, i t lv M Hi sv WMf feinasaj! 1 1 Advertising Rates Mailt; Known on Application. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-,!. 5C Per Amtvw Vol. xliii. WINDOW N. ('.. Till l.SDAY. .11 l.Y :,0. lilOS. NO. 1-. ip boJI Her-"" HONESTY REWARDED. S3SIE83 TO A SEA GULL Not Very Wall Ipoi iim. "I foe," .U.c olliil, J 1K( I KM-. AVo8i'iiilil(PiTpar,ninnror,$. r.iRil.'iiiii'.iilK'I'wdaralRi'fjiili liiilicbumailtsai'dUimcIsi rroitioli'sDirtpslioiiJCliforfiil iv.:.si!r.(ll!esi.Cuilainsnciilw (Ij'simi.Murplune nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. jfKtcroUDr.imm'tmm Jlx Srmn tliluibviwlrlm im'-ifrtu Anir. Anrrii-rl Remedy UCflnsllp- I Ion , Sour Slnmarh.Ularrtitt Worms ,ri)uTilsiimi.rivfrisll lirss mid LOSS OF SLOT. far Simile SiiiUtuK if NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years . fc. . - i i inr Exact Copy of Wrapper. y I a v I'iiom: l'll-il J! P. N. STA IN BACK, i'nii:ktaki:i.. Welilon, North Carolina. l ull l ine ot CSM:TS. COITINS ami ROIiliS. Day, MkIiI nml Out of-Timn culls I'roniptly Attended to. o II. (i. UOWH, ITNIiRAl. IHRMCI'OR AND lIMHALMIiR. Seventeen years' l:pcrk-rict-. Hearse Service Anywhere. 30IZr3CXS3K30. IOC Keauliful Incident of the Demo- cralic State Convention in Char- j lotte -An Honest Little News- j hov and II. iw lie Was Rewarded ; - tiiven a Dollar Me Went to tiet the Change and Lost Mis Man. 'lie n the mil call was conclu ded, and awaiting the conipleiinn , of the vutc for Commissioner, a beautiful incident gave test and delight to the delegates. Chair-' ! man Parsons announced that a : little- new.hoy selling a Charlotte evening paper had sold a paper ami the purchaser save him a dol lar. The boy went to find the change and on coming back could not find the gentleman, and desired i this announcement made so that if he was in the house he could get his 95 cents returned. Immediate ly the audience began to shout : "No change;" "l'.ring the boy 1 forward;" An honest boy is the : noblest work of Cod;" etc. The ; little fellow, a 9-year-old, was brought to the front of the stage, his bundle of papers under his i arm, an old battered straw hat in i his hand, his eyes bulged big and ; ' his face wearing an expression of wonder at what the fuss was about, ! as delegates crowded in front of where he stood on ihe stage. "Put your hat down" was shouted to ' him from a hundred throats. The 1 litile lellow put his hat down, and 1 t ien began a scramble from dele ; gites on the Moor and on the stage to get to the hat. There was a perfect rain of dimes, quarters and ; nickels and several gave dollar ; ' pieces, until the crown of the hat was tilled to the brim. It was counted out $9. M). On motion of W. C.I laimner.the hoy was unan- . imously recommended to the posi-: lion of chief page in the next Leg-1 islature. j The boy's name is Cicero Alex- j ander, son of Mark Alexander, of Ninth street, Charlotte. "Gentle- j men, I certainly thank you," was ' the brief speech made, and his rc-; marks excited thunders of ap plause. Mr. T. 1). Maness, delegate from BY C.liKAI.l) GRIFFIN. White bird of the tempest ! t) beautiful thing ! Willi the bosom of snow and the motionless wing, Now sweeping the billow, now limiting on high, Now bathing thy plumes in the light of ihe sky, Now poking o'er ocean thy delicate form. Now breasting the surge with thy bosom so warm, Now darting aloft with a heavenly scorn, Now shooting along like a ray of the morn, Now lost in the folds of the cloud-curtained dome, Now Moating abroad like a flake of the foam. Now silently poised o'er the war of the main, Like the spirit of charity brooding o'er pain, Now gliding with pinion all silently furled, Like an angel descending to comfort the world ! Thou seem'st to my spirit, as upward 1 gaze, And see thee, now clothed in mellowest rays, Now lost in lite storm-driven vapors that lly Like hosts that are routed across the broad sky, Like a pure spirit true to iis virtue and faith, 'Mid the tempests of Nature, of passion, and death 1 Rise, beautiful emblem of purity, rise ! On the sweet winds of heaven to thine own brilliant skies; Still higher still higher till lost to our sight, Thou hidest thy wings in a mantle of light ; And I think, how a pure spirit gazing on thee, Must long for the moment the joyous and free When the soul disembodied from nature shall spring Unfettered at once to her Maker and King; When the bright day of service and suffering past, Shapes fairer than thine shall shine round her at last, While, the standard of battle triumphantly furled, She smiles like a victor, serene on the world I Put. if &2f . -'-' mi . IF I ONLY HAD CAPITAL- DON'T Stand Around, a Helpless I ellow, Vuiting (or SomelhiiiK To Turn I'p. Weak Women The above words were recently title I eil m our Meal nig I y boy and undoubtedly they reiterated by many v, ho of employment, ot have nothing to do. 'I o all ueli say, you have home capita!, have hand-., feet, bone, 1 1 1 r i health, are not thce capital- a wo are i are lilile my lieu olll or we you cle, Hut To w-'uk av Hi lo ll i:i:.-t 1. i iiMiiill. .. 'Hi. f.n.' I'M! IT" ft . 11-'1 Kl.-I I iili it r. r.nc. i.li-n-nil": ! tli.it . Iilo tivjil i.i it 1-mo. is t'i DiCrtH'tt. 1 1' -til e.-- 1,- I ! I - ntidi. tl:il. i t-,-i(ml . lit.- I uiiMiltitio: - Sllfl.f ' tile- -tlol I' III- O.V. Oil'' IT ii'.liy itlt iiil- rtiitl lH'.il-ivurin-e, Ull"illiMllt tlm li- i' i-iiir ul ull uuiu. impllos, i1.'i ltt -wi"iiiii iiillain- W.-.lkll.-' HI Ml i'ii-.s ticrvrnis r Hti'l iifiiljiUt.n, (f tii"'Ui r nuW'-'l .it, l'r. MKMii'!t t-l K-'I'-Till tm. I.! i lieiD, liaii urt VV'i.'ll i-s '; '!'!: !'h ii- lil!i;!ii liiii ni'i-l.i ill jn.ii i:i i. !i'!y ;tt i!n ttiit-r M,;!,'.ii) V.i! Jl::.:-l IVJillv i''-'IX' Hit' 1.(1,;- !i;":i-i.-:tr, Init my iliulitiT T I i : I v.". Th" I'l'i'hrli ma i! -All, tin. pc: i h!ill hot I. 'lit .i' ivl'tw. 'l ala-i'. In Good Spirits. b. :r. WHEN. "T!i:it cdtiii -if yuiirs Is prcilicaiiuiil." "ISIiil In .spirit In a mi tiowt'vcr." Of course I love the house of God, Bui I don't feel to hum there, The way I uster do afore New-fangled ways had come there; Though things are finer now a heap, My heart it keeps a clingin' To our big, bare old meetin' house Where Sam'wel led thesingin'. Good to Sr.ioka With. 1 'low it's sorter solemn like ' To hear the organ pealin'; It kinder makes ycr blood run cold An' fills ye full of feelin', But somehow it don't tech the spot, Now, mind ye, I ain't slingin' No slurs es that bass viol did When Sam'wel led the singin'. 0 3E O H o THE BAi'JK OF WELDON Wi:iJ)()N, N. (' Organized llnder the Laws of the State of North Carolina, At -.I -i -1 II. ls'-J. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcldon Depository. Capital and Sarplus, $40,000. I'ov mure lluin til'Uvii yearn t ln instil. Hum !u .iiM.le.l l.aiikin; faeili ties for this seetiou. Its stuck!.. .M a an.! .ln. .'l..is l.uve l.e. n i.leiil.llt',1 with the business interests t.l' llahi'av un.l i'itli:iiii.t..u I'imiities fur ninny years. Money is lnaur.l ut.ei iti.i'ie,l veeiirity ul theleiral rate nf interest six per eeliliini. . eet mils ol' all ate siU.tel. 't he surplus ami ninlix i.le.l .mlils Ii:iiiiu' r.a.'linl a anni e.ii:il to the Capital st.iek. Hie Hank has. eoiiuiieiieiut.' .lauuary 1. I!is. est. il. list, ,l a Sa ine's llepartnielit all. .Mtier mt, lest on Line .1. p.. sits as !'uli,,i4: for lieliosllM allowe.t toreitiain thlee inoiille; or i..iu:er. J per etail. Six iiuuillis or loiiner, ;! per eenl. Tuebe umnlhsoi ..nuer. t per Kor further inloiniutioii apply to the l'r. i.l. nt or t aluer. rill I'UKsiuKvr: W. i;. O.VN1I.L. vit t. i'ia:sii.i.r I'll. II. W. I. I'UK (.iai'hsou. .oiiliaiuitoii e. s ii i iai: li. SMITH. Cabarrus, announced that he had I tell ye what, whin he struck up given the hoy the dollar and for- The tune, an' Sister Manner got the change. He wanted this Put in her puny treble eh ? honest newsboy to keep the 95 : That's what you call sopranner, cents as his contribution to the con-! Why, all ihe choir, with might an' vention fund. ASKS A I'LW OULSTIONS. 8EAB0AK AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908, These' arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public anJ are not guaranteed, am' are subject to change without notice. We ri'spi'i-tftilly refer to the1 Charlotte Observer the follow- 1 inn quest ions which we have clipped from an exchange: ; ' Von can see any day a w hite horse; did you ever see a whito 1 colt!' How many trees row in ; your neighborhood and what are they f,'ood for? Why does1 a horse nip iniss backward and ; ii cow forward' Why does a j Imp vine wind one way, and a ! bean vine another? Where should a chimney be larger, at top or bottom, and why? Why , does a horse when tethered ! ' with a rope unravel it in raz- j i iiitf, while it colt twists it into j i a kinky knot? Why do leaves j turn upside down just before a r.iin?" - Raleigh Christian Ad- I I vocate. ! The Story of a Modicino. j Its name "(loliten MeOical lils.-ovf.n-" j I was sutiuesteil l.y uno of I is must , hnimrt- ' nut una valuable tiiirreuaeMs Ooldea He:ll root. Nearly torty yean nt!, llr. Puree ills , cover.sl that iie I'.nil.l, by the use of purn, trlple-relined ulyrerine, anted by a cer tain decree uf constantly inuinlalne.1 li.'iit un.l with the aid ot apparatus au.l appliances desit-necl (or that pur.so, ei tr.iet troin our 1ii'l valuable native iiin 1 dii'lnal riMtt.s tleir curatitw properties much Isater than by the use o( alcohol, do generally eniil. .red. So the now world-taiiii-d "(. .lilc ii Mislieal IliseoviTy." tor the cure o! weak sUimach, Indigestion, or ; dy' n; p'itn. torpM liver, or hlllous'.ess and kindred diiraiiKi'inrnu w as nrsi mam Set to, and seemed a flingin' Their hull souls out with ev'ry note When Sam'wel led thesingin'. An' land alive, the way the'd race Thro' grand old "Coronation:" , Lach voice a chasin' t'other round It jest beat all creation ! 1 alius thought it must a' set The bells o' heaven a-ringin' To hear us "Crown 1 lint Lord of All," When Sam'wel led the singin'. Folks didn't sing for money then; They sung because 'twas in 'em And must come out. I uster feel If parson couldn't win 'em, With preachin', an' with prayin', an I lis everlasting digin' That choir'd fetch sinners ,o the fold When Sam'wel led the .singin' b. w i.i il il breal.f.i-1 III ifil I -e cue if I only li.ul a Ica' thousand in cash capital," says the young man. But these are belter than cash cap ital, for no one can take them from you. anil with these you can earn cash. Our men of wealth and influence did not start with any cash capital. They went to work w i t h their plow, the jack plane or axe, and in time their capital brought them a rich harvest. Ah' but there's the rub; you don'twant to work. You want money on i credit so you can play the genile man, speculate and end your ca reer by playing vagabond. You j want to marry a rich wile it' ho will j support you, while you wear Hue j clothes, smoke cigars, and be a gentleman of leisure. : Shame on you, young man ! (Jo to work with the capital you have and you will soon make interest j enough upon it to give you- as much money as you need. If you cannot make money upon what I capital you have, you could not if j you had a larger amount in cash. If you waste your present capital you would waste money if you had it. So don't stand around, a helpless fellow, waiting for some thing to turn up, but go to work. Take the lirst work you can get to 1 do and do it well. Always do your best, and if you manage your capi tal that Cod has given you well, you willl soon have plenty more to manage. Dr. vShoop's Night Cure All Dealers. Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If ttfter nr-inir nvo-tiiinls fr a li.ryi bottlft of K ! I, - ii r.iti ! -:i---flv s.iy it ius n il ben tiied j.iti, wt! will i l In ikI yriur ui mi y. Try lv'il--l ti'.l.iv on ttiiti t,'i;.ii cilice, hill out anl st.ai the f'-ilowiiiy. prt-:i-;it it to the dcul'-r at tlf nun of inr!iiis(i. If it fails to satisfy ou return Hie Ix-ttlt! ro:it;ttni!ii oiip-thnd of ihe Hit-! limine to t bx: dfaicr f nun whom J'wll buUyhl il, and wh wi.i ft'Tuiiil your moiiey. Town Slcn Ihtp,.. - ( tit ThU Out - Digests WhatYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet . C. IX WITT ItCO., Chtcaao, III. M.I.I In V. M. Cohen. WcMun, N. ( . (iLOROi; C. (iRHLN, ATTORM-V-AT-LAW, i ati..iial t'.anU I'.iul.buy) W'eldon, N. C. "V..t did y food ,,. la.l) e;. you "ll's in me pipe. New York Vt oi l.l. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the "An Eye Opener." I'.eauiy won't boil the pot. ie ill's ilel, llael Salve 1- STRENGTH FOR EVERY DAY, And he who serves his brother best, (lets nearer to (iod than all the rest. Kuskin. He not simply good -he good for something. Thoreati. A man who lives right, and is right, has more power by his silence than another has by his words. Charac ter is like bells which ring out sweet music, and which, when touched accidentally, resounds with sweet music. l'hillip Brooks. Let us be content, in work, to do the thing we can, and not to presume to fret because it's little. , --K. I!. Hi-owning. I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that 1 can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let mo do it now. Let me not ilefer it or neglect it, for 1 shall not pass this way again. A. H. liegeman. There are two good rules which ought to he written on every heart. Never believe anything bad about anybody unless you positively know it is true; never tell even that, unless you feel that it is absolutely nec essary, and that 0ml is listening while you tell it. Henry Van Hyke, 'MMMM a v - -Mrsm 5 ,-peeiMll M l.y W ..I l..r pilev ..hell. UeM Ksl Lots of people look thoughtful - then let it go at that. CABTOTXIA. Br.tU Monuments i AND Gravestones. WE PAY Hoi.FREICHT ii CUARANTEE SAFE DELIVERY . . . I. lt(.l I' STOCK intlie South Illustiatvi ( alalugtie l-rcc. Cut Short. It must make a person feel cheap to look like thirty cents. Cse IVWlll'v lattlet'.aily l.a-e.s .pleas, ant hllle pill- that aie ea-v i.i lake. ..l. l.v W. M. I ohen. Vi.-I Inn N. (' THE C0UPER MARBLE WORKS, ,l-:Mal.h-.he.l is is.) I Ml to lil'i bank St.. Noifulk, Va. nov 'J I v The successful lailbreakers must be inclined to break into a smile. ad- . :il!-. : l one nl th. ul the sai and io" -.1,1 lo . M i oli. n s nilla .Mi, ii W, I.I, .li nip tli. I, -. to mi l aial ion l.e II. SC. YolllH Jllll (nerio;:-l , T!:.' sollu l bin-' liliollt er olir l ll-'n.. i'iimv I'm Ye-: there i- I I. .1 tieed il iniseir It ..Hue- e e.. e !l I x ,1. t s VI. U nti.l ibie-l.'l B. I :n until about II. i me of tin - Till ..ill to UieU it Into the street see w ha! It is made ot. Liars All. It is not pleasant to be the target for shooting pains. Boam tlm Signature of 1I.S K,;.J Y :: !. '. Bot.t Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BUcT-DraugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, tor constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other mtdicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOtD IN TOWN Fa a,.l Some female figures countable. Trains will leave WTXDON as follows: No. 32 for r'ortsnioi th and Norfolk at 7.23 a. m. No. 38 for " " " at 2.57 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 03 p. m. For further ir formation relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, ' Raleigh, N. C. ao linn IsVn Hi us mas-u A..,.,k.. 1 d oliTvcfv t:1 WHAT TO RI":AI). If you have the blues 'J7th l'saliu. read .oli-, as i ,1,,, i It your poet is empty, 1st of Its Inirrcdl- ' 1 lK)tiie.wrupcr, i Hit! .Will I satlll. trum the rnosi i If people seem unkind, read It ever sin ot alcohol A iilanrc ents. tirlntc mil show that II Is valuable medicinal ruosfoimd Browing m our American loresisw i i ui.se n . . . - . , creillents Jiave reeelvid the ippiucst in- me i.un vnnn-i ..u,..,. fe If you are discouraged about h liy riniiiuiiiaul Liu in as i in- vrrx I your work, read the liiiith l's. Mu" I If von are out of sorts, read A lium oouk ul theso cndursnneiiUi Las been compiled hy I)r. R. V. l'leree, ot I 'I'lieie is one pre palatini) kuinwi today , that will pn.niptlv help Hie stomach. 1 Till- is Ko.lol. Kiodol digests all classes ot loo.l. ami it .I.k's it tlm ithly, so , that the use ol Ko.lol Cor a lime Bill without tloulil help anyone wim has stomach ilisonleis or stomach trouble. Take Ko.lol today au.l continue it for the stunt time that is necessary to uie von colnttlete rein I'. Sold hy V. M. I 'ohen. Wel.loll. N . ('. lluffalo, N. V., and III lie mailed .fire to any one askinir same hv tsisial card, or letUT mtdriywsl t,i the Un-pir ns alsive. From the.1 einlorsenients, eoutsi from standard medical hooka uf all the differ ent schools uf practice. It will 1m found that the ingnsllenu cnmtKtsinu the-iiold-en Misllcal Discovery " uri' advised not only (or the cure of the atsive mentloniHl diseasis, hut also for the Hire, of all ca tarrhal, bronchial and throat iilfeciloiiH, accompalnisl with catarrhal discharges, hoarseness, soru throat, liiiierluK. or iiaiiK-on-coutrhs, und all those wasting alTistlons which, If not promptly and properly treated ire. liable to terminal fn consumption. Take Dr. Tierce's Dis covery In time and persevere In Its u-o until you give II a fair trial and It Is not likely to disapiHilnt. Ton much must mil lie ejiicctisl of It. It will not perform miracles. It will not cure consumption In Its advanced mania. No medicine will. It m I cure the albs-tions that lead up to oou.uopUua, J taken in time the I'Jth chapter of Hebrews. If you are losing confidence in man, read the i:ith chapter of 1 Cor, If you can't have your way in every thing, keep silent and read thethird chapter of James. Kxchange. It's a pity thai the self-made man doesn't always make himself agreeable. There isn't anything more nerve racking than an old maid of fifty trying to be cute. The hardened thief does not seem to take things much to heart. del 111 v "Nook So I for Women. " It 11 giic ivcak women many xaluable suL'ireslious ot retu t au.l Willi strictly conliileiitial ineihcat a.Uice is entirelv liee. Simply mile Hi. slump, liacinc, Wis. Ihehook No. t tells about Dr. Shoop's Night t ine au.l how these soothing, healing, antiseptic supposito ries can be successfully applieil to cor rect these weaknesses. Wnte for the book. All Dealers. If tftjp :! '. S'Kj-' "You went li-liiug with .h.nes yi'S tenlay. U hut did yon , at. h'; ' "Ask .loiios; l forget Ihe number we agreed on." On the river of life the electric-: ian strikes many a strong current. : Just Exactly Right. I "I have use.l llr. King's New Life Pills i r.. I I .... I 1 1 I lot s-,euti veu.s, alio nun loeiu jiisi exactly right," says Mr. A. A. Fellon.of llarrisville, N. Y. ' New late I'ills relieve without the least iliscoinl'ort. Itest rem edy for constipation, biliousness and malaria tl'u?. at any drug store. Women as Well as Men Arc Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kldm-y trouble pre , :-, upon the mind, dis courages and lessens amliiu n; hrautv, vigor an t rhc-rtulncs soon disappear when the kid n"ys ate out ot order or dr.ear.ed. Kidn'y troulle his btoulnc ao pK;vieiil j o.-i ii i:. iioiuiiuoinmon 1 I r t 1,11 I t.- , ... u v m , .j u: I". I.I afflicted with weak kid neys. II the chil.l ur:n aies too often, ii the urine scalds the flerh or if, when the child reaches an are when it sho:ld he able to conirol Ihe passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidrey trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a d.seased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar rfrJUjcVaTT sizes. You may have a KJvWIHtWiri WALTLR I;. ATTOK DAMEL, ATTOKN KY-AT-LAMi', bl.l'WN, N. ('. I'luelioi's in the courts of Halifax aiul Noitliainpti.il ami in the Suj u nn. and l'.deral ci.uits. t 'ollectiuiis ma.le ill all parts of Nottli Cuiolnia, llraneli oiliee at Halifax open every Monilay, KILLthe couch aNfl CURE THE LUNCS with Dr. King's New Discovery wii VOLDS Trial Buttle Free INI) All THR0HT AND LUNG TH0UBIES OOARj NTEED 8ATI8FAOXOA1 OB MONEY REFUNDED. Pert I'.aiber, of Kltuli. Wis , says. '1 haie only taien four doses of your ki! nev an. I bladder Tills ami they liavt done tin me more than any oilier nie.li cine has eer done. 1 um still lak iug ' sample bottle by mail the tolls as I want a peilcel cure." Mr. : free, also pamphlet tell- l.ai ker reters to l-eWttiH Kidney and llla.hler I'ills. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Wehhm, N. I'. ma They brake a horse to tame him, but a man kicks all the worse when he is "broke." Home of (tr'aiinfVnl. ing all about it, including many of this thousands of testimonial letters received from suf'erers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer at Oo., binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton. N, Y., on every bottle. In.tnptlv ..l-min-M. or FEE RETURN t O. 0 YEANS' EKPERItNCEi tmr CHARGIfc ARE THE LOWEST. KcrnJ im.ilnl, jiliotu uf kiu li lur rirvtl M'ttn h nml lri' nimrtoti puk'fllMlfiiktjr. mmiNCCMENT Hiil4 cuidll. Uid h-fum at) court Patent n ntrintiiftl tlinniKh im, AOVCR TISEO litul SOLD, fi '. TRADE -MARKS, PIK SION wul OPVIOTS qnnly otVUinoi Opposite U. . Patent Offlof WASHINGTON, t. C.

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