Sinn i j jil Jf 1 f l ilSl 0 ertisinjc Rates Made KnWn on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptioiiSI.SO Per AnnumJ )L. XLIII. WELDON, X. (, TIIi:HS)AV, NOVKMI.Kll .", liios. NO. 27. THE LAUGH CURE. 111 .U.i'OIIOI, J PKH rtNir AVcgt-iiil Ii' Proparsiion SlmilaiiniJihrFoDil.iiiilRrStila lingikSiiMffitaaMIlwdsj CASTORIA A Jolly Physician Is Often Better ' Than All His Pill. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Laughter induces a ruentul exhilaration. rrnmnlrsDi'irtliou.nitfrful-' ness Itesl.ContaiHS nnthrr ( 1 1 lium . Murilu;ic nur Mural. Not Narcotic. XmpnfUldDcmUmam flxnJttlt Strd" Jix.Smm AiutM thrfmrnt- IttrrnM-mrtjrwfernr. Anerfef I Herncdv (orOoiKltai Hon , Sour Sloniacli.Dlarrtuo Worms .CwrvulsioHvFrvcrisli ness are Loss OF Sm?. Facsimile Sijnnturf of NEW YORK. Signature r ,P' In lsiili a Oil! mm" ' ma rm Kfl t m m sr m -mr m am Guaranteed" u"' Exact Copy of Wrapper, Use For Over Thirty Years A TMI INTAU WHMXI, NffW ITT. II IT IS EASY to pound the truth into some folks and hard for others to see the value of good advice. DR. TURBIN'S A HOME DAY. Restorative A Liver Medicine and Blood Purifier Is just what you want More people owe their health and strength to it than any other remedy Get a Bottle Now Price $1.00 FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WELDON, N C aoi lOEUEZIOl lUV I'lltiSK Nil in Tiioskk 1M iukI P. N. STA IN BACK, . I NDKI.TAK Kli, Weldoti, . . North Carolina. Pull Line of CASkTTS. CUPPINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Otit-ot-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. H. G ROWE, Pl'NEKAL DIKEC'I'OK AND EMISAI.MEK Seventeen yenrs' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere 30E ODOOE ywhere. t 30XJ 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Anuvi'L'iTii, i s . Siuie of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For mow than fifteen war this institution has pn Imnkini; facili ties for this section. Its stocUmlilers inul ihreeloiH haw hccii i.hiituii'il with the business interest! of Halifax ami Northampton counties for many year. Money is loaned upon approval nccuiily at the legal rate of interest six per eentuiu. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus an. I undivided protits ha nnr reaeloil a sum equal to the Capital stock, the Hank has.v inionciinr January I. puis. a savonfs Depart inent allow oik interest on tune deposits as follows: Tor Deposits allowed torenuiin three miMiths or louver, - per cent. Six months or loinrer. :t per cent. Twelve moiitlisoi lonirer, I percent. I'or further information apply to the President or fasliier. vii'K-rio;si m:r- e as m kki I in II. tt. I.i:ls. W. It. SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton county) rKKSIOKNT; W. I',. pAMrX, The habit of freiaient and hearty laughter will not only save you many a doctor's bill, hut will also save you years of. your life. There is good philosophy as well as good health in the max im, "Laugh and grow fat." Laughter is a foe to pain and diseases, and u sure cure for ! the "blues," melancholy, and worry. Laughter is contagious. Ho cheerful, and you make every body around you happy, har monious ami healthful. Laughter and good cheer make hive of life, and love of life is half of health. I'se laughter :is a table sauce; it sets the organs to dancing, and KliinulatcH the digestive processes. Laughter keeps the heart and face voting, and enhances phy sical beauty. Laughter is nature's device for exercising the internal or gans and giving us pleasure at the same lime. It sends the blood hounding through the body, increases the respiration, and gives warmth and glow to the whole system. j It expands the ( best, and forces , the poisoned air from the least used lung cells. i Perfect health, which may he i destroyed hy a piece of had ' news, by grief or anxiety, is j often restored by a good, hearty ! laugh. ; A jolly physician is often I hotter than all his pills. Hue-cess. SOME DAY. Perhaps some day through all the striving and the hurried rush. Through all the cares and all the things that spoil Perhaps some day we'll get the rhyme aright, Meire and poise and all, perfected dream; Perhaps, with upward-looking faces toward the light, We'll find ihe primal and the final Gleam. The good we do? this little, but again, 'tis much. , For see the hindering circumstance Earth-clogs the fine machinery of heaven's design, And men work slowly toward their clearer sight, , And good grows, not as doth the beacon light, From hill to hill till all the night's ablaze: But slowly .... gathering might, Deep, far, far out of common sight As doth in crevised rock, With faintest silver iricklings, Unheard and caverned murmurs, Gather its crystal and its strength, The mountain, spring-bed stream. You do not know nor I We only scheme and try, Strive on love well our earth, Hold right on high Battle and fall, And rise to battle on. Archie L. Phelps. SEABOAUD AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor ation for the public and are not guaranteed, and e subject to change without notice. MUCH TUB SAME. "As near as 1 can figure it out," said the mere man, "heav en must be a place whore it is always summer." "Yes," rejoined the sweet young thing, "and doubtless the proportion of men to women there will he about the same as it is at the summer resorts."- Chicago News. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 for " " " atJ.IOp. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 38 p. m. Wr operat, Itoul.le I.,lv vestibule service ill. "j"' MiMllet-AiiKOstine, Atlanta, llitnimehain. ""f" , """'""" ""K lel.inoml, Washington, ltaltimore, Philadelphia and Niw loik. For further Information relative to rates, sched les, etc., apply to LEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agentf Raleigh, N.C. IK) You Open Vour Mouth Like a younn Wrd and gulp down what ever dssl or mmlkTne may be offered you t Or, do you want to know something lit th coninnslliou i'nJ character of that which you take Into your stomach whether u fond or niisliriiipr , Most Intelllitent and aenslhle people ' ruiw-a-daya liiaM on knowliiK what they I employ whether an hssl or as medicine. ir. I'taree believes they have a perfect rleln u.linl.l iisn mich knowledge. Ho he publlhei,'aiadrit and on each bottle wrapper, whtjTTdtrlne are made of ndvxlJepJ5iu1eia lit fecit he cn wMjltiird tgjlo hH'IPUt' ""(M lln. louredlenll of which hl medicine! I . mr. stuilledAlld uud-ril,MMl TTTa jni.ri' wlH'tlif lY inferior curative virtue j i ijU3ilXtktaL. , '... ! t or the cure 01 woman s peculiar IrreiularUlei and derangements, I giving rise to trei)ueiit headaches, hack- acne, urnss'"S""" e" - lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, oftllmes, with dehllltnlliig, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of woaknoiw, llr. IMerco'a Favorite Preserltitlon It a mint efficient femedy. It Is equally effective In curing painful uerhsls. In giving strength to nursing I mother and In preptrlng the tystem ol the expectant miuner lor oaoy s ouiunii, thus rendering childbirth safe and com paratively painleu. The " Favorite I're tcrliillon " Is a most potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine In particular. It Is alto a toothing and Invigorating nervine and cures nervous eihauttlon, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, tpaon. chorea or St. Vitus s dance, and other distressing nervous sympumit at tendant upon functional and erguulc dis eases of the distinctly lemlnhrFurgani. A host of medical authorities nf ail the ' several schools of practice, recommend uu..l, ,,f flm severnl Inrrcdlcnt of which i."Kav rlte I'reHcrlptlon Is made for tho furoof tnedlsesses tor wnien u uciainiru Ui t a cure. You iiiny read what thev tay for prnirwl hy si'nitlng a postal card roriiiest for a frte tssiklet of extracts from the leading authorities, to Dr. R. V. IMerce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In ttltuu), lluffslo, N. V., and It will coma to ou bjf retura post. , ODDITIES IN THE M HS. Qmilnt nml Curiiuis Items I null liveryvt here. The Sabbath Should He a Day tf l.ove and Never a Duy of Labor. The doctors and hospitals arc I Hod intended thul I here should picking up a good business around j be one day each week as an es- ! the football lields. ' pecial (lav fur the culture of Rheumatism irvili-Hi! I ni,.l I- I, .v l"'l ee I'.r ll; It. I home ties. A day when the father would be hmne from j work, and the children home I from school, iiiid the mother I have less houtseliiild care, when all could put on their best clothes, sing their sweetest : songs, and unjoy a day of love, i The Sabbath should never be ! made a day of labor in the homo. The work of each home should be so arranged that it , can be done almost ent irely in j six days and evenly its possible I in each day. "Six days shalt j thou labor and do all thy work." The bilking and cooking can j be done on Saturday, and Sun 1 day can be made alinostentirely a day of rest by wan ting over i the food prepared before. We fear many good housewives make a ! serious mistake in giving too j much time to Sunday cooking. 'Others are perhaps equally i in error by overworking on Sat unlay so that they cannot I properly rest or enjoy the Sab bath day. Parents and chil dren ought to be more to each i other on that day than on any Other. A day of uplift and de light it ought to be made in ev ery home. THE "DRLAM" MONTH. THE FOOL'S PRAYER. "The royal feast was done; the King Sought some new sport to banish care, And to his jester cried: 'Sir Fool,; Kneel now, and make for us a prayer 1" "The jester doffed his cap and bells, And stood the mocking court before; They could not see the bitter smile Behind the painted grin he wore. "He bowed his head, and bent his knee Upon the monarch's silken stool; His pleading voice arose : 'O Lord ! Be merciful to me, a fool !" "No pity, Lord, could change the heart From red with wrong to white as wool; The rod must heal the'.sin; but, Lord, Be merciful to me, a fool ! " 'Tis not by guilt the onward sweep Of truth and right, O Lord ! we stay; 'Tis by our follies that so long We hold the earth from heaven away. "These clumsy feet, still in the mire, Go crushing blossoms without end; These hard, well-meaning hands we thrust Among the heart-strings of a friend. "The ill-timed truth we might have kept Who knows how sharp it pierced and slung I The word wc had not sense to say Who knows how grandly it had rung I "Our faults no tenderness should ask, The chastening strides must cleanse them all; But for our blunders oh ! in shame Before the eyes of Heaven we fall. "Farth bears no balsam for mistakes; Men crown ihe knave and scourge the tool Thai did his will; but Thou, O Lord ! 'Be merciful to me, a tool !' "The room was hushed; in silence rose The King, and sought his gardens cool, And walked apart, and murmured low,' Be merciful to me, a fool !' " Edward Rowland Sill. By a formal resolution the 1 iim Methodisl Uiiiich at Golurado Springs, Col., has declared thai women nuisi nut wear h.iis in dial church during services. Mrs. Bonnie Mattlock, aged 17, years, a bride of a lew months, killed herself at Shrevcport, La., because her husband, a Methodist, would not go wiih her to a Baptist Church. Rev. L Cramp, pastor of a church in Raymond, 111., never travels without his cai, now aged 15 years, which follows him like a dog. 'V William C. Piper, who died ihe other day at Carlisle, Pa., aged S4 years, made $ltl(),000 selling pa pers. Frank Duluirow, of Oxford, Pa., has trained toxhotmus to cli.ise golf halls and locate them. Forty minutes after she bad ob tained a position as stenographer with a grocery firm in St. l.ouis Miss Louise Kelleher gave up the job to get married. A ease of ginger ale buried at the I lighlands, N. ,., during the Civil War was dug up and the stuff was said to be in good condi tion. At Wilmington, Del., Many Fchl, -I years old, fell out of a third story window and struck a cellar door so hard thai he was bounced up on his feet. I le walked into the house, but a physician iliinks he is hurt internally. II .IIMli-'M. n III. I ... tnir tuiti I...HT ill. 'I I.- it'll Li lei lm,n mid I'una .it h. -nist ill III" City if Initr-d I, Hltli ;il u I:. .ui. !' w. i mil'!. I ,r.-rt ,.i ,ijii Williunt ill!:, tnnt.'l li.iltit, i , t in ii. ,ii lnt. it mil. ... . ..I I , . In t. I... r.i nt'i ui, .11. I in n t. in 4 Hu ll .utt. r Im nli . me ri Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy All Dealers. our Stomach No appetite). Itxn ol ntrei-gth, nervou rsis, rmuarjhi,, bad breath, . (w'ra! debility, sour risings, ai;d catarih of the r;torruch are all due to indigestion. ! Kod'il rr.l'.ev'.. j iwd Tdis Lew discov- ' t,ij roprfiseiii.s Ms natutal juices of dlg's , ow as thr exist in a hcaitliy stomach, ; combined wiih t!.o gr'jate.t known tenia i ai.d i ecji ml rue live tioperliss. Kodoi fur j c.spepsia does not on.y relieve Indigestiuii and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy j helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening; and strengthening t:i". mii.".ou3 inimbiaiis lining the stomach. Mr. S S. Hall, 'f lUwr.trr I. W. Va.. sayi: l 1 I t,4-. tr n1' t with s- ur ?L rr."-i ( r twnly years. ' 1' : '.ri pi in-) wo uto n w Lslrfi It In milk j Kraa-y." I Kodoi Digests What You Eat. ! fe:)lt3 only. Rv-3 I'-.lif tlnri, S' ur stomach, I !...,! I , re ! Prepared by E. C. DoiVIlT & to.. CHICAGO. Mil. I In U . l. N.C, I. J. KAPLIN, Nl t I l I" l.'Mllll.ll.l' ll.ltl'l Knunoktf Uipiils, North Carolina, Tii'lJii 1 1 1 LT. tlLrllt f' tin, I ipiickly liii'M-ii lIILrLrIStK till' 'll- I l . Slllltl S I Oil ! ll Si I YtTV illlli'li'llt II. Ill thai il'' i' el lii'if :e ly. ti.llt i iillllt.iil isiiix;! October is called the dream month of the year. The promise ' of seed lime and harvest has been 1 fulfilled, the fruits of Held, garden and forest gathered and garnered and the husbandman feels that na ture has repaid him for the long, hard months ol toil that lie behind. Then come the still days, the gold en sunshine, the hay, smoke- tinged atmosphere, the balmy airs scented wiih (he pungent fragrance of ripened fruits and foliage. Fall ing leaves strew the pathways and choke the streams, while tree and shrub and vine are clothed with brilliancy of coloring no painter's brush can rival. The gorgeous ncss and glory of the sunrises and sunsets are wonderful, and neither brush, pen nor word can imprison their subtleties of tint and shade. Woods parties are now at their best ! and the patter of the rippened nuts, I the purple of the wild grapes and the late fruits that invite the frosi j i;Very time a girl shekt s ripening, all invite the family ; with a man she is sur,,. isCl ; to outings, tne pleasures oi wmcn ; doesn't squeeze her lingers. no otner season ot me year can 1 rival. The Commoner. i h.' iiV- .'In! h,-:li inn: M-i. : I'l.r Mi:' III. I 'IV iiii'Iv lltllll Gent's furnishings IHc. I. , KAPI.IN, i;..iui.ii,,' ;.i.i,. N.c. , t hliMnlt. MH'ilhMiirs. Nf 1 M'tuni. im ;il istilutfly tint 1 1 1 1 1 Li" lull 1 1 ni iitisiilc l lli' tciitlfi Ie;tii" nl ;i h:n nili s. mir. t lt:ll t TliT llliHllituHiuil luill'. i:irs liu t'iii:itivfpnt'itii's tn hi li.ii.'si .mil; K't'tnt'ily. 'riinsi- Irak's lave (In- oMt i tn culm the moM iIisIitsmhu ( tuiuli :uiil tu Sinitllf Ulhl llt'i'l tlic llin-l st-lisitivt' ImcmicImuI int'inltiani-. iiIIm-i- slmuM. lur nufftv's sulvc ulotic. alrt :i l iu:i I Me. hot'.p's, It can with -rW ct Inv Iiiii lit1 nivrn to ru n tin' ytMiiiL'i 't llllllf, Tt'ft It YliUl'M'll Ull'i All ATTORNEY AT LAW, c.- iii il: rotnt- uI'lLililUv ami j I'MNtiPfs ii. tin1 Miiiifini' emu I ui the v:ti. irc!al attention Civi'ii to t'ttllcci inns ami prompt rrtuin Inuuls if he W. J. WARD, m;vnsT, tuTici: in inii;i. in ii.oiNii U 1 I ,miN. N. C hi'i1'- ly PAID HIOH POR HIS EXPERIENCE. MUSIC. Sir George A. Macfaren, late professor of music in the Universi ty of Cambridge, England, gave the following definition of music : "Music is the art which employs sound as a medium'of artistic ex pression for what is not in the province of literature, of sculpture, of painting, of acting or of archi tecture, embodying the inward feelings of which all other arts can but exhibit the effect." If you are always in a stew, you will soon be in the soup. It isn't so ilillicnlt tn atrpngtluMi a weak Stomai'h if out' (rocs at it correctly. Anil this is true of the Heart ami Kiil neys. The ohl fashione.1 way ofilosinir the stomach or stiimilatiiui the limit or Kidney is surely wrontr. Or. Shoop first pomli'il out this error. "do the weak or ailinir nerves of these organs," waiil he. Karli insitle onran has its con trolling or "insiile nerve. " lien these nerves fail tli'Mi those ortrans must stire Iv falter. This vital truth is leailinu drntfirists everywht'in to tlispense anil t'ccumnienit llr. Slump's llestoratie A few ilays t-st will surely tell. All Healers Fortunate is the dentist who is able to HII a long-felt want. The papers are telling about one "Rev." John White, of Eastern! North Carolina, a thrifty farmer, ' who dreamed that the Lord wanted ! him to go to Egypt as a missionary. In spite of the entreaty of his friends against it, he sold his farm I and took his family to Egypt, ex- 1 pecting a special revelation from the Lord to leach him the language ; of the natives and provide for his daily bread. After nine months in the far country he has written to his friends for money tobegin life over : again. He learned some sense, but the price was high. Charity ! and Children. i ONE OF BILL NYE'S Referring lo a real estate trans action made by one Peter Minuit, I wav back in the year I t2t. Bill ! Nye, in his History of the United States, declared : ; New York was nfterwurd sold for $24; the whole island. When I think of this I go into my family gallery, which I also use as a swear room, and tell those ancestors what I think of them. Where were they when New York sold for $24?" The humor of this strikes deeply when one stops to consider what has been the outcome of this origi nal investment. Peter Minuit, with trinkets and a few bottles of rum, so delighted the native In dians that they gladly turned over to him the whole of Manhattan Is land, now the heart of Greater New York. National Magazine. Seven Years of Proof. ! "1 have Iki.I s.-vt'ti y. ai-ot lliat Or. Klntr'H New hiicnwiy is the lu'M . uieilieine to tiike f'oi i'uui:li anil enlils atnl fur es ei y .1im;W', i'nii.itn'ii of i llnoiil. elit-l or liuus," :i'. W . V. Ileitrv. i I'aliuitia. M" The u.itl.l hits Im.l tliirty-eiL'ht yearsof proof that Or. l Kiiiu'h New liMmeiv i tin' ln'sl it'llie- ! ily liiri'miL'lis utl'l isii'K Itl u't iiu uslh Ilia, liny level uml ln'iln'liili. Iirllli.l- j I litlL'e of tlie lillt. a in I I lie fill ly stupes , o! eniisuinptii'ii II- timely ue always ; prevents the .li'i'l"iiiieiil. oli! uinler t:tiaiantee at anv 'line' Mine. 'lie. anl : M. Tllal linttle flee. When a rich man is seriously il! he sees a lot of people standing around w aiting for his old shoes. (riving a piece of your mind to others is no sign you are liberal-minded. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLacT-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this eld, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other m.dicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger Bale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F2 The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There ts a di eaii.i prevailii q country most dauretour, berau-.e : this ilrrrp- Tl 1 SI .v. lt M Yh His) Main ttdjt The only person who really be lieves that a girl has all the suitors she thinks she has is her mother. A woman can take as nttch pride n her good figure as if she had it. IL M--YV'VC- M-"-y ":A'rn ffj, tAbt deaths ate mt.r.r.i ly t-n1y-J .V pncimi.iiia. Vail are rtten thr ir .(t oi kidliry (ii' o.t1 r. A -JLJ? K- 1 I . A ill .03. the ?!aH'.'..'.w Vitat orf.Mtis or the kidtii)"i thf!iiv:fiv"i Prrak dnwu and wa.'.te i away cc by -tII. IiLidder trouhle ; moM alwayr. result fr.-tn 1 a d'Ti'igement if thi kidneya and a mire is obtained quirke-.t by a proper treatment of the Uidnryr., If y " arc, ierlv badly yo can make no mhuke by takinf; Dr. Kilmer's 5wamp-koo., tlic great kidney, liver and bhiUer remedy. It c.irrnrts ti.abidty to hold urine and r. -aid- tiif; pun in parsing it, and overcomes tlvit unplftaa mt nere:i.;Hy of beinp compelled to g-i oflen duriup the day, find to ptM up ninny times during tlifirjiij;lit. Thn mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Rot is soon realised, ll stand? the liiph'-.-.t I r its wen dsiful cures of th mt d,: .trr.v,ing Swamp Roct 's pl i:::ii.t to t.iki and sold by all drnir.ts m (dty-eent and one-dollar sired bottles. Yon may f - have a sample bottle of ((flf this wonderful new dis P-!lV''tHi'"''I3 covery and a book that agpl?? tells all about it. both u,mt Kwimpnn,.t. sent free by mail. Addreas Dr. Kilmer & Co. Bliifihamlon, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous oftar in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember Ihe name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the. address, Bmghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. First Class Bakery I AYING secured a I baker I am prepared lirst-class to fur nish fresh Bread. Pies, Cakes Etc. in any (inutility. The best or everything in the bakery line. M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, Win. don, N. C. 'f'aW!5:JWf.S Vroo.ixlv uHH.i..-i. FEE PCffcrtNEO. THI LOWE IT. rVr;.! ) pl.t.l.i in rA. X h I. 'I Mport wtitvh nml : I f-r iu,tr,.t. I.iiov. WrRINOIMCNT n-i .i.'lti-i'il U-ihk H P.m,1. ,-M4 f. ,um -i-..o;l. ... UV:R. Tiafomi.i 901 d. ii- iAi-iiwm. Pit SIOME ami CO; YMCIHt i.n L.ii'i'-i. Oppoflio U. S, P:tnt Offlcftf WAHHINCT r H . tl. O. t ii i t4 i ll Y jV'LUt I Jr

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