ir iy I sir (jjJI 111 I (sfeyCTft 51- A.hcrtisinjr Rates M;uk- Known Application. VOL. XLUI. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriptioii"$l.50 Per Annum WKLDOX, N. ('., TIirKSDAV. I)K KM IJK1J :, IDOS. no. ar. .iff ly? 4P im ji if lEu -wa -asst i. 1 1 - . .no, "iff .'J.ouiliil. .1 I'KII ( I s .Vl''VlilHi'VIMii,!'-rs im!! .V I :V,;i;.fN;;vi';,:;s;ii"!'H'rN,i .wnflirlr' ;H'ss;ir.:lisi.i'oiii.!:psnfii!tr'otic1. Th e New Year's Cake roil For Infants and Children. HiJrUtl- I in iii. .14 ( f.m.ti'- 1 f'V.vWJiw. 1 HmVfyr.yi tkr.r. ' Apoii'il f.u Omslip li(MI,S01!l,5lnUK'l,..l)i.lfukj.'! Worms .('iiiivtilMoin.lVt. iM, lu'ssaiulLosso: Sui.r. Facsimile Sijiiaurr f NEW YOHK. You Hav Always Bought Bears the Si';n:i!nvn ,! tr How the Wonderful Dainty Was Pre pared by the Twelve Merry Months Ai 1 if IV In i u in 1(1 se jl nr Over ! Thirty fears THE twelve Merry Months once decided to make For the New Year approaching a wonderful cake, Contributing freely each one, more or less, Ami sharing the pride of the final success. September, who through her acquaintance with icliooli Win up in the latest grammatical rules, Wrote out in a lovely Spentvrinn hand A recipe any one might understand. November, as usual, busy and hurried And with her election cake specially worried For fear it would burn while her mind was so flurried, From what she had left on her generous hands When her Thanksgiving cooking, with all its demand, Was finished, the milk and the spices supplied, While April the eggs w,s o'erjoyed to provide, All coloivd, of course, with indelible dyes "My choicest," will April, with tears in her eyes. March furnished the sugar, and, though I admit 'Twas maple, still that didn't matter a bit. He mixed the ca!,e, too, being sturdy and stout And accustomed to stirring things briskly about. The flour was from May, her particular brand (You've heard of the Mayflower!) and white as her hand. Historic When the Trent All'air Threatened to Cause War With (.real Britain ; NEW YORK. riiousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. J'i-.alrn y ... Knlni'T Ills.:... ih-..iIc ii. .t ri-.ili.e tl.c :,l..rm- 7 itu.rc.ise and rcnurUMe prrv.ili-ncy , . if kidney. Iise.ii.e. b"! r ! WLilcKidiRvdis- 'AY I. New V t' ilnl VMr. Hot a liiippy il.ii In ihr. ills :. .lusl r,.iiv v,.v.ii 111.1 ttll'liiili f lll;llt f.'ll i.ii Hie I .':) .till lilmli- tu (In- f il III.'IH lll.l'llll:lU tn.ll. Illl.ill'WIl an III.' IK I.I nlTlllr. ( ..Iiiiicl I). 1 1. Wi'lisi.'i' uf N.'hi'ii'ika wn at Unit Ihii.' tin' i.l'lviile h.Tii'lnry nf V 1 1 J In 1 1 1 II. sti'.iaid, I ,i in. .1 n -i Ki'.'iil Hi'.'l'i'tiily t-f Kliile. 'I'lii f.,l..wliit; Mtt.ry uf Hi" In. kl.'UM wlil'li l.'.l ll' lua m'I tlt'iiieiit uf tlial innsl si'i-i.iiH linlii'"i:liii .inn.' tr.mi llie Il'8 of ('..Iniicl W'.'l.stcr tilniM.-lf : When Cuplnlil Clllirlea Will.i'M ..f t lie Vlille.l Slatrs luail of Hill" Sail .ln. iill... ri'iuniliiK mi iinsuci-.'ssrul . Iiase uf tin pl'lvnlei'l' Sjllllil.'l'. Ilili'l''-i'iteil the Trent, Willi ami t - J I I -1 1 mi li.inl'il, he Innk off llie I w minis Nl.nierri niid 1 1 1 ' I r n, ri'liii'ii'S mill liuid Exact Copy of Wrajipir. TM I f.I NTSUR r.oMNr, Nt VOKK CITY. M93 0 I'll' I. N. STAIN HACK. r n i i:i; iaki:u. Wcldon, - . North Carolina. I'nll l ine ol CASKIH'S. COi I INS.-iiid )!ii:S. Ii.iv. Niglit niiil Out of l o w 'i C.-iil.- l'ioin(i!l A.lcmle.l to IS H 0 MOWE, i i m:r.i. diwi:. :kh. M S.'M'Meen years' liiperiiiui; ' mm a J mm mm mwM mm I V? HHn.uA A w jLwBMUtwrMM W mwmnS M) II.MH AI.MI.H. tlcnrse Serke Am where THE BANK OF WELDOfJ W KLDON. Or(.iiii7.eJ Under the Laws of the .Mi, I -I'J'I II N. C- State of North Cniolimi, Slate of Ncirili dn.fin.i D.-pnMiut y. 1 lalil'.iN t 'ninny I lv pi imioi y Town of WVUI'in I K jidMlnry. Capital and Siirplci $40,000. i tliall litVeii wai thi- ' l I i I.:., pi-v I ' ... u:. I Ii. - .,r litis s.'i'iii.n. lis l..el.l...l I- - .iii-l -!-r. .!!- t.jf .1 I '!! Hi.. Imkmh-w intfi.Mk f ll.i'i'.i-. a. "I N"ilii;i'ii.l"ii .'"iinti.'- lul l mr.v yi'iiiH. Money i l.iani'.l np . .v-l - .- -t al U..' Ml'' "f i I ni'-i.'-l si x per ei'iiliiin. Aiv.miiiIi. "i nil .11.' -.. ! -.- I I 1 .ir.ii and uii.lii i.lcl .n.til .i.e i.-ii.d.. I a -iiin -,iml In tlw I 4 ' i-tl M.K'k. the Hank has. .i.i.ii.i. 'i.'in.- ."!. ivy I r ..;'..s. I a f. :- lh'artimnt allounn: ml I ..11 Im.r !( i !! I'"i f I' .-il all'.l loiriiiaiii ll.i.v m-ntl.- "i U'C-. -' ! ! I ' ' ''I: 1. 1 h.itu.T, .1 .'l .'.'ill l, i.. '1 l.-.-ii-'... i i (', I ,', nt I ! I'li'ln-r iiif.,iiiiati..ii ui'i'ly !' " i'1 :-' I . 1.. M,, I ' 1, I I i I -I l'l .-mi 1: C 1; hAMI.I., I'll. II I.IAM-. -MINI. I i.laeksi.n. N"i;.i.i.i.'i"i' l I 1 1 1 v 1 1 t w"-M-"-v "-f X Q AIR LINE RAILWAY .' ol..'1-itt.. I1....I.I.. vKtihille M't'wct "inilli-.M. AimiiMiiie. Ailanla. ! ;; H'.'luihiHil. W usliiiii'toii, I'.ali ! ,1. ,i ,,h I'ull'iian eai M. mi'liis. 1 '"" I hdad. 1 1 1 1 1 11 a"'1 1 ' ' - lo Jai l. h-Ni il.'.k Hr further information relative to rates, sched u'e.i, etc., apply to CLEVELAND B. CARTLR. Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to (Ml. (i ATT IS, Traveling Passenger Ajrent, Italeith, N.C. 1 - A''t' " s . -a If - -C" I id Ih.'iu I Wiil't'.'ll, 111 Ho I .l.ihli Pull ; li.iwlllii; I'iii:.'. I leave of Ih pi' To sln.w llnil sent II is I.. I iii'iiii'ius r.'i' m f.irinal il.-i .l'l: 111! .n.'i'i i-f I' II l;:l r' P. 'lit hii.. mi 1' am! m n.'i's i'i:d ; h.' I. I'li.idn i.l d I il'. In nddi he in-ill a v. Ill' III lVl'l Indii'i d I ' , nldiii. 'i 1.1 hi I a iiil!" pi r mniiil in.U' In hi-i liiinislt'i nl W'.'ishiii"' Inn dii'i'.-liii; liiin In nllniv Hi.' I iiil.'il SIiiIi'h Jusl Nf.'ii d;iy '. I" . "lupl.v. .Iiilin lilill's 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 ri.ti. li. il S':i -h liml.. 11 no Tlinr.-.hiy. luv. 10. I'li.hiy anil Satiii'diiy pas-id ivit!n;i:l n. li.'ii. Snndiiy ;is disiin ily i;ni -i.-r iiliniit llie I.ii; l.iiililini: ili'v.iiid 1.1 nf fairs nf stat.'. The swarm nf . I. ri;1; hud in.'lt.'.l iiilon Ktralin'i i! mid Ih.-i-i'; llie I111111 of a Mll'lilln; I'lililli' had died away Into Hi. linlloiv echo of an occasional footfall In those revcrlicrntliis halls. Seizin;.' (his period of oul.'t and frccilniii from I lnt'.'i'riiption, Secretary Seward called st? 'T- -ff7 ifi. 1 U. ri I Interruption, 8.-retary ealkl ,' i i'-' -' ' & -N, I I Wt.-"! - I If-J L-JU v.J. r 'Kr ' ( : fix c!ijte: JULY DID THE BAKING, AND hKHLl'UUY TOO. ltM?Wh: . 1 I 'M , ' it y ! LU T T L' rirtt Lta' Frum the Di.-ry cf a Gen- New Year r,,, , the di il;.' .1 I, .Ni"..- V.'I'l. K' l'li.'liian in ' the .'..! Is II, iu Mn.i, .....I C, ,. ".l:ii, I ,,, ,,,r:v mi. I .1 I'i ssciI. Were Surrendered by --' . . n- nnM, ,1 ,,,..1 white JQ X VJ iniilon Lincoln and Seward -:- I ' ' ' i 111 A VIT ' I if diseases that pic- -W3i . J " ' ''- ' ' ,! n ! MijL4'A vail, they are J week. 'II ill I.-.I..I r.i.-liiwi UT,C-rH nlnuet llie last : ..ut of in. I, nr. I. in i.ii- I t I'l'ier S TiLrVL rreKniel by ih minister, llclilii; 1,11 his .,1'del's, . ,riisi i s :, ., n! , i,;ii,,'i 4V. J'A pal n nt and pliy- ill', ssii,-' hi :.'i. ,',,-. I,..! It-. i.rlil ' Cs. 1,11 ' as in i.i". ,, ",.! Iivf an ; r .'i'..'- ' ' '''(.,'''""''.' I ,,., ,'. .',(.' ij'lrii, Ihe "in.- I ..s s.C'ilnn f .,i,,n l Paris nn.l ''.V,.,., I,;,,, ,1 , e ,,- n '"'"" " undi'i.,,!,. s ll.e Syl. 111. l n no, vl"''i'd .. 1 will,- in,. !.iv 'iii,.,,. , coniMi i in Hie knowlediic so ami in - i :i. ni'li .! . " p, ,, , .u, Unit In. Kilmer's thin, i in;, .lilt l'i. :'i. or s,.iiii, l:.iol, lli.'iiiciit kidney leuiedy, p.. kh, in', I ' I'lills i". ei v 'i' li i" ciirinj! rlienniiHiMii, : " Hlcil'. hail' I til- ! ,1 Ir, i 1 Mil in llie Wk, ki'l'O'VS, Iner, lil.idder In I,.,',,. Ai ,, sinli.,1 iiiii,. . iv Pan ol llie iinnii-v passaee i,i- 11 con. i 1, in.,'... ;li tu n -.d water '"'' ' ' ', ' ,.n m iliinv I'.nn in p-i'-Mii" u, or hi.d i"M " ' 1 ' -.. ii-.- c i 1 !::, vine or Hell l.oio ; ii 'l'"V .i'U'o ' Mr I'.l r..-s' , ... .,.( , ',, , that li'l-o'icasalit lie- liiollni' .l . ...ic'in .1 o a r.see,. , f lnnvj c cup-!'.. ! to l-i oiUll lila.'l, sill, ..mi and '!. i i-!.!"' I'.l" d.i . , and' to eet up many IT, i'il,i:iiii l .-.lies dining the ni'jht. The mild and fcj" llllal' II ,1 of liiL'eMi.n.i.linaiyeticclofSwainp-Root V :' ,.. ,,, '. , .. ! 1-. soon i' ilicl. Ii stands the highest jtfSk' A,V). i j; , for its Moiidi'ilul cures of the most dis- sl'loi, without reserve, sank self and ; feJC: V N.'M - nl! k, .r. Tshiiniave tlu: l.cst. PoUbvclrag. ii'i.!e williolll hes,l:ilicii iind cli i ui;eil ; RjtsVVY " ' ' ) . v tw not ' ;.,. : ,.i-, ,. ,.,l oni'-dollar his Vitvl-V ' "": ) in In.iiie. I, nl the fc v., ,'., i,,,,.. sn'iiok- l,iie and a IS I' ' 1 ' 1 l:'d'cs lory line hook I'll'', l.iis all F'p. ' . '; ; J j!1,",". '-7 '',!'.''' ' luinl.m. X. V. Vllcl! Borneo! Swunp-IMC. ,'. .'. "ij ,' 'I ' ' writlir.. liH'inioii tins paper and don't , ' -Jvvr. '"" ' '' '''"; i.,',:e anv mi-Mi:.', I,nl rcmemlier the I - iy meiils. i .nl,L. j,.. Kiiim r's Swamp-Root, and C S ft "Klvi. p. in. got j tn,. iv,tK, l!mliintin, N. Y. i kj" E. round hoine ami . r-. sT - ' - culled ill f I I T. OT A 1 " , r ' moment. William very lii-oil and 'tTTO'''M' 1 ' ' ('J eoinplained of not ; feclii." hiii.irry. WKt.lifN v .' i llldeled .'iriii.e l'i-c'1 "manai.ii. io Mm , .. Ol T Willi IT to , , , ,, :" fni-iitis in l.ii-i.ii- 1 ti ' . lyn. .Mii!c it liwl.v ciiiupniiy m 1'i' U's, ' all lii li'i'i'ni'v iVii'iii!-; anil Ins itrtNt i '""' "'- 11 uf hnl punch. Hid Inn niiiiiii icil lo , i silo out villi II In .loin, the concilium, ' '1 hen '..l him aliolher lilass nlid some I .hi Leu Jie. Was jii.i.l Wllililln Mils i Iiol w;,h lie. Al Mrs. Hopson's had n a one ulass . f' ira. Il;uen..t had - st. h a wi'ie oui of my own celliir j . . , I" ..J.y II. . 1 : 1: til '.'. W eill In sleep ill Ihe ' 1.- .-r ' i cai'l ia je. inn I .lolui loot; me At ; I rZZ'i. .; . -. i lei-t M. .a!!-, n. I made. P.nlli.l llie I I j , fii:T-ZrJ I I.. e lei! , f l!ie iiil"' liealls, ll. i 1 Tjj,' ij-'iflj ! Ye. I 'ill:., n, i 'il' nei lil.- ir, wlm Is re- j I .'..!. '!' "i ;ll I e. h ie , nils , llh ns ,li,l nol know me . " - ' . 'j. i i ,! H- tf I 1 iii'il l'" oil' 'v'; 'l w h minister, llclilii; ni his orders. "lll. liave . in l,,il his limits UMl Ii I'l Wii -hiiiL-ion lor l.n, .i.ii.. I Veil's nl'lerwai'l, w 1, ' .1- In, 1 as 'la I a I'.l of I- van. al Paris nn.l r..;..nel W.i.sici' was si,! al Hi ad I foul. 1 .11". l.H :.l . I ley Inel In llie irny 1 l'l- 'ii h ' ii, ,u,d '-,V. I' .1. 1' asked llholll the pa 1 1. 1' which 1. lie i. ill Iind hii lllloslelilnl ion .1 ilesll'oleil on Hull Ineinoi'iilile Sunday p- iis!iim.:li.ii. liny e.'lnili"d Ih il il was a di-p Hell l.ineoln had prepared In answer In III". il Ihimin's il"'i:a'id al.d Ihiil It , una directl..' ..pp.,s,, p. me pi,,p.,sl- lions of SeWill'.l's lii-pit- li. I. in, oln's' I'll Mils liel.-r sill. milled lo his enl.lliel. Al llie iiisianl ,,f ilraniiiK llie copy li'nlii his pocket thai Sunday 'il'lei'inniii iie jic i'iiled Seward's iii'iij,.!- wlthout rescne, saiili self and liesiliilicn mid chiim'eil I llie iinpenilim; curse of Ann rican i lory. 'Ihe noxl ilillii nliy was in surrender i Mason and Slid. II i lir.-iii Itriiiiin without raising a slorui of iutiiL'iiaii! ' pr.desl and ojiposii ion nmoiie the pe.- ple of the li. ulii. Tlie c, ilnnet acreeil i Ihal It would he wise In do II sivrelly. I When Ihe plans hud lieeii uiii.le Mr. Seiard enlled Webster to his desk it nil asked how loiii,' it would lake him In iret reany In leave Washington on 11 Secret of sluto. "About tif leell lllillllles," Ihe reply of the yoiinir man. "Ymi will net ready at mice, then, and take the next tram for New York," was the order. Webster . received his inslrticlioiis and was ciiu l lioned above all things to eiutrd the j object iif Ids mission from public knowledge. J A teller to the eoiiiiniiiiiliint of the Cliarleslown navy yard put him a sipiiid of liiiiriiies, iind al his request they were Inslrucied to obey Ids ev- 1:6 v (l'seov ill' la . ii I:: . all il llie ill hii'-k p, it'll. i'. -Weill i" bed about t. menily tired, i lia ini; made forty ..r in,, re .alls, and 1 William eoilli; lo lllil'ly Iwo of lle'in; ' prclly ie"'.! for a boy f iw.he." New York Post. An indusitiiHis person lut.-t ;i bttsv tongue. jldiim T liii' oik Anieriean rorests abounil In planls which posses ihe inosl jilunlile ini'.ii.'in.ii V'i'i i s is iiiiiiii.lanlly atlested I v s.' lie-, of l!-' liiosl, eminent medical wi'iicrs iin.l b-ai 'ii r-. liv. n ih.i iiulii- I .'.-.I Ic.ii.m. i..,l ,l:-.'0,-i'.l ihe ns,.fi, l.i -s of iii;,i.;, ... ic pi ,1 n I s before the rime. Tins iiifonii;i ly to Ihe while led ic niest:na!iotis until li iissiii'iiucnl of moil tie lo-i i .'111 of Ihe '. on, imparled killer to c, ;iv we have Dear June sent the fl.ivoii n cUract of ro:e. The sweetest and purest, as every one knows And August the butter, in cups of bright gold, Which seemed all the sunshine of summer tn hold. February gave cherries, quite dried up and brown, From the tree that Geoigc Washington said he cut dowu, And October declaieil. with a laugh mid a frown (Understand this is slang which I do not commend), That to vie with his gift she could never pretend, Though she. too, had nothing but chestnuts to send. , July did the baking, and skillfully too. 'Twas done top and bottom and all the way through. Her oven w hs steady and right to a T. January's irisp iing was lovely to see. December, quite ready to part with her best. Declared what with stockings and trees and the rest Everything that she owned she had given away ! Save a bonbon or two and a bright holly spray. So these for adornment, arranged with much tasto, On the top of the l-mtifiil structure were placed. "Feb" dasliul oil a rhyme he was quick with his pea From writing of v,.lcntines now and again. And, boxed up with nre. this delicate cake,' Whore lik" I (bfy any baker to bake, Was sent New Year's morn by the Time and Tide line From twelve Merry Months to their dear Nincteen-nine. St. Nicholas. LINCOLN THREW IT INTO THE FLAMES. ! ery coiiuiinud. ali.ii.ilui! to kill If be or I dereil Iheni to lire, i New" Year's iiiorniiii: dawned. The I III lit- tin; t....k on lis murines, mid in Websler'ed a .piaiilily of roast iiirkey, wines mid oih. r d lllilifs. Tile limit puffed old Inl" II.-: loll harbor, and Iheii the aptnm learned thai lie was to iiial." for f n't Warren. A letter to Hie eomiiiiiiiil.iiii SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908, These arrivals and depart ures are only as in for mitinfjrthj public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WLLDON as follows: No SI or Portsmouth and Noifolk nt 4.55 a. in. No. 38 for at .UK) p. in N- for Raleigh and points South l 12.07 p. i" No. 33 through train South at II. .W P' nl Medicine That Is Medicine. "I have siilleie.l UL'ood deal ih liliiaan.l sl..niaelieoinpl:iints.l.ii! I I ...... i, oui, I a that ke, - .toll, am! that is lileeliie I', vi-; u medicine licit l I Iieine for slolnaell ami hci troubles, and Lo run down eonditiolis," savs W. C. Ku-slel. ol Hal- All,, r.ieclli.' I.llleis pmily alio Ihe blood, t.inciip the net cs.un,! I vic'er an. I encrey to the weak. oioii.'v will be id led if 't fii'ls 1 The old fashioned .way of dosing a weak st.itiiai'h. or siiinuliitiiiir the lleait or Kidneys is nil iM.iuir. Ir. Slump lirst m. j pointed nut Ibis error. 'I his is why his preseiiplioii lr Mnmp's Itestoraiite I. day. col n'l I III pui N .'lOe. at anv druir si Uutiug cmirtsliip a man's word gncs ii'iaiui .sc. ciiiccii times o .tir ns iulocs after marriage. l eniieilv's l.nsative('oui:li Syrup slops no eoniili bv ullayini! iiilliiuiinaliou ol Ibe Ihroill nnd lilltix". and It dines the ,d IV the stslelll. hv gently lllnvnig Ih,. li.ntels. t'lnldrell 'like it for il lusles nenilv us liood as maple Htigar. Sold hv W. M. Colli'll. Wellon N. ('. Marriage, like salid, is a failure when the dressing is poor. Iireeted entirely to tilt- i-uiise of llu ailinenls the weak inside or eol.tioll tne nerves. Il isn't si, dillieolt. says in. .slump, to sireinrlitt'ii a vteak toin ai'h, lleait or Kidneys, if one goes at it eoireetly. finch inside orirtin has its eiitittolhiu. or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then tlinseiiit'iins must sure Iv fuller. These vital truths nre Ii.-i-Iiiil' iliuei-'isls I'veiyrtlieie to dispi-nse and reeoniiiieti.t Ih. Slump's Pesliualite. ('est it n few .bivs nn.l see' Itolttitte. iiteut will promptly and surely follow. All Ileal, IB. Pat all Ihe iroo.l food yon like, (toil dietniu'. You don't have to diet to cure dvspepsia. In laet you cannot cure dyspepsui or iiiditiesiton that way, lint nitln'l vou must add slrenirlli lo the : weak sioinaeli hylnkiiiirMiim-lliitig thai mil dnrest the food wlneh Ihe stoinaeh caiinoi dic'cst. Kodol is the only tliiiur known le.lav that willdo this, lor Ko is ma.le'of naliital dnrestive juices found in a lieallliy stoiiiaeli. anil it di gests nil food completely. Kodol is i ploiuittiit to lake and i guaranteed to irive relief in any ease of utoiuaeh troll j '"'kold by W. M. Cohen, Weldoo, N. C. If you would keep on the safe side beware of people who iry to get on the good side of you. OABTOniA. Br,,l lla kind Van Ham !u BoiitM Ids confidential assistants about lihn mid s.-i tiiins.-lf to the task . f foniiu lalilll! u reply to Ureal Urilalll. t ... . i.. i j M.. , "v I " , ,. . 'I'll kmler T.l I M'WIIIII WUS eitlicillllliii: ins .i..''.. i 'i j President Lincoln eamo lido (l;e ol'ei e j Bceoiiipauii-d by John liny. Ai'lt the 1 usual ureellous (lie preshlelll I . fel l , d j lo the Trent affair, mid the sc reinr.v o, sinie 'U ,,..'. wo.,, ... ...... ." - of . fr, ,,,,., forlhlhc lour doiUL'. l.illcolll express, d n llcsire o I ,,. , . .. , ... . , ,, know llie contents tf t!ie prop. -d re ply, nnd yoimi; Welivli".' win I'.insii.l j to read It 1. 1 him. The president lisl. u I ed iilti iitively and at llie c"i: lilsi.e: of ! Ihe re.-Hliui; siiid: j "Kenil It nziilli. please, pan -111,' a in..- incut at the end of every sc. olid or third sentence." A.s the second readliiK pr.':-r." sod the presideiil's face relaxed and plainly Indicated II feellllu' of relief. As Ihe secretary iieared the end Lincoln drew a il.iciiineiii re. .in an Inside po. kd ipileily saiiiilere.l to Ihe fireplace and llirew II Inl.. the flames wit limit a w.-rd .f eotniiieiit or explanation. Seward's paper, consider. .1 one of Ihe alilest and in. .si Important i'l American ilatecraft, niiiliiinlneil tint llie Confederate commissioners aid their papers were eollllnlnllid of w;i:' and that Wilkes was rlcht In cnpliirln them, lull admitted that lie shnuM have taken Ihe Trent Into port as a prl.e f,,r ii.l.lii.ll. alien. As he Inol failed I., do lids and by rcm.o Inc Ma s,t ne. Sli.l.'ll lent eotisi iiuled lilii. self n in.!':.- Iii the tnaller. t.. nppr.e his act would be to sail lion the "riu'il of search." which hail always been il.' nletl l.y llie ('idled States. Then-fore the eoinniNsloni-rs would be clu-el'fuMy delivered to (treat ltrltaln, and tint o.iwer would be forever barred fn n reiisserilin; Ihe riirlil of aeiirdi. 'I'ld dlspali h was iliscusMcd at eal Pi-t A married woman cares more for dress than a man; a spinster cares more for a man. This Is Worth Reading. Leo f Zclinski, of lil (lihson St., ltuf falo, N. Y., says; "I cured the most aiinoving eol.l sore I ever had, with I'.ueklen s Arnica Salve. I applied this suite onee a day for two days, when ev ery twee ol the sore was (rone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at any drug store. 2oe. IHOCI1111.-S on eipiesiiav i( mil Thursday and after inu. h e posi tion was heartily Indorsed. A delay of mother day and the I'rit oilers. Websier simply iiil- l i ic.l that they were to be remote. I 1 1'. 'Ill Ihe fori. Slidell refused I.i t.. ai'l'oatl. lie spile repealed ol'dels. 111., I Iwo 1.1.. rines were ordered to ' al. . kiln line lit'asi.ed him by Ihe I'.ei ;tiid iui i.ilnr by Ihe .'irmpits. They l.-.ti .ri-,1 111,- pi.i:.:. V, l;i II led ffolll III.' V I'.-iltJ.I lo l lie 1:1 li. i . I : :,l .1 boldl.l wa.b .1 ii'lo .he ...'.i.-r. I lie body of Ihe I. .an Ii. ::. iui; b. iii... a ( I i. in was dii'pi ,1 i ii 1 1 i:.c i. y t.aiel' nl every slop, '1 ic . at v, ; billcl'ly .old, in .1 by Ihe li ne SI1 , .! cscaiid his lornu'liiol's and i'cii ': I Ihe lillle cabin Ids cloihilill was aim. I I'l'o ell lift'. I lid Ihe lun llli ned ii - Il -. I .v. a.. I i'l-.., in. .-lot. n. .-li Cape I'..!, uh r-- a ili iii- h luali of wur. Ihe Iii in Mo. 1 n 1 been slalioie'l to r.voh e llie i i "it ecs. After hours of l.ulTeiinv. t.'.tiiii-,' all of Which Ihe beat see'iicd I'l I I'.li nent daii'ier of bciuy eiii.l'id, t!i-' ::i liilh'.i w as l eached iind i . ei- . 1 l he folir K.,111 ll-Tilt'l'S. 'I'lle Wal'sldp, ill itbedicln e lo il,, .T.l lite . Id. as. Initiieiliat. P wei. ii. si tile li-'i il no p.. I old I., sc.. it. .,,dc ,f Ilk- si. .no. 'I'll,' llU' pll! Ililo Prot I.'. el-'V n mill tins iimibie lo leiite for foi'r d i;. . Web.sler. oil lillnlillf;, loi.'LI'iiphod Sei - r.iary Steward, "The ml:si.".i on v!iii h you sent it e has been accomplished," nnd he took the tlrsl train for New York. The world had no suspicion of this stlrrinp New Year's event until it read lis inorniii pa(ter the next tiny. --Philadelphia Times. Valuable American medicinal routs. -O -s, rir. Pierre 1'i-llpves tlnit out, (tni. rlelin for ests itlc,l in most valuable inclii lnal roots Ie4 llie .aTiNf most ulolilniU' and fatal dls taJls. If .v.. ,Tt1 mxidi rly inventlifaui tlu-ui: an.l lu WiaV'tui of this conviction, he poof-'., ilh iiinTS I'ni.'s . fit-. ' c.L l i-i-iJlujU.i IvJ.' AIL t.-lil.: I'l. ci-fl km,, in n, In. ,1J, al sci.-ih ; l.Jsli.p-t-t'i,. ol' illdltf.'sllell, lell'lil "bv. l'. flltl.'tleiial on d even valvular and oilier utlectluiis of Ihe heart yield to Its curative action. Tint r. -,son ufiy It eui'es llit sti au.1 niany ol affections, ts clearly iliown In a Utile Us-k of extracts front tin- standard meillcal w..i ks wliich is nialh-.l frtt to any address t.y Pr K. V Pierce, uf llulTal... N. Y . to til nudum rciiueal (or tltu aauie. 5 -si. O Net let:s, In I! .. unparalleled p'tn. It ts const an 1 1 v iniikiiis' 't t.oinan'i Innnv ins'ullat i.a.'ctl..i.s, weaknesses antl llivlrt ssjiut il.aiTrviiri.ieins Is Pr. i'l.Ti c's 1 utorlteNl'i'estliiil.' Is aini-ly allesleil iv tti.i'asatkls cNisiritesiiiT,onials c,,n Ii il t.jyVl. fid lutTttntik win, havi' been jlij' II oL. Il'iil'lll-'l pelvic iJiiid'S. li.liifilT mi" , ilk No appetite, lo.. c. strength, nervous- ni-'s, h"i.iacne. r,. ruiiip-M oi'. b: d brah -uoral deL-.hiy. ;-' I is stomach are . Kodol rei'eves ir.d "i,. , (;iy represents tne x.i.i &i jukes ol r tion as they exist i'l a heaiih sto'i-.' combined witli the greatest knov-'n ic.! a iid leconMructive properties. Kadol K dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigei ion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthen! r.f the mucous inembranes lining the stomach. Mr. r, Z. ''a:l. of Rav-nswnod. W. VI.. MJi: ' I vv.,s tr ul J v i:h it.ur st-mach tor twenty veBra. ' p .1 curei ma f A wa r now using It tn milk Kodol Digests What You Eat 1 Bjttes on:y. Re; -vet tifdicillAn, sour itomica, bo-chi ol sjs. etc. ; Prepared by E. C. DmWITT & CO., OHIOAOO. ' -ulil l.y W. M . ( clirn, Wi-ldon, N, C. I MOVING SALE! 1 he ci. tire stock will be sold from today until January 1st, 1900. Aljn's and Moy's Suits, Meo's : Irotisers a nil Boy's Knee Pants ' ' LOWEST PRICES.'' I I will mtivc next tn l.yiiclL's .lowclry ' -;inf. ii'iir t In iiustollicc, whore I will i'tlu full line of Mi-h'h an.l Hoy's up i tn-ilair Suit.-.. Nuts, t aps, HooIn, Shoes. ! nc , hImi a line hnr nri.udieH Skirts anil I I iiHii-lmiir 'fids at the lowest pricew, ! I :int tn thank my fnenils for their i pat palnniup' unl hope they will give inr a liln ral sliuirT't it at my new stand, ! u i-hiiitr ytiu alt a .leuy i'hnatiuas ! and Haj.pv Nn Yeai. Ut-spt-.-tlullv. ' 1. J. KAPLIN, al i' n "I nl'-. ut mi' tu i uiany uiln r utUtiU.U tlij sKUiis It iii f jilt J. Hoth the utk.t' iinii'loiipd n't'-'Hes ar Wh. lly m:ii- ill- inn i Hit tlM't-rlr tr:tc!s of I H, IlHHjU-illHl 'I ! IMtH-fSM. !- i.;,..'.i in 11k ii iiiBii.if-luro nrnrm&l villi I r I'i.-n-.-. and ili'-y an-;un-Ust o.. by t,,U-Kt rlifims tatid i)l,aiii.a.-lMS vntli IHh bkI tf uuiunuH ami Mi'l'lUm'' pf'-;illy cltiL'iH'tl uini Imlh fur lin I'tuposf. Hot li nu'ilktiift ui.--iHif.'l und all oihfl' hitrmful, liahH-fivrunin: ilnnf. A full htt of Ui' lf liigrcdicnu i lU-iuieduB ftcU bolU-wruur. gALE OF LAND BY TRUSTEE. IU II 111.' "I ill.' tUi T f -..Ii- tMltt.HIM'tl III a Very Serious It is very seriout matter to ilk for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For tbil reason we urge you in buying to be careful to gtt the genuine BUcT-drTughT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, it firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be trie fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa i'.l antl ! II.- nn.l. tm ...If.- fMl. Hi .til IIH. lo mTUI .I mil, In I'.ltll M.u.'li .'4. 1'. nil tn l.. I'. riiilli,H i.-il iriisii .'. i.-.-..i,t,'it i iii,- .in.i ami wit.', it IUlt )i 11. t'll il in.l. Id. .Iiu'sh i lifit in I, 1 I IIM.-r, tli' I, hi il in ii mail.' in I lie p i m, in f ihr win,', til.- mi Miim-il 1 nisi. -f. It.i i mi bvi-ti ifini.'Kli'il I.' K.-i! i. al .-.Ml.- ti. i.'.ilii i .l.-.,-nb.'.l. Ih-- nii.h r tit.1 iiu-it'i- will Hi'll in ih.' l own l Wi l.lim. i, ., ai imliiu' .nit unit Hit- lnyh.-s. In, iii, i f.l-ll, 1MI Suturdiiy. Jununry 2nd, Wou, H..UMIH .l.-n, iiU'.l 'l..l nr .il IJ .iVl.H'k M-. Hi.- I p ii .-.-I "I Ian. I in Un til Mal ta, an. I siau a i t lot No. 4n .it 's, ml inn ii. I'.'iniii.'ii, uh: . Tlllltl Mfirl till (r.'l tl -il Mi-.- Mat ia l,.tiiH. .l.-c No, 41 ami i it ii ii i ii if a Ion I V. ,.-i.i 111 i an Kodol for ItyapepMiu, IndiiroNtion. sttunaeli, nourstoiiiaeh. cunoii thesloiu afh. etc., In u ootnhiuatinii ol the natu ml dilutive juiees tbutid in liralthy Htoniatdi with neeessury veurtuhle aeids. uiitl is the only t hi tin: known today that ttillcnuiplt'tcly dict'Ht all kuuls oi' food under any condition. It m guaranteed to (five ptrnpl relief from any form ol stoniiii'li trouble. Take Kodol and he convinced. It will cure your dyspepsia. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N, V CASTOR I A For Iufauta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ylfTZjT Signature of C-TJCt 'l.lillti I" til-- 111' 11.lllll.lll Mil,' of ih.- h'l nl Mir .-slaw -.1. 1-in. nn .1- Lit I'lm.l ii-.-t in a : vcti rti (iir.'.'tiiiii In lit.- i-.nm-r nl Tlin-tl Sirt-.-t ati.l Ih.- Mrivi tonm-rlv kttnmi as llkik.'l.-x,, Ihi'iifi-alonii saul lil;tU.-,f Mrt.-I. ntti' liniiiii.-d I ami tiit-rmlil li'.'t. in a iKintn-ni d nvt-i mu tn j l.M N'i, 45, thi'inv nloiiw th.- tin.- nt lot N.. 45 in an ia-ti rililiir'Unn tnllii-lin.' nt tin- hl enn- i iyh'.I luMixlil.iV. Stainhai'li ..u i Ih- 15th .l.i .f Man-li 1 '4 h .h-.l in If.-. Ui.-mv al i niiht aiinl."i In -.inl la-i ttn-n 1 umi-rt 1 1 in- nf l.n , N... 4-mii.I almm Hi.- luii- nl Mil V. Stain- j hack tiln- tmiui nl l unimnit on Tlnnl Stn-'-t l Ih iiiii thai lot i'nn.'. tl in tin- -a ul d. I. ) Phillip hv il.'t-iN nt l.illn- Kit liarilsnii, K. H. M.-w.-. ,lr.. ami wile. V. 1. . ki. hanisnn anil wit.-. n il Is nvnnh-.l m Itonks 7511 i-airo lsj. 7i A pair' 4"J, s". t;njt' 117. rt-sin'ctivclv, Ulr thai iiitftum rnnvi'Vfil ti Mr-. Ma V. Ktainhat-k a almv--aid. Tln ih.-iiith nf November I'his. W. K. DAN1KL. Tnmtce. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OITK'E IN DANIEL llt'lLHINtl First Class Bakery HAYING secured a first-class b:ikcr 1 nm "reared to fur- i- ., i nish "-;'r Prcsh Bread, Pies, Cakes Eic. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S. MOUNTCASTLE. NX'ULDON, N. C. nllllt I WKI.DON. N.C epl2 ly I'fiitii.llt ..liti.riM, ..r KEE R L.TU . . N E . THI LOMf'.ST.i: li.l liv.''.-l, ri" t hnt. -i t-f CXmi ( in. t I .jf I'l-jM't. vii ii-.ii.. tillH.T. lNrRiHt;r-P' .' (-.' u.ii.:-,ii!t 'd i i.uv ml rom-ts. Cm."', n. , ',in! "t:wi-:ii it:i, anv.R- TisroMi son, in -. viikoe 'hki, r- tlOM unl r.OPV.dOH.i qui'-I.Iy itttUniurd. Oppoilt U. S. Patent OlTtoe, WA8HINOTON, V. O. EliSlll

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