Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPtE. Terms of Subscription-Ill..1 ' 1 Annun I VOL. XLIII. WELDON, X. ('., TIIUKSDAV, OCTOliKW IT,, l!)OS. NO. lM. MOTHER. g s r n IOV;HuUiii, i The Two (lest nooks To a Child Are a Omul Mother' l ate anil life f A, JM GRANDMA ON MATRIMONY. In Nine Cases Out of Ten He Has Married n W oman a ( Deal Too (iood l or Mini Matrimony is wholly a failure or success. l is noi a failure for the masculine member ol the cimtiMci- WW Tlio Kind Yon Have Alwnyg Bought, and which has been In two for over 30 yearn, lias borne the siprnaturo of ? - and has been made under his pcr- L jC&fl?,r Bonftl 8"POrvllon since its Infuiioy. i-UiCU4l Allow no one to deceive you In thin. All Counterfeits Imitations niul " Just-us-good " arc but lCxiM-rimont.H that trillo with and eudniiiror the health of Inlunts and Children Experience against KzperhiienU What is CASTORIA t'nstorla In a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-Km-ie, Drops mid Soothing Kycps. It is Pleasant. It contains ncillier Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic K'llistanco. Its ne is its g'laranteo. It destroys Worms and allays lYvi-rlslmoss. It cures Dlarrho:a and Wind (,'oIL;. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mill Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach mid Rowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'anacea Tlio Mother's I'riciiil. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of i XL J The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. If 30E IOE3DOE Day 'honk l' Nuitn 1'hun.en l!4 and 54. RN.STAINBACK, . IN DKWTA K KK. Weldon, - - North Carolina. Full Line ol CASKI-TS, COITINS and ROUES. Day, Sight and Out-of-Tovn Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. XOE 013130 Of nil tlic words I'lioritdit'd in the recollections of limn of nil the names held sacred ill his memory, that of mother falls upon his heart with the most sublime inthieiico. How sweet the recollection in after years of a mother's tender training, and who is there that finds no relief in recurring to the scenes of his infancy and youth gild ed with the recollections of a mothers's tenderness. And how many have nobly owned, that to the salutary influence, then exerted, they must ascribe, their future success, their avoidance of evil, when no eyes were upon them, hut which rest ed on the heart, the warnings, the prayers and tears of a mother. others may love as fondly, but never again, while time is ours, shall any one's love t e to us as fond, as tender, as devo ted, as that of our dear old trembling mother. Through helpless infancy her throbbing heart was our safe protection and support, and through the ills and maladies of childhood, her gentle hand ministered and soothed as none other could. We feel animated to struggle more manfully in the great bat tle of life, when we remember our mother's holy counsel to us in childhood's early dawn and in the slippery paths of youth, j We!1) fl purchaser came righ a,ongi for n) owr)) -m free 0 say) Ah! those words of tenderness ; Tha g beler of fl prelir pace yQU n)jght search for many a day) -those pious precepts softened jls ferlie fiejs and wooded his and meatows us a,,d green, by a mother's love-too much I And buildings snug and neat and trim as any ever seen, unheeded, then disregarded live now brightened in memo- j But it's strange how old familiar things will twine around the heart, ry, and constitute our sweetest i And we never dream how close they cling till we find that we must part, SELLING THE FARM. BY ELIZABETH CLARK HARDY. Well, yes, we settled, ma and 1, that we would sell the farm; We are getting on in years and toil has somehow lost its charm. So we said we thought it lime to lay some of life's burdens down, i And the married children thought we ought to buy a home in town. DON'T PUT IT OFF. "The Man Who is Always Just doing To.'1 He meant to insure his house, but it burned before he got around to it. WKLDON, X. T. Organized Under the Laws ul the State of North Carolina, AIIlil'ST'.DTH, ISttt. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?a!MllSB.r5lDS:.... $40,000. For more than fifteen vcars this institution lias provided hanking rs ami tlireelors have been iilentineil facili ties fur thin section. Its stockholi with tlie business interests of llulilai ami Northampton counties lor many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts f all are solicited. The surplus and undivided protits having reached a sum equal to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. eomineacing January I, IIMS, established a Savings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: Kor Deposits allowed toreinain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. prksipknt: W. E. DANIEL, virK-eKKsihKvr: Da. It. W. LEWIS, (Jackson, Northampton county) casiiikk: W. It. SMITH. SEABOARD recollections. Her prayers lor us in childhood her sparkling crystalling tears made an im pression on our young mind as durable as time, and even now they bid us walk in the paths of rectitude. Hut alas! how little do a ma jority of us appreciate a moth er's tenderness while living! How heedless are we in youth of all heranxiet ies ami kindess! Hut when she is dead and gone; when the cares and c olduess of the world come withering to our hearts; when we experience how hard it is to find true sym pathy, how few love us for our selves, how few will be-friend us in our misfortune, then we ! think of the mother that loved us and to her our hearts turn j yearningly. ! Had a Close Call. i Mrs. Ada I., ( room, the widely known ! proprietor of the (room hotel, Vaughn, .Miss , savs: "For several months 1 suf I fered with a severe rough, and consump- tiou seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's j New Discovery. 1 liegan taking it, and ihree Imttles all'ectiil a complete eure." t he fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and cold remedy, and lung throat healer is world wide. i Sold at any drug store, ,'sic. and $1.1)0. i Trial lKttl'e free. j . A girl can nearly always get a i man to marry her by making him think she's pretty near ready to marry somebody else. Pools rush in where angels fear to tread. And when it come to business, sir, that's what I meant to tell, We found a precious lot of things that somehow wouldn't sell. There's the willow that ma planted some forty years ago; It has grown into a mighty tree with branches drooping low. And the children played beneath its shade when the days were long and warm Now I wouldn't sell that willow tree for the price of this old farm. And it's curious how we grow to love the things we plant and tend Kvery tree in that old orchard seems just like a human friend. j And I couldn't help but meditate how we'd miss them, ma and I, i That tree of Golden Pippins and the hardy Northern Spy. i And when the precious memories that cluster 'round the place They seem to fill these homely rooms with beauty and with grace. We could seem to see the children flitting blithely here and there, And to hear their merry voices calling, calling everywhere. Then one day 1 found ma silting by the rose bush at the door With the wistful look upon her face I'd noticed there before, And 1 just dropped down beside her and she looked up at me, And something blurred our dim old eyes till somehow we couldn't see. And then we settled, then and there, that we'd stay on this old place Till the Lord sees fit to call us to stand before His face. And we're mighty glad to tell you, sir, we have no desire to roam, For we think we know just what it means to sell the old farm home. HER IDEAL. He was just going to pay a note when it went to protest. He wast just going to help a neighbor when he died. He was just going to send some flowers to a sick friend when it proved too late. j He was just going to reduce his ! ! debt when his creditors "shut j down" on him. ! ; I le was just going to stop drink- ing and dissipating, when his health became wrecked. I le was just going to provide proper protection for his wife and family when his fortune was swept away from him. He was just going to introduce a better system into his business when it went to smash. He was just going to call on a customer to close a deal when he found his competitor had just pre ceded him and secured the order. He was just going to quit work awhile and take a vacation when nervous prostration came. He was just going to repair his idcwalk when a neighbor fell on it and broke his leg. He was just going to provide his wife with more help when she took to her bed and required a nurse, a doctor and a maid. UOf) IS LEADINO. ! ing party, in nine cases out in j ten he has married a wnui.m a , I great deal too good for him; he has i (I speak of the lot of the great ma j jority of women) gained a Imu-.e-j keeper, cook, seamstress, laun dress, and later in married life a nurse and governess; he has i gained a li .toKT, and Hnn believer in lirf'ffc?: :md ! says, for of course a wife has im plicit failh in her husband; he has gained a valuable n ailer, some-' thing which he needs, foreaily in married life he develops helpless ness in a remarkable desrve; tie can never liud anything, even af ter his wife I: s d-'O'ihed the i. -a.'! loeatiou of ilic desired article, neither can be put on a collar or neck lie without her assistance., '"Goodness only knows" how he t did it before marriage. For all i this he expecis to give and she to receive board and clothes. She has lost her freedom and her name; she has to work twice as hard as in her girlhood, even if she then earned her own living. Then she always had money of her own to spend as she pleased ; now in addition to home duties she many times works for others "it is so nice to have a little money for my very own," she says. Of course, she does not do anything at home to entitle her to S a pan of her husband's earnings as her "very own." By the lime she has been mar ried ten years she looks ten years ! older than the sister who is only I two years her junior, and her hus- band is usually the first to remark ! it, but of course he is not to blame. rl! l"l lir Slinnp .,,:ni!;ir Mi. inlu ti iM'. lioilllf lllp'ft Piurhl (lint siift'M il. d.ennve U "I- '.J -r i r n il'. no , !- v. "t..l"-liml. v lr Mi'i.'( i.l E..r v-nir-MU un 1 t . I- 1 All Dealers. &1 Weak 'A ff jp is XS 141111 Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's liidney and Bladder Pills eek's Trial For 25c E. C. DeWITT & CO S,,M l,y V. . ll.-ll. , Chlcuvo, III. Weldon, N. I'. T j EkAPLIN, Niwt Immii to L'uanukc Hotel Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. The ehe:ipesl place for MEN ami I'.oY's clothing. .Uo a Luge variety in l;nlie skirls ujr Voiles n Specialty ' Gent's r'urnishings, Htc I. J. KAPLIN, Koanoke Itapids, N. (', Would Mortgage the Farm. A fanner on liural Uotile Einpiie. la,, W. A. Lloyd by name, says: "I'.uek Ice's AmicaSalvc cured the two Moist sores I ever saw : one on my hand and one on my leg. It is world mole than lis weight III Hold. I would not he Willi out It if I had to IHOItgage the till m to gel it." inily J.V. at any ding siore. Ik AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as Infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth "and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 lor " " ' " at 3"' P m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. m. We operate Itonhle Daily vestibule service with 1. Pulltnaui J .onville, St-Augustine, Atlanta, Hiimingham, Memphis, l ortsmoulh KorloiK Richmond, Washington, Haltimore, 1'lnladelplna and New lorn. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Bailgfc,N.C. Making Good. There ts tin way uf making trurtnf Irlenils like " Making I'ihkI and Doctur IMenVs ineillt'lmiH well exemplify litis, suit their friends, after mure Itian Iwu (hnniles ut popularity, ars niinits.nsl hy ihe tiutiilretfs uf thousands. They liave "made good " aist Ihey hava mrf maun drunkards. A gissl. honiwt, square-deal medicine of known comunslllon l Or. Mervt'a Uoklcn Mcdkal niKOvery, ll Hill enjoys an Im mense sale, wtr.oi niosl of tlie prepara tions llial kave come Into prominence In the earlier period of In popularity liav "goo liy ilie lHiard"and are never more heard of. There must tie iuime reaMin for Oils lung-time popularity and that Is to Is! found In Its uinor merits. When ..... iIven a fair trill weak MtoniHeh, or for liver and blood affectlona, Its supe rior ciirativa uualillea are soon manifest; hence It ha aurvlved and grown In isip ular favor, while senrea of leasmerltorluui articles have suddenly flashed Intutavnr lor a brief period ana then been as soon forgotten. Kor a torpid liver with It attendant Indigestion, dyspepsia, headache, Hr haps dizziness, (mil breath, nasty coaled tongue, with bitter taste, loss of appetite, with distress after eating, nervousnesa and debility, nothing la gimd as Dr. I'ierco'a Dolden Mistical Discovery. It' in honest, square-deal mediolne with all Its lugrwlleftts printed on bottle-wrapper no secret, no hoeun-porus humbug, therefore don't neecpt a siibMtiri'tc that the dealur may possibly make a little big ger proiit. Duiut on your right to have what you call for. Don't buy Or. Pierce' Favorite Prescrip tion expecting It to prove a "cure-all." It Is only advised for woman's tprrtul ail ments. It makes weak women strong and lek women well. Lest advertised than ' some preparations sold for like purposes, i Its sterling curative virtues still nialntala Its position In the front ranks, where It ; stood over two decades ago. A an in vigorating tonic and strengthening nerv- Ine It Is uncqualed. H won't satisfy those : who want "booze," for there la not a drop I of alcohol in It. I Dr. Plerce'a Pleasant Pellet, the nrfi- nut Little Liver Pills, although the first ulll of their kind hi the market, still lead. and when once tried are ever afterwards In favor. Kay to take a candy-one to three a iam. Much iitUaitd but mm gftutUaV Does she sigh for the knight of the olden days To break a lance in some manly bout? Does she mourn for the lover of ancient ways. With the valor brave and the courage stout ? I have not heard of her. Does she weep for the beau with the stalwart form, The ruddy cheek and the flashing eye? For the old-lime beau with the handclasp warm And the tender heart, does ihis maiden sigh ? We haven't noticed it. Does she wail for the swain with the willing hand, Who musi hoe his row in ihe good old style? Does she yearn for the chap without house and land, Because of his cheerful winning smile? I don't think so. Does she nab the fellow with lots of dough, Without a thought of his name or worth? Does she gobble the youth who has got the "go," In spite of his manners or name or birth ? It looks that way. Does she "nail" the suitor with wealth to burn, In spite of vocation or age or phiz? Does she drop all chaff when it comes her time? And make the fellow get down to biz? She does indeed. liven if there is a vacuum is his ; head a person can get a fair repu tation for binga thinker by holding j his tongue. A Healthy Family. ( iiir w hole family lias enjoyed good ! health since we liegan using In. King's New Life Tills, three veals ago." savs I.. A. Iluitlet, of I. oral Koulel. Idiillonl i Maine. They cleanse and loin tlie sys j teni in a gentle way that does yon good. J '. at any drug store. The only satisfactory excuse a man can make to his wife for com ing home late at night is not lo do it. O A. BTO I -iV . lWt.. liaillllH TIMINU IT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, , .wianoN, s. c. Ptai-luv- iii the m ml m of Halifax and a'ljtiiiiini: (iiinti s anl ii. the Supreme emirl l the Mule. Special ullentioii iriven to eollt ctiiiiis ami prompt return W. J. WARD, ii;mist, ol I'D K IN DNli:i. Ill II.l'IMi WKI.IKiN. N. V sepli: ly No room for a discourai'il or depressed feeling is left you. If your sphere is outwardly humble, if it oven appears to he ((iiite insignificant, (iod un derstands it better than you do, and it is a part of His wisdom to bring out great sentiments in humble conditions, great principles in works that are outwardly trivial, great char- aeters under great adversities and heaw loads of eiieum- branee. Let it fill you with cheering and exalted feeling, however deep in obscurity your lot may he, that Clod is leading you on, girding you for it work, prepar ing you for a good that is wor thy of His divine inngnitiernco. If (Iod is really preparing lis nil lo bi-cuim! that which is the very highest and best thing possible, there ought never to be a discouraged or ttnchoerful being in the world. Horace litishuell. Dr. Ktter tells me that for a whole year he didn't write a thing that was worth while." "Yes, I believe it look him a year to write that latest novel of his." When a woman drops a hint it nearly always lands on some man s toes. Many a smart man doesn't know enough not to go to law. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAck-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger Bale than all ethers combined. SOID IN TOWN M THE PRAYER THAT PREVAILS. It has been said that every true prayer has a foreground and a background. The foreground of prayer is an intense, immediate de sire for something which seems necessary lo the soul ; the back ground is the errnest desire that the will of God, whatever it may be, shall be done. Leave oui the foreground, and there is danger of fatalism. Leave out the back ground, and only an expression of self-will is left. The perfect prayer the praye'r that prevails must have background and foreground, desire and submission. Served as cotl'ee, the new cotfee sub stitute known to grocer's everywhere as Mr. Mioop a llealtn I oiiee, will lock even a cottee expert. Not a giaiu of real eoltee in it either, run uealthtul toasted grains, malts, nuts, etc., liave been so cleverly blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying cotl'ee taste and Havor. And it ia "made in a minute," too. No tedious '.11 to ft) minutes tsiil ing. Test it and see. Dr. S-hoop crea ted Health l ollee that the people might have a genuine collee substitute, and one that would lie thoroughly satisfying in every respect. l-'or sale by W. T. Parker, Weldon, N. I' Keeping up a show is what keeps many a tamily poor. o Btantai gifaatin r Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and km Suspect it. rrt-valelH-T f Kiillief Illst'i,-,'. Most people do not re.ilic the alarm ,ng increase and remarkable irevaten. y B .11 .li. i,. Ts. AijVi'-T-T'H mm Wli ill- hi.ln.y lis--.ordct s a i e tlie Mnost common diseases 11:- il, llicv are almost tl.e list rccugnin-d by p.ilitnt and '!iv- First Class Bakery 11 Hint 1m Hm Unn BWjB Where Bullets Hew. David Darker, of l ayette. S. Y., a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at (iettyshurg, says: "The good I'.lec tire Hitters have done is worth more than live hundred lol!ars to me. 1 sent much money doctoring for for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. 1 then tried Kleetnc Hit ters, and they cured me. 1 now take them as a tome, and they keep me strong and well.'' .'c. at any drug store. Every miller draws the water to his own mill. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers, the fa nioiis little liver pills. They am small, sure, safe pills. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X. C. ft lit III' I vilh Muring tlif efiftt, while the enV ir,f ,fi,,i undermines Ihe system. What To Do. There is combs t in the knowledge so often expiessed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kiducv icundy, fullills everv wish in curing tlieiiiualiMii. pain in the back, kidnevs, liver, bladder and everv part of the miliary passage. It corrects inal'ildv to bold water and M-alding pain in passing it, nr bad cllecls following use of liquor, won- or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant nc cessltv of being compelled to go ol'len during the dav, and to get up many times dining the night. The mild and the extraordinary elk-ct of Swamp-Root is soon realircd. It stands th highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If von need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty ent and one-dollar sizes. You may nave a n"u"s m...... Isk that tell an nl.itil ttnlb sent free : ..' . ,s. fc:"'.M;!,!rMi'"''r: nv man. Aiiuressur. KMlJg:; 51 (i; Kilmer & Co.. Billg-Ufca1 hamton, N. V. When n" """ writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, anJ 'lie address, ltiughauilou, N. Y, AVI NT. secured a lil'St-cldSS baker 1 am prepared to lur- n nish Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes l:ic. in any quantity. The best of everything in ihe bakery line. M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, WELDON, N. C. m er..mitly ..bltiiii -.1. -r i re RtTURNEO. to VEARi't xrerrNcc. om chakucs ami TMI LOWtST. B.'ml llt-l -I, I'holo :l k trh ! f Mi-Mi MRivh mvl Inn' tvi'i'il mi liiU't liit.ilit.'1, INFRINOC MINT miiM t.,tilinu-l l,I.-i.- ui court, IHU'iii iiW.iiiHil ".ntu-lt AiVTU. TIIIOfciMl ftOLD. f TRAOE-MArVK, Pl ION ft tvul COPVRICftTS tiuvLly mMkhimU Opposite U. 6, HatAnt CfMca, WASHINGTON, t. ( mm