feS lib Wh ill I isiinii s?L f& s fiw fesj Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Suhscrij ioii -J l.rl i ci .i.i.h: VOL. XL in. v!:uh. . ., rnrnsDAV. maim ii s. l i ;. NO. 17 n .a -11.93 si yap1 Fov Iri;int) and Children. AU' "il'l. 5 I'i.kV'i sr. AM"JWJ.!oP1iWjii,mar.s i.imii.-iiiiilicliMdinilHrfiiii l,;!!ii'biiuiiXs;u'!ii;,'iSi Pii-nio(iT.Di-'sijnrWiP:: r,i.'ss;!!'.'ll!rei(uiiij'msiu'!iii! iViimi.?liir;'-it;'.i' iv;i' Mineral. M)T AH CO TIC. J.we lie M. Or . M Sf hjn-raai Hut v. lion. Sour SioiiUi-a.l)k rim. : ! j NV-.)riiis,('orivulsi;i,'ir.''i:iii f ivess flat! LOSS OF M tn'. vie. , Tha !!!id Yon Hava Always Bough! Boars the Signature of t ft f i v i I'jrShiili Siyn.-.iOTu NIX VOI?!''. i UUdl u " J-r.i gxjet Copy of Wrupi tf. In Use or Over Thirty years LINCOLN'S LOVE OF BERRIES. The Second Saucer, with an Kxtru Supply of Rich Crenm, Saved Hrown. Vrs. I incoln, huvinR k-en rcar u i in mii atmosjViici e of most re t!ncd il-uiince, aiwchcd grcai im T 'i-Liiic.' in the dei.iils of eii ik', opeji iliy ihnsc of the ui- lic. 1 inci'ln, mi ihc other hand, was n ii.iMy l',ii i.!lvs and indiH'crciH in regard !) such mailers, yet bis aF Fe.iii'ii Fur, and desire lo please liii '.viie, e, rased liiin to strive to avoid anniiyin Iter by Fori;eiFul ness of any little breach oF en queue, if possible. A young Sol dier, a nieie boy, had deserted from the army, in order to see his ' sick nioiher, and was condemned lo be shot. I lis father, an old man, hasien- : ed lo V.'ashinion, in great distress and knowing liule of Lincoln, ask ed to see Mrs. Lincoln, hoping to gaiii her sympathy and aid. Tell i ii; her all lie circuitisiances, he !i 'gi'.ed her to assist him in laying ill.1 in. liter before the President. S.ii.i Mrs. l.iiv.'i,!;i much moved: .11 c&MS : IS 'The Q&l tt 1 9 SAYINGS Of SOLOMON. ANIMALS AN' tARTliaiitS. ifWPSR rhe Oaij Faldnfr FcvcW SPS :! Crcara cf Tartar rii w 6 ai 13 mm n Royal Grape Made from Grapos A G'uarantee cf Pure, Healthful, Delicious Feci lll II .11 II l.llll I. Hi'l.ll.liUM. LI IIIIIIIII1W lllWMIIiIH W Si THE GIRL'S mm MESSAGE. Mr. Take dinner with us to-. -here will be no other THE OkHT.U. UOM'.NV. NIW VOM. QITY. y n, i'iniM;i'. Ni. in l'n..i C I mi. I :,l. j P. N. STAIN HACK. II I N DI'.K TA I K1J. Wekioii, - . North Carolina. o n Cull Line of CASKLTS, COITINS and K'OilCS. Dny, Ni)ht and Out-of-Tow it Calls Promptly Attended to. 11 H. G HOWE, J ri'MiRAt. DJUI-C l'OI AM) I:MHAI.MI;H. f Seventeen years' Lperie:K . Ilenrsv Service Anywhere. Fj JtaHHHimM jLtrwwuiK3suri saauMcintM& V THE EAiK 9F WELOOitl V I'.LDON. N. Organized I'nder the Laws of the St i,'e of North Carolina, Mil -1' '..'I' l l I. S'-J. Slate of North Carolina DcpoMtory. Halifax County Depository. Tow n of 'eld.m Depository. Cijilal aS SirjUs, $42,000. I'or iiiim' than 1 1 Tt t- n v:irn lli i.i tirs S it lliis m-ctinii. Ii h-'. h. I. with tin- lniiin's int-nK oi ll.ilii.i" many yi'uii. .I.ia-y in l4iii'-l t:i.m a i iiliTi-st ii l r iviilii'u. Vi .' ni'i I'hc hiiimIih nn l in.ln i.tc! I t'apilal si'ii'k. tin" H:i!il h:i. i U i Mi liu ni.l .l.'.T illl.l N: iro .lot l.iu;kiirj' I'ui'ili ilf. ll.:'. I' U'r'l lilliltltirt (IKilllil'il lUUtlllO ir.l s.',.;l;v at liu' I . i : . I tali all "lini'nl. i,a n. u ii :!..''! a -uin i 'i" in-iiit' .l.iiuiai)' I. I'!''. mi fun: f i In l.ll: Ul' I iT til' l.il.i!.- - I' ll .o.i ,. ,,.. linn lain I ni 'ii iii.mtliior l.nu'-r. :t f.-r .lit T.-.- nnuiil.-.M I'- '' 1 I'-' ' Km fiirthi'r uil'iiiiiialiiMi :ui.l 1.. il.f I'i -:! '! "i .i-Io-t. "I .'vill tell you what lo Bio.vil' niorrow guesis. "Mr. Lincoln is very Fond of strawberries, and he knows thai it annoys me very much to have him ask for a second helping,'" if there is company. "l)o you wait until the Presi-d-i'.i finishes his lirsi saucer. Then I'll surprise him by asking him to lake more, and it will please him so that I'm sure lie will anything you say!" The old man gladly agreed, and duly appeared ai the appointed time. The dessert consisted of unusu ally fine strawberries, and he President, after linishiug his lirsi saucer, laid down his sp.ion with a sigh, and wishful glance in the di-; reciion of his wife. To his sur prise, she leaned forward, and , with a meaning glance ai her guest said brightly: "W'ou'i you have another saucer of berries, Mr. Lincoln? They are unusually hue!" Willi a start of pleased surprise, Lincoln passed to her his empty f.UICCl". (.Htiekly Filling it wiih the delic ious berries, and adding an extra uu.iutitv of rich cream, she relum ed it to her husband, with another glance at Brown. The old man immediately began his story, and Lincoln replied as he enjoyed his berries: "Of course ' Brown! Of course, I'll see about it! A boy who wouldn't desert to see his mother, perhaps for the last time, would deserve lo he shot!" - - Naiimial Maga'ine for March. Raise the window higher, mother, air can never harm nie now. Let the breeze blow in upon me, it will cool my fevered brow, Soon death's struggle will be over, soon be stilled this aching heart, But I have a dying message I would give before we part, Lay my head upon your bosom, Fold me closer, mother dear, While I breathe a name long silent in thy fond and loving ear. Mother here is one you know him oh, I cannot speak his name. You remember how he sought me, how with loving words he came. 1 low he gained my young alTeetiuiis, vow ing in niosi lender lone, Thai he would forever guard nie were my heart bui his alone. You remember how I trusted, how my thoughts were all of him Draw the curtain higher, mother, for the light is growing dim. Need I tell you how he left me, coldly putting me aside, How he woed and won another anil now claims her as his bride ? Life has been a weary burden since those hours of deepest woe--Wipe these cold drops from my Forehead, they are death marks, well I know. Gladly 1 obey the summons to a bright and better land, Where no hearis are won and broken, bui all form a happy band. Do not chide him, mother darling, though my form you see no more. isien lo Grieve not; think me only wailing For you on the other shore. Do not chide him, mother darling, though you miss me at your side. 1 forgive him, and I wish him joy with her so soon his bride. Take this ring from off my Finger, where he placed ii long ago. Give it to him with a blessing that in dying I bestow. Tell him that ii is a token of forgiveness and of peace Hark ! I hear his voice; it passeth: will hose watching never cease? Hark ! I hear his footsteps coming. No, 'lis but the rustling ir.ees. Strange how my disordered Fancy caught his Footfall on the breeze. I am cold now; close the window, fold me closer kiss me, too. Joy ! what means that burst of music? 'Tis the Saviour's voice, 1 know. See 1 1 i in waiting to receive me ! Oh, how great a bliss to die I Mother, meet your child in heaven, one more kiss and then goodbye. Uciiin the Confession of the Seven Hundredth Wife an 1 Translated by Helen K'olaml Tortile Wash ington Herald. My daughter, woukbi thou en ter the Held of matrimony? Then I charge like, observe my wisdom; for the understanding of man is the I beginning of a good income. ' l o! a nagging woman is as too much pepper in the soup, but a do- : cile w iie knoweih a good excuse : when she hearelh one and accept ed) cheerfully any apology. Verily, i she shall dwell in a hoiel apart ment forever, and her husband shall coddle her all the days of his life. Behold, then, these be the rea sons why a man takeili a highball and any one of them is good enough: 1. Because he feelcth blue. foresight Displ iyeJ by lie isis I fore (ii eat Calamities. A proniiiK nt lialii-.n !'.n..i!y in ' Messina was saved from de.i'h during the earthquake by a pet cat, says the Anderson Daily Mail. : Several minutes before the shock came the cat aroused the Liner by ' unusual and eominu-.d cries and j an attempt t get fr-m the room. , Apprehending some gixat dan ger he pulled the wife and children Irom their beds in ume to save ihein from the falling house. For a week he remained in Messina ' looking after the wounded. He never saw the eat after the siioek. When the earthquake destroyed j . Caracas a citizen owned a very j : tine stallion He had became so i vicious that he was confined in a j . large stall and taken out only when j his keeper was on hand. Just he- j rive laars of Heart Trouble Cured by Dr. iYiilea' Heart Remedy " lb fore I bewail taking Dr. .Miles' II sllliVl'ili:.; 1 1 it five my life shou on ll earl K ; from years side, ler he iell Mile brealll ill nieily I had been heart trouble for I had pains in and under my could not sleep and was so short least exertion 2. Because he feelcth happy. I fore the earthquake came he ore j 3. Because he feeleth nervous. I down his sial ic, in :de a wild rush 1, Because he lackeih nerve, j from the city and next morning he 5. Because he shivereih with ; was found twenty miles away in the cold. ; the mountains. fi. Because he panieth with the I low do scientific men and stu- heat. , dents or psychology account for 7. Because a certain horse hath the forihought of animals by which won S. 9. pany. 10, or because it hath lost. they are warned of hnene'iiig ca Because he is lonesome. j lamity? asks an exchange. It is Because he is in good com-! well known that cuttle and oilier ! animals show signs of error before approaching earthquakes. "There are more things in Heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Charlotte News. would bring on the most distress ir.;; oalj'if.n'i'ii. I laid scarcely taki a a halt bottle of the Heart Remedy before I eonld see a marked change in my condition. W hen I had taken six bottles I was cured." MRS. C. C. flORKEY, Northfie'.d, Va. If there is Muttering or palpi tation it is an indication of a wcakiic-s of the nerves and mus cles of the heart. It is not neces sarily ili-.ea.-.ed just weak from over-wor'h. The heart may be weak just the same as the eyes, stomach or other organs. Vott can make a weak heart slrong by taking Dr. Miles' Heart Rem cdv. ( jit a buttle from your druggist, lake ii according to di rections, and if it docs not bene fit lie will return vour money. other had Because of his wife 1 1 . Because of some man's wife. 12. Because he hath just one and wanted another. 14. Because he had much to do and requireth fortification. 15. Because he hath nothing else lo do. 16. Because he is invited to, becase he is "driven" to, because he is "tempted" to, and- because he wants to. Yea, verily and "just because." Selah! A' HAD IT IN FOR HAM. One Man on the Panel was Ready and Willing to Serve As a Juror. al. fKKHIiKM : W. V.. DAMI.l., vii i:-i-i:iiim.m': i,; II V. 1.IW is, .'l.-ml, N.iHli:i:ail"H I'nuiily Mill a;: It. -mitm. ll SEA BOA RlT- AIR LINE Thr !'l-t kl'.'iVMI lull- .:i;- ma le are lvv in H -,a-. I In aie -anil L'riille and i"-il.ii". s.M l.v W. M. i nlii a. uii'l tin' l'i'-l l iule lanly eu-v In lake, Wel.loii. N. C SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN, 4, 1909. These arrivals and departures are only as infor nution fortli2 public an J -arc not gi: a ran teed. au are subject to chaiiKC without notice. Trains will leave WI-LDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk nt 4.55 a. m. No 18 (or " " " ttt P' "' No! 41 tor' KalelKh "d Puin,s So"th No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. The reason a poor man wants to j be rich is so he could spend his j money; the reason a rich man j doesn't want to spend his money is so he wo.iT be poor. Bad Symptoms. TV woman win) lias periodical hrad , i,; kii. lie. M'l'i imaginary durk Muii-ir-ivUs ti-'iiiinc or ilani'ini lielnm , L, r )'. I'-yt-'n-o M,K Oi'-a "r vy full tei'iintr 'umaich, hint spells, draij- ' clim-ilimn.'lini! In lower aUlomlnal or i i,. hic r.-iH,.ii. i'ii-ii) surtksl or escltoj, iedn.witlior wiih- ! , ... .-,. ( i l.ll"l. '" , ' , I wiii.yiiT.im;i'in.'iii- iH.ii-"'".iu . v mn!l'iil. Ni't all K1"'1" tniV1 HIT I'l-i lJI W VKy ,M LET US BE KIMO. Lei us be kind; The way is long and lonely, And human beans arc asking for his blessing only Thai we be kind. Wc cannot know the grief that men may borrow, We can not see the souls storm-swept by sorrow, P. tit love can shine upon the way to-day, lo-morrow- -Let us be kind. Lei us be kind; This is a wealth thai has no measure, This is of heaven and earth the highest treasure Let us be kind. A tender word, a smile of love in meeting, A song of hope and victory lo ihose entreating, A glimpse of God and brotherhood while life is Heeling Let us be kind. Let us be kind; Around the world the tears of lime are falling, And for the loved and lost these human beans are calling Let us be kind. To age and youth let gracious words be spoken, L'pon the wheel of pain so many weary lives are broken, We live in vain who give no lender token Let us be kind. Let us be kind; The sunset tints will soon be in the west, Too late the flowers are laid then on the quiet breast Let us be kind. And when the angel guides have sought and found us, Their hand shall link the broken ties of earth thai bound us. And heaven and home shall brighten all around us Lei us be kind. : i ami A mm MS. ttl-'lfiS VI! AT YOUH LIVER j IS COT Of Cfl.-JtR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOX, N. C, I'liu'tu'es in tlie emu Is iif Halifax and icljiiinmir ciiiMilie.H ami iL the Supreme court nf the State. Special attention iriveu to collections and prompt return LH I j i led! For mmgestion Our Guarantee Coupon Hdgar Smith, who is one of the I big lawyers of Muskogee now, but ; who used to practice in Arkansas, ; i had a case once where there was j I great difficulty in getting a jury. ; j Nearly all the talesmen had ex- cu-es. j . .Finally, one man was called, j I "What is your excuse?" asked the j judge. . I "Hain't got none." i " hat?" asked the judge, much astonished; "you have no excuse? Are you sure your father isn't sick?" "Bin dead twenty years." Don't your cotton need tending?" "Don't raise none." "Isn't the barn in need of re pairs?" "Ain't got no barn." "And you can spare the time to sit on this jury for a month orso. " "You bet! Glad of he chance." "Well, well!" exclaimed the judge; "you are the only man on the panel who has time to serve the Slate. How does that come?" "Waal," said the juryman, "1 : I heern tell you was goin' to try that j jjjj ornery Hani Mitchell this yere ; j ; term. He poisoned a cow of mine j j oncet. ! RUTTRRIYIILK A I.IPH SAVER. TAKE .-nsmons I fi Ir, nfir-r n iiiir n $i oo bottle of houol, you Can If.iif'.l'y V it has not benefited you, W8 tt-.il ii f u :t y.,ur ti.'.nt'V. Tty Kndol lotUy on tlni (jii.H.i.iti i. 1 til out ami sik'n the follow it a. pri'sciit it to the ilnaler at the time of lm i-.li .: i-. ii il i ..i. i in huii -fy you return the b .nil: tn Ihc t ficm tvIi.hii you bouslit it. ami Y.H v.1lI ruIuuJ yuuc uiuucy. Tuwn .,- i , i.- State Picn licrr i u.. . ! O - a. H. DigsstsWiatYouEat AcJ Makes the S.'oniach Sweet E. C. DeWITT tL CO., CUicazo, VJ, S,,M l,y W. M. el.i n, We!, Ion, N. j woriot I j of Roanoke Rapids' New Store ! New (ioods i 1 liu e opcm .1 up my new place of : hll-llle-- in ;tl Ihc p. -lullicc willl a lll'W ; line of Mrn's up-to late Clothing uinl icnl s iiinisliin ( ;oods, Huts, Caps, limits, shoes, Die. Also a line line of Dailies' Skirts mid Ladies' Heady-Made Sails, fur the spl ine, in the lincst pat tv'ins, al the lowest prices. ('01111'. Don't fail to see soon my -piinir opening anil made out of ' eo"1i';iU' i,ri(,t'H- ",1W11 "irt,y savp 1 1 monev hv laivinir vourtroods from I. J. KAPLIN llttanukf K;ij)iils, N. ' .:;' h ic ill? !iFn ..'iC i-c.ii u! u;it,h ni.'"(.,D"a -. .:y.UiUte Crid se-"t cf c -ho itij, re a. ii.s-!asi:'ija i 1 Pins 1 A Roses ii fi K1 TOO I. ATI; tnatcil ami such ii.' V'ii run iintni.naii:.-ui. uu i!i.e J furin' knile II ibcy Ju net iUII'.MJ '.fi:l,.1j.?.v'h)it'""ii Pr'on. brief and humble 1 ili'1-Jjc JEai-DJ1 ' ' I it may have t een, becomes imJiu-iv iimiliiciiiliiUA 1 in . 1...., rr:,r.ii,.i,i ... i,....i.ln 1,., ,1,. , i'slihule .-1 l "'I' A 1 I I . - . . 'nville. St- AiiL'iistinc Hiclinuind, Wasliiniftoii, I'alunieie, plela M h'l'"i 1111,1 N,'tt tutl,,,,,,;!! I'ullniiin 0:11s to l, IliClllS. V01L For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND Ii. CARTl-K. Ticket Agent, Wcldon, N. C. Orwrileto ... fIVI-l iJ ( II. tiA 1 1 , "" '. '. ''1.,'mn.lli ill Si'il'llCO (or Oil! CUM Ot ! v't'i'i'mii's peculiar ailments enter Into Its f .inpe-ltlllll. ISO UU-iuum, mini 1 u, . i liHliil -r.iniuiiK ilrim is to t touml In tlio ! h-t ul Us lii'i-'ilii'iils priiitcil mi each ! lielili-wiai'l'i r "ml aiti-tisl iiiulcr oatli. 1 In any ciuliliwi f "n' l-mup sysiem, lir I'icrec's Diiviirile l'resrriplinn can do ' milt i!il -never harm. Its L'l- 'f,,' Isiosireiieilicn. Iiniirerate anil reinilaie III,, wle.li' (emale M-icm anil 'SK'cially lliep.'1'.u- orcans. When tlioso are de 1 r uu. il in fniieii'inor allis'led liy lls.'aso, tiM.-l.iinacliniiili'lln'ri'riiiUis o( (llncsti.m Ivce.mi svmpallieii.)ly denuwil. thP n. iM S urn veaKi'iii-n.-sui i" ' luil. mipli'ii.-ant synipOims follow, loo ,,), must notlsi cvp.vti'd of this "l'a- lie Prescription." It ill not perform mil. e l' s; will not cure tumors-no mcl-L-ine will It ii'i'l olti n iiri'i'iH them, if taken In tlmi'. a ul llms tlio os'ratlni( I tal.li and the silicon s knlfo may bo voi'i'irniilTcrliiiI (rom diseases of lonir itaniliiiK, nrn luvilisl to consult Ooctor ! r"'m, hy l.'tter,.lr.r. AM c'lTe-isinili'iico is hehl a strlcllv private and sacredly cor'li.l. i.tlol. Address Dr. 11. V. I'lorcs, lullalo. . Ii is ctisiomary, and seems to be natural, for blessings 10 brighten as die) hike inch liihl, iliC hide hour of joy thai was yesterday's though j u may iijc i ecu, evtunic.-, ui .1 roseate hue and four-fold impor tant when viewed in the Haltering lights of reirospeciion. Countless numbers of us are chanting the burden of thai tender lay : "Backward, turn backward, O Time in thy flight, Make nie a child again just fur to night." And to many the desire is large ly prompted by visions of lost op portunities and misspent lives. The ever recurring theme, "ll might have been," which tells he history, in brief of many life-time mistakes, is common to us all as we repeat the words with a sigh, realizing all too late, our former blindness and folly. Neur Death In Wig Pond. ll was a tlinllii, expeiienee lo Mrs. Ida Sopei to fai'i il a'.h I'm years a seere Intl.; tloill.le iuve nie illlellse stif- f oil.:." -he v.iites. and -,!-. al tintes nea:l can-el mv di alh. All remedies i lailed and .loi'lors --aid I a- inciualile. I'I. en Dr. Kniu s Ne, Di-cm ei v luouc'lil Htnek reliel'auil a coo- so permanent lliill I leue l,l heell llouhlid III luelve years " Mrs. Sepei lives in V,g 1'ond. I'll, ll works wonders in Coughs and Colds, Sore l.uiiiis, Mi iirline'es, l.a Uiippe, A Minna. Croup. Whoopim; ("oiish and all r.roneliialall'i'Clioiis. ,'ne andsi. Trial hotlle free. Ciiaranleed hy all drnecists. A i rencii meaicai man auviscs t people to drink buiterinilk for long i lite. lie says mat nie lactic ; iii'id dissnlves everv sort of earth- ! ly deposit in the blood vessels, ! keeping the veins and arteries so supple anu tree running mat mere -a can be no clopuintT tin. and hence i t there is no deposit of chalky mat ter around the joints or of poison ous waste in the muscles. It is the siiffening and hardening of ihc blood vessels which bring on old age. Buttermilk is likely to post pone it ten or twenty years if free ly drunk. A quart a day should be the minimum, the maximum i f fl. M.( '. .1 I II ( . 11 ii I 1 (,: . . .ft. H I rvmiumumw mmw mmm. mmm ' 5f is i f n . very venous It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAck-raugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in dieestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all oihera combined. SOLD IN TOWN FJ HELLO! !R-;al Rase Hat Pins r.i p'.iv.iH i -1 One interesting thing about a ! according to taste and opportunity. man's staying single is how excited the women he knows get guessing who is going to marry him. Traveling Passenger Agent Dr I'lnreo's Medical Advisor (10(10 pages) Is 8"nt iw on receipt ot 21 one-cent timns for paimr-rovemd. or 91 stamps (or cloth-bound oopy. Address as above A man will believe it's only his hard luck even when he is going to jail for stealing. It Saved His Leg. "All thouelit I'd lose my leu," lutes "Ten Colli, 1 ,1. A. Snenseii, all ittiwn. Wis., veal-of eczema, that I'i doctors not cure, had nt last laid mt up. Then Itiickleu's Arnica Salve cured it sound and well." lnl'allilile lir,-liii lauptions, K.ezeiua, Sail Klicuni. lluils, l'ever Sores, Hums, Scalds Cuts ami Piles. nt al) dun,' stores. Kills Would-Bc Slayer. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis, with many victims lint Dr Kinir's New Life I'ills kill it hy prevention. I'hev ueutly stiiiiiilalestomach.livei ainl honels, pieventius; that I'loinrinK which invites append iei I is, curinit t 'oust i pat ion llilioiisuess, ( lulls, Malaria, Headache and lndiirestiim. l.'"e. at any tlruir store. A fresh young man is apt to spoil early in life. It takes a cheerful face to make good in a photograph. OABTOnlA. Boiritu yllia Kind Veil Hava Mmw Bought um 'li-iT.i p'.i..iMi vi it i tnti. t!i . - v'.n 1 1 i ri;v au- I'lnl,1 out o livo fi .. i .ii;r'm: 't'i! -.ntn. i-vnst-crt-t . t . rii'i di-tnci is without tf-s: : r.'ct i ttte tot't arts nt the uncivnt l'-,v. ,ti '! ''. I iiv in1 tin moJ hcnii'ilui )t :.' H I'in. . NotwoiTt'iim:-. uc in'; cs i i ontorni tt tlu iifs:uhitf Lv v n- in rn'tiiUMy. Si sizes nt thit $1.?0, i UD, 52 50, .i..fl(l, M 75, 84 50 V; -v;uJs ist.i!:-v!r.nahotutiKTn. Don't f-i; to , omr iii unit v ft luin. 1 r,esc are ih. ;ot:iMi. O: LAH) I Hi-: Koal W. W, CONDON, JKWPl.r.R, WCLDON, - N. C. GEORGE C. GREEN, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, National Hank Uuildin) I Weldon.N.C, That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. V. T. PARKER, Wcldon, N. C. l'r,,liiilly Llihim-J c,r FEE PETOHN C D. 10 YKARS'IXPtRlVNCC. OurCHANUKS AM THE LOWCtT. bi-iitl lutskil, pltotu ur glt'tvl lur iilcl !i -.'Ml ft- it jHrt on iwlpm.ililllij. INFRIflCCMKIIT Fltilt is-n-liu-fca bt-f.irt alt tiri-. Iv, ii'- (.VLiincrf t'inniirh iw, AOVEa-Tl-itD 1,1. '1 Ml C. fr' TSADI-MAHSS. FI SltiNS U4 GUPVaiOHTl qlnir .KUUil. Opposite U. S. Paont Ottto. WASHIHGTOH, D. U. fESSSSt. JJU. I Raleigh, N.C. , i.. it

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