ike-3 WelMSf Iff L tLw ; Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XUII. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, X. ('., TIirHSDAV, )YA vjjiY. 17, liMs. Terms of Suhscrijition 51.50 Per Anmni NO. .'J.'i. THAT SCAR. THE ETERNAL HOME. Brethren, If You Desire To Dwell In This House of the Lord You Must Begin Here. HERE IS i. Woi'iin Will as Men Arc M:v.h JV'eraHo by lvii.ii?', v Tr;ti!;le. OR It Was All Up With Him When He Snw the Siur on the Old (ieneral's l:uce. ' 1 - ' 1 Bfli ,- - "i M. "Willi. .1 fKK fKKr. AYcijf IiiWc Prrpartfion fids similaiiii$ihrFuad;mlBr$iila linilu'SiiNiuu'lisai'jUowcisrf -a . lift V-Vr.1 rromoics Dijpslionf!f rf ill ness and ll'st.Contalns nciinr 0iiuu.Mnrphinc nor Mineral. mt narcotic. SKiptirMtesmwrmm JfxSokm Auttl' JjWfflW - ffcrW.fc$w. JaWfljnwikmr. Anprfrrl Rf mtdv foifonsltal Hon , Sour Slomacli.Dlarrta Worms ,Coiivulsious.Fcvcrisli iwssandLossoFStLKi;., racSirailr Sijnamrf of KEW Y0T1K. For Infants nnd Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of It I r. .or re.-v" ',-. i 'U I ams SraHtTunl'rtlK FomI; F.imct Copy of Wrapper. 11 IM In Use For Over Thirty Years iflST Ml CINTftUR SOMMNf, NIW VOfff OtTV. Ill 0 OE 3011 DOK N li.ll I I'lU'NK- '.'I Ull'l l N. ST A IN BACK, ini)i:ktaki:i;. VVeldon, North Carolina. l ull Line ol C ASK C I S. COITINS and k'OISIiS. Day, Night and Out-of-Ton Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G ROWE, PUNEHAL DIKIXltlK AM) i;MH VI.MHR. M Seventeen years' Experience Heare St-roie Anywhere. I L 301 OEX 1301 30E (ieneral (iordon, (if Confederate Army funic, was a candidate for the I'niied Stales Senate From (ieorci.i. A memher of the Leg islature had been elected on pur pose to vote against him. Here is the result as related in the New , York Commercial : 1 le stormed and raved against his old commander at all limes and places, and when it came to voting he inarched resolutely up the aisle with an anti-Gordon ballot in his hand. There on the platform sal the old general, the scars of battle still disfiguring a face that had once been handsome. As the Fiarnesville veteran ap proached the ballot box his heart began to fail him when he caught sight of Gordon. His frame shook with emotion, but he tried to nerve himself for the ordeal. Then sud denly turning and facing the cau cus he cried out, as the tears streamed down his bronzed cheeks: "It's no use. bovs ! I can't do it ! I lere goes my vote for John ftjf B. Gordon. It was all up with me, boys, when I had seen that there $5 scar, l-'orgive me. General !" ; NX'heu I read that 1 thought of Jesus sitiing on the throne "as a I.amb that had been slain," with the scar-marks of the thorns, the nails and the spear. And I thought if all the sinners for whom he died, and w ho are now opposing him, could see (hose marks would they not feel as that repentant legisla tor did ? Vi'ould they not be com pelled to give their hearts to Mini who gave Mis life for them? Would they not say, "The love of Christ constrained! me?" lix. - i Tim sjnauBL. L- If WOODIX. DIPPERENT NLRSIN(i. OE 3E THE BANK OF WELDON Wi:iJ)ON, X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Curolina, A I ill ST L.'nTH. ivr.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of U'eklon Depository. Capital anfl Surplns. $40,000. I n re than lift vwirs thi iiistilnti..:i l:i- .im.l.,l l,unk mir laoili- l:.- I'. ii Ihis mrtmii. It's to. Llio,.M ami , In. vim have I n i.l. iiini, ,1 "'Hi the Ini.iiicmt HiteriKtinif Halifax aii.l N..itlim.lii i'lie tin iiijiiv v,mi. Moni'V l hiani' l ui iiime'l veiiiilval tin-li-jial lalml !,;..',.'t!in n,r pi-iitnw. Aeemmt of all wlieitr.l. Ih.' surplus and undivided pinlits haum: t.-aelied a urn e,iiai I ainlal Mock, the ltank liui. eomnu'in'in; launaiv I. I('. eM.il'l H 1 1 , rl ll,,u mir lit '.. t Oil 1 1 lllf ' l' !"'! I lollnV 1 1.-J...-HH allowed tori'llialll lliree niuiilli" or Imniel. '.' per cent. M in.iuilisoi longer. :i per cent T'.eKe Hf "i lonaer. I per cent I or further inforiiiatuMi applv to the rreM,l.-iit or ( aslurr. tiilhl: l(. SMITH shed : I'i l)r. Mason, a physician of con siderable prominence and ability, suddenly developed a serious ill ness when far from home in a little ; town in Oregon. Me fe'l able to prescribe for himself, but knew that what he really needed was careful nursing. The widow of the late medical practitioner of the town was recommended to him, and he asked to see her. She was thin, angular and severe of aspect, and at first glance he decided he needed more cheerful attendance. So he tried, as gracefully as possi ble, lo express his doubts as to , the volunteer's ability to nurse. "Bill," protested the lady, "I nursed my father until he died; I ' nursed my mother until she died; '. I nursed boilijny sister and broth- i er until they died; I nursed my; husband" ! "Yes, yes," interrupted the doc tor, "but, you see, I want to live." j There comes a time when all things earthly end. It comes alike to stalwart manhood, age, and youth; It comes to secret foe it conies to friends. Vi'ith its approach we realize this truth Though we have traveled oft a rugged way, And many times have deeply felt a pain The lesson taught is life is like a play; Then we repeat the same old scenes again. What of the sequel when the play shall end ? Shall we have a heritage lasting true? A loving word a kindly act to send A joy to all, reflecting back anew The happiness that we have given others. VC'hat of the sequel? In Life's play have we Come to the end, without due thought of others NX'ho oft have shared its ills with you and me? Re-read; review; there may be something more In this great play than we have understood, Put this and that together w isely judge before Asserting there is naught in life of good. God only knows the heart, and Me is just; And when the end shall come He will review This drama, and with "an unfaltering trust," We'll pray the sequel mav be good and true. the rm.sniHN r: W. i;. pami;i Vh K l-KIllOAI': Hit II. W. I.KW1S, (Jackson, Noitliaiuplon eminlyi . new Candy Cold aid hy iIiiil'l'isIs to tal upeeilie adtan i remedies lor u cold. Preventics, I ure lalilels. an have lour spc , ,.,.., nil nllc 'irt heveoiila'" '"'""ie. nolhinii harsh or sickeiimir. Second I hey uive almost instant relief. Third-I'lcasant ... ,i,.. inn,, like eandv. l ourlh A laiirc l. 1- Preventics at Vise line lol feverish chlldrcl All lleale.m. eenlH. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. The queerest thing about wo men's fashions is how they can shift their waist from around their knees and hang it to their shoulder ; blades. Curw Woman's Weaknesses. We refer to that boon to weak, nervous, : luffcrlnK women known as Dr. I'lerco'i ' Favorite. Prescription. 1 iir John KyfiMineofthoKdltorlal .Stuff I of Ti'ik K. urn.' Mki.ii ai. Kkvikw suya ' of Unicorn root (Me.ii.M M"K lo;' , ., of tho chief Ingredient of the ! a- Torito Prescription " : A r, u.e.lv ! h InrtrUlily ct tu'er- ..i.,,,ri,,r - nil.r. ii" llvllv "f Hi" entire rciiniOucllVj. i S s." , .. .IM., .."I" il"'U ' "''J ' '" I ",,, lull," ir. lm. f tllse.M-. i- , ' "ii .1. .1.- nl..V li.ll. . on 5,r ilii. ri- .11.1 Win " I" oiilli.T . -Tin' f,'l!'lii " "'.. II"' lo;'"H 1 '''Vi'rr;:1::;;'.'-'.";, nysti in." nii-ilu'i Trains will leave WliLDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 ni. No.JSIor I3.lp.m No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. m. We operate IH.ul.le lailv ventioule service with I'"'"J!' J'""".."!.'..'" onwlle, St. Amruntine, Atlanta. Hit iiinirl;;. yolk Kicl.ii.ono3, Wiwhiiurton, Haliiinore, I'hila.lelphia and.N.w loi For further Information relative to rates, "las, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER. Ticket Atent.W.don.N.C. CI. II- (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, HaWfb. N.C. i . Tiruoslil ll i.n or ,.l.:c;l.i. .1.1 lin.alk.njr I. Mil" ll real.... ol tl.o kld m . n.".rrl..llfl.stln due 10 t fjk- tmen.irj the d.iresll.e ork'.us li.l.lti KlJtnen. ... . . . . -ii -,,r.nr lo or til" anove jyuipq." ; A iiniuu.t II. i hn.uia aamiul lull uu Kell.V than titke llrlMerres faym.; sched- perl.slWsirT Iiom "' "FJ"' T. .i iT.;i.in dr.ik'ina t"n,7ria tie e.tr.u,e k,r pan ol U,e tlKiuinen. iwriimolLolie-M-lht.' K'aulhl I Ingreui lifuol wfircTtla Unicorn root, or Helonlat. an.) the medical pn.ortles of which It most faithfully represent, Of tiolden Seal nit. another prominent Inirnlli'iit of "Favorite rreserliiUiin," K.f FlnW KllltiwiKl. M. D..ol Uen netl M.sJlcal College, Chicago, yj " It Is an Important remed In disorder! el theiomh. In.lle.t.rrl.. eondll ons iV..! general enhT UeroenU It Is useful 1'ri.f. John M. Scudder. M. D.. late of Cincinnati, says of llohlen Seal root : . In relation to lis general effects on thj lysu.m. H.rre """j WSKSoV. M. I... of Jefferson Mrslleal College, ssys of th.lilen S.-al : "Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, menor rhagla llloiHtlugl ind congc.tt.ro uysweuor- "i" llereiV Favorll Prescription fa.th fully ret.resei.U all the above named n irisllenta and cure the disease for which iur are reouaii THE HEARTSSWEET HOPE. "And with the morn those angel-faces smile, Which I have loved long since and lost awhile." How could we bear to lose our precious dead, l-'rom out our broken lives, and bear the pain, I low could we live on, seeing them no more, But for the hope that we shall meet again; Shall meet again in thai dear home of love, After life's storms and heart-breaks all are o'er? How soothing is the thought of that dear welcome home, When we shall meet our loved gone on before ! Since they have gone and left us so alone, We bow beneath a sense of loss and pain, The stars and golden sunlight have grown dim, All sounds and songs take on a minor strain. liyes whose kind light we miss from day to day, Shall ihey not beam on us sometime sowmewhere ? Dear hands that clasped our own in tenderness, Their loving touch shall we not know it there ? Oft in the sw eet hush of peaceful night Our loved ones come to us, and seem so near, They speak to us we seem to hear our name, We waken with a start to find they are not there. A sudden rush of thought, a gush of tears, A yearning, rilling all the heart with' pain, The lonely night, the thought so hard to bear, That they are gone, and cannot come again. From o'er thai sea of silence, vast and deep, They cannot come, much as they love us yet, Will love us always as the angels love, And will not change or e'er their loved forget. Our guardian angels they will henceforth be, To shield us from all dangers of our way: To soothe us, whisper tender, loving cheer And let us upward to eternal day. Love is immortal, infinite, eternal, Soul-love shall live through endless, cloudless years, It reaches forth into heaven's mysteries And lives beyond this world of strife and tears. if the Lord Is Ekrth's Most Beautiful Object The Favorite Tonic for Women Makes it Possible GET A BOTTLE TODAY. PRICE $1.00 FOR SUE BY W. M COHEN, VVELDON, N. C. 8f This Man Will Doiilillos St.r. in the Woods the Wt-.t of i I. s N.-i ttiral Life He called on a young ',.'.'; i celllly to spend llle i vun;i" an. I when he goi ready id Ii a e lie I alized thai a heavy rain w.i '.Him' I le had no umbrella "i" rub'vr c ! and when the girl's fa i her .i-i. . .I him Id remain at the lo.u-.e he readily consulted. The iiei morning when he was invited id a seal at the table he reluctantly accepted. He was very iimoir. and agitated. He sat opposite a mirror and discovered that he had forgotten to comb his hair. I hen he dropped his fork on the Hum", and as he stooped to pick it up he 1 upset his coliee. Mailers went from bad to worse until liually in despair the young man quit eating and put his hands under the table. The loose end of the tablecloth was lying in his lap; when he touched it he turned pale. I le thought ii was his shin anil that in his ner- m '1 will dwell in the house fure ei ."' l'sallns xxiii. ti One of the sweetest words in any language is the word home, and the love of home is planted deep down in all hearts. Out in the wild places of the earth it is a wonderful sight when the mail ar rives. Stern faces light up with a smile, and tough, hard men be come like little children because they are reading a letter from home. But however dearly we may love our earthly home, we cannot keep it; we must leave it or it must leave us. There is a gap in every family circle, a vacant chair at ev ery fireside. Jesus Himself speaks the word of comfort. "In My Father's house are many mansions. I go to pre 1 pare a place for you." How could I we live and bear the heartache and pain and loss, unless we belived . vous excitement when dressing he that we have a home eternal in the had forgotten to put the garment Heaven, unless we trusted this ; inside his trousers. That ac ; promise of our Lord ? ; counted for the smiles and embar- "Many mansions" means plenty 1 rassment. There was no time to ; of room for all. Every year our 0se. He hurriedly smiled the . great cities become crowded, but supposed shirt into his trousers. there is room for all in Heaven. Ten minutes later when the family Some countries will not admit the rose from the table there was a 1 poor, but Heaven will take none 1 crash. The dishes lay in a broken other. We shall all be poor when : mass upon the floor. The young we get there. ' We brought noth- man pulled three feet of table cloth ing into this world, and it is certain ; out of his pains and fled through we can carry nothing out;" and the back door. He is yet in the lackson ;. - J r'.l k ' ' '0. v T: Swamp Uie.t ; hy .!:...;,. i -. ; h Cz.. 'br. L:n I i ,. I'": r...:-.-:. 1 1 i . . I.. ;.u .1 Mon, N.Y. E. T. CLARK ATTORMtY AT LAW, WKI.IUIN. V C. ! ri'iiriiivv ni Ilic a-ljiini;!!;: cniiiitii s i. I'll court ni Hi. CI cell to cnl Mate. "'i elious and pr. and lie Mlplrnie al atleiiliou nipt ivtuiii FASTIDIOUS. "I can'f understand why my second husband is so fastidious. He scarcely eats anything. My first husband, who died, used to eat everything I cooked for him." "Have you told your present husband that?" "Yes." "Perhaps that's the reason." G Don't worry about your looks. You will always look good to your friends. Nothing is more easily blotted oui than a good turn. Coughs that are tinhl or distressing tickhni; coughs, if ot iuiek and certain help from l'r. Shoop'a Cough Kenieily. On this account druiIKlsts everywhere arc favoring wr. Shoop st'ouirh lfeine.lv. And it is entirely freefroin Opium,! 'hlo- roforin, or anv other Ntiipclving druir. The tender leaves of a harmless lung hcaliuir mountainous ahruhirives to lr. Shoop s I'ouirh Remedy its eunttive properties. Those leaves have the pow er to calm the most distiessinp; Cough, and to soothe, and heal the most sensi tive l.ronehial membrane. Mothers should for safety's sake alone, always demand 1r. Slump's. It can witli per fect freedom he given to even the youngest hahes. Test it oueo yourself and see! All Dealers. we must come to Heaven poor and humble if we come at all. The king may say, I was a great king, and wore my crown of gold. But the answer is that is no passport to Heaven. There is only one crown here the crown of righteousness. The scholar may say, I was fa mous. I read and wrote many books. The answer will be, learn ing is no passport to Heaven. You must become as a little child before you can enter here. A man of wealth may say, I had a vast for tune and great estates. The an swer will be, Wealth does not ad mit here. You may have had treasure on eanh and yet he poor toward God. The humble soul will say, I have nothing hut a heart full of sorrow for sin and love to Christ, and a simple faith in Him. For such an one the door opens wide, and the blessed words are spoken: "Finer thou into the joy of thy Lord." Many niasions! Many different rooms, but the right place for ev ery person. No two people are exactly alike on earth, nor will they be so in Heaven. There will be found room for all, and the right place for each and everyone. Jesus has gone "to prepare a place" for us. He knows exactly the sort of place we need, and He will give to us what is best. The greatest charm of an earthly home ; is the presence of those we love. And so surely the great bliss of Heaven will be the presence of our I loved ones. The heathen Greek of the Elysian F'ields, ours is no dream, but a blessed reality. "We shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever," friend with friend, and in the presence of Christ. Love makes true friendship, and love cannot die it is immortal. And this home of ours will he eternal. "I w ill dwell in tne house of the Lord forever." All things here come to an end and perish. But in Heaven there will be no such things as time and change and de cay. All that shall have been left behind forever. Brethren, if you desire to dwell in this house of the Lord you must begin here. You must love and serve God and your fellowman here. You must begin to live with God on earth if you would dwell with Him in Heaven. Let us live, work, pray and suf fer, and the eternal rest and joy will be ours, for we will be ai home forever in our Father's house! woods back of his home. County Argus. CAHTOIIIA. Signature of 'ar-yjr, t-ccic.&v. iAa8ngaiiiaeii.'iii ' " " . "v-v I'. . jl jLliij - made out ot ffi$ Real 1 Vi Roses ill do Inflammation of the Mad der, urinary trojbles and backache use DeWilt's Kidney ar.d Bladder Pills A Week s Trial For 25c E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicuao, lit. .iM l.y W. l. c olo n. i Id. ai, V C I. J. 1IAPLIN, Roanoke Rapids ii:llliU Hotel North Carolina. hi;: li.l'l . In . I'.. i MLS mid i l:ii:'.' ai'f1v nl.s a -.. oiohy": Cient'si rtirnishings, lite 1. J. KAPl.lN, Real Rose Hat Pins It iloe.t not seem ikmmMi, yet it is true, tint these 1 1 it I'ini are in.xlc out of live roses.jndi h tnircdinio metal hy a secret process. '1 his ilm-overy it without tlonbt one of the lost tins of the undent lUM'tian.s. Tlity are the most h.nmtnl o( utl ll.it Tins. Notwuarr alike. M.iile in hnishi'i to conform to the prevailing fashions in millinery. Six nzes at the lulluwinc prices: $1.50, $2.00. $2.50, $100. $3.75. $4.50 Kvenhotlvistalkinftahoiitlhem. Don't fail to come in tint) nee I hem. These ;irc thetfsniiine IH LAMO Mil. Reil Hose W, W, CONDON, JHVVIU.Iik. WELDON, - N. C. 'N. r. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urfje you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcWraugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, f r constipation, in digestion and hvT trouble, is firm ly established, it does not imitate other medicines. It is better th.m others, or it would riot be the fa vorite Jtver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOl.D IN TOWN VI S ALE Of LAND BY TRUSTEE. IS I i llv vtrtin nf Hi.' p"wi'i "I -ah-eoniaui llee.lui llll-l tlaled M.tfVll Jl. 1'4. ail.l rV led .mil .l. lMiM. it hv (.. T. I'lnlhp- an. I it. (lie uii.l. i-Hltl'd ini-lee. . e..i.. .l M lt..k I. .tU- ''(A Hem-let "I Heed-' 11,.v ol Hal C...MlU,l.'-.vtt.eerM.lii. lt..trl.t..llt. til. i ..ill. I. Pa tii l. .in . it, it ii-i-.-. it il, hi II tl.n been nude ill the p.nmelll "t -.one. til.- II. l-ltllK l It M-l. e. ll.lMIU lh-. ll l .II. -le.l Iti Uv i. al .--tate le i. ali. i" ite-ei it-.l. I In- mi -miml tril-t.e Mill -ell tit III.- low 11 ot . ! V 1' , ;H putilte iliieti'Hl in the llili I" ; Saturday, Jnnuitry 2nd, ntH ib'-et i .e,l :i.a .0 WnVliK-h M . the (..It p.it.vl il land in i he iiiw n l W . nl H.1I1I.H. and Stale. d N.-rlh t .1 a 11.111 ni hd No. -lu.KVi.r.liitK to 1 fc.ml low 11. coin mi. 'ileum on I h- no I IIMtl Sl(.-el llMV te. tf tll III ol Miss M.U LI I.oiltl. d. ee.l-e.l, t. No. 42 ;t ml riiiiiinm alonu '1'hird Street ma1 west. 1 11 it. reel ion to tin- eot ii.m ot Third Stn. i . ami the street fertiierlv lnon as iil.ik l.',( theiiei ah'iiir -aul B!akele Sin-el, oil. Iinil.lf il .111,1 till-eitlllt feet, ill a itoilliern dilf.M lol . 45, t hence alonn the line ot b'l N an l ast-Tii ilire.-tioii to ilie line o Hi.- lo vetit lo Mr. Ida V. Sl.tinbaeb "H th d.n ot March h deed in fee. lllf t 1 y 111 anule-lo -;tlil Ll-t mentioned Inn- ot lo No. 4 and alAnif I If tine ot Vi s. Id 1 V . St.ini 1 mm Mivi" Even a man who prefers a prize tight will lie about how he enjoys grand opera. The old fasliiuni'il wayofdnsinir a weak Htomueli, orHtntuilatniB: the lli uil or , KnliipyK in all wrouif- l'r. Shoop first , pointed mil tins itioi, Thm is why lii? j ik 4 1 nvc ted entirely to tin eaum of these ailments the weak nimde or eontioll- inir itervt'H. It isn't m ttitlienlt, savs I hack loth. pmui t heinn l,r. sl.oop.lo.ir,;n1!l.l.-..ak S.,n- ' rZZ 'Z aeh, Meait or Kidiieys, if one goes ut it , H jr., iXth ,(,., w. i. K. 1 eonvi'tlv. Taeh inside oixun has its I ami wile, hv deeds recorded m Uook 1 .11": : 1 . H I !.... ' T..A naue 4l2. S'K 117. re-pe, (oiimooo.k , .... ., .., r. . ,.w . ;,- , ,.,,- ,.,,,, , M, v, 1,1 1101 vox fail, then thos.' orpins iiint suro- i .ltr,.t,,,d. ti,i . i ..- i,n. .i n Iv I'ttltor. Tlicsi' vital trulliH nro li'iidini; i I'm.. v ilroiriHtH evi'rvwh.'rt1 lo thspcntio audi trcoiiiiticnd lr. Shoop h lii'Btonitivc. Tent it a frw davii, and we! Improve ment will promptly and Blind)' follon. All First Class Bakery H' AYINC. sc'tircd a lirst-class . Ivilvcr 1 inn prepared to lur nish I'rcsh Bread, Pies, Cakes lite, in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S. HOUNTCftSTLf, Wr.i.noN, N. C. V. Slatnli ,1 Ni, ml K. HANIKI.. Dcalcm. What is good is r.ever too abundant, W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OKKICK IN hamki. lit II.1HM WELHON, iS.f'i ipl2 ly C Ml ' iv.-i,. I n .1 1. . 1 , .. ri'l.-ll tl. 51 u-k 1 f lovifiKS,'LK ' ' ' ' 1 8THt ...,.1. , IT.ato ..i'i so' f.KM.rt ji .IONS tiii.l -. .. .CI-,!. 1 -Ii. .-l,Ui:md. Oppotur (.. r,. f t..ot t.nica, H WA3Hi!0 r -i , n. c. V 1