Ira) If mm Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. erms i.i Subscription-. ..e0 Per Annum VOL. XLIII. WKLDON. N. ('.. TliriJsDAV. AIM. II. I. I.H'.). N . -iN i fin aisa wis The Kind You IIh-a ...... "J7 lW5SaKKtt yV ,r-. r l,ul 5,as l 'nlo under Lis ,,or- . .... . ',., h e von in tliis All ( oimtorlcM, Imltutio1,Htl,l..J...-.l.,.,;i- , . ,,'t , lilt ., v-h I. .1 of What is CASTORIA Cu'torui Is n harmless M,!,iititf,. fP (.,,. 0i) p onc l)rn,w lsl,.l S hlnB S,nM,s It Is Pleasant. t roiitiiUM hcltlier Opi,,,.,, .Morphine, .. iK.P NamXi,,,-. IUur.ih its g'mmntce. It destroys Worms una , eerMmrss. It cures li.irrli..-:i , Wind ( ... ,. I tvliet.s Trothh, Tr..l,le,, ,.,,., C .Mipation nnd Hat,...,i.y. It nssimilaus t. 1" 1, tl. M..HIU. .1, and Uouols, Kivii-w hralil ;,,l ualural si..,-,.. The mildi-i-iiN l'aii.u-.-a-lho Moilu rVs l ii. n.i. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Rind Yob Hare Always Buit In Use For Over 30 Years. T CfNIAUft COMT, loaaoie lT I'll" P.N. STAIN MACK, rin:iiTAKi:i:. W'elilon, . . North Carolina. l ull Line nl C ASK I I S. COI I S ami koMI S Hay. Mght and Out -id Town Cll t'ri.nipilv Attended to H G KOWE, I NI:U. DIKCCI'OK M) i;MltI.MI . Seventeen years1 Kxpcriin.c Hearse StrvUe Anywhere M 3QI tQPPftr yQI 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKI.IKIN, . ( irgnued l nder the Uirt nt the l '.I H . 1 II Slate uf Nm ih i;.trnl;n.i hcpuMt.'ry H.ilif.ix tioutny iK'pos'.tnry. Town of Weidiiti hepnsitury. Capital ni Snrfa $42,000. lor in. tl..i:i ti ft.-.-ii v.ih t!. n...a : .1 l!r f..f tli: .-.'ti.!l I:! ..i .in I '' itlt tin' . i!it.-i-t...f ll.t!i:.i an-1 N iiiituy y.ui" M in kuiii-d .(;:. ! ii)lnii.t n ...r nl -I'll A"' '..lull i'i 'liif miri'lin ill' I uii'ln i li 1 .1:1; i- :! Ciltlll Mn.'lc. the ll.lllk li.l- rum in- i.-.-ii I411 Suvniirs !!. ail iii. nl :i! ,n mt- i. ..11 ;r.t. !). . 1 s ulli...l tun 'ilium ll.ri i. in.. rill.' ..1 '" moii tlis in it i.'i f tit 1' a. i'. 'it ...:!.-' For hirthfi 1 11 ft 1 in u t . .ti ;i''lv t.. I'n- IV -..! . l'KKlibN 1 V. K. I) WILL. It W I I V , i.Ln'k-uii. .iitti..i,i.p;-iii -'i OE 3E SEA BOA I! I) AIR LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not suarantced. and re subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WIILDON as follows: No 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a m. No. 38 for at 3.05 p m No. 41 tor Knleieh and point South at IJ 07 p. m No. 33 through train South at II. 3N p. m Wo opi-raw luily .-t.Hi,l mr- .tl. l'""' 1'"1l; Xtu ...nv,ll,.,M-.M,i!i.sti.i.., ,U!a,mi. I1..I..I-J! I.-. i Vr,k Hid.m.m.l. Valuinft..u. Hal "'. I ' I .i-1 . -1 f' ' "" F:or further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLUVKLANI) I:. CARTUR, Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to (', . (iATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Ralclgb. N.C. - ''V ' Signature of 30E Sl.ile i.l North Carolina. ..1.- I i.' I St "i'l V 1 . -i-:n 11. km; JAN, 4, 1909. SAFEfiilARDS f OR YOUNG MEN. r'resvo on Palace Wall Does Ni.t Mean So Much to You as Those HoiiKh llevn Raft ers. '). arc the vjfcuuardsof y-'.it'i! The fir-: s.ifciu.irJ W.iu-'t V, . 'A ;., s;.jk js j ' "f li'i,- TI-t; .1, ,!,s0 !" !uvi- i:.i ; p!c.,M,rcs vi.:t.-::tr.itc t!t.,t v, i.' J ''h"Mic " lVrh.ips y..tir orly aiiJc sh.uinv.w! iih vo or pi.vcny. I .is-sh w-nls .itij pciu !.i:icc .1:1 J sj.i'a !:iiS; i,i.iy h.i e k!c s:tveJ .i!i the s.mvt:iy u! t!i. I KillJlli-sv M-!t..UT;t!v". ttlitc'i li.i'. c h.i;!t ih-ir jit.irs m so m;ii;y aNJe. were strjiiRcrs in ymir tatlk-r's ln.usi; C10J pity you, young imin. You p.cver a ti.)inc. I'.ut a multitude n your.g tii'.n cj:i look buck to t!i; th.,i they c.n uwer fon;jt. It may have hccii ;i lowlv rou!, but you cm not thmk uf it now w iihout e i ! 1 1 ' n 1 1 1 . You have seen nothing on unit 1h.1t h.,s so snrreJ your soul A 'trancei' p.iv'ins a!o;i); pijvc tnis!.t see nothing re tn.nk.ihle al'out 11, but oh' Iiha nitkli it tiicans to ou. i'reseo on palace wall not mem so much to you us those roiiyh hewn rafters. Parks and bowers jnJ trees at la -hioiuibl- u,i;t-!iii; places or e .tmtry seat Jo not mean so much !o you as that l-runk 'hat ran in r.ait ot the plum tarm iinuse and si'uic; tmdertii-e veep-iig willows. File Kir red'A ay swunc; open h porier in full dress Joes not ni'.-.m so nuuli to you as that swing "'8 gJtc. your sis;r on ,me side 0: 11 and you on the other. She, gone tor otee:i years ago into glor ' That scenic coming back in ymi swept b.i.ku.ird and tnr v. ard on the gate, singing ihe songs of ymir childhood. bUithere are those who ha e their second d ell mg place It is ouradoptcd home. Thai also is sacred torever. There you establish ihe first family altar, There our ehildren were born. In that room flapped ihe wing of ihe death anel. I 'nder that roof when your work is done, you ex pej to he down and die. There is only one ord 111 all the lan gu.i:;.' can cwey your idea place, and ;h.:t word is "h Miie " We never knew a man who was fjithh;! I) his early and .ulopied home who w..s given over ai the same lime to any gross form of wickedness. If you find more eiooyment 111 the clubroom. in the literary society, m ihe an s.,',ion, than you Join these unpretending home pleasures, you are on the road to rum Though you maj be cut off from ) om e.u ly associ ates, and though ou may be sep arated horn all your kindred, young man. is not there a room somewhere that you can ca!! yo'.ii" ov n- Th ougli 11 be the founh si,ir ot a llnrd class boarding house, into that 1 .10:11 g.uher books pictures and a harp. Hang your mother's portrait over ihe mantel. I'.id unholy imrih stand Kick from threshold. ( on-.ecia'.e some spot in thjt i."o!i ::h the knee of pr.iver I'y the memory of other das. a father's Counsel, a moth er's love apd a sister's devotion c.ill it hi line. To a depraved taste, sweet bitter. COMMON SENSE fid m.t ii.t. lilR.'iit to u oi. fj iv. n .'i.r.iMisn,,.n, i ... I r. I'n r.i 's mi'dlri!" 5. t':. , h .r.:it i'.'ry in.-r. ,1 ."it l,r:u u; n tlie (..111" r..;. ilH c.irris li.i'ss unC 4 .-'.li. in,- ,n Uvnr. '1 '." 1 I'i.tis.'s n.".lu ii.' s i ' I "i i'r 1' I ..-' - ..'X. " .riii.'i''is . lr... ',nl i.a- ,!.-! r.ct-. t fs. .1-1 t... - ur k rul w ;''i I ,T-- I .? a ,lr a .' .''. n:i i il'l ,'....,.i,-.:iv ...r. k-e i-it-i... t.! '.s. .. ;n fi, ...l m "Vri.-M.,1 ii'.'l fr. s. rv i.u cur.,!;,,n v rt r.-.l'i: ''i Hi" r..'t p!iiC"'...l. Ilii-s.' m.'ii ins ar" .nl r. f trw tin' ')!';"'' -1'" ''"" it cnnt.Mt 1111 mwi.u I r r.xu r c'.!;. I;.- M-tw or h.i1 11 - (..!:::'i p ,lr'ii. HX.111..1.H tl.o f .riii'.i'.A on th it Uitlii. t.iii "rs -tl." Mm" .is sw.irn l. i y Or 1'i.T.. i..l ' ' "i :i I li.l 11. ut I. . M..! . il 0 rv." t',. cr !,t. ,!..,l-.iiri! ,ii t,..'i. in'! ! "'.; r. ...,!. .r- til" I!".. Ml" "li" I.. I'"1' r,..'..!..!!!.'!'....'.! t-. , ..r.' o.'ii'..;. n m it. an. ..I -iii'- i. tli.'.l.i in" :;d"t! y. t ,.... ruir a'.I th.i-i' ,u:air!ial ,.; . ii t.nnn.f li'Mil nn.t llir.iat. w.-ak st..n..i. )i. 1 ,.,.a Iimii.'IiI.iI tr Hi1'!,', "".ik i;iii.-s and i .. . ... ..ll-.-.'.iKn.. ' in. I y ir. :,iMl l.-a.l Uf 10 i,a I...1-I . ,.. (n ... Ml 1 .1 l.m T," O " '.'..l.lin M.ilval 1W..V.TV ' 4n in'" a"'1 11 n"1 '"''' s-'t'l" ' ' ,mi if on. J .u (t v it a f.'...i-..n.,'i ai l r tr al. Wi t "fvt m.r.i. 0 won't .I.i ns '.Im'.c-. n,"-l ,.r.w.)....r i..,i...i,.-.'8ii. r-.'vr-iii itj a r..-..n.O' l.-nc-Oi nl tin,.-1.. c" t Its full t UK. TI10 incT.sll. nt of !.. . Ii Or. fi.r.-r' iti.sll.ini. 11 ro , havij tin' .-ml .rs. iiT'iit of fc.s.rv ol n,.cli.-l l,.a,I.T-Mt"r than any an.oiitu of lar or ik.h (miti-s ..nal. tniimoina I. Tli.v'an not in y to tv ..xiri ilh tint are s.u.1 l y all cloalom 10 I awlicliMi at rikMouaU prices mi 1 Jin.' ol k f..r.. (1 l tl.i.J nt.T.."Tu. 1 p.-r$ ai.J at!V-l .tiily P,tion ot I n lo e cr ?s1 V nr ' - -. i "M"! J1 1 ' iiZ?Jtt3ttt ar 4 m0. 1 in I ! j,. .,vo THE VALUt u Clous food fnr pvorv Ha t in cvcry llome r-arjgfir -1 -tsf a y JV No Alum fa?:u..-....MT7 I he thing that goes the farthest toward making hie wvrth the while, 1 ha: costs the least and does the most is just a pleasant smile, I hat bubbles from a heart that loves its fellow men Who drive away the clouds of gloom and coax ihe sun aguir.. It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent li's worth a million dollars and it doesn't cost 3 cent. I here is no room for sadness when you see .1 cheery smile: li always lias ihe same good look it's never out of style; It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue; The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you. It pays ihe highest interest, for it's merely lent It's worth a million dollars and 11 doesn't cost a cent. A smile comes very easy you can wrinkle up with cheer A hundred times before you squeeze out a soggy tear; It ripples out. moreover, to the heartstring that will tug. And always leaves an echo that is very like a hug. So smile away. Folks understand w hat by a smile is meant- It's worth a million dollars and it doesn't cost a cent. CHRiSTUS CilNSOLATOR, The way is long behind thee and the lands Barren with tlmiv shards and burning sands; Whai matter- Thou hast readied my clasping hands Far hast thou come to me, through loss and tear; Far hast thou left the thy heari held dear. hat matter Thou hast found love's fullness here Thou hast braved ba'fhng ,:-.n.c, ui,j m) tut beat I'pon thy head with blinding, parching heat; What mi lter - Thou art here beside my feet There were a thousand pitfalls in ihe way, Hunger, and thirst, and lures to lead usir.n ; hat matter'' Thou hast seen my face to-day. (In either side thy foes lurked near to start Fierce "H thy steps with fiery spear and dart W'hai matter- Thou art safe upon my heart. Thy feet have slipped and bled with bruising pain; Thy robes are rent, and soiled with many a stain, What mailer - Love shall make them w hole again Far hast thou come since early matin-call. shall thou go before the evening fall; What matter- I have been with thee through all. The way is long belore thee r and the sod Sharp with its thorns, steep with its slopes untrod, What matter- Thou shah walk thy way with dod. Mabel 1: trie m Uirisiun Lndeavor World. ll:Y()l WANT TO Hi: I.OMID SAW STAMP WALK OIT. Don'i contradict people, even it you're sure you are right. Don'i he inquisitive a bom ihe affairs of even your most intimate friend. Don't underrate anything be cause you don't possess it. Don't believe that everybody in the world is happier lhan you. Don't conclude that you have never had any opportunities in lite. Don't believe all the evil you hear. Don't be rude to your interiors in social p. sinon Don't repeat gossip, even if U does interest a crowd. Don't 'e'er at anv body's religious belief. I earn 10 hide your tidies and pains under a pleasant smile Few care whether you have ihe ear ache or rheumatism. Learn to alien. I to your own business - a very important poini. Do not try to be anything ele but a gentleman or gentlewoman, and that means one who lias con sideration for the whole world, and whose ii'e is governed by the golden rule. "Do unm others as you w ould be done bv." i.oc win. "Husband, dear, I feel it in my bones that you are going to have your life insured " Inch, bone, darling'-" "I am not sure, bin I think it is my w ishbone. " 'Tis the mind 1h.1t makes the body rich redient r'Vri) live; urinClDift. ff'.iJ.;e . - "s.'A V.t A r.i LAJ. 1 k. - l, - "-v .'1 . I V, ? , - .1. . 4 iih - ciiiiv uau uwii- jt.y OF A SMILE. A young man at one of the many Keeley cure places, so runs the story, who had been seeing bugs, snakes, monkeys, etc., for three or lour w eeks before going there was assured by the physician in charge that he was all right after a few days treatment and could re turn to his home in a few days. "Can I go in two weeks doctor -" he asked. "Yes, and you can write your people that v uii are already nor mal." I le w role at once but in trying to place a stamp on Ins letter the tonner supped trom ins hand and ten under uie laPie w nil the moist adhesive side covering a cock roach. Seeing his stamp run off and up ihe side uf a w all the young man said to himself, "Two weeks, thunder, if I get aw ay from here in two years 1 will be doing well." OVIIK AM) (l I K The old mill grinds, The gay brook w inds And seaw ard hastens fast The miller then Grinds not again With waier that is p:si. The humorist Doth iild i.ikes twist, And in the hopper cast, The old joke null Cm grind ai wall With humor that is past. Houston Post. OABTOllIA. ARE YOU WEARY ? Jut Rest in the Spirit. As it V ere, and Talk W ith Uod Are vim vearv fellow traveler along the journey of life - Are you languid '- Co t,. your church 'ine tune bi ongregauii gather, (m in the sacred wails and contemplate the holy c ilm that pervades. Withdraw from ihe busy world and throng You w ill r.ot be disturbed, for lew pciple Jo this You ,w ill not be lostled and crowded. There commune with yourself and your Cod. I'n loek the doors of your heart and look in upon yourself. Brush dow n the cobwebs of sellishness, and sweep out the dust of your self-importance and pride. Just rest in the spirit, as it were, and talk with God Do not bemoan your hardships and trials, but re count the blessings and mercies shown you, a sinner, and see if there is not much you can rejoice over, coming from a kind, Heav enly Father, which will cause you to praise His Holy name. One little sinner w ithin the w alls of a great church, amid its solitude and grandure, can come mighty close to God, and He to him. If you will look oui of self and into the goodnesses and mercies of the Father eternal for all you have and are, and how they outweigh the little service you give him, you will come mighty near hearing the rustle of the wings of the angels of mercy as they minister unto you. Meditate in this way, apart from the marts of trade and it will do you good. Don't be afraid to go into a church alone and commune with your Maker. So many peo ple want a crowd. Commune with the Cod of Love, in humility and with a prayful spirit. It will lift up the head that hangs dow n; dis sipate the gloom of sorrow ; and sw eeten the cup of affliction. The external life of a man is the crea ture of time and circumstances, and passes away, but the internal abides and continues to exist. One is the painted glory of the (lower; the oilier is the delicious attar ol the rose. Study the inner lite. The spirit triumphs over form The external life prevails amidst sounds, and shows, and visible things; ihe internal dwells in si lence, sighs and tears and secret sympathies with the inv isible world. The trials and mournings of hie are but the enamel around the dia mond, our very hardships but the metallic rim that holds the opal glancing w ith strange interior tires. Yes, brother traveler, if weary, fami not, but commune with your self and with your Father above, and put your w eak, sinful hand 111 His. He will raise you up.--Durham Sun MIIR OKIUIN. According' to a Hmdu legend this is the proper origin of woman Twashtn, ihe giid Vulcan of the Hindu mvihology, created the world, but 0:1 his commencing to create woman he discovered thai for man he had exhausted all his creative materials, and thai not one solid element had been left. This, of course, greatly perplexed Twashtri and caused linn to fall into profound meditation. When he arose from it he proceeded as follows. I le took : The roundness of the moon. The undulating curve of the ser pei. The graceful twist of the creep ing plant. The light shivering of the grass blade and the slendet ness of the w illovv. The velvet of the (lowers. The lightness of the leather The gentle gaze of the doe. The frolicksomeness of the dan cing sunbeam. The tears of the cloud. The inconsistency of the wind. The timidity of the hare, i The vanity of the peacock. The hardness of the diamond. The cruelly of the tiger. The chill of the snow I The cackling of the parrot. ! The cooing of the turtle-dove. I All these he mixed together and I formed a woman. Ladies' Home ! Journal. "I'd Rather Die, Doctor, lhan liavo my fret out oil," said M. I., liinc'liiim, ol l'nniT ille, III., "lull you jill .lie in.iii iiiaiuri.iii' lulneli had j Mien aay eiulit toosl if ynu don't," Mini all ilo.'tois. Instead, lie usr.l liuek len's Aniivu salii' till wholly cured. Its cures of 1V.imiui. l ever Sort's. Hoils, i I'.iitnn and Piles aM.nind the world. L'.'iC i at all drutjisU. ir. Il you w .J :r,e:v.!s. t.. :i !:., pmess and p . .1,.:;., yotu ' .e. i : get your tie;ii;:M"'s t.nili -'.rg all the sl.i'kle:- y..:i ever hear. Forget the tv.riir:,;t:v Fore the tauh-ti:;.!;. i her the go 1.! ..;: v.!;dt you fond ol t: quai l I have heard ' if repeated, vc sand tunes v. , Blot, as t. r ,,s agrecbles- ,.: but wail on, you reme or ins;, a . yi.u in ,'. .J; m. and w hieh. ml. I vceti) a thou 'v. :l: .;, ihey a: .'. P '-:!.. all the J:. :'e. Ih v 'ii'l cm:-. gr...v larger v.he:l ' ;h..n, and ihe Con stant thought in tlie acts of mean ness, or, v.,ase still, malice, vv 'II only tend t- n,At ton -m-rc famil iar with ih; m ( 's::;.ra;e everv tlling disagrv... tble :ro:u v cXerdav, start out w uh a civ.111 shed t.-djv, and write 1: p..-) ,t t.-r s.veel illeii; . ry's sake o: he ihv'se things which are lovelv an,! I-v able. THI: COS I OF ClHoV I SHIP A fellow i:. .l t.. pli'iis,- n ujr) by . inline' inn' u l ' 'k. i'.ut now t'.'i' ht'i-s A Sri of furs Or else you gyt tho hook, A fellow us.'d to court a girl hy roadiii' to hor " Lucile," A girl to-iluy Must sr.' tin' play And hav,. a costly meal. She waiii u necklace, nnd a niiLC.a pedigreed Iniil pup, ( r else t here's frost . 1 say t he cost , (If courlship's goini; up. Washington Herald. V ' . S -' S " K STI1ACH1 . fcf(C i.GlV- ','MAT YOUR LIVER f! TftKE H n,iT0RI Fee! Ci ' Ul t Vourseit Afain."'?. 4 '51 "Sir n ih Rt D Z Tftl f, A WarV '. i,Sr fpen, ol ach oackaaa . aiwi 'S.v '.i',n,-:,;ro nnd ol cl jr1 ! ti. IL tfTOil.V & CO. I j on tha lti, p f j f.V REO. at tins made out ui Real 'lvA Roses - i Real Rose Hat Pins It i1rr. nn M''m pm.iMi. vi il is irtit. th;H ih.'M' !!n Tins arc mtiid- out ol rose H,.Hid ch ink'i'ti into rrtt tul ty nst-i n-t prof This discovery i vit)iou( do'it'i one oi ihe lost tirts of the iint it'dl (M",nn. Thr v arc the mwi l;uitilul ot all M M Pin. Notwortrt'uiikt MmU' in tin In': 10 on form to ttii ntt utlmir 'j (.isti -h in milhm-i. Six n.'es til thi 3 loUovim; prici's; M.SO, S2.00, $2.50, y SA.75, $4.50 fi rrtrrftl iswlkinnaboutthvm. Pon't L tail to tome in and notMlu-m. 'Ihcscaro K th.Ajnui.u- prLAMOTIIE Kl Kom- j ! l iiiv W, W. CONDON, ji:vLi.nR. WKLDON, - N. C. OCOROli C. UREBN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, (Sational P.ank lluildinir) Weldon, N.C, HUM in I vo H NL I I ,1 ,v I .1 ; r i:i-i' Jul Headache tor Years ' ' ' '.11 i :-. Mile;' Ami-Bain : I .1! the time, and : :1m !c ..f taking a " ''.'.) . no mat '.:." -!, : 1 .:au.-e I nm ' h :'i r that ha : : :' ui n iu - for years, : ' ' ' I'. " !" try them ''''.' i 'yed iiv r -o imicli, ' ; .:-!' , !;. her all ; ' : ' . '. 1 v . i., c v ,er- I 'I l-ai-- thl'l.l !. i "i' 1. I'liru-i.'Uii.L, li:: h si.. I Vine, ,k. X. II. 'he:; oersotis h.o o heinlaclio r ;:.y ott'.e . wi'i-ment or c- . I hey cannn! attend "' : '. ''. I' ':::. -. riainment. " : -a ,r.iin v, ,';!:,v.:t sttl'tVr-':-.- i '. v.l:,i c..;Ver in this ::: 1 :c Dr. I lll.s' Anti !' ci :'ih-. Tin-;, vivc almost ''' r iu i v; le.a ing m: 1 . ' -' : . -..'' . ' . I v after clYceis, as 'h'.v '" :'. ''. ;'.':!:;.' the st.nmivli 'i' l-v.,,',: pleasnral.le s' i. ' ' "- I'ei '.'. s their Use. Vie; ;i I'.'a ka-c from ysur lrug Ct. i a'.f i. .leeoi'diiig to direc-'c"'i-. e:cl 11 ii d'k not honefit lie will return your money. t. cljvik:, attorney at law, VVIIt.liuN, .X. (.'. l'r:i"tn'. s .1 ilio .'nulls of Halifax anil ii.ljoiini.a (...unti.. un.l 11. th.. Supreme ...niit of Uie slat.'. SH-oial nitration. l'i veu lo culVi'tinns jin.l iioinpt return Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup R" eves CS,is by working them out c! et s-.s-.t-m thrcuih a copious and hfae'r.y c: i:;m bowels. RJ. ;..:!;'as by cleansing tfia musTus membranes of the throat, chest and br.-nrhisl tubes. "As pleasant to the last as Maple Sugar" Children Like It fir BACKACHE WEAK KIDNEYS Tr; s Mdnej and SlaoCer Pills - Sure and Sad -l'i I'v W . M 1 ,,.. el.K.n. N. ('.' MOTSCE ! I of Ron nuke k.-ipids' New Store New (ioods I I .i v a . 'p. a. 1 11 j in v new .lacc of : .!- in - in '.11 tin posioiliee with 11 mw l ii" ..f up p. .i.e.. 1 'loilimtr nnd 1 ..'in s 'u 1 iic!anLr 1 i,ls. Hat. Cups, !' " l s, la,. ac a line line of l.ii.l is' -k iisiuid l.adi,.c- Krady-Made sj s. f.'i ilia spmic. 111 tlie iinest pat-Iiiii-. at ilia I.ih. ci pn,.,-. t oiiie. lion't aid 10 c Mm ni spi inir openuu; nnd .-"iiiliau. pra-as. V, ui will surely save .i..i.:u- l.v iii.icnods from I. J. KABLIN, l.'i'iini'kr K'aiid. N. ('. Very Serious 1 It is a very serious matter to ask J for one medicine and have the ft wTonc one given you. For this 1 reason we urge you in buying I to be careful to get the genuine BLacT-draughT - Liver Medicine The reputation of this olet, relia Me medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitata other medicines. It is better than othcri, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Ft HELLO ! Thai Parker's Store? I Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkms' Boarding l House. Please send round one j barrel of J. K. M. Flour ! and one 50-lb siand Shaffer's lard. 1 Vi'ant flour to make bread for sup : per. W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. iv..t.M.iiy .d.!,iM-.-i. r rrr HCi'UHNr.n. 10 YEARS' EXPFKlCNCI. Our CHARctl ARI THI LOWiliT. mi- h I J'lu'Ui i'i Kk.-t, 1, ,.r fiM rt V'jn It nrd (r. rr-'tf pnlriiinUliiy. MrillNCEMIKT m ,;t icjh iwU J U..I" ,l is'iiin, 1 itt ri "'fii'I US. IOVEH TlUDMIiil SO.n,f it. TM:jt-k.NK. PIM IONS aiul COPVftlCHl fiiik-kfy ulwuiiej. Opposite U. 8. intent PfTlcts WABHIWUTUM, U, V, ff-M t,. lei-;. r:; a n