lit llPill He mJ (ill (lft imn Mil i m v1. . -x Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XLIII. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. ------ - - - - WKLDOX, X. (, THURSDAY, JANTAKY -1 , 100!). Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum no. HAPPY HOMES. i jf. XI CxJ 1L. ' a - - . v ,x There does Out From Them a Blessed Influence Which Con not Be Overestimated. 'I l, Kind You IIuvo Always nought, nud which hn been in iiho for over 30 yoars, Ims borne the kIk nature of S0 , ' a"tl ,la 1)0'11 """lo under hU nor. W; t Allow no onoto-L rMv,, ,- tni,! AM Coillitorleitx, IinltuUmia (.ml Just-ii.s-;,'iio,l"ui-o hut i:riiiH-i( that trlllo Mi'h nd ondun-. r tins licallli or Int'uiits and t lilldi-eii-Kxporliiici iuaint Kxpcriiiieiit. What is CASTORIA (iistorlu I.h n liurnilmM ii!isituto for Cnsior Oil, Pare Biirif, Drop mill Soothintf 8yi!ps. It is l'leasant. H . nntuliis iicltlior Opium, Morphine not- oilier Nitreoticj MibstaiU'C Its Is its r'larnntoo. It destroys Worms n:ul allays lYK-risliiifss. It .tiros Dlarrhma and Wind Colkr. It rclii'Vtvs Tcftliiii Troubles, mrcs Constipation and I'latuli'iuy. U assimilates tlio Food, regulates the Stoiuaeh and llowels, tfivln healthy und natural sleep. The Chililreii's l'anaeea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie KM You Ha?e Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC etNTftUN COM'ANV, Tf MUHMA TNIIT, MtW VOMK OlTf. 101 lnv I'iioxk '. zaocr Nn. in I'iiim:s l!l and "(. P. N.ST A IN BACK, Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASk'FTS. COFFINS and POI1FS O Dyi Night and Out-of-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, II FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM Eli. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. tor 301 301 30E2 THE BANK OF WELDON wianox. X. (' Organized Under the Laws ot the State of North Carolina, Al'il ST L1IT1I, is1.)-.'. Siaie of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. 1 here are many happy homes, t'.unk Cod, in every community, a:i I when they exist there goes out from them a blessed influence, which can hardly he overestimated "A real home with a mother in it," whose hospitable doors are ' ever open to those not so blessed, : is a wonderful power for good. If the boys are made welcome they will not be slow to tell it, and there will be in the sweet amenities of home which will draw them from ', other and less holy influences, it I is not possible in this world so full i of care and trouble to be always 'merry. It is quite possible to be '. always loving and kind. If the j business cares of the father and i the never ending struggles of the mother with dirt and disorder, cooking, washing, ironing and : mending, cannot be banished, they can be wonderfully toned down by the loving sympathy and help which each member of the house hold can and should give to the other. A home where the golden rule is lived is the nearest possible approach to heaven. The day I comes all too soon when the house hold is scattered the boys and ; girls, alas! girls no longer are i gone to make homes for them- ' selves, elsewhere; when some, i perhaps, are laid away from our ' sight, out of reach of kind words or helpful deeds. Happy are we if no sorrowful thoughts haunt us, of hasty words and unkind deeds, if only pleasant memories remain. W'c may, if our means allow, make our home beautiful and attractive, and it is well to do so. But with out the true spirit of home, it will be but a cheerless and desolate i mockery while the ' humble cot tage where love dwells and kind i ness reigns, may most beautifully ; exemplify the sweetness and blessedness of home. j A ifivat inuny people have kidney ami I i!ul!. r tniulile, mainly due to neglect of tin' iH'cai(inal iains in the liaek, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorder, etc. i IMay in Mieh eases is dangerous. Take i Ik-Witt's Kidney and I Madder Pills. Tliey are for eak hack, liackuelie, : rheumatic pains and all kidney and blad der trouble. Soothing and antiseptic. i Kcgular size ,'HH'. Sold liv W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X. ('. For more than fifteen vears this institution has provided hanking facili ties for this section. Its stockholders and direetois have been identified with the liusmess interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon rppnued security at the legal rale of interest UK pei centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus ami undivided profits having reached a sum ecunl to the Capital Stock, the Hank has, com neing .lanuaiy I. I'.lns. established a Savings Department allowing interest mi tunc deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed torcmaiu three months or longer. 1' per cent. Six months or longer, 8 percent. Twelve months or longer 4 percent. Kor further information applv to the President or Cashier. vii K-i-iiKsiiiKs r: i asiiikh: Dii. II. W. I.KWIS. W. K. SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton counlyi i-kksikkst: W. K. DANIEL, When a girl is interested in a man it's a sign she could make him think so if she wasn't. l or health and happiness I'eWitl's Little Karly Risers small, gentle, easy, pleasant little pills, the best made. Sol.l by W. I. Cohen. Weldon. X. C. Probably more men would go to church on Sunday if they had to sneak in through a side door. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. : The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of SEABOARD i No matter what a woman's hu s i band does she can always find ' some excuse for it unless it was j about another woman. AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures arc only as Infor mation (or, the public a.iJ arc not Suarnteed, and are subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 for at 300 p. n, , No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 38 p- m. We operate loul,.e D.ihy vestibule servic,-;..- through r.dlman Vor further Information relative to rates, sched ule3, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon. N. C. Or write to ( II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Ralalga, N. C. if JL Some Climb for Fame and Some for Gain DO YOUR BEST. In Whatever Occupation or Pro fession (lod Has Put You, Do Your Best. n . i. i . i But all should dim! and happiness. ib for health A package of FOR SUE BY W. M. Drs. Hoag & Turblu's Liver and Kidney Tablets Are for Liver and conr plaints in their varied forms. Get a package today ai.d see the good it will do you. Price 50 Ceiu COHEN, WELDON, N C GOOD TIMES GOME AT LAST. 1 been longin' an' alookin' fer ter see dat happy day When a man kin mek a livin', an' a little time ter play, An' owe no-body nothin' all de blessed year aroun', An' sell his lates' pickins at eleben cent a poun'. Ii look lak I would not be lef ter see dat time arrive, But, bless de Lord, it done come roun !' an' I am still alive ! An' I's paid up ev'y dollar, an' I owns my little place An' now I looks disbig roun' worl' right squar'ly in de face. Ole Marster mighty good to us; de white folks treat us kin', An' we ain't fergit de favors when we uster git behin'; Lord, keep us good, an' give us strengt' ter cultivate de grown', An' don't let cotton gii below eleben cent a poun'! G. W. Belk, in Uncle Remus's The Home Magazine. The Blood Is The life." Sclenco has novr pmo beyond the above simple staU-nu lit ot scripture llut It has illuminated that statement and given it a meaning ever broadening with His ini-rea.sluil breadth of knowledge When the blood la "bad" or Impure It i not alnmi the tod; which sulTert through disease. The brain In also i londeil. lin mind and judgement ire beted, amTiunr an evil deed or Impure lh(ghtvnJ40Krectl) traced to the irniiMrol the GWiS Knunimuitra blond run lie In 1V' III IVrce's tiolilen Medical, PlacomT, i '-lltllill'-s I""1 'I'" hhKd thereby curing, pimplca, blutches, eruption! and ether cutaneous affections, as eczema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and othee manifestation! ot Impure blood. In tho cure of scrofulous swellings, en j larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old (ores, tho'doldcn Medical Discovery "haa : performed the most marvelous cures. In cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers, It Is well to apply to the open Hires Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores In con i junction with the use of "Golden Medical I Discovery " a blood cleansing consti j tutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the " All-Healing Salve In stock, you can easily procure It I by Inclosing fifty-four cents In postage stamps to nr. tv. v. rierce, isu main ou, Buffalo, N. Y., and It will coma to you by return post Most druggist keep It al well as the "Golden Medical Discovery.' v w w w w w m You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown crrniposmtm as a aunruiuw tor "Golden Medical Discovery, which 1 a medicine or auoww composition, having a complete list of Ingredients In plain Kngllsh on Its bottle-wrapper, the name being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Fierce'! Plaasaat Pellets regulate aee turtjoreW etoautek, liver aa4 bewele, TOO LATE. And you've come back again you say ? The old, old love is glowing yet; You've tried through all the weary years, You've tried, but vainly, 10 forget; And now you've come to me once more, When time at last has made you free, And offer me again the heart, Whose earthly hopes are bound in me. Come, come and let me see your face, Your chestnut hair is touched with snow, But still it is the dear old face I loved so fondly years ago, The same as on that summer's day Bent over me and kissed my brow; Oh, happy years of trusting love; Ah ! well, it is all over now. No, no; you must not take my hand; God never gives us back our youth; The love and faiih you questioned then Were yours, dear friend, in perfect truth. A woman's wiles, a woman's tongue, Spoke doubt and anguish to your breast; You left me and my heart is dead, No voice can now disturb its rest. Forgive, but do not speak the word. I know you never meant me wrong; God sent an anguish to myheart To teach me to be brave and strong. Farewell ! I think 1 love you yet. As friend does friend; God bless you, dear, And lead you through the darkest way To where the sky is always clear. ONE DAY, Heavy Dumuges In a lireach of Promise Suit In Which Every body Is Mude Happy. The late William Parker, the eminent surgeon, had a case of goitre brought to him fur treatment. Those who have traveled in Switz-1 erland know of t..o awful swelling ' that is called the goitre. The pa-! tient brought to Dr. Parker was a millionaire many times over, and they wanted the doctor to perform the surgery and to warrant the safety of the patient and his recov-; ery, and they said they would give j him a million dollars if he would j warrant the undertaking. "Oh," : said the doctor, "I cannot warrant ! anything, but I will do the best I can!" My friend said to Dr. Par ker, "How did you feel when you were about to undertake that sur gery?" "Well," said he, "my hand trembled dreadfully, because, you know, I am an old man now; my hand trembled dreadfully; but just as soon as the instrument touched .the delicate place my nerves were strong as steel, and without any excitement I went right through the successful operation, and with no anxieties; as soon as 1 began my hand was firm." And we may have a great many anxieties about what is to come in life, and we may tremble about the great responsibility, but when we come up to the right place God will steady our hand; he will take hold of us, he will give us courage, and without any perturbation we will go right through. j A parishioner asked a clergyman j why the congregation had filled j up, why the church was now so ! prosperous above what it had ever j been before. "Well," said the j clergyman, 1 will tell you the se cret. I have always done my best." And in whatever occupa tion or profession God has put you, do your best; whether the world appreciates it or not, do your best always do your best. Domitian, the Roman emperor, for one hour every day, caught flies and killed them with his pen knife; and there are people with imperial opportunity who set themselves to some insignificant business. Oh, for something grand to do, and then concentrate all your en ergies of body, mind and soul up on that one thing, and nothing in earth or hell can stand before you. It requires a proper combination of certaiuac'klswith naturaldigcstive juices to perfect a dyspepsia cure. And that is what Kodol is a perfect digestei that digests all the food you eat. If you will take Kodol for a little while you will no longer have indigestion. You then couldn't have indigestion. How could you have indigestion if your food weie to digests? Kodol digests all you eat It is pleasant to take, acta promptly. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. X. ('. lie was one of the L'ciniiiio i J t'liiu.'ssi't' mount a i n siiitittor:;, ami iiftcr In; hud brought mo ;t t gourd of water from tin- spt ing hack of the house he said: "SlraiiH'er, yon are a l inht smart lookin' feller, and 1 reck on you can read ami write?" ''Yes, I can do both fairly well," I replied. 'Melilie you'd be willin' to do a leetle simtliin' for ine''" "I certainly would." "Well, young Jim Itenfrow ' is in the cabin here. Ho'h been cotein' my gal Linda for a year ' past." 'T see." But he ami Linda has conclu ded not to hitch up. Fact is, he's struck on another gal. " "And wants to get lid of Linda?'' J "That's it. Of co'se he kin j do so, but bavin' promised to j marry her, it's what they calls a i breach of promise, ain't it?" "It surely looks that way." "Yas, Jim says it does, and he's come over to settle. He's willin' to settle, but he wants a receipt, and neither one of us kin write one. Will you come inside and do it?" I went in with him aud was introduced to the wife and the young couple, and after writing materials had been provided I sat down and wrote the follow ing, which was duly signed and witnessed and made everybody happy : "This is to certify that I have letJim Henfrowoff from marry ing me for the sum of S2 in cash j and he can marry who heduni- ed pleases, ami 1 won t make any bother." Kansas City Journal. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. Thr-r; i.i r disco..-! prevaili; K in this country most dp.ncerour. be-'aure ; decp 73 " j ! l;J V. bv. M;o.y -..d.!- n f i-l . ,-t Ian j dcuths are taxed ty (fyf t" 1 i. heart direace, Wlorpoph!cxy J'-fH-n'fA -V fare, cftcn tho remit il iy i . :::!-: t ' f t'.rj 1 cf kidney disease. If Y'yU.ry tr nible is al-l'-jcd to advance tho - poisoned L! . k .1 will attack the vital organs or the licl: down and waste always result from iT;Vo and a cure is v ;t hy 9 pi '.ptr treatment of tf' ! i h, If y vi are foclir.g badly you ca.; :::;ii'.'i r.o i:.i t by laLing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koo t! greM kidney, liver and It 'vrpv'-t', i!;:iU.ity to hc-M urine and scald i:. ; in f;. ::.rj it, sr.d overcomes that u:.r.! ,,i -.'i , r. e ;i' - of bc;i;f,' compelled to f - r(.tr.: .; t!;c d r 'ii.d to pet up many ti'.r. ; d tl.i i::;;ht. Vvi rr.ild and the e::'i v- 1 nary rffcot rf Swamp-Root is soon i";i!i.": l. it .:tindn the hifhect for its won d":f.:l n'iif,-, .f th T;io::t d...ti caning cases. l ::t i; -It s pX-tta.U tj ta! and sold by all drr-ji - m f.fty-ccr.t af.d one-dollar r r.-A bottlv:;. Y-"; inr.y p t!ii.; vn ictf C"vry;i:-.1 a boc. t.v.t It!!- aii a'::t it. b:th u-mi'f.f swamrvltwt. zvr.i U. y ruil. Addr-. :. Dr. Kilmer & Co. I.mhivni !'. Y. V,'ii-;!i writing mention rsaiir.ff thi f-:ir:r ;.3 cftcr in this paper. Don't make any iiistake, but remember tl.e ra'T.c. .c-w.imp-Ko.M. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingharr.ton, N. Y., on every bottle. g T. CLJIC. ATTORNEY AT LAW, wianoN, n. c. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and ii. 1 1 it Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt return odol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon THE DEVIL'S TIME. If after using two-tliirds rf a bolt!, of K-i-lnl, you cm l;-inettly say it has nt bene hted you. we will refund your money. Try Kod"l todav on thin Ruarantee. Fill out and sit;n the f --i lowing, pmse lit it to til. tU-alt-r al tin! time of I'tirrlidsr, If it f.iils to satisfy yr-u rem i it the bi.ttk- clita:nini onc-ltii-d of tlio tne.hf-ino to the from whom you bouglit it. and we will refund your moucy. Town Sien liere - ut Till. Out - Some women are bound to blondes, by fair means or foul. be Oh, heart of mine, through all these perfect days, Whether of white Decembers or green Mays, There runs a dark thought like a creeping snake, Or like a black thread, which by some mistake Life has strung the pearls of happy years: A thought which borders all my joys with tears. Some day, some day, you, or 1 alone, Must look upon the scenes we two have known, Must tread the selfsame paths we two have trod, And cry in vain to one who is wiih God, To lean down from the Silent Realms and say, "I love you," in the old, fiiiiiiiitti' way. Some day and each day, beauteous though it be, Brings closer that dread hour for you or me, Fleet-footed Joy, who hurries time along, Is yet a secret for one who does us wrong. Speeding us gaily, though he well doth know Of yonder pathway where but one may go. Ay, one will go. To go is sweet, I wis Yet God must needs invent some special bliss To make His Paradise seem very dear To me who goes and leaves the other here. To sever souls so bound by love and time, For anyone but God, would be a crime. Yet Death will entertain his own, I think, To one who stays, life gives the gall to drink. To one who stays, or be it you or me, There wails the Garden of Gethsemane. O dark, inevitable and awful day, When one of us mut t go and one must stay ! -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. This is just the time of the year when you arc most likely to contract a severe cold, and you should always have Ken nedy's Laxative I'ough Syrup handy, especially for the children. H tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. 1 1 cures the cold by gently moving the honels through its laxative principle, and at the same time it is soothing lot throat irritation, thereby stopping the cough. Iwltl by W. M. Cohen, U'-hlim N. C. j When Mr. Moody was holding , meetings in Hartford, Conn., : many years ago, he urged a man one night to accept Christ at once, j Finally the man replied : "Well, i Mr. Moody, 1 will promise this : ' I will attend the meeting to-mor-i row night, and I will accept Christ S as my Saviour then." That man : never reached home alive. The train on which he travelled ran off , a bridge at Tariffville, and many , lost their lives; and among them ! was the man who promised Mr. Moody that he would repent the i next night : "The experience." : said Mr. Moody, "taught me a : lesson : Never to let any otf with j a promise, but to press them hard I for an immediate decision; and if that failed, to show them the peril of even a night's delay." ' To-morrow is the devil's time. Don't trust him. He is a deceiver and the "father of lies frn the - beginning." A WOMAN AT THE WIRE. DigestsWhatYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet E. c. Sold DeWITT & CO., Chicago, III. iy W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. One afternoon a young woman stepped up to the telegraph coun-; ter in a local department store and in a trembling voice asked for a supply of blanks. She wrote a message on one blank, which she immediately tore in halves; then a second message was written out that was treated in the same way; You may eat all the good sensible food i finally a third was finished, and ligest it ,u: humlt'il to the- nneriitnr with a feverish request that it be MOVING SALE! The ci.tire stock will be sold from today until January 1st, 1909. Men's and Boy's Suits, Men's Trousers and Hoy's Knee Pants at the : : : : : LOWEST PRICES, B- 1 will move next to l.yneh's Jewelry - Store, neurthopoi-tollice. where 1 will lii-eda full hue of Men's and Hoy's np- to-dateSuils, Hats. Cap. Hoots. Shoes. I etc . also a line line of Ladies Skirls and I-10 iii-diunr onuN al the lowest pnct-s, I want to thank my friends for their past patronage and hope they will give me a liberal share of it at my new stand. Wishing you all a .Merry Christinas and Happy New Year. Kespeetfullv. 1. J. KAPL1N, lioanoke Kapitis, N. C. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have) the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine THEDFORD'S What surprises a girl most about ! a man daring to kiss her is that he I didn't do it before. Black- draught Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, f ir constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa you like, if you will let Kotlol for you. l'on't worry about dyspepsia! or ingestion, for worry only tends to make you more nervous. Besides ou don't have to worry any more about what you eat, lxs-ause Kodol for I 'vs. pepsia and Indigestion will digest any and all food at any ami all times. Kodol is jniitntutt'ed to give prompt relief. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. S. C "rushed." When the message had gone on the wire and the sender had departed, the operator read the other two for her own amusement. The first ran; "All at an end. Have no wili lo aix you again. L)o not write or try There's nothing ever coming to j t0 see me any more," was the the public from anybody and it gets it. A lnr-kv thinir about pettinp mar-1 ried is that for the one time other Jj people are stuck for the presents king ton nan niwtjs twilp A Horrible Hold Up. "About ten yearn ago my brother was "held up" in Ins work, health aud hap pinessby w hat was believed to be hope less Consumption," writes W. R. Lips comb, of Washington, N. V. "He took all kinds of remedies and treatment troni Bcveral doctors, but fount! no help till lie used Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured bysix bottles. He is a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lunffs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and Colds, bronchitis, I.atirippe, Asthma and all bronchial allections. 50c. and ft Trial liottlefree. (iuaranteed by all druggists. An idle brain is the advance agent of a busy tongue. Bttntla Kfaatai r tenor of the second message. The third was to this effect : "Come at once. Take next train if possi ble. Answer." Angels are all right to admire at a distance, but not very exciting to live with. The more indignant a woman can grow over a scandal the more she seems to enjoy it. First Class Bakery U AVING secured a II baker 1 am prepared to nish Hrst-class fur- Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes Etc. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S, MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. 1M M n Haw l8is Bought D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Wei Jon N C W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IS 1UKIEL BUILDING WELDON. N.C sep!2 ly D -n ipflah mum rnimptlsr oluaui'd, or FCC RCTURNf D. 20 VtARS'IXPIIt.CNCE. Olir CHANUI t A HI THI LOWEST. Homl model, pboto m akt'tt li fur expert Marvli and fj-n rnt on polntlillltjr. NFMNCKMINT mill ooudttitud befura nil (Httirtrt. Pmtfnti ebtrt.ntl ttiroufth on, ADVEN TltVO aud BOLO, fiw. TRADR-MARKft, PEN SIONS ftiul COFYRIOMTS quickly ufcMliMMi, Oppotlte U. S. Patent Otfloo, WASHINGTON, D. O. Al

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