch up some excuse. To sto. any pain, anyw ln-ie in -n min utes. take one of l'r. stniop's AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRlL 12, 1908. ; cian strikes many a strong current. ' meets to treat lus elders Willi uis-1 ...k i h..'.. I'au. means. .om.-. s. 1 , respect, to talk loud in the presence M -s H. u.Ui.-i .. I'u.k I'ain Tai.i.-ts of Others, to put Oil Style whether , will iin-kly l.h.o.l pn ssnre away ..... . u . . . r liom pain eenlers. A Iter that, lain is j lie can aftord it or not, to boast ot irtM. h,,,,,,,,,,,, x.,.,,,,,,,, ,m(n 'the Feminine conquests he has roth women, etc., m-i iuuttut you told me thai was a neip, -ii lanieis . K-. , , ,. . J. II.... tf.J All Healers. KC), rut i louuci sonic suoi ill il jnOUSallflS 11 U T C IMQflGy wlien I was eating it. tin, dat ine narucucu imet uocs not u ,,- .,!,,,, l. v ,,1 These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WULDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.25 a. m. No. 38 for " " " at 2.57 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 03 p. m. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon. N. C. Or write to C. IL (iATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, I Raleigh. N.C. A Lazy Liver Mat tin only a tired liver, or a atarvad liver. It vvoulJ In. a stupid an well as Havairr. thin? to te;tt a weary ur man Ix-i-miso l.u lairisl hi liU work. So In treatinii tha laoiiix, torpid liver It Is a tm-ul inistakti to lash It with strong drastU' driixs. A torpid liver Is hut an ol an lll-liiiurlslied, enfeeliled bmly wlioiu- organs aru weary with over work. Sun with tin stoiuaeh and allied omaiu ol diKesiioii and nutrition. 1'ut tlii'in In workluic order and nee how qiil.-kly your liver will U-eomn aolivn. llr. I'ler.-l' S (Inlden M.ltleal Illsi'oV'ery I'OI.K MIl.t.LK'S M:V ONL. ' Mr l'olk Miller, ol' Richmond, ; blew into the editorial office of the Almanack like a fresh hrecve From the South a Few days ago, and was promptly asked, of course, for the latest darky story in Virginia. He said it was about substituting a w ild turkey for a lame turkey. One of his friends bought a turkey from old 1 'tide Fphtaim and asked him, 1 in making the purchase, if it was a ! lame turkey. "Oh, yais, sir, it's a tame tu'key ol right." "Now, I'pliraim, are you sure it's a tame turkey?" -'Oh, yais, sir; dcrc's no so't o' doubt 'bout dat. It's a tame turkey ol right." Ile con sequently bought the turkey, and a day or two later w hen eating it he came across several shot. Later ; on when be met old Hphraini on the street be said: "Well, Fphraini tame tur- A (iii.iul "umilv Medicine. "It uivt.s llle I'leasiite to -peak a inn.l Wot. I lor l.leetlie Ihllels." Willis Ml. lunik Ionian ol' No i:i i llniishiu St, New Yoik. "Its a Lriaii.l family eiile lei il -pep-ia iiiel hel eolll phea- lions; while tot lame am! weak kl.lneys 1 U cannot he too highly reeolllllletl.ieil." I'teetl ie lllttels (collate the ihc'esnve luuetiotis. piint'y tin-t.lo.'.l. ami impait leiiewe.l viu-or and v ilahly to the weak ami ilel.llltate.l ot'hoth sexes, Sol.l nil tier c'uiuainee at anv .liinr stoie. .ie. Some Female Figures are unac coumable. Br. tb. U H:l" Mm There takes place many a slip after the cup has been to the lip. i Cvvvvvj- ) u 3 if PBEPREPI JofccSays IhrowtheLiQht on! STAG pVsu PAINT lis woi III loulin6 into. and prnelical users everywhere proclaim it Iho best.' :CNE(wlUmaksTWO .Most people wouldn't believe andidatel'or office under oath. The something you get for noth ing is seldom worth any more than that. made, to have every slang term on his tongue's end to gossip with his chums about his lady acquaintances, to attract all tlrf attention to him self that he possibly can, to talk like a loafer and a fop instead of a quiet, sensible man, to call his father "the old man," and his for Sale by PILRCE-WHITEHEAD HOW. CO., Weldon, N. C. WALTLR AT II L. DAM IX, I I'ORN'liU-AT-I.AW, war a tame tu'kev ol rmht." was seem to lake things much to heart. ; l!njL. :p,raim-s rciicraicd ue hew tit s i mi, moils little pills, ..1,1 l.v . M Tally i.isets, llu- ohell. Well. ill, N la- To lind good sopranos and alios, ba inudt-many inarveiuin eure.ioi "liver i niiither "the old woman, " to think you must seek high and low. u-iiiitili.-- by it.- woudirhil routrol of tliu "but dc lac' is, boss, I'se gw tne lo tell ycr in cotilidence dat Jem ere shot was intended fer me." Advertiser's Almanack. oi of diiiestlou and iiutri'.li.n. It re aturi4 tlif normal aeiivny nl tie stoiuaeii, litervaw-s tlm s.-cretii,ii!i uf the I :ood aiak lug iflands, cleanses lliti Kyslein from pot- ' tuniiiis ai'i-uniulalinns, and sorellevi-Htlio liver ul tlio burdens Imposed uimjii it l.y tli di-Ii-ctlon of other organ. If you have blueror bad u,-c In th ttorn Oil. puororirarlibla tpiwtlie. coned toufua. foul bnalb. cokillpatisl or Irrtaular buelt, (Ml mk. aalll llrd.ponden, fissiuonl bedn hefc pain ir dlltraiW. "aniall of back, rntwlng or U-frcs5t'd fceiyj In ilomn-b. oerhtp nauia.NKVV " itatiwa la Uroal afwr eatlnc. anil klnStt mpiomt of weak iiomach and torpid lindk ftu mrdl Clntwlll rvllcTe ion more r"""i)Ui or iot f, , iH'rii.iio-nUi- tUu L'c-.iui ni.y OjUvii Medl.-ll I'lvcurry. Pvrliap oul a part ol U.e above tyuiploriij will be pment at one tint and yet point to torpid liver or biliousness and weak itomaeh. Avoid all but bread and biscuits, f iddle cakes and Dlher Indigestible food and lake the "llol.len Medical l.lscovery " regularly and tllck to lis use unill rou are vigorous and stn.nff. Trie "Discovery" Is mm-Ms-rct, non-aleo-i Mk'. Is a alycerle estra.-l of native) medicl ! nsl nsits wlih a full list of lis Imrnllenta ' prlnled on each bottle-wrapper and attested , under oath. Ite Ingredients ara endorsed and eitolred by the most eminent misln-al : writers of the age and arc rvcoinmendcd to cure lha diseases for which It Is advised. ' Don't accept a liihalltuM of unknown oompoaltlon lor this non-acra( auuncua er uaws oowroamoii. I l:ii cuts in little cuts, siiiall scialelies ' ' ,,, I,, .,, I,,., ,,,.,,,. t,.. ,,,.L le i hy lleU ilt's iteli lliti I salve It is espeeiallv i!oo. tol piles Ile sun toilet UeWltl's. I .-1.1,1 l.v W M I ohell. Uehloll, N. I'. The successful lailbreakers must be inclined to break into a smile. illy of every woman he sees, audio spcuk ill uF cVci y chance he gets, to turn up his nose at those quiet, sober, industrious young men w ho do not train in his crow d, ii) treat his sister w ithout any son oF regard, to treat her like an ill- bred loafer instead of a gentleman. ; . ,,. ,. , , , , . ,, ,. i Ih-W itt s hi.lnev ami Itla.hlei I'llls aie 1 Ic'I'e is your picture, last young , .rompt au.l Ihorouiili ami will in a very ! man true to hie! Look ai it! I low i rhV" """'. ';'itl.'-n tin-, weakened . knliiev's an.l allav l.ioiilih-s aiisinir lrom 1 do )'OU like il! t hal W ill they do uillaiiiinatioii f the I lu v an- for you? VXTuit has the future in ! -'"'m. eu-iyw h.-uv ' t Sold l.v U . .M. I ohell, Wl'l.lon, N. ( . i store for you? Unless you change i . . your course most radically ruin. It must make a person Feel cheap ! i 1 to look like thirty cents. I liiuMen s Arnica Salve Wins. I,. Ml ...,ie, of 1,'inal II,, V, I ',:,,,.. o . "i i.u.t a !.: .,.. come on the instep el my tool and Coul.l lili.l ll.'tluuu' that would Ileal II until I applied Itlleklen's llin-a Siltve. Less than halt ol n C c ).o won the day lor me l.v alleelinu apeil'eel cine." S..1.1 uii.le. L!ii:iianlee ai ttiiv dine st,ne. IINLIKR HLR CHICK LNS. "Is this really chicken soup?" asked Mr. Starboard. "Of course," snapped Mrs. Siarvem. "Docs'i it taste like chicken?" "X'hy, no, it's positively tender."'s 1 f'otiyh Svrup is , the one that children like kovvi-II to take ' as il tastes neatly as iroo,l as maple suiriir. it is ditt'eietit from the olhersas , il does not constiiiate. lint on llu nlhcr liainl il actK ifeiilly yet freely on Hie howels an. I llu rehy it ilrivea the fold out of the svsteni. i Sold l.v VV. M. ( ol.en. Weldon. N. f. It's not pleasant to be the target for shooting pains. LIT ILL ALICLS kLTOKT. "1 w iuiKln't cry like that if 1 were you," said a lady to little Alice. "Well," said Alice, between her sobs, "you can cry any w ay you like, but this is my way." If you start out to be good, be sure that you have a good start. The Host Pills Hver Sold. "After iloctuiiiuf l.'i years for t'lirouic iiiiliircstion. and sjieiulinir overtwo liun. ilrisl dollar:, notliiuir lias done me as much iool as Ir. King's New Life Tills 1 consider them the liest pillsever Bold" writes H. K. Ascue. of lniflesiili', N. C. rJolil under guarantee at anv druit store. 2..0. Trouble and Never Suspect it l'revRlency of Kidney Lis, w. Must jieoplc do imt realize llu- alarm ing imriase and icinaik ible jiu-v.ih m.y uf klilr,ev,i! fepH CL! " -t Whllekldn, ) ills- 51 Tt7L'" '"" '7UV)f tlA rvv.-Knircl by tiK' i P-Umol -'"'"I I'l'V- (, -ts,,,. t.tL.i.3, i...- ' ,', (nit thtniKtlrii in'lh ie.'f.'i'',; '.'if r'Tfs, while the oi,,j ,,. ' ,, i.m iiiulei mines the sjstem. What To no. Thcie is eoiuloit in the knowledge so c-.piessed, that I". Knmer's Sw oiiii Hoot, the great kidney remedy, 1 lullnls' evciv wish ill curing l hclllluitislli, p,uu in the ii.iek, kidneys, liver, l.laddcr .-in, I evciv pint of the urinary paaaaiiC It eniiecis iiinhility ,to hold water an 1 seaidiiii; pain ul passing it, or had elU. is loiiovviui! use of li.pior, wine or l.eer. and overcomes, that unpleasant nc- , i-i -silv ol lieiiiR eoniiK-lled to go often . 1 .hiiini; the ilav, and lo get up many , times during the night. The mild and ; the extraordinary elici t of Sw amp-Root j is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wou.leriut cures of the most ilis- : tressiiiK rases. It von uccu a uieuiriiie von should have the best. Sold by drug ' jjistsin fiflv-eent and onc-ilollar ' You may' have a sample bottle and a book that tells all PS-ss-v i alvantit.bothsent free Oil GPsStt : 1v mail. Address llr. Jtliji.drrKa I Kilmer & Co., mx-Jj&'ii , hamton, N. Y. When nei auns-Boi ! writing mention this paper and don't j make anv mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's -Swamp-Root, and I Hie address, llingbauitou, N. V. Vv K1.HUN, N. V. l'taetioes in the couils of llahfiix and Noilhampton and m the Supreme and I'l'deial couils. I 'ollectioiis made in all pails of Noilh I aiohna. Ilianeh idhce al llahlax open eveiy Monday. KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS wth Dr. King's New Discovery ron TRICK r K I yy""3 Kle linn. rRiri? OLDS Trial Bottle Frte AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES, GUAR NTEED 6AT18FA0X0B.V OR MONEY REFUNDED. I'rwn.fMlv oM( .t fee RfTURN t O. M VKAMS'KKPEKtCNCK. (i)rCMGSW THK LOWE1T. H. n.1 iilmIH. .)iUt or tAH.-h f.r ripcrl Fsawn-h nft.1 ti;f t.-xiil ill lh-tHnlilliy. INFRINCKMCNT t-tiil r-.niducltti UfDtx nit rwrU. i'ntfitti. (it.ltilttAi tl.ioui h (W, HOVfll TltlOfttirl SOLO. f'l". 1RADE-MARKS, PIN IMS nd COPYRIGHTS quukly iioiod. Opposite U. 8. Patent Ofrtoe. WASHINGTON, l. C.