Terms of Suhscription--$I.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIII. WKLDOX, N. ('., THl'HSDAY, AI'lilL 11)01). so. ;o A '"w-w "W- w JUL dfT.a Alw-yi Bought, and which has bcea In ue for over ao vinn. t. k ... . " "a ino Biuiiiiiiirn nr - -1 1 1 1 1 luwn .... All Counterfeit, Imitation nml Jiist-u,.,,,,!' Kxprriiiwiit that trifle wl'h mriniwr tho 1 :v,wt li , . .1 . . . -w Vi uihut ins per QCtjffil&tt', ,mml Iorvlion Hlnre It, iufiin.y. .i..n ,.,, HMIP( CIK) JOII III thin. nrn but I.e...... i ...... .. ... ...1.1 wi What is CASTOR I A ' CaMorla In a hnrmlm aiibatitiite for Cnnor Oil, Pnr. forte, Drop and Soothing Kyrrp,. H in 1'l.ns.uit. It cimtnlu lu'lth.-r Opium, Morphine) noi- other Knrrotlo Biibsittui.e. It hko I it B'lurniitoc. It doatroj Worm and allj IYverMineii, It euro Dlarrlio'ii and Wind ' Culls. It relieves Teething Trouble, euros Constlputlon and Flitti'loney. It assimilates tho Food, regulate the Monmi u mid Itowcls, Riving1 lieiilthy nnd natural (deep. Tho Children' I'nmueii-Tlio Mother') Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Kind You HaYe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ?? Hwiui THttr, Mi rrr. 101 30DQOI Day 1'hmn t ; 101 Nn.iir I'iiiinki and .i4. II P. N. STAIN BACK, EF N I ) KIST.V K l)U, Weldon, . . North Carolina. full Line ol CASK UTS, COFFINS and ROBES. Day. Night and Out-oNTown Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. --mi -rriT-TT 30E 301 0 OE 3E 3E 30 THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. (' Organized Under the Law ol the State of North Carolina, Al'tifST itiTU. ls'fj. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vt'eldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $4-2,000 - For more than fifteen vears, thin institution has provided ranking facili ties for tins section. Its sttckhol I. rs an,l dircetnis have hcen idcntilieil with the Imsiims interests of Halifax and Nnrtlmiiitnii counties for many years. Money i loaned upon approved mvuuty at tin- lixal late of interest in per centum. Accounts of all arc solicited. The urplu anJ undivided piolit li: .villi; reached a mini riuiil In the CapiUl Stock, the Hank ha', coiiiiih iiomu' .luniiaiy I. I"". est.ililishcd a Savings Department allow ii.it inti'ict mi tune .lepusits u fulluna: I'nr Depoaita allimeil toreiiiam lluee iinnitliMO' l.nnin. '.' per cent Six months or longer, S per cent Tweh e inuntlis i ln!i :er. I pel oi nl. For further information apply to the Prei'lein " 1 i-lner. SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. Being the Confessions of the Sev en Hundreth Wife and Trans lated by Helen Rowland for the Washington Herald. do to my Daughter ! Hast thou j forgotten that thou art nothing but a "rib?" Then why hast thou waxed vainglorious? Why walk est thou in the ways of the haughty suffragette ? NX'hy yearnest thou to be independent. Tor I charge thee it is better to i . t dc a wnue slave, with a private 1 carriage and a maid to do thy hair, 1 than to be free to pay thine own board bilN, and gas bills, and laun- i dry bills ! . j I.o, now thou an a thing of beau- ty, even a "popular fad" like unto j . motor cars and sheath gowns; and ! why dost thou long to be a thing : of use like unto a parcel delivery j wagon ? ; Behold thou an the leading lady on the stage of life. And I charge thee, play the part for all it is : worth. Verily because popular j authors write of nothing but "How ! a Woman Does Things," and pop i ular artists paint nothing but pret j ty girl's faces, and shopkeepers i bow down before thee, is this a i reason why thou shall not some : day go out of fashion and be laid I upon a shelf, like unto last year's cast off garments ? Foolish damsel, thou art Man's ' favorite decoration, and he trim meth thee up in diamonds even as he trimmeth his electric car in silver trappings and leadeth thee forth in triumph, yet when thou hast become good and intellectual i and independent and learned to do j things for thyself, he will gladly ; let thee do them. Verily a man adoreth a woman , . who is just good enough but not too ' good. Just clever enough to un derstand him, but not so clever to be understood; just independent ; enough to live without him, but i not too independent 10 live with ! him. Yea, his ideal woman is a : little of everything but not much j of anything ! Co o ! A woman who can take ' care of herself shall be allowed to : do so; but a man taketh marvelous good care of his rib ! And what profiteth it a woman if she gain the whole world and lose a soft snap ? Selah ! t hihlren especially like Kennedy' l axative I'oukIi Syrup, as it tastea near ly as kooiI an maple sugar. It not only heals im tut inn ami allays inllammiition, therein' stopping tho couuji, hut it also j move the hnwels ifenlly ami in that wav drives the cold from the system. It j contains no opiates. i Slid tiv W. M. Cohen, Weldon, S. I'. ! mm JlAKlNCrPoWDER, The most highly refined and healthful of baking powders. Its constant use in almost every American household, its sales all over the world, attest its wonderful popularity and usefulness. HAD THE OLD MAN CORNERED i fkkhidknt: W. K. DASIF.L, vk n-i iii.siiKr: i as in i. u: pit. II . I.KWIS, U K SMITH (Jackson, N.ii,lia:upton euiintv , 3E SEABOARD AIR SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN. 4, 1909, These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for th public and are not jruaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. "Do you think you etui sup port me in the stylo to which I have 1't'i'ii uci'ustiimt'fi:-" she asked. 'T don't know," he replied, 'hut 1 know this: 1 11 be ttblo to support you in ft better stylo than you will he accustomed to aft"f this, if you don't accept me. Your dad hus sold short on Julv wheat and I've got it cornered." Chicago Hecord Heral.l. A thing is worth what it will ! fetch. I - i A Square Deal ; Ii issuiihI yun wIm-ii you buy Dr. I'lercn'l ! (amily inlieine-tor all the Inirreill i nils enierlnu Into thfin arn prlutisl on ! tlm b,,tile-rpTS and their forinulu i are attested under oath an tielnn complete i and correct. You kiio Jut liat mi arn 1 paying for ami that the luuredlcun are ' iaihfr.it troin Nature's lats.ralory, Is'ing : ji'livled (nun the H"'t valual.U nutive : pinitcmal r,l tounil growing In our ! American Ure.fliljhllpotnlUcurf ir berrfch"ulp?vato th rno.t il.-llewniiiJlllilTrTK Nut 1 drop Till itllll IP ' hfefUlilttai!1 iJ-altjujl Miiu'Tufts used lo tie nivlt.- hlirr Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No 32 lor Portsmouth nd Norfolk at 4.SS a. m. No. 38 lor .13.05 p. m No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. m. iTXnoiu, Wwhinrtun. Halon.ore, I'lnladelphia ami New o.k. For further information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to (J, II. (JATTIS. Traveling Passenger Agent, Baltic'. N.C. ii agent posnMsei inert es (it III own Mug a most valuable untlse pile aim am ferment, nutntlva and aootliiug demul cent. . . lilyt-erlna plavi an Important part tn Dr I'lerce's l.ol.len Medical Discovery In the euro of Intluiestioii. dyspepsia and eak sinniach, aiieiitled by sour ri-lngs, lu-.trt l'iirn. toul breath, coaled tongtm, issir appetite, ginning fiteling In slou ai'b ttiiioiisness and kindred deranga uients of the sttinia.'h. liver and towels. llesides curing all the ulso tll-tres.n ailments the "(itil ten Mml.cal Discovery " . a siK'cltic ttirad discsses ol ihe iniicout ui. ml.ranes, as catarrh, whether ol tha lii-rtl passages or ol the stomach, bowels or iielvic organs. Even In Its ulcerative ft.is.-s It will yield to this sovereign rem edy if Its use le persevered In. luthrouic Catarrh ot Die Nasal passages It Is well, i ...i.,,... il.a "i;,, lilt. n Medics DIs- enrerT-fur the iie.'esarT constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages (reely two or three times a day with Or. Sage s Catarrh Remedy. This thorough coursa ol treatioaul genarally curea the wori cases. . . . In couflis and hoarseness ctusod by brtm Chlal. tlovsl and lung le. H"H escepl .-on. sumution in If ad.aucwl siures. il, "i.olu.'Q Metl .If. -i i....ur " u k nitwt emcieill rem- Mpecltllr in most, uisti"." coughs. -.uvsl br irrllstlon ami ''oof'sii; llielironehlal mucous membranes. Tin I' .oTory'ls not so ft"l lor s. ul count., ris ing rrom su.l.len obis, n.ir must II be es pied to cure etHisumptlon In u adnel iiMM -no me.ll.-ln. will do Ibat-bul for all tn ohstlnsta. cbnmlc coughs, whl. li. it neg il 1 bsdlr tr..il. lesd up to consump. SuaTlt to lbs Iwat BawUdaa Uial caa btak l'ulilislied Ily lteiiiest. YOU WILL FORGET ME, BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. "You will forget me the years are so tender, They bind up the wounds we think are so deep; This dream of our youth will fade out as the splendor Fades from the skies when the sun sinks to sleep ; The cloud of forgetfulness over and over Will banish the last rosy colors away, And the fingers of time will weave garlands to cover The scar which you think is a life-mark to-day. You will forget me the one boon you covet, Now above all things, will soon seem no prize And the heart which you hold not in keeping to prove True or untrue, will lose w orth in your eyes The one drop to-day, that you deem only wanting To fill your life-cup to the brim, soon will seem But a valueless mite, and the ghost that is haunting The ashes of your heart will pass out with the dream, You will forget me ; will thank me for saying The words which you think are so pointed with pain. Time loves a new lay; and the dirge he is playing Will change for you soon to a livelier strain 1 shall pass out your life 1 shall pass out forever, And these hours we have spent will be sunk in the past, Youth buries its dead; grief kills seldom or never, And forgetfulness cures all sorrows at last." u H I int., their ct llioo.lUuu. I 1 know not what will befall me ! God hangs a mist o'er my eyes; And o'er each step of my onward path He makes new scenes arise, And every joy He sends me comes As a sweet and glad surprise. 1 see not a step before me, As I tread the days of the year, But the past is still in God's keeping, The future His mercy shall clear, And what looks dark in the distance, May brighten as I draw near. For perhaps the dreaded future, Has less bitterness than I think; The Lord may sweeten the water, Before I stoop to drink : Or, if marah must be marah, He will stand beside its brink. It may be there is waiting For the coming of my feet Some gift of such rare blessedness, Some joy so strangely sweet, That my lips can only tremble With the thanks I cannot speak. Oh, restful, blissful ignorance ! 'Tis blessed not to know, It keeps me quiet in those arms Which will not let me go And hushes my soul to rest On the bosom which loves me so. So 1 go on not knowing ! 1 would not if I might: I'd rather walk in the dark with God, Than go alone in the light, I would rather walk with Christ by faith Than walk alone by sight. My heart shrinks back from trials Which the future may disclose, Yet 1 never had a sorrow But what the dear Lord chose, So I send the coming tears back, With the whispered word, "He knows." H'ublished by request ) NO WIFE TO BOTHER HIS LIFE. his horn; until tho .?.i t, the divorce court will corii::; :e n a land-office busies, 1 a " '',:.:tn!, so there. Your.g man, 1 would a word with thee ! K thou .--kes; happi ness and desireth a picivm! jour ney through tlm vale "f t-jrs, ry all means avoid the two great evils, intemperance and marriage. Re main single, practice economy, and smilingly floi; Jo.vn the river of life to the haven of eternal rent. a t; i i Jly left I v men Sihak-. i Boston Bachelor in Everybody's Magazine. II there is delight in love, 'tis when I see That heart which others l.lee. for, hleetl . for me. I i I am a gay and festive bachelor, i ; fair, fat, and some say, generous; ! , a good looker, a high hooker, and j I a peacock in harness. I have trav-! i eled extensively; hit the pipe in i Frisco; studied the classics at Yale , and physics at Heidelberg; toyed with the tiger at Dick Canheld's; fed the pigeons at St. Mark's, Ven . ice; exchanged smiles with Carrie i Nation at the Franklin House; taken the rest cure at Monte Carlo; heard the Rev. Nehemiah Boyn- ton; razzled-dazzled the winsome '. ! grisettes in gay Raree; and shot; I craps with Bath-house John at the i ; Holy Well. i By reason of my experience I : believe that 1 am licensed to point ; : out the ease and contentment of ; bachelor life in contradistinction to , ; married life as portrayed in the JwOMAN AND :1ER ERItiNDS. ! article entitled "The Autobiogra-, pny ot a married man, puDiisnea : A pr,.ttv woman can iind in your February number. j fiends with her eyes shut and Now, Mr. Editor, with your holding them hv keeping her kind permission 1 will spread my ! mouth siiut.- San Francisco pinions, and from the blissful realm I Examiner, of single blessedness I will grace-; -fully descend to married woe or '. ECONOMICAL, misery in double harness. j It is a matter of common knowl-1 Daisy Is she o .-conomi.-al? edge that fully 70 per cent, of the I Maisie-Wcll. she's saving her weiMing dress tor a possi ble second marriage. Philadel phia Press. leaving behinJ thee of money to fuunJ -a contented n.l div.-i I will no.v doff m;. head, and take iv minding the you:v words of the inspire. What is Ki-ll.t k. i.r.' :. ..- An a.'e of ,1 .i 1 .., !.., Whereas th i' n' iitr peat"'. Anil is a pait' '. r.-ltV.ij Boston Bachelor in L Magazine. erybody'. OAa'roriiA, Take j ONE 1 o the Little TitUeU and tlie Pain is Gone HEADACHE NEURALGIA "I M:ieV Ann Put, hilt hive tacr 9ei h ne l rfcr-1 Bur- ptrti. bcatUcfct pa.it il tmt al- -..Jn, an A a rr s.jsc tisf t perlKt UtltiftCttOft." Heir) Courier, amd tm( r.ps or RHEUMATISM nd SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents tour t)n,a:a ttlh. Dr M'ln Ais.Psts.Pira r,d h H suihoratd; to rtrum tSc rKt of iae hnt r.tkigt ion), i ti ii fait, n benefu yon. E. T. CLARK. PRHSIDKNTIAL AO I: LIMIT. 1 ... Henry Watterson says: "We should have a constitutional amendment reiiuirintr the Chief MaRistrate to have attained the age of SO instead of " man Rets his wisdom at tive-and-thirty." That would have sliotlt nut of the Presidency P.ilk, aged 4:i; hillniore, ts; Grant, 4ii; (iai lield, 49; Cleve land, lhe tirst time) 17, and Roosevelt, who in 1900 was 42, and in 1',K'4 was 40. ON HER OWN HEAD. Hubby- What! You paid $.M) for that Easter hat? It's mo lstrous -it's a sin ! Wife (swtetly) No matter; the sin will be on my own head! Lippincott's. The descent to hell is easy. You should not delay under any cir cumstances in cases of Knluev anil lllailtlei ttiiulilc. You should take some- thins promptly that you know is relia- hie, something like PeWitt'a Kidney and lilatltlcr fills. Thev are iinequale.1 for weak, backache, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When you ask for I'eWiit's kidney ami blad der Tills, he sure you get thein. They are antiseptic. Accept no substitutes; insist upon Kcttini; the l ight kind. Sold by W. M. I'oh.n. Wehlou, X. t A loud voice bespeaks a vulgar mind. "I'd Rather Die, Doctor, than have my feet cut off," aaid M. L. I'lingliain. of I'rinceville, III., "nut you will die from gianRiene (which had eaten away eight toes) if you don't," said all doctors. Instead, he used Muck- ten's AmicaSalve till wholly cured. Its cures ( K.cnema, Fever Sorea. lloila. llurn and 1'ilea astound the world, liae at all druggists. Depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds back to religion. marriageable women carry in their j clothes the germs of misery and j i disappointment, alimony and the ! divorce court. j Bachelors bless their great big i hearts! are the salt of the earth ; God's chosen few. Indeed, they i wear the purple of contentment ! and the diadem of good fellowship: i ' they are to this marriage-ridden j : world what color and perfume are i : to the floral kingdom; they are i ; generally rosy, fat and juicy, well- j ; groomed, romantic and sympa- j j thetic, seldom poor, always clever i and instructing, a delight to the j eye and a tonic to the mind. I I Women admire, fete, and yearn j i for their smiles and the music of ; ! their voices. Ambitious mothers ; ! are ever on the alert to cultivate j ! their acquaintance for the sake of I their budding, blushing daughters; : no evening function is complete j without the gay and festive bache- lor; his presence and bearing give j color and tone, wit and humor to i the occasion. Verily, the life of the average bachelor is a grand ! sweet song. i No bawling babes; no butcher, i baker, nor anthracite bills to mar the pleasant dreams of his sweet slumber; no nagging wife nor ire ful mother-in-law to haunt his wak ing dreams; no grasping landlord nor impudent collector to cause him to grow short-sighted and cut corners. The misguided youth in placing 1 the galling matrimonial yoke on his tender neck signs the death warrant of ease and contentment, and society does the rest by strik ing his name from the list of social loss. He bids farewell to mirth and song, and in their place family cares and responsibilities come to jar his finer reelings. ;o more win he invite the muses, delve in i the mines of science, nor hold sweet communion with intellectual i piants bv absorbing the rages of ! . T, F O .. J C. I literature, ine tauu-nnuing uc nd the keen struggle for existence will no longer permit him to ease the body with restful pleasures, nor enrich the mind by reading, save his daily paper; wherefore, he is compelled by the force of circumstance to stand still or go hat-kwuid. The bachelor, having no wife to bother his life, has the time and opportunity for study, travel, and experiment; consequently he is more progressive, better read, broader-minded, and some believe a better citizen. The married man grows old and I gray long before his lime, and is j known by his untidy dress and rue ful countenance. In truth and in fact he wanders about, a living, breathing object-lesson of the folly of marriage. Many, many married men will agree with me and say amen ! On the contrary, a married man here and there, all the love-sick swains, and gabby old maids, will rise up in holy horror and cry out, Fool, knave, selfish old bachelor, what would become of the world ?" Fear not, my carpine critics ! The unwise man on marriage bent will be with us until Gabriel blows i ATTORNEY AT LAW. i WELIiON. N. C. I Practices in the courts of Halifax and ! a lj'iinin county's ami ii. the supreme : court of the state, s-pecial attention i given tu collections and prompt return A0 A SCOP, STOMACH Al' SIGNS TOAT YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF OROCft. TAKE Simmons LJver 1 REUULATOR AnH Feel " Li':e Yourself Again," THE Cr HWHl has th. RCO I Trad Mar, o., tt4 Iront ol mos paefcaoa Aa voa asonatura and aal of J. M. ZEILIN & CO. on th kt IN RED. Hat Pins made out of Real Roses Foley's DRINQ Laxative la Pleaaant and Effctl CURES Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble. by stimulating these organs and restoring their natural action. Is best for women and chil dren as ORINO does not gripe or nauseate. E. CLARK is V U OF a ..-'--x ii J V k l ft 1 .'..."iri I y J N r.,- t i ii -osx mi NOTICE I of Roanoke Rapids' New Store New Goods 1 have opened up my new place of business near the pistotiice w ith a new line of Men's up-to-date Clothing and item s l'liruifli nir ' (otls, Hats. Caps, Hoot", shoes, l'.tc. Also a tine line of Ladies' skirts and Ladies' Ready-Made S iits. for the spi.ur. in the finest pat terns, at the lowest prices. Come. In't fa 1 to see soon my sprmc opening and compare rv. You ill surely save mort-v 1 v L-avinj ,mr coo. Is from I J KAP1 IN. We Ask You to take Cardui, for your female troubles, because vs are sure It vi Jl help you. Raroember that tl.is great femals remedy has brought relief to thousands ol 1 other sick women, so vny not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female veak rie-s. many nave saia h a m beM medicine to take." Try It I Sold In This City i HELLO ! Real Rose Hat Pins Ii a!iM- out svetMn okmWi y-t it inif, tint ilist Il.tt Tms an' m.iit out ol lc roh. i. jriU. hJit(Hiiniointul by tiitcrei pmi Thi discovrrv it without JiMftt tvw ot the lo! uttN ol tho i.: c-m i: ,'i jn. 1 hy arc the miwi hi:uiiiul ot . 1 1 li: Tms, No two an? alike, .VUJt' in J. ' hs to ctwtorm to the prev4il ii( ti.s' o'i in irillmor". V titi at xUt $1.50, S W, $3.M, $1.75, $4.50 F vcrvhodvUtalkma about them. Ton't fail to come in andethfm. Thowsiro theffpnuine DKLAMOTHE Rtpal Krw Hut Pin. W. W. CONDON, JEWELER, WELDON, - N. C. That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins" Boarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. 0. M. Flour and une 50-lb stand Shaffer's kid. Want Hour to make bread forsup- i per. V. T. PARKER. Weldon. X. C. OEOROE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Bank Building) Weliloo, N. C. ltsAbka i' TrMirrti tc Vt'tkef.iMrtC THI iOWttT. Kn.n1'll.u.'.'i. ntrt Mni !' . sr"JtM I'm,; oi. -s Tiaroftivt so s . " rofia ltd wtf1! '( . Opp" U- "' 1 - WAfiHlHOTOU, . , I

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