THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Oct. 29, 1908. Published livery Thursday. ISIKKKII jrrivMUKrit tl WWI.II...N A SKOtMi-l I ASK M VC! kit. RAH SOl SntSUr'H'llllNIN Am M I': One Year, it.y mail) .ust.a..l, fl..n. His Mouths, " " ' A weekly 1 'i-niociatic join nal lci.t.-.l to the mali-rial, I'thu'utuMial. political anil atfiiculluial inlcivsN ol' I tali la an 'I Hut rmiiiiliiikr cminl ivv A'lvrrliximr iult vm uislu'd on u'ltc;itn)ii. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. lor President: WILLIAM JUNNIMiS BRYAN, of Nebraska. lror Vice-President: JOHN WORTH KIIRN, of Indiana. I'lilt CliM,lil, SKCuMl I ( )Ni .l;l ION l. 11'I'I;I( 1': CLAl'Mi K ITCH IN, uf Halifax. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. 1'i.L i ! I: ' W. V. kl I'l It IX, el' IVisou. i no n: vr-i... Kiistu:: W. C. M.U l.M. olYul.lwcll. h. Kl.r WW in M OK: .1. r.KYAN i.KIMKS. of t'llt. inn .i; : hit. in .x.i. i I x r. iuX"X. ill' I !. u lali.l. I 111. M l:i li: I'.. Ii. IVY. i-f Will..-. VI I'l.HIM l.s 1.1. NT I'l 111 Ii 1 o:. i I .1. v. i.iVxi.t;. i i. mm is-.s I l; . .f I si : s. i.: .1, l. VI U 'Ml. . i.n ki l l. (.1 l'i ti 1 1 L I . ii. .11 M ls-1. W. .;.H Wl. iii.'.ilii. v.. I Y'iH K. nl' ayn.s i.i; i it. -i; am. i I. MIII'MAX. 1 THE CANDIDATES SENATE HK THE It has been the policy of this , ilmse who have now become I '.. l paper to give the news and not to j let's, contests wereshurp and close, he violently partisan. We do ; every man lud a ngfit and did think, however, thai the events I vote his choice. It is an insult to that are transpiring politically call J s iv thai any man m I laii'.ix ,01111 fof a pronounced and positive posi-i iv did noi vole as he pleased, lion. We do not sympathize with i When, may it be asked, has it but unreservedly condemn the ef fort to insure the bcinocratu party in Halifax county by the movement of those know it as Independents and reasonable men should consul- j oilier '- Tins is the very thing that er their action before taking a stand ; some of our Independent friends with them. are doing'- I'.egging, persuading, We desire to refer particularly ; seeking lor oftue. One of the to the candidates for the Senate, i candidates has run twice for an of Mr. Travis w as the unanimous luc and, at the hands of the dis choice of the regular Democratic j affected, seeks another; another is convention for that position. Not1 willing to give the emoluments of a vote was cast against him. One j the office sought, to the school township had instructed for a gen- Fund, after deducting expenses--lleman, w ho, we understand, was i if the people, suddenly become in no sense a candidate, and w hose ; very dear to him, w ill elect him. name was withdrawn before on the roll call this township was reached, and this township also voted for him for that position. There was not a suggestion that his nomination was secured by any trade or promise. No man doubts his ability or capacity. No man believes that heretofore he has not been a faithful public servant. What excuse, therefore, can there be for the opposition to him ? I le was regularly and unanimously nominated. The first gentleman named by the Independents, rec ognizing this fact, and being a Democrat, declined to allow the use of his name. Now, it appears that our towns man, Mr. W. T. Shaw, has been substituted. By w hom? A mass meeting? No one has heard of such a gathering. If this nomina tion, if nomination it can be called, substitution would be more fittitif, is not a shining example of ring polities, then we give it up. Doing that which is charged at the door of others, and unjustly charged, it is expected ihat the people will be deluded. If these who are helping the Republicans think that the people are fooled, they will learn their mistake when the ballots are counted. Even before they get the offices, ihey are setting an ex ample of Bossism, ring politics, and bad faith that would put to shame anything that has hertofore been done in Halifax county. If in the possibility of chance, they should be successful, such bosses and ring politicians as they would become would be wonderful to con template. But you may as soon expect the sky to fall and catch larks as success, based upon such methods, to come to them. There is a deeper meaning be hind all this, and it is our purpose to give w arning. There is no ex cuse for this niovement. All dif ferences can be settled in the party's ranks. If men want io go in the Republican party, they ought to go for principle's sake, they ought not to excuse their start by the shallow pretense of purify ing the Democratic party. CIRCULAR SKiNlil) "A ' DEMOCRAT." A circular signal "A Ikmocnit" ; rutted October I5t!t, HIS, from i Scotland Neck, N. C, li:is been ! issued and distributed to increase i the disait'ectinn in lite coumv. W'c doubt ihc wisdom uf even I rct'crring to a paper whose author ship is unknou n, hut it is timely to write a few words on the condi tions that exist. C'harjjes are made without responsibility, by iuuendo and insinuation, there are refer ences to County P.osscs, UitiK Pol iticians and office seekers, I'.ijt I our, the gay clause in the pro posed primary plan, the need of ;;ood business men to run the 1 county; these expressions are also rolled as sweet morsels tinder the tongues of many who care little or nothing about the future of the ' lieniocraiic party. The opposi tion, born in prejudice and hate, attack honorable men, who have been clean in life and business, and poison the minds of maiiv who never stop to think what is behind the disalfcction. Let us speak plainly : Who are j the County losses, the King I'oh ! tieians, the office seekers, the l'.ig j Four, etc., etc. ? Why not name them'-' Are they those who gave their means, their time, who have risked their lives for the past twen ty years, w hen many of those who ! are now raising these cries were either too tamely submitting to the conditions that then existed or were too timid to take any part in the revolution that saved North Caro lina for white men - In these troublous limes, noth ing was heard of ColllltV I'.OSsCS. King Politicians, liig Lour, el. . Lor our part, we trust that the time i may never come when the Oemo- cracy of Halifax couniy shall cease to be grateful to the men who lead the niovement that saved the stale, or to listen to their counsels. County Mosses, K'ing Leaders, ( if- ; tice Seekers ! I Suppose the unpreiudiecd mind compare the methods of the se : lection of the County ticket of the ; regular Dcmocraue party, and ol 1 those who style themselves "True j hemocrats." ' ! In the primaries of the lust ii. tilted, practically all the bcnin ci'.usof the coumv look pari, even arisen that one man did not h.r, e the right to persuade .in-iilitr-w hen, may it he asked, dial one nun ma1.' mil be influenced bv ,m- In passing let us remark that those, who at their own instance and without any demand from the people are trying hard to sae the county might well, in their calmer moments, reflect upon the lack of good faith w hich they al- most to a man are showing by their conduct. They w ent into a prima - ry, took part, and then bolted be- cause some one of their choice failed to be nominated; in other words, they bolted because they were beaten. It will not do to say that this or that one was traded out of llis of- tice. The bolter takes this view 1 of it. When one candidate had a; bargain with another candidate in i another part of the county, it was an honorable pledge, but when his opponent did the same thing and i neai mm at ins own Kame, u trading that in his eyes jusithts a boll and a determined effort, even to higgling with Republicans, to disrupt the Democratic party in the county. We desire to say that the Democratic primaries were largely attended, nearly all the vo- ters look part, and that the Conn- ty convention r..iici..r..i ili.. in of the majority of the people. That man who thinks otherwise is blinded by his own conceit. Let us take a review of the method of nominating the ticket known as the "True Democratic Ticket." A dozen or more very estimable gentlemen, who would be greatly pleased to be Couniy Bosses, met at Halifax and in secrecy "sug gest" a ticket and call primaries; on the day of the primaries, save one or two townships, the prima ries cannot be discovered. On the day selected ihese patriots meet at Halifax and one man, to the ac companiment of cries, "Shall the people rule," nominates the sug gested ticket, stirring speeches be ing then made. This ticket is held up to the people of this couniy as representing irue Democracy, and its supporters as actinic with a pa- THAT trioiic desire to rescue I e county lit; Four, fniiii ihc I'.osscs, K'inys, tic. I his Ik set horn in s.vrecy, selected by the closest suit of rin and in. mill. i:ed by one man. I et us suppose, for example, that one man in the regular Democratic eotiv emion, had risen and put in nomination, one alter mother, the whole cotiiitj ticket. Kv this tune some of our good friends w mild be throw inj; (its at this evidence nl 1'iosslslll Just a thought ;n to the proposed primary. Is it fair for a man to ;o into a primary and because he is beaten, bolt and light " The one u ho v ill do that this year, v, ill do it i:ci year. The man iiio ill not a' :de a primary, n mallets ii. it how the choice is taken, ought not to go ini.i the primary. No line can justify his conduct, be lie saint or sinner, prohibitions or ann prohibitionist, sanctified or morally stunted, who because he is beaten in a primary and fails to get lit choice, titjhts the successlul candidate after the primary. A question of good faith arises iust there, and if there are those in I lahfax county who are follow ing tins course, even if they do think they are just a little nearer purity in politics than their neigh bors, it would prolit llieiu if they would for a few minutes take their eyes oil' the faults of their brethren and examine their own conduct, l-'or this reason, that which is called the gag clause was put in the resolution, w e surmise. If you are going to light the party, line up with the enemy. Let the people know where you stand. Do not aid the Republicans from the Dent- ucr.itie -de ofthe fence, A niovement of the disappointed never carries mueh force and histo- O' ''e'Petit itself on election day. Hysierieal shrieks never convince the people there is wrong. If the aliairs of the county were not linn esily administered, it would appear The so-called "True 1 leuioerais, " w ith a partial ticket, if completed, to be completed by the Republican P-o'tv or a tew sen constituted Losses, win go eii iu 1 1 in a tew nays to merited deleal. The only re sults w ill be for sonic to start lor the K'epublican party, where thev will land as experience show s and he e.iilie seekers, and runnel's for ollue, and olhei's v, ill be sadder but w i-ci' nun. I !u retore, our ad ice to a! ill it in the and s.,b, m, is in abide in the ship past has -t...n the hope on of the Stale and uie I 1 leiiMciaiU' ticket li'oui t'.e ' U'a t..p io bottom. Sin iv : 1 1 J. nix K'. 1' ui iKsi and, Mr. S. T. Thorite, Jr., also stand by the regular party organi zation and w ill support the ticket nominated at I lalilax on August 1 7ih Thus it will be seen that lie independents have lost the ma jority of the men they nominated and unless they till the vacancies they will only have a skeleton tick et to place before the people on Tuesday next. We believe it will be the part of w isdom for the remaining candi dates on the ticket to withdraw, now, w hile they still have time and opportunity. Cor. Richard B. Creecy, editor of Ihc Elizabeth City Economist, died last week at the advanced age o: 95 years. He was the Nestor of North Carolina journalism and , had the distinction of being the oldest living editor in the w orld, The great pow er and influence of his pen is now a matter of history, No man in the Slate did more for the South than Col. Creecy and in : llis -i'1' 'h Slal(: suffl-'rs a distinct loss. Urn Washington correspondent in summing up the campaign is sues says that on November 3rd seven millions of Democrats and one million Republicans are going to sweep William J. Bryan into ,he White House on the biggest ,id,, w ave ,,f pnpulariiy that was evcr km)vn, ,he worlJ 1 i A Missouri widow has sued a man for $50,000 alleging he j has "broken her heart, broken his plighted troth, and shattered her ; dream of mac!" I lc ought to pay ; it. tor no man nas a rigni io ireai even a Missouri widow like that. Tin; attendance at the recent ' State fair was, of course, a record breaker. Bui next year a new record will smash the 1 90S record. Dick Cioki-;k sent $1500 to the campaign fund and nobody was impolite enough to ask him where he got it. The trend of the colored vote seems to suggest that Mr. Roose velt is puning off his African hunt ing too long. SlaNATOU Dr.bEW is going to stump Virginia. Good enough, he is just as funny as any of them. Onci; again New York becomes the pivotal State in the presidential election. Everything in the Hardware line at R. Clark's. mi. 31 IB ' .if I " V r S'!!" It cnill' In i. Ilui "l slnies but u" 1 he lll'lililll tlini' full)', A tLD )M, . C. Ami tin-re miii ill fiiiil i" Men's Slims lihiin c'lapp s $5.5!) mill So 00 Shoes ciiiuiili'd by shin- ileali rs to In- the lust on the market Hie Crossell for .t. $.1 50. Si 110 ami $5.00 with a world wide repu tation lor kooJ wear The l loslniin. an eiii;.iiil shoe mnl well known n.. i uiioil wearer, mnl beautiful finish , an I sl le In the laities shoes you will limltbel i ft Dunn shoes in all s(les 52 tat, 2.25, 2."o, .i 00, .! 50 ami 1.0(1 guaranteed to lit ami wear well. Also the DutenlMfir shoes in different styles and Malonev Urn's. Children shoes that lor wear and sty le can't be beat The same fcomls are sold for III per tent more in the city mar kets Don't throw away your money but go to the etdon Slioe Co and w ill be pleased. these are solid .Vr VV' ,S.' 'V' ' v v .s s, E. n :ii!-:.v, ,'f High KMU'.I.I). x. ( 0 LI R market is are ready and co. uur spiencnu corpse oi Olivers are all on and want all grades. Prices are good -j ij on all desirable tobacco, and especially so on tobacco with body. Come to see me with your $ ';r next load and it will be my pleasure to send vou home pleased. I will be here at all times s to see that your tobacco is packed and put on the floor to best advantage and your interests looked after in everyway. We have as good & market as any in the State so when you get " rcuh to sell come to Knfield and to Clement's Warehouse where highest prices ALWAYS PREVAIL (l'KS M TK'l'I.V, NV-T-CVLUMUXT, liM'ILLI). N. C. v t. i ' w It Ml We can sell CARPETS, RUGS DRUGGETS at much lower prices than ever before. 9x12 Axminster Rugs, only $22.00. Velvet Rugs, 9x12 $20.00. Brussel Rugs 9x12 $12.50 to $15.00. Small Rugs to match, All new designs, Feather Pillows $2.00 per Pair. u iV.V .'i W artf & tiitilif&'itiu iVtfl'ii'ltiriiiiv'uJ "iV lir-Ji'-V '4ir!i dr'Jridf'dFVr iiVtiy,dAr 'itiry,kldprtir Sideboards As low as $9 and as high as $50. Extension Tabies $5.00 and up to 830.00. Sewing Machines Drophead Sewing Machines rang ing in price from $16.60 to $25. BEAUTIFUL UNAWARE tcntion to our elegant sets of Chinnware, ranging in prices from $15 to $25 per set. Beautiful Cut (Mass and Hand Painted China for ISklDAL I'KI:SKNTS. MLDOtl FURIIITURE CO., WElDOlf I. C. it Make the istahs cf your Life iiikt-N I" Iniv you ( fatts. . .-. tfft f,l M. -H -C iV V A? M. : WAEEHOUS if MM'iiRs pun Prices! now in full blast. anxious for vour tohac- ' n ' ' ' ' to ' W'c I (!() A ii Willi i,...t i-nmnilK , ,.-, business the comi.. season. No matter .bout the condition of t evvitlurortln-iiu.ntlin u "..'. an whether little or nuKh, A,,.,,.. . ,, in nerson ami x-ur order ull receive prompt and careful r. .-it attention. 11 I I IWlS. S l 1131 III IH Ser ed mi C. . S i t 1 J ' --;. .' - Heavy and Fancy Groceries, ito (vWH.l NL AStTUAl A nice line of Strouse Brothers High Art Clothing for Men, Youth and Children. Nice assortment of All bought since the heavy decline. We carry in Stock Shoes, Hats, Buggies and Harness. FURNI TURE, Stoves, and an up-to-date UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Call and examine our line. We guarantee to sell at lowest prices. P, X. STAIMiACK. BOTTOM STORE, Do you Want Bridal Suit AND i Druggett ! It will pay you to come and see us. STDNOB & HUNDLKT. H ! (Incorporated) I.KADKKS, 700-11-13 E. liroad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN (FURNITURE KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUNCS with Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C88HS WD All THROTNDUIWG TROUBtEJ. OOAHi NTEE0 SATISFACTION OH MONEY Jioice i w AND J better prepared III I Win e r.v, n J 1 " 30X0 I VV li'ITPH 1A a n iv i Next door to S. A. L. Oysters. short notice, any tle. CoKI l.uiuhes. I list-Class wininv: tlcmcn I .ul Cleik in Atlendaine Meals lit (i. KrAXS, IOI.I) DI l.MOMCO ) DI'.AU R IN VK1 J)()X, X. I V in 1 n A Vote for Whom Vou Please, but Deposit Your Funds With The Bank of Enfield, ENFIELD, N. C. lieuiuse: tl is :i mhuik, niIV inntitulii.n, eliuiti-rcd by the of Ni.nli ( Hecuuse: IN uilici-is nml Hirrrtum are anion tlie safest and muni ...iit-i',alivi- ImsiiH fis nu n in lliin cuilllnuuity. Because: Tins liank Minlirn the neciln of iU cuhtoiiiirH an.l ).iiirrlv ta'keh eaii' ii f Iticm ui nil tiint'M, whether llieir liiiKiiit-Hs in law r small; no Ihi;iicsk Inn biiM' I'm- m Ui liamtle, none ton small to ivivivi nur closest utti lit. .in. Because: Tliii Lank always lias y tn Inan In iN ritstuineni on :i'inivi-il stTunty. in any amount un.t h! any tunc. Because: iN.It'alintrs mtl all t'lislomcis art' ahuivK conllilcntial, ami il is always n to iNsil an.l a.lisi. Because: sysU niatii. savinc pays. A ilr.usil account encouraifrs saui:. I li s Lank it'oriws i!c.osits in anv amount, allil allows 4 -r (fill, mli'trst in our SAVIMiS Ori'AHTMKST, iiilerrst PoniM)iiuilf.l iiiuitf ily. Because: It lias the l..;iT si Ki l l s aci i iT NT and IMIVII- 1 At. i:t'osl'l' ul'aiiy liank m Halifax enmity. Because: II ranks I'llt.-T iiiikiiiht all lumuii icial l.anks in North I'ai olinii willicapilal stuck nf-Ki.uiHi, Because! I iNt fall when Imnks all tlinuu;li llu country mil llmr niilhuns of is-f N wi'ic rcfiiMiiK llifii ilfi.i,lnis curifucy. This Hank I'nid you in Cash for l-very Tobncco, Cotton and I'eanut check ami also mnl ynu your I'umln il' vuu wauliil IIh-iii wiilioul any liuitl as In tin- aniuiint. Wf Lilifif vim will a..rff.atf tl.. f.ii.iuifiil uf I his liank and tin-iifi-iftuM' of its oil i cf i s. ami on tins I as.s r siitiril join luisiiirw, lielifi nm liuu i fan I......!!, it to T-nr r !!! .-a..j..i...n '.,,,11' yon aic not ahcinly n cusloiiu r. wc iinilc vou In liifonic dim LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! All goods in Dry Goods Depart ment must be sold in 30 days from date. We are selling AT COST for CASH all dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc. Auctions ev ery Saturday at 1 p. ni. Yours truly, C. II III & CO, WKLDON. N. C. WOOD! to handle (he ... ...v ,,u S.TURNF.P V - ' -J. V. H3C i v ii un Ticket Office. Oysters. Pull dinner 50c. Hot and Koom ior uauies ana (ten- nil hours. (1- A