spa m iJ! 1 V J:Jr . Terms of Subscription-?!. 50 Per Annum. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER 1 0 it THE PEOPLE. NO. 1 i. VOL. XUII. WFJ.DON, N. '., TIII'1MAY. Al i I s'l 5, !!s. r M Mr (frm ikt Mr3 The Kind You Have Always Bought, find vliieli lias been in iiso for over 30 jenrs, Im borno the MuniUuro of nnd linn been made miller liis por i supervision niiico.s inl'iiiii'jv Allow no one toilcri in (his. All Omind'i Irili, Imitations find " Juki ni-KiMHi" lira but lXii'riuii'iiln that trillo with ni"l rniluniri'r the licallh of Infants nnd Children J'jiiierli-neo nuinst lXpoiiiiiont. What is C ASTORIA Caioi-!;v is : harmless fiiifisf itnf o for Cnstor Oil, Parn trrie, I)iois nail !-.tliintf MjTps. It Is I'lcasant. It nnl.iiiH ncillii r Oyinm, jMorphino nor oilier Marrolin milistaiiee. lis ane is its g'l.irantee. It destroys Worms und .'llla.-.s 1 i wi islinesij. It cures Dianlio'a and Wind ('ill.-. It velieves 'IVr-thiiid- Triiuliles, euros Coiislipation nnd I'latnlem j. H aiia:la!.'S the 1'iiotl, reifiilates thn Sloiuarli anil I'ouels, pvinsf healthy and natural sleep. The t (liltii-vii":! I'anucea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of A MURAL DESERT. What Light Has Infidelity Hashed Into Darkness? Infidelity is a mural Desert (if Sahara; nothiuc; grows in il but sand. What has it done? What li;;ht has it Hashed into darkness? What hope lias it Riven to tilt: de ' spairinj!? What pardon has it brought to i;ui!i? What knowledge has it taught what goodness shown' None. Nor ean it. A negative has no positive force -an eimiuh ini'ihi as well try to beget children. No; inlideliiy never raised a man or woman from sin. It never took a drunkard from the gutiei', a giinbler from his cards, or ill" fallen from a life of shame. It never found a man coarse or brutal in life and eharacter, and made of him a kind husband and father. It never went into heathen lands anion;; the morally depraved and lifted them out of their decre dation to a hih state of civiliza tion. It has never written down languages, translated literature or prepared text book "BEAUTIFUL SHOW'S" ORIGIN. Singularly Pathetic Circumstances Surrounding the Publication of the Now l aiuous Poem. The Omaha Republican gives the following history of the produc tion which the London Spectator pronounced the finest poem ever written in America,. In the early pan of the war on a stormy night, right in the dead of winter, there died at the Commercial hospital, in the i aty ot Cincinnati, a young woman, over whose head only two and twenty summers had passed. She had once been possessed of an enviable share of beauty and had been as she herself said, "Haltered and sought for the charms of her face," but alas ! she had fallen from wo man's high estate. Highly educated and with accomplished manners, she might have shown in the highest society. But the evil hour that procured her ruin was the one from which went out the innocence of childhood; and having spent a young life in disgrace and shame, the poor and friendless one died the melancholy death ot a broken-hearted outcast. Among her personal effects was found in manuscript The Seautil'ul Snow, which was carried to linos H. Reed, a gentleman of culture and literary taste, who was at that lime editor of the National Union. In the col or planted llm"s t'mt paper on the morning of the day following the girl's death, r J v- i ill LrL 11 I The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. schools, or established seminaries ' mc Poenl appeared in print lor the first time. When the paper con and colleges. It has never found-, 1;lilliS the poem came out, the body of the victim had not yet received ed hospitals for the sick or homes j 'Hrial. The attention of Thomas Buchanan Reed, one of the first for the helpless. What discoveries j American poets, was so taken with the stirring pathos that he immediate has it made? lias it added any- j 'y followed the corpse to its final resting place. Such are the plain thing to human happiness? Does j fuels concerning her whose Beautiful Snow will long be remembered it bring one ray of comfort to the ! ;1S one of the brightest gems in American literature. chamber of death' The religion ESQ THr orKT.un cow.. .), tt munh.v ernccr, Ntw VOHN eirv. of Jesus has done this, and too. "The tree is known fruits. " more, by its in f i OR I'm..' 30 awf i i n i Nli. Ill l'ili.i I''. N.STAINBACK, I'NDKH TAK VM. Wcldon. North Carolina. 0 l ull Line of CASKIiTS, Ctll l INS and KOUI-S. Day, Ninht and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. II. (i. ROWK I DNIiRAI. DlkMiClOIJ AND HMHAI-MliK. Seventeen years' livperiente. liearse Service Anywhe oc i imm.m tm unifw .A I'cmj THE Um OF WELDON O WKI.DON. N. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Arcivi'-j'U'U. is'i-.'. State of North Carolina Depository, j lalifax County Depository. Town of Wcldon Depository. Capital aiifl SbiiIbs, $40,000. r inori' tli:ui til'tci'ii vrm- l!ii- in-l lutmn li:is itaitlt i! lunkimr fticili- tit's lor 111 in Kt'i'tion. lis storklmMi'is ait-1 tlnct'luis have Urn uli'iilitit'il w itlijlio luisnit'ss iim-rt'sls ol' I ami Nm tliuinpliHi ('niiitii M lur many veuv. .Moiii-y i Umin-.l upini :iprovri sfcunty al the li'Lral rate o! iiitcivst six jht Cfiitum. AiTinmt nl all an- s.ilifitfl. The surplus and undivhlnl ptolil- K ivintr rrc!ic : sum riual to the rujtital stock, tht Hank lias, (uiiinimuMiL; .lanuaiy I. ital'hslu'.l a . Savimrs lraitmi iit allnwmir inlrif-t mi lime tli'nMts as follows: n it ptil alloM''i loi't iiiaui thtt'i- i . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 or imiji i. z per n-m m nioiillis or louirtT, it ii'iit, Twi Uf months nr lonut-r. i prrt'iMit. For luttht'i- infoiination apply In lln- 1'ii'Milnit or t'asliirr. I'KKsidkn r: AY. K. DAM I-!.. vici: riu.siMt:sr: camhkh: hit. II . , IS. V. l(. SMITH, (.laflisoii, Noithamptoii t'ountyi S25.000 DREAM. ; Chum Seen in Vision Makes a j farmer Wealthy. Will Pratt, of Sullivan, Ind., had J three dreams, each one worth j :sS,.U?..U. j IVr three .successive nights he saw visions of a wonderful churn j w ii icti would make butter quicker .and cheaper than any churn ever dreamed of previously. At least I 'ran had never dreamed of the like. I 'ran. who is a farmer living near Sullivan, arose from his bed on the third morning and straightway hied himself l.) his woodshed and fashioned a model of his dream churn. Now a Chicago churn manufacturing company ollered him $25,000 for the right to place his patented invention on the market. Why James (iot Well. l:i'rylnlv in Z:inrs illr. lilnii, Knows Mis. Mm y l.i !. of iiiial nniti- s. she Willi's: "My liiislminl. Janus l.ii'.lii in- IV llflll'Vl'S III' IIUI'S Ills llll' tl) llir list uf f'l. Kl!ILr's Ni'U lis,'i('iy. Mis hinu'x wiv n si't'ii'ly aili'i-li'-l lliat cntisiinip- tloll srrliiol lllf llal'Ii', l I It'll a ti u-ii-1 ll'C miiiiit' 'l Nriv lii-riixciy. We tlitst il. :uil lis use Im ivMoh'd lii ill In pel li et lirullli." Or. Kinu's Ni-n iMsi'ineiy is tin- K IHU' i'l' till' 'lit Tlll.l hills.' I'l'lllisiles. I'm 1-iniirli.s ami ei'l'ls it has mi ennui. Tlie liisi ilnse io i's relief. l'iy it. Snlil ninler L'uaianlee at any iliuc' stme. ."tin', ami ft. Trial hnttle Tree. SliAliOARi) A man can always be enthusias tic about the cook's meals if he has plenty to drink with them. DASTOIIIA. BignKtnra of kind fan Hum D AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains w ill leave WliLDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.2S a. m. No. 38 for " " " t 2.57 p m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 03 p. m. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. IL- (J ATT IS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. I IN,' .1 !!t i UISii'lllMlt Ul A woman's idea of a good hus band is one who says it costs him less to be married than it used to cost to be a bachelor. DOCTORS MISTAKES Arc said often tn he buried six fi't undel ! irriiiiml. Itut main- times women call nn i tlietr family pliysleiiuis, sufterinn. ns lin y j IniaKine, one tnilil dyspepsia, lllliilller fl'nlil in art, another from liver or kill- I ney disease, another from nervous pros- j tration, another with pain here and them, I and In this way they ireenl alike to lie mselves and lin ir e;is -fninit or over- 1 l,i..i' ,l.u.i,,r. si liarate iliseases. tor vhieh lie il-sinniim llii'lll to lie Slll-ll. lireSeril.i'S his pills ami potions. In reality, they lire ull only oii'""i caiied liy somn merino diswise. TTie'TilHil'iil".X"nr:'"t ,l10 ciiUM-of sulli -ruiir, Rvi'S Ujnrri'tnienl until lari!e lulls are ti vie. liMyienng . patient K'-u no U'lt. iNJlT.iOHtoJjllio ; wrotm treatment, t.ut prol.alily wnrsT .., ....j.iii,,,. pn,. Ir, l i.'r,-,. f nv.iroi. , .in .ii iltinlni f.i II. i; Hil.ll , ii"d'ihe ilisi'ijse tliero- i "tl ose uisrri ssiiu svn,i- loins, and instituting comfort Instead of ! . prolonged misery. It has Been well suiu, i Unit "a disease known Is hall cured." . I llr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription Is ; Kieiititie medicine, carefully devlsiil hy an evperienced and skillful physician, . and adan'ed lo wnman's di'licale system. It Is made of native American medicinal runt, and Is perfis-tly harmless In Us flfei-ts ill l7)lll (oli't'Q'l pf ' ' tu ill. As a powerful lnvlnorating tonic "Fa vorite Proscription" Imparts strenifth to ; the wholu system and to the orpns dls ' tinetly feniininn ill particular. Kor over workisl. "worn-out," run-down." delnli ! tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, i ieamstresses. "shop-tiirls," house-keepers, nursluK mothers, and fis l.le women iren ! erally, Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ; Is the Hiratest earthly boon, ts'lnn un i eiiualed as an apputUing cordial and ra ! storativo txtnic. As a soothine and strriialhenlng m if ! Ine "l-'avorito Prescription" is uneoualed ' and Is invaluable in allayhix and snli i d ii Inn nervous picltalnlily, Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, -. neuralgia, hjst.-ria, spasms. St. Vilus'a dancB, and other distressing, nervom ! xymptoms commonly attendant upon liliicoulial aim orRiiuic nisi-ase .m um uterus. It Induces refreshiiiK Bleep and relieves mental anxiety anil dcstiondency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets Invigorate the atomach, liver and bowela. On to three a doa. Kuj to lakeaaoaudy. Oh ! the snow, the beautiful snow ! Filling the sky and the earth below, Over the housetops, over the street, Over the heads of all the people you meet, Dancing, Rilling, Skipping along; Beautiful snow ! it can do nothing wrong, ('lying to kiss the fair lady's cheek, Clinging to lips in a Frolicsome freak; Beautiful snow from the heavens above, Pure as an angel, gentle as love ! t)h ! the snow, the beautiful snow ! I low the flakes gather and light as they gu Whirling about in their maddening fun; It plays in its glee with every one, Chasing, Laughing, I lurrying by, It lights on the face and sparkles the eye, And playing dogs with a bark and a bound Snap at the crystal that eddy around; The town is alive and its heart's in a glow To welcome the coming of the beautiful snow, How wildly the crowd goes swaying along, Hailing each other with humor and song, How the gay sled like meteors pass by, Bright for a moment, then lost to the eye; Ringing, Swinging, Dashing they go, Over the crest of the beautiful snow Snow so pure when it fell from the sky. As to make one regret -to see it lie To be trampled and tracked by thousands of feel, Till it blends with the filth of the horrible street. Once I was as pure as die snow, but I fell, Pell like a snowflake, from heaven to hell; Pell to be trampled on as filth in the street, Pell to be scoffed, to be spit on and beat; Pleading, Cursing, Dreading to die ! Selling my soul to whoever would buy; Dealing in shame for a morsel of bread; Hating the living and fearing the dead. Merciful God ! I lav e I fallen so low ? And yet I was once like the beautiful snow. Once I was fair as the beautiful snow, With an eye like crystal, a heart like its glow, Once I was loved for my innocent grace, Flattered and sought for the charms of my face; Father, Mother, Sister, all, God and myself I have lost by my fall ! The vilest wretch that goes shivering by Will make a wide sweep lest I wander too nigh F'or all that is on or above me, 1 know, There's nothing so pure as the beautiful snow. I low strange it should be that this beautiful snow Should fall on the sinner with nowhere to go; 1 low strange it should be when night comes again If the snow and the ice struck my desperate brain ! Fanning, Freezing, Dying alone, Tuu h,'htJ for prayu', tuo Weak fur a moan To be heard on the streets of a crazy town, Gone mad in the joy of a snow coming down; To be and to die in my terrible woe, With a bed and a shroud of the beautiful snow, Helpless and foul as the trampled snow, Sinner, despair not, Christ stoopeth low To rescue the soul that is lost in its sin, And raise it to life and enjoyment again. Groaning, Bleeding, Dying for Thee, The crucified on the accursed tree, His accents of mercy fell soft on 'nine ear. Is there mercy for me? Will He heed my prayer? O God ! in the stream that for sinners did How, Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. "A Man tl- Uvv ' TOLD lit Tilt TfiDlll. One Way, So They Say, of Read ing a Person's Character. The closer a thumb is set lo the wrist, the greater the amount of amiable qiulnies a person pon tile hish b is set, is mental Catarrh (if; h v i A' se-ses. And, coiner tr on the hand the tin lite lower the order of and mural makeup. Monkeys' tlnmii'-s al hand at a point c 1 - The closer to this I To provf en thut i ,iii..Tli I alii i'inu-1. llTO 'I fill II Ml, ll,!-!,.-,!, (alio rli ( n . I,. ithinK rt ti t r. tiny n i I! 1 Irlli" ri 1.1 - tl I ..t '"III sl .In taiiv.loulit, ,11 I.- I'UIV'I. II HI t Ul In i:n the Pi i 1 1 - lingers, riii. iimn a Im ii.' mi- H.wm Mm,,'. 4 "I lr. si" . 1 r. rtn ill tiritll! Ilrtlllll HM.-lieitlUl H"1P. IV, i- -.i I "111 IH'-HIK ll" il I'll .:-:'''. I !.' .A i. ii. si! ni' ti'. Uiu ... - ti... i i- nt. i tl"- I'-l i-ilt r IS.iii :r:..titi'' 't. In. !ii."l''s ;l -i.u. niiil-. n.nlinK llSti-'I't'l' I.., ee, till 111. k. I . IIH .'I t'.a Jor ...I! ilV Iillt HI- 11- 'Si Kin "Il I'l". u, i ll' . ni'. inniriiiii' into a !. I'' tr.iliiliiiu, iiii...rliil liy Ur. , .. II i ;,ii:li nl !! Mi!" anil i.!. . In t!i. -I'H'ilii 11. tli' tl hv all il. iidiI'i. l'r -In, nl. .- K'Htiiratlv.'. .. ii lin a nl K' i" oil Nti'i'iurUs i i l.ii.i.ii..! . ... Ini'l uisle, ele. In Is , nil i V' iil III" ll'llM'SHil I Im Uiv il but nl'TC IllUi'- ;har.ic!cr he She - 'I'lle :..:! of 'illl II le chiMrell ouht I'l I"' feit! biirii'il (en o' niy n u! Why. oW 1'vt man beiiii''-'ines the key intelligence and is apt lo have. A thumb set very ci"se to the wrist shows sympathy for all in dissress, great generosity, inde pendence, love of liberty for self and oihei's and a readiness to share wilh the unl'iirtunate. When the second phalanx of the thumb is much longer than the nail phalanx, there is a discordant relation between reason and wiil. Reason preponderates to such an extent that the entire life is spent in planning what to do with out ever doing. A person of this kind sees clear ly what is best for him, but lacks determination to put it into exec, j ! tlOll. sees the goal and the steps necessary for attaining it, but in the same glance he takes in all the obstacles, and while he is ponder ing the matter the (opportunity to win success escapes. St. I.ouis Post-Dispatch. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought tho rr Signature, of I ru: - L am c,.n .a sin i ,::':;i. 1 rtS : H i n.-Vjn:n.,jj. .. Ml Hard Luck. nl I I ! .Tf1n"T'i"" v, fcsi ..-ma" ' Iliralla.'ksiil s ' - s sl'iinaell ill-iilileis ! - ' ', J lead to cl !.' - , -,'"' t;ike si.!nelliinLr l"l V . ' 1 sti, liL'th'-n lie' stu The "It V I'.'l'lnel- tloL-HiillO il! ! eliaiiee to CO I VM'll pl.illleil three i nns nl' liiiknl lii-tins lieri in llie In ill mi' il.')'.- iiin't iiii - ILi'h- ill lu'li-la 1 i '..i,. .in- v..!' V..- V.iil; Wiil-I.l tl" j Trouble Coming. lT.V: i i ' . Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure All Dealers. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Coids by working them out of the system through a copious and heal'.ny action of ths bowels. Ro'.:eves ctughs by cleansing tha mucous rr.embranesof the threat, chest ' and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It, i For BACKACHE- WEAK KIDNEYS Try ! De Witts Ktdnej and Bladder Pilli - Sure and Safe 1 Mil. I In- W. .M. ( ..lien. Wi I. Inn, N. V. OnOROR C. GREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iSiitioiKil r.iiuk I'liil'liuir) Weldon, N. C. There's nothing more exaspera ting about a woman than for her always to agree with you so you can't argue with her to show her how much smarter you think you are. Excellent Health Advice. S. M, 1 IltlMSnll. Hi' Nil. aVKolliir.l Mill .li'-e. I ill . s .1 1 - - 'Iiii' VMillil el lie 1 1 1 It i ' 1 s :i - :l 1:1 ilittll liltliil . I'"i in a.i.ii'ii''. 'iihiiii-nr-s inn! tnl I' l!o Illi'l till'! lli'Wi'i- I- si. ,,i- nuiiiii-iil Unit I ton piiiinjilr'! to stiv :t MM'i in its l':i..r. t.o (lie l.i-in lit tlinsr si't kliiit li'lii't' 111 siti-ii ulllirln'tl-. Tliele I- innle lii'tillll I'U the 'llttrslive nllttois til tl luittle nl' rleetlie llilleis ililltl III tlliynliler Irltleiiy I Unnw of." Mil. I lin.l.-l tlltlltllllee III tlllilltlL' stures. Monuments AND Gravestones. WE PAY t'ik FREICHT CUARANTEESAFE DELIVERY . . . l STIK k I u t ti e Si.ulh lllashiitij Cataliuc I'rcc. Don't get in a stew for fear you may sometimes be in the soup. Intiiileii Itnitlile tnel 1 m!I uii.lnulileiUy ieisitl uiiiess ynil I snlheient tune tn tieli tuiil itive it tl II Mm lake Im'.IiiI niniiiL' tin' I ni' I atttleksul Hvs- he lo.ii.leil. lint il tlll'iiv little iltlucks In en 111)1 Hfi It 1 1 il will take Koilnl tl IntiL'er tune to I'til voiit sli'iniu'li in u'lo.l eiin litinn auaitl. a Lottie nl Im. I'll N.I.I Lv W. M. t nhell. ,l,hill. N. C. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (Kslalilislu'.l LSIS.) l.'.'.l to Hill Hank M., Norfolk, a. tiov "J lv Don't call a girl a blonde because she's light-headed. Hist 1HA, .j t.ii h,i,e tin us BtHijM Men are reasonably certain about the age ol a woman of uncertain age. - - Oul l.lltle Uee-M.iinniti, iiiaiiiinti: l oon illiek: .I'lhlltlie Sllilil,ilH is In mil iunlr,v etiltiii. Iioti. y. The Toltnled Daughter. Gray hairs need be honored only when they adorn honest heads. , Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. l'reval.'llej. of iM.lli.'T nisei.-.-. Most i io pie iiii it' t rc.iloe the al.irn-Itii- increase ami rein.irk.ililc ". v.i emy ,'lk!iitnvi! hrr r - . - vi.i-k.s.. :- f1 VM .nnleis me' tilt- f'i H ,.vVA7l',1'M """ Very Serious It is a very Berious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcT-draughT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion nnd liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It ia better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined, SOLD IN TOWN Fa l;R II. IMMIX, ATTOKNT.Y-AT-LA'. KI.l'ON, N. (!. l'nu'tK'e in iin (Hunt of Halifax ana NorlliainptiMi in tlie upn nie and I I'U-ial ctnitts. t'tilliTtiiMis iiia-li' in all pin Is of Noilh Ciuolinu. 1'i uiH'h otlice ut I hili fas upt'ii cvi'iy Monlay. V Lit-- rf I " I l l i.lli p.ltu -l.t .1 1 I'V t ,'H- J' ilr il,. Tin Fido So your duuiiliicr is ti poet'; l'ussy Yes; she spends illl her ttni. ciiltlvtilini; tlio uiews.-Wotiian'R lloun (JOlllillUioll. A misfit truth is the worsi lies. of all OeWitt'd Little l-'arly Itibers. safe.eaHy, pleasant, kuki, little liver pilln. Sold Ly W. M. Colien, el.lon, N. ('. The average woman actress off ihe stage. is a good I It's not pleasant to fall in with j people who are always falling oui. summer complaints ami oilier seiious ailments enninion to hoi weather can lie tiaceil tn the stiiinaeli nine times out often. Keep tho stomach in irnoil or der rurht ii. .w liy keepuur a bottle of Koilol in the house ull the tunc, but especially iluiiiiL' this ninntli. Take Kodol whenever you feel that ynu' need it. Tliat ih tlie only ttnio you need to take Koilol. .1 ust when you need it; then you w ill not he troutilc.l with Rnur Hl iniacli, helchinir, nason tlie Ktotnach, lilcatiiiK; dvspeisiuanil in.lifrestion. Isold bv V. M. t'olien, Wel.lon, N. O. Ii ut tin mi .t,.ri,,l lit i7.i'f, while tlie m wniK'innn s ihe t)stiln. Wlmt Tn Ilo. is e.illli.'i I 111 tile knnu ii '!'.;e sn .'Urn eMitiSMil. lll.n 1 - I . is s Su inil' lt.."t. lite i;te;it ksh cv tin'. . v. tttisi e 1 1 v v ' h if cut to; t is-nti. it: fa. 11 ,11 liu- fk. I.t'luei , l;wr, 1' ..'iiler Hid vel .- j .rt i'l liic III us. -y l--l-tl c. It inii.ii- niilelitv In h's't water :i. se.ii.ini.; atll m l'tis it':; tl, '"' 1 ,;il t Ii.iii.wni'i, tt-e nt' lnjii'if. wine of h. , I . iill'l o el is. im s that mii.'.t .is.n.l tic e, - .ite ..( Ir-iii" cmnjic'ileil In j;.. oflell ile.iin; the i! " , cud' to f'.t uii inany Utmsdutitu; llie liiitht. The ituld and t'u.- estlaonlinaiyclleet nf is amp-Root is.mii n ili.ed.' It stands the hiojnst for its rlul cures of lite most dis li es iiii-' ea-.. It' vml need a llledioiuc v..n should have th'e Lest. Sold by dltlg- eists ill hltv-eent Ull'l tiuc-ilollar size Vnu may li;i c I.,..,-, that tell KILLthe COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PMCR OLDS Trial Bottle fnt ND All THROAT NDll)NGTR0URI-ES tun r .yyj"3 ioo4ii.on. OOARI NTEEU SATISFACIOaii OR MONEY REFUNDED. i sample bottle and n all PV i.'ittit.liotlisentfiee In mail. Address Dr. .s: Co.. Hiut:- ll.ltntoll, N. Y. When Domeol hwmi-Rool. writing nicntioii this paper and don't make anv mistake, lint remember tlie name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and "le address, Hinglianiton, N. Y. ITompUr ol.milii'.l. i.r FCC RETURN CO. tO YEARS' I XPKRIENOK. OUI CHARUCS ARK THE LOWEST. Hi-nd niuli.l. pbutu tir itki-t.'li fur iTs-rt Mwn'h Ami Iitii n.H,rt un tuiti'HUUilllir. INFRINGE AIENT mu Cftmlurtod bi'lun' All (sinrt. PAtciit nlrtAlncd 0.t.hikIi II.. A OVER. VISED Ami SOLD. fi--i-. TRADE-MARKS, PEN SIONS A.H1 COPVRICHTS qumkly ohUlUML Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON. O. O.