I mm p j3j ,111 ,Ji fill Achcrtisinj; Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. '1 iv.v .' atn.-crr.Hioi.-SI.SO Per Annum! VOL. XLIII. WELDON, N. ('., TIIl'liSDAY, I )M( 'KM IVM 10, U)s. NO. JJl. THE OLD SINGING SCHOOL. RANG THE WRONG NURSERY. BEAUT. IS A TKiMiiL Women as Well ns Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. V V VvSVV W -v- s v V. v VA last Disappearing I 'at tor of Time Country Life. Old- She Was So Much Worried Ahout Stu Her l.ittle' Wose." An anxious mother determines I Wants a .loll Where Won't Collier I ler. .Men 'A fe' 1 ?5 4 ii-T" r,.&a k i. a . ati kti ri PI ssssx The Kind You ll.ivfl Always Hoiii'lit, mul vJiich lm been. ::, us3 for over l) y sir, lias borno tlio hi-uadiro of ' 'l has inadi! under It i per. 'ixrFAr' S,,lml s"lcrvUl.n slueo its infancy. KBSSf. Uv. AI.oWii.Minototlrcolv..yniiiii this. l; ('oiinfort'oils, Imltatinns ami "Just-as-;;iioil"ai'o hut I i riui"iit ' tliat. trillo tvi-li cuilaiiu'i i- lm health of laiants und Children Kxpcritiio') against Lxpcriiiiout. What is CASTORIA Ca-foria In ft harmless Rtibsf itnto for Castor Oil, Pare. : ...rit'. )!rops nnl Southing Sycps. It is I loisunt. It c.mtaiiM neither Opium, Morphine, not' oilier Narootio - ib-lanee. Its no is its g'larant.'c, H i!i -troys Worms ar:d aihiyM l'ovciisliiioss. It ruros Dhirrlucn anil W ind (.;;. It relieves Tt'Othlnj!: Trouble", cures Constipation i I'l.iii'leiu y. It assiiiiilates tlio I'.iotl, ri'Kiilales tlio Mtonai h and Uowels, trivia;; healthy anil natural .sleep, I lu- I liildren's l'anaeea Tlio Mother's I iiend. CEKU1NE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of Tho Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. T'.IC CtNTU OOMMNI, TT iuH TRtCT. NfW OI CITY. P. N. STAIN BACK, :l'Nl)i:i! TAKKH. Weldon, Nor til Carolina. l ull Line of CASkliiS. COI TINS and k'(i('.i;S. Hay. Nij;lit and Out-of To n Calls l'ro r. ly Attended to. H. G EOWE, I'l'MiRAI. DIRI.CiOk' ANi) I Ml! I.MI!W. enteen years' lAperiente Hearse Servite Anywhere 2QgaJ0f roc: THE M1 0F WELDON WKl.DON. N. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al l, I -I jol'll. 1-'.'. State of North C:imli:i.i Ic;vyiinry. Ilahf.ix County lVpoyttory. Town of W't-Kloii lViiory. Capilal M Sars'si $4-9,000. I St. lion- tiian tlftrt'tl ) "I tliiN Ht'i'tion. It tin' tillMIW'yS lllt-Tt'tr. s' Vt MtincV IS 1 i.ill ekl...' I ' .1 Mill.. 1 llj- ( .1 ii'M -six pi-r riMituin. Ai'i'inihl.'' ' ' i. uiiliis mi'l iiiilivi'ii-.l pi ilit h:i ' l.tt M ii'Ii. till' tl;llll li:l". im ll'ih .i hl'h lii'i:otiiii'iil allnwiiii: niti't' -i ' ".tv alliiwi'tl tuii'iniiili thii'i' iu':ii :!llur lallL't'r, S jmt ci'lit l',v.'lt' 1 m !;nlli(M luroiiiialHin :ilpl ti' t'1' 'I' :ll tl,.- p.T I pi Inn . MIKiltiKM': I! HAMKt., vh i; I'h II Mill. N.i lit.ii.i yi' . I.IA t!u n;.P.i ii i.i. miiii'.l r.-iinli. f.'f iu:r nl' piill I" tin' -l',l!s-l 11 yHIKIt: I!. SMITH. I tw iimlillt'iictd ciiuiitry-hrcd : men itiul wi.imtt hut will lull you thai liie c;pt iill'i-f iioihinK compar able with ilit HiiM.'tni est of lite old mv'c t'iunui;: limit at singing . stlionl, in the m.h IiIii mid c;imllc lichl ol Inn ago. ; This is said in he an iigc of pro-1 Kress and inatvehiiis invention, luntheold fashioned sinking school ' is cone, and notliiiisj lakes its plate, i It gave to the love of good music an impetus thai is still felt, and it doubtless discovered scores of; voices thai finally found their way pi the great capitals of lie world. How simple it all was, and how pleasant ! The teacher went front schoolhouse to school, and was al ways a welcome guest at one house after another among his patrons. Sometimes he brought with him a uielndeon, with its myierious ar rangement of folding legs and pe dals; sometimes a violin; more of ten, however, only a liming fork, whose "b ." was the delight of the small children. At "early candle-lighting" (he singers began lo gather at the schoolhouse or the tnetling-house. The singing bonk was usually sui-; table for use in tiiui'th choirs, and enriched with cNcrciscs fur sight 1 reading in the introduction. These collections had quaint names - The Huston Academy, The Modern Harp, The Sacred Lyre. The prime object of ihe singing sjhnnl was to learn to read music, a id that end was painfully pursued. The m. idem phrases "pine pro diiclinn" and " mce placing" were unknown. There a;'c feu beans so withered j'.d old but they beat l ister some P.acs when ihty hear in old fash ioned Jiurchcs ihe w.iilmg, sob bing nr i suiting strains of I'.r.ul siiet. of China, or Coronation; and the mind Moats dow n on the current of these old melodies to that fresh young day of hopes and illusions, ofvnicVs that were sw eet, n i 'natter how false they sang; of n. gills that were rosy with dreams; or girls lh.it Mushed without cause, and of lovers who talked for hours about everything hut love. lirallli-i'ilil Is Earth's Most Beautiful Object The Favorite Tonic for Women ; Makes it Possible GET A BOTTLE TODAY. PRICE $1.00 FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WELDOV, M C. DRAW NEaRJO ME. Draw near to me, my Saviour, 'iwixt the midnight and the dawn, When ihe darkness is the deepest and the world is hushed in sleep. Though 1 1 1 i ii e angels are about me, I cannot do without thee, And it is with Jesus only that I would my vigil keep. Draw near 10 me, my Saviour, when the world is all astir, With the rush of busy toilers and the litile children's play. At ihe very heart of labor 1 would have thee for my neighbor, And ever hand in hand with thee would walk the homeward way. Draw near to me, my Saviour, when the lights are growing dim, Be with me in the valley when ihiek the shadows fall, Lei me feel that thou dost love me, though the cloud-rack drifts above me, Let me trust the Friend whose faithfulness is aye my all in all. Draw near to me, my Saviour, in he golden hour of bliss, When cups of thrilling sweetness to my grateful lips are pressed. Let still a waft of heaven make pure the earthly leaven, And so my earthly happiness by grace divine be blessed. Draw near to me, my Saviour, vlu:i 1 to thee draw near; 0 listen to my humble prayer that shall not be denied. May I know in sweet communion how to dwell with thee in union, And so wiih Jesus only lei me ever more abide. Margaret L. Sangster. lo ring the day nursery to ask for some advice as in her child. Call ing for the nursery, she is given (inttfried (iluber, llorist and tree dealer. The following convcisa linil ensues 53"' called for the nursery. Is that the nursery?" "Yes, ma'am. " "1 am so worried about my little Rose." "Vat seems to be der madder?" "Oh, not so very much, per haps, but just a general listlessness and lack of life." "Ain'd growing righd, eh?" "No, sir." "Veil, I vill dell you vat lo do. You dake der scissors and cut off aboud two inches from der limbs, and" "What-a-at?" "1 say, dake der scissors mid cut oil' aboud two inches from der limbs, und den turn der garten hose on it fur aboud 4 hours in der morning " "What-a-at?" And the receiver vibrated at her lone, i "Turn der garten hose on for aboud four hours in der morning, ; und pile a lot of black dirt all around und sprinkle mil insegt powter all oher der top" "Sir-r-r!" "Sprinkle mil insegt powter all i ofer der top. You know it is usu ally noddings but pugs dot" I "i low dare you, sir? What do ; you mean by such language to j me?" j "Noddings, but bugs usually ' causes der troubles, und den you vant to vash der rose mit a liquid preparations I haf for sale here" "Who in the world are you, any way?" "Gottfried (iluber, the florist." "O-o-oh!" rather weakly. "Good bye. "Tit Bits. , i I Will U ' ) The following i . Ironi W'i; Connecticut ; Mi's J A Jameson, ol Lakes, v, ho adv. nr- ' d h r m in in i i general li'iHsi ... ii ceived to: !'.ll..t in:; k u. I Frances I mi-xt, "i :.m.i.isi : "Dear M.,,l.nii : I have seen your aJvcrn-.o'iici:! in ihh wceVs paper I waul a place to work in a small la:n;!v here there are txt young men. I am a good cook p:easant in niiiy Ki !:i cour i.' fit tli'-- Lid t :f urti'.-r an.! and neat an. I handy to gel along with twenty-three years oi.i, twenty-four, "liverv m in thinks I good liinkin: bothered most to . every place 1 l;,.ve men running air..r to get a place avay Ip where the men won't me. "1 worked for two Canaan and lost my p their husbands took me ing nights. 11 your hu: old man I can get along i l 'ii am d I ban dea'h al '. oi'keil me. and mi extra : been neatly y the I want m a village, chase abler o ladies at job because mil clriv band is an wiih y.iii, i.y I': I.. ": -5?lc ii. it... A ..-.(. Dr. Kil.wr , t.o -urc and l -.a f rr-.er.ibr Dr. Kilmer's E:n.'iaiTaon, and you will like me, and would like to stay with you for a year." Mrs. Jameson will not even give Miss Lamsoii a trial. Her husband is not old. j' T. OiL.A.K;K:, ATT0REY AT LAW, l.i.l'OX. N. ('. m: I;R a i i. cm . I'lUI-tllVc Hi ill,- CMiit ol' tlie Mao iv.'ii tu ei'llri'lU'ii I Kitl l' Ll.SSONS Hl:l:. I KOM Till: 1. 'the hoi' teaelics us to lit' imlustrioiis. No bre evorshiiks his work. j. Ho teaches us to be loyal . , , i i i olioillelll. l.l'l'S ooi-y aim ami love the who rule In I tlll'lll. e fond eaves . if an. than fti t tnp i Q SEABOARD oueell Thev teach us of our hollies. No be his home except for il he can help it. . The y tench us to be Niitliini' can be cleaner the home of a bee. a. They show sympathy or kind feeling for others ill dis tress, and will never leave a . friend in trouble without trying' to help him. j i;. They are early risers. 7. They delight in fresh air. 1 8. They are peaceful and; seldom tuiai'iet. Words and Cheer. ; AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor nrttion for the public anJ are irt guaranteed, and arc subject to cliangc with"", notice. Trains will leave Vl;LI0N as tolloWc No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4 55 a. in. No. 38 for at 3.10 p. m No. 41 for Ualelifh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at H P- u' .., ii.ci.1.. t..a. ,im01iiiI ill., si. i.. .ilmitii. IS ii'tliioe. Ilu'limiiuil, Wuhliiiitrti.il, r.iihiiiiiin'. il.roinrh.l'ullman ran; to Jjiek Mi niplni. ' i.iiMiii"""-""' I l.ila.l.'lpli'll v,'n A Lazy Liver Mny bo only a tin il liver, or I stnrvod livur. It would Im a stuplil as well as nivalin tliinu I"'"1 a weary or sturviil mini ln'isius" lm lant'iil l III work. So In Iri'uthiK 'lm lairitiim. turplil liver It In a greiit miftaku I" la-l h Hnum dr:i-tie limits. A t..rpi'l liver Is but an linlii'.iii.m of " lll-n..ii.isli.'il, rnfiw. ;iii lKly wliiise iirunns are. weary with over Win k. Start. llli the sti.mii.'ll II ml aLied noiatis nt iliiti'Miii'ii ami nuirliion. I 'tit them In wiirkiim order ami sen how qui.'Uy ymir liver will lu'emim aeilut r. I'ler.-e's tii.lden Miillnil iieovery h itiu.li many marvelous enren uf "liver lu,.!.lc" t'J' !'" wniulirfnl conlrol of ll.li priraus of diiiesilon and niitrition. U re nt, .res the iiornoil activity of the stoma, h, llUTi'llU'S the secretions of llie t 'oihI Illiik IllU Clllllils, eleallces tlio system friilll l"l- (unions acciiiiuil.it tons, and to n llevi's tho hver of tho liui'dei.s lmiiised upon It by tho defection of oilier orsans. K you hate blltcror bad iti c In the mom- inr. ioor orrfrtf le arneon. i-o.i.u ...,., loul brealh. cohstluati . , .A.i. oaeo4 tired. l.-......i,... n.lnirdnm.'.Xli "small of hack, tnawlnt " Oi-cJo'ss.-il ItyV ,""'"'",'' pThap, na1uea.VjK4NAt"ri.lni(." In throat after eatlne. and klnioX avmploras of weak atomacb and torpid his Df " ' 11." rln, n-llete you mnr.. pnmuiih or cure ,..,r ii, riiji" nuy man IT "' f " ' THE TWO f1Y8Ti:RIES. We know not what it is, dear, this sleep so deep and still; The folded hands, the awful calm, the cheek so pale and chill: The lids that will not lift again, though we may call and call; The strange white solitude of peace that settles over all. We know not what it means, dear, ibis desolate heart-pain; This dread to take our daily way, and walk in it again; We know not lo what other sphere the loved who leave us go, Nor why we're left lo wonder still, nor why we do not know. Bui this we know: Our loved and dead, if they should come this day, Should come and ask us, "What is life?" not one of us could say, Life is a mystery as deep as death can be; Yet, oh! how dear it is to us, this life we live and see. The child who enters life conies not with knowledge of intent ; So those who enter death must go as little children sent. Nothing is known. But 1 believe that God is overhead; And as life is to the living, so death is to the dead. THE MISSliiCllHK. Dear wife, I cannot tell you how I've missed you since you went away; The home is very lonesome now, Where did you put my suit of gray ? Wiih no one to meet me at the door, With heavy heart I tread the blocks, That homeward lead I miss you more. But say, where did you hide my socks? How still and dull the house appears, 1 miss the sunlight of your eyes; The weeks you've been away seems years, What has become of my ties ? I hope you will enjoy yourself, But do not mingle with the flirts; I've hunted every closet shelf, Wherever did you keep my shins? And now I've told you all ihe news, There's nothing more lor me to write; Fxcepi where did you hide my shoes? They 'it liut anywhere in s-r''- UKOWINO OENI'KOUS. Por further Information ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER. Ticket Agent. Weldon. N. C. relative to rates, sched- Or w rite to ( II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, kle4(h, N.C IrTrTT m,..ii.-1 lUvsivery. rtrhi onli ! . rtof the above syn.iTo.in "W bo pn-wnt j ,i o alius and yet point to torplil liver or I biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all j but bread and biscuits, mlil.llu cakes and ' ! oilier Inillnesllblo f.sul and lake Ilia "Uolil. n j Hi'dlcal Illccovery" rrnularly and slick lo Its use until you am vluomus and Mlonj. i The "Discovery" Is nnii-socrci, non-alco-I bollc Is a ilveerlc extract uf native, nii .llcl i. . fll lid nf lis limreilli'lits nrlnled on each boole-wmi.'r and ailrstrij j under oolh. Its liurmllenls am ennni-sca and eilolled by tho most eminent mi'illcal writers of tlio an and are recommended lo cure lh diseases for which It Is advised. Don't accept a siiltitiit "t unknown, composition for thlt non-acrt waucuii or uowi wuNswnox. , An Hnglishnidii and his friend, who was a Scotchman, ere irav- or Irreaular bowels, eltng, and at llie last six siauuns ndenu fnwni j he Li n gl isli in an paid for drinks tor , ir both. At last the Scotchman s conscience began to prick him, and, when the F.nglishnian proposed ' '"'; '' tii..-.riraiia mut aim- lv hilter. I hese vital truths are ha.linir another drink at his expense, he ; ilri.L't'it even-where to dispense ami ircoiniui'ii.l lt The ul'l fiisliiiuieil way of .hiKiiiir a weak stomach, orsliinnlHtinir the Heart tu K o to.-ys is nil wriinir, hr. Slnmti lirsl pointed out this error. This is why his picsTiiptiou lh. ho..p's licHtoialive is itnccte.l entnely to llie cause of these ailments llie weak insole or eontioll i it if nerves. It isn't mi dillieult, says dump, to streiulili'il a weak Miun lleail or Ki.lnevs, ll'oiie t'oes at it ciurecilv. I'.iicli inside iiic.an has its contt'olliiiir orinsi.h-nerve, hen these SI-NATOR CARMACK'S PATRI OTIC PLLDfin. Once in the Semite the murder ed Senator Carmack, of Tennes ; see, gave utterance to the tollow i ing beautifully noble pledge to his I country, and every Southern boy ought lo adopt it as his own : 1 " The South is a laud thai has known j sorrows; it is a land that has bro i ken the ashen crust and moistened I it with its tears; a land scarred and j riven by the plowshare of war and j billowed with the graves of her ; dead; bill a land of legend, a land ' of song, a land of hallowed and ' heroic memories. "To that land every drop of my i blood, every liber of my being, '. every pulsation of my heart iscon ! secraied forever. j "1 was born of her womb; 1 was ; nurtured at her breast, and when j my last hour shall come, I pray 1 God that I may be pillowed upon I her bosom and rocked to sleep : i within her tender and encircling arms." ! NO PERSONAL URUOOI-. ! Dr. John l.ovcjoy Flliot, head ; worker of Hudson Guild Settle i mem, in New York, was lecturing i some boys from the water front on 1 the doings of Nero. He gave a ! vivid picture of the cruelty of the i emperor, and thought thai he must I have fixed the idea of non-ethical deeds in the minds of his hearers. ' Then he began questions: j "Boy," said the teacher, "what do you think of Nero?" j There was no reply and the class ' moved around uneasily. "Well, O'Brien, what do you j think of Nero. Would you say : he was a good man? Would you ; lik? P know him?" No answer, and O Brien looked iingingly at the door. "Well, wasn't Nero a bad The Southern girl of the ante bellum period - the rose of the old regime was a bean's delight. She was never a flirt. These is a diflei'ence between llirt and coquette- the kind of difference there is between a humming bird, mak ing a dainty pretence of kissing a jasamitie and a cat playing with a mouse. Coquetry with the South ern girl ol thai bygone day was the unconscious challengenl a fem inine woman accustomed to hom age. It never verged upi n c. .arse ncss or cruelty--never iost her the man's esteem, which remained to her after the hot w hirl of the senses had subsided under llie cool surprise of her brnk. No, the Southern girl was no lliri. She was sentimental. It was her sv. ect charm--the drop of dew in the heart of llie rose, keeping it fresh forever. I let' sentiment w as not sickly. The girl who therished a dead flower her lover had given her, would bind up his wounds on a bloody battlefield or ride through a storm of bullets m w arn of dan ger or cook his dinner and iron his shirt w hen he was her husband and had Inst his patrimony and beaten his sword into a plowshare. They were capable of dying w ith broken hearts- those girls -but dying with unlow ered colors. Mary L. Bryan, in I hide h'c inus The I Ionic Magazine for November. TMI; KINti AND Till- SMIM'lllikM) COY. milts of Halifax and and ii. tin- Supreme sp, (.U attention. . und piuuipt return Kennedy's Laxative Cough Rei eves C .j. of the sy: t-m '.i heachy a:!'! ai of Re.:ev.-s r '.:. n.uoid.'. me:i;bn by working them out r us'h a copious and by cleansing the : s of the throat, chest and bri ii'-hi:,! na s. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Siujfir" Children Like It Tor BACKACHE WEAK KI3NEYS Try Mill ? Kidtirj and Bladdat Pills Sure anil Sail -.1.1 -I Vt .Ml "Ii. ii. el,l. .11, x. i '. I. J. ICAPLIN, In I' "ill 1 1. 1,.' Motel 1,'iKiimke Rapids. North Carolina. HOY'S el.. ... I--JST for M I :N and la ret variet y lire .1 sped . 2 Gent's I'uriiishiiiKS, Etcj KABL1N, ;iii..l,i' llapi.ls.'N. C. A certain shcpliet'd boy was keeping his sheep in a tlowery meadow, and because his heart was happy, he sang so loudly that the surrounding hills echoed b.kk his song. One morning the king, who was out burning, spoke to him and said: "W hy are you so happy, my boy?" "Why should I not be happy?" "Our king is not richer than I." "Indeed," said the king, "pray tell tue of yourgrc.it possessions." : The shepherd boy answered: "The sun in the bright blue sky ' shines as brightly upon nieasupon the king. The llowers upon the . mountain and the grass in the val- ; i ley grow and bloom to gladden 1 my sight as well as Ins. I would not lake a hundred thousand dol lars for my hands; my eyes are of j tnore value ihan ail die in.tinti& j stones in the world. I have food and clothing, too. Am 1 not, man?" I therefore, as rich as the king-" "I le never d me notion' to me," j "You are right," said the king, was the unexpected response, re- i with a smile, "but your greatest 1 Heeling the Tammany policy of not i treasure is your eomened heart. ; bulling in. Success Magazine. I Keep it so, and you will always be J happy. i Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine LACK-DRAUGHT . Liver Medicine M The reputation of this old, relia- D ble medicine, for constipation, in- S digestion and liver trouble, is firm- jg ly established. It does not imitate 8 other madicines. It is better than others, or it woatd not be the fa- said; "Ah, no! You paid for the lust six drinks; we'll toss up for this one." iiNum.inr. "Do you believo inthe Miper humttn." "I used to, but I don't any more." "Why?" "I married him." hoop's I'cstiiUlllvc. I'esl it a few .lays, and see! Improve incut w ill jirouiitlv and surely follow. All healers. The silent watches of the night have no tick. Why pay more when you runjfel.not only tintine cups of lr. siioop a Health Coli'tie from a tk'.e. paekafre hut a Cou pon on a 20c. nilvereil "No-Drip" Colfee .Strainer hesiile? Look for tho Coupon I put them in now. Tho satisfaetion ia. beanies, most perfect. For tale by W. T. l'arker, Weldon, N. 0, Coughs 11. at are litlit or distiessine' tickln.i; ei.unl.s. net .iiiek and eeiiain help I'l.uii I'r slump's Coiiudi hYiue.lv. ; On this ace. unit ilnna-asts evetywln-ie j are lioorine Ih.Slionp'Hroueh Ih-me.ly. i And it is entirely ti.-et'ioni Opium. ( 'hlo- J rotot in. or any oilier stiijiet'yinir ilruir. The tenth'i leaves of a harmless luiii: healinc mountainous shrub ttives to In. Slioop's Couch Heiiieily its ouralive t.io.eilies. Iliose leaves have the plov er toealtn the most ilistreNsinir Coul'Ii, and to soothe, and henl the most sensi tive bronchial membrane. Mothers should for safety's sake alone, always demand Or. Khoop's. It can with per fect freedom he uiven to even the youngest babes. Test it once youraelf and aee t ' 'talari. When a man can't afford to buy a tiling he wants you can tell it's because he has no family to want what he can't afford lo have them buy, but they do it. Prcventics, i' Candy ('..!.! Cine 'l'ul i lets, ui-esai.1 l.y ilrucRisis to have four Bp -eiill speeltie advali tat'es over all oilier remedies for a eold. First They contain no i limine, nothing harsh or si'ckcuiuir. S eou.l They (rive alniosl instant relief. TTiird Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth A hirirc box trt l'reviiutii'N at '.'') cents. Also line for feverish children, i All Dealers. vorite liver povder, with a larger 6ale than all oth.-ra combined. SOSLD IN TOWN F2 First Class Bakery M AATNG steiired a first-class 11 baktr 1 am prepared lo lur nish Presh Hread, Pies, Cakes Ltc. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, WT-M.noN, N. C. mil I'r r'- oln . r Li; tO VtAHST !" ir'.cc. i THE LOWEST n : i -.J-';. ).'.. INFRINCFMEr: " (..-"'. (iitii1-. nl- ' ' '' i'" TISEO.tU'l Thlti SIONS ""'I COPvr.r' Opposite 0. S. rvf nt Cft;ca, '. let, rovrn. A.4HH.. PEN . U ly 'ihuincJ. mm