Hi 11 El , Esa Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum. L. WAU. WKLDON, X. ('., TIiriSSDAY, FKIUUAKY 11, 1JHM). NO. 11 mm ;.'d r, .-a I - .t.( ulloL 3 rt;K t'K.vrT slmil.-iiiiiJilcrjod.iiKlU'qiiii liiilicSumhsarJUtMvlsi PromolcsDirti'sii.iiiI'hfpri'rf iws ami lt'.Comains nawr Uiiinm.M'irphiae norteral. Not Narcotic. MnrffruUBrSMwmsm jtlxSmm lift, toad Mr W- Ancrfi-rl Rimwilv rurCmsiita- I ton . Sour StoRwich.Uiui riKX-j Worms Jfom'ulsioiis.Wwrisli ncss anil LOSS OF SiEIP. FacSinJc Si$r,o!urf'f NEW YORK. J ii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Iwsys Bears the Si&iiaturo Bought I si of jjjf IF In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. Wt 8INTOI tOMMNT. NSW YORK ClTT. Ml Pi 1 V TlKlNK Nil. II I' 1'll.iM I ami .-.I. IS P. N. ST A IN BACK. indi:ktaki:i. Weldon, - - North Carolina. Hull Line ol CASKI-TS, 0)l;l-INS and ROIJLS. Day, Night nnJ Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. THE CHRISTIAN MOTHER. There is Something in a Uood, : l. ing Chrisl inn Mother's tiood Night Kiss that Cannot He Wiped Off theCheeU. I :Vltt . V.ipplce Clll isl should ' -UK- iniii your home. I irst the wife .ii, J i!i-- iiHiikr would Feel ! His presence. Religion almost j always begins there. It is easier I'"' women i,i lieeiiine Chrisiiar.s : than for us men. They do not ! fight so I'lj.iinsi Cod. If women '. ! t.'inpied man originally away Prom ; ' holiness, now she tempts him back. ; She may not make any fuss about i ii, but somehow everybody in the , h ilisc knows that there is a change ; in die wife and mother. She chides i t'le children more gently. Her t ice iignts up somenmes witli an uueanhly glow. She goes into ! sime unoccupied room for a little j I Wiiiie, and tlie husband goes not anter her nor asks her why she j was there. He knows without j asking thai she has been praying, i The husband notices thai her face ! is brighter than on the clays when years ago, ihcy stood at the altar, , and he knows that Jesus has been : p tiling upon her brow a wreaih sn ecier than the orange blossoms. i She inns ihe children to bed, not ' s uislied wiih the formal prayer : thai they once offered, but she ' lingers now and tells them of Jesus , who blessed little children and of the good place they all hope to be at last. And ihen she kisses them good-night with something that the child I'eels to be a heavenly bene- diction - a something that shall hold on lo the boy after he has become . a man of -10 or 50 years of age, for there is something in a good, lov ing Christian mother's kiss that 50 ; years cannot wipe off the cheek. 1 iMyll mt i I v.. - I 5 n3"2H The most highly refined and healthful of baking powders. Its constant use in almost every American household, its sales all over the world, attest its wonderful popularity and usefulness. CHILDREN. They Will Not Trouble You Very Long. rn'utf.i: WANTtb. Alore Men of Courage. Surely that is What the World Needs to Make it Uutter. fc- mmr m . THE BEATITUDES. X ST. MATTHEW, V: 3-11. siirit: for they shall for thov shall inherit the(f? lilcsst'd are the poor com forted. lUcssed are the meek: earth. 'J Pdessed are they which do hunger and thirst after ft righteousness; for they shall bo filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain $ rc'- ... Messed are the mire in heart: lor tney snail see Ood. Messed are the peacemakers: for they shall be call ed the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for right eousness' sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and per ii. .... .. . ... $f secuto you, and shall say all manner or evil ot you yjj falsely, for my sake. y'j SS'-s?'. tf" v?' ?.S55 5?'5? s5"-5?"' ".SC Woe to him that smiles not over a cradle, or weeps over a tomb. He who never uicJ die compan iotiship of a htile child, has care lessly passed by one of the great est pleasures of life, as one passes a rare flower without plucking ii or knowing iis value. And to you whose homes are blessed w ith the little prattlers, have patience and enjoy them while you may. They will not trouble you long. Chil dren grow up nothing on earth grows so fast as children. It was but yesterday, and that lad was playing with tops, a bouyani boy. He is a man and gone now. There is no more childhood for him nor for us. Life has claimed him. When a beginning is made, it is like a raveling stocking, stitch by stitch gives way until all are gone. The house has not a child in it there is no more noise in the hall boys rush in pell mell; it is very orderly now. There are no more skates or sleds, bats, balls or strings left scattered around, things are neat now. Not the courage to fight and die on the baiih.- Held, but to live in one's daily work when there is much to depress; to keep gn in the struggle when failure attends the footsicps; to stand at the post of duiy when it is an obscure one and no voice of kind appreciation is heard. . We need men with courage to tell the mail at the counter, even if a sale be missed; to rebuke him who utters a profane word in a public place; lo speak on the un popular side of a question ; and to vote, from deep conviction, with a small majority. We need men with courage to refuse to sign a petition of an unworthy applicant for office, and courage to do any thing which makes a majority to exclaim, "He is very eccentric." Some men will face the bayonet sooner than a laugh, and cares less for a blow than a word of con tempt. It is sad to think how 'rff many have been led into intemper- There is no delay ate and profligate habits by the fear ' 1)g Get Up With a Lame Back? Kiaaey Trouble Hakes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tlie great kidney, livx-r anil ,, , liliuliler remedy, lie- "iL-rtjf ! eause of its remark- Mi aoie lieaim rcsiuiuig ! I properties. Swamp- r Koot fullilla almost K every wish in over j j coming rheumatism, 111 pnin in the back, kiil jj neys, liver, bladder ami every part of the urinary passage. It eorrerts inability to hold water ant sraldini;pain in passintfit, or ludell'eets folliwini;useof liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled logo often through tlie day, mid to get up many times during Hie night. Swanip-Koot is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will he found just tlie remedy you need. It he.s been thor oughly tested in private practice, and ha3 proved so suceesbtul that a special ar rangement lias been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a simple bottle sent' free by mail, also a hook telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to hndoutif youhavckiu- ji ncyor pla iner irouoie. When writingnieiilion reading this generous ,T..r in this Tinner find s'iid vour address to ZixSS2'0 Dr. Kilmer & Co., n., msm. liingliamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size buttles are Bold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Einghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. WIi.B'SBK"?' ':iJrMS33R4 11 now for sleepy folks; there is no j longer any task before you lie down, or looking after anybody and tucking in the bed clothes. Oh, for some children's noise! We wish our neighbor would lend us an urchin or two to make a little noise in these premises. A home wiihout children is like a garden and no flowers. We want to be tired, lo be run over, to hear chil dren at work with all its varieties. BY A WOMAN HATER. A BOY'S SACR1PICE. He- very H. G HOWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EM UAL.MER. Seventeen years' Experience. Ilenrse Service Anywhere. j W"" inreram- iQctl THE BAM (IF WtLUOl' WKLDON. N. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, At tll ST-.'ullI. IS').'. Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C ap i t al an d Sarpl us, $42,000. for more than tifteen veins thi- iiiHiilulum lias provided hankiuir facili ties for this section. Its stockholders and .Ineclois have been identilied with the business interests of Halifax and Norihaiui'loii counties lor many years. Money is loaned upon n..nnc.l seeui.lv at theleml rate ot interest six per centum, .eeoui.is in an aie i . " The surplus and undivided prolil li.uim; leached a sum ei'ial U Capital Stock, the Hank lias. , nieacin- .laiinvy I. I'm i-;.; .h-di SaviiiL's Department allowine' inteiel on In l.-.,..-its as lolhms: h..i...ii ulliiive.l toremain three moiillis in loiieer. ' per cent. months or lomrer. S ner cent. Twelve th-" loiieer.l pe nl for further information apply to llie l'iei.h nt was a good little boy and houghtful, says an exchange. He had heard about the scarcity of water throughout the country. He came to his mother and slipped his hand into hers. ! "Mamma," he said, "is it true ' that in some places the little: boys and girls have scarcely enough water to drink?" "That is what the papers say, my dear." "Mamma," he presently said, "I'd like to give up somethin' for those poor little boys and girls." His mother gave him a fond look. "Yes, dear. And what would i you like to give up?" j "Mamma," he said in his earn- j est way, "as long as the water is , s: very scarce, I think I ought to i give up bein' washed." FAIR EXCHANGE. WE NEVER MENTION HIM. Oh, no ! we never mention him, his name is never heard; My lips are now forbid to speak that once familiar word; From sport to sport they hurry me, to banish my regret; And when they win a smile from me they think that I Forget. They bid me seek in change of scene the charms that others see; But were I in a foreign land they'd find no change in me. 'Tis true that I behold no more the valley where we met, I do not see the hawthorn tree; but how can 1 forget ? Tor oh ! there are so many things recall the past to me The breeze upon the sunny hills, the billows of the sea; The rosy tint that decks the sky before the sun is set Ay, every leaf 1 look upon Forbids me to forget. They tell me he is happy now, the gayest of the gay; They hint that he forgets me too but I heed not what they say. Perhaps like me he struggles wiih each feeling of regret; But if he loves as I have loved, he never can forget. JUST FANCY. ! the I it l or t ( ashier. I'Uksiuknt: W. DAMKL, VIC'K-litKSIIIKM : till. II. U. I.KWIS, (.lackson, Northampton coiiulv i i vMiiiut: W. It. MITII. SEAB0AKD AIR, LINE "Dear," she said, tremblingly, as she nestled against him on ihe first night of their honeymoon, 1 j have a secret to lell you." i "What is it?" he hissed, tragi cally. ; "Can you ever forgive me for j deceiving you?" she sobbed. "My left eye is made of gl-glass !" "Oh," he murmured, with a j sigh of relief; "don't say any more, dearest; so are the diamonds in your engagement ring." SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN. 4, 1909, These arrivals and departures are only as Infor nutbriiarthe public an.! a mt guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. DOCTORS MISTZtCnS An- said oflen to I buried six feet undoi ground. Itut many tim-'s vvomen cm I nn ;he,rM,nily.l.yslclan-.snttenn.as 1,7 Inuidiie. one Iroanlv s,-.isla. 1. 1...1 le-r tro m l,,rtilii aso, another from liver or kid ,, ,hea-e. uiioOicr from nervous n. ili.ii.iiimtlicrvviin pam ii.-i.-ni,.. .... .... m.,1 In this vmiv lliey prcM-iii O, n.-'lves n,l Iheir easv-folim or ovr- ,..r I 1 1 r ill it I in- I" ' ' ' ' - Just fancy me dead, with the green myrtle creeping Above the low mound of my infinite sleeping. Just fancy me gone, as one lost to the gleaming In the rest that is sweeter than life's fitful dreaming; Just Fancy a name that you loved on a fomb, And the roses you planted there breaking in bloom ! Just Fancy their roots reaching down in their trust To a quiet old heart in a handful of dust; Just fancy the violets of velvet and blue To whisper from me out of dust unto you. And feel when you touch them the beautiful grace Of a hand through the dust on the bloom oF your Face ! Ah, fancies are foolish, I know it, my dear. But the fancy of death isn't nearly so drear When we know when death sunders and severs our lives There's a love that endures and out lasts and survives, And the lips that are dust through the dream of the tomb Feel the kiss oF loved lips on the lips oF love's bloom ! It doesn't take a very bright wo-; man to dazzle the average man. The widow in the flower of her youth is not discouraged by weeds. ! An ex-husband is apt to think ! alimony means all the money. The girl wiih a shapely ankle ; can always find an excuse For j crossing a muddy street. If some women haven't any one to talk to they chew gum so their jaws won't get rusty. Every time a woman makes a call she has some new piece of gossip to turn loose. When a girl refuses to flirt it's a sign that she is really and truly in love with one man. In after years a married man wonders why he failed to appre ciate a soft snap when he had it. livery middle-aged woman is set in her ways and opinions, but you can't induce her to admit it. It may be that some men are born great, but a woman seldom acquires greatness via matrimonial route. I Perhaps nothing makes a girl so angry as the thought that a young ! man thinks she would not resent i being kissed. I The average woman thinks more of her figure and complexion than a man does of everything he pays taxes on. "A man is only half a man until : afier he gets married, says a wo man writer. Yes, and after that he may be nobody at all. j MARRIAGE TO REFORM FOLLY 1 of their comrades laughing at their conscientious scruples. Oh, for the courage to say "No," when sinners entice, and to say "Yes," when saints exhort. SENTENCE SERMONS. Trials are but to build us, not to break us. ., Honest methods wait for hon est men. Vi: The t.iuly strong never ignore the weak. I. O A K-.IC ATTORNf Y AT LAW, WELDON', N. C. Practices in the courts oflfalifax and adjoining counties and iu the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt return Kodol For ndigestion Our Guarantee Coupon The man who is sure to do it. dares not fail I I'OMVell sees our gil ls ill light of our gains. tin 1 If, after using a tl.oo bottle of Kodol. you Can honestly say it bus Dot benctiled you. we mil refund your money. Try Kodol today oa tliis guarantee. 1 iil out and Sinn the follow Ini:, present it to tlio dealer at the time ot purchase. If it fails to satisfy you return the bottle to Ihe dealer fiom whom you bought it, and wu will refund your oiouey. State Sin liere -1 ut '1 huOul - The full hand often goes wiih the empty heart. The lhuue of lust quenchts the pure light of love. It is not far from winking at sin to working for it. DigestsWhatYouEat And Makes Ihe Stomach Sweet E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, III. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. V. Faith for the futur dying hope of man. 1 is the tin- NOTICE ! of Roanoke Rapids' New Store New Goods If this world world no other is wiii- not Cod's d will be. The best, way to talk of of Ciod is labor for man. He has no power with men' who has no patience with chil- j dren. I llepossesses nothingto whom his possessions are everything. The best aspiration for heav en is perspiration in making earth heavenly. Take care of your secret life ami the surface life will take care of itself. Chicago Tii i bune. 1 I have opened up my new place of business near the poMollice with a new j line of .Men's up-to-date Clothing and ! I ent s Furnishing ' ioods, Hats, Caps, pools. Shoes, lite. Also a fine line of Ladies' Skirts and Ladies' Keady-Maile ; Suits, for the spline, in the finest put j tei ns, at tlie lowest prices. Come. Don't tail to see soon my spring opening and I compare prices. You will surely save ( money bv buying vour goods from I ' i. J. KAPLIN. ! Koanokc Kapids, N'. C. n In renlllv.lhey ara Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 -No. 38 for at 3.05 p. m No. 41 for Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 38 p. m. W operate Double Daily vestibule service with 'l'"'' oiiville.St.AuKustinc, Atlanta, I ' Vo.k. Richmond. Washinirton, llaltimoie, l'liiladclplna ami For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER. Ticket Agent. Weldon. N.C. 0rwritet0 V, II- (JATTIS, Traveling passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C. i . 1 1 . .. I . ,. i- unit ill i e viip "' caused by some ulcrWie j I,.,.,! i:.-'V,rus..-iau.'V"f'"'l 0( Ilie oMi.r of sutteniig. Reps U. niM-t until large tolls arc nrm-lo JKr I iwiienl sets no t-ttetJMy.iuj3tl'f ! . '..... ,mnni. hut i.rohithlv vvurseTA tirom I jnedicJiielikjJjrU'iiJU'Tavur ), 7-r.n,,,ivi, iii. ,.u u '(Hm-t-o. there? bTtfTTHTOiTwtlm uisircMiuij f-ymp-tonis.nnd Instituting coin fort 1 1. Head of proloiised misery. It hns been e I said, hat "a disease known I halt cured." Iir. Pierce's favorite Prescription Is fricntllic mnliclnc, carefully dcvi?ed hy nn evr-rienced mid skillful physician, nnil adapted to woman's delicate Wcm. Ii (4 .mi. a .if liat VO American un-un-iimi roots and I eTei-l 111 oil. if. v iierfnctlv lianilesslri rr.Tf-..riniTCTit i.rurmi lis A WAITER'S DILEMMA. i Soldier Balks Death Plot. " ' It seemed to .1. A. Stone, a civil war : veteran, of Kemp, Texas, that a plot It was ill one of the large down- , existed between a desperate lung trou ble and the grave to cause his death. ' contracted a stubborn cold," he vv riles, "that developed a cotiuh that sine's lo me, in spile of ail icim-.tt. . f,.i years. My weight ran down to bio pounds. Then 1 began to use Or. king's New liiscovcrv, which restored mv health completely. I now weigh 17s pounds. 1' or severe Colds, obstinate Coughs, Hemorrhages, Asthma, and to prevent Pneumonia it s unrivaled, fsic. nndfl. Trial bottle free, (luaranteed by all druggists. As a iwvvorfiil Invigorating tonic Fa vontc Proscription" imparts strength to the whole system and to llm organs dis tinctly feminine In particular, t or .over worked, " worn-out." run-down," dehill , Hied teachers, milliners, dressmakers, lea Mistresses, "shop-Kirls." htniso-kceiHT. : nursing mothers, and feeble women gen i " ally, Dr. I'leroe's Kavorito Prescription h the. greatest earthly bcon Isdng un I equaled as an apuetulng cordial uud r : siorallve tonic As a soolhliig nd strengthening ner- Ine "KavoriUi Prescription" is unemialed i find It ttivahiabln In allaying and sub ! dnliiz nervous excltnbihiy, Irritability, ! nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, ht. Mtusa ! tl-mcc, and other distressing, nervous ! symptoms commonly attendant upon ! functional and organic, disease of the- ulerns. It inuuces mmiiii "-! relieves mental anxiety and desimndcucy. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets fnviirorata the stomach, liver and bowels. Ous U UirMastos. ijy to Ukt U sandy. town restaurants thai the short lit tle woman and her tall husband went for dinner one night "Will you have oysters?" asked the man, glancing over the bill oF fare. "Yes," said the short little wo man as she tried in vain to touch her toes 10 the floor. "And, John, I want a hassock." John nodded, and as he handed his order to the waiter he said, "Yes, and bring a hassock For the lady.'" "One hassock?" asked the wai ter with what John thought more than ordinary interest, as he r.oded in the affirmative. Still the waiier did not go, but brushed the table cloth with a towel and rearranged the articles on it several times, while his face got very red. Then he came around to John's side and sneakina sotto voce, said "Say, mister, 1 haven't been here long, and I'm not on to all these things. Will the lady have the hassock broiled or fried ?" Borrowed well. garments never fit The folly of marrying a man to : reform him has been plainly shown in experience, and a woman who makes such a venture is a Fool. If a woman knows before her mar riage that a man is addicted to drink she is bound to siand by him to the last. She who pledges her love to a drinker cannot desert a drunkard. But if a matt begins drinking after marriage a wife must consider her children and her character. The rights oF children come before the claims of a dissipated husband. To give her children a chance, a wife may rightly seek a separation from a drunkard. V Ai3f. ESS9bwI Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine Black-draught Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not bs the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa The Secret of Long Life. A French scientist has discovered one secret of long life, ltut long ago mil lions of Americans had proved that i;ieetric Hitters prolongs life and makes it worth living. It purilies, enriches and vitalises the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the entire system. Its a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kidney trouble hail blighted my life for months" writes W. M. Sherman, ofCushing, Me. "but Electric Hitlers cured meentirely." Only i'sic. at any druggist. Dead men tell no tales and even their epitaphs are not always believed. HAS A WORD. I don't need much coal at my house in winter weather. De ol' 'oman fires up when I gits home two hours late. Dey done arrested a man in my setilement fer havin' four or five wives. Sich a fool ez dat should never have been born I Many a po' man goes thoo' de trouble er dis worl' wid only de hope dat ef he ever gits a monu ment over him dey'H write on it : "In Peace at Lastl" AAn A SOUR STOMACH ARC SIGNS THAT VOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER. TAKE Simmons Liver n And Feel " Like Yourself Again." THE CENUINE hn Mw RED I T da Mark on tti front ot aaoh pnofcao anil ttM Mgnatunl ana ol J. II. ZEIUN & CO. on tho aMo, IN RED. First Class. Bakery HAVING secured a first-class baker I am prepared to fur nish Fresh bread, Pies, Cakes Etc. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S. MOUNTCASTLE. Weldon, N. C. D. E. STA1NBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Weldon N ...IBsViiiWiiii.il ii' il Hi" in"il ir l'romplly l.lniit.-l, or FCC RETURN t O. ffO YSARft'tXPCRIENCC. Ull ' CHARGES ARC THE LOWEST. S unt tiHHlel, photo ur kf ten f.vr ttp-rt m 'ft frit fttttt fiw re Kit nn pnimLU.illty. INFRINGEMENT P'litN rutKlTirtott L.-toco UI 00011. IWiHr nUnined thr-m-h it, ADVFB TlftEO aittl SOLO, I rrt. T4JL0E-MARK9, PEN IONS and COPYRIGHTS fUhly ohiaiuud. Oppnslto U. 8. Pittent Offios- WASHINCTON, D. C, ,.,-ai ill