15353 pjfj fjlFp If pH3 Wmw m& 'Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscript bi"$!.50 Per Annum iVOL. xun. WKLDOX, X. C. TIU'HSDAY, SKl'THM WVM 10, Hns. NO. If'. EE WHAT YOU SEEM. SEEKING HER BOY. Rh I n k 4 'i'. . ..dPI Foi Infants and Children. 'M.a IS ,;! !?2 : rail' rJe U. IUM. 3 i'KK fHWP. AVtrerUiliIf PrrparaiiiinlarAs-M'm.l.niiiCilidtadMllfi'Sulj laJiltt-SioiiKctaariiUimvljaf Itiiilil Your Structure of Euture (ireatncss I'pon a Thorough knowlctlice of Your Life Work in Its lU'iiriiiRS. iromoii'sDi&'sliiinfVfiful- nessjiiul lu?st.Contalnsneittr OjKiiM.Moriiluiu' noi'MiucraL AOTNAHCOTIC. MWrff Old DrSAMUJTRffll AtitrSfttl ftwrtimt -ItirttrtcrictrStk (titfitd Smpr hmtaprat tlartr. Anerfecl Remedy foiTrnisflln lion,Sour5tOBUc!i.Dlarrtwa Worms .rnnvulswiislfwriu nessaiulLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Siijnaiurc of NEW Y011K. Th8 Kind Ydu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of JJ AW U Use J For Over Thirty Years l)in't tliink hirausc you lire fresh from the hands of your Inilor mihI your biirlu't', tlint you will jiuks for ii umlli'ioaii, un less you lire one. You Illicit you mistaken for not lies urn ; not convert a rouh into anen tleman liny more than a stove pipe hat ami a cijjar initke a man of a monkey. A few smart, well-earned quotations from eminent authors will not The sacred day was ending in a village by the sea The uttered benediction touched the people tenderly. And they rose to face the sunset in the golden glowing west, And then hastened to their dwellings for Cod's blessed boon of rest. They've Done Their Her. Worst To She .Must He Hie .Mistress of the House . Hut Never its Slave. But they looked across the waters, and a storm was raging there; A fierce spirit moved above tliein - the wild spirit of the air; And it lashed and shook and tore tliein till they thundered, groaned and boomed, C4ii ry the perfumed roses ahout j And, alas ! for any vessel in their yawning gull entombed ! forages without once licinu; rose. Fine! costly jewelry no Sad and anxious were the people on that rocky coast of Vi'ales, L.est the dawns of coming morrows should be telling fearful tales, When the sea had spent its passions, and should cast upon the shore Tangled wreck and swollen victims, as it had done heretofore. With the rough winds blowing 'round her, a brave woman strained her eyes, And she saw along the billows a large vessel fall and rise. O, it did not need a prophet to tell what the end must be, convey the impression that you ; Hor no ship could ride in safety near that shore oti such a sea. are conversant with literature, j : You are apt to become scorch- j Then lhe P"1 PeoPe lulmcd frnm lhc,r llol,les aml ,hronEcd ll,e ed in the flames von kindle, for j beach. ' your literary companions will ' - fl,r P(,vvt;r 10 cross waters and the perishing to reach ! soon sound v.mr shallow .lenths ' Helpless hands were wrung for sorrow, tender hearts grew cold with Exact Copy of Wrapper. ,, .,. ,,..,. ,.. am. 30 lAY l'lltiNK Nil. Ill i'lHNKf 01 ami .".I. dread, And the ship, urged by the tempest, to the fatal rock-shore sped. "She has parted in the middle ! Oh, the half of her goes down ! God have mercy ! Is I lis heaven far to seek for those who drown ?" Lo ! when next the white, shocked faces looked with terror on that sea, Only one last clinging figure on a spar was seen to be. Nearer the trembling watchers came the wreck across the wave, And the man still clung and floated, though no power on earth could cept a few flashes of wit and j save, wisdom as the evidence of "Could we send him a short message ? Here's a trumpet; shout away." superior knowledge. If your ! 'Twas the preacher's hand that took it, and he wondered what to say. Any memory of his sermon? Firstly, secondly? Ah, no! There was but one thing to utter in that awful hour of woe. So he shouted through the trumpet, "Look to Jesus! Can you hear?" And "Ay, ay, sir !" rang the answer o'er the waters, loud and clear. ami your ignorance will appear more tflarin than before. An acquaintance does not make a lawyer; a sanctimonious face a J minister; an elaborato sin a i doctor, or a pair of wine;s an i anel. The world judges us : by what wo tire, and not by what we seem. It tloes not ac- P. N. STA LN BACK, I NDKIM AKKII. Wekion, North Carolina. (M Full Line of CASKLTS, LOITiNS nntl KOIil-S. Day, Ninht and Ouf-of-Town- Calls Promptly Attended to. II h. a rowe, l-'l'NEKAL DIRECTOR AND l-MHALMER. M Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. ooaoc IOE SI THE MM OF WELDO YV KLDOW N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al l. I l .'il'll. lVfJ. Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcldon Depository. Capital . jii SiiTpliJ, $40,000. Kor inoi'i' thun liftt'i-n yWun this inotution li:it provi.tt'il hankini; facili ties for tins N.'t'tioit. Its slofkli'iM -ts mtil tlnvrtur liuve litM'ti iilfittilit-.l witlt the business iiitcivsts ttf l:ili!.i and Norlli:iiiitiin cotnitit-H for many years. Money is loane.l upon aoprove,! seeui ily at the leual rate of interest six per centum. Accounts ol all ate solicited. The surplus ami tiudivideil proiits li.iviinr ri aclic.! a sum eiiial to tlie Capital Htock, the Itatib has, rummciieiiii.' .laiiuary I. 1 ; N is, estal.lislieil a Savnuts Deiiurtment itllowinir interest on tune ilepositH as follows: for Iteposits allowetl to remain three nmnilis or longer, - per cent. Six months or lontrcr. !t per cent. Twelve mouths or lomrer. 4 per cent. For further information apply to Hi I'resnh-nt or Cashier. i-kkshiknt: W. K. HAMI'.f., V ieK- l'Hl:sl K NT: lm. it I. i:ms, (.iacksou. Noith.uuplon counlyl casiiikh: W. It. SMITH. mental attainments are not ap preciated by the public, it is a sensible conclusion to arrive at that you are striving to be something which nature and education have not fitted you for. Thi! world, generally, is quick to ack nowlml"; true mer it, and genius, and having no grudge against you, personally, it will appreciate your efforts if they are at all praiseworthy and meritorious. True excel leiice in anything is only at tained by unremitting labor. If you would be that which you are not, bend all the energies of heart and brain to the ac complishment of your desire. Whatever place your ambition prompts you to select your field for future labor, however lofty i and diHicult of access the j height may be, tit yourself for I it by slow and laborius process I of study and toil. Begin at the j bottom round of tin: ladder, lay the foundation firm and secure ; build your structure of future greatness upon it thorough knowledge of your life work in all its hearings. In fact, he what you seem, and seem to bo j nothing hut what you are. 1 Dett itt's Utile Kaily liisers are small : pills, casv to lake, eeutle ami sure. I Sold hv V. M. Cohen. cMoti. N. C. A New York physician re biles lhe following fact : A few weeks ago he waseall ed lo the help of a man who was mortally wounded in one of I he low or dance ball:, or ' Mi its'' of that cily. When In' had al telldeil his pat ien: . tile doctor looked curiously abuiit him The wounde.l men la before the bar, against which lounged some drunken old sots. In lhe next room a few young men, (lushed and bright-eyed, were playing cards, while the gaudi ly dressed barmaids carried about tht! liquor. Hut licit her the gamblers nor the women nor the drunkards paid any at tention lo thi! dying man on the floor. They squabbled and ; laughed, deaf to the groans. The proprietor of the dive, a ' burly fellow who had been a j prize tighter in his younger ! days, having seen tin,' police se cure the murderer, had gone back quietly to his work of mixing drinks. Death, appar ently, had no interest or terror for these people. Suddenly a little old woman, with white hair, a thin shawl about her, came to the street door. Her appearance pro duced a startling effect. The livery ivuiii.ni who takes con science to be her guide has a right to feel that ho'iic is peculiarly wo man's kingdom, knowing ihat all love, all pur.; thoughts all religion and govenrneiiK if one would have them lloiirish, must have its roots hem.' itii its altar. Let no wife, who would 1 e loved, honor ed and happy, forget tfiat home duties must ever stand first. No ThaTlw:n.atri.-t ami t t. -.1 f..r I'.i'. ii. in;il)-lii! N- I n r.'in.-av C.:.t ai Tr:.. i'!iT. - U.'i .1: r.--!.-ili.:!l- nf ( dri .T:it.l H'.r t:ni t-.tiiy b .... i I . I ... . I: I . . II. .!. ik' ill! 'I lint, i.il'l! 'I- .Ii:h. s-iivlv kia Ihi! I'.o!;i aii'l lan.:.0I 3i-.it I 11, - ,. i : . .r.i i . -- i In li rri;eiy-P;oi-,-M-ll-I f. HI-.- 1, It. 1-Iimhj a 1,,-rIwl.il it !. IK-I Hi lili- tk; ' In 1' . niirr.-.e. 1 1 , .1 iii chi.inlst in th.- City r,l it.-r. .h.-nt u-i'tl II-- '! w.i-i liiinlrt . i-r. -'-ri .t o.i, iliiuiit ii-. . -iiillv trt'iilml Miiiiiy. -in ; l.iu lit.iv. .it htsl . Itimi. n.. of ( h i -i li..ri-li.l'ir'! '1 ii . t . . i iiki' ffnnitilnr inn r.i III. llt'l ill Vil i;i rwiHi'ly ii i inlili .1 lo 1'i.r.i wiiti r. l!,i . ,.,sO'l'ill. W isti'4 t'-iii, liii'l t'iM :nisn of I , In. nil ti!l- r lnliir. r Willi- ,ii nru r.'O.iiuiieiiit Then they listened : "He is singing 'Jesus, lover of my soul.' " And the winds brought back the echo, "While the nearer waters roll." Strange, indeed, it was to hear him, ''Till the storm of life is past." Singing bravely from the waters, "O, receive my soul at last !" He could have no other refuge, "Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, ah leave me not" the singer dropped at last into the sea. And the watchers, looking homeward through their eyes by tears i tade dim, Said, "He passed to be with Jesus in the singing of that hymn." GROWING OLD. BY KOLL1N J. WLLLS. For Infants and Children. The Rind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of TENNESSni-I'S STINUILST MAN ,sK A Un A U) SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12, 1908. i (iallatin claims to have tho stingiest matt in Tennessee, if not in the world, and a premi um is offered for his superior in closefistedness. He got mar ried to a home girl to save ex penses. They walked around the square for a bridal tour. He bought her a nickel's w orth of stick candy for a wedding pres ent and then suggested that they save the candy for the children. --Danvillo American. in ininminnrii iiri.tniiiiini A Mnof VnlnnblA A (rent. AIR LINE RAILWAY JT "Z ... ,Z I in- KIJ..-I un- , ... I medicines Kreatly imliuncos the medicinal I pr.in'rlii-H w hich It extracts from naiivii ntcdicinal rmits and holds In solution much Is'tter than alcohol would. It alfo possesses medicinal properties of tts own, lu'lnu a valuable di'iuulceut, nulrltivn, ontlsi'ptlo and anlllertnent. It nilda lreiilly tothnelllcacyol the lllackclii rry hark, ItlisHlnsil, (loidcn Seal root, stone root and Huron's root, cutiiained In "liuldcn Mislical Discovery " In siiUluhig . . . i chronic, or lintfcrhig couchs, tirunchial, mation for the public and are not guaranteed, ana tir,mtiin.i iiiimatiecii..ii f..ruit..f i.ich these atfcni-- uro recutiilntnueu uy siunu i anl meilli-al authnrlties. I In all cases where liiero la a wusliug away of flesh, loss of apimtiln, with weak ilomafTi, as In ttio early atancs of con ummlfin, thoro can tw noduutit that gly cerine acts a, a vuluablo nutritive and aids a liplden Scat root. Stone root, Uueef; rufl t"l Ulack Chcrryhark In promoLmriigestion and tiuildlnn up the flesh auitfreii((ih.cuntrulllng tho conah and host fl? atsiut a healthy condiilun o( the wfflo ystem. Ol course, it must nnl 111. Jlt'lMed IO work miracles. It will not curuyonsumption except In Its earlier atages. tt will ,1rn very seven', ul.st.l- A little more tired at close of day; A little less anxious to have our way; A little less ready to scold and blame, A little more care for a brother's name; And so we are nearing the journey's end, Where time and eternity meet and blend. A little less care for bonds and gold, A little more zest in the days of old, A broader view and saner mind, And little more love for all mankind; And so we are faring a-down the way That leads to the gates of a betier day. A little more love for the friends of youth, A little less zeal for established truth, A little more charity in our views, A little less thirst for the daily news; And so we are folding our tents away And passing in silence at close of day. A little more leiiure to sit and dream, A linle more real the things unseen, A little nearer to those ahead, With vision of those long loved and dead; And so we are going to where all must go, To the place the living may never know. A little more laughter, a few more tears, And we shall have told our increasing years; The book is closed, and the prayers are said, And we are a part of the countless dead. Thrice happy, then, if some soul can say; "1 live because he has passed my way." These arrivals and departures are only as infor- are subject to change without notice. THE COST OF LIVING, Trains will leave WBLDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 7.25 a. m. No. 38 tor " " " t 2.57 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.03 p. m. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND' CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon. N. C. Or write to C. II- (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C. r.,i h.MTrrrin-,,! conyns. nrum-nui and IWTijhoujaiilra. fttiUjuitmiLi' i.TrrWiTwlth hoarseness. In acute coughs 1 1 I w n 1 1 o . ' 1 1 1 i' 1 1 v t! . Ills In tho lingering iiang-on conirhs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that It has performed Its must marv elous cures. I'rof. Flnley Klllngwood, M. P., of Hen nftt Med. College, Chicago, Bays of gly cerine: " In dyi pepsla It serves an excellent purnose. Hnliliutf a Hied iniaiitlty of lti ueromlu of byilrisfen In solution. It Is one. of the best manufactured products of lhe present Unit' In lis action uis'll cnVelilcd. disordered suim rhs, csiieclnlly it I hero Is ulceration or ca tarrhal gastritis (catarrhal Inllaiiunatlun of Momacli), It Is a nioffi vlllelcnt preparation. (Uyccrlno will rcliove many cases of pyrosis lis. nrlliurnl and excessive gastric (stomach) aciillty." , , . "(ioldcn Medical Discovery" enrlcliea and purines the lil.sst ciirlntf blotches, pimples, irutit Ions, acrof uloua swulllnes and old sores, "Vend To nr. R V Tierce, of Buffalo, N. Y.. for free Iwoklet telllim all almut the native medicinal root couiuonlnl thil wouuerfui Medicine. Ittera U nw aloouot ia U. Love is the cost of living. Pay it and go your way. Love is the cost of the bloomy place of rest as the end of day. Love is the cost of living. Beggar and thief and king, Pay it for life that is all of life, the true and the only thing. Love is the eosi of living. The green gin hills are thine. The low, sweet vale will) the biul and bloom. tTie bough and (he mnplcd vine; The murmur of many waters, the cool of the calm, grave uod, The wide domain of the simple fields, with their noble and quiet good. Love is the cost of living, and only love's service can buy The day by day of the tender way that leads to a starry sky; That leads to the toil at morning and home to the sweet, sweet night. With dream and reSt on a faithful breast till the rose dawn blooms in light. matter what high ami iiions may have impressed her before mar riage, or how high she may he conscious her talents and influ ences are capable of reaching, when that solemn vow is taken that makes the twain one for "belter or worse" before all else, she must give all the energy and love i she possesses lo building a perfect home, and she must never lose sight of this high vocation. She must be its mistress, bin never its slave. Thai she has made it im maculate in cleanliness and re splendent in beauty is not enough. She must feed the love and truth which should unitedly govern it. What power or dignity can reach higherV What is the ability to sway large audiences over a home wilh such skill that husband and children shall rise up and call her I blessed? To be the ruling spirit in such a position is a more besotted old men a t the bar put i sacred honor than to rule an em down their glasses and looked i pire. "Woman's rights!" Has uneasy; the card players basti- man any higher or more noble? ly shut the door to keep out the , And when husband and wife see sight of her; and the barmaids eye to eye and heart to heart, one huddled together in silence; but in the interests of home, they the change in the brutal land- have reached as near perlection as lord was most striking. we are allowed id hope for while He rose hastily and came up 1 on earth, to her, an expression of some- ; thing like terror on his face. "Is James here?" she asked gently. "No, no; he is not here. 1 do not know where he is," he said hurriedly. She looked around bewilder ed, and said; "I was sure he was here. If he comes, will you tell him his mother wants him, sir?" "Yes, yes," he said -and that man urged her out of the door. The physician soon followed and saw her going into another and another dive and grogshop along the street. "Who is she?" be asked of a policeman outside. "Is she in no danger?" The man shook his head sig nificantly. "They will not harm her, sir. They've done their worst to her. She is the widow of a clelgyman, and slif had one sou, ahoy of sixteen years. They lived happy and comfortable enough till he took to going to pool rooms, and then to variety theaters, and at last to these dives here. He was killed in one of them in a light three months ago, in that very one you were in just now, and was carried home to her, bloat ed from drink; covered with blood, and dead. She only re members that he came to these houses, and she goes about them searching for him every day. They are afraid to see her. They tliink she hrings a 1 tious over the way it may curse on them. Hut thev won't in a romance. harm her; they've done their worst to her." This is a true story, liow many sons of loving mothers are going down like this boy into these dark places today I--Youth's Companion. Dr. Snoop's Rheumatic Remedy All Dealers. tour No apptlite, loss of strength, nervot ns-n. li'iachs, constipation, bad breath, g:;riral debility, sour risings, and catarrh o( int stomach arc cil due to indigestion. K' re!;evrs i'.:d gi'Avu. This new discov er, r .rcs Tits tns natural Juices of diges tion as th?y exist in a healthy stomach, cornt ii.'.d vit!i the greatest known tonic a;.; -ji..nti lt;Uv? properties. Krxio! for dv.spei.iia does not oniy relieve indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps ail stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening ti.e mucous membranes lining the stomach, Mr. S- S. Ea'l, if Rav-rsw, W, Va.. iayai " I was ir-ulri with aour si' mach for twenty yeari. KMj! cjrei ma nd wo ara now using It In mllit hr T i-v." Kodol Digests What You Eat Bott.es only, R-.vc9 It'die'sHnn, tour atomaeh. te.chl!: r.i mi, etc. Prepared by E. C. OaWIlT & CO., CHIOAOO. Sold l.y W. M. ( t.hi-n, WVMoii, N.C The more noise i. ninn persists in milking the sooner he will con vince people it is brains. (irOKOT; C. ORHEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i Nuliniial H.iiiU l!uillniLr) Weldon, N. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wi:i.lM)N, n. c. popular ('anily CuM cure I l'it'f'iilii -is In-ini: 1 1 - IlllLjL'lM I'M'fVn lll'l't'. Ill 11 I'lvw'titu :ur SU'I to luruk . cl'r Tubl.t-r pfiiftl Ii; It v linim any I'nlil enmplWi'ly, .'tinl l'iv rtit ic U'Nii: mi s:ilf :unl loiitliMHiir. line fur I'liiMrni. Nit t,hniniii tiw. hiitliiiiii liaivli urn -n-U'ti llux ui l J.V. All Ocal.-is. The meanest thing about being a millionaire is the sort of people his children grow up to be. .i.e. A Sure HnouRh Knocker. iinnliii. at' KYiiUville. N t'.. says: "I'.m'klm' Arnica is a sun cnouuli knocker tor ulct-is. A lul nue oiiinc on my leir li.M suihiiht. lint that uuihlt'i lul salve knocked U out in a I'ew rountls. Not even a vat rcmaineil." ' iuaiantee.i tor piles, sores, hums, etc. ','."t'. at anv ln.tr store. A woman" has such an imagina tion she can make a romance out of her baby's marriage before it is born. Practices in the courts of Halifax anil .jntniiiL!' counties am! ii. the Supretiu court ol the Mate. special attention kfivcii tti collections ami piunijl letinn O Bean the Bignataro of i ii,i,' i- Bosit Unless a girl hits the right kind of first name she is very supersii- not tit The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. (iRI-AT MHN AND THf: HIHK. Tliord i:i a dispa:;'-. prcvaitii-r in this counlry mo;;t d.iti(rro':,T t-e.-ao-.e r.5 dTfp- I i ' I I .l -V'!v'- rmiy S'.sidrn (a ' ""f Hfi1l"; ii. .'li -pit hr i. he-ait iii.c..:e, .iil.TC t r nv T'rxy v . , , : r. ate i:tir:i u.-j p-: u b l W. J W ARD, t ii i it i-: in hamix m iLiiiNtii WKI.IKIN. N. V, si'lil'.' ly Very Serious It is a very seiiou9 matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcT-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in dicestion and liver tr.iuble. is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. scud ro town ra WALTKR H. DANIEL, ATTOKNliY-AT-LAW, Wi:i.lK)N, X. ('. I'liu'tuvs ill tin' ('units of Halifax ami Niulliiiiiii'lmi ami in llif Snpii-mc anil VVilrial com ts. I'ulli't'tioiis itiaili' in all pail cf Nm 111 ( 'aniliiia. Itiaut'li ollico at Iialilax upt ii cvi'iy Mimilay. ' ' V idr.ey - p o i ,r. o n ed Woi.J -ill allnr.k the v.ta! uifiis or tlia i:i l ip?.'-, duu'ii and waste WISDOM'S WHISPERS. Thinking bitterly of others strikes at blow at my own heart. Every great public victory has many a private struggle. Square dealing means to many making all others fit to their an gles. Seeing the way the others should do is not equivalent to going in the way we see Nearly all the girls like to be red headed unless they are naturally. They Take the Kinks Out. '1 liaviuisi'd Dr. Kinif's New Lift-PiIIk for many years, with iiii'i-i-usini; MiliMm' tiini. 1 hi'V take tin; kinks out of Ktoni tirli, liver huiI Illinois, witliuut fuss or fru'tioti." nays N. II. Ilrown, of l'itts lii'lil, Vt. (lU-uaiili'i'.l witiKiiu'toi v al any tlrinr Mtoru -'ic. Any man would rather be called a good sportsman than a good citizen. IMnk I'ain Tahlt'tn Dr. Slioop's utop Hi'ailui'lic, nouiauly pains, any pain, anywhere, in iljiiinult'a surt'. l-'ot in ula. on tin' "k box. Ank your (truiririat or doctor ulxnit tiiiH formula ita tiuc. All L)i'alra. One ot the Washington newspa per correspondents last fall made im ! l iklii iY uih-il til.. I Initml t.ii,c . s" 1 kidneys IhcmM Senators and Representatives were ; aw.iy uii ty were doing during vacation. In ; iicruout.iM m. a!way reti fr. ob'ainti q,:icr'-,t by r pripfr treatment cf th-i l-.idncy.i. If you aro Od;t; badly you can inai'.r. r..i mi.itait; by tal-.ing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ths great kiaitcy, liver and blrnllcr remcay. It c urorts inabi.Uy to hold urine and scald ing pun in passing it, and overcomes that unplaiia.il nereslty o( being compelled to i often during lhj day, and to get up many times during the nif;ht, Tlie mild and the extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon realised. It stands the hiiiest for its won derful cures of thr most distressing cases. Stfamp-Roct 's pleanat.t t take and sold by ail driiggists m fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may f-'-y have a sample bcttle of ftK$j&' I KILLthe COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS the fable he had the following enu merations : Speaking to Y. M. C. A's. five Senators and twelve Representa tives. Speaking to Chautauquas eight Senators and twelve Representa tives. F.ngaged in active Sunday-school work- fourteen Senators and one hundred and two Representatives. AH of the topics which these prominent men were assigned to publicly speak upon concerned Christian subjects and Bible work and they were not ashamed to let it be known where they stood in wth Dr. King's New Discovery FIW OUCHS irOTm VOLDS Trial Botll. Iw AND U THROM AND IUNG TR0UBI FS OUAR4 NTEED SATISFACIOJiV OB MONEY REFUNDED. this wonderful new dis- fH'VsrrF-" 11. covery and a book thai lellS ill about II, both ll.mii. or Swamp Rout. sent fre.o by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer Si Co. Binphamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous otler in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember lhe name. Swamp-Rool. Dr. Kilmer's the struggle to make life and those n.y., on every bottle, init better. I ! t t m 1 4.S.- . V ma H r Baro i l-nmtptlr ulitium .1, nr FEE RFTUFltl : SO YEARS' EXPCillRNCC. -H.'.HM!. At THI LOWEST, ttt iiil iii-mI-'I. (tlntli. t.r ..rl- :i psttcrt wiarcfi fiii'.l fii ri'ft tn .itiUil..:iH . INFRINGEMENT wim' r..it.l'n-fl bilui.. i: , riititltt. 1'rttciilH (il.tiMfit't) I'1 n'lpi AtlVEN TltlOund SOID. rid', tr r,.!iS-tX,;RKSl f"'N BlONl niut coPVKir.l.Tr. , OppoBlttt U. 6. F;t-WASHtworr B at: