mr A ill II tec TO w iH w 1 lib fl It W Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. XUII. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per AnnumJ A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON. N. ( ., TIirilSDAV. MAliCll is. ltll)!. NO. 1 The Kind You UavA Alway n.,nKlit, and nlsi.1i has been it. uso for over ISO yr.xr, l,Ms l.r ,. ,.,, J. nf r " ' ultl.i.i.T Ins ,,er- CfaAf7&&li Mm itsitil'io.ey. All Counterfoils, ImMMli..i.s titt ".Iii-t-a .-o..l "nr.. I,t i:iTinu'iil- ( trilly villi j. -.1 r,i. health,,; Infants uiul Cliililrfii-i;?..(-iiliici I ll-.p.i iin.-nt. What is CASTORIA tuslorlii Is n harmless Kii!iMlu(n for Castor Oil, Pare Ijorii', 11W uml Soolliine; Nj-rps. U is Pleasant. It contains neither Oiiim-i, Morphine. Hoc oilier Mnrcolio substance. ICS) is its ffiaraiif.v. It destroys Worms anil allays lYt orisliness. It cures IKirrliu-a and Wind l i.lK'. U leli.tes Tt-t'thiiiir Troubles, vim s ( mist iat inn anil l'lntnlt-ney, H assimilates the I'm d, regulates tho Stoinai li anil ISnwi'Is, Kiwi:j; lial(h anil nalnrai -.lee. Tho CuilUri-n'M l'unaeoii -Tho Mother's I'liend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of l.onk Alter the Health and Com fort of Your Wife. Now wo want lu say some- ' t liiiii; lu husbands. These dear, :U;'M at in indispensable t'tvnt l!i.i' th. i-.. is hardly any !n in w iih m- wiiln nit. If 1 1 1- it "M .1 nilii. t has I ii bend- ii'.; " it th.' in. si, n r. ami a in',' i i ; i 1 1 i 1 1 1 all 'lay. she I I- ! i hi- "ill in a vclii-lo I 1 1 " t think we Is I'"l' ill.' Inn.-, lie l -1 i v .'ii t'i sin' a "llii' crap" '""I t In )- n'n hy herself afraiil. 'l'ln-rc is si' iii iiit"iiiHTati' i ti t i n n ra 1 1' rrst. In Stu) longer to u;" a iliM' 1 r 'I- Slltl,'. a-v i : 1 1 1 if u , Inn ,ni ,,(' lak.' I., r. it 1 it' sli.' mil llllll'.' SI'I w..ik than Xt' may lia than an huiir I efa i$kW Mk If. mm BAKING I he hne-r, me wl'ole ;.. lt try ;.rc r.:ui i n . r, Royal is i c ov,ly Baking Powder ni'i.l ' '-cm Royal Gir.e Cret-m cf Tartar JHtaluMir Pure y.-l t'istel'ul nticl : v;ih Ki'val !ak nut otherv. ise. THE MOTHER'S SPIRIT. THE BEALTY Of PLAIN Are Your Children Living In An Atmostphere Infected With De pravity ? For the Sake of keeping l'p Style People Live l ar Above Their Income. When the mother's spirit is im patient, petulent, and hrey, can she expect her children to he gentle ? When she governs by shouting, scolding, and threaten ing, can she expect them in speak is passed in the gently to one another, or even to tr.ivngance, the We love to see people live well, says a thoughtful w riter, and to dress respectfully, and enioy them selves, but there is u happy mca.i in all these things, and v h.u that itYVli'iu of ex ple distress and ST? The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI blNTIUH COMMNI TT MUMM STNIET, NCW OHH CITTf. 1 1 IV I'll. 'S K 30EZ2 moirmoEi I1. N. ST A I NT A( K, I and w . k hm-iT lu pay tin- hill. N .'ii ill In- s, .try sunn' day w h, n th'i' tir,', I hands hold whitr Mowers under a pall thai "ii did ii"t look inure after her' health and romfoi't. If she thinks it i.-, In,, iniieh trouhlo u-e yi'iir pier, "native and make ' her, " i will tin, I that is the ,'h, 'apes! way t" keep a rook thai will in. I die "ii your ha lids lieht ill t he busiest 1 illie of the year. A ml for unod lurk's silk" ihin't el up Sunday iiii'i niiie; ami walk around over : the i'i,,p until she tfels the Iniii-e in order and then I'oine in and i ha ne ymir ehu hill"; all " er the house and leave your nitiddv hoi s and soiled linen 'att'Ted aioiind everywhere, ' atiil tin ii e-,, and sit mi the n il ami ri'ii'l iMiiiiit's ami re- rxmiiMAK Weklon, - . North Carolina. I'ull Line of CASkL' I S. COI TINS .in. I U'OIII S Day, Niht and ()ut-of -1 ow n Calls Promptly Attended to H g :rowe, I fll-e to ,ol do yourse et wit I'.'.ii l'i- r. -..1.1 I ra ri her to d.'ti'l blame f if ,,ii hav, e ill t he Will i rhurrh. If anyone hut the rross- mii.'ii i m i ' i i - .l..ll; .it . .! t :.Ll "!- llll.l i I i ii.-1 1 i ;. I'll .wii'i "i-'-'ii if t!..-y I'.U A I -'Iii. I, V K.l'.'ll- I,- r.,i,if r..i U'.ni. n I'll'-.' si, w. M. ( ..In n. w .-ILiii s. r. LLMiRAI. DIKfliCI'OH M I MMAI.MI k. Seventeen years' Lvpi-rienc Hearse Serae Anvwhe l-ools have the what they please. iberty to say .. till!.' a a i 01 M E THE BANK OF WELDOfl WKl.DON. N. (' Organi.ed I'nder the Laws of the State of North Carolina. l 1. 1 -1 ."'Hi 1-iJ. State of North (.'.at oluia lleposiiory Halifax C.ouniv lK-posiiory Town of W'eldoti Depository. Capilal usi Surplus, I'nr men- tli:ltl lift." ! v ' ;'' 1 tu'H fni ties ,vti.iii. I:- ...-.I with tin' l.tiiji. 1 int. !-!: 1 1 I' many y. :ii M 'ii"v '- ' :ri ' ; ' int.'iWt i pel ivnliiai -.' ' i: I'lie inilu and undo id.- i .i....i- fapitul st..ek. tin- I'.atik ha. Saving I ii pai t mi nt all"in-' ml' i l'(KlllS ullllWl-'l I'H.'III.Ull ll.liv n months or loniri-r. :l -! i'"iit I " For furtlii-t iiil.iiiii.iti'.ii aft'lv t .- V, a .' '' I. a I'. If ..I M u-iy ""ii. i'iii,' liir , --t.'iii l'' Hi,- 1...V krlll.'dv lll-t.- " U Vild l.v ..Id 1 I:- las.iti ,- dl.MIIJ u-niit dy a.-t .iy 1 iiii'.Ic a t'i Id a -, n!li' liul Manual a.-ti !- I Inljl.'ll sl.n'iallv l.avii.i.' I '"uli -yiii'. ii it ,, 1. !,, like mail.- -voip. W i '..In a. W i Id.. n. N.I. Ih-otisoii I've iust given H1) for tins diamond ring for my wife. Voodson It's a beauty ! But isn't it lather er extravagant- ',!,.!:.. at No' a bit. Think what a will save in gloves' "A KISS HE TOOK," A kiss he took, and a backward look, And her heart grew suddenly lighter, A irille, you say, to color a day; Yet the dull gray morn seemed brighter. For hearts are such that a tender touch May banish a look of sadness; A small light thing can make us sing, But a frown will check our gladness. The cheeriest ray along our way Is the little act of kindness, And the keenest sting some careless thing That was done in a moment of blindness, We can bravely face life in a home where strife No footfall can discover, And be lovers still, if we only will, Though youth's bright days are over. Ah ! sharp as swords cut the unkind words That are far beyond recalling, When a face lies hid 'neath a coffin lid, And bitter tears are falling We fain would give half the lives we live To undo our idle scorning; Then let us not miss the smile and kiss When we part in the light of morning. WHAT DOES IT MATTE!!. It matters little where I was born, Or if my parents were rich or poor; Whether they shrank at the cold world's scorn, Or walked in the pride of wealth secure. But whether I live an honest man, And hold my integrity firm in my clutch, I tell you, my brother, plain as I can ' It matters much. It matters little how long I stay In a world of sorrow, sin and care; Whether in youth I am called away, Or live till my bones and pate are bare. But whether I do the best I can To soften the weight of Adversity's touch On the faded cheek of my fellow-man, It matters much. It matters little where be my grave,--On the land or in the sea, By purling brook, or 'neath stormy wave It matters little or naught to me, But whether the angel Death comes down And marks my brow w ith his loving touch, As one that shall wear the victor's crown, It matters much. herself? Will she not see in the carriage and demeanor of her chil dren a reflection of her own spirit and life? If a mother is worldly minded and fond of ornamental dress and show, can she expect her family to grow up in humility? If the mother is in the habit, in her common conversation, of col- en .lave themselves and diminish ; their ability to do goo.l. For the sake of keeping up the styles, peo ple live far above their income, harass themselves with debt, wear , themselves out, and keep them selves in a constant nervous strain by giving fashionable dinners, fash- ; ionably entertaining, and making i oring facts, of exaggerating w hat fashionable calls. How much bet she hears and relates; can she ex- ter is a plain, quiet, Christian pect her children to grow up with home where all is peace and cor a love and reverence for the truth? diality, ihe neighbors heartily wel The tempers and dispositions of come to come and go at will, and parents, whether good or bad, freed from the pestering, senseless whether lovely or hateful, make : conventionalities of fashionable 1 such impressions on the souls of ', life! Why should our earthly life their children that they are like i which at best cannot continue a seeds implanted within them, ' hundred years, be fretted and which shall take root, and grow, ; burdened and worn out premature and form part of their future char- j ly by vain efforts to ape the man : acter. Many an angry, fretful tiers of idle, irreligious, self-seek-i passionate mother is propogating ! ing, rich devotee of pleasure? (lod 'these evils in her children; she i has put us in the world tor a no- I does ma wish to do so. and she is : Mer purpose than Hits, iiiMigia Take ONE cf the Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone HEADACHE BACKACHE "Kef. ire I hctiiti in u .e ir Miks' Ann-t-'jn I'flls I suffered fur ind weeks :th nfurjluii No I ratrclv eer have (h? hciJjific I will necf he without them. Kknor VKiJc 825 N. t'lh Strcci, Si. Joscrlii MKsuumI AND THE PAINS OK RHEUMATISM and SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Druggist s1U Dr. Miles' Ami-Piln Pills ind be Is authorized to return (he price of the first fweht unl) if ii failfc to benefit you. and I hose place His 'll u'hi'i etri'i tii frequently trying to check these i pr.,ir(, ahnve'a 11 else unhappy tempers when she sees them springing up in her children; It is sometimes expedient to tor hut so long as she herself manifests Kel what you know. these tempers she is transmitting I :orlitU(je js a greut hdp to dis tlicm to her offspring by natural j pCSSi law. She is breathing into them i whimi mwnm her own unchristian spirit. They are living in an atmosphere infec ted with moral depravity. They are taught to be impatient and pas sionate by example. And some times the mother will try to beat out of them with the rod what she is daily infusing into them with her own spirit. WOMAN AND HOME. J T CLABK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLHOX, X. ('. I'rai'tiei's in the courts of Halifax and uiljoiiiiin; enmities an. I n. the Supreme court of the State. special attention irivcn to eolliTtiuns and prompt return Let It He Hver So Humble, There ! Is No Place Like Home. j i The chief anxiety is not that wo-! man have other rights accorded i her, but that she, by the grace of (iod rise up lo the appreciation of , j the glorious rights she already pos sesses. First, she has the right to make home happy. That realm no one has ever disputed with her. Your abode may be humble, but ! you can, by your faith in God and your cheerfulness of demeanor, gild it with splendors such as an upholster's hand never yet han dled. There are abodes in every city humble, two stories, four plain, unpapered rooms, undesira ble neighborhood, and yet there is a man who would die on the thres- 1 f) ii rl i E . rj A ! ISOUR 3T0IACK1 ! fcj Ml SH-mS THiVr VO'J V.JZ 1 M ra out of okusr. m W i i Ij TAKE j ij S'nnirinons 3 Livcp 1 !lKI;ATOR 'tut feel I ! " Li? :a Vaurself Again." 1 THE It ii ' r . y.HZ has the RED Z T-ada -.z f.-ont o( each pat.Uaoj Mtij t-.u 'na'-jrn ona so; 'I of . H. ZFiUN & CO. OH ti!iQ Bids, IN RED. i p, I'Kkkiuks r: W. K. li.XMKl.. I li II w , X""1-- I i.w i"!. .' vv i: sviitit ao cv i-j rr- - , , , ' l:.',, WHIMSICAL ADVICL. HIS TKOl B i:S 'l'o rediire t roubles. reuse votir SEABOARD l-'rtend Don't worry because your sweetheart has turned you d Mtice you lut your money, ritcre are as goad tish in me sea ,,,lo ii, ever w ei e e.uijan. Jilted One Yes, but I've my bait. I lat per's Baar. lost To develop your Fust, tfot on the wron side of the market. '''' To remove frock It's, pry thorn Kontly out with ti nut-piok. Should this fail, trv hlastinp;. ' Brilliancy may ho imparted to the complexion hy powdor- Mii.-t u.iiiii a wliu law l a.l cinnpl. a inns liaw dy-pepsia, or at least aiders tinii. which eventually will lii'ciiim. ,lvs. pfpsia. 'l'o have line, fan skin mid healthy, rosy check ynu have to have ii sit of all uniid. healthy, perfect ihues tion iuonh'i- that you may have rich, led hlood. Keep ymii sl.miach Well l,v takine' K. idol for Ovspepsia and L'estinu occasionally just when vmi need it. It is pleasant lo take. Sold hy W. M. Cohen, Weldoii, N. ( '. AIR LINE A Most Valuable Agent. wi( (li.unon(1 ,,ust mi', ,r,. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN, 4. 1909. These arrivals and departures are only rtution far the piiMic aiiJ are not suarantee are subject to chanRf without notice. as infor- d, and r- i -I, el, ,'lil'inii'-. ' Trains will leave WLLDON as follow, No. 32 tor Portsmouth onJ at 4.55 a m. No. JB tor No. 41 for KalelRh and points South t 12.07 p. m. No. ii through train South ot II -W I'- ll,. pll-vr;! Ilipiiioii hi ... i:.':n. liimI'v eliliauees tin- l:ii-ili.'lliai Hi,-- w !i: . ll It evll.i. ts ll'.illl unlive ,1 r. I. llll.l ill M.llllll'll mu Ii l..'it. r il .in aict'ln'1 w,nii,l. It al-'ii ii.,.! . Mini I r.i'i'i-ii' sol It- nii, I , n.' a v ,r.;i:.i'l'' ! nd'-i nt, niitriovc, ,i,li", .li.' ainl ant. 1' inn nl. ll a.KU ,,,, ii, l.l.i. U t h.-rt y I, ,r ;i r....t. I. "M' 'I s.'.il stum. i.i.iei'ii- I "'t. i i.e'i'ii in '!. .1 ,',il lleri'Vi'Tv - ill Miultllhif ,.r I ii s r iiif i uhs, tii..n. leal. .111.1 llllll.' .Ill' I'll"'!-. ' "" "' " "" 1 , ll.r-i' ll.'i lit- aT'1 ri'i-iiiiilii'-l"e-'l hy suiitd- i iir.l ini'.li.'al aiillii't'itiis. In ad cases In re there Is a w asting I ,,v,,v Ilcsli. Joss of appetile. w ith waU - . .i '.. Li...... .if pnn. sn,nern, as in on- i'i - , I .. .1...... .. ,n lu. no I ell ,t t iat nlV- '.in ; ' :;': . .,t i reel nnu i.iai n s ' . ,1 r fliecslli ll uml I'lmuniK ue n-ni:lli. cniiirolliiiK Ui eon KB mi aliout a ncamiy cnmiio"" ,.? ne Of course. It must i-tfii tuwtirk miracle. It will iiisiinu'ti'm'i'i'l,t l" I" earner t -m -1 j ti vi'rv ;""- ".'iLs ,,-it.. hntikr -n. ' l I " rrrcfTm ii,.,,!,;. s. aim cmuiu. Uiie.i, iiriiiiii'i lesh aifl rul liniiri .i 1 1 ui in.- I'f i.,,t lie i H not cure V Cllltfl'i 1 S Hair on tho lips may somo 1 times he avoided hy roiiuit itiK : the yomin; man to shave hoforo ! .'alline;. For developing tho grace ami : beauty of tho lingers nothing is eipittl lo piano exeft ises, pro I v it !() police protect ion ho in ail- able. Falling hair may ho avoided hy stepping ninthly aside whon over yon see it coming your wav. What a woman admires about men is how smart she can make them think she thinks they are. Snur st.iinai'h makes sour pcoic makes your disposition soui ynu come disliked hecausc of your snui tine, livery hit of it can he stopped just as si mil as you take isninitliini; to durcst the food ynu cat, Snur stomach is caused hy too much acid ansiin; liom Utli I1C.CSICI I I I. Mull. I 1. , llVspcpsia and liiilieestinn will tlim--( any kind nf fond ill any cnmlnnatinn at anv and all tunes, keep v.iiii , Miiinarh well hy I lakiui; kmlnl nnw uu.l then ! .snl.i l.v W. M. Voiu-ii, Wel.ion, N.I. ' h i. ...i i . i,... I. ....!. I, ule sen n r H't IIIH I'lll.lHl I'l.n. " . ,,.,. ,n.. si. i nl.., iln '.un.ilitea" Kiclinioi'nl, Wasliiiiutoii, liahiiuon-, I'lul i'1' h-'"1 '" .i ,,ui!li I'lilhiian vi.. .... us. Illlisill." X. w l.iiii. s to .lack lllll Solll'lk sc For further information relative to rates, ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND ll, CAKTI:K. Ticket Agent. Weldon. N. C to C. ILtiATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent Rleiih, N.C lied- Iu1.i1i..-11iiuh3 ,.1,j.,.nc..iiKli-.i-rtli''oflinirlan.lini(, v n v l . i, uee.'in.a,,ied;.y.lee.liifr. m ,'u:s i hat it has performed Its most B,;V,n.,nKilln-i.M.n..ofl!rn. nett Med. lolii'ttcl'lili-aBii.siiys of kI Ci.r" dyslPllt,'T n en-elli'iit riirTWs(,; ll.ililllik' a teo'il illiuiiniy ui in.- . li'.ll 111 si'lll'l""." 1 "' "'V 1 ,,t n:,'!,;,!-;,,'., ''!'''i,v'',iv,'i'"'r'i!,,l","''1" f . r fill k'lisirilli (. aimrlinl In tlan.ii.Mt Ion of 1 , , a lit Is """ i l'l' l'"1 im'l;arll..n. " il, o will rvli'-v niaiiymsi'sel nsmsll ,,.?.;, hum) and .xccwlvo gastric (sloniaeU) """.i.'.l.lon Medical WsisiTcry - and .null i s "ho Lined Melcln-s. I.linnlcs. i J'rui'iiiml. acroluluus swc-llniKs and old sort , V,',!:;!?,, rr. R. V, Plrro. of BnrTalo, ft. Y.. for r.V Iss.tli " fln ! ''Vl '"" "."IX! , ,,! ,cll..l reel. ';'"'" '''"uoawul Time flies, and Hy-time wi be on deck again. hold rather than surrender. Why? It is home. Whenever he thinks of it, he sees angels of God hover ing around it. The ladders of heaven are let down to that house. Over the child's rough crib there are the chantings of angels as those that broke over Bethlehem. It is home. These children may come up after awhile, and they may win high positions, and they may have an aftluant residence, but they will not until their dying day forget that humble roof under which their father rested, and their lt j mother sang, and their sisters ) i,e- i played. Oh, if you would gather a- uo all tender memories, an tne .i lights and shades of the heart, all i i.... i - ..ii c.i;.,i uatRueiiiigs tutu leunions, un i.iun, .- fraternal, paternal and conjugal at-, 1 , fctions, and you had only iust four i 1 i ...;.i, l.,, I, I l..,,,l, u,i n leiiei S Willi ULIUII U.IU lllllll Bliw breadth and magnitude and eterni ty of meaning you would, with streaming eyes, and troinhling voice, and agitated hands, write it soon i out in those four living capitals, H O-M-l:. ;1 i m.ide out i-f gj) Real ! Roses mj i) m m U ll 'I '-,N ;,:"::' ,1 v.-' ;v"-: I - l I 1 (MwiM II I For Weak Sidneys or Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25 c E. C. DoWITT & CO., Chicago, III. Sold hy '. M. l ohen. Weldon, X. V. NOTICE ! of Ronnoke Rapids' New Store New Cioods 1 have opened up my new place of lnisiness neai the pnstotlice with a new line of Men's up-to-date Clothing and j I .out s I'm nisiiiu i ioods. Hats, t'aps, j l',o..ts. shoes. Also a tine line of i Ladies' skirts and Ladies' Heady-Made j suits, for the spiinir, in the linest pat- terns, at Ihe Inwcst prices. Come. on't t'ail to sec soon my sprinjr opening and cninparc inees, N nu will surely save inniiev l.v liiivine' vouriroods from 1. J. KAPLIN, Uounoke Kapuls, N. ( . Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcT-DraugHT Liver Medicine The reputation cf this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation. In digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN n Rial Rose Hat Pins PRCrLRRLI) JAIL. "You don't mean lo say you wouldn't like to get out?" exclaim ed ihe prison visitor. "Why, 1 thought you were in for life." "Worse than that, ma'am," re plied the convict. "I'm in for a double life. I've got two wives waiting outside." Philadelphia Press. The lime a man really knows what cuss w ords were invented for is when he steps on a collar buiton in bare feet' i Stand with anybody that stands right. The Lurid Glow of lilooni i was seen ill Ilic iv. I lace, hands and hody of II. M. Adams, nf Henrietta. 1'a. His awlul phuht from eczema had. for j live years, delied all remedies and bat tled the Lest dnctnrs, who said the puis- niied lilood had all'ected his hums and ' iiothimr could save him. "I'.ut." writes Ins mother, "seven hot I lex nf Llcctiic I'.nteis completely cured linn." for Lniplious. Kc.cina. Salt l.'hcuin. Sores and all i'.lood lhsordeis and Khcuina Usui lilectric Hitters is supreme. Only .'ilic. Ouaranteed !v any diujitiist. "WE'RE BUSY. Poverty prevents a lot of people from getting the gout. 8ari the Elguatari of lite kind 'fm rha Hum Marrying for money is as easy a way to get it as gambling in the slock market. ll tloi. s ih)I wtii iissihli. 'i it tnif. ihs Sf K it V:ns ait tia.ule- out ot livi rosrs..mdch.iniH'il intis mr till hy a secret prot.vss. 'I his iliscowry is without tlnul l one of the lot tirts (if ihr iiLifiit Professor Brandcr Matthews, t - t Rvi ' .'ns. i ore the mwi itenunfui , , I rj" ol til Hit l'int. Notwoan;i1il..'. M;tJ- the prilhant wnier ana teacher, jj infir.hcHmror.tortntotiHMvtiiimir was discussing literary quainmess I $ tZr' S" M ,hc at Columbia. In illustration of the ;, S2 o, $2.50, quaint he said : jfl M .50 "A little nrirl 1 Lnmi- u-.i v-Pri'B Kvcrvhodv is talktnaahout thom. Don't 'l! lail to come in andwtft horn. Ttuseari l"4 thotrfi First Class Bakery N AVING secured a first-class 11 nish baker I am prepared to fur- bad one day. She was so bad that, other corrections failing, her mother look her to her room 10 whip her.' "During this proceeding the lit tle girl's brother opened the door and was about to enter, Bui in her prone position across her mother's knee (he little girl twisied around her head and said, severe ly: " 'Eddie, go out ! Can't you see we're busy?' " thrgimiiru. 1)1 LAMO lit. Kejl Ho- W, W, CONDON, Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, Wlm.don, N. C. JEWELER. WELDON, - N. C. OEORQE C. QREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National ltatik ltuildiiiK) Weldon, N.C. Prompt It liHmJ. or rEK RETURN CD. tO VCAUt' tXPCRICNCK. UiirCMOB AMI THC LOWIST. tkiul Mi-xU'l. pliulu ur tkeU-k fur vy-rt nemtTi wfcl ttw niui( un leiiUUMlKy. INFHINOIMCNT mitn roiHiueUfl Wfor U PiinrU. talent olilainMi thruuirh tu, ABVIR TtftCO aUid BOLD, fiw. TKAOI MARKS, M ftlOnft AOai (MFVMICMTa quw.ttj obtaiaML Oppoilt U. Patitnt Offlo, WASHINGTON, O. O.

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