fph X ir Terms of Subscript ion$l.50 Per Ainu m A NEWSPAPER MR THE PEOPLE. Ail vert isi nj; Mates .Marie Known on Application. WKI.DON. N. '.. 'nil'liSDAV, JINK II. 1!M NO. 0. VOL. XI. III. w am mj SA L XSXsT g a sea UflAtWi WIBUt -iiUfcWnw-- -w - I'- V J "' 'I i J 1 .. -J I ' ' s ? I t A; u ? "J I-1 FAULT FiSDI'Jj. VY'-V',W It Rlli You i- Temper a.lJ Spuils ujr Mouth. ii 'I'lio Jviiid Vku JIiii'i Alttiiys r.uiit;li(, unit vliuh lias been in us lor over DO Ji'iirs, lursj lionio tlin Kl;;ii:i(uro of mid Si:iH tx-cii I'indo iiMili r Lit tier f7" j Z?yy- Bonn! Hiipcrvisloii since iln Inl'iincy. ut- . 'At Allow no one ()( r. U i. j (m in tliU. AH ('utinfrrlViti, Imitation um) ".liisl-as-cdiiil'" ni l lint 1 v i . i' f m -i ) lh.it, ti'illu Willi ii"il clitlniijriT f Im healUi of InlimU itml (. Iiililrcii-ICxpiTii'iivo ligu:nl lOvjii-riiiiciiU What is CASTORIA Ciislorla Is a Imriiiless fmlisf Itnto lor Casio:- OH, I'nro Ifnrir, J)ri)4 (md Sootliiiiu; Syrups. It is I'lwiiuuit. It conl.tiim neither Opium, Murphliio jior other Nareotio hiilistiuiee. its is its jr-ninwitee, 1 1 destroys WiirniH and allajs IcverishiM-ss. It cures Diarrlio-a and Wind CnlK:. It relieves Teething Trouliles, ures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, refjulatos tho Stoiuaeli ami UoAiels, ivin lieai'liy and natural sleep. The Children's l'anneea 'J'lio .Mother's l'rieiid. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Uears the Siguaturo of I The Kind You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CrNTktN COMPANY, TT MUHHAV THrtT, NSW VOHM OfTT. i,.iii I m. -.'I :lli.l .1. U ?J I ' W I II 'M. II P. N. STAIN BACK, I I'NDlliM'AK MB. Weldon, North Carolina. o M full Lino ol CASKtiTS, COI'i lNS mid KOISLS. Day. NiRht and Oiit-uf-Tou n Culls Promptly Attended to. II.O. ROWK, ri'M-RAi. niur.crow and i:mai.mi:k. Seventeen yeurs' l-xperieiuo lle.irse Service Anywhere. M win H via r ELDO WKI.DON. N. (' Ur-'Miied Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al l. I'M" .'"I II. IV.'. Suite of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'cKlon Depository. Capital and Sarplus, $40,000. Kor hum . th:lll til'l'-ell v.irs lliis i'lsliluliuu h:is iili.l hilllkili!.' fm'ili ties I'ur tliiH si'i'tmil. In 1 k I i. . I . i and chu rn. i!. haw he. n i.i. -uolinl with the hu s iuteiest of ll:ilif. an. I Norllittinplon (unties for many years. Monev is loanr.l ui'im api"ve.l s.-.-nnty at thelecal 'ale ul' interest six per ei'iitiiin. Aerou-it i.t all air s..lu';leil. The sin 'lus ami nn.h nlcil prolits h.n un; reaelieil a sum e.iial to the Capital Stoek. the I tank lias, niniinrnnii r .lanwaiy 1, I His, i-stjlilisheil a Savings t'rpailnirnt allowiii-,' inti i t t ii.ie . l.-p--sits as tnlluws: For lli pixits alloneil toictiiaiii tiirei- lenntli-or Imiucr. per ccnl. Six nuuitlis or Iihil'it, II percent. T -he mouths in li.nirer. pel ecot. for further inloimalimi apply to th" Pi. -; O ut or Cashier. ' I L' l in tin' lialiil of it. I s I lie I ablest t llill.; I" (li 1 Mil i the ll'li-.loM tiling l slop 1:1 the v i o. wide world. It nous our li'inpi r and spoils tho . sliapi of your inoiilii. Try and ' see iho n I rallioi' than tin' j ilisareealili' in your Mirrniiiid iiios. 011 would not o to ;i j frioii'l's IniiiM' ami liml fault w i! h w lia! she docs and w i'h what she luo- an. I hoi' ways of ' li iim'. What rinlit have von, then, to liml fault with those ; win are more than frieinU to voll - I In' people of your own hloinl:' If there is a tfrnei' tloit all are sfinuy w ilh, it is that of oi vinn praise, and yet il is one v hich wo olioht to he lavish. Why should you toll your I'rioinl that her hoiinet is lie-t- ui i i 11 tf, and when you have never said (his to your sister!' Why should you ""t 1" t -n l and praise your noio;hhor'siiiuf lins, when yoii have forgotten to tell mother how oood hers were:- Why should you an-, tnninee how iniieh Mr. Wilson j ocr the way knows when; father isatfivat deal hetter ill- ' formed man. and it has never l ' entered your lit Ik' head to whis per (piietly to li i in how iiineli you appreciate his wisdom. Volt keen votir ahilit v to ilis- : cover faults for the home while j ; the eye that should look for vir- tues is lightly closed until you j io out. Iion't wait till some one j is eji, no from you to tell their; virtues. I'oii't wait until your sister is far away in another; land lo tell how helpful, how pretty, or how courteous she is: j and don't wait until the weary 1 hands arc crossed anil the 1cii.lt sleep conies hefore you make mother know what a heautifiil him: are her eyes, how tender j lu r heart, and how dearly you ; love her. Tell il all now - now, when the w alk throuejh life is j hard, and the sunshine of praise : is yearned for to hrit,'hteii it, I and to warm and encourage ! the pilgrim hy tile wayside. I.ITLKAL ()Hi:i)inNCI:. i'Kksiiiknt: W. I'.. HAM Kl. vn i.-i ia.si ni. r: I'll. II. . I.I AV IS .on. Noitliainploii v el!ll::." W. It. .SMITH. oun.y, yjviiviji .111 AIR LINE RAILWAY A young teacher who graduated i from ihe normal school last June j was one day recently to act as a substitute in a higher grade than her j own. She w.'s a little nervous j over the temporary promotion and was anxious that everything should go olf in the usual good order. While instructing the class in coin- j position she said: "Now, chil-i dren, don't attempt any Mights of fancy. Don't try to imitate the ' things you have heard, but just be ! yourselves and write what is really ; in you." i ! As a result of this advice one lit- j i tie boy turned in the following i 'Composition: "1 ain't goin' to attempt any Hue j ; of fancy; I am just goin' to write i w hat's in me, and 1 got a hart, a . liver, two lungs and some other things like that; then 1 got a stum- j mick, and its got in a pickle, a piece of pie, two sticks of pepper mint candy and my dinner."-Ex change. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRiL 12, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WliLDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7. 25 a. in. No. 38 for " " " t 2.57 p. in No. 41 lor RuleiRh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. Por further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Aicent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to (VII. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C, Cures Woman's Weaknesses. Ve refer to Unit boon to weak, nervous, lulterinK women known as Hr. l'icrcu'n Favorite Prescription. Hr. John Kyfti one of the Kdltorial Stuff oITiik Kci.kctio Mkihcai. Kkvikw says of I'nlcorn root (feteiiiiM iiiolco) wlui h Is mm of tho chief ingredients ut the "l''a Torim Prescription " : "A remeilv which Innrlnlily act. s uliT IrwIlirliroraliT ' makes lor lioriinl c !. , ..Ore rel.nsluelO SJ-.ICI1I." I tic colli lliues" 111 llelonlio we lnviluci hca rneiit wlo.h moo' answers I he i I uiirian,- i " "" '" ' "" I i,i..llM'..l. I"!'"' Ire.OUrlll of diseases 1- i cuilir to women It 1. seldom that .'use Is ,, !. which docs not iircseiil some lndl. it on I tor this rem.ilial audit." Or- '')'' I tajs- "The (el..wii. arc atnoni! the li-adluil I liulu alionsforlleloinastl iii. ornl.sl' I'aui I or cliln In llif back, llh i lMrrh(Ti itnniclweakleondltl.'frlot I lie replcKhlcl I v ' 0...s. ..f it. .men. nirntj tU iiressU.n and lr- : ritViiiiiiv. A's"''""''1 """'.""""i u.".'"",;;.; 1 th fc mod .1 live if-uaiiH ut ' 0 . ! j aen.alloii Jl heal In Hi" realou ol lliu kid neys; lucirrhaKlf (ItuiallnBl. d"0 lo t weak fiiisl ronlllon otlthe ri uroductlv aislein: .n.. ii..rf7.j ysMiJlreH.'il ur al.senl tmrnlhly rimotfiiT condition ot Ih- illa-eHtlce orKan insff!.nj In the extrcma lower pari ol lb. .fe'nr les nf the abovB vmi'tom fW1 nr. si'iii no liiv.iinluiii.iu.riiii ui? B..H.V Hi an' takTrTleTcTLZi ?! ' ..ii i. il Ai.il n 1 ill 1.' ini7ig hmrcd tiitou. w nicTt Is Unicorn root, or rJclonlas. i and the imsiicui pni'roe oi auua most tiiithfully represent. Ol llolilen Si'al root, nnothor prominent Initr.slliMit of "Kavoritn 1'rescriiiUon," Prof. Klnlcy KIIIhrwimkI. M. P.. of llen Uett Medical Collt-Kc, Chicago, says: "It is an Import ant romnly hi disorder, of thew.mih. In all catatrhal coiidllloiia " tnd trelieral ellfechlenil 111. II Is Useful. ' Prof John M. S ndder, M. 11.. lato of Cincinnati, says of (iulden Seal riM.t : "In relation lo Its fcncral effects on the arsletn. io l tie mfillcoif In uniil u 'ocl Uirre l mica B'lirnil umiiilMflv "' ni""""'. It Is unlivrxillv renamed w ti tonic uselul In ill dehllllaled slates." tin. Prot. It. Hartholuw, M. P.. of Jefferson K.-II.Mil Colleiro. savs of (iolden Seal : Valuable In uterine beniorrhaire. nienor rhaala lltilln' and ronaesllvo (lyauwuor rlwamalntul inenslniallonl." lir Plerisi'a Kavorllr- Prescription fn.th fully representa all the abovn naiin il ln gnsllcnu and cures tha diwMuea lor n ukn Ibex ara rteomawad!. . mm B3r,r "Oh. 1 am weary I ' she si'h"! i.. l-.ei I ;ili Flair slie unloosed in a t.jaent of i.old Hut npjvlnl and fell o'er ; 1'illowy, Graceful and fair a-, a goddess of old. Over her jewch '.lie Hung he: self drearily. Cmmplt 1 tlie laces tint snowed on her Lieast. Crushed Willi her finuers the lily tlial wcarjy Cluni( in her hair like a dove in its nest And naught hut her shadowy form in the mirror To kneel in dumb ajjony down and weep near her ! Weary?" Of what? Could we fathom the mystery, Ijfl up the lashes weighed down by her tears And wash wilh tl eir dews one white (ace from her history Set like a gem in the red rust of years ? Nothir.g will rest her unless he who died of her Struyrd from his grave and, in place ol the groom, Tipping her face, kneeling there by the side of her, Drained the old kiss to the dregs of his doom Arid naught hut that diadowy form in the mirror To kneel in dumb aeony down and ween near her I ""oiti Y;im - Copyright by James Whitcomb Riley. ABSALOM. BY NATHAN PARKHK WILLIS. The soldiers of the King trod to and fro, ("lad in the garb of battle; and their chief, The mighty Joab, stood beside ihe bier, And gaed upon ihe dark pall steadfastly, As if he feared the shiinberer might stir. A slow siep startled him. I le grasped his blade As if the trumpet rang; but the bent form Of David entered, and he gave command, In a low tone, to his few followers, And left him with his dead. The King stood still Till the last echo died; then throwing olf The sackcloth from his brow, and laying back The pall from the still features of his child, He bowed his head upon him, and broke forth In resistless elouuence of woe : "Alas, my noble boy, that thou shouldst die ! Thou, who wen made so beautifully fair ! That death should settle in thy glorious eye, And leave his stillness in this clustering hair! How could he mark thee for the silent tomb, My proud boy Absalom ? "Cold is thy brow, my son, and I am chill, As lo my bosom 1 have tried to press thee ! How I was wont to feel my pulses thrill, Like a rich harpstring, yearning to caress thee, And hear thy sweet 'My father!' from these dumb And cold lips, Absalom ! "Hut death is on thee. I shall hear the gush Of music, and the voices of the young; And life will pass me in the mantling blush, And ihe dark tresses to the soft winds Hung But thou, no more, with thy sweet voice, shah come To meet me, Absalom ! "And oh ! when I am stricken, and my heart, Like a bruised reed, is waiting to be broken, How will its love lor thee, as 1 depart, Yearn for thine ear 10 drink its last deep token ! It were so sweet, amid death's gathering gloom, To see thee, Absalom ! "And now farewell ! 'Tis hard lo give thee up, With death so like a gentle slumber on thee; And thy dark sin !-- Oh, I could drink the cup, If from this woe its bitterness had won thee, May Cod have called thee, like a wanderer, home. My lost boy, Absalom !" 1 le covered up his face, and bowed himself A moment on his child; then, giving him A look of melting tenderness, he clasped His hands convulsively, as if in prayer; And, as if strength w ere given him of God, He rose up calmly, and composed the pall Lirinly and decently, and left him there, As if his rest had been a breathing sleep. BE A PHILOSOPHER. If you get into trouble don't worry or fret. For you never tan help ii by fretting. Put it out of your mind; don't take lime to regret; The tine vuk of all il! is furgcliing. You are not all alone in misfortune or loss, If you notice you'll find quite a few. On a hot, sleepless pillow don't tumble or loss. Take a calm, philosophical view. If you just miss a train and it means you must wail A few hours, there are worse things than waiting. If you can't meet your notes at the specified date, If you fall on the ice when you're skating, If a man wants to give you a piece of his mind, If your wile starts to fuss and to stew, Or you see that your business is running behind Take a calm, philosophical view. It's the very best way,. when it conies to a pinch. You can smile when your poverty's pinching, You can smile at bad health. It's an absolute cinch, You can face anything without flinching. To my friends I am still recommending the plan, Though, I don't say it's anything new, Of their woes 1 myself undeniably can Take a calm, philosophical view. a MiiDtL win:. A Woman Whose Life-Monk Has Love Written on Lvery I'ajre. II model wife is the woman who f l looks after her household, and makes her hospitality a delight to him, and not a burden, who has learned that a soft answer will turn away wrath: who keep; her sweetest smiles and most loving wol ds for her hii-hmd ; w ho is his ' conlidante in sorrow or in joy, and who docs not feel the necessity of explaining her private alla'is lo the neighborhood; who respects LAV v,:,, piml, ,C the rights ol husband and children; and in return has due regard paid lo her; w ho knows that the strong est argument is her womanliness, and so she cultivates il: who is sympathetic in ioy or in grief, and w ho finds work lor hands to do; who is not made hitler by trouble, who tries lo cancel the faults ol her hu.shand, rather than blaoit ; them I'oi'ih to an uninterested pub lic; she is a woman whose life-hook has love wnitcn on every page; who makes a home for a man, a home in a house and in a heart, a , home that he is sure of, a home that is full of love presided over by one whose price is above rubies. She is the model wife. QUAINT AND CURIOUS. I iv lleWllt'. cspeciall!' u Ill-Wilt's. Sol.l hv lirW ill ...His lull M.I.I hv Unable to furnish $500 as bail, I lidward Fulton, charged at Hiver j side, NJ., wilh obtaining board under talse pretenses, put up as security all tho cloaks and over coals of his daughter, two sons and himself, which were accepted. ::r A young woman wearing a hat by actual measurement thirty inch es wide was unable to get through i a street car door in St. Louis, the j aperture of which when the door j became jammed was found to be j twenty inches. ! Refusing to pay a small line, ! Michael McCarty, of Alton, III., j was compelled to clean the street ; in front of a bank w herein he had I on deposit S712. 1 K. kutter got drunk at Mas sillon, Ohio, and was locked up. "I did it," he said, "to get away from my step-mother for a few Idays." She-Shakespeare says man has seven ages. He A woman only three. She What are they? He Sixteen, nineteen and twenty-four. "You were born in Georgia." "Yes, sur, dai what dey tells me." "And raised there?" "Well, sub, dey tried ter raise me once, but de rope broke." Atlanta Constitution. "1 dropped four stones this morning without being injured." "Wh-what!" "Fact. Thev'd iust been re turned with thanks, an' I dropped , l-ivi 'em in the fireplace." Kansas Citv Times. THE VMM DiMSli UP. I'ossihility That I lie Human Uuce Will Die of Tliir-.i We are to die of ihii'st, Coni- pualively few persons know 1 1 1 J'J. su'tV-riug involved i;i a thirst for ;;' w hied there is no help at hand. The con ,uui.iio iiin i more than '' the pain of .nr.- w ound .a ,i...-s the .'','," l-alllelicki a hell. Ve! death hy tini'st is the doom l.irec.ist for the J..,'. race 1 y gt ip .... ieiilist , Geologists ,''; find tli.il the ti e- -'i v. .it, r supply ol ihe globe is failing. They have in a.uial withdrawal oltlie sti earns and nth ei bodies of water Inmi the surface Both in Africa and antral Asia ; and. indeed, in all the Rival le'Vels the water beds ale drying up A great many hikes well known in ihe historical age have entirely dis- ; appeared. I or example, Fake Chiroua, in Africa, has vanished 1 within recent yen -., as has ;,!so Lake Ngamj, discovered hv Liv ingstone. Lake Tchad is more than ! half dried up For centuries bod-( ies of waiei" in central Asia have ' been evaporating and the deserts 'f extending. Where 2,001) years j ago great cities stood in Fast Tur- ! kestan there are found only vast j and depressing stretches of sand, j The river Tarim, once a principal I Asiatic route, is almost gone, and Lob Nor, formerly four times the area of Lake Geneva, is now in a shallow marsh. The same sad conditions are noted in Furopean Russia. Novgorod, the most push ing city in the Czar's distracted realm, was surrounded by water in the middle ages. While we may be sure that the fate which the geologists suggest for humanity is very far away, the facts recited show the drying up process are convincing proofs of the need of preserving our forests with more care. --St. Paul Pioneer Press. Catarrh. To .-..v. tl. it I nt o. I in i. I'.ni. li.-.- '1 ...il I-li. I. 1 .1... r. I. I . N. .- 1 1 oo.l !.n v .1. .ol.t. '!": .ill .1. run-. ... In M. .op a -I. lieill. r ..- n t lu-f.-.l ... l.i.l til. ..! i, i ... . h. ..a. f ... . :ip..,. -I I.r. t ti... .-,.'. ae-l ... Hi. 'I l.v nil j.s. (;. -lenitive. .....ul Mo ni'li, l.l..! I.,-..-, . le. ..f I lie .tosi'lll.d .1 h'l US.il bUi Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure Ail Dealers. For Weak nay Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c E. C. DeWITT &- COi, Chicago, 111. sold hv W. M. ( ohen, Weldon, S. C. CiLORUI: C. ORLLN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . National Punk I'.iiildint!) Weldon, N. C. !'.:.' e.ils or hlllo c.ils W Hell lla.el .o'l lot , :,... nail seral.'hes null d ijlllekiv Sake. It is I'.,' sine to tot W. M. oh. ii. Weldon, V '. The devil was mighty when he invented politics. crafty l.itll.- laulv IHsi'ls. Pills, M Cohen. Wcl.lo Monuments ANiD Gravestones. liverybudy is conceited enough to think he isn't. I llnllMl s. ;tiV l lakt- iilllIlC "'iimiil-'l ti:i;r ;w)il ymi eait'f'il almiit wlnit . hill limn- than tin-, y ,'ait'lni ti"I t" all" v .ilMiI'lii, ,. itn-l U I s w uniL.r taki- ImmIuI. kiU'W ti pu iiai a! ;n that he '. '! t...lay tni ilv-i- j. -!U nf m stum in a u v sttiiiiai'ii irniil'li'. K"-.Iil;.-' ail i.o.N, U is I'luaMUit lo ulil l.v W. M. i ',.1,,-u. Willtni. N. r. iiiniiniii in hoti!. I... vi.ii cut jnM ymi shunl.'l n yii'.if sininui'li n tin sti'inarli I'iiis WE PAY FREICHT sn GUARANTEE SAFE Or. LIV ERY . . . l K(.l 1 lii Hie Ximtb '.'? IllusliahJ ( a t a 1 1 1 a u c fi'O. THE COUPER RABBLE WORKS... iPslal.ll-I.ed IMS.) Norfolk, Va. I '.a to Hid Paul. IIOV '.' Iv "I A pessimist is a mm who doesn't believe that clouds have silver linings. CAS'i'OIlIA. ,:.(! Y-u Hull Himis INDISCRETION. "Poor little girl!" said the be nevolent old lady. " I here's a lump in your throat. Are you sad?" "No'm," lisped the little girl in the big sunbonnei. "It's a lump ot chewing gum." San Francisco Call. f reat men roiiiind us Certain thintrs wo should have lea rut. i On' is, not to h ave behind us Love-letters Unit should be burnt! March Young's Maoaine, I' Yju can. Point Avithpride i houses painted with STAGpPAINJ Its the paint that looks best and wears longest. HPnrillonmiUTWIItl qayiwrtiiai 'jj When a man loses all his money he can. practically count on the next baby being twins. THRLADSOL HOLD. Little self-denials, little lion esties. lit lie passim; words of sympathies, li 1 1 lo nameless acts of kindness, little silent victo ries over favorite teinptatio is - these are the threads of eol which, w hen woven together, , .... i ....... i. i i. .. O .ilii U-.ll -O OMOMM Ml Hie pattern of life thai God ap proves. Canon Lunar. Over-Work. Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your bociy passes iliroe jh vour kidnevs once every three n.'.nutei. r:. .irn Tor sale by : PIERCE-WHITEHEAD HDW. CO.,? ; Weldon, N. C. ALTLR I:. DANILL, TT'ATTOKNl;Y-nT-I.A', iWLI.IK'S, N. ('. t A i 1 p. y t 3 v Tnc kiuncy.; are your I . blood p.irit.trj. cy til- j ter ou; il-.e v;a .'.o cr iir.rurrie:. va the I kai. If they aiCLKri cr cut cl order, tney tail to ao their work. F ams. iithisandrkcu-maiK'.-n c.iine from cx- biocii.dueto neglected tCITi'iu'in-.-h in tin' c("tun'uf Halifax ana Nitrtliamploii mul in tin1 SuHfiiu and lY'lcrul ciiints. ( olh rtmiiH niU'lc in all pails nf North Camliua. Iham'li ollice ;i tiptMi i ri y Mtni.lay. Kmiirilx I a at i t Ihe m,, tlctt rhililicn uv it insit'.s in-aily a Nilgai . It I illllfltllt It ill u lint .stlltlpatt IuuhI it a't ui'iil l Ixiwt'U aiul tlicit liy il i nut nf the "VMimii Suit I hv W. , Ct.hni L'h SVllll leS 'II to Juki- maple loin the nllli'lMls hut an the nthi'i t lirrlv nil the .lllcs 'ihf ('..111 W, Boys will he hoys, girls will he boisterous. iltm. N, C. and even The surer a woman is that she is not going abroad For the sum mer the safer it is for her to get the clothes for it. iVWttfs Kidney and ltla.l.lei Tills are prompt ami thorough and w ill in a very nIioiI tunc Htn'iithca . the wcaktMicd kiiluevH and ullay UuuIiIch urimy fionl iiilliiMimalinii n the hludilrr, lliry ure U'CninniiMiilt'd evervw here. Sold hy W. M. ("olitu, Woldou, N. V. kidney trouble, Kidney trouble causes quick or unr.eady heart ''eats, and makes one ferl as tliout'h they had heart trouble, because the hea:t is over-wnump in pumping lii.t-K, 1 .ot.cy-poi.-.uned blood through veins and arteries, It u.-cd to be cc ..Mdeird that only urinary troubles weie to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake bv first doctoring your kidneys. Ihe and the extraordinary effect of Dr, Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy soon realized. It stands the highest ti wonderful cures of the most distressing and Is sold on its merits bv all druwists In fifty- rf1TW?TV:;; cent and one-dollar stz-pJHHpiX es. You may have iSlgl sample bottle by mail Horn, of swamp-Root free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fc Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but Remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, H. Y., on every bottle. KILLthe couch and CURE THE LUNCS a I miiajj w New Discovery FOR Pouchs mJ run j OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND All THROaT AND tUNO TROUBLES. GUAR NTEED8ATI8FACX0B.V OR MONEY REFUNDED. mild EMM.!' .' mi&$ci$ i-' "-".11. Sva Kilmer's I .t'J.Vj nii CSS EH FiJ ! I Z-f All IS 1 U i 'n.tii.il .-l.t.ii or FCC RETURN CD. 10 YEARS' EXtH'F"Ct:. 1 CHAHUtft AHt f HI LOWtlT. ty ml in.xlfl. Uol' or nkit.-h fur PXNit mHii'l) Will (irr M"it "II piU'.nlHi.lUiy. mmifKlEMI.Nl -.. t.iwlU'lfd Imi-n- nU n,iirt. I'mMtl't ' thn.ich n. ADVtn- TlllOan.t iOl.L, ri-.-.'. 'tRfcOt-MAHllSi ION Hatl COPVMC.HT1 MHWLly oUUUJWMt Oppotlte U. 8. Pt'.t O'Hcoi WARHtNOTOM, O. O. mm