L 'la g nil m Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-.?! .5 Per Annum VOL. XLIII. WELDON, N. ('., 'l'lU'IlsDAV, .JUV 1(5, ltH NO. I I. : i ...J p.! I1 l.-iUl io:u Li .M.IOIIol, .1 l-KK C'tKT AMpiiihlfPrrpnniiiiHiliir.ls fimilaiiirtiltt'FmlanillMiiia linjJllicSiomailisai'.illliiwflsnl Prnmnii'sDitjpslionfhnfull noss ar.rt Hesi.Cotttatns nriUvr Oniuiii.Murnh.inc wirMiaraL Not Narcotic. MvrtfMikmajwm ftmttia SnJ jUxJma AtaeSmt ffypmw -iMt'etbuHtkSia lirmSrrit fireW JJjor Anerfeci Remedy forfomllpa- lion .Sour Sloinacli.Dlarrtof. Worras.('oiinlsioiis.rfwrisli wssaiulLossoi'SUiliP. racSirafe Sijnaiurtof NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. AW ry In ntjf Use J For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA aoc Qnr-TOig 01 Day I'iionk : Nit, in 1'iH'NKs HI uinl . 1 . P. N. STAIN BACK, 7 I ' N DKl.TA K KH, 7 Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASKETS. COFFINS am ROUES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. II. ( I. UOWK, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 30E OE3EZIOE 30E a OE 3E 3E 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, N. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AlCl'sr-ilTll, ts'l. Stale of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vi'eldon Depository. C ap itai an a Sarpl as, $40,000. l'or more than lifteen years this institution has provi'ltM luuikin facili ties for this Hection. Un HtoeklmhltTH mid tlireettirs have heen itlentilietl with the business interests of Halifax ami Nnitliurnpton eoiuitu-M for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the lejral rate of interest si x per centum. Accounts oi all are suluMtcd. The surplus ami unduidt'd pmtits liavuiif reaehttl a sum eual to the Capital Stock, the Hunk has, coiniurticimr January 1, lhiK, estal)lhed a Savings Department allowim? interest on tunc dcpttsils as follows: For ItepoHils allowed toreinain lliit'c mi'titli or longer, 2 per etnl. six months or lonifcr, A ptr C4ut. Twelve months 01 lomrer. 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. .KKUKN i : vo K i kksiufm : ( as ii ik h: W. K. OAN1KI., I hi. II. U. I. i:VIS, V. K. SMITH, .laelison. Northainptun county) OE 3E 13E SEABOARD GOODBYE MOTHER. Was liver Other Love Like This? It is recorded that when the ; plague broke out in a little village of Italy, the children of one house were taken first. The parents watched them but only caught the disease they could not cure. The whole family died. Then across the street, in the home of a poor laborer, who was absent all the week, returning only on Saturday ; to bring his scanty earnings, the ; disease next began. The wife ' felt herself attacked in the night by the fever. When morning ; dawned she was worse, and be-1 fore night the plagued spot showed itself. She remembered the terri-; ble fate of her neighbors. She ' i knew she must die, but, as she J . looked at her dear boys, she re-1 solved not to communicate death to them. She therefore locked j : the children in the room, and ; snatched the bedclothes, fearing i they were already impregnated : with the dreadful germs, and with them left the house. She even ; denied herselt the pleasure ol a , last embrace. Oh! think of the heroism which enabled her to con ! quer feelings and leave home with all she loved to die ! Her oldest ' child saw her from ' the window. "Goodbye, mother," said he, with a tender voice, wondering why ' she left so strangely. "Goodbye, mother," repeated the youngest child, stretching his little hands out of the window. The mother paused. Her heart was drawn to wards those little ones, and she was on the point of rushing back, j She struggled hard, while the tears ; rolled down her cheeks, at the sight of her helpless babes. At length she turned from them. The children continued to cry. "Good bye, mother," until their voices died away, and the mother with an anguished heart, entered the house of those who were to bury her. In a short time she died, and with her dying breath commended herhus- ! band and children to the care of i heaven. Was ever other love like , thai ? Only once, when for the ; plague smitten race it hung in bleeding mercy on the cross. Ex hibitions of a mother's love, though not so striking as this, are by no means rare. Live where she may, ; and how she will, "a mother is a i mother still, the holiest thing alive." NO TEARS NOR HILLS. In the days when Rowley Hill was bishop of the Isle of Man one of his clergymen bear ing the nnnte of Tears cimio to say adieu to bishop on getting preferment. The parson said: ! "(iood-by, my lord. I hope we ' may meet again, but if not here in some better place." The bishop replied, "I fear the latter is unlikely, as there are no Tears in heaven." : "No doubt," wittily answer ed the parson, "you are right 1 that our ehance of meeting is small, as one reads of the plains of paradise, but never of any Hills there." London Chronicle. AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. liven a poet will stumble unless he is sure-footed. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 tor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.25 a. m. No. 38 for " " " "t 2.57 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11 03 p. m. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. U. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. "The Blood Is The Life." Sclcnro baa never gone bryond the above dimple staU-au nt iif ncrtpturo. tut It has IllumliiaUii tint fetaUMiienl and given It a moaniiiK ever bruadrnlnir with the liicri'aHiiiK bruuillli of knowledge. When the bloml Is "bad" or Impure It la not alone the IkmIjt wuk'b suflVra throuxh ulsvana. The brain la alio cloudl, She nilnd and Juilgoment are rt, an Jtiuny an evil deed or Impure thoyhtniMjHrKtly traced to tha rmpwyol llie UtiHU fr'uuumpurp bl0"4, can be made rmr- l.v Hi,. ..f trf rifu.-' Cuium m.k,.; uVuni. jj c"r"'rir ltl"1 'he Ii'iH thereby curing, pimplua, bkitrhra, eruption! and other cutaneoua affections, aa eciema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other manifestations of Impure blood. a S IB 9 In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en larged glands, oien eating ulcers, or old son, the"()o)dun Medical Discovery "has performed the most marvelous cures. Id cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers. It Is nell to apply to the open sores Dr. Pierre's All-Healing Naive, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sore In con Junction with the use of "(iolden Medical Discovery " as a blood cleansing consU tutlonal treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the "All-Healing Salve In stock, you can easily procure It by Inclosing fifty-four cents In postage stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 063 Main St, Buffalo, N. Y., and tt will come to you by return post. Most druggists keep It as well as the 'Golden Medical Discovery.' 9 9 9 You can't afford to accept any medicine of unfmou'tt comporfMon as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery," which If a medicine or enowr coupokitior, having a complete list of Ingredients In plain English on It bottle-wrapper, the name holng attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta regulate wd tsvljrxaU itoraaca, liver and boweia, LITTLE FEET. A NOBLE ORDER. UONSCIENCE DEBT. RY LUZAH! AKHUS ALLLN. Two little feet, so small that both may nestle In one caressing hand Two tender feet upon the untried border Of life's mysterious land; Dimpled, and soft, and pink as peach-tree blossoms In April's fragrant days How can they walk among the briary tangles ? Edging the world's rough ways? These rose-white feet, along the doubtful future, Must bear a mother's load; Alas! since woman has the heavier burden And walks the hardest road. Love for a while will make the path before them All dainty, smooth and fair; We cull away the branches, letting only The roses blossom there. But when mother's watchful eyes are shrouded Away from sight of men, And these dear feet are left without her guiding, Who shall direct them then ? How will they be allured, betrayed, deluded Poor litile, untaught feet ! Into what dreary mazes will they wander? What dangers will they meet? Will they go stumbling blindly in the darkness Of sorrow's tearful shades ? Or find the upland slopes of peace and beauty, Whose sunlight never fades? Will they go toiling up ambition's summit, The common world above ? Or, in some nameless vale, securely sheltered, Walk side by side with Love ? Some feet there be which walk life's track unwounded, Which find but pleasant ways; Some hearts there be to which this life is only A round of happy days. But these are few. Far more they be who wander Without a hope or friend; Who find their journey full of pains and losses, And long to reach the end. How shall it be with her the tender stranger, Fair-faced and gentle-eyed, Before whose unstained feet the world's rude highway Stretches so far and wide? Ah, who may read the future? For our darling We crave all blessings sweet And pray that He who feeds the crying ravens Will guide the baby's feet. ONCE IN A WHILE. BY tXLA WHEELER TILCOX. It is easy enough to be pleasant When life flows by like a song, But the man worth while is the one who will smile When everything goes dead wrong, For the test of the heart is trouble, And it always comes with the years; And the smile that is worth the praises of earth Is the smile that shines through tears. It is easy enough to be prudent When nothing tempts you to stray, When without or within no voice of sin Is luring your soul away. But it's only a negative virtue Until it is tried by tire, And the life that is worth the honor of earth Is the one that resists desire. By the cynic, the sad, the fallen, Who had no strength for the sirife, The world's highway is cumbered to-day They make up the sum of life. But the virtue that contucis passion, And (he sorrow that hides in a smile, It is these that are worth the homage of earth, For we find them but once in a while. TWO VARIETIES ON THE SAME TREE. Jacob Lewis, of Cove Creek, has a freak in the form of a cherry tree. The tree in question is of the red heart variety and is some 30 years old. Each year one of the limbs, four inches in diameter, is loaded with black hearts while the rest of the tree sticks to the red variety. One would naturally suppose that the tree was grafted, but Mr. Lewis has known the tree since it was set out and says no such thing has been done. Will some scientist please explain? Watauga Democrat. As to the trouble in your chest, the doctor should have the key. PHILOSOPHY. Charge of a Master Mason to Son. Mis The Sum Tohil Is 550.000. More Than "My sun, ilii ymi realize what has been iIuih- fur you. In your after life, as vnu inure and tin in master the priifoiiml teaeliines and e.xperieiiee the softening iulliieliees of the urdtT.ynu will undergo mental growth you never thought possible. "Tonight you hrc nine a mem ber of an order of friends a ml brothers that has formed t lie ; basis for the greatest adviinee ', ii it'll t accomplished by the liu ! man family. "Yon are now a member of the most noble oiiler that has existed among men. From its inception thel wisest, noblest, i bravest and best of the race, , have been its members, and I their wisdom, and the heroism and purity of their lives lias not only served to retain the order in all its ancient purity. hut has , shed about it a Mood of light and glory that has illuminated I the world. Just a few days ago the Secre tary of the treasury leceived $S, ODD in currency 'mm a man in Jersey (,iiy who said he was con-seiencc-Mrickcii al li cm;: taken s,t)()i) tioni die :.ivi.ni:iim sev eral year-. a;M. I alike a ureal many oilier repeiit.iiu hljicrs iliis man says he has sent in from time to time an aggregate of ;f 4(1,000 more than four-fold of llie original amount taken. 1 he lellcr was. un signed and there was no clue to she identity 'if the writer. The lirst contribution to the con science fund so-called, for there is no separate fund, was made in 1810 when a man from a small town in New York State sent in one dollar. No more was return ed until 50 years later when $(i,000 was sent to the treasury anonymously a case that was widely published and set an example which brought in con tributions rapidly. The largest sum to be returned as a result of 1 1'iiv" f'iun'1 a trli'l nca v- rure fnr Ilhoi. ITiiitl-m! N .1 ji r.-iii.-'l v tluil. wjil k.i ni ;i:l;"'i I lit) di'.lnrl.'i! !ti:ilis of rli runic ropi'li', nur turn liif K.vmtlis l.urk l-i II. Mil HiMiu. 'I liul U liiiliiiil.ln. H'l' I rim ninv ur.'ly kill tliu lnuns uml li.nu'.i ol tliloli'l.inniMi' iln-iwi, 111 -Tiimiiy Willi a Clii-tni-it ill thp City of Piinn.liiai-I l.iuna til.- l;i-t l!iKr."!i.'iit ivilti wim I I J r -I ni.. - llli. -111111111. li"ni.'l iml a Kif. .l.-'l. ii' i i.e.;.. i.iviM-ii.l Without tlmt l.i-t ii.iiri-'ii-nt. 1 iiii i-.r-i.-fnl ly trrat'-il iiuinv. niimv i;i-' - oi 1:1 "ni i-in ; l.iilliou' lit ln-t. It nm. lorn, v ri;o . a l rural. i.i ni-. s o( II, i. li.-p-tof. .p, lion Ii I r- a. I. ! .I.-;...- 'I In- oiirM 1 k" n, nil lr V 11 -I. . loOln 1 .1. 1'. 1.." limit ir 1 'O. I. wrlll IioLlOiViI ai a i n-- iiwiiv n: .-r il. io I. on of tin rn ly ns Ir.'.'.v h. il ..'. .iujr.ir i!-'i toM-a to mni wilt-r. Arl I In n. n l. 'i a -...lV"'l. tlr i iiiiolioun IvimloH Ir . 'l .a. In. In ti -i M-t"ln. an t lit- nuiio r,l Kt ri.ilori I- j.".!,.. f "r. i-r 'I InT" I now no fill n I -no a- r i ... 1 ri n. lo .ulT.-r looir. r Willi. OUtarll' It. fa. mi'! Ill loll! l.-lirn rrroiiilUHii Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy All Dealers. 'Swear, my son, to be true stricken conscience was $12,000, I and faithful to the teachings j of this order, and let no hasty word or thoughtless act bring I a blot upon this institution, or cast a cloud over the memory ' of the great men who have in sent over from England. The sum total so far is more than $550,000. Not as much money is being stolen as formerly or consciences do not prick men as they used to, for there has in the past few years our Stomach Mo apretite, loss ol strength, nervous-n-.ss, h'laache. ccnr.tipation, bad breath, giral debiliiy, sour nsh.pt, and catarrh of i:i :jtoi-.ia:,h are all due lo Indigestion. Krdal rei-cvr.s i; d ?r.tbn. Tina ne discov er ri-f.r- SGias the natural juices cf d ifes tici:. a:, they ex;-.! in a healthy stomach, corr.binc'J 'With the greatert known tonio ai.i lecai-stru-l'.vs properties. Kcdol lor d .pensia Goes not or.Iy rei.eve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy he.ps all stomach, troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. li S Pali, of Ravflnir oil. W, Va,, saTII '' 1 wastr'jurled with Bear Ihmach for twenly years. fC '.in rure4 ms er.d we are now using It In milk or bany." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bolt'iis only. Relieves tndiEcstlon, sour stomach. boichrt; : I en. et;. Prepared by E. O. D.WITT & CO.. CHICAGO. all theglorioiispast stood where been a decided decline in the rt- ,, we now stand. "Let your c induct in your af ter life correspond with the principles of Jiasonry, a id my remaining year.i will pass away with pleasure and satisfaction. "Ever reiiiembe.' that Mason ry is a shield and int a sword. That within its sleeping tents, if your life is pure and just, you miitances sent to the treasury for , the purpose of easing the consci-, ence. "The decline of the fund," i says an official of the treasury, "is not due to the fact that the world is growing belter, but that people have not the consciences they once I had. There is just as much pil- ( fering in the government as there i ever was. In other words, con-: il l.v W. M. 1 -..Ik-is, UVI.lon, N. ('. OROROE C. OREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iNuti.iiuil I'.unk IlinMini;) Weldon, N. C. may ever lind protection from science is not doing its work; it is held in check." The Pathfinder. , the evil intentions of ynii.- ene mies; but that Masonry does not foster or protect the wrong doer, that it cannot be made a bwnnl by which unjust warfare can be made against voiir fellow man or your country. 'All its principles, all its i teachings, all its mysteries tend to the elevation and puiilica i tion of man. I need but to re mind you of the awful moment when you realized you were be ing made a Master Mason, bow you shuddered at the possibili ty of crime, and with what love and admiration your heart turned toward every virtue. "You are not an orphan in Masonry. You are a legit imate heir to all its rights, benefits and privileges; you are the son of a Mason who reveres its teachings and stands uncover ed in the presence of its sublime mystery. "You are no longer my son only, but you are my brother also, and when my life shall draw to its close I hope to walk (Uiwn into the dark waters of death steadied by the arm of toy son and brother, and with a til m hope in that immortality of the soul, and a confidence in the all saving power of the Lion of the tribe of dudah; so beau jtifully taught in the instruc- tions you have received to night, may I fearlessly push oil' I my little bark and reach that j beautiful and blissful shore, j where the wicked cease from I troubling and the weary are at ! rest, cheered by the happy re- flection that my son has proven himself worthy of the great honor that to-night has been conferred on him." Masonic Observer. MUCH IN LITTLE. The Government is .he targes, ft0numentS individual purchaser of electric lamps in the country. It buys; S50,000 annually. Marriage at an early age is fre quent in Mexico. Recently a boy of Hi and a girl of 14 were mar ried in the capital. Laplanders are the shortest peo ple in Europe, the men averaging I feet 1 1 inches, the women 3 feet 9 inches. The "rolling stones" of Austra-' lia placed on a fairly smooth sur face will soon roll together in a ; group. They contain a magnetic ore. i JimSi, AND Gravestones. We PAY tiik FREICHT " GUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . Altf.lCMT STUCK III the South .ustiati'J ( iitalngnc Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Dstal.lishi.l IMS.) i lUink t., Sdifolk, Va. l '.ll lo 1 1HIV - lV There were Xsm the German miner the winter semesters, S.3 per cent, of the ance. foreigners at i.ies during constituting total attend- New York city has the third largest German population of any city in the world, only Berlin and Hamberg being a head of it. There are more firemen killed and injured in the performance of their duties in New York city than in any oilier city in the world. . If all the Bell telephones made each year were blended into a sin gle instrument it would be nearly 300 miles high and w eigh 4,000 tons. SIMILAR KIM). Very Serious It is a very serious matter to aslt for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcWraugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. Xt does not imitate other madicines. It is better than others, or it would not be tho fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Ft HAD ECONOMY. Don't blame the world for the trouble that is in it, just try to steer clear of it. Count yourself happy in this world if you just get light enough to see ten steps ahead of you. Satan may sometimes masque rade as a gentleman, but he can't find anybody who is willing to give him a certificate of good character. DIFFERENT WAY. 1 A southern gentleman recently I at a banquet in Washington related j the Following story about a certain i philanthropist he knows at home. He said : "My friend heard of a negro family that was reported in desti tute circumstances, and, calling at their home, he found the report clothes on that line, Johnny?" true. The family consisted of "Yes, sir," was the reply, a son about 1 5 years old and three "Indeed," said the examiner, a young children. After hearing little disconcerted, "and what sort the mother's story, he gave the of clothes?" "Now, boys," said the school-; master, during an examination in geography, "what is the axis of the earth ?" Johnny luistd Ins lui.iu pi uiiipt- ly. . "The axis of the earth," said 'Johnny, proudly, "is an imaginary line which passes from one pole to the other, and on which the earth , revolves." "Very good," exclaimed the teacher. "Now, could you hang WALTER E. DANIEL, ATTORN HY-rtT-LA'Or, U i;i.H)N, N. V. rrui'tuvN in ih.' I'.iuitN i.f llulil'iix aiut Niiilliiiiiipluii mi. I in tin' Smiiii'IIH' mid IV. IituI I'oinlH. i i.lli'i'liiiiiM iiiii-lr in nil pull nf Nurlli I 'milium, llniiii'li ullii't ill Halifax tipi n eii'iy M.ni.liiy. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's Hew Discovery PR TOR HIK bT uwt.na kv, sion. s vi, VQLDS Trial Bottle Frie Ar ' I THROAT AND IUNG TROUBLES. GU. T at NTEED SATIBFACXO&V OR MONEY REFUNDED. Solomon was a wise old man, As wisdom used to go; Hut in his day there wasn't So awfully much to know. The man who really appreciates single blessedness is doubly blessed. oldest son a bright silver dollar, saying : "Here, my lad, take this dollar and get a turkey for the Christmas dinner." "No sooner was he gone when the mother said in a stern voice to her son: " 'Heah, Jackson, you done gib me dat dollar, and go git dat turkey in de nachral way.' " "Imaginary clothes, sir." To fall into the river of love, the masses needn't go to Fall River, Mass. Love laughs at locksmiths. In fact, locksmiths won't even keep the wolf from the door. OASTOniA. ,1 IIH MI1S IMI nra Ulnars nemm Bigaatan f .romi-lly ottlnm.il, or F RETURNED. IO VIARS'EXPgRIINCE. Uur CHAROI1 ARI THK LOWEST. H. inl itimlel, pIioU) ut kttlrli tor iiwrl wnn li uinl lm ivpnrt ou imU'iitliltlllljr. HtFAIMOfMINT milt ikitkIiICUhI Uwforo nil amrtA I'atmiUi iMi'iol llmmtrh n--, ADVVR TltktOwllI lOtO, f'i'f TRADE -MARK. PIN IHWt ami COPYRIGHTS (jUKkijr oMmIimhL Oppott U. 6. Pritent Offloot WASHINGTON, O. O. i t . .4 . ' ' X HiiBT li ii - Fvll

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