Terms of Subscription-!!. 1 er Ai i n A'Jvertisi.i Ratss Made Known on Application. k NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. VOL. XI. III. WINDOW N. ('.. TIU'liSDAY, -ll'l-V S.), l!Ks. NO. 1 1. i the ami A LY rditig I one ; bid. r sup- !. N ('. nho ' oie.i ) re J year; ; 1 1 I) IN Lie any HE DiBN'T WORRY. i She Was a (loud Wife Hut Would Worry. She Tlio Kind You llivvo Always Bought, mid which 1ms beea in ii.so for over 30 years, lias borne tlio Blount nro of - uml lias boon inmlo under his per-sfJtf-f-t, Somil supervision since its InfuiH-y. '-UiCAd. Allow no one todc-colvo you In this. All Counter!', Its, Imitations rtinl Just-sis-froml" ni'O but F.xiK'i'iiiirnls that trllle w llh ii'm! ciiiliiiiK-r tlio licultli of Infants and Children Kxncrieiico ni;uinst KxuvriniouU What is CASTORIA Custni-ia Is a harmless wilisf itiitn for Castor Oil, Pare goric, )rnis mid Soothing .Syrups. It is l'lcasant. It cmitulns neither Opium, Morpliiun nor other Narcotio Kiilislance. lis niro is lis guarantee. It destroys Worms and nllnjs lYvcrisliiioss. Jt cures Iiarrlio'a and Wind t'olij. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation uml Flatulency. It assimilates tlio I'ooil, regulates tlio Stomach and Itowcls, t; i viiiff healthy mid natural sleep. Tho Children's l'liniu-ra Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of 7 The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 5'gywiiiiiMii II . Ihm: J.. aoc Nil. in Piium-;- 'Jt utnl .VI. I N. STAIN BACK, i'NI)i:ktaki:i!, Weldon, Nortli Carolina. H Pull Line of CASKETS. COM INS and k'OHI-S. Day, Night anil Out -ui-Tuwn Calls Promptly Attended to. I I. (L ROWK EUNERAL DIKECI'OK AND EMHALMEK. M Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 30E sl 3E THE BM OF WELDON WKI.DON, N. (' Organized Under the Laws ot the State of North Carolina, Aliil': 'iiTII. 1S!L'. State of Nortli Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, for more than fifteen year this iiiMitulion lias provided I ian k imr facili ties fur tins section, lis Mockhol.l.'is and I m ecti mm hac hecn nlc utilicd with tlie liusiness interests of llahfas ami Northampton miiitic for many years. Money is loaned upon approve. I seiMiritv iiMlii'iral rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. Tlie surplus and undivided profits liaiiuir reached a sum eusl to the t'apital stork, the Hank lias, eom neuem.' January I, llios. cstaMislicd a Savings Depailmi'iit allowimr intere-t on tone deposit as follows: For liepostts allowed toremaiu three month or longer. - per eent. Six mouth or longer. 3 per o ut. Twelve months 01 lunger. I pel eent. For further information apply to the president or cashier. I'Hksidknt: . K. IIANIKI., vick l':siil:sr' I'll. II. w. i.r.wis. (.laehsoii. Northampton ci iahikr: W. It. SMITH. 3E SEA BOA III) His name was Hezekiah Doo linle. and he was blessed with . sanguine leinperameni. Oi'lien he ; proposeil to Annie Vi'arner she in ! quired what means he had vviih which lo suppoi'i a wife. "None whaievtr," said ihe cheerful Hez i ekiah, "hut poverty is no disgrace 1 and some day I expect to strike ii ; rich." 1 They were married and went to ! live with Annie's parents "until ' soinelhini; turned up." Ilcckiuh ' p issed by the small jobs, looking ! for someihing big, but lie was al- ways on hand For meals. Annie Fretted because they were J a burden on her parents and ! chided him for his inaction. ' "Don't worry," said he; "it w ill I spoil your beauty." I Hezekiah lived up to bis own . ! creed and refused to worry, no matter how great the provocation. liven when Annie's parents turned ; them out he was perfectly calm. "The Lord will provide!" he ex c'aimed, placidly, but his wife wasted no time in talk. She rein ed a small cottage, bought some furniture on credit and took in washing. j "The debi on the furniture will doon be due," she reminded him i one day. " 'Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you,' quoted I lez-' j ekiah. So his wife did plain sewing at I night lo increase their scanty in-1 come. Then a baby was born and ! j Annie was unable to work. "What j 1 shall we do?" she cried.' j "Don't worry. It will injure ; your health," soothed Hezekiah. "I am still expecting something to i turn up." j Annie's folks helped iheni for a year and then she rented a larger house and took in boarders. "The rent will soon be due," she told her husband as she glanced anxiously at the calendar. "Take no thought for the mor row," reproved Hezekiah. "The morrow will take thought for the things of itself." ' Annie worked harder. Her , cares increased as the family in ! creased, and she lost her beauty, I 1. . .I.U .... I 1...- ..... lier iieaiiu, unu nei iv.niti. j "You worry loo much, remon ! sirated her husband. "Why don't I you take a hopeful view of life, as j I do?" Human endurance has its limits, and the end came at last. Annie died of overwork, her parents took the children and the hopeful Hez ekiah was left to shift for himself. "The world owesnie a living," j said he, so he look io the road. I As he tramped out of the village, I past ihe little country cemetery.his ; eye sought out the unmarked grave j ' of his wife and he sighed. "The ways of Providence are i inscrutable," he murmured re-j ; signedly. "She was a good wife, ! but she would worry." Youth's i Companion. Bwrith. Ha" A'",,S "" Women do not always dress to kill, to go to a slaughter sale. i i ;vt , P S AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRiL 12, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as Infor- matlon for the public and are not guaranteed, and ! are subject to change without notice. I Trains will leave VVELDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth anJ Norlolk at 7.25 a. m. No. 38 lor " , " " t 2.57 p. m No. 41 lor Kaleigh and points South at I207 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. in. For further Information relative to rates, sched- u es, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to ( IL. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Ralelgb, N.C. Do You Think For Yourself ? Or. do you open rour mouth Ilk fount bird iM rulp dowo wbkwver food or madi ilfl my. be uffurad you I 1 1 v V liA-MiWNjn intrlllfent thlnklnf woman. In nd ofrf fruin weftknehttDerroufnMt, pktn ind u1(Ainff, then It mean much to JOU that lhrV,; trlrf) nj tpt h.mf iinll'Mnr. 'ih'i'ii'f.'y druifytu f"f thti euro of fou.iini lilt. Th tntkfni of Tr. Pln' Favorlta Pi rriiilUm. fur the cure of weak. urvt)iu, run down, uTtjr-wurkvt). ilrtillltatiHl, ptlu rtt kul womru. knowing ihlnuitsltrln to Im uiadw up of tnirnl lin l . rrf nn of whl.-h ti4 Ida tronffHt puHHlhlu tndorMment of the luidlng and itatidanl autltorltli-a of Hit mvcu1 wlitKtli of practice, are perfectly wllllnr. and iifact. are only tix) glad tu print, an limy do, tile fur inula, or Hit of hirlltnU, of whk-n It U ctmptMid, tot piufn Jb'tiyfuh, on every buttle-wrapper. The formula ot Pr. Pierre' Favorite P re ar rlpt ton will bvar tlte moat critical eiamlna ti.tn uf medical eiurt. for It cunt at nn no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or hatilt-furmlnf 1 druiri. aud do atrent enter Into It that la not hlfhly recomniended by the most advanced and leading nitiitcal teachem and author ities of Uielr aereral acboolt of practice, Tlifsc antnorltlpi recomtnend the IngTfdlpnti ol Hr. W'U't Favor He rreacrtpUon forth cure of yxTth- the ime aMmrnta for whlTlj lili woTlti rnn. il inftlii inc litadvlaed. No other medicine for woman's Uli has any I such professional endorsement as Dr. Ptvrce's Favorite Prejtc rlpt ion has rvcvlvftd. In the un Quallucd recommondatlon of each of Us everal Ingredients by scores of trading medi cal men of all lb schools of practice. Is uch an endorseaunt not worthy of jrow consideration 1 A booklet of ingredient with numerous authoratlve profeslonal endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country, Will be mailed fru to any one sending name and address with request for same. Address tte IL V. Ftan Buffalo. If. T. MUS. WILLIAM J. mtVAN. The next mistress of the White House. BLESS 'Eli1, ONE AND ALL. Some are summer girlies, Some are summer guys; Some are priceless pearlies, Some are simply pies; Some are sweet and dainty, some are otherwise. Some are summer beauties, Some are summer bugs; Some are lootsy wootsies; Some are merely mugs, Some are lit for heaven, some are hi for hugs. Some are summer fairies, Some are summer freaks; Some are certain marries, Some are maidens meek; Some are chatty chummies, some are solely cheek. Some are summer seraphs, Some are summer swells; Some are Fleeing sheriffs, Some are finding shells, Some are fresh and bonny, some are chestnut belles. Some are summer dimples, Some are suninler dots; 4 Some are partly crimples, Some are purely clo'es, Some are sweet and sunny, some are just so-so's. Some are summer sillies, Some are summer sads; Some are seeking Willies, Some are following fads; Some are mamma's darlings, some of course are dad's. Some are some are quit it. 0 my summer muse ! If we must admit it, In the book of Who's Who in Summer Girldom some aregoo-goo-goos! GOME HOME. A WIFE TO HER HUSBAND. Linger not long. Home is not home without thee. Its dearest tokens do but make me mourn. Oh, let its memory, like a chain about thee, Gently compel and hasten thy return ! Linger not long. Though crowds should woo thy staying. Bethink thee, can the mirth of thy friends, though dear, Compensate for the grief thy long delaying Costs the Fond heart thai longs lo have thee here? Linger not long. How shall I watch thy coming,s As evening shadows stretch o'er moor and dell; When the wild bee haih ceased her busy humming And silence hangs on all things like a spell. How shall 1 w atch for thee, w hen fears grow stronger, As night grows dark aud darker on the hill; I low shall I weep, when I can waich no longer! Ah, m l thou absent, ni l thoil absent still 5 Yet 1 shall grieve not, though the lye thai seeth me Gazeth through tears thai make its splendor dull, Eor, oh, I sometimes fear when thou art with me My cup of happiness is all too full. Haste, haste thee home unto my mountain dwelling, Haste, as a bird unto its peaceful nest, Haste, as a skiff, though tempests wide and swelling, Flies to its haven of securest rest. A GLORIOUS VISION. Julin Ward Movve lias Remarka ble Vision of New lira to Dawn for Mankind. Julia Ward Howe, of BoMou, has had a remarkable vision of a new era For mankind. She and her intimate Friends are said in be lieve it in be supernatural. Mrs. owe, who was SO years old on May 21 last, describes it as lo!- ow s : Due night recently 1 experienced a sudden awakening. I had a vis ion oF a new era which is to dawn For mankind and in winch men and women are battling equally, unitedly, For the uplifting and emancipation of the race from evil. 1 saw men and w omen oF every clinic working like bees to unwrap the evils of society and to discover the whole web of vice and misery, and to apply the remedies, and also to find the influence that could best counteract evil, and its attend ing suffering. There seemed to be a new, a wonderous, ever-permeating light the glory of which! cannot attempt to put in human words the light of the new-born hope and sympa thy blazing. The source of this light was born ol human endeavor, COULD NOT DENY IT. The Witness Had Ik-en Mixed In a Case of Theft. I'p The n.ko.1 win ithat N'asli- ittnrtloV for the llcfellM keenly lit the w ilncs was lestil'v ini- for tin il oseeilt lull. " Your inline, if I underhand vim correct I v," In miiil. "is 1 lui ace 1 1 inscy, right ?" "Ye. Mr. " ' Did Mill ever live ill till ':" "Yes, Sif." "Mr. lliiisev, have you ever been arrested on :i criminal clKiru'c'" "No, sir!" iiidigniuil ly an swered the witness. "Never!" "liid you ever commit an of fense for whic!i;yoil might just ly have been arrested "Never, sir!" "Mr. llinsev, is il not a fact thai you once stole from your own father?" Here the attorney for the prosecution interposed, but (he witness chose to answer. "No, sir!" he exclaimed. "Nev er in my life!" "Now, Mr. llinsev," said the lawyer, "suppose 1 should tell Von that I know of a case when Heart Strength TT'-nrt Ptn-NKth. or IT-'iirt VYriilitic a. rri'-uii-; Nrrva Htn nut It. ur N'TVi' iikiM'ss imiiiiriK mnn. 1'oa. 1 1 v -1 . nut oin' w.nt ht art in u liuMlrcl i-t, in It-h'-tf . Hi-uiitilv h;i-'l. It in iiliiiut alvtivri a jinM.'ti t.lty lilt 1 - in r. Unit r-'iiily U nil nt fault. 'I lii-Hili-curp ihtvi -Hi,-1 'unlitic. r II' "'I Ntvh -Minify ii.-r.N, mill ii, uM fiav-, inure i-tAv r, iiiom frtii l-i lit y, intint runt n ill iMff. li.oro tot'Ttiilig Mit iiKtii iilioiiMliHt tlif Heart tmiM miuuam In IkiI.iiihI ) M.uiiHih iukI kidiuyti uIm have tiif m taiisi cuiitrulling iicl'Vi'S. 'I lift flmrly i'M'Ihhh why, tin s nn'lii Ine. lr. Hiuui.'n li'"-l"nit.iu' Imi in i tic pn.it il in- no much tut wcnk una itiiniH If "tin, 1 r Mump iirimiiKlit tin' niti i if nil I lii.-i iii In iu!, pii! pil.it idif. sufToi'ttt. Ili;: hctirt fiiri--i hr sin'P (li'MuiiilU - Unn pi pillllT J'l'i-s"! I pi ii ill lr tllullo ihrol'liol tl tllHMii Hmk M'rl Wlftil.u; n-TVil ivtiti'lH. It t'Ullll;i; il'ttici.KtlM'H". it i. Ilcr- r-'iil. bi-iliIiii' li.iirt li'-'p II )UU Woiii'l .i- H-'llIU, Klli'iig H- r-:ti'll, fli-rnftfi.-n OtvMS iorvwi ru-CsUbiioh til- il) lis llcnl. I, V It il Dr. Shoop's Restorative All Dealers. For Weak neys immortal purpose of countless j you did steal from your tatiier. ! thousands of men and women who Instantly the witness1 brow were equally doing their part on the world-wide battle with evil and whose energy was bended to tear the mask from error, crime, su- I perstition, greed, and to discover ! and apply the remedy. saw me men and tlie women cleared. ''(ientleinen," lie said, turn ing to tho jury, "lie's right. I remember now. When I was about eight years old I stole half a do.en eggs from my fath er's grocery store, took them standing side by side, shoulder w ! down under the hank of the shoulder, a common, lofty and in domitable purpose lighting every , face with a glory not of this earth. All were advancing with one end in ; view, one foe to trample, one ever- lasting good to gain. "And then 1 saw the victory," 1 said Mrs. Howe. "All of evil was gone from the earth. Misery was ; blotted out. Mankind was eman cipated and ready to march for- : ward in a new era of human un derstanding, all encompassing , sympathy and ever-present help. The era of perfect love, of peace ; passing understanding. keiilH-'ly's I.UMltiw l'oui;h Syiup Ht'ts ifrntly upon llic howi-l uiiil tlii-it. tty drives llic I'olil out of tin- yxt,-m anil ut tilt- same tunc il alluys iiillanomllioii utnl stops iiriluliou. t tol.h, u like it sol.l lv V. M. Cohen, Wei. Ion. N.C. Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c E. C. DcWITT & CO., Chicago, 111. Sold lv W. M. Cohen, U eldon, N. C. A woman can't talk as much at a funeral as at a wedding, but she enjoys herself as much. Oct my '"Hook No. 1 for Women." It ttilltrive weak Momen many xuluaMe suilL-estiolts of relief and Willi stnelty I'onlideuluil uiedieal adiu-e is enlnely flee. Simplv Hllte ll. Sliooji. k'ueine. Wis Tlu'lu'iok No. I lells al.oul hi shoop's Niirhl I lire and how these southing, heuhnif. antiseptic suppoMlo nes ean he sueoessl'ully applied to eoi leet these weaknesses. rite for tlie hook. All healers. creek, cooked them and helped eat them. This lawyer, who was a hoy then, not only help ed 1110 steal those eggs, but put me up to stealing them. How are you, Jim?" The judge and jury joi led in the laugh that followed, and the rest of the examination was conducted on more friendly lines. Youth's Companion. WHAT MONEY WON'T BUY. j Money is a powerful factor now ! a-days , It will buy a position in the i world but ii can't buy the breed- j 1 ing necessary to the upholding of that position. j ; It will buy the good things of I me n can t nuy ine appcuie 10 enioytnem. It will buy superb clothes but it ! can't negotiate for the proper knack in wearing them. j QF.ORGE C. GREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Kank Uuildiiur) Weldon, N. C. It will buy a wife buy a woman's love. but it can't I A propusal never seems to a girl ' lo taste right unless there is moon- j light. - , Just Exactly Right. I "I liuve used In. Kind's New Life l'ills for several veals, and liud them just exactly Olidt." savs Mr. A A. I'elton.of i HaiTisville. N. V. ' New Life fills relieve ' without Ihe least discomfort. Ilest rein edy tin coustipaliou. hiliousuess and malaiia '.'.'tc. at anv diu'.r store. Monuments AND . Gravestones. WE PAY T.iKjFREICHT ankCUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . l.AIK.OTSIIICK lit t lie Sulltb usiiatiJ Catalogue Free. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, (Kstatih-licl ISIS.) 1VI lo Hill llauk St., Norfolk, Va. Ilov L tv I'm- HiAVitt's l.itlle faily kiscrs. pleas ant litlle puts that an- easv to take Sold hv W. M. Colien, Wello N.C. When a hammock is just the j ' spot for a couple it's a sign they j are single. J I licit llaiher. of Klton. Wis . says. "I j haw only taken foul doses of youi Kid- I ney and idaddcr fills and they have done for hie more than tiny other mcli cine has eer done. I am still takine I the pills as I want a perfect cure.'' Mr. I'.aiker refers to IVW nt's Kidnev aud ' '.ladder fills. ! Sol.l hv W. M Cohen, Weldon, N. ('. 1 1 takes next to nothing to make ; some folks think they are something CASTORIA For Iufauts aud Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Tr Signature of L&ulS-, The ear doctor's instructions i should not go in one ear and out 1 of the other. An easy thing to understand is what you don't understand about women. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medioine'and have the wrong one given you. For this treason we urpe you in Buying to be careful to get the genuine Black-Draught Liver Medicine The reputation of this olrl, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other madicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa THE ROPE. Anarchist I'm entitled to my share of things, and I'm deter mined to have it. The w orld must give me what I deserve Wiseman But under our laws that is impossible unless you com mit murder. When a woman wants an excuse to buy a new hat she can manage to get caught in the rain without an umbrella. WHEN YOU I EEL TIRED. Don't gut your teeth and work harder, liase up a little. Don't talk any more than you can help. Talking takes vitality. Lie down in a dark place, ifonly for fifteen minutes. Don't read anything in which you are not interested. Don't feel that everything must be done in one day. There are J64 more. Realize thai it is better to leave things undone than overdo your self. Avoid people and their woes at Vrrrt Tlicic in out' prcinitation known Unlay that will promptly lit-lp tlie Htomacli. TIiih in Kotlul. Kixtol diifCHts all cttutHtw ot Ibml, and it (lorn it thovoutrhlv, no tl...t n, c l - r... 'ii without ilouht help anyone who ban j lI'M llllie. Seek SOine Olie fl'IVO stomach ihsorders or Htomacli trouble 1.0,0 lake kodol tuiluy and i-outiniH- it for Ihi- sliort lime that is necessary to give you complete relief. Sold hv W M Cohen. Weldon. X. C. Just as much of a newspaper re mains after it is Hied away. OA.STOX1.IA.. Bun th. -lh Kind Yo Hatm Alwajrs Sigutus r Don't try to improve yourself. Give your mind a rest. And don1! forget that a little lem on juice in cold water in the morn ing is a great help. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo in good for cutB, burns, brumes ami scratches. It is especially good for piles. Sold by W.'M. I'uliea. Weldon, N. C Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor - , and cheerfulness soon t-lY??-tr'l disappear whsn the kid neys are out ol order or diueaed. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, Ii Ihe urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child teaches an age when It should be able to control the passage. It Is yet afflicted with bed-welting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and Ihe first step should be towards the Ireaiment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediale effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty- cent snd one dollar ffSSrrTgs::: sizes. You may have a l.'jif'Wi.frH'! sample bottle by mail . tree, also pamphlet tell- Roma of Brunt Root Ing all about It, including many ot the thousands ot testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer it Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember Ihe name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N.Y., on every bottle. WALTER E. DANIEL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WKI.IKIN, N, ('. Practices in the courts of Halifax anil Northampton and in the Supreme ami federal coiiits. Collections made in all paits of Norlli I arohua. Ilraucti ollice at Halifax open every Monday. I ir ii i thi r.niinM AND CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's tfew Discovery PRICE n- A ft, IW OLDS Trial Born, rrt AND All THROAT ANDIUNGTROUBIES. FilR OQUCHS GUAR NTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONEY REFUNDED. frotniitlr obiaiuHl. .,r ftt RETURNED. t VIAItr CXPERIENCC. Our CHADCIS ARC TMI LOW IT, Ikiiri nmdtil, pkoto w ktfti-h for eincrt mrrh tuul ftce rt'imrt on iHtWnUOiUUy. tMntiMQf MINT Witt comliufesi bclui All OuurtA. rairnt oMftiwd tliroiifrli u, ADVKR TltfO tuxl ftOLD, fnt. TRAD8 -MARKS. Mtt MM And OOPVRIOHTt (lukkly obtaiuxL Opposite U8. Putent OfHoa, WA8HINCTON. D. O. '1 'If