ill IP Wlf iSi raP if If tl Terms of inibscriptioii-$l.5 Per Annum Advertising Kates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. NO. !. VOL. XUII. Yi:UX)X, N. ('., riU HSDAV, .H'KV L, l!i)s. 4 1 hi I I -i f. - 'i . - r ? f-s r 1 i t H 1 fl " ' - ..OO'1 IllI AI'?fi;il,lorn'nr,ii!,inrorAs .'.i.nilaiiiiJilicFoiMtolKi'itiiia collie Simiiai lis iU'JUiM'c'lsi' PrnmnlrsDislion.Chrfrftil a:::l IVst.Coiil.lius itcitMr (ipiim.Moriihuip nor Mineral. Not Nahc otic. jtniFofouaisnurmvm jt.S,?;w lhi'fnittt -l'i faitmi Stiii Sugar . fatkifiiv lltmr. AnctfpflRfiwdvfiirronsllpa- lion, Sour Slomach.Dlarrtoca Worms .roimilsions.rovcrish M'SSWulLoSSOFSUiEl. facsimile Siiiaturr of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. H OIS0S y 1 1 a v I ' it 1 1 s i. LTi, P. N. STA1NBACK, l iM)i:in'AKi:i, jjlj VVeldon, . . North Carolina. Hull Line of CASM-T.S. COITINS nrnl ROIiltS. Day, Niicht and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. ll.d.ROWK IT NIfRAl. DIKHCTOK AM) IIMHALMLR. Seventeen years' Lxperienee. Hearse Service Anywhere. 301 -JOBmQI IOC OK 3E 52 THE BANK WKl.DON, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, At lil'sT clil'll. Istr.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcldon Depository. Capital $40,000. Vox limn' tii;tu tii'tfcn yt-uin this institution lias (iruviitnl I'Uiikimr fiicili lu's lur tins st'i'tion. Its stnoklniMri aihl iliict'tins havr Im-ch iilrntilii'il with tin1 lnisitM'!! intt'icst (!' Ihilil'uv anl Noithanittii countii's for many year. Money in loaueil upu'i rt m t. 1 wruiity at thcleiral rati1 of intcii'Kt hi x per t'tMituiu. AccniiiitH of all air Molintrti. Tin- mirplus ami nn.lmJr.l ntlits ha inir n-ai'hftl a Mini t-inial to tin Capital stiH'k. tlu1 Hank has, coiniiit-miuir January I, !M. cstaMiNlu'il a Saving hopartnifiit alloniuif interest on lime ileponits as follows: For Heposits arjtuu'il toieniain three months or lum:'i, J per eriit. Si months or longer, S per efnt. Twrive mouths oi longer, t percent. For further mfoi uiation apply In the President or l uhier. i-kksiokm: vi k-1'Hiiuai; csim:u: V. K. DAM Fl.. Ir. II. W . l.FW IS. W. II. SMITH. I.iaelisoii. Nitithaniptou eouutyi SEABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908, These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public anJ are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WEI-DON as follows: , No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.2S a. m. No. 38 for " " " t 2.S7 p. m No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 03 p. m. For further information relative to rates, Jsched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C Or write to C. II. (J ATT IS, Traveling Passenger Agent, . I Raleigh, N.C. 18 I For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years TMI CCNTAUR MNNV. NtW VON It fllTV. K30E I'ih-nkk 21 am O OF WELDOf RAILWAY ff IK . .ft. ii LAl'GliTEP. AND DIGESTION. Spring Waters, jvtnuiitiins or Sea Air, Often Oct a (irent Deal of Credit Which Is Due to Recre ation. That a 1 1 t -1 i ; i I mind is really ii basis I'm' ifiioil ilii'Ktiun is tdiovvn liy I li' remarkable sen sit i Voiles i.l' til" llioi'slive CI'SS to tn.'illill i Iilicilis Sllil- ill'll MirinU', I ,-1 t IH'WS. lliMlsl.T, irrciil loss i if i t -1 v in- Trie in Is, ii-at iisniitiutinrnls nut only iiircst all tlic 'li-i'sliv.- pni- Cl'SSI'S llllt 1'VI'II suspcli'l I In f it'll in t ion nf the tfastlii' jtliri's It lias lii'i'it shown lliat wlicii tin' gastric follii-h-s arc ilistcii oil ami tin- gastric juices lluw int; freely finm tlit'lii. wlicii nlic is liunnry ami rating with that relish, on the receipt, of hail news they hecoinc parcheil, ilry, feverish, ami food will re main in the stomach for many horns with tlio digestive pro cesses alisoltitoly suspended. Tin1 digestion seems to ho de pendent upon tin condition of the mind. ( H'ten our passing ; moods hastens of retards diges tion. We of t oil hear people, espei ... i ' ially delicate women who have nervous dyspepsia, suy they can o out to lale suppers or hampiets and eat heartily of all sorts of iiicolini'llolis foods without feeling any inconve nience afterward. They do not realize that it is : due to the change in the mental ' attitude. I liey have liad a H'oud lime; they have enjoyed themselves. The livelv convrr- i sat ion the iokes that caused . i them to laiiuh heartily, the ; hrinht, cheerful iivironmeiit completely changed the mental attitude, and, of course, these conditions were rcllected in the digestion and every part of the KVStein. l,;illLrlitcr and L'ood cheer are enemies of dyspep- 8ia. Auythinn which will di- vert the dyspeptic's mind fnun his ailments will improve his digestion. When they were tit home worrvintr about their health, swallowing a little dys pepsia, with every mouthful of food, of course these women could not assimilate their food. Hut when they were having a jollv (j' loi I time, they forgot their ailments and were sur prised afterwards to find that they had enjoyed their food. The w hole process is mental. People who o to health re sorts attribute their improve ment to change of air or to the waters they drink, when as a matter of fact, it has probably been wrought by chaiiK' of '" vironnielits, change of melit tl sugtfentirm, as much as by the change of air or water. Spring waters, mountains or sea air. often u;et a deal of credit which is due to recreation Hood, wholesome fun, When people k away on vacations or little otitiims thev K' for the purpose of enjoying themselves and of course, thev arc bene- tit I'd. The reason a bride promises to , obey her husband is because she doesn't intend to A Bold Step. To ovrrromo tho wi'lt-irrminitiMl and : h'usiiriatiio nl.jttiin!4 of th.i mom Int.'' lixi'iit Ui tlio usi' o socrot, nirili.'lniit ts.iu Hiiind, Dr. B. V. IViw, o( llulTiilo, N. I Y., sotno time aRn, deei.Jed t.i niaU.' a IkiIl) d iiartiirc from tlio usuul coiirsi1 iiirsiiiHl : t.y lti milkers of put-up mclioliM for ilo mostlc use, a net so has publlshod broad- cast and oiHTifjr to Uio wholo world, a lull 1 and compMe list of all tbo Ingredients entering InWlhoooiiiiMisltioiioI Ills wtdi-ty celebrated GfdliJwa. Thus he has taken bis numenrtls iiitrons and patients. Jnto his full IjTme. Thus Uki lio His re movclluVflit'lDes from among secret rostriiyrof doubtful merits, anil tnaito lliemWVfnuttics of A'nmi'H Coiii;wt(i..u. ' l,l" ak"M "iLiJj'e.T. I.',S:;"'" '' lie I? ii.iTfi-.l'.'v M".j''' t inein m tki -faiiiiAi. .'.iIutuuL, . . , iSot ..uly iUk s li.t- wranrn'r of rer; no' tie of Ilr. I'l.-ree's'n M.stir.l IMs.s.very. tlio ftiiiuii. ini ilK liie for . Hk si." i. hi. Ii. E.i.J . or lulixusii.-si. .ml all . aluiil.u) .Msi'iisi's I VlM'tWIT i.H'Mtl.l. ll.V). I ll.l.-.l UI..II It. (II ' lil.illl hnDliat,, a lull .nil i, t.i ll ,,t .11 Ihe liik'n-Uli iita iMli.iH.sintf II. but a si n H II I.., k Iihh In'.'H .'..mi, ili.i fri.ti mm. irons I fctmiil.iU ni.-itl.'.l Hcirks, i.f ull Ibe Uillerent . a. liu..lH of i.ra.'ll.'O. eontiiiiiliiir very toitt.iT ous fi'.in the. riln.i: of Ifn.llng I lnai'tttinlifis. of liieilielne, einlorslna' in tin 1 .lr.'iio.'Af iM.Niof.l tt imn, c i. b anil eterv liini'e I dlenl .'.inl.ln. il 111 Or. I'l. I'.'e s nieill'Snes. , Out. of these llllle liooksn lll lie ni. 11.1 fl. o i to anyone Htitilli i ailili'fs on or I t) letter, lo Or. K. V. Tier.'.' Hiiirnl... N. V.. . anri r.siiniliitf llm h.iii... f'n.m this llltlo tonk It will Iw leame.1 tlial 1'r. I'lei.'e's lne.1 i 1. im-N eotitaln no klis.bol. ii.ivotl.-s. mlnernl ai'iitn or oilier ihiIsoiiou. or lniiirl..ii!jtiiO'nls and tbat tbey are u.R.le from liallve,'l tiij r.K.lH of irreat T.lue: also that some of the ntoMt Taliiahle Inun'tlleiil. rontaln...l In 1 llr. I'leree's 1-avorUn fr.-wrlptloli for weak. I nervous, over-worked, "run-down," nei.ons . and dehllllllti'd women, well' lonif , year, aire hy the Ii.iliaus for Ktinllar alluii ins I afleetltiir their wiiiawH. In f.i t, one of Ihe, ! most valual.le luetlleinal lilanls eiilennir Into Uie eotniRMtilloll of llr. I'leree's I'avorlle l'le acrliitlon mi known lo the Indians as I "Nmaw-Weed." Our knowledge of the tm of not a few of our niosi valual.le native, nie : dk-lnal t'lants was gullied from the Indians. As made up hy Improved anil exact lro. cesses, U.e " t avorll.. Vreserli.tlon " Is a most i efllrtent n'meily for retfulalliiif ail the wom anly runi'uotia, s.rreetui nisi.iaeemenis, as Itroiattstis, antererslon and retorverslon, OvereoDllnir painful iterlmK lonlntf li II. tierros ana brlnaliif limit a perftyt slauius twalUt. Bold by all (Walwa la essdklona, jV """, Vfc-H Seaboard Air Line Railway P.ridRe, Wehlon, N. C. Snow, March 21, HiOS. KISS Mi (.'ROBES, , There are microbes in a kiss, sweetheart, is what the savants say; And yet, despite tliese'micrubes; do you think you'd say me nay, If I a kiss should crave of you with Host think you would deny nie in Dost think that we should know or care if millions lingered there Of naughty, hungry microbes? Don't you think that we would dare Defy the millions one and all, and kiss the same old way, As Adam kissed sweet Mother live in Paradise that day ? The microbes of a kiss, sweetheart, pray what, pray what, are they? Of confidence, and sweetest love, and hope that day by day ' These microbes all will stronger grow and flourish as they may, While 1 kiss you and you kiss me the sweet old fashioned way. i :v'mv.'.' it -Bf:?lJf'r .-.f iM' WASHINGTON AVHNIT:, WIT.DON, N. C. Snow, March 21, HMS. LET SOMETHING GOOD BE SAID. BY JAMliS WHITCOM15 KILHY. Vt'hen over the fair fame of friend or foe The shadow of disgrace shall fall; instead Of words of blame, or proof of thus and so, Let something good be said. Forget not that no fellow-being yet May fall so low but love may lift his head ; liven the cheek of shame with tears is wet If something good be said. No generous heart may vainly turn aside In ways of sympathy; no soul so dead But may awaken strong and glorified, If something good be said. Ami so I charge ye, by the thorny crown, And by the cross on which the Saviour bled, And by your own soul's hope of fair renown, Let souk'thim,' good be said. NOT I'AYINti I OR MOLLS. "Yes, sir," said the druist, "we have all sorts of porous plasters. What sort do you wiu.t?" "W'ell-er, which kind lmsthe fewest boles in it?" asked the Stinjay. "I want to u'et oiy money's worth." Philadelphia Press! NOri!-TO-l)ATL. "Wasn't their divorce a shock ing affair?" said Mrs. Leathergilt. "Inexcusable,'' answered Mrs. Smariseti. "They both had the most unfashionable lawyers they could find." There's hardly anything a man is more ashamed of than always coming home on time. microbes or without f the winning of Love's bout? 7TH "'.'t" i - vi?? --i -j&.'vvx V'?n. iiKH II. ut .i..,i;jtt - new.-. In tlio sunnui't tnic lii' a tonic to oil s.'t the I'llslnlnal V lull weather Nerve Ull. I Mli'lllMh ileilessiotl. Yuu will Irrl hol ler M ll h ut s hum s ul'lt-i l.ialiuuin 1. 1 take a h' :in I'i. sh.iup s Ki-stiiia-live, lis pti.iopl a.'liiiti in Irs' nut! the Wi-akeueil Ili'lM'S is sin ,i tsinir. Of etuiise. you nn t e.'t enttielv sttonir in it lew ilays. luit eueli ilav y.iii ean actu ally lirl Ilie iiiipiov.-uii'iii. Tlinl (ire.l llleless. spilltless, fi-i-l I nu will ,UICkly ib'pai I W hell UsillC the lo slolalni'. lr. shuop's liest, .lalive will shuipeii a litil me uppeli e: it ilicr.-siii.ti; it will Hll'eliL'lllell the weilkelieil Kl.illt'ys ami llellll liy Mlnplv lehtiililliui thewoin ollt nerves that these means tlepeml upon. Test it u few ilays un.l he etuiviuet'tl. All liealeis. A girl doesn't dare to forge, to say her prayers, for fear it might spoil her complexion. 1 Krinu'ily's Laxative Cmiuli Syrup acts t'lilly upon tut' tiowclh and tticrc- IV t nt'N II' 'OKI (HI (1 I'VM 'IIHIU ai tl,e,. lime ,1 allavs mlhoninatinn ami stops irritation, t iul.licn like it. Sold hy W. M. Calien, Weldon, N. STARTING IN HIT.. I.el I s Whisper A I ew Wiinls (If Counsel. You arc soon to leave and l.iv;ik away from all the tender tics ol hoinc, and no out to seek your for tune ill the world. I.el Us wins per a few words of counsel c suppose you wish o lv rjell i 1 1 n ' people th i. Vie don't think i sji. desirable. K should be sot i y t have inherited w ; ,ilt!i. Liu s i : competence is very iicsir.ii'le, i-. di s'iensible. W ell, die w ay to it is by forclhou;;lu to plan, ind try to execute, and prudence keep the earnings of your wn (jet what you honestly earn, never take more. Money is no means the best thiu: in I You are here in this world to come a food man, a wise iiniu just man, an allectionate man, hi fV to il'K. i'.lt by ' '- a a religious man. W'oik for your manhood as well as for money; take as much pains to j;vt, and as much to keep it. Keep clear of vice. especially intemperance, : gambling and licentiousness. These three ruin thousands of young men : every year, lie not gloomy, sour and stiff. Cheerfulness, gayety, liveliness and mirthfulness belong to your period of life. You will liud little real pleasure in anything your conscience forbids. As yuu have opportunity, cultivate your mind and fore-thought, prudence i and iiulusti y will help you here as ' much as in gelling money. And j now would you ptolong the sun- shine of life forever? We must say to you there is no real happi- ness in life without religion. It is a restraint from doing wrong, an encouragement lo Jo right, and a great comfort at all tunes of life. And finally, remember, ihough ab sent from the sight of the dear ones a: home you will ever live in their hearts; and their highest earthly w ish will be that you may prove yourself a noble man. SAYS WO.MLN II.W Ii TWO SOI I.S. Women ! " e two souls, perhaps ; more, aecoidmg lo I'resideiii (i. ! StanLy I lail, ol ( Tirke I 'niversity. I le gave this as the explanation j of the "fickleness" of woman : her erratic nit thod. of imnpiio: at i conclusions a id her mniiiions, " ! in his address on "I 'sychothera ! pcutics," before the graduating class of the Coll.-"'.' ol Physicians and Surgeons toJ.iy. I "Woman is much more suscep 1 tible than man," he said. " There is a good reason for this. We know that she has two or more souls. She may love and hale ai the same time and the same per son. She may say and think she is sick or well when the reverse is i really true, It means simply thai one soul is in the ascendancy. ! These two souls may be absolute strangers to each other, but they ! certainly exist. We have prov ed I it beyond the shadow of a doubt." I Boston Dispatch. I'lllll will .1, (Hilt II) llllll.ll.s ',, In. sin. op's I'liiic I'lini'ls is ia I'llln uiivu liens l.'i annul" a ' 1'atlis il vus in, ans e.,iicri'sii,.ii. !!,i.. ,ivsii nullum; el-e. 1 1 . a. t;i.' Ii.- is I.l... 1 pi, ssi1V.t..,.lh:i.'lii' is li,iii, pri ssin,. , ' 0..' s, llslllv,- 11,1 f Hi s,,,, .. ,.. i nelie 'lal.lel; als.. eallt i I'ink I 'am la : lets oiuoUv an. I sal'rlv eua lies I.l... i i.iessur,. a'.vav I'm.iii pain et ui 1 aii fnl i..i..iN wall w.. iii. ii i;. I iiiIaol llel'. '.'II I'uMrls -J ,. ' All 1 'rati is. , When, as frequently happens, ! the first born brings love to an un i happy couple, they are conscious ; of the dawn of affection when they behold the son rise- t.el my "lioiil, X.. I lot Women." ll will Live weak w , .nii'ii many alnal-le suc'c'esln.ns i.l I, In I - a li.t Willi si i i.-l lv I'liiili'li iiliiil no ilu al it'ltit'e is i-iitiieiy ("lie SI III l Willi' I'I. Slim. p. 1,'at'IIU', Wi I II. I.'iuk Xo I lolls ui.,,,,! i. sh'ii.p's Xuilit line ami Imw tins,. s.."lliinc. In aluiL' aii'is, pt e sapii.-sa,, 111 s can he sneeessliilK aiiplnsl l.i ci H'i 1..1 ia. Ml I '1 air A man will try to marry the girl he loves a girl w ill try to marry the man she marries. That's ail the ditlerence. Theie is out- pn-paralioii know 11 to.lay llial w ill pniotplU hi lp tin' stomach. Tins is Koib.l. Koilol .liu.-sisallelasses 0I I0..1I. anil It lines It tholiillehly. so I liill the use ol Koilol fur u tune will without .l.iul.t lielp auvuiii- v . ' has stomach ilisottleis or stomach 1 uuble. 'I'ake toiliiy tiii.t coiitin 11 for the sluul time that is necessary t" true von complete relief. ' Sol.l hy W. M. I'olicn, Wel.liiii, X. ('. , The roolish girl sighs to be the first in a man's life; the. wise ones ', seek to be the lusi. ., , CASTOniA, I ,. t 1 y 11 .illjnu(1 D.,i Beanta. ha tVmJ Ynu Haw Atwat? BOtlgftt I Signature C. 1 of A GOOil TOAST. Love Them, and the I nines Can't Help It. Dear 'I Ik- h.lli. ilenien ; I I'M'-t t ;;eii- m I liv. ive i mr loys. ilicy ihev itcMc our i lllll 1 ' : N, I ill sorrow.,, , la.) y i;.eitc i;i-.'!'e..' dtir l;i l quadruple our cat c our il;.i;M,iiii:iiv, our sui r-spect, w;ii, aioiise control our rr.ip ih-v ai.i.-n ;i!Lvtioi!s, and out- tnanaaivi'e us in e ervthiiig. 'I his world is a die, n y World without 1 1 1 c I , I . In fact, I ni.iv say williuiit prospect of sti .cestui contradic tion, that w iili ii i them thS wouldn't lie much of a win Id anyhow. 'e love thein, and the dear thing-; can't help it; we con- trol (hem, and the precious fellows don't know it. As husbands they are convenient, though not alw ays; as beaux they are by no means "matchless." They are iimst agreeable as visitors, li;mJ at slate lairs, and null pensible at oyster saloons. They are splcn- did as escorts lor some oilier fel- low's wife or sister, and as friends they are better than women. As our fathers they are inexpressibly grand. A man may be a failure in business, a wreck in constitu- .;,. ..... I, iL.-ISl ,,(' is .i ' ' ' I" ...hi" ....... v... beauty, mulling as a wit, less than nothing as a legislator forwomen's rights, and not very brilliant as it member of the press, but if our : father we overlook his slionconi-, ings and cover his peccadilloes w ith the divine mantle of charity. Then, as our husbands, how we love to parade them as paragons ! . In the sublime language of the poet, We'll lie lot 'em. We'll cry for 'em And il we could we'd lly for em; We'd anything but die for cm Till; ONLY SAIT; WAV. Don't sleep on your left side. a pressure on the heart. Don't sleep on your right side, for il interferes w ith ilie respira tion of that lung Don't sleep on your MoniaJi, I for that inicrlcivs v n!i die rcpira tioli i,l both liio,;, .mi! makes breaihii ig diikeiiit. 1 loii't siec p . n Vuiir l a. k, lot this method of gttiiii:: ih is bad for list" uei"'. oils Don't sleep sitting m a elicit', for your body falls into an unnat ural position and you unno' get the necessary relaxation. Don't sleep; standing up, for you may topple over and cr.kk your skuil. Don't sleep. "II. -alii II. I. 11,- ,...M-t "liu-i-.l. Il.i-i- i-r . In- In s: p i i.l' ri at i". I-!.-i' is ma. to wall iiiiili. I,. .i an . -. -ni; 11 I'l' lv ininiil. s ( mi.-.- liiniiin. 111.' lill.-sl Coll. lias i. i-, nth !., oi Kai-in.-. U is I'.-.- in it i-itlii-r ilolll pltll' l.i.t- mils. , i;, poll wis. ("llr,-. Nolw I... ilin.'. "Ma- -I H'l.H I ,.i sal,- In- W el pi ll ull Ni.lilsi ll.-allli i I e.-i.a' it uoal.i ..lit .li i- .a I'll . a tiiainl -a 1! I' I'aii.. a-. .-i l.iii. X. llyman's altar is the altar of sac rifice. A woman docs not dceni divorce absolutely necessary, but she is al. ays happier if other peo ple know that she is living apart from her husband. Just Lxactly Right. "1 liiive it-r.l lir. K uur's Xrw lai't is f,.i s.-M'ial 'i aiv an-! liii'l lli-'in jusl ,-ai-lK i mill. " sav- Mi. I .ll..ii...l' llanis'tilli'. X. V. Xrw 1 -i U- Tills n ti, ir mill,. ut the li-asl .lis,., a,, .,ii. Il. si i.-iii-islv lot i',.ii-tipaii..ii, liilii'ii-iii-s a. i.l inahiiia -".!' at anv ,!i slolr If a w oman cannot induce a man to make a tool of himself lor her, she will make a tool of herself lor him. Thai is always the way with them. liest the World Allords. 1 -.'. . ti. 11..-M' I I, .i.-i.l. SIV. .1 W I. llkui- - I am ciiuv nice! il will I all 'i'ls It c t I111111I1. iiii.l il m-. . sure, l.inn ui w.oiii. pin. I at anv - lai.-a salt,. .1 I luip.-l Hill. X I llo- l'. -l sake .Iii, ,i . I I ' 'M' When you stand on the door step of Love, always get past into the hall before you give the bell a ring. l.eil l',ail.ei, of is., says. T tiave only taken fuiii iluses ol yotii Knl ney an. I lUa.l'lel Pitls ami they have .lune fui me 1111. ie than any oilier im -ii. eine has ever ilune. I am still takmer the pills as I wan! a peileci cure."' Mi. i'.atker refers to le ill's Ki.luev unit j Itlnilih'i' fills. I Sol.l hy W. M. I'olien, Wel.loll, N. When a man wants to turn a dishonest trick he has no trouble in finding an excuse that will satis - fy his conscience. ConstiBafii uutj T? Q s All Dealers. I r t nj, Ufa tA .'- 4 V 1 Our Guarantee Coupcn ti hmili, i ii. 1 I..,' ir tlui.i jvu 1 I Hi u - I ut l liln llnl - Digests WhatYouEat And Makes (he Stomach Sweet E. C. DcWITT & CO., Chicago III s.iMi.yU. i i ..Ih h, s.v. - . . (ii;OR(il; C. (jKlifiN, AT'lOk'M'V-AT-LAW, Nil! at I'ank I '..lit 1 Hit ' Wehlon, N. C. Monuments AMD Gravestones. WE PAY FREICHT as GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . I,iiii.i;l si'iX'K In t tic- Month -t? MtatJ baialuiiK' 1'rce. THE COUPER IRARBLE WORKS. .1 l-K! .. X,.ilu!k, ": f.:i in Hi ' Haul. Jake iii.i i-f. i m or i I- s. k .... -J ., cTAfi r iV ii NT .. i n nlily roc-i ta ,: sy-h . 'j. t'"li : tv PIERCE-WIIITLHEAD HDW. CO., Wcldon, N. C. Wl.Ti:R I:. DAMI'L, TTOK'M'V-,.T-I.AVt', WI.I.I'iiX. N. C 10 a vy s a t'ciyu horcH iood! H ,,'S 'StiSJ " ht t-An 0,1 1'iaelu'rs in I In- curls of Halifax ami Xmthanipl'iii ami in the stipu me anil 1 1. 1. it .'. .mis. 1 ..ll, cimiis iiuiile iii all pai I-nf Xiui h 1 aii'1'na. 1'aam'li tillioe at I l.ih'as I'l'i'ii 1 iv Mini-lav. KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUNCS Dr. King's WITH New Discovery FOR OOUCHS .nTKm WOLDS Trial Bottle Free MOM I TltRDaT ANDItiUfiTRrUIRlES. QUAKi NTEKDBATISi ACIOUV OB MONEY HEIONDED. -. "..l .-v I, .. fEE f)tTUBMH. to YEARS' t set lairjc t . t.m cur R. l S ftU THK LOWS ST. V ni i' ..I.l j,l,,.i,. - 1 s' ,1, 1, i,,r r. a i.'r', I. ... I 1 1, .. . . I ,.1, .1- '.l-",.!.l V. INFRINCCMt N t '' ""'.'I Ut.-.v nil ri .irM. I'.il. ii.K 1 l.i . 1 I Or. 'it'll ni, SOVFR. TISIORI..I SOLD. Il Ik&JC-HARKS, PI ai. Slows tul corrfiicnrs J. Opposite U. S. Putnnt Orttea, WA8HINCTON. D O. BlItaK .wlS'rr'r -"'4a'?wli(. MSA m imhm I 1 t J 4 4

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