'".'''. ...... -m-nm I r.Jl aval 13 Wtl Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XIJII. WKLDOX. X. ('., 1 III HSDAV, .JI NK 1. l!ios. NO. 7. 5 S f J "I MUST GO TO WILLIE." fll JpQffl i lib, 7 . 3 , SB (.4 ' i' r a" '.tiKl ru .HI 2 .M.rollliL 3 HKK ('kFi-7 AVctjfti.lilf Pn-priDii ion fjrAs .'imil;iiiM:!ilH'nii)ii;inill(i'(tiii r.'ijJilu'biiiiiuiiisnrJDdMi'lsi i;.'LSar.illVM.CoiilaiiisiH'iLir Opium. Mi)ri!nr twr Miwral. Not N ah ro tic. j.w,Maust:xumjm3t ftiwfUii Sftvi" Jix.bti.itt tpri'iml - Clwfatf Stiijor hteuyrrnti ftrmr. Aperferl Remedy foiToiHpa- 1 lott.soui sioniacn.uiaii"" Worms .Convulsions .tcvrrisli ness and Loss OF SLOT. FacS'mtUe Signature of NEW YORK For Infanta and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of AAiF i. H.ir M Use y For Over Thirty Years K -..,- I . mitT PgKmnAOTflRIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. TNI OINTAUR UMUNT, MINT VORft ITV. V I'llHNK 'J.V pnnor locrg '.l.in riH'M -I :in) .M. il P. N.STAlNEACK, : INDKliTA K VVeldon, . . North Carolina. l-ull Line of CASKETS. COI TINS nnd ROBES. Day, Nijf ht and )ut-of-Tovn Calls Promptly Attended to. II.d.KOWIi EUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAI.MER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 301 0E3ZZI0 OE 0 ao THE BANK OF WELDON WKl.DON, N. (' UrganiAed Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, .w iiivr L.HTM. is!ij. Staie of North (Carolina lk'pusiiory. Halifax County IVpositury. Town of VCt'Mon Depository. Capital and Sorplos, For nutro tlmii tll'ttvti yt'iiis tliis iii.Htittitioii lias tm idol Imnkiiiir facili tiiH fi r lliin Hct'tiun. lis slticklit'Mt'ts an! ilm-clura liu Ihtii iilt-ntiliol witli tlie Imsint'sH iiitcifsts uf ll:ilit'a au-1 NititliuinpUm muntii's fur many vi uih. Money is Iimiih -1 ii.uii :iMn(t wvuuiy at the Irtrul rale of iiiitTttwi six ht centum. Ai'fimnH ul all mi-snlieilctl. Tin' surplus uihl umlivitlfii prutits having irat-liol a muih ciiial to the rapitat Stuck, the Hunk lias, coimiii'tH'iinr .lanuurv . !His, t at J inIm 1 a SavmiTH IXMtaitinrnt allttHiinr intrust in time tlrM-.it us follows: 1'iir llepusits all met I lu remain three inuiitlis m loiiLiei. -L' pel cent. Mx imuitliM or lunirtT, H pel I'ent. Tni-Ke ntunllisui luinrer, ( pei eeiit. For further inl'nrmation apply lo the I r i I i-ul m aliter. 1'KKslHKM: W. I-:. DAMKU VK'K-lMlKf I lK I": iHf 11 W. I. lAVIS. t.Iaelisun. Nitrthaiupluu euunty) rsMlKIC U I!. SMITH. OE All That Mother Thought Was Her Hoy. During the civil war ihere w as a woman in Maine who ; received a letter which ran thus; "Willie is sick; lie is living." The mother read the letter and looking up to her husband said: "Father, 1 must go to Willie." "No, wife, you cannot go," he re plied. "You know there is a line of bayonets between you and Wil lie." She did what the Christian mother always does u hen her hoy is in peril. She spread that letter before the Lord and prayed all night. Next morning she said, "Father, I must go to Willie. I must." "Well, wife," be said, "I do not know what will come of this, hut if you will go there is the money." She came down here to Washington, and the man in the Lxeeutive Mansion who had a heart as tender as a woman's Abraham Lincoln brushed a tear as he wrote, and handing the paper said, "Madam, that will lake you to the enemy's line, hut what will become of you after you gel there I cannot tell." She took the paper and came down to the line and the picket; she handed him the pass, and he looked at il and at her, and said: 1 "We don't take that thing here." , "1 know it!" she said; "but Willie, : my boy, is dying in Richmond, and I ant going to him. Now shoot !" He did not shoot, but stood awed and hushed in the presence of a love that is more like God's than any other that surges in the hu man soul in Hs deathless unselfish ness. All that mother thought of was her hoy. Smuggled through the lines, she went down to the hospi tal. The surgeon said to her, "Madam, you mu-t he very care ful; your boy will survive no ex-, eitement." She crept past cot after cot, and knell at the foot of the one where her boy lay, and putting up her hands prayed in ; soothing tones: "O God, spare my boy." The sick man raised his w hite hands from under the sheet; the sound of his mother's voice had gone clear down into the valley and shadow of death, where the soul of the young man was go ing out in its ebbing tide. Raising his hand he said, "Mother, I knew you would come." That boy is a man today, saved by a mother's love. --The Progressive Age. Stcuiuii'ti tiniililcs ai'i wry cuiiointn in tlitMiinmri tunc uii'i yuu slmuM I,,' ,mv ciirt lnl alioiit uliul yuu rat mitt, tut mute ilnui tins, yuu stiuulil he mint' cui'i'lul nut tuulluw your stuiniu'li ' tu In' ilisiuili'ivl. ami w In n th' stomach flies hilur l:lkf kuiliil. This is tlie lirst known im'iui:ltiou tliilt is otti'ieil to tin' pi-upli' toilny fur ilysn'psiu ur in iliirrstion 01 iuiv stoniui'li liuuhli'. Kn ilul ilis'i'sls nil luiiils. It is pleasant lo ' take. So hi liv V. M. Cohen. Weliton. N. C. O ACTO IX X A. . SEABOAKI) Sometimes a girl is purse-proud because her lips purse so prettily. AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, nnd are subject to change without notice. The modern actor who fails to be natural is naturally a failure. Next to the man with a griev 1 ance the greatest we is the man who will not sympathize with you when you tell yours. ! What Do They Cure! ! Thn above niicstlon I ottt'n askisl eim- . ferning Or. iVree's two leuiliiiu miill- : plui's, "Gulden Meulcal Discovery" ud ! I "Favorite, 1'ri'seription." j Tim answer Is lliat "Ooltlen Medical Discovery " is most iniU'iit alterative or MiNnl.niiriHer. and tonic or inviiiiiralor and acts siciully tavoralily In a cura tive way upon all thn mucous lininusur laces. as .(it the. nasal pilsaiies. throat, bronchial tul', stomach, bowels and blahtcif ciirinK a larim percent. n( rnt.' rhal caVs whether r ulseasc atlects the nasal uaVaRV. th OIV1' lryn, brun rhla, atumaeliNt t ealarSiiil d)spcia), bowels, (as nitrHuup4rrwj7A liludder, uutui or other pelvic oriiaTr Rven In lll' I'lir'H ! "f """' -"tr"" "' ' 11 1. omj. .,n-e.M ill ill anecv fc. ir ii .n'sr x jit n i". MIL lhSJM. I put by the ha!.r written poem, While the pen, idly trailed in my hand, . Writes on"Had f words to complete it I Who'd read it or who'd understand?" I ( '. 1 Cut the little hare feet on the stairway, And the faint smothered lauh in the hall, .t Aid the eerie low lisp on the silence, Cry up to me over it all. s CI ($k'J' A r 'OK" MAN'S MOOD FOB SONG. ,v ,V. 1 H' Jl' !l I I'll! 1FO I - fTTiitnt -"fie ..rti '.. mi rreu.ujfllJeiJj'idiicul luWMTKhjiTirY.Tl Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.25 a. m. , No. 38 for " " " at 2.57 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. For further Information relative to rates, "sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. -.a I jfather it up v! it vvr s i. The tear fa.dcd lhred el Telling how, as oak rij'hl 3 i.-:. A fairy broke in o'.i my 1 1 . A little, inquisitive, fviry,1 My own little pjl.'vitN lu ,jtd 'Of thp sun in hii' ,ii a eiri rlivv Hjr 3 A Blue eyes ol :; loirtes c! old. rwa.s the dear little girl thal'-l scolded, . "For was it a rnomeiyt like this," w I said, "whenshe knew I was busy To come .romping in for kiss 'V i Come rowdyin up from Tver tr.oiher 'T I Anrl cmnrtnd tkprp xi mv hiv. For 'one 'ittle kiss for my dolly An' one 'ittle uzzer for me ?' " . - ' ;)! .' a - N V. A- a Cod pity the heart that repelled her And the cold hand that turned her &.wayv And take from the lips that denied herN This Miswcrless prayer of today x Take, Lord, from my mem'ry forever That pitiful sob of despair And the patter and trip of the little bare feet And the one piercing cry on the stair! Copyright by Jamci Whitcomb Riley. s I put by (he half written poem, While the pen, idly trailed in my hand, Writes on, "Mad I words to complete it , Who'd rea.d it or who'd understand?" But the little bare feet on the stairway, And the faint smothered laugh in the hall, And the eerie low lisp on the silence," . Cry up to me over it all. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. I- . -I ,itr f "i i i'i .t ". - i At:- . . . ' ' ,? . '! v-'.l Jff A. iM'.tflf . SI'NDAV SCHOOL WliLDON MliTHODlST lilMSCOI'AI. Clll l.CII. Officers: W. A. Pierce, Stiperinieiident. H. C. Spiers, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership 257 fv ;C"rii !l , i,-. v-zA O . ' V tl - v. 4 L Is a powerlul jet Kciiuy acinic invuiorat. , ' I iik tonic and nervlnn. Kor weak worn out, over-worked women no mutter whal , has causiHl the hreak-Uow n, " Kavurili' ; I'rnscnptlou " w ill Ui luiiud lno.-t elTcctivc In building up thn strength, rinulal.im ; ! the womanly (nnctlolis. suUluliiit pain , j and hrliiKlnx aUmt a healthy, vigorous : ' condition of th whole svsiem. A Ixiok ot particulars w raps each botlla glvliiK the formuhcol Isith inediclnes and : uunllnff wliat scores id cnuiieut llied ! Icai authors, whoso works urn consulted ; 1 by phvslclansof all thescluHilsof pructico ' as itnides In prescrlliinir. say ot each In- ; 1 grislieut miU'riun into these, medicines, i The wonts of praise. la'Stuwnl in thn j several Initriilients enU'rinif Into DiaMor ; ! I'ierce's miKliclnes by such w riters should ! hava morn wpinlit than any amount of I 1 non - professional testimonials. IsH'ause 1 itch men am wrllhut for thenuiihiu f their medical brethren and know whJrwjf they speak. lloth niedlclws are noii-Rlonhollc, mm- : lecret, and I'oiitaln no harmtul luit.it- ' formluvilruKs. l'hm cotnisised of ulycerlc eitracLsof the, risilsof native, Anierlcan ; medicinal forest plants They are both old by dealers In mistletoe. Yuu can't ! afford to accept m a substitute for one. of ( thesa medicines of known compuslllon, ' any secret nostrum. i ' fir Plerco's I'elleUi. small. suirarcoated, ! easy to take as candy, rciulatn and iu- j vhjortt ttomaca, liver ana twweU. BAKACA HIIU.H CLASS NO. 5S1, Ol-' THli WLLDON MLTHOD1ST SI N1UY SC:ilOOL. Pkf.SH)I:nt-T. M. House. YlCK-l'RKSlDi-NT- W. T. Shaw, Jr. Si;cketaky-J. H. Spruill. Assistant Si:cum,nv-A. L. Cochran. Treasurur li. G. Garlick. Orphan age Tri-ascrkr-H. D. Allen. Librarian H. L. Ldge. 1'Ri'ss Reporter -O. L. Bagley. Teacher-R. H. Latham. Assistant Teacher- H. A. Humble. National Platform "Young men at work for young men, all standing by the Bible and the Bible School." Year Motto "We do things." Year Text "I can do all things through Christ which strengihcneth me." Baraca Plan tor 1 90S To see that every young man in Weldon, w ho is not a member of a Sunday School ("lass, is given a most cordial invitation to become a Baraca; that he becomes a Baraca or an attendant at some Sunday School; that he is saved unio Christian Set vice. HUSTLERS C.o.m.utit;i: W. T. Shaw, Jr., J J. Willey, I.. T. Garner. Kei.iee Committee - II. 1). Allen, A. S. Kay, W. II. Bay. Memiiersihp Committee A. L. Cochran, L. J. House, A. C. Sledge. Social Commute. i; O. L. Bagley, C. L. Bishop, I). B. Zollicoll'er, Jr. Music Cummii ii.i A. C. Ih.i.M., J. W. I'oucll, J. O. I 'Htiv:il, l B i.lli.-nlU-r, Jr. 'A- Site. '' nS) x & ,iy . AfA?m:n A WtA? i ' --fir c,'s',''. xi mm i wv :a ,') .. .. j (I GOOD BYE, BOOZE, GOOD BYE! NORTH CAROLINA, MAY 26, 1908. It Asserts Itself In Almost Phase of Life. livery Cy aii.oks sing They have a song tor work and songs for v -' every part of their work, and they have snugs of reminiscence and of tragedy and iimuy farcial songs, some brutal songs, songs of repose and songs in which is pack ed the desire for a distant home. Soldier:-, also sinj;, m Ic.r.t in those armies where soldiers arc still sol diers. And the Hue, w hi.'ii is the core and body of any army, is the uios singing of them all. 1 hose men who marched before Cacvir in his triumph sang a son;;, and the words of h still remain I so I am told.) The armies of Louis XIV and ol Napoleon, of the re public and even of Algiers made songs of their own which have passed into the great treasury of European letters. They sang in that march which led men lo the assault at Hastings, for it was written by those who saw ihe column ol knights advanc ing to the foot of the hill that Tail- Pnin in thp li,,;nl-li;, ;u I't'vn 'i T. h:t io enil. Ph.I1 im-iiiik 3ii,,ii. ini l ,:,(,,, I .rvs-iir,.- imtltiDU els usually. Al I, HM.ni s.i.s IT. shn,,i, iiii:I In pruvi' it lie has , T, -it 1 -. 1 a I II:,- pmlL Oil, 1,1. T'o't tiitt,-t -i.ll,-,l Ilr. siN,j,'.s II, .wlitrli'' 'liii ;,, cisixia l,l,i,l ,r,iui, uai.y Innii l'liiii c-til' n ltd n,-,-tHr-h!iriiii!!fM,l, :i. ,,,;:!, ,1, nun, fill. I i,-MI Iv. thmign wil,,. il suivl ! ii, u. lli,' li!,l i li' ,l- ULlHlll. Ji you tuivc a li,'i,,,i,'li". H V l,:,.,-,l ,r,-,ir,i. Jfils i.iiimni j i i,u ii ;i i., mi, ii. sail,,, cuts,,. II y,,i, i,'i, i-l..,. j,).;. i-i-i :, -,,. ii- r.-ous. it's l,!,i con if.-t : ,i i--I ,i. ,. ,. I .r,."in,- ' 1 1 1 i t snr.'lv is a ivrlanu v, l,.r lir -I ;, .. Il-ii'ln, ! T.,1,1, " .-0i It in .''i i!,im I, v in,,! LI,.- lul,!, 11 .iui,lj Ul.ill,i,ula til- uniiaiiinil l,i I i,;- -ur,-. liriiiv y,,ur I , i , ir , r-. iin l ,l,,,ni'( it ir,-t red. anil iM,,ll. an, I ,ini, ufi i--,' il ,l,,s li s roii- t,-lii,il, l,!,rtl r. nr.. 'ii'i'll liinl it H-liul'o talU -uiwM-. !l -, -ii , i I) I ,,iiii,,,,ii S,'ll'. S b.j i i ut i , Hi.., ami Ui'ji iujly r- cnllimend Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets All Dealers. Sour Stomach Ho appetite, loss ol strength, nervous runs, headache, coii'itipation. bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of tne '.tomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol reiifivesiiid geili.iii. This new discov er,' represents the naluial juices of diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest knov.'n tonio and icconsti active properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dvsDensia. but this famous remedy lefer Was chosen for his great voice helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, . ii,. .ii.. purifying, sweetening and strengthening and rode before the host, tossing ,h, mVius membranes "nin? ,l,e s'om4ch his sword into the ait and catching , Mr. s. s. Bait, oi smnrt w, v... w.- "I was tr"us:i'i with sour sic mach for twerty years. it again by the hilt, a difficult thing f- -" carta m nd now using it m miik liriiaiy." to do, and singing of Charlemagne Kodol Digests What You Eat. and of the vassals who had di -d : Bo,,;" "om under Roneesvalles. j '"pacd b, e. c. d.witt & co.. chioaqo. Songalsoilluminatesand strength- S,,M ''' w- M-' ens and vivifies all common life, and on account what is left of our ' peasantry have harvest songs, and there are songs for mowing and songs for the midwinter rest, and ; there is even a song in the south of England for the gathering of honey. Indeed, all men sing at their labor or would sing did not dead convention forbid them. You will j say there are exceptions, as law yers, usuters and others. But (here are no exceptions to this rule where man is working and work ing well and is producing and is not ashamed. Rowers sing, and their song is culled a barcarole, and even men holding the tiller who have nothing lo do but hold il lend to sing a song. And I will swear lo this -that I have heard sinkers when they were hard pressed starting a sort ol crooning chorus together, which shows that there is hope for us all. II. Belloe in London Post. onoRon c. green, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (Saiiunal I'.auk I'.uihlinir) Weldon, N. C. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY ti.e FREICHT AsnCUARANTEESAFE J DELIVERY . . . . "ft I Itl.KST link Infill- South .' .S IllustiatJ C.ataloiiuc I ree. I i -n in -i l y 's Laatii' t'uiitili Synip is lii, on,- that cliil,lli-n like siiwi'll'lii take a-il tu'-t'-s lii-aily as ir I as maple Mia sir. II is ilitl'i-hiil hum tin- utlii-isas il ,liii-s nut cuiislipali'. lull on (lie ullu-r han, I it acts n'litly yi-t tivelv on the l,-,vrs ami lli, ti-l,y it iIiim-s llu- cul I out ol" the svstcin. sol, I l.v W. M. l ulicii. Wi-I.lun. N. I '. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Estalilislii'.l IMS.) I -Mi tu Hill I'.auk St., Norfolk, Va. iuiv '' I v I )oes the bootblack who apes another give money shines? Ii.-Wilt's Ki.lni v an, I llhnMer PilKaie piuinpt all, I tliuiiineh an ! v. ill in a w'ty tiini- -linuiiii ii Hi,- ai-aki ui'l kiilm ys an, I allay t.iuut,l,- :u i.nii! Itutn inllaiiintaiiiiit ul the l,lal,li-i. ITn v ait' li i-iiiu ini'inlril eei w ieii-. ,,hl l.v W. M ( olicii. W ehlun. N . I -. The man who is stuck on him self generally is a perfect stick. slliaM s l'.,Lr cuts ol little cuts iii I, i iiis!, , ,r l,,L, ones an- In-aie, I u nick! v l,y IvWm's Hell lla.il Salve. It is e-p,-ciallv iruuil I'm pili-. IU- sure Iul'i'I li- Ill's. N.l.l l,y . l. ( ul, en, Wei, lull, N. t '. Ili-W ill's I. Itlh 00 uis little pills, Sul.l l.v W. M. Eaily liis, 'uheu . 'i is. tin- fa Linn. S. C Mm tVjiJMlSBK loKeSqys Aoitiielouiitr) SIAGPAINT is heralded as besf i Lasts longest Economical ONE fallen makes iiiialiiiT ntimmmM For Sale by The wheelwright; as a spokes man, may not have wheels in his head. i Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. , unhealthy Klducys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three mmuej. ine l;.o:.e .'i ire vour blood minders ihev f.l. I ter out .he was'c or impunues in the blood. If they arc sick or out cf oracr, tncy (ail to ao their work. Pains, achesandrheu- ns'Kl etn f'f,,-, ex cess cf uric arid in the Llood, due to nepiected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes qulok or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, becau. c the heart is over-working in pumping thick, rtdney poisoncd blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced lo the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary efiect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-koot, the great kidney remedy Is soon readied. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits f'Ai.i by all druggists in fifty- fi?'iVfjfc':'::t cent and one-dollar siz- B iirllrtCkrHS'Sj ! es. You may have aisr!gg sample bottle by mail um. f s,,rw. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find ' out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. i Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer j fa Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer 'i Ewamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, i K. Y., on every bottle. PIERCE-WHITEHEAO HDW..C0., Weldon, N. C. WALTER E. DANIEL, ATTORN EY-hT-LAW, WKI.UON, N. ('. Practices in the euurts of Halifax and Nuithauiplou ami in the Supreme and l'eileral courts. ( 'olleetiotis niu.le- in all parts of Ninth Carolina, l'.ranch ollice at Halifax open every Monthly. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS n.. m: WITHur. mugs New Discovery VI ruin? In. j, nft OLDS Trial Bottle Free ND All THROUT AND LUNG THOURLES. QUARi NTD SATISFACl'OKV OK MONEY REFUNDED. Kill l'i..mrtl ul.tHtn.tt. ..r fee RETURNED. tO VI AIM' IXPERtENCE. Utii CHAKCtk ARK THC LOWCtT. Hftiii i.u.tl.l. tholo or Kkcl.h tor exH'rt mwn'li Hiid fin1 ivpiiit on Nil-nUil.ltLy. INrmNCEMtNI,.! . coin I tot. tl lH'tti nil court, riilrrtTj i.i,jtlnitt MniMiih DViR TISED nrttl SOLD, TRADE -MARKS, PIM IONS ftlid COPYfttOMTtt tll-!kly oblAllMsd. Opposite U. C. PiitAnt OfTlc WASHINQTON, D. O. Hi

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