17 'r"-"''iH VWh fits Vrk iii iirili ,Ek j Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. ! vol- LlU' A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum WF.LDON, X. (, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, UK)!). NO. 4o 1 "SJPk THE GOSPEL MINISTER. iBroI as A 152 9o ,' !:3 : "wo 4. r v - . c CE ALCOHOL 1 PKH CKNlT AVcClalit'Prfpar1iionror,U similatiji ttirFoocf ontiRrnta lingilieSiomaclBanilJWbi GASTQRIA The Man With a Mission and ! Message. Pronwk-sDiMlionlwtfu! noss and Hps) .Contains nckta OpiiuuXorphine nor Mint nL AHl U I II", AKVntOUBtSMUmBX JtxJamm. Clenirl Sntr Aoerferl Rfitwdv forfowIlM- Hon . Sour Stomach. Dlantui Worms jToimilsioiis.rrtTn lussanlLossorSLUP. ftcS'in Sijnalurf of NEW YORK. T1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of i iir zx.r & .iv ii unntf ed under the Fix Eict Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years IT new yea prrr. D 101 Day I'honk 20. N i m Vu P. N. STAINBAOK, r x i ) i : i it a k i : 1 1, Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASKETS, COFF INS and ROUES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. o Jl H. G ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMKALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. irvr-ii my inn 301 : "I came to you," the apostle ad mits, not with excellency ofj speech, or of wisdom" his reli- ! a ice was not upon oratory or j j scholarship. But while Paul con-! ! Fosses that he was not "a great ; pulpit orator," says my friend, he ! i goes on to suggest the elements ! j of really great preaching. I'irst, : i there is upon him a sense of his ' own insuthciency. l was with you in much weakness." Then ' there is a "fear and much trem bling" which came not so much from his own weakness as from his application of the majesty of the gospel and the magnitude of his task as its messenger. Then there is the presentation of Jesus Christ as the atoning Saviour. Not that he did not know many other things, but he made all knowledge suhservent to that he "deter mined not to know anything among them save Jesus Christ and Him crucified." Then, inevitable, came the demonstration of the Spirit j and power. Pulpit orators! Who I cares about them except the man i who would escape the spiritual IIIIUll HI HIV, I'.''VI i'J OUUVVtlll himself to intellectual titilation? No matter how luxuriant the flowers if there be no fruit. No matter how brilliant the operation if the patient dies! Many a man has i -j: had to surrender the ambition to ; become "a great preacher" before j ijifc he ever discovered the sources of : tN- power. The man with a mission and a message he is what we heart -hungry and world-weary hearers would find the man who has felt the "Woe is me if I preach not" the man who is devoted, whose ministry is a calling, not profession. To be evangelical not enough; he must be evangelis- I tic Dr. Herbert weicn. Ibsolatety Renders the. food more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. The only baking powder m4a from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. iiiilliiWliiiiiliiIIMIri777r Tare M : 3 9? PAPA'S LETTER. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, At'l.rsT 'iiTII. IH'U. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aad Snrplus. $42,000. Kor more than llftwn veara this institution lias pn.vi.lp.1 Imnkini; faoili tien for thii section. Its stoeUmMers uml ilin-otnrs liuvi- Iktii 1. U-n 1 1 1 1 1- 1 with the hunini-KD int.Ti'sts of lluliliix ami Niirlliiiinptim cmintics Inr mBY vero. Money is loanol upon appn.vi-l swinty ut tlirli-irnl rati-l -. ", , , ,,, ... n.l nn.lii til mi I ItlOIlIM I 111 t I II e t-iat iitti --nm i' " t IID Hill I'llll IIU'I' 1 I . c...;..i L..b iUIUi.I Ii.ia f.Hnmi'iii'iML' .liltiuarv 1, lMst fMtaltlolii (HviiiM Department allowmif inti'ivsl on time ilepiwit" as follows. DeponiU allowed toreniain three inontlis oi lont'ci. - per e. ut. monUiiorlonner, 3 per cent. Twelve monlhs or lonu'er 4 percent. Kor further information apply to the l'resi.lent or Cashier. I a l-'or six A GRATEFUL EDITOR. We wish to thank tUe city au thorities for quarantining me and my family for two weeks recently because one of the children had small-pox. Durirg that time my wife caught up with her sewing undisturbed by callers. We had three square meals a day, and no one came in and my wife was not permitted to go out. We enjoyed two weeks of good, long nights' ; sleep, and, best of all, a cousin ; with four children arrived to visit , a. u . .: .t, A I Willi us, saw uie sign on me uuui ! and left town so scared that she ! will never come back again. I I wish to thank the city authorities and hope they will think of our comfort some time again. Kincaid (Kan.) Dispatch. is S 'I'lii raisiuKNT: W. K. DANIEL, VU'K1'Iii:sii)i:nt: 11,1. II. W. I.I'.WIS, (Jaekson, Nortluiuptou eountyl W. K. SMITH. SEABOAKD AIB LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN. 4, 1909. These arrivals and departures are only as infor matbafurths public ami are not stuarantecd, and are subject to change without notice. is the most dangerous time of the yea, to eateli fold, ami it is the j hardest time to cure it. If you should , take a cold, a few doses of Kenm ly's laxative Coujtli Syrup will act very verv promptly. Us laxative principle cures the cold hy driv'ms it from tho j system hy a (,'eutle lint natural action of ; I lie howels. Chihlren speciully like Kennedy's Laxative I'ourIi Syrup, as it tastes so Rood, nearly like maple syrup. Sold hy W. M. Cohen. Weldon. S. C. Generally the man who knows how to tell a tunny story nas iu listen to a fellow do it who doesn't know how. OI Interest To Woman. To such women as are not crlously out ,T, i.i.,ih have exacting dutlea nri"'t ., , k-. pertorA either - il caresor in io;ii - crlousiy va mm " ". urslnii mothcrj. Dr. Plerce'i rlptlon ha proveu a muw rtlng tonic ana llivigorui- llv its ilm"ly ine, murn I wc!fiV i Fvorlte r valuable iup4 ' Ihm nuPVlllA. : H tin I'll V"H-'fcii ii" Til 111 1tn I Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4 55 a. m. No. 38 lor , No. 41 lor Raleigh and poi"s South 12 07 P" No. 33 through train South at 1138 p. m. We operate Double Daily vedtibule aeryice with ''",U"n" ....:n.r u. . ..... Aii.ni lliriiiincliuin, i Hichmond, Wailiinrton, lUltiu.ore, Pli.tadel a and For further Information relative to ules, etc.. appl? to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Tlcktt Ag'ot, Weldon. N. C. York. rates, sched- lot . Or write to C. II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, I Raleigh. N.C. The " Favorite rresenp- U" usprov en a grcai noon "-"-uu,"her I. y preparing the l tem for the coming of babr. thereby rendering child i;rth safe, eav. "d almost painless. Hear In mind, please that Dr. 1'lercoi Vavorlte Inscription l not a secret or patent medt.-lno, against which the most r..,t oole are Quite naturally averse, because of the uncertainty ai to their composition and harmlest character, but is i nkmcixi or know conroii. T o. a full list of all Its Ingredients be rig urlntod. In plain English, on every bottle .wrauwr An fiaml.iatloa of tl. s list of TnarX'nta will disclose the fact that It It r m-a cohollc in Its composition, chenilc .1 " trlple-rellniHl glycerine taking fho oVace of the commonly used alcolior. in its iiiaki-iip. 1" ' connection It n',y not otPof place to state tatthj l"vnrlte l'rescr ption" of Dr. fierce 11 the on y medlclne'put up tor the cure of -nniiViVneculiar weaknesses and al menu anJlS i through druggists, all VXoUof praerlee. and that loo is remedies for the ailment for which U-av,"ue Prescription" Is n'commmided &iaT-M ltll'tkirConet!j.atlon la the cause ol U.n. mm Cure the eause and you S'tbsatt, B-i to lake a. cadj. n I was sitting in my study Writing letters, when I heard : "Please, dear mama, Bridget fold me, Mama musn't be disturbed. "But I'se tired of the kitty, Want some uzzer sing to do; Witing letters? isoo, mama? Tan'i I wite a letter, too?" Not now, darling, mama's busy, Run and play with kitty now, "No! No! mama, me wite letters, Tan if oo will show me how." I would paint my darling's portrait As his sweet eyes searched my face, Hair of gold and eyes of azure, Form of childish witching grace. But the eager face was clouded As I slowly shook my head, Till I smiled, "I'll make a letter Of you darling boy instead." So I parted back the tresses From his forehead high and white And and a stamp in sport I pasted Mid the waves of gold and light. Then I said, "Now little letter, Run away and bear good news," And I smiled as down the staircase Clattered loud the little shoes. Leaving me the baby hastened Down to Bridget in his glee, "Mama's writing lots of letters, I'se a letter Bridget, see?" No one saw the baby figure As he climbed once more the stair, Reached his little cap and lippet, Standing on the entry chair. No one heard the front door open, No one saw the golden hair, As it floated o'er his shoulders In the crisp October air. Down the street the baby hastened Till he reached the office door, "I'se a letter, Mr. Postman, Is there room for any more ? "I ause dis letter's doin' to papa, Papa lives wiv Dod, you know; Mama sent me for a letter, Does oo fink I tan go?" But the clerk in wonder answered, "Not to-day, my little man"; "Then I'll find anozzer office, Tause I must do, if I tan." Fain the clerk would have detained him, But the eager face was gone, And the hurrying little figure By the busy crowd swept on. Suddenly the crowd was parted, People fled to left and right, For a pair of maddened horses At that moment dashed in sight. Tenderly they raised my darling, Brushed away the waves of gold, Saw the stamp in sport I'd pasted, On the forehead white and cold. Not a mark the face disfigured, Showing where the hoof had trod, But the little life lay ended, "Papa's Inter" whs with God. 5r m m SKELETON IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. Only the People Inside the House Know of its Existence. It is said there is a skeleton in every household. The skeleton is locked up put away in a cup boardand rarely seen. Only the people inside the house know of its existence. But the skeleton, nevertheless, cannot long be con cealed. It comes to light some way or other. The most common skeleton is poverty. Poverty is a great secret, kept at any pain by i one-half of the world from the oth er half. When there is nothing laid by nothing saved to relieve sickness when it comes nothing to alleviate the wants of old age, then is the skeleton hidden away in many a cupboard. We do not value money for its own sake, and we should be the last to encourage a miserly desire to hoard among any class, but we cannot help re cognizing in money the means of life, the means of comfort, the means ot maintaining an nonest independence. We would, there fore, recommend every young man and woman who read this paper to begin life by learning to save; to lay up for the future a certain portion of every week's earnings, be it a little or much to avoid consuming every week or every year the earnings of that week or year; and we counsel them to do this, as they would avoid the horrors of dependence, destitution and beggary..' It is a true saying that a penny'in the purse is better than a friend at court. The fact of its being saved and laid up in dicates self-denial, forethought, prudence and wisdom. It may be the gem of future happiness, the beginning of independence. TO RETAIN FRIENDSHIP. A WOMAN'S ESSAY ON MAN. Evidently Man Is A Strange Animal. 20 Years WithHeartTrouble A boy can sii still on a sled six ! inches square, tied to a sleigh mov-: ing eight miles an hour; but could not sit still on a sofa five minutes for a dollar. A man will sit on an , inch edge of a board and talk poli-1 tics for three hours; put him in a church pew for 40 minutcs,he gets ' nervous, twists and turns, and goes to sleep. A man will pouch his cheeks with filthy tobacco, juice runs down to his chin, feels goods but a hair in the butter kills him. He stays out till midnight, wife don't know where lie is, conies home when he pleases, but if a meal is not ready just on time, pouts; frowns, and says unpretty things. Evidently man is a strange animal. Gets full, beastly drunk, imagines he s rich, a great man, bets on the losing horse, goes broke, quarrels, tights, lands in 1 jail, eyes dressed for Easter, face i frescoed and morals depraved, yet he is "Lord of all creation and : monarch of all he surveys." ! Strange animal this man. I OAS Bun the Signature of TWO OF A KIND. Doctor Quackem You yourself a lawyer? Why, couldn't try a can of lard ! Lawyer Briefless And sir, couldn't cure a ham." Y. Times. call you you, N. No friendship will last that has not candor for its corner stone. . m ii WiMM Friendship, like love, is one of the few things in life that money cannot buy. No one ever gained a friend by telling of the affairs of those who have been their friends. First of all, it is necessary that you learn your friends' pe culiarities and that you respect them. Small deceits, petty lies, will make enemies of friends and will cause more than juBt the two concerned to be unhappy. Sometimes for reasons they best understand two friends separate to see nothing more of each other. Then comes the trial. If ever you were a friend you will be able to keep quiet as to the weaknesses of your old friends, to remember that con fidences criven vou when you were close together are to be respected more than ever now. Next, never permit yourself to speak or to listen to any dis agreeable words aoout inem. If you are in doubt as to some speeches they have made, or some action of theirs go to them and aBk them what they mean. The Lurid Glow of Qloom was seen in the red face, hands and body of H. M. Adams, of Henrietta, l'a. Ilia awlul plight from eczema had, for live years, defied all remedies and baf fled the best doctora, who said the pois oned blood had aflected hie lungs and nothing could save him. "Hut," writes hia mother, "seven bottles of l'Jectiic Hittera completely cured him." For Kruotiuus, Ecieuia, Salt Kheum, Sores nd all blood Disorders and Rheuma tism Electric Hittera is supremo. Only 50c. Guaranteed by any druggist. "Dr. Miles' Ik-art Remedy lias cured me of heart disease of over jo years' standing. I was so bad that I could not do my work, and could scarcely draw a full hrrath without fainting or smothering. The doctor told mc lie could do no more for me; Iht'ii 1 commenced taking the Heart Remedy. I shall never forget that night. I slept better than I hail before in months. I kept right on gelling belter, un til I was perfect lv well." MRS. LAURA 'kl'SSI'LLL, Logan, Iowa. When the heart action is weak, it fails to pump the blood through the lungs with sufficient rapidity. Then the lungs do not absorb the proper amount of oxygen, although they may he taking in a normal amount of air. The result is shortness of breath, smothering spells, diffi cult breathing, oppressed feeling in chest. Dr. M iles' Heart Rem edy strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, and in this way increases the circulation. Get a bottle from your drug- gist. Take it according to direc tions, and if it does not benefit he will return your money. JJ T. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON', N.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and ii. tho bupremo court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt return AND A SOUR STOMACH! ARE SIGNS THAT YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER. TAKE Simmons Liver REGULATOR And Feel " Like Yourself Again." THE CENUINC hH the RED Z Trad Mark on th Iron! ot oooh pooka u and the aignature and ooal of J. H. ZEILIN & CO. IN RED. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out Of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Trj Ci Wilt s Kldnei and Bladder PiMa - Sure and Sift Sold by W. M. Colici,, Weldon, N. C. NOT Hat Pins made out of Real Roses of Koanoke Rapids' New Store New (ioods I have opeiit'd up ,uy lu-w place of ImMiH-SM nea, the p.iMollice mill a new line of Men's up-to date I'lothiiiir and licit k 1 iiiiiisliitiLr i IihuIn, Hats, Caps, llootw. Shoos, Klc. Also a line line of Ladies' Skirts uml Indies' Heady-Made Suits, for the spring, in the linest pat terns, at the lowest prices. I'ome. Don't fail to see soon my spring oppuiufr and compare prices. Vounill smely save money by huyintc your goods from I. J. KAPLIN fbiHiiokc Kulm piils, N. C. SHOWING THE RIQHT SPIRIT. A little boy had been naughty ; at dinner, and had been sent away j from the table just as his favorite j dessert cabinet pudding wiih but-1 ler and sugar sauce was being j served.. About nine o'clock that evening, when the other children had gone to bed and his parents were alone in the silting room, a tear-stained little face and a white robed figure appeared at the door. "Mamma," it said, bravely, be tween sobs, "you told me "ever to go to sleep when anything wrong had been done until it was all fixed up righi so I came down to tell you that that that I forgive Sour stomach makes sour people. It makes your disposition sour you lie come disliked because of your sour na ture. Every bit of it can be stopped just as soon as you take (something to digest the food you eat. Sour stomach is caused by too much acid arising from undigested fuod. Kodol for Dyspepsia aud Iudigestion will digest any kind of food iu any combination at any and all times. Keep your stomach well by taking Kodol now and then. ' Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. All the fun seems to be sterilized out of virtues. Don't women get nervous prostration from social obligations and too much house work? This won't occur if they useDrs. Hoag & Turbin's Vino Itepeni the Favorite Tonic for women, price (1. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Wei ten N. C, The reason a woman can be so you and papa for what you did to good to a man is he never deserves me at the dinner table. 'it. If a man can't find anything else to brag about it will be what a fine edge he knows how to keep on his razor. Most women who have bad complex ions have dyspepsia, or at least indiges tion, which eventually will become dys. pepsia. To have flue, fair skin and healthy, rosy cheeks you have to have first of all good, healthy, perfect diges tion in order that you may have rich, red blood. Keep your stomach well by taking Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indi gestion occaaionally just when you need it It is pleasant to take. Hold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, K. C. There's nothing gratifies a girl so much as the beaux she has, whether she has them or not. I IB k I Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcT-draughT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN M JMUWHHiei Reail Rose Hat Pins It doei ncx wm poMiblc, yet It la tntt. that thru Hat Pins arc mad out of live roPB,antl changed into metal by a secret proctwiL 1 hia discovery I without doubt orar of the lout aru of the ancient beyptiarw. They are the moat beautiful of all Hat Ptna. Notwoarealike. MuJe in tiniithe to conform to the prevailing , fashion in millinery. Six sixes at the following price i $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.75, $4.50 Everybody la talking about them. Don't fail to com In aad see them. These ore the genuine DLLAMOTHE Real Hose Hat Pin. W. W. CONDON, JEWELER. WELDON, - N. C. First Class Bakery H baker I am prepared to fur nish Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes Etc. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. OEOROE C. OREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank Building) Weldon, N. C. rrvmirtlY olrtainfd, vr FEE RCTURfJEO, a vcanm ixPinitNOt. uurOMAHor. akii THI LOWEttT. & ii(l m H. 1kiK or sii jU-Ii for ipprt MMivrt ami Tcp tp-.ii t.n pitpnluhaiiy. MiFKIMCIMCNi r "A onmlniiUsI but" re oU pmirlfc Httfnts f' ,iiiii) I' P ''h V. DV Titto&ud soto, rn. Twj.on ma;;s rio IIOHB and COPtfclOHV qu-kiy M)ti1 Opposite O. .fUtfmfcOifloe, WASHINGTON, D. O.