Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription- I tr Antir VOL. XLIII. WELDON, X. (., TIiriiSDAY, (XTOI'.EK UMKs. NO. -". TWO KINDS. fSlCflSTORIft pK - . ' For Infants nnrl Children. f!AST0mi .U.l'OIIOI. 3 Vf.H VKST. AVr?i'l;iWcPrfiaraiiiinror,s MmilaliiiiJilH'rMimllit'ijiiti linsjilii'Sniiiiatiisai'.JIliiM'isol There Are Two Kinds of Citizens In Every Community, There Is' No Middle (iround of Neutral- i iiy. i PmmoiesDi'rslwnflwrliil' ncssniidlifsi.Conlainsnctor I ipmin.Miirphinr nor Mineral.! NOTAARCOTIC. AnfufuuBcmammn Jlx Seiwa JMrMl- ftuKttmt IlKmkiiiatbin (..nWW. hiMrai tkmr. Ancrfrrl Rfiwdv IWCmtsltpi lion. Sour Slonwh.Dlarrtwj Worms 'mmilsioiis.lpwrisn nessatul Loss of Sleek facsimile Siilnamre of NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought- Bears the Signature Exact Copy of Wrapper. W For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA IF 1 30E 30E3E30 301 ItAV 1'HUNI- L'.'i. NiiiMT I honks IN aiul "4. P.N.STALNJ3A(!K, - : -1 ' x i ) i : l it a Ki:ii. : . Weldon, North Carolina. Full Line of CASKETS, COI'HNS and kOHI-S. Day, Night and Out of -Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G ROWE, li FUN'-RAL DIKKCI'OK AND 1-MBALMF.R. Seventeen yenrs' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 301 J OP 1301 OE 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, X. (' O.-ganlzcd llrder the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al'lil STiMTII. IS'.L'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aQfl Siirplns, $40,000. Kor mure lhau fifteen years this iimtitutiim lias unnlt. I .u n 1 1 n ir faeili ties fur this nee. inn. It MliH-kliiililiTu ami direi'lora have heeu iile ulilif.l with the liuiii' as interests of Halifax ami Northampton enmities fur many yeara. V oney is loaned upon approved security at ttif li'trul rale of interest six p"r eentuin. Aeeniiiits of all are siilicileil. The surplus a i.l undivided prolits havinir reiicheil a mini equal to the Capital Stock, ilie Itank has. eminm-nciinc January 1. I!rs, csuhhsheil a Savings lh'par:iiient allowinir interest nn time .1. posits as follows: I'ur Deposits allnvcil ("remain three months or Imnrcr. 'J per cent. Six months or Imnrcr, S per cent Tui-lve inulilhsor Iuukci. 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. I'KKSlOKNt: W. K. OAN1KL, VIl'K-l'KKSIhKNT: iu. II. Vl. IK WIS, (Jackson, Northampton county ) .'asiiikk: . K. SMITH. SEABOARD Patriotism manifests itself in many i a. id various ways. Some people are willing to die for their country . and a few are willing to live for ; their country which is much j hin der. Some are eager to show i their patriotism by holding n job at j a fat salary and some are willing to vole the p.iny's ticket straight just because its the party's ticket. ; "Patriotism," says Walter Wil liams, "is often another name for i '. pride." The small ways in woich patriot- j ! ism may be shown seldon attracts I ; attention. A soldier attacks the I enemy of his country and we call j j the soldier a patriot. But it is pa- j triotic also cut down the weeds in j i your back lot. " The soldier who , gives his life in a generation is also ; j patriotic. Two kinds of citizens are in ev- i j ery town, patriots and traitors. I ! There is no middle ground of neu-; trality. Every man is one or the j other kind. The patriot does his I lull duty to the community, votes, j expresses his opinion, takes part i in meetings for civic god, bears j cheerfully his portion of the com- j ! munity's work. The traitor lets j ! the other fellow do the work and reaps benefits by the other fellow's 1 ' patriotism. Treason consists of' levying war against the republic so says the foundation law or giv ing aid and comfort to her enemies He gives aid and comfort to the public enemies who does not assist in making the community in which he lives better. He is himself a public enemy. Standard Laconic. TOLD A LIF. WITH HIS FINdLR. A little boy, for a trick, pointed . his finger to the wrong road when ' a man asked him which way the I ' doctor went. And as a result the j : man missed the doctor and his little boy died because the doctor : came too late to lake a rish bone from his throat. At the funeral the minister said the little boy was killed by a lie which another boy told with his finger. I suppose he did not know the mischief he did. Of course, nobody thinks he meant 10 kill a little boy when he pointed the wrong way. He only wanted to have a little fun. But it was fan that cost somebody a great deal, and if he ever heard the result of it he must have felt guilty of doing a mean and wicked thing. We ought nev er to trille with the truth. Chil dren's Friend. Where Bullets Flew. Haiiil Parker, of Fayette. N. V., a veteran of the n it a r. who lost a foot at llettvslmiir, says: The liooil I'lee tirc Ihl'ters have .lone is worth more 1 1 1 an live huinlre.l ilollaiK to me. I sent much money ilortorinx for for a hail ease of stomach trouble, to little puipose. I then tne.1 F.lcctnc lilt- . tets. ami theycuriil me. 1 now lake thrill as a tonic, uml they keep ine attoiiij aiul well." '". at any drug , store. We all make mistakes, but there i is no cause for making the sayie mistake repeatedly. ! Borrowing money is synony j mous with borrowing trouble. AIR LINE RAILWAY Making Good. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as Infpr mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subiect to change without notice. BY W. M. Some Climb for Fame and Some for Gain ARCTIC PEOPLE. I Peculiar Views of Life Fntertained j by Fskimo Men and Women. WHAT CHARACTER MEANS. Mr. Cleveland Would His Name. Not Sell Constipation Dut all should and happiness. limb for health A package of SALE Drs. Hoajj & Turhin's Liver and Kidney Tablets Are for Liver and Kidney com plaints in their varied forms. Get a package today and see the good it will do you. Price 50 Ceiti; COHEN, WELDON, N C. These people of the White World, these children of the snow and ice give themselves little con cern regarding what is going on in worlds beyond their own. The climate in which they live and the limitations of their whole environ ment make it impossible that there should be much change in their own manner of life, and they do not care for the changes that soap and water might make in their domestic life, while the women of the family are not anxious to adopt changes in methods of cooking that might make some of the dish es they prepare much cleaner and far less deadly than ihey appear to be. But the best tilled larder in the homes of the most affluent of the liskimos offers hut little in the way of variety in food, and the question so vexing to the Ameri can housewife. "What shall we (irover Cleveland's long and ac tive life was replete with incidents that impressed themselves on the minds of his friends. The New York Times gives one of these, concerning an oiler made him to become president of one of the large New York trust companies. A committee, of officials of the trust company waited upon Mr. Cleveland after his retirement from the White House, and urged that he accept the presidency of this concern. He told the committee that he was totally unversed in the ways of bankers, and thai he would be of no use whatever to the trust company. Then he said point blank that he would not accept, ln a comparatively short time the committee visited him again. The spokesman said 10 him, in effect : ' Mr. Cleveland, although we recognize that there is a great deal l I'll SiUII l.l I:::! 'rnun tr.. Krln I'm,. U.lh nlli. i ,, ii v 1 1 V't. .H.iul.l.i r. Mi.'lv lo .. num. ir i.i,vi. n, i,a lr .ill', A.. u . I iili-l i':iti"tl. I I nllluniili I 'H vll.., il I I I, 'II, it I Inn!: rv !-.; liLinn I i, sen ni I II Iiuwi !' In c, in, Clin, Iv Till. i. l ni Iir M . I ... I., .r rn.i-t .11,', In,- . mil, ,1), I'.lliniM, Snlli.w i',,in,;.x i 'I u ,1 h I ;;i 1I mil N linn. Mil ,i', I .tin, I ,,! I'rini. , N- ,11,,, tl-p "', in ifri'iil.-t. iim.i I i,,l, iimuIiiii. , liiotliMinia I II . 'I.. ! now Inn, I.- ill II, a l',li,-i. fl,.:n ll.i. ,,K. i,i,in. in. ,1 '-, Ti,u.,u II, . IT. ! mi r,,H.lU ... Suiir M, linn, li, llml lln iuli. nil. ''lr , Is lii'l. i.l ,i,,iii,L una No ir; : l.ii iff. in. U'i,l,'ii-H!i1 nf(, r . IF- '. Hri'i't. rii'l'ii li.i'il. mi, I Uix-'l'i HI" I'llt III, III l,"iiiilil,:l litliiiriiL'ii, ,! li,' till l,iXi'il.' 1','lil.i Slnl L'.'i t'l llUI ,,rl,,,x. l-ir wuiin tlii'is tn w, dim, (icoDomiml and PIlTiiY,'. try i, ni ax-ets All Dealers. .Kodol For Indigestion igei Our Guarantee Coupon GOOD-BYE. have for breakfast ?" or dinner or j of truth in what you told us about Oh, little green grasses and little green tree, We'll soon be bidding goodbye unto thee; The year's in the shadow, the sun's on the wane, And little cool messages come with the rain; Hands full of peaches and cheeks full of gloom, Goodbye to the beauty, goodbye to the bloom ! The second-brood nests are a-swing in the briar, The home-again robin sings sweetheart's desire; Apples are falling and berries are gone, And grave Lady September is sad in the dawn, With mists all around her and dew on her head, And the brown in the grass where her weary feet tread! Goodbye little beetles; goodbye, little bird; Goodbye, little blossoms; oh, sorrowful word But love never sings it, and there on the hill The glow of the summer will startle us still When the autumn conies up through the valleys of gray To tint the brown ghosts of the blossoms of May. THE MUSIC IN THE PARLOR. There's a heap of satisfaction, when the nights are growin' long, And the lark has ceased to wake you in the mornin' with a song, When the leaves are turnin' yellow and a blaze is in the grate, When there isn'i anybody in the whole world that you hate, To sit dreamin' as you're smokin', with your wife beside your chair And your daughter in the parlor, gladly singin' something there. There's a heap of satisfaction when there ain't no debts to pay And you've got a little money laid up for the rainy day, When there isn't any mortgage that'll soon be coinin' due, And you know that there's nobody who can blame his woes on you, To sit back and take it easy, with your feet up on a chair And your daughter in the parlor, singin' "Annie Laurie" there. There's a heap of satisfaction, as I've mentioned heretofore, When you needn't worry over makin' payments any more, When you're wearin' easy slippers and the nights grow long and cool And your girl ain't getting ready to go oft' somewhere to school, To sit back and hear her gladly trillin' out some sweet air To the well-to-do young fellow with her in the parlor there. supper, never troubles the Eskimo housewife, since these meals may not vary for months at a time and are prepared in the primitive way in which they were prepared by the Eskimos of generations and generations ago. The dress of the women and the men is so much alike that if an Es kimo lady's husband's clothes hap pened to be better than her own she might borrow them to wear to some Eskimo society function without exciting any comment as to her dress. As in some other lands, the man is regarded as being vastly superior to the women, and the birth of a girl is never regarded as a blessing. Indeed, it often happens that both the father and mother resort to the unavailing folly of tears and lamentations when it is announced that a newcomer is a girl. A boy can become a great fisherman or a great hunter, while a girl of what use is she ? A mere cumberer of the earth, regardless of the fact that she works as many hours a day as and even more than, a man when she reaches the goal of her ambition and marries. Not to marry is as sad a misfortune as ; may befall her, and if she is mar ; ried and widowed she makes all . possible haste in securing a second : partner. TO MARRY HELL. if your not understanding banking, and being therefore unfitted for the presidency of our company, we nevertheless feel that the bank will be greatly benefitted through having the advantageof your judg ment and intellect, and we are so sure that this is the case that we are willing to pay you a salary of fifty thousand dollars." It had been assumed that this handsome offer would have the effect of making him change his mind. It had the opposite effect, however. "So?" said Mr. Cleveland, and then added, "Well, gentlemen, 1 1 long ago determined not to sell the j influence of my name, and 1 do j not intend to depart from that dc-1 termination. Thank you." j When he took up the practice of law in New York City he used to go home from the Mills build ing by way of the elevated, walk ing across the park from Fifty eight street to sixty-ninth street. The hoboes' union, or whatever it is, soon learned of this, and played it to good advantage. One group lingered on the south side of Wall street, and the other used to beset him in the park. Finally the tramps got so numerous that he had to take some means of self protection. A friend was walking I with him one evening when a j i whole drove of beggars bore down i I on him. j j Mr. Cleveland reached in his ; "ow ! pocket and pulled out a little book j full of perforated tickets. One by I one he tore the pages out and j I Of course it is the natural desire j halllcj lhcm ,0 ,he beggars. Each of every mother that her daughter : ,jcket lhaI he passed out wilh a j should "marry well," lo use a cur-1 sh lke of lhe hcaj rcaj . , 'vr-tliircis r.f a f r."o bnu'.r. of I. i. i v cay it ii l bi'nc- i 'it 3' ., .tt ". T'.il your uinuey. 1 ry Kuiiol tmhiv (-ii ii.,., i. ,,;ti autre. I'll out ami 6i i; ;it lie f llfi'.viiik'. im-',(Mit it to the ttcilt r ut tin. timtf tt ptiri l.iisf. K il fails to satisfy you return the Imtllu t-wuamiiiB one-third, of tlm iiicl iriTiti to tin; deal "r tni) wliori yuu bouuiit it, and, we will rtfuuii your money. Town Statt Sipn Iitp - ut ThUOut- DigestsWhatYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet E. C. DcWITT & CO., Chlcazo. III. M.1,1 hy W. .M. Cohen,, S. C. I. J. KAPLIN, Next Hour lo Kiilllioke Motel Roanoke Kapids, North Carolina. l'.dVS in hlihc lie chr:lH'-:t plill lulhili!,;'. Also i si, i i ts. loiTV- fur M FX ami lai-i?e variety ili s a Specialty ' Gent's Furnishings, Etc. 1. J. KAPLIN, UtiaiiuLf Rapids, N. C. hi T. CLARK,! But Much Depends Upon We Interpret the Word. ATTORNEY AT LAW, W l.U'ON, N. V. I'lurlii'i s in tit.' nan Is of Halifax and adjinnitiir cuunl u1 and ii. Ilie Suprt'ine court ui' tlic Mutt'. pK'ial alti'Miou irivi-ii tu t'olitviiuiis and prompt return W. J. WARD, DKXTIST, (il l II K IN UAN1KL III II.IHNH Wl'l.l'OS. N.C, Hepli: ly WORK IT OUT. I Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 for -at 3.10 p m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. m. .lurk .. ..... .:. .i .in. n,i,, inrh I'lillman can to e operu. Jou.,iei..iiy ye.u.m.r -":-,.. 1.r,.mou,,.N0rfolk ,,Uliihi uil NfW Vork vlH Mi. AuviMlinit. Al Inula: Hn ininiriiani, .fil". Uiehmoml, Waahinrtou, Bultimoie, 1'hilm For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. H- (iATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C. i Thrp In mi ivny of nmklnff tnnrlnf , Irli-iiiiH like -Making (.,hh1;" unit Doetor Tierce' uieilirllie well exemplify tllli, ' bud their friend. nfier more than two I di-i'tiiles ni iMipiilurUy. nr uuttilH'ri'U hy i tin- hiiiiilriHlii ut ilioiiiaiiii'. They have i "untile kimmI " anil Ihey have nut made drtiukariR A irooil. howl, Ktiare-di.l merilrinc of know i iiimllliin l Or. Pkne't Ooldn ' MtJkal Dliiuvery. Il Klill elljnyn an llll- uieiini mile, wi'.:ni miwl ol lhe iri'iarti- I lion Hull l,Aeeiilnn Into iriiniliieiiee In I tin. earlier nertuil ot tin ouinhiriiy have "Kniie hy llin hoard " anil are never uinrn : liniird of i'lu're unlit lie mnne reimuli lor ! thu long' lime Hinilarily mid Hint N lo 1 he found lit Hh toinerior IniTlU. When nn.,' (illi'Il 3 f:t!r tf't! U l.inmi'h. i ! or for liver and Hood auuetioui, I'm Niiiie- j rlor eurallvii iunlltiea are anon nianlfi't; lieiieu II kail mirviviit and Brown In tion- I uhir favor, while Hem-en ol Uhh miTllorloiii arth'le have miilitenly nahed lulu favor i for a hrlef period una then been as noon 1 turicoUen. , tor a lorpul liver with Its attendant ! IniliKenttoll, dyiM'hhl, heudui'lie, ier- i haps diizlnnM. foul breath, nasty eoacd 1 toiiKue-. Willi bitter Ul-sle. loKa of apiellte, I with distress alter eating, tiervousnexi ! and dehtlltv. nnlliluir la an good as lr. I Pieree's (iiilileii Medli'al 1 lisi-uverv. 1ft an honest, stiiare-deal nmlielne with alt Its ITigretlicriU printed on Isittle-w rapper in: .uret. no hoeus-ptietis liuinmiR', therefore, don't in-eept u Kiihxtjfiit. that the dealer mav poaslhty make a llttte big ger prolil. fnlt on your right to have what you enll for. Don't buy Dr. Plerca'i Favorite Preacrio. tloa ejpei'tlng II lo prove a "cure-all." It fi only advlied for woman' ftperuil ail ments. Il makes weak wumen strong and tlek women well. Lesti advertised than tome preparations aold (or like purposes, lui suniiiig curative virtues still maintain ita position In the front ranks, where It stoiid over two deeades agu. As an In vigorating tonic and strengthening nerv ine it la tineoiialed. It won't satisfy thosa who want "buoze," for there isnoladrop of alcohol In It. Dr. Plcrce'a Pleasant Pellets, the orfyt nnt I.lttle l.lver Hills, although the It ml pill ol their kind In the market, still lead, and when once tried are ever afterwards In favor. Kaay to taka as csudy una to thn 4oe. Much tmUattd but rnnr tyiiiilwli A man buvs a nair of shoes for $3 and hands the shoemaker a ten dollar bill. The shoemaker goes lo a grocer next door to have the bill changed and then gives his customer $7 change. After the latter has gone the grocer rushes in and declares that ten dollar bill was a counterfeit. The shoemak er gives him five good one dollar bills, a two dollar bill and $3 in change for ii. How much has the shoemaker lost ? THE VALUE OF CONFESSION. "Next to not sinning," says someone, "is confessing sin." A very learned man said : "The three hardest words in lhe English language are, 'I was mistaken.'" Frederick the Great wrote to the Senate : "I have just lost a great battle, and it was entirely my own Fault. ' Goldsmith says: "This confession displayed more great ncss than uli Ins victoiics." Such a prompt acknowledgemeni of his fault recalls Bacon's course in more trying circumstances. I do plainly and ingenuously confer that I'm euiliv of corruption, and so all defense. 1 be seech your lordships lo be merer ful lo a broken reed." WHY THEY LAUGHED. Ted Why is that man laugh ing? Ned Because he bought a horse cheap. Ted And what is the other one chucking over? Ned He sold the horse. St LoUis Times. The greatness lhai is thrust upon man is apt lo annoy his neigh bors. rent phaze. But much depends upon how we interpret the word "well." Usually it is applied to a young man's income or financial possessions. When this is the case, the standard used is an un fortunate one. There is not a more cruel standard by which to measure a young man than the position he is able to otter the girl of his choice. We do not advocate the "love in a cottage" theory, by any means, but we do believe in the good old-fashioned theory of a young couple starting out into the A Healthy Family. j worm witn a mouerate income, anu our whole family has enioveil Koo,l ' then climbing upward together. A Kmc s , young girl will be tar saler m the Served an collee, the new entree suh Htittite known to giocer's everyw here us Pr. Shoop's Health Collee. ill tuck even aeoll'ee expert. Nut a if.iiin (if real collee in it either. I'lirt- healthful toaslcil ifriiiiiM, niiiltH, nuts, etc.. have Iteen so cleverly hleinleil as to irive a ivoiiilerftilly satisfying collee' ami ttuvor. Anil it is "niaile ill A minute." too. No leiholis 111 to ,'io ininutt-s lioih illlT. Test it anil see. Ir. Slump ereu teil Health Collee that the people lliltrht havea genuine collee Nulisliliile. ami one that ivoulil he thoroughly sutisfvinir in every respect. ror sale hv . I. l'arker, el, Ion. N.C. "Charity Organization Society. Admit bearer to the wood-yard." OAS'i'OHIA. Bean ft. B0U(W OREAT INVENTIONS. No man has a monopoly making good resolutions. on : alth .since we heirau using Or. New Life fills, three years auo, savs A. Ilarllet. of Kural Koutel. (iuilfonl .Maine. They cleanse anil tone the sys tem in a gentle way that does you goml. . al any ilrug atore. Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder of a rival. Would Mortgage the Farm. A fiirmer on lluriil Hoiite Umpire. (ia,. W. A. I' loyil hy name, ruvk: 'lluck lec'a ArnicaSalve cureil t lie two worst sores 1 ever saw : one on my tiaiul ami one on mv leg. Il is woilh tnoie than its weight in golil. I would not lie with out it ii I 1 .... 1 to murtKakT the farm to get it." only .Vic. at any drug atore. Fault-finding gives friendship many a hard joh. Had a Close Call. .Mia. Ada I,, ( room, the widely known H'opiietor of the Ciooiu hotel, Vaughn, Miss , suva: "l-'or several months 1 siU' fereil with a scvereeoiigh. and consump tion seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Hr. King's New Discovery. I heiran taking it. and three bottles atl'eeted a compleie cure.'' The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and cold remedy, and lung throat healer ia world wide. Sold at any drug store, one. and 1.UI. Trial bottle free. hands of a young man born of par ents in moderate circumstances, honest in his principles, energetic and industrious, than she would with a young man who has only known lhe luxuries of life, and to ; whom work is an incidental matter ! rather than the aim and purpose of i life. We do not care how poor a ; young man may be if he has good health, sound principles, is respect ful of sacred things, is temperate i in his habits, and is not afraid to work and work hard, and face the ! world with a determination to suc i cecd. That young man can be I trusted with the best and sweetest ' girl ever reared in a home. Mar ' t iage, and all that a good, loving ': wife means, is the developing pow er of such a man. "I forgot" is a poor but popular excuse. DeWitt'a Little Karly Kiaera, the fa minis little liver pills. They are small, ure, safe pills. Sold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. ( It is well to profit by the folly of men. EXPIRED POLICY. "Honesty is the best policy," remarked the optimist. "So it wus in the days of the proverb maker," rejoined the contrary person, "but I guess the policy must have expired." Chicago News. OABTOIIIA. BwnUu lk Ui m Hub lm BoutTt "Talking inventions," said the business man, "I have a little ma chine in my place that would make me a millionaire if 1 could keep it going all the time." "What is it?" "A cash register." Catholic Standard. Take with a grain of salt what a man says about his side of the case. ..-aMk0AAAAHasjaBaBVBaaaBaaBJMBsaavB Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. tJobeaUby Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i nc Kiuneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter cut the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out cf order, they fall lo do their work. matism come from ex cess cf uric a.:id in the tbod, due to nerlci.'.tcd kidnev trouble. Kidney trouble causes quk k or unsteady ! heart beats, and makes one foci a llio'h 1 they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping truck, hdney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly ail constitutional diseases have their begin ning tn kidney trouble. It you are sick you can mane no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the eitraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits pT by all druggists in fifty- jrflPftVmi;i3S cent and one-dollar siz- tittpH1 es. You may have a -iQ&kvggg sample bottle by mail Horn of swunp-Boot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer t Co.. Btnghamton, N. I. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer' few amp-Root, and lhe address, Blnghamton, W. Y., on every bottle. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to te careful to get the genuine BLacT-draughT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all othera combined. SOLD IN TOWN W First Class Bakery HAVING secured a ririt-c!ns baker I am prepared 10 fur nish Presh hreatl, Pies, Cakes Lie. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S, MOUNTCASTLE, Vt'ELDON, N. C. HIS 1' oMtti I. ..r FtC RETURNED. SO VKAertXPERIINCI. Our CHARGES ARC TMl LOWEST. 8fii inixiel, tlujlo omktU li l-r iN-rt Nttivh rtmt fiMt n"it nn l,ienUl4ill V. INFRINGEMENT " rondiU'tttJ brf nil Ctiuru. Patent (tlit iiiitil tliroiiifh nt, ADvm TISEOftlid SOLD, Tiro. THADC-MARKS, fCN IONS ikI COPV RIGHTS (pin Li y oMAlituJ. Opposite U. S. Putent Otttci WASHINGTON, D. C,