i in yew! Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annunij VOL. XLNI. WKLDOX, X. C, THURSDAY, (KTOIJEH 2J, 1K)S. NO. 25. Tho Kind You Hivvo Always B.mplit, and wlikhjios been iu 11 so for over SO vnnra. iw.i. ui .. . ...1 t. - r mi nut ffljfejfar 80,lnl a.iuot All r,.....Hr..u T...in.t vtniiriH:in, AllllMikllllin tlllll "UIIM-UK-K1HH1 lll'C DUG Kxiicrinu'iitH that, tritlo with. n'nl eiiln.ni;.-r tho lirulth of IulHnts mid thildreu Experience atiitist Uiperimuut. What is CASTORiA Catori;i Is a linrmlrss Kw!srituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syt:ps. It is IMcasunt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine noi- other Narcotic substance, ltsngeig its g-iaruntee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcicnsliness. It cures Di.irrliicft and Wind Coll.!. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Ktonimli and ltowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'liimocii Tito Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Boars the The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. H I'imink 'J I'. N. STAINTA K. INDKIMAKKW. Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full l.ineof CASKETS, COFFINS and ROUES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G ROWE, FUNFRAI. DIKFCIOW AND FMUALMFR. fl Seventeen years' Experience. XOEXOEZ IE 3E 33 THE MM OF WELDON WKIJX)N X. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, A l' il'S'l" -1)T1I. tsll.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $40,000. Vor more than tlfieen years thin institution h;i provided hankimr fncili tics for this section, lis stock holders ami liri-clois have been identified with the husim'ss interests ul' Halifax and Nmthampttin enmities fur many years. .Money if loaned upon approved sennity at the h-tpil rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all me solicited. The surplus and undivided protiN having readied a sum etiual to the CuiHtal Stock, the Hank has. eomuieneiiiir .luuuurv I, HMt8, established a Savings Department allowing interest Deposit allowed tore main three month or lomrer. '2 per cent. Six mouths or longer, I. per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 per cent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. I'hksidknt: vh K-iM(Ksini;r: cawiiikk: W. K. DANIKL, l. II. W. l.l.WI.S V. It. SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton county) 8EAB0A1U) AIR LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.SS a. m. No. 38 for " " " 3 P m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. m. We operate Double Daily vestibule service bill thiough rHuaii ran. i tc ' Jack j onville.St.Augi.Htinr, Atlanta, Hu igham. Mrni.l". 1 orl.inoutli-Noilolk , Uiclimonil, Wanliinirton. Italmnoie, l'lnladelihia anil New ork I Por further information relative to rates, sched- j ules, etc., apply to x , CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon. N. C. ! uicn inmio umirr tils per- ""IHfvlKlon sliuo Its liiliim-y. nu wilt? lum-cnvo J 111 llllg. i . . ... Signature of EZXOC Nh.iit 1 ' 1 1 v k -I :inl .It. rm Hearse Service Anywhere. noi toe on lime depoMts us follows: For kM RAILWAY . . Or write to C. II- (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THE BOY WHO WINS. The (ireat World Outside Wailing Tor This Boy. I le is not particularly attractive in appearance. His clothes are neat, hut not always of the best material. 1 le seldom cares to recite poetry at school entertainment and never tries to "show oft'." (le may he perfectly familiar with a subject, and yet waits until his opinion is asked before he will offer to explain his knowledge con cerning the matter. He is often forced by circum stances to earn money while quite young. At odd times after school hours; hut he willingly starts upon his duties at once, as if every min ute must serve his purpose, and be filled into some account. He begins his play in the same manner. He must get all possible ' fun out of it. He is strictly honest in his deal ings with boy chums, never by any chance taking advantage of any mistake that would benefit him. Lack of means may deprive him , of time to finish his education at school, but he'cheerfully lays down his books for a time to take up the implement of toil, giving the child ish strength to aid parent or bene factor in maintaining a livelihood. Hut "plus ultra" more beyond -ms his watchword. The hours between labor and rest he gives to study. It may be books bought at the price of sacri ficed comforts, or a hard earned dollar he has given in exchange ' for the teachings of a correspond ; ence such institutions that seem to be organized especially for the benefit of struggling heroes. But knowledge he must have for the great world outside is wait ing for him; the great world has need of him, and he is pushing forward to fill the important post that can be filled by only such as he. TEST MIS CONDUCT. My young lady reader, if you are looking for your prince, just test his home conduct before you accept him. Don't be guided in your choice by what a young man is in your parlor; find out what he is in his mothers's sitting room. Don't judge him by how he can dance, or turn a compliment, or tip his hat, or carry your small bundle; find out how agile he is to do a service for his old maid aunt, or how he speaks to folks when his collars are not laundered to suit him. If he stands the test, catch him quick, for he is a rara-avis. Together you may establish a king dom second to none but the king dom of heaven a happy home ! For the home where mutual con sideration rules, is bound to be a happy one, although it may be the top flat i n a tenement, or an adobe hut on the prairies. A Healthy Family. uir w hull- l'uiiiily has i-ujuycd irui'il health siurt- c lii'itan lining Dr. kind's New l.lfr I'llls, three years ao," Bays I.. A. niirtli't. ol liuiai liuntel, liiiilliml ; Maine. They cleanse ulnl tone the sys i it-iii in a iretiile way that Joes you good. I 'J ii'. at anv druit m'uiv. A really clever woman is always too clever to show it. What Ails You T Do you tool weuk, tirad, despondent, have frnpirnt headaelies, coated tongue, bitter or had tast In niorniiiK, "heart hum," helclilnn of gas, aeid risings In throat after eating, stomaeli gnaw or burn, (oul breath, dtay S1U, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms? U yoTN4V any considerable number of thirivestr)tnnis you are suffering lromilluunONrpld liver with IndU cjilon'pe r. I'lercr t.o'd ifealc.lt lllti'MVerv Is made ill' of lITc nu vahuhle niidli ill.il unneliT' s l,lnut 1) to mcli abnormal i:oiiJill'!l'L It U ni kLiimach tonic. bowel regulator and nerve stmngthener. . The "(lolden Medical Dlwovery " Is not a patent Diillrlno or secret noiilrum, 1 full list of lu tiiKPillcnts li'lng printed on its bottle-wrapiier and atttwi.il under oath. A glance at Its formula will show tloit It contains no air hol, or harmful habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extract made with pure, trlple-rellned glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of the following native American forest plants, vli., (lolden Seal rout. Stone root. Black Cherryhark, (Jueen's root, llloodroot, and Mandrake root. The following leaning medical aulliorllln, among a hot of olheni. exlol the leregolng root., for iliecureof lust such ailments as tlie (Imvesyinittoiiislinllette: I'rof. U Uarlholow, I l.. ot Jefferson Med. College. I'hlla.: I'rof. II C WimkI. M. II, ot I ntv.ul Pa: 1'rt-f Kdwln M Hale, M 11.. uf Hahnemann Metl. t'ollega. l'4il. goi I'rof. John King. M l. Author of American liUp.-nsal.irvi I'rof. Jno. M. Hcud-il.-r. M II . Aulliorof Kpeclle Medicines: Hoi. l.aun nee Johnson. M I'.. Mul. I'ept I'nlv ot N V ; I'nif. Klnley KlIltuTwood. M. 11.. Author of M alerla Medica and I'rof In llenuett Mll ral IV'll.'ge. ('Iili'airo. Hend name and ad Uresson I'ostal Caul to Or U. V. Pierce, lint talo. N. V,. and receive trte luoklul giving trai ls from wrlthnis of all the alove me.ll eal authors and manr otherseiidorsl'ig. In lb alroniri-st possible lerms, ea. li and overv tn gn-dlenl of which 'Uolden Medical Ulacov ery " Is eomni''l. . . . fir. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets l-earulate and Invlgoraw Uima.'h. liver and lnwels. Thef may Ik used In conjunction wllh "Ooldea Medical Discovery " bowels are much con Uvttwi lSsay're law a tuu-iA. More people owe their health and strength to it than any other remedy Get a Bottle Now Price $1.00 FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WElDON, N C YOU'RE SORRYBUT THEN. How oft you think of the thoughtless word You wish had ne'er been spoken; How oft you think of the promise made, Though made but to be broken; How oft recall some imprudent act With shame ! How you regret it, And wish some magical power were yours To help you to forget it Because You're sorry but then How oft you think of the slighted boon Perchance 'twere but a trifle ! You're sorry now when perhaps too late A sigh you cannot stifle, The little things that you might have done And felt joy in the doing, Had made you glad where you are now sad The sadness of your ruing !-r-Because You're sorry but then. How oft as life goes speeding on We miss the songs of gladness, And hear but the tones of a moaning That chills us with its sadness ! Life is so short, and a careless word Tills other hearts with aching; We hush regrets till 'lis too late, And our hearts too are breaking Because We're sorry but then- SING THE Sing the old song, amid the sounds dispersing That burden treasured in your hearts too long; Sing it with voice low-breathed, but never name her; She will not hear you, in her turrets nursing High thoughts too high to mate with mortal song Bend o'er her, gentle Heaven, but do not claim her ! In twilight caves, and secret lonelinesses, She shades the bloom of her unearthly days; The forest winds alone approach to woo her, Far off we catch the dark gleam of her tresses; And wild birds haunt the wood-walks where she strays, Intelligible music warbling to her. That spirit charged to follow and defend her, He also doubtless suffers this love-pain; And she perhaps is sad, hearing his sighing, And yet lhat face is not so sad as tender; Like some sweet singer's when her sweetest strain From the heaved heart is gradually dying ! ENGLISH. We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes, But the plural of ox should be oxen, notoxes; Then one Fowl is called a goose, but two ared called geese, Yet the plural of mouse should never be meese; You may find a lone mouse, or a whole nest of mice, But the plural of house is houses, not nice; If the plural of man is always called men, Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen ? The cow in the plural may be cows or kine, But a bow, if repeated, is never called bine,! And the plural of vow is vows, never vine. If I speak of a foot, and you show me your feet, And 1 give you a Nt, would a pair be called beet? If one is a tooth, and a whole set is teeth, Why shouldn't the plural of both be called beeih ? If the singular is this, and the plural is these, Should the plural of "kiss ever be nick-named keese? We speak of a brother, and also of brethren, Bui though we say mother," we never say methren; Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him, But imagine the feminine she, sins, and shim. So the Lnglish, I think, you all will agree, Is the queerest language you ever did see. PRECOCIOUS. Knieker Is lii tireeoeious in hi stutlit's? Koeker Yes, ho Iuih alrcmly broken thrco rihs, an arm and a New York Sun. A man must know himself in order to understand the meanness of others. IT IS EASY to pound the truth into some folks and hard for others to see the value of good advice. DR. TURBIN'S BloodMiver Restorative A ' Liver Medicine and Blood Purifier Is just what you want dirge OLD SONG. Where Bullets Flew. Havi.l I'arkcr, of I'ayctti'. N. V., a veteran of the civil war. w liolcat a foot at tiettysliuiR, says: '-The K"d KIi-p-tuc Itiltera liavc dotit- ia Miiilli more tliuit live liutidreil .lollara to me. I Rent iiiui'li money doctorinir for for a liad case uf stiunacli troulile, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Hit ters, aniLtiiey rurcil me. I now take ttiein as a tonic, and tliey keep me strong and well." ,'iuc at any druu store. Know your opportunity. Some Fads About That Colossal Fie. y Globe. AN IDEA OF ITS GREAT SIZE. Our Earth and Moon, as Far Apart as They Nov Are, Could Caaily Move Around In Its Flaminy Interior Soma of the Subatancee It Contains. AHtroiioni v il'H'i no! iilua.vs consist ' of tiiylil studies. There lire Home tilings to be seen :tfter darkness Is none, boih 1 wllh (,'lnss mid unassisted eve. The dear old moon often Hives us a good daylight view of herself, looklnj; us If IniKUiird, sleepy mul tllsguxti-il after hu Iiik out oveniltrht. The slur Venus has often been seen In the nftcnioon. Some comets arc on record as having ap proached ti. near the earth that the i same could lie said of them for weeks nt n time. i ltut of course the Kfeat day attrac tion Is the rulei of our own family or brother and sister planets, the sun. Although "inedluiii sized" as com pared to many of the lixed slats, our nun Is no lightweight. Indus about i 1,.-uI.ihhi times as lal tfe as the earth, if ' some sreat force could put us In the center of that ultra mammoth globe, mid the inooit also ilieeiliii her at the Fame distance from us us she now Isi. nnd there was another moon nearly ns far away from her, the earth, and the two moons and nil the space between them could still he contained lu the groat, sparkllut; sun. Its distance from us Is tC!,N!i7,iKin miles, n very tedious little Journey It' ! we could make It by customary nielli i ods. You can tlnd plenty of accounts i in books of how Imii; It would take a railroad train to i?et to It, and you can j ascertain It yourself by n little tluurlng. j You will learn, for Instance, that a llin- lied express trnvellnn I.ixmi miles per ; day would arrive at Sun station. In about a,'4 years, during which time j there would probably be a few deaths 1 mi the train. If when the endue ar rived It dinhr-Klve u blunt of the whis tle loud enough to be heard here, the 1 people at this end of the Hue would have I" watt fourteen years before the signal arrived If it proceeded at the I usual velocity of sound. ltut the eye, most wonderful of cou I veyanees, can traverse all that dis tance In between debt itntl nine min : utes. It takes that length of time for light to pass between the two worlds. What is tho material of which lhat great fiery globe Is composer; The foll'-wlng substances have been ileteci ed by the spectroscope and may be considered ns surely a part of h: l'.arl mii, i-nieliiui, chromium, .-..halt, copper, hydrogen, Iron, inuuiti'sliiiii. maiitra nese, nickel, platinum. Mlicoii. silver, milium, titanium, vanadium It Is thought that the following suIkIiiii. i i lire also there, although Ihe pp-of, ' while strong, is not absolute: .Muiulnl I mil, cadmium, earboii, lead, ioi-lil.de-: num. palladium, uranium ai d ;.lu-. II i Is n singular fact that gold has not jet been discovered In this great golden I orb. I The fact (hat "all Is a. -lion, all Is mo. ! Hon," not only In "Ibis world of ours." hut throughout our cniire universe. I.. Illustrated by the sun. for. while all Ihe j planets of our system are revolving I nrounil It, It Is not Itself still; It would seem to be having n wall, of lis own. ; It turns on Its axis, It luis another mo tion nboilt the rentes of gravity ot the solar svsteui. and, besides, It 1 i way, with its thick of planets, toward some distant point lu space at the rate of '.sal tulles per minute. These facts and figures sound si range anil hardly believable, hut they hue been : demonstrated niatlieniutlcally over and over again by astronomers of different times and hinds. One of the most lntercsling HiIul-s ! to be seen upon the sun Is lis simis, for this great king of planets Is not 1 entirely Iminuculale. Some think llie.e are caused by cyclones, some thai they are eruptions from within the sun's . I surface, some by cool mutter from me j teors falling Into the holier ali;:o.e : , plicre, and this Inst idea w.uil.l seem , the most sensible one. Such a greal Hanilng furnace ns the sun apparent- , ly Is, giving out life to a col n, .-f plan ets, must have food, and po-slbly (he j great heat elvlng, life hupanii':: . roa- ; lure may when spots appear Ik- taking Its rations. ! These spots, often thousands of miles j In exlent, although tlicy look so small ffoni earth, can many of them be seen wdth nn opera glass, hut It Is neces sary to combine the Instrument will! smoked glass, wbjoh can he fastened upon It w ith rubber bands either tit the eve or view end. Itmoklyn laigle. A Favor Appreciated. "I have come to inform you." s:tld the young intiu who ttiou'lit the tirm wjuhl have to no nut of luislui'ss It It went nivuy. "that unlcis my snhiry la rnlscd I shall have to sever my eu.i lie ion with this esliilillshiiicul." Thank you." replied Ihe i-iiicriil nintiHtfer. "Am I to understand, then," the yountr mini asked, "tluit you ncced.- to my demand?" "No. I thanked you liecnuse you hnit rellevwl me -f au iniplivisnnt du ty. I alivnys linle to dlscliur-ic u nitin Mho will l' timilde to hold a Joh iniy where elae." TliU'iiKu Itecord lletnlil Not until we know- till that ll.nl known can ve c-.tltunte to the full tin power and he an. riKlnpsa of some o:u life which ny seem the hutnblvst 11 the world. john Itusklu. Had a Close Call. Mrs, Ada I., ('room, the widely known proprietor of the ('room hotel. Vaughn, Miss , savs; 4'l-'ui Hevoral mouths 1 suf fered with a neverecough.und consump tion seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended r. King 'a New IHseovery. I hct-ran taking it, and three bottles atfeetetl a complete pure." The fame of this life saving cough and coltt remedy, ami lung ami colt) remedy, and Inn throat healer in world wide. Sold at any drug store. 50c. and $1.0(1. Trial botlU fre. THE OLD MAID. Let The Ungrateful World Sneer At tier, But (lod Has a Throne Burnished for ller Arrival. In almost every circle of our kindred there has been some queen of self-sacrilice to whom a jeweled hand was tillered in iihirri.ige, Inn who siaid on the old place because ol the sense of filial obligation un til the health was gone and the at tractiveness ol personal presence had vanished. Brutal sociciy may call such a one by a nickname. God calls her daughter, and heaven 1 calls her a saint. 1 We like to 'sing the praises of ! the sisterhood who remains that J they might administer to aged : parents. The brutal world calls j the self-sacrificing ones peculiar or angular, but if you had had as many annoyances as they have had Xantippo would have been an an gel compared with you. It is ea sier to lake care of live rollicking, romping children, than of one childish old man. Among (he best women are those who allow ed the bloom of life to pass away while they were caring for their parents. While other maidens were sound asleep they were soak ing the old man's feel or lucking up the covers around the invalid mother. While oilier maidens were in ihe cotillion ihey were dancing attendance upon rheuma tism, and spreading plasters for the lame back of the septenarian, and heating catnip tea for insom nia. Let the ungrateful world sneer at the maiden, but God has a bur nished throne for hcrarrival.and on one side of that throne in Heaven there is a vase containing two jew els, the one lyiglner than the Ko hinoor, of London Tower, and the oilier larger than any diamond ev er found in the districts of Golcon da the one jewel by the lapidary of the palace cut with the words "Inasmuch as ye did it to father," the other jewel by the lapidary of ihe palace cut with the words, "In asmuch as ye did it to mother." Would Mortgage the Farm. A fninii-r mi l.'uiiil li'uutt1 'J, 1 ! in pi r1. - i;i . V. . I' levil 1'V inline, suys: "IWicU ttf s init'ii;Lli' fiui'il llie two tn-,t mmcs l4-M-r -:in : tiic un my Imtnl ami (iic on my In'. It is worth inoiv than itf-fiLrlit Hi ltoM. I woulil not he with out it il l h:il to niortLr:mt- the farm to iri't il.'' Mily L'.V. ut tiny driiir Moiv. Two is company, but with father j in the parlor there is a multitude. I IvWitt'w Little Kuily I m mis little liver pills. sure, f:ili pi lit, i Sold hv V. M. Cohen Kis tin' In I'liev mi' small. Wel.lon, N. C Running into debt is far easier s ! than walking out. iSTveil us coll'ee. the new col let1 mil stilnte known to iT'Oct" everywhere as j lr. Hioop's Health t'otle. will tnek even a entl'ee expert. Not a iriain of real coll'ee in it either. IMire healthful lousletl grains, malt, nuts. etc.. have heen so cleverly Mended as to irive a wonderfully satisfying cot lee taste and flavor. And it is "made iu a inimite." too. No tedious It) to .'to minutes lioil- intf. Test it and st e. Ir. Shoop erea 1 ted Health Coll'ee lhat the people iniirht ; haven genuine coll'ee suhMitute. and 1 one that would he thoroughly satisfyinir in e ei v respect. , 1'ur .sale hv Y. T. I'ailer. Weldon, X. C. The reason people like lo brag is they object to others doing it. OABTOniA, Bean tie ltl- m l,;i,B 'a,S l Some things come to the man who kieksjvhile he waits. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. ine moneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter cut the waste or linnurme. in the bluod. If tiicy are sick cr out cf order, lliey fall to do their work. !Jains, ach"-,audrheu- cess i f uric acid in the tlood, due to neclccted kidney trouble. Kitlnry trouble causes quick or unsteady 1 heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heuit is over-working in pumping iltirk, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidn ys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make 'no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraord.nary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Us wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits f'JTri by all druggists in fifty- rfffiJrWM.'f cent and one-dollar siz- iMi W'wS es. You may have a IS; sample bottle by mail Homo of Swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer tt Co.. Bineliamton, N, Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y.. en every bottle. , . Weak Kidneys WViik Kt'lni'vi, min-ly prilut 1i vvufc VUhwf Nt vs. "J'lMf Kilnn.s. ik.. ih.'-Jt.-iiil. Hi.'t Hit) Htnnmi h litul lln ir wakiii'-, not i'i tin- orcm. It ' I . hut in tlm ricrvt Unit writ!"'. I mul kni1ii Rti'l stri'iiKiln'ii Hi. -in. Dr. hijimjt'n H.'sturuli vi 14 B im-tlii'iti" t.i..ciiii jil'y j'n-nirr'l In ivjirh (ln-v) Co' 1 in :,n,jJr IK rv.M 'In tor tin- K M 1 1 n - ulon". I (nt;;..'. U in u v..i.h oi i.iiii-, timJ j iiiuii'y us It yi.ur hii'k B''li or I wnk. if the iirlnn Hfni'li 01 imIh i k ah-! -! 1 Miijf. if j ,,ti 1 in v.' HTiti.oiiil t.l Mi ihi. or ..ti.'-r tl -li. --.inif or iliuiifcrotin kul ln'V ills ;! v irn I r Sh.iMi', j;...'ionilm'i. iiumtli Ti.in. N .!) J,i.iiiM -mul S'-.. w Ii.i I il run una Hill (Jo lor you. i'i tiiirf. at n;( 'i (Uiii it i nl umi tull Dr. bhoops starafiv All Dealers. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out Of Ihe syst-jm through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves ccughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubs. "As pleasant to the tastt as Maple Sugar" Children Like It Foi BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Til OeWlll's Kidauj and Bladder Pills - Sure and Safi Sold by V. M. Cohen, UYM011, .V t'. I. J. KAPLIN, Nft Door to Km;uh !IH,. Roanoke Kupiils, North Ciiroliiut, 't he cheapest place lm M t!N ami liUY'S I'loiliimr. Also a latee variety in ladies slvii ls. nay-Voiles a Specially - Gent's Furnishings, Etc. I, J. KAPLIN, Ununoiu' Kapiu N. ('. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ;yi-:mx, x. c. I'rai'tiees in the courts (d Halifax and ailjoiinng cminties and it. the Supremo coinlof the Nate. Spt-cial attenliou gn eu to collections and prompt return W. J. WARD, DENTlST.jl (M I'lrii IN HAX1I-X Ul'lLUlNtil vi:i,i.., x, v, scp 12 ly Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLacT-drTughT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other mt-dicines. It ia better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite, liver powder, with a larger Bale than all others combined. SOtD IN TOWN PJ First Class Bakery II AVING secured a first-class f, b.ikcr 1 am prepared t hir nish Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes Y.ic. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S, MOUNTCASTLE, Vi'i:u:ON, N. C. 1 ! m.th E RETURNED. 10 VtAHft'CXPCRICNCE. Dili CHARGS ARC THE LOWEST. Kci'-I iiluth'l, I'tK.lu t,i Hkrlrti l'..r (Mt1 Mt'iivh mul tivt ii'itrt ixi )u tiirtliillty. WfRIHCEMENT tui.l cnuiml.l twluro nil court. IWniH olt.itnr.1 Ihroiiifli m AOVt-R TISCDatitl SOLO, ti aTtfl DE-MARK, PEN SIOHl aiul cOPVhlOHTS qut lily oblalnwL Oppoiltn U. 8. Patent OtTlo, WASHINGTON, n. C.

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