L W-W lw5S Advcrdsiti Rat is Made Know n on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription -Jl. 50 Per Annum WKI, DON. N. ('., TlIl'l.ShAY, .JPIV It, IJMKs. NO. I. ill tiiM i i Bid-; ii vSaSwii Tlio Kind You llnvo Always ltoitglit, and uliieh lms been in umo for ovi-p 30 jours, ui borno tlio Nijriiiidirn ot AlliiUf All Counterfeits, Imitations mill "JiiHt-im-iroiiil " nro lint l'Aporiiiioiits Unit ti-illo villi led riil:ni;'r tli lienlth of IuKiuts mid Childrvu ExiM-rioiioo ngiiiiisl KxporinivnU What is CASTORIA Castorln is a liiirinlosM substitute) for Castor Oil, I'arn Borlc, roM nml Soothing Syrups. It is rioas.uit. It contains iiidtlier Opium, Mnrpliinn nor other Harootifl HiibstaiicM'. lis hk Is its p'laranioo. It destroys Worms and allays lVn'risliiioss. It euros Diiirrho a anil Wind ('oil:.'. It ri'liews TVotliinj; Troiililcs, cuivs Constipation and I'liitiilciiiy, It ii.ssiniilatrs tlio l oud, regulates tlio Ktonuu li nml ltovti'ls, irititir heuldiy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea The Slother's I'rieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCHTAUR COM... TT MUM.., Tf CT. NCW YORK Ctrl. 9 t y hu I'iiosi j.,. P. N. STAIN BACK, i NDian'AKia:. . Weldon, . . North Carolina, Tiill Line of CASKIM'S, COITTNS ami K0IS1;S Day, Nit;ht and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. 11.(1. R()V, i'CM'KAI. DIRIXIOW AND l:MliAI.MKK. Seventeen years' Experience Hearse Service Anywhere. 301 OE is: 3E THE UM OF WELDON vi:iaxN. n. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al'tll'sl'-JtiTII. i sty. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For inorf than liftrt'n yeurs tins insrtutioii litis iruvili'd l.ankinir liictli tic for thin HetMion. Its hliu'klnil-lrrs nn.i iltlrrlols huw lirril i.ii-ntllint Willi tlu' business intrit'sts of Ilaiiliix :ia.l N urt liutu tiiit eiiuntit'H tor ninny years. Money is loaned upon approve.! Kivurity at llie leiral lute of interest six peroeutum. Aeeounls of all are soheite.1. The surplus ami uintivnle.t pioiits ha our reaelie.1 a sum i ,ual lo the Capital Stoek. the I'.ank lias. eouiiariu'itiLr .hinmiy 1. 1'i.is. est.il.lisn-,l a Savours liepartment allow intr interest on time Ueposils as follows: Kor Deposits allowed toreniaiu lluee niontlis or longer, "J per eent. six months or longer, M per eent 'I welve iin.tillis 01 loiurer. f per eenl. For further information apply lo the I'lesiUeiit or Cashier. I'HKsiiiKN r: viri: i io:so,i:m : , Asuoai: W. I'.. DAMKI., I'u II W. I.I Wis. W. K. MIITII. t.laehson, Norihumptoti county) SEA OA ID AIR LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE flPRiL 12, lty)8. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WliLDON as follows: No. 32 tor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.2S a. ni. No. 38 for " ' " nt 2.57 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. ni. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to V, II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. i anil lus liccn made iiixIit liis jut Roiifil Htint'rv IkIihi nlm-n if 4 loloiov- Itil min liiilmuiloii la. ,1.1., Signature of Nil in fn.iM.. :'i nii.l .' O 301 ao RAILWAY y .1. u those sseetjld Dm. There Is Pleasure find Pain as the Memory of "Those Sweet Old Day" Row Hack to I's AKnin. I low they eonie hack to us !- "those sweet old days" now in (he glad sprint; lime, liven in 'I't heart of a great city the fragrance ol apple bloom, and the perlume of lilae hud and dewy violet till our senses as fond memory carries us hack to tlic old and cherished haunts, and wayside places, where mayhap we have paused lo hear love's whisper, or laughed in pleas ures deep, or- wept our tears ! The birds sing, fleecy clouds llo.11 by O, how blue and inter minable the sky! I low full of joy life is ! Oil' yonder the river runs, a thread of gold in the sunlight, a ribbon of silver in the moonlight! The leaves rustle softly in the mild breeze, as overhead their giant branches spread, and here ai our feet the grasses with buttercup and daisy peeping therefrom. O youth! I) life ! O happiness ! I lope and faith make the heart strong and the footstep light. Ah, how well we remember it, you and i: I iiosc sweet old days," when to us all the world was young. Such dreamy, fra grant sweetness, when sorrow, pain, and death seemed so far away. But somehow we older grew. Time brought so many changes. There were happy "good-byes" and tearful farewells. Hands clasped, lips met and par led, lives looked into eyes glint ing wiih mirth, as shadowed with mists, but even then, 'twas but for a day; but again days slipped into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years "hope deferred made the heart sick !" bright eyes grew dim, cheeks paled, phantom shadows crept among the hair, hands trembled, and feet faltered. Ah, yes, there were roses, but their dewy fragrance and velvet 1 petals did not deaden the sharp ness of the thorns, and a blood stained pathway was often the re sult. The lips smiled ofttimes when the heart was broken. We kept silence, because it were sacri lege to speak, to murmur or to moan; the sorrow was too deep. Misunderstood ? Yes, many times, you and I. Ah, there bits of ribbon, tear-stained and yellow ed with age, faded flowers and old love tokens. Memory is rife with them all, the joys, the sorrows, the success es and defeats. Off yonder is a grave, and there, and there, and away over there, with wide waters rollini' between, on southern slopes i and northern vales. We have ! Already dead, but breathing-a fact that I regret stood without when we should A man without desire, now, excepting to forget; have sat within. We tried to be ', And since there is denied me one, why should I linger here, brave, when nature protested; and ' A dead leaf from the forest of a long-forgotten year? yet for all that has come and gone, j . . , , , ., M , . .. there is pleasure and pain as the memory of "those sweet old days" float back to us. Pleasure in ' knowing that meanwhile we have trodden the winepress and borne the heat and burden of the day, , that "come what will, we have been blessed," and so we take up j i our scrip and start' again, and you! : and I, glad in the promise of that ! eternal springtime when God shall j v ipe away all tears from our eyes, ! and "those sweet old days" will j j be forever. - mmaammmaotmxBmmmtMmmmm ! Nurstng Mothers find Over-luinlotifMl Women In nil stations of life, whose visor and vitality may imvo ben iin.ieruiiii.il au.i broken -down by over-work, etiiiiiint nodal amies, the too frequent beiiriinr of cliil.lreii. or other ea uses w ill find in Or Pierce's Fiivorlln Frcscrlpllun the most potent, InvlKoralliiK resii.rullve slreimlh- liiwr ever ucviseu ior infir M'ciai ucne- lit. Niirslnifwuotbcrii w iHJind It especial. ly valuable iV Hiislalnlng tjelr Rtrrnirth j and iromotbiVn iiieimlant nvnrlshinent for the child. :x.'tiintrorUer8 ((M) w ill liud It a prieelesOivrfT plsaeT tlio ; liyslcm tor baby'R comma and riSclnn . On ordeal cominirulivcTy painless. Jj can do no barm lit iinv state, or c..u.llti..ii ' ol thcT-Mialc system " ; p. iic.ite, iieAuus, weak women, who I duller from frequent hen. ladies, hack i ueiie, drairttliiir-down distress low down In the iiImIomicii, or from piilnrul or Irri-K-nlar monthly periods, ennwiiiK or dis- :ilinn in si. niMch illv or faini ss.iis, nsi iimmiiuiry st'cks or stiu j llo.iiiiiK U'forn ejes, have disai;rcciil.le, ielvl -eiitari lml drnlti, probi,sin. ante- ver-loii or retro-version or oilier illsiilace- inents of woinanlv oruans from weakness of parts will, whether they expcricncB many or only a f. iv of the aUive symje lonis", find relief and a permanent cure by iisinK faithfully and fairly persistently I)r. Pierce's Favorite 1'reseription. This world-fained stM'cilic for woman's weaknesses and tssuiliar ailments Is a pure iilveerle extract of the choicest na tive, medicinal r.Hits without a drop of alcohol In Its make-up. All Its liiKr.stl ents printed In plain Fawll-li on Its Isittle. wrapper and attested under oath. Or. Tierce thus Invites the lullest Investiga tion of his formula km. wins- that It w ill lie found to contain only the tsst iiueuta known to the most advanced mislical ficience of all the dillcrvnt sclusils of prac tice, for the cure of woman's isiculiar weaknessi's and ailments. If you want to know morn alioiit. tho composition ai 1 professional endorse ment of tho "Favorite Prescription," send postal card request to Dr. U. V. Pierre, llulfalo, N. Y., for his free Ixsiklet treat Ins nt same. You can't afford to accept as a sutistb toto for this remedy of kiimcn mlllon a secret nostrum uf unKiuwn ouiupuni Uun. lXm't do It QROP A PEBBLE IN THE WATER. ' j )rop a pcwlc in the water, just a splasl) and it is gone, j ilut ,lcrt;'s K1f ., hundred ripples circling on am! on ami on, i Spreading, spreading from the tenter (lowing on out to the sea, ! AnJ m.c )() w,.w (- tt ,MX Ul. L,K, js , bt ,,..()p pd,bc jn in ..lim,lc ym. fti. ;, t,ere's Intle waves a llowiim and there's ripples eirelinj; yet, Am, hlSC uik XV VCS 0.vili, , a RIXM wave ,;,ve grown, A,u( ,......, ,K,,,..,,., :, lni,.hiv river, iusi hv il.nniuiie- in a stone l)rop an unkind word or careless, in a minute it is gone, But there's half a Ijundred ripples circling on and on and on. They keep spreading, spreading, spreading from the center as they go, And there ain't no way to stop them, once you've started them to How. Drop an unkind word or careless, in a iniiutte' you forget, But there's little waves a llowing and there's ripples circling yet, And perhaps in some sad heart a mighty wave of tears you've stirred, And disturbed.! life that's happy, when yon dropped that unkind word. Drop a word of cheer and kindness, just a flash and it is gone, Hut there's half a hundred ripples circling on and on and on, Bearing hope and joy and comfort, on each splashing, dashing wave, Till you wouldn't believe the volume of the one kind word you gave. I)mp a word of cheer and kindness, in a minute you forget, But there's gladness still a-swelling and there's joy a-eireling yet, And you've rolled a wave of comfort w hose sweet music can be heard, Over miles and miles of water, just by dropping a kind word. ''CAUSEJOTOWN.'1 I am standing on the threshold of eternity at last, As reckless of the future as I have I am void ol all ambition; I am dead to every hope; The coil of life is ended, and I'm letting go the rope. I have drifted down the stream of time till weary, sore, oppresssed, And I'm tired of the motion, and simply want a rest, I have tasted all the pleasures that life can hold for man, I've scanned the whole world over till there's notlvng left to scan. 1 have heard the finest music, I have read the rarest books, I have drunk the purest vintage, and tasted all the cooks," 1 have run the scale of living, and sounded every tone So there's nothing left to live for, and I long to be alone Alone and unmolested, where the vultures do not rave; And the only refuge left me is the placid, quiet grave; I am judge and jury mingled, and the verdict that I give Is minus friends and money, it is foolishness to live. In a day or two my body will be found otit in the lake; The Coroner will get a fee, the printer get a "take"; The casual verdict, "Suicide from causes unknown," And Golgotha draws another blank To change the usual verdict I will give the reason now, Before the rigid seal of death is stamped upon my brow: 'Tis the old familiar story of passion, love and crime, Repeated through the ages since Cleopatra's lime-- A woman's lips, a woman's eyes a siren all in all ; A modern Circe, fit to cause the strongest man to fall; A wedded life, some blissful years, and poverty drops in Willi care and doubt and liquor, from whiskey down to gin. The story told by Tolstoi, in comparison with mine, Is moonlight unto sunlight, as water unto wine; The jealous pangs I suffered, the hideous nights of woe, 1 pray no other mortal may ever undergo. But I've said enough, I fancy, to make the reasons plain, 1 Fnough to show the causes of shattered heart and brain, What wonder, then, that life holds not a single thread to bind, A wish or hope to live for, an interest in mankind? I'll let you know in spirit, and I know you will respond; I'm going now, old comrades, to heaven or to hell, I'll let you know which shortly. Farewell, a long farewell. NO CREAM FOR PETS. Ordered Fancy Ice Cream for Her I'ets. T, h 2.M hot sultry day; . , , , Pe. one of the largest and be . appointed stores in Newport, R. I. , carriage drove up and a rich- i ly gowned woman and two high ! bred dogs, pets with red ribbons "Slid gilt Collars about their liec'ks, I djulued After making several j i i r purchases the woman ordered tan- j . , cr . j c,ina plates for lltT . , , pels and placed them at their UIS- j . w lt l The manager in a very pleasant manner to her while he removed the plates and cream, said; "Madam, this cannot be allow ed. " lllld The woman grew scarlet answered: "Well, it's an outrage. I shall never enter this store- a j;tini and whipping her : " 1 about her took the UOgS III kins her arms, entered the carriage and drove oft'. The incident was witnessed by about a dozen persons. PROVURUS AND PIIRASF.S. As weli'onie as tl.o llower of May. Old Saying. As honest u iiitin its over trod on shoo liqitlicr. -Irisli. True art in to concoal art.--Latin. As you make your bed, so must von lie on it. (li'i nian. The girl who forgets herself is the girl whom everybody else re members and likes. been of the past; a mound without a stone. Heat . rostral, 's the nnws. In the summer one needs a tonic lo ..If set the cu.-toiii.uy h..l woalliei Nerve and sireiielli depression Yon will feel l,e t.-r w ilhiu Is limns alter hcu'iiinmc to ! take a r edv a Or shoop's h'esioia- j live, lis prompt action m lesionim the j weakened ii. ims i sin pi Mm... i if eouise. you won't uel entirely sli.uu; in a icvt .lavs, i, nt each .lav you eau actu ally feel the iiiipi.ni im ui. Thai tired lifeless, spllitlcss, I,-, IniLi will quickly depart when usiiil' the 1 ieslorati V c. I r. shoop's llestoialnc Hill shaipen a fad illL' appeti e; ll aids digestion: it will sllelielllell Ihe weakened Kl.llicvs and Mean by simply rcl.iiil.liim tlien'oin-oul nerves that tin se meatus depend upon. T, si ii a lew .lavs and be convinced. All Healels. A woman can't help having faith in a public man if his front name is the same as a hero in a roman tic play. I'ain will depail ui iiiiniiii s if on. of In-, shoops I'nil, I'aiu I ablets is taken, I 'Hill III. yi liete b'eloeliibet' Fains lib I wavs lllealis c..le, slioli. blood plcssurc i .1.,. ii.-,..i..h.. i la I ; plessnic. toothache is blood .lessiiie on j the sensitive iie.vc. In, shoop's Head ache Tablets also called I'm k I'aui lab le's quickly and salelvcoav Ibis blood luessiire uwav I'roin pain centers I'aui fid .eiiods .th woiiii u l'i t instant re 1 1 I'. -.'0 tablets -1 .e. All Ocaleis. There may be nothing new un der the sun, but there are a lot of fresh people. to-lniy "Hook No. t for Women." ll wdlc'ivc weak women many valuable siiirirestious of relief and wilh sliielly eoiilideiilial medical advice is entirely free. Simply wote lb. sboop, Itaeine. Wis. Tliebook No. I tells about Dr. Slump's Niirht Cure and how these soothiiur, it'ti li hit. antiseptic supposito- lies can be successfully applied to cor ! led these weaknesses. W lite for the ! book. All Dealers. Being bitten by a toothless dog must be a soft snap. OABI'OniA. THE MOTHER. Have You a (iood Mother? Put Sour Arms About Her Nek While Von May. and Tell Her So. I lie good mother is woi iliy ol nmre love than she ever receives in this world. Tins impression groves on thoughtful men and wo men as they live. Patience, long sutleiiiig, self tofgelfulness, ami sacrilice are ihe qualities that make her the nearest human approach to the divine l ather. The itiff.it inulo of a tliilJ to stkh a nioihcr i one of the most disgracclul and re volting sins. There are some mothers, sail 10 say, who can hard ly complain of their children's neg lect; but ihey are few. The swect- est, noblest of them are the least conscious of their merit, and make the fewest demands on homage. For that very reason the family should be the mote thoughtful and tender. How appreciative mother is of her son's caress! What a summer lime springs in her heart provemeni in its widest sense,thcre when a daughter folds loving arms should be a purpose in the educa about her weary body ! tion of women tpiite apart from the One of these mothers was left in questions of what they arc to learn widowhood with three little chil-, and preparation for so wide a dren a son and two daughters. snhere of domestic or social duiv Despite poverty, she determined to educate them; and to do so re quired rigid economy and drudg ing toil. The children went to school and college, while she wrought as seamstress, teacher of music, and keeper ol the home. In the course of time the young peo-: pie came back with academic cul ture and honors. But there was a bitter dash of disappointment in the mother's cup of joy. The young people were not affectionate. Mother's stiff, red fingers and oc- j casiunal slips of grammar rather ! mortified them in the presence of visitors. This was the blackest ' treason of the human heart. She fell sick, she grew pale and etna- ' ciated, and the children Decline alarmed. One day they gathered at her bedside, and the son, lak- ; ing her thin hand in his, said : "Mother, you have been the dear est of mothers to us." There came a Hush on her w an cheeks, ' her eyes opened wide in reproach ful tenderness as she replied: "My son, you never told me so before." What son or daughter could ever . forget that awful speech ? It was . like standing before (ok (laming ! judgment bar. Take a contrasting story, (jcii eral Lew Wallace wrote "Ben- , Hur," and won immense literary fame. Perhaps no one read it with quite so keen delight as his aged mother. One day she said to him : "Son, where did you get thai charming picture of Ben-IIur's mother? It is the most beautiful thing in your book." The noble i man replied : "There was just one person, w ho stood out before my mind w hile 1 was making that picture, and that w as your ow n dear self." Thai moment the pre- ciotis mother siood on the est:- bale of heaven. Only the "Well done, thou good and faithful scr vent," could ever stir a holier joy in her soul than this well deserved praise from her son. Have you a good mother? I'm your arms about her while you mav, and tell her so - Kind Words. b. 11 r.aibel. ol Kit. .11. is . si,,, I h:le ulll V lak. 11 I. 'HI doses 1. 1 ., m,- nev and III. elder I'lll- and they haw .lone l.ii nic mole than any olhei ne .lt cine bus eei .lout . 1 am sLt 1 1 1 hiking the . ills as I want a p.lleet cute '' Ml I'.lllker lefels to PeU lit s IvI.lneV alel Iliad. h i Fills sold l.v W. M. Cohen. W. I. L.u. N c. No man on earth is rich enough to enjoy paying taxes Thele is one ,l epai 111 I. .11 known t.xlllv thai mil pn.iupllv help the si ai-h. fills ,- kod.d Ivodol .i:,-ests!,,..,ss,s ol I I and It does it tbololiehlv. so I..I .11 w it lioul ! ! 1 help anyone w I stomach disoiileis oi stoioach I iibl lake Ko.b.t today and continue ll the sb.ot lime that Is liecesai V to L vou coiiipl. te tell. 1 ' s.,1,1 l W . M Coh. n. Weldon. N The majority nfourfriendsdon't wasie much lime on the job. -Mi-allhi nil, f ' is i, -all) tin ' 'til!i't' I'liilatmii ct'i yi t tiinliu't tl. This. ! tin' tim-M 'itllt't' Milili(iiti' vwv liui'li', lias ift'ehlly been pioilin'cil hv 1'iImmii ' of Uat'iiH-, V 1 Nnt iiiiiiim tn real chI I fee hi it cithrr llcallli utlct i mailt' i fumi ntrr tttustfti c 'ivaiv with malt. : nuts. lii'aily il wuuM liinl an r- I pnt iniy;lit think it lut ( nlli'f. Ni tu fill y or tinilv iinimli's Mi'iilnitf. "Mu'li' in a inimilt'N navs llit1 U.h-Ioi. t I Di naif 1'V W. T. I'uiktT. Wi'l.l.m. X. ("'. Many a man is out of work be cause there is no work in him. Kennedy's Laxative ('oiitrh Syrup acts ir, 'ii t ly upon the bowels and theie by drives the cold out ol'the syslem and ttt the same time it itllavs iullaiuniution and stops initittiou. I'liil.lren like it. Sold l.y W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X. C. (ilil!iV!IMi (ilRLS. We Do Not Ask That Women Should Have (ireater Influence Than They Now Possess JjSonie oi us, ai any rale, on both sides 1 if tiie Atlantic, h:i e Ivguii to tealie tliat serious siudv is less likely 10 ininre woiifti than pinch ed waisis, l.iie horn's, hot rooms and ttnw liol. sunn- loo, I, and we think it is heller lot our onl-, to he graduated at sjiool , lor science r ither than ai schools lor sc 111d.1l. We think 11 will heller prepare iSktii 'm the yvw- t rponMhiluio of matrimony and motherhood than rapid life in hiv.h personal adornment is their chief aim. and secure a rich husband their princi pal anxiety. The mental compaii ionship which is improving is miinion between active minds, and tiie women of a man's household must be either a stimulus to his highest aspirations or a drag upon them. For the interests, there fore, of men, an 1 of human im- admits of no such low standard as that of custom or fashion. We do j not ask that women should have i greater influence than they now j possess. We only ask that they! be trained to make the best pussi-, hie use of it. This will make mar-! riage more noble and more com- i plcte, enrich and strengthen the : mother's influence and give to life a dignity and strength. j A SURI- LACOIf. i l.eviusky, despairing of his life, j "hide an appointment with a fa- i mous specialist. He was surprised ; 10 hl,J 'leeii or twenty people in '1'c wailing room. ' fU"-i iew mnmics nc on over to a gentleman near him and whispered, "Say, mine frient, this must be a pretty goot doctor, ain't he?" "( )ne of the best, " the gentle- man told him. l.evinsky seemed lo be worry ing over something "Veil, say, " he w hispered again, . "he uiiisi be pretty exbensive, then, ain't he? Vat does he charge?" The stranger was annoyed by l.evinsky s questions and answered rather shortly; "Fifty dollars for the first consultation and twenty-1 live dollars a visit thereafter." "Mine Coil ! ' gasped Lewins ky. "Fifty pillars ihe (irst time and twenty -live tollars each time afters." For several minutes he seemed undecided whether to gooriowail. "I'nd twenty-live tollars for each lime afterwards," he kept mutter ing. Finally, ittst as he vuis called into the ottice, he w as seized w nil a brilliant inspiration. He rushed lowardthedoclorwith ouisii'clchcd hands. "Hello, doctor," sively. "Veil, here he said ertu- 1 am again." j poiti:rs ior hoys. i In a mother's old scrap book we recently came across the follow ing choice counsel for boys : 1 1 1 To Throw Stones. Fold each one carefully in a feather bed, 1 and give notice to all the neigh borhood when and where you are going to pitch it. 12) To Carry Inn, powder in the Pocket. Soak it w ell in cold wa ter, and then wrap it up in a cover of oiled siik. (31 To Slide Down ihe Banister. Let a surgeon sit upon the low er stair Also, carry a pail full of poultice in each ot your hands, as you may need it. 1-1) To ("ure Creaky Boots or Shoes Wear ihem always in go ing into the pantry to get some of mother's cakes and pies. Just Kx.Ktly Rivcht. I liaw iiM-il hi I'm M-u'ial yrai's, : rafilv ncht," a llaniMiili'. N. V, ' kiu'.s Ni-w I. ilV Pills iil tinl tin-in jtiM s Mr. A . IVltun.ol' Nrw I. lie PilK iflu'vc uilbout the least .1 iseoni loi 1. best telil- , edv lot eou--tia1i"ii. Inliousiu-ss and 1 malaria, -.e.c. at any di in: stole. The prettiest flowers are not necessarily the most fragrant. Best the World Affords. ''It irives me unbounded pleasure to recommend ltucklen's Arnica Salve," savs ,1. W. .leukiliK. of Chapel Hill, S. '. "I am convinced il'slhe best salve tho world allords. II cured a felon on my thumb, and it never tin In to Ileal every I sore, hum or wound to which it is ap. I plied, '.'.'ic at any druit store. Weak Kidneys N. rv-i, ' M.,rr..n li, t hiin. Dk- tlir.o;ir'. ht,i tlio el tinir vn-iiiiii's, iii.t in orcim ll 1 1 ' 1 r V S ttmt ( uiillnl ami Ri:;rli) ai.-l Ktrv tt n,.'i!:t 1 VT f 1 1 1 1 t fl.-ni . J.M. 'iiry jT.-piir-'.l tn r.-iu-li tli-'.,e lo din (nr ill K .l?i.-y-e morn-. 11 Ju fifn Ms. 1 ir I :i' !r n- li-- r.r in wiilt. If tho nrliifl (1111!, If JMM lilt Vi' ?i ItiptulDS tr.-siiiK ur (ItitiKtTtiUrt kul. up - K.'-hinili.-Mi imiin.ti I h hill a pan am will 1 i.UJiJirii.l uijil nckl All Dealers Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves CoiJs by working them out of ti.e spt'-m ti.rcugh a copious and heal'hy action of the bowels. RcSif ves coughs by cleansing tha mucous membranes ol the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" fKilrjrPT Ilke Iti For BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Try Co Wills jfidnej and Bladder Pills Sure and Sad M.I.I I.V W. M. I ..hell, W,I,H, n. c. il:OKil: C. (IRKHN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iNiilu.iial liitnk r.u'iMmLr) Weldon, N. C. MOIlUmeiltS AND Gravestones. WE PAY no FREICHT ami GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . , m. i r tik k in the Mouth WusiuU Ciubiau. Im. THE COUPER KARSIE WORKS. .FstaUlslie.l lss.) I .v.l to Iti'i r.unk nov e t v -t . Norfolk, a. Uake tAiNL Mr' isnoiiidiiioLicilit tolliosf'oluivtiiiit tiood results II niiikcs the cost liolit. and islirilliant in color." I l,w untr noliiii 1 flonfl ? f:' IONEo,i!ionm:,krsTWO l or Sale by PIERCE-WHITLHEAD HOW. CO., W eldon, N. C. 4ALTI-R I;. DAMIiL, II AVTORMn-AT-LAW, I'lui-tit't in Uic ctunt- ui' ll.ilii'aK :tn.l NiHtli:iuii'.itn anl in tlic Supit nu nml I'V.lnul I'ointv. ( t'lirclioiis nm.lc iti ull pail- ol' Vittli ( aniliu... lirant'li viUce al Hulifav oh n i'fiy Mm1ay. K lL the COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS Dr. King's WITH New Discovery PMCR HIH t -uuuna 4 wm VOLDS Trill Bottle Fr UND All THROAT ANnttlNOTRnilBlES. OUARi fJTEKOSATlSFAClOilX Oik MONEY REFUNDED. i en' ..M..1...-I. fee nrruPNto. 10 VCANft' tXPCIt.ENCE. UUI CHHUE ARI THC LOWEST. S .1.1 hi.hI. I. vliolour h I, tis-n M-.rh nnU Ins' e njTX Ml M,t. nil.tlity. INFRINGEMENT '., .ndiifl'd Is'lon. all Point., l-stw.l. ..Iiln.nt tin -.(rli lis. AOVfN TISEOaii.1 COLD, tin: TRADE . FEN C.IONC KWJ COPTftlOHTC qu -kly unUUlUsL Opposite u. a. Ft.,t otnoe, WASHINGTON. D. t. Or. Slioou's mi -1 J i 1 t r6- " -, - .