SjpvX l fi WMf 'tf&M I II 111 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms ot Subscription! l.EO Per Annum WKLDON, X. , 'niUHSDAV, AIMUL S, !!)(). NO. ,U SI Nil if k w S 1 I j .!! Sua Nsa Niisssri hi.? ;.:a k'Fou,,in(ii(ttl,a IqJUif Phimcii'sDifionfkttfal' r.fss unci tlt'six'uiuoins nc!ur Uimmi.ll.irplimenorMiiH'tal. Not Narcotic. JfKvrffutJlkSWlUmxm -l&b Hi S.fli AvrSrtd Pifvrmm: - (7WW Awr . A FINANCIAL GENIUS. His (ireat Scheme Did Not Im press the Bank President. J'-;.i. Mm ApcrfVci Remedy lorfoiisHji t ion , Sour S'oinach.niamiw Vanii.s,('oiMilsk).is.r'fwrisli iwssamlLossoFSixtr. Fjc Siimlc Sijnaiurf of NEW For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m m mm Ait IV In Use 1 f-nr Avar Ml U I Ul Thirty Years uAr.wUrTun&'r :tCTWfH Eioct Copy of Wrapper. OtNT.Uft HDHH., Nt VOftH ITT. 30 0E3G30 OEn lUY l'lloMi Vi'.nr I'imm - Ul and .!. P.X. STAIN HACK. I'NDKIM'A K KIJ. Weidon, . . North Carolina. u full Line o! CASKETS, COITINS itnd ROUES. Day, Mght and Out-ol-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, PUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMRALMER. Seventeen years' Experience Hearse Service Anywhere. M aoi lonooi loci OE 3E 3E 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, X. (' Organized Under the Laws ot the State of North Carolina, Al'iil sTetiTH, tstj. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weidon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $42,000. For mow than flftcon year th-s institution has provided l.anktnir facili til's fur this section, lis sto.-Un.l.leis ami directors hav I.ccn identified with thfl himiiies interests of Halifax and Noilliainplon counties I'm many yin. Money is loaned iinn approved xreurity at the Inral rati- of int)rfst nix per rcntum. Ai'i'ihinN of all an' Milintrd Thi' aurplun and iindividi'd piolil" liavinir irai'hi d a mm i'iiml to Hie Capital stock, the liank ha. i'omm.'ii,'.n. .lamiaiy t. futahlishi-.l a Kavinirn I'opartmi'iit allnwun inlfiVKl on time an l'nllo: I'd lcprt!iita allowed torrinam tlirw mniith" or Ioihtit. p"r pimiI. ."it mouthsor loiiifi-r. ,1 per f.-nt. Tnohf- montlisor louiri-r. t pi i i'mt Kor further iiil'onimtioii apply to the IMeM.leiit m i adder. 0 ruKnuiKsr: W. K. DAMKl., Vli K I HI.HIil:v r: I Hi. II. tt. IS. (.laekoii. Noithainptoii eomityi MIIKK; i; Mltll. arr: The president of the Western Hemisphere hank sat in his easy chair smoking a fragrant Havana and meditating upon the lessons of the late tuisiness panic when the door of the office was opened, and a lull , slim man wearing a suit of faded black entered ihe room. "Beg pardon, sir," said the caller, removing his hat and sitting down in another chair, "hut you are the president of this hank, are yon not?" "I lo' did you get in here?" "I was told by one of your sub ordinates that l would find you here and" "Who the devil are you?" my name is uarke. I am an i inventor of" "What do you want?" "Nothing, sir, if my presence is objectionable. My object in call ing was to arrange for the deposi ting of a sum of money." "The cashier attends to all that." ; "I know it, but the amount is so large that I was sure he would re- fer me lo you, and I thought it best i to come straight to headquarters." i "How large is the amount?" "One million dollars." ; "In cash ?" "In cash. I may add that it is the outcome of a financial scheme which even the president of a ; great bank may well consider"-- "But the money is it in such ' shape that you are ready to de posit it?" ! "No, sir. As I was about to ex-; plain, the money will not he avail- j able until certain carefully consid ered plans mature, but it will be in cold cish when I" "Is it contingent on a business scheme ?" "Yes, sir; it is. But the scheme j rests on business principles as sol- i id as Gibraltar and as broad as the j Rockyi Mountains, li is contin-1 gent upon the success of two great j inventions namftly, Clarke's eel- i ebrated shaving compound and ; Clarke's footpad discourager, , an absolutely unique device I which I shall explain to you presently. In order to exploit i these two inventions properly I j need the sum of $250, treasury ; notes preferred, to be regarded as 5 a loan until the returns begin to" j The president pushed a knob on j the side of his desk, and a husky j uniformed bouncer instantly ap- j peared. ; "William," roared the official I head of the Western Hemisphere i bank, "take this man out and fall j on liim!" Chicago Tribune. ! .Am. 4.'V IS Um m-A APES, from their moet health- tfji&&4'fy acitv-3 arJ principal Liga few 1 hi IS!!!! lis Mi 7M Y Hi LiU 1 dient 11 1 9 m 1 'i vrXf nam Whh POWER OF ONE VOTE. A Single Ballot Has Often Deci ded an Important Contest. BE WHAT YOU WILL BE. If You Desire to be Anything, Character, Disposition or Con duct He It. A'stMfejrjPiit It Is economy to .ato Royal E&kinjr Powder. It taves labor, Lealtli and money. Where tlio bct feed ti rcouired no other baking powder or leavening agent can take the place or do tho work ot Royal Baking Powder. A LOVER'S ENVY. 1 envy every flower that blows Beside the pathway where she goes. And every bird that sings to her, And every breeze that brings to her The fragrance of the rose. 1 envy every poet's rhime Thai moves her heart at eventime. And every tree that wears for her Its brightest bloom, and bears for her The fruitage of its prime. 1 envy every Southern night That paves her path with moonbeams white, And silvers all the leaves for her, And in their shadows weaves for her A dream of dear delight. 1 envy none whose love requires Of her gift, a task thai tires; I only long to live to her, I only long to live to her, All that her heart desires. . In the Continental congress of 1775 Benjamin Harrison defeated John Hancock by one vote for the S love, cheerfulness presiding office. But the Virgin-; kindness, ian insisted on a new ballot and by I Sit in your r.)i:i ; his own vote chose Hancock. 1 moments morning an. In 1784 the illness of one dele-: hale deep, - low hrcai: No Day or Night Rest Say to yourstlf each day I am jv, usefulne'-s, ;;!one a f.-w nijiht, in , and make .le fill gate from New Jersey kept slavery out of states admitted to the Union , I mi-1 luwuiiu wiu curiuieu me j civil war contestants to the South j Atlantic states. I July 25, 17SS, one vote ratified j the constitution after the famous I debate between Madison and Hen ; ry at Richmond. The next debate between Hamilton and Clinton ended with New York following suit. In 1790 Rhode Island came in with an equally small margin. Alexander Hamilton swung one vote to Thomas Jefferson in t' electoral college of 1800, rj breaking a deadlock after thirty six ballots and defeating Aaron these assertions. 1 every day d-.-ter.iiin the agreeuM; rail you meet i.-r the 1 thetic quality, and, add a little to the wor! happiness lw --uw ki: Think of yourself a to the world say: need of ie or I won! and then lo.ik fur the let. Y' nen go 1 to look in every, easing f.r 1 r a chance ill's store a , necess, "There not 1 jrth lor one r 1- ,1 ot npr 'II V :i! to prove toe it. There is need of each one of us every hour in the twenty-four, so help brighten the world for others less fortune ihati ourselves. Your great trouble seems to be that you I.. "I'd Rather Die. Doctor, Ih'in 1 1. Hie m v feet imt oil." Mlid M llniiiliam. of I'lim't viHe. III., "hut you mil die fioni fciaiinieiio (which had eaten away eight lo. m if you don't," wud a'l d.ietors lntrad, lie used Ittiek len' Ai'iiea Salve till wholly iniied. Its em-ei. of l.eema. I 'ever Soien. I'.oik Uunw an.f Piles a I mu the world, '.' ii' at all ihu.'HiMs. GROWING OLD. Old we are growing old; Going on through a beautiful road, landing earth a more blessed abode; Nobler work by our hands to be wrought, Freer paths for our hope and our thought; Because of the beauty the years unfold, W'e are cheerfully growing old. Old we are growing old; Going up where the sunshine is clear; Watching grander horizons appear Out of clouds that enveloped our youth; Standing firm on the mountains of truth. Because of the glory the years unfold, W'e ate joyfully growing old. Old we are growing old; Going into the gardens of rest Thai glow through the gold of the West, Where the rose and the amaranth blend, And each path is the way to a friend. Because of the peace that the years unfold, We are thankfully growing old. Old we are growing old ; Life blooms as we travel on, Up ihe hills, in the fresh, lovely dawn; We are children, who do not begin The sweetness of living to win. Because heaven is in us, to bud and unfold, We are younger, for growing old. Burr. This really began the feud ; dwell too much on thoughts of which cost Hamilton his life on the I yourself and your troubles and Palisades at Weehawken. i think too little of other people In 1808 Jesse Thomas by his j about you. own vote went to congress from! Think of yourself just as you the Indiana district. He succeeded j would like to be, and insist men- in moving the northern boundary j tally that you are thai. Never mind ; of Illinois fifty miles north, thus ' if no change seems to come at giving it a lake outlet. Had Illi-; once. Keep on insisting, and by ; nois been united commercially with and by the results will appear. the south and her interests tinged i Ancl h11 lhe ,ime walcn for P- with southern ideas the election of : P,r'uni" ' d.0.k"'d acIS' . , . , . , , , 1 It is wonderlul what an interest Lincoln could never have taken i we wi find in people whom we place, and the whole history of the j can benefit."- Llla Wheeler Will country would have been different. I cox. j May 26, 1868, the senate of the ; United States declared against ihe j j impeachment of Andrew- Johnson ' ; by one vote, 35 to 19, when two ' I thirds were necessary to decide. , ! Chicago Journal. I FATHER KNOWS. ay awake for hour apparent cause, nr dreams whiih cMienie ?.!! After taking aie :tnl Tniiie iM -!e..')i we'l. pel:--, h:i'--" lift lk'G, ( 'nnal I lover, Olii, 'erp the ticrvou'i l.'-.conif's a wreck, 'Jiftil activity of all lisirecied. Restful, i' OLiiKnH;' sleep accompanies ihe u-.e hi Dr. Mile-.' Nervine in I-;... -e it -o .tiles tin- irritable !ktc. and re-tores nervous energy. When t:;J;en a few days according to directions., the most re-ik- sufferer will find sleep natural and healthful. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will re turn your money. t; ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKLIiON, S. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoiuintr counties and it. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt return t'SHI) IT R)R A PASS. O SEABOARD AIR LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN. 4, 1909. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mstiun for lli public anJ arc not jjuarantftft'i are subject to change without notice. You can never convince a wo man that the reason the bank doesn't want her to overdraw her account isn't just because it's stin gy- Wordn of Praise For tl;f several Increilietits of which t'r, pieive'a ni.'.l iesiu ti lire eoinisivl. as tri v ' n hy leader; in all t!i several selim l- ul nieili.lne, slioiilil have tar more weialit than any siimiiiit nt iioii-iM(esiiiial n tiiiimiiiiU. t'r. I'll ree's favorite Preserie turn has mi: iuui.k or ii 'iKsi v on ev, :y t.ttl-wraiH-r, hi a tu'.l h-t ut ail Us iu-gi-e.lie-u.-. iri:ittl In f'a.n CiiKh.-h. It y.ui urn til Invahil woman and fnnVr . r , 1......I ,. !,, I,j...i.i-liiv UliaW xff In ftoiiiaeh, I renicai pnin-s Speaking about the handwriting which is hard to read, an old-time conductor on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad told a story about James Guthrie. Mr. Guth rie, besides being secretary of the treasury under James Buchanan, was also president of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad and a resi dent of Louisville. In the early days of railroading there were no printed passes as at present, and Mr. Guthrie would frequently write a pass for a friend on a scrap of paper. The conduc tors on the road would honor these llitf 111 H'llim. 11, I" Y " I . . . l iii,Pit Iii.. eaurrhal. ueivic drain, ot course, put one tanner caineu dranuiifif'lown distress in lower auuomeii : f f purporting to be a w iiv H-rhain dark pot or fvlu ' " lvtt '. .' ' -daiielK u. (ure the)es, taint spelU and i puss for a Il lCIld Oil a SCfap Ot pa- The conductor honored it, Trains will leave WKLDON as follows: No. 32 tor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 tor at 3.05 p.n. No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12.07 P- m. No. 33 through train South at II 38 p. m. o,-rate Louhle ...dy vestihuh; service ,.h 'Z oBfillr. St- Augustine, Atlanta, 1", f 1 l a ., I Nr. Y k Kiehmond, Wash.mrton, llUi.nore, Philadelphia ml M "- For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND, B, CARTER. Ticket Agent. Weidon. N.'C. . Or write to C. II- (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Ralatfb.N.C. daueli! kind ncss, evtti firs.ilia. rir iier,.f. l-'avnrltB Prescription, Tim li-ffital.siirB'sin, knife and opera ting ta'j may be avoi!d ly the tlme.y u-i) ot M avorite Prescription " In such caes. 'n-ri.l.y the nbn"lulH fvairnn- I ions '. I - .-'ila.i uia el lie- lainlj ., e - - , . . ..1 ..... i 1 1 ,,r,,: .-,!.. I . "' ""' - i"vi --y . i,K miss or about a year, uo you I'L-UiW-i'l' .O n ' '' "j' i fl Ki. . 'VU'11 ",,M lO VUlllili"V SffiSira ! President Guthrie put on ir asses hiokeo te naner ovei eaic- .n,li rnnlilint 110 I Co 101 IIU UO - " larmtiiiorhabit-lormlnBdruKJ. Ik) not expect tuo much from "I avorlt f...i..ri nl mn : It will not pertorm mira cles': It mill not disolve or cure tumors. inniscaiiM-u ej en, hi- .. .... , n..r i ..Ill,,, fuinlnlim ! P1' an not do tetter man ik i nut later grew suspicions mm day took it up. He carried it to the office of President Guthrie and said : "A farmer lias been I'idill2 Oil .11 run he nveui.-u inui ,i u.ui T'.n, treahnnit carried fully am! said Why, this is not a pass. his It is Children especially like Kennedy's ! Laxative Couch Syrup, as it tastes near- j ly as tfood as maple suirar. It not only heals in iiation and allays inflammation, 1 thereby stoppini: the rough, but it also ! moves the bowels R'enlly and in that j nay drives the cold from the svste contains no opiates. old by W. M. Cohen, Weidon, N. C. 11 F: GOT THE OIRL. A gentleman was one day open ing a box of goods. His little son was standing near; and as the fath er took the packages from the box he laid them on the arm of the boy. A young playmate was standing and looking on. As parcel after parcel was laid on the arm of the boy, his friend began to fear that the load was becoming too heavy, and said : "Don't you think you have as much as you can carry ?" "Never mind," said the boy, in a happy tone, "father knows how much I can carry." Brave, trustful little fellow. There w as no danger, he felt, that i his father would lay too heavy a 1 load on him. It is such a spirit of; loving trust in him that God de-1 sires all His children to possess, i THE FEE SIMPLE. Patrick Murphy, while passing down the street, was hit on the head by a brick, which fell from a building in process of construction. One of the first things he did after being taken home and put to bed w as to send for a lawyer. A few , days later he received word to call, as his lawyer had settled ihe case. He called and received five crisp l1 i i "i 1 1 u:il.. j i new i w tuns. "How much did you get?" he asked. "Two thousand dollars," said the lawyer. "Two thousand dollars, and you give me $500. Say, who got hit by that brick, you or me?" .R ruLti o C c uniirvmnTAn i nunc mu mi wis ii uiimun A.".-: THAT YOUR LIVER ii OUT OF CHDtR. TAKE Simmons Liver RELATOR w K f eel U's I:.v Vourself Again." THE C- WNE hlh RED Z Trad Mam c. lie: Ironl of aaoh pjicfcag &oU tr.,1 &ionaturt and maI of J, Id. ZEIUN & CO. on tho ftlda, IN RED. t-e our ii ,-6.1 Roses He had gone to ask her father j for her hand in marriage. "Well, sir, what is it ?" snapped out the old man. "Remember, 1 1 HE SQUELCHES A PANTHEIST am a man of few words." "I don't care if you are a man of only one word if it's ihe right one," replied the suitor. I le got the girl. Von should not delay under any cir- com-tances in eases of Kidney and j bladder trouble. You should take sonic thitur piomptly that you know is relia ble, soniclhiiit,' like IVWill'a Kidney and bladder l'ills. They are unequaled for weak, backache, inllamniationof tin bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When you ask for 1'eWitt's Kidney und mad der l'ills, be sine you net them. They are antiseptic. Accept no substitutes; insist upon (retlimr the ritrht kind. Sold hy W. M. Cohen, Weidon, N. ('. tumors. . . i r.n r.... tnnA Vm,; i.-me will. It will do as much to a leceipi i Sat a iv.. - establish ylKorou. health not- j 0f WOufJ nesses ana nmf i v " omen as any meflicinc can. It must be .ft.. Irion as a seiynoe i"r mn i.n,-., . sSSTnvltrf to consult Dr. All eorresiHjmi- aua eiven a fair chance ty perseverance m i. u-e (or a reasonahli" lengtn 01 nme. v 'I iiffiirilh' it' v"""- nni a sut.Hi ,eW IL CUIIUH'StUi bick wouien an i V.. tnllpp riensB, HiifTaln, N. Y. Dr. 1'leree's IMeasa n '1'ets th la.atlve and ( tl The InvlBorats slomach, ver w bowels OW l"t'i 'ihn cUiartlc. EJ to tfc M Wodr- about a year ago. Louisvdle Courier-Journal. WARM. Mrs. BugginsBefore we were married VOU Used tO Say I Was ihe sunshine of your life. Mr. BueginsWell, I admit that you still do your best to make things hoi for ntr NO WONDER. "You love long rambles in the country?" asked the girl in the while sweater. "Yes, indeed," responded ihe young man in the green hat with the purple band and buckled shoes. "When 1 go out in the country all nature seems to smile." "Gracious I 1 don't blame her. It is a wonder she doesn't laugh outright." In the town where the Rev. Dr. Lmmons was pastor, lived a phy sician tinctured with the grossei form of pantheism, who declared that if he ever met Dr. Lmmons he would easily Hour him in argu ment. One day they met at the home of a patient, The physician abruptly asked Dr. Emmons : "How old are you, sir?" The doctor, astonished at his rudeness, quietly replied. "Sixty two; may I ask, sir, how long have you lived ?" "Since the creation," was the pantheist's reply. "Ah, 1 suppose, then, you were in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve?" "I was there, sir." "Well, said the wily divine, "we all know there was a third person present." to live is to n1 ' :, : i VS.. V J' iCOl Mi , ! Mar4-. (L$$ I f 1 f ; ii,',.',",. if I II v El The original LAXATIVE cough remedy, For coughs, co'ds, throat and lunf troubles. No opiates. Xoa-alcoholic Good foreverybcKly. Sold everywhere. The genuine FOLEY'S HONEY e,nd TAR is ia a Yellow package. Kefuse substitute. Prepared only by Foley A. Company, Chicago. F. CLARK NOTICE I of Roanoke Rapids' New Store New Goods I have opened up ray new place of husines- near the postotliee with a new line of Men's up-to-. late Clothing and I ient s riuiiislni'.sr i ioods. Hats. Caps, Hoots, shoes, l'.te. Also a line line of Ladies' skirts and Lidii s' Keady-Made Suits, for the spriuir. in the finest pat terns, at the ln-.i est prices. Come. Don't fail to see- soon my sprine opening and ennipare piiet-s. You will surely save roiiuev bv huvinc; vuiir c;oods from 1. J. KAPLIN, Koaimke Uapids, X. C. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For thia reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLacWraugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, fer constipation, in digestion and livef trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOtD IN TOWN n HELLO! It's almost as difficult down a bad reputation as it live up to a good one. OASTOnl-A-. s...v. Ihe Kind You Haw Always BougM Bifsatars it Real Rose Hat Tins It Jo noi st iiii iHiis-Mi'. t t it U tun'. .' li u I' ins mo ni'ttl' out of live '.nuod'nio motal t asfcnt ''h'H i!it.-ti ety v-tifiuut in- ct :Hc lost am oi tho .u'oini dv 'i ht-y ure Ue moq ltiuiitul Tins. Notwonr. cl.kc, MiJo i -MJ tt cinro.m io t fit1 prevailiuir ; ii niilli'Atit. Sir; si.'i's at the of r;: j in t s.voo $2.00, $2.50, $3.75, $4.50 EvcM'od iitall.iaaboutthoi)i, Don't (ail t-omc in anil seet Iwnn. 1 heM'are tho ;,-m inc VI I AJIOTHE Ileal Rose Ma; ruu. W, W, JEWELER, WELDON, -N. C. OEORdE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank Building) Weldott, N. C. That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs.Wilkins' Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. E. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER, Weidon, N. C. CO YEARS' SXPIRIEHCK. Uui CHARURS AUK TNI tOWSiT. M'iid jmulel, ptHito or nit'ti'h fur Mirt"iHWi'lt fiful fm rvrt uo pattntttijtltVT. mmiNCCMtNT i'ondl4 before all court. I'srtsntit it-;.mHi ti rwi.Th nn, AOVtH r TillOmtit SOtO, tin', TttADCMARKt, rtHV SWHt MlJ COPYRIGHTS s.uwkiy OMUti, OpPOlt U. 8. Pntcmt Omof WASHINOTOM, D. O, n 11

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