as? l a ,5 j v. fell! e. - , 0 S3, Terms of Subscription -l.50 r Ann ir Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XMII. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. wi:u. n. c, TiirnsDAY. -mm: ur. NO. TATTLERS. "I At& !4fi ff?if'i Wri iP InH Is - ii IM III w I V 'l r- i M 0 u 5 h r f ! M ri n 1. 1 Tim Kind You lluvo Always ltoulit, und which )iim bnvn in uso for over 30 jourx, lia homo tlio ninnuliiro of '- anil Siart ln'i-n mmlctimler his por- j( XJj?? J'a ' solm- W'lWvisioH siiU'O 111 int'nin -y. fSY,,'tjA. Allow nMiiiol.iliT,'ivH you in this. All t'oiioti-rl'i its. Imitation titul Jiwt-iiH-pioil" iim hut l'K'riln'iil Hint ti'lllo Willi iiimI eiiuangrr (ho lo-allll of Infants ami (.hihlren RxueriviuiM uyaiiist Lxpt-rimoiita What is CASTORIA Castorln, is u harmless suhsf itnfo for t'nsior Oil, Purn-(joi-ic, Drops mill Southing (syrup. It is I'li-nsant. It I'oiilains noillii r Opium, jMorphino nor oilier Nnrcotlo KtibstaiK'i', Us ngo is its p'inriiiitoo, H ilrstroys Worms anil fillnja .VverisliiiosH. Jt cures Dint-rlm-ii noil AVI Mil Coll.!. It vclii'M'S Ti.'cthiiij Troubles, cures Const ipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fooil, regulates tho Ktoiiuu-li ami I'.owels, giving lirul.hy ami natural sleep. Tho Children's Piuiucra Tho Mothi-r's l-'i-iciitl. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of 2. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI CCNTAUN ObMPANV, TT MUMHAV TtttlT, NEW YORK CITT. oca raeioiirj Ni'. in I'll" i ; Poc r -. y iav i'n.. r J n P M SrIV IT M K o M I NDKUTA K IM Weltlon, . . North Carolina. l ull Line of C.VSKKTS. C(tl I INS unit WHJliS Day, Niht and Out of-Tow n Calls Promptly Attended to. l-UNI-KAI. miv'liCIOR AM) ;MALM!:K. Seventeen years' nxnerience. Hearse Service Anywhere. nor locaEsso, toe IE THE BANK OF WELOON WKIJjoN, N. C Organized Under the Laws of lue State of North Carolina, AI'lil'ST JOTH, 1SM-J, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wddon Depository. Capital and Surplos, Fur morn tliuu tii'tt'cii Vfiirs tins intitiitiiii has piowilnl I u n k i n ir fut'ili tit'tt for this section. Its stuckhull-rs unl tlinctnis liuvt' liccn itlt iititit'd nitli the husiihs intt'ri'sli o( H;ihU aul NMl!iuiiilun cuuiilirs lui fntuiy yi'iirs. Money is luam'tl upon approved sivutity ut tin leiral rate of interest siv per centum. Accounts of' all aie Kultcitcil. The Hiiipln and undivided piotiH m ma u-at-lied a Mini iuat to tlie Tapitul Stock, the Hank has. connih'iieji .lamiaty I. e!al.livhed a SavinirH Itepaitineiit allow iuir iiiteii'st on time deposits as t'nllows: I'di hepositN allowed toivmain three moutlis or Itmner. J per cent. St iiiuntlis or lomrer, H per cent TweKe immlhs oi lumrer. I per cent. Fur furlht-r iiilorinalion apply to the Piesi.lent oi ( ash let. I'KKsihhsr: V. K. MANlrX. Virii-i iii.Mi'i m: i AsitiKK: in. ii. w. id: is. v. u. smith. .laclisiui, Nuithampton cminty) 3E SEABOAJII) What Punish .tienl They Deserve We Do Not Know, Hut Ood Knows. "Oh, could ill -re i;i litis world l e I'liuud Some little s.v.l i if happy yiMitnd, Where village pleasures niic'ii ko round. W illiolil the villa;!'' lallliiiK I low dntiMy b'e'it ;-p it would be j here all in ,:'it dwell hi liluny, i I:ree Iroin the bitter misery Of gossip's endless i.mlinjjl" livery conni iniiy is cursed by a class of people who in-.ikc ii their j business to attend to everybody's business but their own. Such people are th ; incanesi specimens of humanity which an all wise ; Providence p.i'iiiils to exist on this green earth. It is well known that almost every person is sometimes disposed to sneak evil of others; and killing is a sin from which very few can claim to be exempt, liut the object of this article is to call attention to that distinct class of tattlers who make tale-bearing the constant business of their lives. Fortunately we have but few in this community, but no communi ty is entirely free from them. They pry into the private affairs of every family in the neighborhood, they know theexacisuicof one's neigh bor's feelings toward another; they understand everybody's faults, and no little blunder or misdemeanor ever escapes their vigilant watch fulness. They are particularly well posted on every thing con nected wiih courtship and matri mony; know who are going to marry and can guess the exati time when the golden knot will be tied. They watch every move ment of parlies suspecied of matri monial intentions, and if there is the slightest chance to create a dis turbance, excite jealousy, or "break-up" a match, they take im mediate advantage of it and do all in their power to keep people in a constant state of vexation. They glide ciuieily from gcnilcman to lady, from mother to daughter, Front father to son, and into the ears of all thev pour their dark, bitter whisperings of slander and abuse, and at the same lime pre tend to be the most sincere friend of those they talk to. Their black and nauseous pills of malicious slander are sugarcoaied with smiles and honeyed words of friendship. Tattlers are confined to no par ticular class of society. They be long to all classes, and operate in all. V.'e hnd them among the rich and the poor "upper ten" and the "lower million" in the church and out of it. They are people who have no higher ambition than to be well informed in regard 10 other people's private business, to retail scandal to their neighbors, and exult in fiendish triumph over the wounded feelings and bruised hearts of their innocent victims. Our contempt for such graceless creatures knows no bounds, and we can Hnd no words in which to express its infamy. What punish ment they deserve we cannot know; but God knows, and as sure as His eternal justice reigns, they will receive a retribution proportioned to the magnitude of their offenses against the laws of God and the in terests of humanity. "A tattler felt a serpent bite his side." "What followed from the bite? The serpent died." AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRiL 12, 1908. t it fik.isiiit. U ' losf old days .' Of jcuiK, when tfn. ,.:'And the "Sunday's it: And we went visitinj!. " and : '.bit v. . eWrs 'Vtfc thf'fgll. i'iiilu.i. too. you." Out to Old Aunt Mir .U'A Though m as !:;,!.! soa arc Rrfcy, I comes hi.l; sci il-.'ir today! Wt crass'th? pasture and through the wood Where tile old gr&.y snig of the popular stood.' Vhere the hammering "redheads" hopped awry And thf birmrdj "raised'.' in the "cleaiinjj' sV RC-."st.J M. .i ..'I j . . i t L.. s. Jt-- L Oui to Old Aunt Mary'. .. And then in' the dust of the road again, And (he leaps w met and (he countrymen, And Jhc long l.ijiawiy, with sunshine spread Out by the h? :i ' l mi. I ! vn l'w: We patter a.1, f. in the dii i j)'ain, As light as the (;pi el (; -t-fl; of the rain Out A. As thick 4s butter oo country Tireid Ourlare behind and our hearts ahead, Out to Old Aunt Mary r ClWx y&a (Ori jjCf .. Mater . i i.. . i .wn - V i i -l." Whv. I .ri her W m tk& Anat . I AnttUKe oldspruig house 1a ihs I. Jiooni -...j. , ... ui i L . J I -k T Where iheil(le oird miii the sides ak'ifVf r0 wJl0w13. and the coelii- room The ciapho.,d roof; and her fce-ah. me, , ' 1 Whtlhe jMi "' h stock were kept. Wasn't it good for f,c) to see f A lWheri thecfeam in. apld-n languor slept " a And nasa't ihaod iWlw,. to L " ' -f'lW' Whilefthe VVUrs urd and lau..-hfd and wepfr- i X 0.iro0M MW.7 V.H I 0u( V-Old Aunt Mary's." v a ; t v .A :a. . .. rothfcr, so far aWajf.jK. ' X .... :..VJ., The ieliythejam ar.d thenarrhalade, 6 my And the cherfy andjnince preserves she nvairO 1 This ii jlo.lel! you-hc ws.its icd And the sv.'cc(-3ou4 p'' Hes oTpMcand peak, To welKpme' us. Alint Mary Je'd With cinnjt.on in cm and all things rare. And (h more we ate was the more tiNpare Out to Old Aunt MaryM Copyright by Jame& Wh'tcomb Riley. Aslrcothis morning, whispeilni "Tell '( The boy jfo come!" And all is well " Out to Old Aunt Mary's. -mS-JsJi JAMES VVHITIOMB RILEY. i tfci 4 1 j I V lit, 1 9 -J il! 1 .. .. j y ... vfVJ fa.. a ii ili WikW;SU ife.---gfe' JMtotaMiMi-feMllAi ICOANOK1-: K'lVliK S( 'l.M . This beauiiful scene can be viewed from Smith's Island, near Wcldoii. This isl.m.i is uwiivd by Mr. W. U. Smith, cashier of the 11 ink of Weldnn, and is one of the loveliest pieces l land alon;: the fertile valleys of the Roanoke, and having a delightful, cool, bubbling spring nl pin e water up on it, it is an ideal spot for pic-nics. This island contains 2 I acres. "3 r 'i . "A ' r I That our American rorrsta alxiiind la ( 1 plants which ikiswss tbn most valuiilili" ( niisliclnul virtues Is abumluiitly atlested " ly scores of tlm niuat eminent uiedi.-ul ' writers and teaehers. Kven tho tliuu- ' ! Uirrd Indians had discovered tho useful- ! liess of ninny unlive, plains beforn the I advent of the while rnco. This Infunua- . , tiuii, lniiartiil (rifly to llw whites, lid i : the latter to continue Inveiiinatluiei uiuii j tn-ilay w have a rich awnrlmeiit of uuut , . , i valuable American medicinal roots. These arrivals and departures are only as infor-, matlon for the public and are not guaranteed, and j u"TZ'tZT.Z ... . . ., . .. (el llieoil'injf muni ulIUI.IF nd Ul.l dU- are subject to cnanere without notice. , ..lAirw.jnwi.ri.peririii.e.utiibenii , -A " N Ik ' ' ( " V V- .V. - i. -. .... r. Vsr -V n . ROANOKE RlVf.R. V.VUon.N.C. s IT Ili MAJFSTIC h'OANOKl-. As seen from the Halifax and Northampton l'.ridge, about one mile Ivlnw eKInii. I ere the beautiful staam passes through a narrow gap, on either bank of wl beauiiful scrul bery. ii are to .ve ring hiils and Old) MIS' MOON CAM I:1 TOO. Ii .., I ' 1 1 II c 1 1 ,-r,.. rn.--.l liy I, I ., .1.1.11 li ill, ll III.- . : nn.Tt" mil. ''" n""" "i-U lu be ILi I . ! n , " i m ii I.'"!'-- "tr t- Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Nortolk at 7.25 a. in. No. 38 lor " " " at 2.57 p. m No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. For further information relative to rates, Jsched ules, etc.. apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (a ATT IS, Traveling Passenger Agent, I Raleigh. N.C. lull .in. I -I'M, II. -- III II . i Milium i . Ih.-v .-.ill ;! I . 1 1 1 I Ii. . l iin I. el Mine. Fan licld was wont in stand muIIv it ti..- .n , . 1 . in i. -i I. 1 In- ni l M :llc in..-l, on the porch ol her old Virginia i. (AnU , . m ih,,. i.w home and rejoice on inottili(;lit iim-:ioi. do-ii-s an.i unhoui -i ... , A I. i iliiTs nl In. sini..i - nights m its beauty. I here s u, ,,,,, u. nl :li ,i ,,i , i, :,,i ,,,n,.ij, S IC ttdUld S.IV. as It I'lumv.-ull ol lln-i- .1. .i,--n,. mm, THE HOLY MUST. I'cisuiK.l lcn(eiot find tho iioi ions I lope. "And hope utakvth mil jsliatr.ed; hec mse the love of ( in-.l i . iied nl in bv the I ii. mil' Ileal Is hv Hie tihosi, w hi eh is ;iveii uiit'i us. ' Roman-; iv. .r I Vniveir I ! P' .iied in (he he ol ce;v k-iia.r. I'he I air Slin. .(I K..H II .i.i. .-t pies err iiiav!' I" sull.-r vr- ni'.v ,n 1 1:- irns I '.nl aim' a III lie p.ilicik ..' ami experieiive iheir hup. rwived; lor their Lord rose tn mi the dead, and they beheld I iim a- ceniiin;; intu heaven. TiK n tin y v. ere made I1. -1.1. '1 lie y v. vie ma ashamed t.t their hi -pi, Ian proelaiinesl il by the preaehiii!' "I I 'eter .illil I he rest of the in. I he I loly Spirit had visiicd tlu-iii, und, thi-iVfolV. the, f. iil-'ssly proclaim eel iii the m '..! the Lord J,. -ns, their hope ol :-,!oi y Truly bistm y repeals il-.i.:!l. l ii'sl i .mi. our In I'lllalioii, oiii' a:;i.n , our el oss real iiij;. hit of pane i iee- and ex perience tliL'i'i. arise-; in ih;c --ea-snii a Messed hope; iheii collies a divine violation of the I loly ( ihost, "The lo'. e of ( Hid is -he. I .ibusiil in our Ik. ii is by the 1 loly ( ihost, v hi Ji is give n unto us. " Now iel us lake a little passage oi e'-.pei'imental mystery. You ha c it here spread before you in a little map of inner hie : "Tribu lation wui'kelh patience; and pa- licuee, experience; ami experience, hope, and hope makeih not a . shamed ; because the love of God is su el abroad in our hearts by the 1 oy ( ihost, Inch is gi ell unto us." This can iinh le tmder tood by ihoj ' p -op'.,- (,f ( .1 u 1 'a Im ha-.'e h i,l il written in capital letters on their own hearts, bur the v. oixl ti'ibulaiiou w orks sorrow, unbelief, ' rebellion ;,.'..;u:-t ( an.' ail sort o! evils, Imt when the I loly Spirit .iiv - n;;. the licin all that is Junged I'.uieiiee is a pe ill w liieh is found only in the deep seas of a, a. SIioop's Restorative All Dealers. w 8 Cennedy's Cough Syrup -'.rig them out a co; ;e.u.3 iiaa bowel-,. ' b: drawing (he of the liir .at, chest Th- : We- I the n: ... "pi I-!' W 1 ive (, : e'l-lure. '.lilhfilhless prove Hi- w rks expi. i'i ei'ieik ' v. or'r lo have kii-iwn "m.iii !. with an ii!:' hmiun :;i oft ni inhu ;fki v'ia-;ise- nriglil par ning star of i. .:ves e. a, i f in iy ;.;ii n c. ;..-- s c i mi: ;c.-n ir.cnibi gnj bron-hi.-il ti.b- " "As pleasant to tlie taste as Maple Siisar" Children Like It For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Tty tJeWi'.t s Kite, and Bladder Pills Sure und Sail .-..I.I liv W. M. I i.Ii.-m. Wi-l.lni,. N. ( '. OCOKOI- C. (iRHEN. ATT( ) R NE Y-AT- LAW, ' :it H.!i:ll i;;Llik lilliMiil::) WVIdon, N. C. its Gravestones sol kvi: in i s. oiv iiinnil . -,i lain. 1 !n- la-slnliltm- rosc iroin iieinnu me eastern mils. , K v,, i,.,, ,,, t . , 1 1 i-;1ii "Look, Hahli.1, see how beautiful '" l"" 11 "i noucii m i , , ,, , . . . . , I In iittslv v.hi Hull tin- trine. iv i it is, anu ner tiny coioicu nunc, mil ,i:a - ,,,,! .,, .-m-.v who was ever at hand with shawl ; inu; it;. ue as a s.i.-n.ii.i r . , . , . lull. I l.i.iini.l e-i ii.-ial 1..1HI- II tiiii- or fan for her beloved unstress, , -,., .i r,. Mia , ,t. .,,. wnnlil niiswi'i- I'llllllisiaslieallv. ! fill limn any nlliei m-ivi- m n.u- 1 il nullum ii. in.-. ii -.1 iuo u-iiM :i laoiiie- answer "Your moon certainly do look .t..r ,. H i.,i, - .nil r.-iru .lor. & ui i.n-.i rli-.iis.-r km. mi l.i moll, 111 . C IyH-p-1 lV or Indltfe.Uon, luruid llvirTTuncUolitl ' and tven rilTulir ana oiher n.uoui oi the tleirt jleld lo 111 curUe tcilon. Tho rrtun vhy It cure theM and ounr oilier affection!. I cleirly ihown In Utile bimk j of aalracla from ibeitandtrd medli-al woiH wbleb U milled frtt to any iddren by Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Uufrlo. N. V.. to all aeuduif Kauaat (or tba aim. e O Not leu tntrrfloui. In ll.e unparalleled I cure It la constantly uitkina of woman's ; many peeull.tafTecUoni, weaknaaaea and I raiCrllesJ'reacrliaSiipsoM la amply altealed ' pow'ful liaildsoilie tOlligllt." by ihouaaStfa ofjJSHd 'hen Mine. Fairfax journeyed .ilhinea hvarfelul pai who hlc been " 1 ' hj. o Vf f.trrh.l nelTlellfilii.i.alnrTrf ; ( ie C,jy (0 VlSlt her SOU Dulllli, S3SM!52tS ; looking out of the window with SSnS ; wondcring eyes on the first even pbj.ician. bad failed. ing of her life away from home, , exclaimed in a voice mingled with Both the ahoTe mentioned irnlle nm ara " liolly made up from tlieglycerl.-elia.-lof aStOM ISH llieil t illld relief, VI til, I native, medicinal nna. llitt m ... , , Jloved in their B..i.u(-ture e,e or nal (Jecar' t0 g,)(KlCSS if (lie MlS wltii Dr. Flen-e, and they are l arrlii on ny , . , , , akllled rhemlKU and pl.aniia. l.i. wlUi tli.1 j u0n am , J0)e c0,e alotlg- tO deimei ami buiit foi ; iin; i";";-.''"nd ! Washington wif nie and ole mis'! iluy ..i Intuit leaili- ia'l II ,l!.ll aiih.laat nie:it come, b-nh th : light, tin-, tin hope, this herald ol the everlasting day of glory: and this hope when received makeih iwi ,i-,h. lined. First, then, v. c will consider the conliJeike of our hope. We are not ashamcil to hope for glory and immortality and eternal life. We arc not a-diameil of the object of our hope. ( 'ur hope is that we shall be like our perfect Lord, and shall be with I iim where 1 le is, that we may bjmld I lis glory." We are ii"l ashamed of the ground of our hope, lor the fact of ChnM's resurrection is our sure founda tion, and we are not ashamed of our personal appropriation of this hope; not because of any special virtue in ourselves, but because ol the justification that God promises. 1 Now, the reason of tie? confi dence is nothing hut the love of God. This hope makes and keeps us good, and, if it were not for 1 lis unchanging love, all that is good in us would soon pass away. If it were not for love--almighty love, ' immutable love, unbounded we should never behold the face of ' the King in 1 lis beauty in the land that is very far oil'. He loves us, and, therefore, He leadeih us and feedclli us and keepeth Us lor ' evermore, I he hearts of I lis lailhlul follow el s confess this. , Gome, then, O ye that have this hope of glory; let all men see thai j f,u are :v.?t :H':n"''.l of u biv the Lord cause you to spread abroad what He has shed abroad, and may that which perfumes your Af A v : , 1 :; " '" ' --.! rvLiVfc.Y I. V IK. 1" - t O K . ;. ' 1. 1 .nut .. iii.!-li,iL! Ui.i! e I lev'. THT. COUPER If'-'RBIE WORKS. , i:i;ii.ii-;,, .i ims. i 1 .'l lo Id I'.alik ' I , N,.l!nlk, Va. A br ill? rainier 1 IWlSELL1 STAG F-AINTbVHS l,ji.a S7 V) ) whenousce avi ft ihi N flho.cTtFfii;! rJ w tr iw I.-IILI n.tii It represents maximum value fiSV S AVI ft IHI IMIllTJ i at minimum cost fJ j Goes farthest! lUSl OlUirirsTil a-n'-nfj Jmvwaau iaJ I'Oi'Sillo II' PIEKCE-VH1TLHEAD. HDW.ICO., Weldon, N. C. W.l.TI;R I:. DAMHL. A! IhKM:1, - .1-1 AW, I ; I . I K 1 N , N. ('. I'lai'li.'i s in th. oi on t ut' 11 nil Uix unil Ni.iiiiain...ti an.i hi tin' .-iipii-m.. nnl r.-,li nil i'..iiil. ( '..11. en., ns iiiaili. in all IhiiIm 1. 1 Ni.illi I ai'.liua, r.riincll utlico al llaliias i..rit I'M-iy M'.n.liiy. Sed Z aVi-entlrel,- fn-e from .l.s.l,..l and all oilier harmful, hal.ll-foruilna dniax A full llai of Uielr tairedtaal U prluuat M a toMat-wraMRW. We can't be homesick now, wit ole Mis' Moon shining on us." Uplift III-, liuls illLri-sllin. lll-t'M slllL'Lrlsll llvi'is un.i knllirys. unit lniliers tu-w lllr. shi'imlli anil aiultilit'ii. I'rst it a !r luvn uinl !if eiiuviiii'i-.l. All DritltMS If you are not prepared to diet, don't attempt to live on love. kruui'.ly's Laxative I'niicli Syiiiji in tin- one that i-liil.tivn like nom-II to take us it lasli's tn-arly us iiimil hm niiipli' Miimir. il ik ililii'ii-nt (Viiiti tin- nllii-rsais it lioi'i. not cunsliiiiilt1, hut on tlie other hand it nets y-eiitty yet 1'ieely on llie Iiowi'Im an.i ihi'iehy it dines llie eul.l i- o... I Sold bv W. M. t'olieii, Weliloii, X. I". The soiiree nl nearly all the evil am! iiuhappiness ot tins w oriu is sellisliness. We know ii ; but we still keep on being sellisti. We see that the world might be made ideally beautiful it only all people heart also pel fume your business, would live uiiseltish lives, and yet your conversation, your whole wc l.e.p on being sellish. We life- And may you so enjoy true strive alter the things that will ad- godliness that you may never bring minister to our immediate satist'ac- shame upon il, nor feel shame con lion, and hate people who get in eernuigit. our w ay ami hinder the attainment of these things. And so w e keep on, and the world iars and is un harinoiiious and is darkened and miserable; and we wonder why God has not made things more fair, when it is wc ourselves who are marring the purpose of God, which we can plainly see. I KILL the COUCH !am THE L LINCS wth Dr. King's Hew Discovery MB tOOUCHS ,rC,L00. I un WOLDS Trial Bottle Free ND Ml THR1T ANDIUNGTROUBLES. GUAR NTEED SATIBFAOIOKV OR MONEY REFUNDED. Boar, tie S?' "m !!l's 1 N ill ui r lius pirn I'ltil t In- slohl;U-li Willi ivrimi. imliuul llni'N kmtwu as tlie di-ur-'-lni'.iiH('i'H. :uid il is tlironirli tlii'sc juices that tin' Tood hp cut is uett'd up on in such :i way us In produce llie rich, ml hlood thai llos IIiioultIi tin1 veins ofoui liotly and tliei'eh) makes usstnniLr heullliv and roliiivi, und it is the weak ening ol these dm'eslixe jiiiei'H tiiat de stiovh health. Il in our own luult il' we destroy our ow n health, mid yet it lis so easv for any one to put the win much out ol order. When you need to take ptnnethinif you need to take Nntnetlnnir you know is reliable Munethmir like V 9 mmW SS lri M 6a m Bear.tli. ! W-Hf. WHflU - " ,,,, , ttlk), it w ,,,i,ll,lo und iriiariuiteed to uive relief, Sold bv W. M. Cohen, WvlJuii N. (.'. .' I'l.iini'llv ol.iiuii.-.l. o' Ft" E llCTUnNFO. tO VEB5'S)lPCmriNCt5. UiiftiMHHlifc un. THE LOWEST. S mt Html L r-kHrl. Ur CMhTt waM 11 unit ii in lilt.u! 1-iU'litnt.iiilT. INrillNCCMENT P.ti!.. riititiili'li-tl bohirw nil ctnii'N. i'litcitm oi,is:tn'.l (l.-iottrH m, ADVFU TICD Km) SOLI), Ij- TiirtDE-MARRS, FtM SIONS aiul COPVhICHTS qui Lly uMiul. OppoeUe U. 9. Patent Ofnoaf WASH1MOTON, O, C. . A! law r . . 1 . 11 S8?. VflSB'i -HCi'-

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