is Jj3 F-' II! Ivertisins Kates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum L. XU1I. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1.HM). NO. M. A PRECIOUS GIFT. ,r .fit- ,1. f SI k Vis i. siM.L You II.1VO Alwaye Boiijj-ht, nml whirl, imH been hi lor over 30 ar, lm, borne llio slKtiuhiro of ,T7, 7 Ul,l .ha bo,,u ",1M, n,,,l, r !.- w... Allow ioonotilrcolvi,yH V f ..uui. i l. lis, Imitation r.n.l " Jhm1-u.k,mhI nr but .v-..'iiiii-!l" U,.it trill. with 'a'ii.l:iiH;, .Ui) hoi. 1 1 It of Ini .i i hildieii -Kxptrknoi ngainM, llxpciinu'iit. What is CASTORIA (;..:-:;l I), "ofi,-. 1H)IW .. ii'aii!-! neither Opium, Jlorpliiuo not- oilier Jiurcotlo - li.Mnui-e. l:ji:ri'ls iU rinniitteo. It destroys Worm ;:!l;iv.i ) Vvi-riiJiiKwM. It cures lXirrlio-a. and Wind ( . . . ii relieves TecUiii:-;- Troiiblet?, cures Constiimtion a:, . ! '.i!"! iu v. U H;iuilut..'s llio Food, ivulntes tlie : i,. .1 i, und J !.!, jrivinj Iu:i:t!iy mid nutural sleep. Tin- ( liil'lri'ii'H 1'iiiuK-cik Tho Alothn's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of a harmless swljsfitiito lor Casio;: Oil, Pure. W nii.l Soothing Syi-jK. Ifc 18 l'leawint. n . : t , d.. i ..... 7 rne ICinil You Have Always Bought lii Use For Over 30 Years. HCCIHTUR COMPANY. TT MU.M.V .1.IKT. NEW W. ITV. i N n mi I'iihm 'Jl-iiiiil .'il. u il I'. N. STAIN 15 ACK, It li.r iNi)i:in'AKi:u. WeUlon, , North Carolina, I u!l of C ASKIM'S, COI TINS anil l-'OBHS.' . Mniit nnJ ()ut-of-To n Culls Promptly Attended to. 0 H. G HOWS, IVNIIKAL DIRHCrOR AND F:MBA1.MI3R. Sexenteeii years' Kxpcricnce. Hearse Service Anywhere THE BANK OF WELDOM WINDOW N'. OrKanieJ I'nder the Laws of the State of North Carolina, ArnrsT-jnTii. ii-j. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Couniy Depository. Town of Vt'eldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, ., iiian vfiirs tlii instituliu.i luis i.. i-l.-.t liaiikimr fucili- ', -vtKin. Its tockll..lil. l llll'l llir.'l'tois !,;nr lic.'ll i.l.'lltllil'il '.- i.iiiii.".s nitiMvstH of Halifax aii'l Nort hum .l..n fount k-k fur v M.iui'V is hiiiiicl UM..f :iinmol sffiinty hi lln-li-.'al rale of - ht centum. Aociue.tH nfuM ate miIu-iIihI. 'l:i- au.l iinlivilcl Vinlits liaviuir reaflie.1 11 Kiim i-l to the -i.n-k. t lit I'.aak luis. ec.initii- ieiiiir .1 uniiaiy I. ls, est.ihlisl,:-.! a I .-iii t tiit-ut nlluwinic inteii'M on time .li' an lolluns: for alloweii toreniuin three inontli oi lohL'er. '.' per eenl. Six ;'oi loiiirer. S per cent. Twelve inoiilli. m lonu'er. f percent. ;!i.-i mr.iraiation apply to tli- ITeii-leiit i 'iiler Marry Tor Love and Not forn Pat Pocket Book. The avmif( maid of toduy takes unto herself a lumlmnd, nii who is to share Imr joys anil Kiirnws, her douhts tiltd 1 Tplex it ies, who is to heroine I he in I i m:i I einiii:i n imi of her : existeiiee; ho.v niiteh time, I wonder, does she Kiv,! 'he ; i'iiiite'niilalion of his iudivid- I mil truiis, to the lights mid i shadows of his masculinity, to ' the harmonies and discords of daily inleivoursi!:' x asks Miami II nneker in the New Idea Wo man's Magazine for Xovemher. A wise woman who understands i a man may he gently led, hut ! violently balks when driven; : : she Kains her way hy niethods totally unknown to the sledge- 1 hammer sisterhood. Neither, does I he normal in in care to feel insignificant heneath his own vine and lie;-tree and w hile it is true that woman can rule no hettor kingdom than home. : Instead', she coolly and disjias ' sionately weighs the wnge-win- ning capacity of the chosen -: one, and if he fills the bill of her anticipations at once ap : proptiates him with the sole ' , idea that he will feed, house ' ami clot lie her. Not one: ' thought does she give to his j expectations of a sympathetic ; i companion, his dream of a i home-maker or the ideal al moner of his perhaps limited1 income Not so with the woman who' : marries for love of husband and not of pocket honk- Tho way ; may he thorny and rough, with i many hardships, but hand ' in hand the wedded pair go bravely along, making light of misfortune, if they may share it together. Tact is a powerful weapon in the hands of the wife yet il is well to remember that a royal consult may with per fect propriety claim a few inch- i es of the throne, i The bond of combined inter- est is one that holds fast; that 'makes man nml wi.'e partners! as lovers. is the thing that we all , crave, yet it receives scant con-' sideration at our hands. We; neglcrt it, we insult it, but break our hearts when it flees ; from our dwelling place (Irief and lamentation fail to bring it ; back. We smother the rlsme with our tears and there .are no ashes ipiite so dead as t hose , of n dead love. I as well Love w. i. -n.t i : vieu-rmMliKM': nMi;I., lm. il. v.. u:u. (Jackson. Northampton county) i amiiki;: W. K. SMITH. CASTORIA For Iufauts r,:id Children. Tha Kind You Kavs Always Bought Cow! tl,M Stfc'natare MI-ANT BUSINESS. girl "do SEABOARD Oh, Helen," cried a wor th eighteen millions, vou think the Duke is sincere 'Sincere''" was the reply cwhv of course he s sincere, He basil t a name."' I-ife. shilling to his AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. A Bold Step. To OY'Tronin the well-irrtiundpd and reasonable objiotloiis of the morn intel ligent to tho use of secret, inoliclnal coin- pniiiuK Dr. IL V, l'itrcn, of Ituftalo, N. V.,8umi' timo ao, deciiled toniako a bold d !':.rturn from tho usual course pursued by the makers of put-up mnliriiuv (or do nicstlc use, nn4,so has published broad cast and onnfly to tho wholo world, a full and compfpto list ol all tho Ingn-dlenta entering iiittKuv cojupv.i lion ul hi. ft id !y celebrated fidicWes. Thm he has taken Ion iiuuirrufc vdtrons and patient. Into . , ... . ,,,.ni"intprl and bit fulloiilr-nce. Thus too ho his nc mition for the public an:1 nr. tnt guaranteea, anu Jicine, fr0IU Amom socrc, Thec,. n.,:. ,tc nn,i Hmrlnres are only as infor- owiw Ul CtHM "-- ution for the public an:1 ar. tnt rl are subject to change without notice. ruislr themWTiiiutJicii 0 Aiioun ioinMiiun, V- t'lir i--'il gtifii T'r VieT' 5,h"wlr tCiTTiLS j"rni"l !..' "fji HI tjl1 ''T71i'tn l" Ts hvTTiTra-.l .to mlilcct in in tj f Milll hl-L .ACtlllilLlLt Trains will leave VVELDON as follows: No J2 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 for " " " -UK) p m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12 07 f. nt. No. 33 through train South at II 38 p. m. e nni'i-iiii, li.w.i.u iknOv i-AMlihule s'i'ice "imlle, St- AimiiKtinf. Atlanta, l'.iiiun p,'-"' I 'Oi Minpl'ii'.. 'Million.!. Washington, Italiimore, I hila.lelpliia unl New Voilt. sched- Por further information relative to rates, u,, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER. Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to U. II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Klalgh. N. C. vT7. il..s tin. wrmer of ercry ct lir. l'l.-ien's Ool.lcn Medical Ulsc.ivcry, Hi ruinous nie.liei.i.. i"r " ?' " i i. 'IZ i, nTorlilMiHi!.u.'s. and all catarrhal Ulwasca iiheivv.r lo an. I. have primed upon It. (n ,,!,,, .iili..i, a Hill and ...nuilini IM ut all th.i iiirn'dicnta coniimslii It, but a small Lo.k lias UHrt coniplli'U fmn tiemerou, . ui.iluiil works, of lII the dlllcrvnt v..l, of praelieo. eoutalnlrg TiTjr liuiiicr. ou curacls fiom tli wrltlmt of Iradint niaa'tiin s of nnilirliii wiilorslnf Oi li ltnnurl irtl',le In in", ea. h and cri i y linfre. ill. in cimlaii .1 1" t'r- I'lerer'a ninllctneai One .if Hu m- l.llln booltawlll be raalli-d f to any one se;miinr U.ln'sson postal rant o l.j l. ti. . to IT. . V. l'leim llutfa a N Y . anil miuest li.a' tho same. J mm tlila lltil t.iok 11 will bo learned lhatlir. I'lcrcu's rnwlj lelncs lenuin do alcohol, namitlca. nilm ral L-. nisur uilior iilsonous or liijiirliiiisihirenla anil lliat Oiey are from native, nieillii; ii. il rs.u of m en value I also Hint aume of ihc most Talnahle tiurrcdlrnla contained In ' Lr I'ienD'a I avorlte 1'res. rlptlon for weak, i over-wurked. " run-down." nervoua ' and d. l.llllatwl women, were rniuliiyfd, long r. no. a.:o, by the In. liana for similar ailmenta alT.elliig llo-lr wiunws. In fact, one of tli ' niost Taluable m .li. lm.l plants ent.Tliia Into Ome.m.iKiltlonot Llr. l'lerii' i ttrorlie I'rm i aerli.tlon waa known to lha Indiana a Suuaw-WeJ." Our knowlniira of the na 1 of not a few of our most native, me dicinal plant, waa gained from the Indian ' A made un by Improved and exact pro eesw Uie " Favorite rrescrtpl Ion " Is a mos, I m. lent rem.sly f..r regulating all the worn. : anly funcUona. corn-ctlng dlsplaeemcnla, u .lapsus, antevcrHton ana rpuirvi'iiois overeomlna painful pev'oda, toning up Ilia wrrea ana bringing about a pert.i t itataof ealt4v gotdttraUwianila u. in S" r r Wm FOR SVLE BY W. M. Some Climb for Fame and Some for Gain Hut till should i limb for health tnt! happiness. A packaee of Drs. Hoag & Turblu's Liver and Kidney Tablets Ate (or Liver and Kidney conv plaints in their varied forms. Get a package today and see the good it will do you. Price 50 Cents C0H1N, WtLDON, N, C "SMITING THE ROCK." The stern old Judge, in relentless mood, Gazed at the two who before him stood, She was bowed and haggard, and old; He was young, defiant, and bold. Mother and son and to look al this pair Their different attitudes, look and air, One would believe, 'ere the truth was won, The mother convicted but not the son. Thert was the mother, the boy stood nigh, With an impudent glance and his head held high; Age had come over her, sorrow and care, This matiered but little so he was there. A staff to her years, a light to her eyes, And prized as only a mother can prize; Hut what for him, could even a mother say, Waiting his doom on the sentence day ! I Icr husband had died in his shame and sin, And she was a widow her living io win, I lad toiled and struggled from morn till night, Making with want a wearisome fight, Bent over her work with resolute zeal, 'Till she felt her old frame toner and reel; Her weak limbs tremble, her eyes grow dim, But she had her boy and she toiled for him. And he he stood in the criminal dock, With a heart as hard as a flinty rock; With a reckless glance and an impudent air. Braving the scorn of the gazers there. Drenched in crime and encompassed round, With proof of his guilt by captors found; Ready to stand as he phrased it "game," Holding not crime, but penitence shame. Poured in a flood o'er the moihcr's cheek, The moistening tears where the tongue was weak; And she saw through the mist of those bitter tears, Only her boy in his innocent years, She remembered him pure as a child could be, The guilt of the present she could not see, And for mercy, her wistful looks made prayer, To the stern old Judge on the cushioned chair. "Woman !" the old Judge crabbedly said, "Your boy is the neighborhood's plague and dread, Of a gang of reprobates the chosen chief, An idler, a rioter, a ruffian, a thief ! The jury did right, the facts were plain, Denial is idle, excuses are vain; The sentence the Couri imposes is one" "Your Honor," she cries, "he's my only son." The tipstaves laughed at the words she spoke, And a ripple of fun through the courtroom broke. "Don't laugh at my mother," aloud cries he, "You have got me fast and can deal with me, But she's too good for your coward jeers, And I'll" here his uiterance broke in tears. The Judge leaned forward, bent his head, Looked at him keenly and then he said; "We suspend the sentence, the boy may go," But the words were tremulous, forced and low. "Bui stay," and he raised his finger then, "Don't let them bring you hither again; There is something good in you yet, I know, I'll give you a chance make the mosi of it, go I" The twain went forth, and the c!d Judge said, "I meant to have given him a year instead; And it may be a difficult thing to tell. If clemency here be ill or well, Bui a rock was smote in thai callous heart, From which a fountain of good may start; For one even when on the ocean of crime long tossed, Who loves his mother is never quite lost !" "I AM POOR." OPPORTUNITIES. 'You Manage as Mother Does and j We'll Oet Along. ! How Often Have We Favorably of Many Yet Said No Word. Thought Things, Over-Work Weakens Your Kidney 9. Unhealthy Kidneys M.ilcc Impute Blood. A young man presented an en- j gagement ring to a lovely girl he had won with the remark, "I am i poor, but you . manage as your ! mother does and we'll get along nicely." The young lady inve.-,;;-gated "how mother managed." She was a wife, a mother, a house keeper, a business manager, a hired girl, a laundress, a seam stress, a mender and patcher, a Let us not wait for chances for doing good to come to us, but go out to meet them. Too many beautiful opportunities escape us oiherwise. As charily begins ai home, so should love. Wc don't care much for either the care or love that would leave iis nearest to want for duly or affection, and go out imo ihe work1 to work. Wc dairy maid, a cook, a nurse, a ' rind it a delightful plan to make All the blood in y your Itidneyr; on. c : mi klJiwy trouble. i kicheu gardener, and a general slave of a family of five. "She works from five in the morning until ten at night, and 1 almost wept when I kissed her hand it was so hard and wrinkled, and corded and unkissed. When I saw her polishing the stove, carrying big buckets of water and great armfuls of wood, often splitting the latter, my heart failed me and it is needless to say, the ring was re turned." If the wife must drudge let the husband share it. If she must cook let him carry the fuel, if she must scrub let him carry the water, if she must churn let him milk the cows. The girl did what every girl of sense and wisdom would do. HOME LOVE THE BEST. We think home love is the best. The love that you pre born to is the sweetest tha' you will ever have on earth. You, who are anxious to escape from the home nest, pause a moment and remember i that it is so. It is right that the hour i should come when you in your I time should become a wife and ' mother and give the best love to others, but that will be just it. j Nobody, not a lover, not a hus j hand, will ever be so tender or i so true to you as your father each one of our homefolks happy about some one thing each clay of our our life plan little surprises for their delight, do litile deeds for them, brighten a dull hour, or con gratulate them upon some achieve ment of their own. Of thing we are ceriain, we are ton charv nf our rnmtnpnflmtnns by all driiggLt: .ww v,. ' , , too stingy of our praise, and, alas! too lavish of our blame. "Thoughts are things," and words, if true, are their manifestations. How often have we thought favorably of many things, yet said no word. For all such sins of omission we must ever suffer deep regret. How easy it would have been to have said, "That is so beautiful!" Or "How well do you do!" We think of things like these when our opportunities are flown forever; when the dear head we love lies low when the brave hands are still. If we had only spoken, the way must have been more bright, the labor less dull and wearing ! e.r lody pases through ,'eiy three minutes. The k'iiiieys arc your blood puriiiirs. they lil tvr cut die waste or i:n:,'.:: I'.ies in the blood. II li.r. are sick or out d Li.Kr, they fail to au their work.. t F'u.i.j, achesandrheu i nii.i:i time from ex .... .'. .1 mis; aciJ in the Uj . J, due to neglected Ki key trvuble carce. quLk or unsteady hi-.ut I " i". mv -Kil", i ne l.'i 1 o", though liny hid l.-.n'. ii guilt, fecuu.;.': tho Iteait 1$ over-v.-'iiil.trj i:i p'-inp'-'B '' '' k'dui-,-poijou-.l u! j'.J ihv.'-t vit ui.J arteries. It u ,:i u b-j c :,;ij' rc l P itt only urinary troubles !: U li u- .cJ to the kidneys, bunion modern .-:i'n..- proves that ti-any a!) constitutional d:;easc:i have their begin ning in kuney li J.lbk. II you are sick y-u can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extiaorduuiy effe: t of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon rcnll:ed. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the, most distressing cases and Is sold on its merits f- es. You may have sample bottle by nail ttonw of swamp-Ront. free, also pamphlet teliing you how to find out if you have kidney cr bladder trouble. Mention this pap?r vhen writing Dr. Kilmer Si Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and ihe address, Binghamton, t. Y., on every bottle. L T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELPOX, N. C. I'ractifea in the courts of Halifax and uiljiiiinnif counties and il. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections anil prompt roturu ; or mother. Never again after I strangers have broken the beautiful bond, will there be anything so sweet as the little home circle of mother, father and children, where you were cherished, praised, protected and kept from harm. You may not know it now but you will know it some day. Whomsoever you marry, and good though he may be, after the lover days are over the honeymoon has waned, you only what you deserve of love or sympathy, and usually much less, never more. A MOTHER'S LOVE. The Three Things That Attracted The Attention of the White Winged Messenger. There is an old legend that runs in thiswise: At creation's dawn an , angel came down to earth, and be- true will, and give If your Stomach, Heart, or Ki.lneyB are weak, try at least, a lew ibises only of lr. Slioop's Itestorative. In five or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A few qents will cover the cost. An.l here is why help comes so quickly, llr. Shoop tloean't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Ki.lueys. Dr. Slioop's Itesloiative (joes directly to the weak ami failing nerves. orL'an hax its own ronttolliiie; nerve. fore returning looked about for something to carry back to heaven. There were three things that at tracted the attention of the white winged messenger a bouquet of sweet flowers that had been gath ered from one of earth's fair and blooming gardens, the smile of a little baby that had been playing with a sunbeam, and a mother's love. These three the angel carried awav. but when it reached the pearly gates of para dise the flowers had withered the baby's smile had vanished. Only the mother's love remained the same, and being found as pure and eternal as the waters that flowed by God's ihrone, all the angels that ranged above exclaimed in unison: "There is nothing on earth as pure as a monher'slove!" This was a tribute containing a VmU I sublime thought. And through all the agesil has been human experi- Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and heiithy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing tha mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the last, as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Try OeWitt't Kldnej and Bladder Pills Sure ind Sifi Sold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, K. V. MOVING SALE! The entire stock will be sold from today until January 1st, 1909. Men's and Boy's Suits, Men's Trousers and Boy's Knee Pants at the : : : : : SLOWEST PRICES. I will move next to I.ynch's Jewelry Store, near the pnstnllice, where I wifl keeila lull line ot .Men s and Boy s up-to-date Suits, Huts. Cups, Hoots, Shoes, etc., also it tine line of Ladies Skirts and I'm lushing I at the lowest prices, 1 want to thank my friends for their past patroniitfe uml fiope they will give me a liberal share of it at my new stand. Wishinir you all a Merry Christmas an.l Happy New Year. Ilespectfullv. I. J. KAFLIN, K'.mtioke Kapiilt, N. C. ' tt'iu.n ii,..pA ..e r.,;i il.,, .I..,. .,r.,i;,..r i omn. must of necessity falter. This ! ence that ihe angels reterred io in i plain, yet vital truth, clenilv tells why ; mat legenu were not over e.Miava I Mr. Slioop's liestiiiative is so universally successful. lis success is lea.litu; ilrutf tfists every where to (,'ive it universal preference. A test will surely tell, i Sold hy j All Dealers. gam in ihe message which they passed out through ihe open win dows of the "many mansions" along the banks of the "River of Gold." I i I Very Serious Patient Doctor, I can't sleep at night. What shall 1 do for it? Doctor Get a job as night watchman. We accept Our trial Of the spirit I Tiie ten.ler leaves of a harmless lung- lust ihe way a man accepts a ten- story building when it falls on him. The truly dignified man is never ashamed to lay aside his dignity for the purpose of performing his duty. One of the delights about gam bling is how the men who do it cin always tell when they win and never when they lose. A girl would much rather you told her how pretty she is than how much brains she has, but you might just as well tell her both. There's nothing quite so horri ble to a married woman as what if she weren't healing mountainous sliruh, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight, tickling, ov distressing coughs, quickly yield to the healing, soothing action of this splendid prescription Dr. Slioop's Cough lietne dy. And it is so safo and good for children, as well. Containing no opium, chloroform, or other harmful drugs, mothers should in safety always demand Dr. Slioop's. If other remedies are offered, tell them Nol Be your own judge! Sold hy All Dealers. Itesi.lcs !K) large cups from each '.Vic. package of Dr. Shoop's Health Colfee, I now put ina-.cleversilvere.l"No-Drip' Coll'ee SlraiiierCotipoa. Look for it! The satisfaction of Health Colfee is, besides most perfect. Made only from pure toasted cereals, limits, nuts, etc. Kor sale hy W. T. Parker, Weldon, N. 0. A girl has such a coaxing way she can make a mirror lie to her own face. Rank Foolishness. "When attacked hy a cough or cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King's New Discovery," says D. 0. Kldridgo, of limpire, Oa. "I have used New Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and all throat and lung trouhles. Mychildren are sub ject to croup, hut New Discovery quick ly cures every attack." Known the world over as the King of the throat and lung remedies. Sold Under guarantee at any drug store. f0c. and f 1. Trial bottle free. Croup positively slopped in twenty minutes, with lr. Shoop's Croup Heme dy. tine test alone will surely prove tliis truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasing synip'ille. Sold by All Dealers. Don't get in with people who are always falling out. There is no I'uiniiir, nothing whatever harsh or sickening in I'reventics. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as hy magic. A few hours and your threat ening Cold is broken. Candy like in taste, I'reventics please the children and they break the fevrihn, al ways. And least of all is the economy. A large box 1st I'reventics 25 cents. Ask yourdruggist. lie knows! Sold hy All Dealers. It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we - urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BlacWraugiiT Liver Medicine e The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, In digestion and liver trouble, is firm. y established. It does not Imitate other medicines. It ia better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa All of the enjoyments of youth become a mad misfit in old age. our our A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. For health and happiness DeWitt's Little Early Risers small, gentle, easy, pleasant little pills, th best made. Sold by V. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. It soothes pain, it is cooling and heal ing, liood for cuts, hums, bruises and scratches, but especially recommended for piles DeWitt's Carboliied Witch Hate) Salve. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Abstain from the appearances of evil. Associate with the lame and you will learn to limp. A great many people have kidney and bladder trouble, mainly due to neglect of the occasional pains in the hack, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, cte. Delay in such cases is dangerous. Take DeWitt's Kidney and bladder Pills. They arc for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all kidney and blad der trouble, toothing and antiseptic. Regular siae ftoc. Hold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roaooke News Office -:- Weldon N C First Class Bakery HAVING secured a first-class baker I am prepared to fur nish ' Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes Etc. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL HUILDINO WELDON, N. C aepl2 ly Hili aWWin.- itlat 'it ifll ''&&jk irmuinly olK,ii,tt. or rCC RETURNED. 10 YEAH' IXPCRiENCK. ifur CHRC THC LOWEST, f n.l m.tlW. itvloui fkt'iW. f-.-eipct urs. Mi n rtport oi jjiU-i tn'jutv., MmiMOEMtHT utM B.ih.nrlvtt bcl-.n i conrta. PMfnti nhtntivl th' ' m. DVf TIM Ud SOLD, frw. T3A jr-nl. -iH, tOHO mod COPYRICtliS quick iy ojfUtJH L Opposite U. Putent Office WASHINGTON. O. O. mm .A 1 I ,1 1 f

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